Page 4 of 5

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:21 am
by marykmusic
...And here's the last for now.

Captain's Log 24 February 2007 Part Three of Three.....

The snarl and sneer are back on Dickie boy's face. He's under medication to
sleep, medication to wake up, medication to keep his blood thin, medication for
regulation of his elimination systems. He's a medical zombie.

Dickie needs to move on to another plane of existence, if there is such a
thing for such as he. His type doesn't fit in here any more. He was born a
hundred years too late to enjoy the glory days of the Illuminati. It's all
un-winding now, and it can't be much fun for them any more.

Georgie boy is as clueless as ever. At first I thought that he was in on the
plot, but that isn't the case. There was probably a hit planned on Georgie boy
to leave room for Dickie. Georgie is still alive, and I guess you'd call that a
mixed blessing.

We'll keep monitoring the situation and make sure that their fall-back plan
doesn't work.

Someone took out those satellites, and it wasn't the Chinese with a laser
weapon. It was someone with a focused mind. Wasn't me, but it could have been if
I'd have thought of it. Point is not whodunnit. Point is, that if an old pickle
packer from Minnesota [me] can do it, is it too much of a stretch to believe
that the Chinese, and maybe others, can do it too?

And when the realization finally settles in on the Pentagon brass, might they
then lay awake at night haunted by the possibility that the Chinese have a corp
of mentalists, each with one or two targets? Or the Israelis? And what kind of
unknown stuff does our own NSA play with? Can they do this stuff, too? Are they
already doing it? Are they really on our side? We have nukes, but will they
work? What if ours don't, and theirs do? These are questions that have gotta be
or are gonna be haunting the top thinkers in the Pentagon.

Up to now, we've had nuclear superiority over China. China has an armed force,
but can't project it very far. So what do we care if their birth rate is six
times ours has been the prevailing attitude of our leaders. But now that the
future of warfare is Jeeps with carburetors and airplanes with cables and
hydraulics; all that WWII stuff without chips, the odds don't look so good any
more. A world without warfare is the direction we are moving, but try to tell
that to a military man or a Lockheed executive.

Let your mind play with this for a while. What happens, what will the Israelis
think, when they remove the bombs and test fly the planes, and they work just
fine? How do they explain that to Ahud Olmert? How did the pilots of those
planes and choppers that had to set down in the desert when we lived in Casa
Grande explain it to their supervisors?

It was mental and spiritual power that did it then. And it was mental and
spiritual power that forced the Israeli planes to land. It was mental and
spiritual power that foiled Dick Cheney's plans for yesterday.

In another couple of weeks, it will be obvious that there is to be no war with
Iran, and the war in Iraq is winding down. This crisis will end, and it will be
that the dark side lost it, and they lost it on the mental and spiritual
battlefield. Sure, they've used NSA mentalists for years, and non-physical
entities [aka demons] too. But my spirit guide can whip your spirit guide, is
what I tell 'em. And it looks like that this is what has happened.

What is becoming clear is that we can have the kind of world we want by simply
thinking it into existence. Remember the computer chips that passed the tests
and failed in the field? Quantum physics. Simply stated, Johnny Mercer hit it
right on the mark when he told us to 'accentuate the positive, eliminate the

The war is close enough to being over that some of us can now think about
rebuilding and reclaiming it for the future. Ellie is already moving in that
direction with her body energy work. Rest of you, find something positive to
accentuate, and then begin to eliminate them negatives, even if it's only a
neighborhood cell phone tower or a junk food addiction. It's a start.

Me, I'm going back to work on Dick Cheney.


Som hey, y'all down in Aussieland, is Cheney making any public appearances? Any more interviews since Friday's ABC News piece? --MaryK

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:46 am
by marykmusic
Answering my own question. Look at these comparative photos, one before the event was supposed to have happened and one after. --MaryK



Please tell dragon

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:41 pm
by bubblefunk
Hi MaryK,

Please tell dragon that I'm enjoying his writing a lot!

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:03 pm
by home fries
"He's got sweaty pits...I can feel it."

--My girlfriend (in relation to the pic's of Buckshot Dick above)

p.s. Give 'em hell, Dragon.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 8:05 pm
by home fries
Part 2

"It's so true....I mean, can't you just feel the sweaty pit right here?

[pause, while she rolls the cursor around the dark void of Buckshot Dick's black pit]

"It's fuckin' obvious...."

--My girlfriend, again

PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:59 am
by marykmusic
And hey, we can't find any new stories on where Dickie is right now. So here's some more. --MaryK

Captain's Log 24 February 2007 Postscript.......
Posted by: "Al Gray" captaindragonfarstar
Sun Feb 25, 2007 10:15 pm (PST)
On the day that the Denver refinery was to go up in flames, Dick Cheney was on Australian TV. A video clip can be seen here. They add new stuff all the time, so scroll down until you see the story. It may be off the screen tomorrow. [It'll be in Archives. --MK]

I watched and listened to the interview. Cheney was relaxed, confident, and uncharacteristically nice. Note the soft but firm tone of voice as he speaks of Nancy Pelosi. He's confident. There's something else, too. Knowing what we know he expects to happen, you can detect the air of expectation and anticipation coming out of him.

