by JackRiddler » Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:20 pm
Intrigued. Charmed by his conception of "government" solely as "people with guns and people who run away from them." If he believes that this is it by definition, then nothing will ever change, merely who has the most guns and calls themselves the government.
But at two minutes I had enough, with his comment that people don't complete their educations because they have the option of going on welfare. Yeah, that's why they drop out. I don't have time for ignorance on this scale, especially not from apparent college graduates. All he's promoting is the image of libertarians as men (mostly) stuck on a dogma divorced from reality, fancying that they are the only autonomous individuals in the world.
We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.
To Justice my maker from on high did incline:
I am by virtue of its might divine,
The highest Wisdom and the first Love.
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