Strike Against the Left

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Strike Against the Left

Postby Cedars of Overburden » Thu May 06, 2010 9:59 am

My name is Nell and I'm a recovering activist for a general strike.

Unfortunately, my paid job is still as a all around flunkie for a liberal organization (which loves to advertise itself as oh-so-radical).

Last fall, I read a story about one of Obama's drone strikes. Don't even remember where they hit, only that X number more civilians were blown up. Seconds thereafter, my boss walks into the office gushing with glee because a gay friend of hers was just appointed to be the assistant undersecretary of something or the other. I experienced a crystalline rage which at the time I managed to hide. She was going on and on -- "just imagine, Nell, a friend of OURS in the White House!"

As I choked down this crytalline rage, something hit me. A general strike probably IS just too hard for softies like us Americans, but what if all the enraged support staff to the liberal establishment went on strike? The secretaries and bookkeepers and etc etc to all the activist groups that stopped everything else and went out campaigning for Obama -- what if we went on strike? Think how very embarassing it would be for them. What if the cooks and maids and gardeners for all the limosine liberals joined in? Think how very embarassing it would be -- no one to cook poor Al Gore's sea bass!

The strike's goal would be to overturn the Democratic/liberal/grassroots activist self-congratulatory so&so "leadership" & to replace them with people who have half a freakin' clue.

I thought I'd pushed this idea down as still too impractical back at Christmas but it's not leaving me alone.

What do RI'ers think? Am I just a bitter resentful put-upon servant to the liberal class or am I onto something here?
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby elfismiles » Thu May 06, 2010 12:30 pm

I've been wondering about the same kind of approach for a while myself...

Strike to End War? What Will It Take?
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby Cedars of Overburden » Thu May 06, 2010 1:30 pm

Thanks, Elfsmiles. I re-posted most of this in your thread.
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby Jeff » Sat May 08, 2010 1:23 pm

You lost me at "liberal establishment." You're talking about what, organizing Barbra Streisand's household staff?
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby Sweejak » Sat May 08, 2010 1:57 pm

I've been waiting and supporting a general strike for years. I'm beginning to think Americans prefer things you can see on TV, like flying planes into IRS buildings.

I'm all for your idea though, and understand your bitterness because here where Obama was the choice of the "left" I find and the hypocrisy in their camp even more vomit conjuring than what I found on the "right". Maybe I'm not remembering or my stomach has gotten weaker. Obama has actually been great for me because it has allowed me to talk to my "right" friends much more easily and even convince some that the things I see are valid.

Who funds your organization?
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby Cedars of Overburden » Mon May 10, 2010 11:24 am

Jeff, Barbra Streisand's household staff would be welcome to participate, (just like those in Gore's household staff) but that's not all I meant by "liberal establishment." By liberal establishment, I'm talking about groups like Acorn AND the Democratic party AND even very small groups (SOME of them) struggling along in extremely red places like the place I'm posting from -- provided that group fell into Obama-think back in '08 and is still there today.

I’m thinking of the place where the League of Women Voters meets the Democratic Party meets Code Pink meets labor movement.

But I'm also thinking of "radicals," the kind of people who organize our anti-war protests. Why are the speeches so obscenely lame? I really think the speakers are smarter and more capable than their speeches show. Why have people with actual plans to stop the war effectively (though not officially) been denied places on their speakers' platforms? Why is the official local anti-war movement's guerilla theater so inept and embarrassing? Are they really loons themselves or are they doing it on purpose to make us all look like loons?
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby Cedars of Overburden » Mon May 10, 2010 11:26 am

Sweejak, we're funded by the local "liberal establishment." Upper middle class characters. If you're thinking of the Ford Foundation, we haven't gotten a grant from them since before my time -- at least a decade ago -- although I am intrigued by the Ford Foundation "conspiracy theory."
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Re: Strike Against the Left

Postby ChurlishBeaver » Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:06 am

As one who once wore the label 'Trotskyist', I have come to realise that almost
every group which wears the label 'Trotskyist' or 'Anarchist' is working
for the established order.[1] They have been used at least since the 1960's when
they helped the Warren Commission to cover up conspiracy to murder JFK.

Unfortunately this was not noticed by Jim Garrison or Oliver Stone.

Had the fake socilaists helped Garrison the 1960's, he would have almost certainly
won his prosecution, the Vietnam War that the fake socialists had claimed to oppose
would have ended much sooner, RFK and MLK would have lived and millions more
lives would have been saved.

Had Garrison realised this and pointed out their unconscionable conduct to the world,
much of the damage that they have been able to cause since a least the 1960's would have
been prevented.

Examples of deceit from fake left groups can be found at: .

Other groups such as ... &x=34&y=10 be more subtle in their support for NATO than these
groups, but, in my view the support is no less real.


1. Personally I have a lot of time of admiration for Trotsky and Lenin even
though in I am extremely wary of groups which in 2012 claim to be promoting the
same goals as Lenin and Trotsky did when they lived. In recent years I have
come to conclude that had JFK lived longer, in spite of his strong and sincere
anti-communism, no doubt driven, in most part, by abhorrence of the monstrous
crimes of Stalin, he would have come to agree. All three in my view were, above
all, supporters of democracy, before all else, as well as opposed to the rule
of greedy oligarchs. Had Trotsky carried out Lenin's instructions of 1923 to
remove Stalin from his post of General Secretary of the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union, instead of failing to act until 1927, by which time it was too
late, I think democracy would have thrived in the USSR and societies through the
rest of the world, through the spread of the revolution, would have also become
thriving democracies driven from the grass-roots up (as well as 'socialist'). I
think the same would have happened to the US had Kennedy lived in spite of
Kennedy's own honestly held belief that he opposed the political philosophy of
'communism' espoused by Trotsky and Lenin.
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