Things began to deteriorate for him after 1700 MST Friday. His visit to Australia was officially over yesterday, and he boarded Air Force Two for the trip home.

Late last night, Agent 77 sent me a story taken from the Australian news services. Click here, and look at the Cheney who is leaving for the States.

My first impression is, this man looks like he's going to cry. His last ditch effort to become president and avoid impeachment failed, and now he is on the way home and not at all happy about it.

The story says that the plane was diverted because of an electrical problem. Flash says that the real problem was Cheney himself. He was having a tantrum, and they knew that if he needed medical help, they'd need to be on the ground to obtain it. When he pulled himself back together, the journey home continued.

It's always a challenge figuring out what these darksiders are plotting, and especially when they plot against each other. Maybe this wasn't supposed to be a hit against Bush. Maybe Bush has already decided to stay in Paraguay, as I speculated earlier. If Cheney knows this, then he can expect to become president in a week or two and take advantage of the publicity generated by his successful managing of the refinery crisis.

And maybe not. Maybe he, and all of them, are just desperate people doing desperate things that have little or no chance of paying off.

He's looking at impeachment when he returns. Prison is not out of the realm of possible outcomes. No wonder he looked like he was going to cry.

MaryK says that impeachment is his future. That is reinforced by what I heard when I was concentrating on him yesterday. I got a short burst of what sounded like an intercepted message, if you were doing radio. Message was that the NWO had decided to kick him out. So, his own people have voted him off the island, so to speak. This is gonna get better and better, and more fun to watch, as the days unfold.

This link will take you to someone brought to my attention by Michael Donovan. It's a story about Lt.General Paul van Riper, someone I have written about before. The story is about the Pentagon war games prior to the invasion of Iraq. It is important because it helps us understand what is going on there now and why the stragtegy is failing. It is also instructive for all of us in our work against the dark side.

In the war games, van Riper was able to defeat the world's largest navy with what are, by contrast, primitive weapons. He loaded up civilian pleasure boats with Sidewinder missiles and swarmed the fleet. Before the navy understood what was happening, they were hit by missiles and attacked with prop-driven kamikaze planes. Most of the fleet was sunk.

Now, fast-forward to the present. Click below and read what Seymour Hersh has to say about war in the Gulf.

Seymour's Establishment bona fides are beyond question. This is the Establishment's official mouthpiece. One of them, anyway.This one sentence caught my attention:

"Among other concerns, war games have shown that the carriers could be vulnerable to swarming tactics involving large numbers of small boats, a technique that the Iranians have practiced in the past; carriers have limited maneuverability in the narrow Strait of Hormuz, off Iran’s southern coast."

Well, duh! That's what van Riper proved to them, but they would not admit it. They almost did a Billy Mitchell job on him after that war games exercise. But, at least they learned. So read this and tell me that they're going to do a war in Iran. A war in Iran with China as an ally, supplying them with missiles guided by chips from the Chinese private stock.

van Riper kicked their butt in the war games. So, what's that got to do with us? Everything. van Riper used the materials at hand to defeat the enemy. Strangely enough, the more technical the military, or the dark side, becomes, the more easily defeated they are. Remember the computer chips?

What do we have that we can use against the other side? We have our own DEWs, Directed Energy Weapons. Our minds. Listen to Morpheus, and free your mind. That's the first step in using your mind as a weapon. Deny them access to it! Clean up your thoughts, your expectations. Do the Johnny Mercer thing and accentuate the positive. It works! Then, go out and erase some chemtrails just for the fun of it.

We are engaged in guerilla warfare. We deny the other side territory and assets. van Riper had huge, hard, identifiable targets. Our targets are a bit more nebulous. Our battles involve energy, the use of it by our side and denial of it to the other side. van Riper went up against the American navy, and it was all over in a day. We are in the process of breaking the dark side's hold on the hearts and minds of our citizens. This is similar to house-to-house urban warfare, freeing one block of a neighborhood at a time. Or freeing one mind at a time.

Each time you erase, or prevent, a chemtrail or neutralize a tower or Lodge building, you deny territory and energy to the other side. We are not alone in this. We have allies in the spirit world, and I believe that they were involved in that aborted Israeli air strike.

Some people want to know why these allies don't come down here and fix everything. The short answer is because we are supposed to be learning how to take care of ourselves, solve our own problems. If we depend on angels and other non-physical beings to solve our problems for us, we have simply traded one dependency for another. It's the same as when you were in school. The teacher is there to show you how to do the math. You are the one who has to do it. You have been shown how to do it, how to do battle successfully with the dark side. You have the tools to do it. Turn off the TV and get on it.

