My name is Nell and I'm a recovering activist for a general strike.
Unfortunately, my paid job is still as a all around flunkie for a liberal organization (which loves to advertise itself as oh-so-radical).
Last fall, I read a story about one of Obama's drone strikes. Don't even remember where they hit, only that X number more civilians were blown up. Seconds thereafter, my boss walks into the office gushing with glee because a gay friend of hers was just appointed to be the assistant undersecretary of something or the other. I experienced a crystalline rage which at the time I managed to hide. She was going on and on -- "just imagine, Nell, a friend of OURS in the White House!"
As I choked down this crytalline rage, something hit me. A general strike probably IS just too hard for softies like us Americans, but what if all the enraged support staff to the liberal establishment went on strike? The secretaries and bookkeepers and etc etc to all the activist groups that stopped everything else and went out campaigning for Obama -- what if we went on strike? Think how very embarassing it would be for them. What if the cooks and maids and gardeners for all the limosine liberals joined in? Think how very embarassing it would be -- no one to cook poor Al Gore's sea bass!
The strike's goal would be to overturn the Democratic/liberal/grassroots activist self-congratulatory so&so "leadership" & to replace them with people who have half a freakin' clue.
I thought I'd pushed this idea down as still too impractical back at Christmas but it's not leaving me alone.
What do RI'ers think? Am I just a bitter resentful put-upon servant to the liberal class or am I onto something here?