The Democratic Party left me...thurs nite of convention

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The Democratic Party left me...thurs nite of convention

Postby harry ashburn » Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:20 pm

It was surreal... John Kerry's speech. Worse than the bogus voice vote on Jersalem.
I was watching the climax of a gladiator movie. Kerry in Caesar's seat in the colosseum. The sword pointed at the fallen gladiator's (Bin Laden's) throat. The crowd looks to Caesar....thumbs down! He dies! The crowd roars in blood-lust! The cameras scanned the crowd... many were roaring...some appeared a little less enthusiastic. I saw none hanging their heads in shame. tho im sure there were some...any TRUE Christian...anyway. Had i been there, I would be screaming "Shame! Shame John Kerry! shame on you and shame on your blood-lust party!" F**K you john kerry and F**K you DLC! What would Jesus say?
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Re: The Democratic Party left me...thurs nite of convention

Postby elfismiles » Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:21 am

They left me a LONG time ago but especially during the last (S)election cycle:

Why I'll Never Support Interventionist Warmonger Obama

elfismiles wrote:Why I'll Never Support Interventionist Warmonger Obama nor any other War Party.

Heard this bit on the radio last night and I nearly puked in disgust.

Biden's invocation of 911 / War on Terror and Obama's desire for more troops in Afghanistan ... @ 4 minutes 10 seconds into this clip:

"Or should you believe Barack Obama who said a year ago 'we need to send two more combat battalions to Afghanistan.' <sheeple cheers> The fact of the matter is al-Qaeda and the Taleban, the people who actually attacked us on 911, they've regrouped in the mountains between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and they are plotting new attacks. And the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has echoed Barack's call for more troops. John McCain was wrong and Barack Obama was right. <sheeple cheers>"


F*ing sickening. ... hp?t=19978

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