None of these tools or weapons were available when I went down the Rabbit Hole in 1964.

Start by thinking differently, and realizing how subtle the conditioning has been. To illustrate, think of this oft-repeated phrase and bumper sticker:


Seems right and proper, no? And harmless enough. Oh, yeah? What if the bumper sticker read:


Do you understand the difference?

This link takes you to more of Michael Donovan's writings. I strongly recommend you read this, and search out more of his stuff. This is from his web site, but there are other of his writings around. Look on line for The Fall of Norfolk. That's a good one.

You have the most effective weapon of all right between your ears, your own personal Directed Energy Weapon. Work on it. Bring it up to capacity. And then use it, even if it is only for small this and that projects. They're small, but they're important. Remember the old question:

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

Same way with taking territory from the dark side. One little bit at a time.


PostPosted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:57 pm
by home fries
This last installment goes well together with Neil Young's "Prairie Wind".....

What do we have that we can use against the other side? We have our own DEWs, Directed Energy Weapons. Our minds. Listen to Morpheus, and free your mind. That's the first step in using your mind as a weapon. Deny them access to it! Clean up your thoughts, your expectations. Do the Johnny Mercer thing and accentuate the positive. It works! Then, go out and erase some chemtrails just for the fun of it.

My girlfriend and I celebrated Monday morning by staying in bed, having each spent the weekend working. We couldn't help but celebrate the good vibes we feel percolating up alongside the periphery of otherwise hell-bent current events. Sometimes I spend my mornings engaging in etheric activism in one way or another, but this morning called for an accentuation of the positive through a little sexual healing. Rob Brezny's got a great chapter on his own experience channeling the stuff of love into tender waves of gain for the good of the world in his book, Pronoia.

It was a lovely morning to bless America.... I like to think there's continuum of possibilities for etheric activism. One the one side, we've got hard core strategies of offensive defense that work to short-circuit the negative work of creeps, of which Dragon seems to be an old hand.

Then we've got the more soft-rock, happiness-expanding varieties of loving on the humansphere. All those sick and twisted freak shows going on behind the scenes with their pathetic attempts at gaining power through the perversions of sex and violence get too much airplay for my taste. How about the rest of us who are using sexuality as a positive, clear, powerful healing force -- not just to get off ourselves, but to amplify the consciousness of the planet?

Yeah, that's my kind of activism: let's take it back to the spirit of 1973.

Captain's Log 11 March 2007 Part One of Two......

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:01 pm
by marykmusic
Spring has sprung,
The grass has riz.
I wonder where
Dick Cheney is.

Good ol' Dickie! He's an inspiration to us all. heehee! He's fair game in the editorial cartoons now. Have you been noticing? Did you catch the cartoon about the clot in his leg? Seems it isn't a blood clot after all. An ice cube. Oooh! They nailed him, didn't they?

Bush and Condi [and Laura] are in South America these past few days. Old Dickie has been quiet, though. I have not heard of a single Dick Cheney public appearance or pronouncement. Heard a lot of speculation, though. He's a topic of discussion.

On a recent NPR broadcast, someone made mention of the fact that three of the last six presidents have sought to remove their vice presidents. Is that going to happen to Cheney, the interviewer wanted to know. The fact that the possibility is being discussed says a lot about his current status. Now dig this

from the Huffington Post. Someone doing a credible imitation of Johnny Cash singing about Dick Cheney to the Folsom Prison Blues music track. Warning: Language not suitable for all ages.

Has Cheney Lost His Clout? is the story in the click-on above. The answer is contained in the question, of course. If his clout is subject to speculation, then it's already gone. So, now what?

My antennae feels a power vacuum in D.C. Bush is out of the country, but that's more like a "so what?" than it is a story. He's only slightly more newsworthy than Englebert Humperdinck. What news coverage the trip generated focused on the public reaction to his visit. I got a real kick out of the story about how the Mayan priests were going to purify the site where he visited. Wonder if they make house calls? D.C., perhaps?

I don't think the trip was front page news anywhere. And Cheney is a non-entity right now. The only thing I can detect is Condi's influence going up, and her public image is being polished right now. There are talks in Iraq about regional security, and she's on record as being supportive of that idea. And now she's being showcased while on tour in South America.

Meanwhile, back in the States, the Z-Force 'Spring surge' is underway. Our hero who whacked the Beale AFB site returned to put two more nails in the coffin. The place is now boxed in with Triniti Wands and surrounded by mud ball energy.

From there, he went to Sacramento. The governor's mansion is right there amongst the government buildings, he said. And he circled the governor's mansion twice! Take that, Arnold! Did the whole neighborhood with all the government buildings, and spotted a senior citizen retirement home in that same area with a bunch of antennas on the roof. It got special treatment, too.

