Pop quiz: What if everyone in America drove a pink Cadillac?
Ponder on that for a while, as we catch up on the news.
Keeping it more or less in chronological order, we have made contact with
people in the UK. One lady from the UK who posted a bit on the forum not very
long ago complained of back pain and much difficulty in walking. She and I
entered into a private correspondence and I worked on her back remotely. It made
a lot of difference, speeded her recovery by days if not weeks and we continued
to correspond.
She's a bundle of energy and determination, and knows lots of people in the
UK. She is already a member of a forum that focuses on the stuff we here in the
states have focused on for years. I became a member, introduced them to Z-Force
Group, and the Captain's Log will go international as of today.
Towers and chemtrails are a problem for those people over there, too. She
ordered some ash for herself, then encouraged others to do the same, and now we
have ash all over England and a package on its way to Spain. Next week I expect
to be sending some to Scotland.
Anyone who is even vaguely familiar with the problem knows that England and
Scotland are loaded with juicy targets. I'm a bit envious, they're gonna get a
lot of glory out of this one! The important objectives have been identified and
volunteers are ready. Next time we meet, I should have something substantial to
report from the UK.
http://truths.treehugger.com/video/contest_entry_what_can_i_do.phpMaggie is our UK contact, and she is one determined lady! She sent me a video
about agnihotra this morning and I'm passing it on to you all. It will be
incorporated into a re-write of the agnihotra form letter and be referred to on
the web site when the site gets going. 'Nother couple weeks, maybe.
Flash tells us that the Kentucky Derby was a clean race this year. Archangel
Michael was the one who made certain of that. You don't mess with Michael. Did
y'all see that horse come from 19th place to win going away? Wow! Now we gotta
get some protection for him at the Preakness so he doesn't wind up like last
year's favorite did.
I hope the Queen lost a bucket of money on that race! And did y'all catch the
photo of Dubya making the two-fingered horn symbol, sneaking it into the
photograph? He's just like a little kid who learned a dirty word and looking for
a place to use it where he could shock his elders. He knows all the moves, been
to the ceremonies,
maybe even eaten a few babies. But he has no power of his own, can't conjure
any up, either. He gets to hang out with all the upper level darksiders, but
he's as out of place there as Colin Powell at a Klan rally. A village idiot,
being used by people far more clever than he is. Now they are in the process of
discarding him. Gotta make it look like a democratic process, though.
Special thanks and recognition to "someone" who put some ash right on the
Washington Monument. Since it was a private communication, I am not sure if I am
at liberty to reveal the name of this person. Please step forward and claim your
spot in history, if you are ready to do that.
Seems like an innocuous thing to do. To you and I, it's just a bit of ash. To
the other side, though, it is the sound of doom. MaryK looked at the Monument to
see what effect there was. She said that the ash energy went down, and then
spread out and the whole mall is in a containment field right now. There is
something egg-shaped under the monument. Might be a ship. Image was not clear
about that. The containment field, that was a clear image!
This was an important event. Which brings me to the next subject. There will
be a list of Worthy Targets posted on the new web site. I already have the text
and photos ready to be inserted. The Washington Monument is on that list. Now we
can make a notation that it has been covered, and mention it in the next list.
We call that one The Bone Yard.
The American language is nothing if not colorful and descriptive. Trade
groups, professions, sports associations and other groups with a unique identity
have their own 'insider' language. Sometimes it spills out into the public
domain. So it is that everyone is familiar with what the Mob refers to as "made"
men, or men who have "made their bones". In the Mob, it means someone who has
made the ultimate commitment to the organization, someone who has killed
someone. Outside the Mob, it is used to describe someone who has passed a sort
of initiation, or has proven themselves by their performance or commitment.
Among our people, someone who has made his bones is someone who has taken out
one or more important dark side assets.
The "bone yard' is where we parked the dead airplanes when I was in the Navy.
The Air Force had a big one in Arizona back then. Is it still there? The "bone
yard" is also where elephants go to die, so the legend goes. Or a collection of
used up cars that are a resource for scavenged parts.
So, we're gonna have a Bone Yard. Made your bones? Taken out some important
place? Toss the "bones" into the bone yard. That's the burial place for all the
important dark side assets. The ordinary neighborhood tower is not worth
mentioning. One is expected to do that. But if you have taken out a massive
array that threatens a whole town, or you have taken out every tower in a town,
or an underground base, or infiltrated a military reservation, or did as Nancy
did and hit the Skull and Bones with ash; those kind of things are noteworthy,
and we all want to hear about them.
Nancy's attack on the Skull and Bones is history worth recording. So is
Theresa's attack on the Bohemian Grove. Write this stuff down, you two, and I'll
post it on the site. There are other noteworthy sites that need to be mentioned,
too. And, there are still a number of big, important dark side assets that have
not been blessed yet. So start looking around to see what can and should be
And now for something completely different. How about a story about a big
romance? Are you ready? That'll be in Part Two.