Now, why would there be so many antennas on the roof of a retirement home? How many channels do retirees need, anyway? Something secret going on there, is my guess. Basement, maybe? Top floor? Whatever it is, they are meeting resistance for their nasty work now.

That's where Wes Peden is still in the county jail awaiting his fate. The Feds have until the 29th to respond to a motion to dismiss. If they fail to file, he's a free man. The mud balls are certain to be an aid to his efforts to get out of there. Thank you, my friend, for evening up the odds.

Spring surge hit more places in California, too. Mud balls were flying out the window as another one of our associates made a run through Death Valley, connecting it with a big loop that goes to Ridgecrest, Barstow, Pahrump, Rachel and Tonopah and then back to Death Valley. And the Panamint Mountains, too, where some very strange stuff has been going on for hundreds of years. Here:

And then here, for Nevada tall white alien strangeness.

Spring is not 'officially' here until the 21st. By that date, I expect the second surge to have been accomplished. That will be done in a state adjoining Arizona, which is all I'm allowed to reveal right now. Details later. I want them to be surprised.

Remember those faulty Chinese chips? They're still failing. I'll bet the Chinese are wishing they'd have just concentrated on making Tickle Me Elmos and not gotten into the military hardware business at all. I'm sure they got the blame when the Japanese fighter planes [this wasn't on the news] had trouble in flight. The Russians are having trouble, too. You won't hear Katie Couric mention it, but it's real anyway. Katie could learn a lot by listening to Spiff. I know I have. That's where this story came from.

I hear from Flash that the GPS units in Iraq are not working reliably now. Some communication devices are non-functional, too. That's the main reason that the British pulled out of Iraq. Their stuff wasn't working.

And those F-22s who had to follow their tanker plane home because their navigation systems all failed; did they ever leave Hawaii after that 'software patch'? From here, they appear to still be un-deployed. No more high-tech warfare?

The Chinese won't be reduced to fighting with Ghengis Khan's weapons. Center fire rifles still work. At least for now. The Chinese are more into economic warfare now. Not nearly so messy, and much more subtle. Doesn't damage the infrastructure so that it will serve them well after victory. China is now, or soon will be, the world's largest English speaking country. Bounce that around in your cranial cavity for a while.

Whatever the future of warfare is, it won't play out in Iran. It should be obvious to all by now that there won't be a war in Iran. Looks from here that the operative powers are now looking at ways to wind down the war in Iraq with as little embarrassment to themselves as possible.

I went out on that "no war with Iran" limb back in October. It's almost time to come down now. Give it a little longer. Maybe April Fools' Day. Perfect time to say "I told you so" to some Blue Pill people on another forum who gave me such a hard time and forced me off the board. MaryK is still signed on. She'll make the announcement for me. I don't ordinarily say "I told you so", but I'm willing to make an exception in their case. There are some Agents on that board who need to be put in their place.

And now that it appears to be impossible to wage war with high-tech weapons, what're they gonna fight about? Can't you just see it now? "Our country is more peaceful than your country!" "Oh, no! My country is more peaceful than your country!" And they stick their tongues out at each other. We may none of us live long enough to see that, but some adjustments are going to have to be made.

And what kind of tremors are going through the halls of power now? By now, it should be obvious to all those Satan-worshipping child molesters that outside intervention is responsible for the high-tech equipment failure. They'll never believe that one old geezer from Arizona and a bunch of Tibetan monks [or maybe Quakers] could stop this with their minds. What's going through their minds now, now that they know by direct experience that there's a power greater than anything the Dark Side has to offer?

It's Archangel Michael and a few of his earth-bound buddies that are doing this to them, but their minds are going to conjure up images of a fierce Old Testament God come to take his revenge on them. After all these years of not believing, this has to be de-stabilizing their neural net. Speculation, of course. I'd love to know the real story.

Learned this morning that Bill Richardson, of New Mexico, is a Democrat. Oops! Cancel that speculation I did about him being the next veep. Maybe we can get one of those Mayan priests to volunteer for the job.

Y'all meet me at the Hangar 18 Coffee Shop in Part Two, and we'll talk some more.


Captain's Log 11 March 2007 Part Two of Two......

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:39 pm
by marykmusic
We've really hoped to someday have a real Hangar 18 Coffee Shop, but so far it has only been on the rare and wonderful occasion of having one of our online friends visit us in person. And the coffee's always fresh-ground, good and strong. Like the conversation. --MaryK

Welcome to the Hangar 18 Coffee Shop. It exists now only in hyperspace. Once in a while, it bubbles up as an idea, but not quite ready to materialize.

Here in the Coffee Shop we can talk about almost anything. Imagine what you might overhear if you hung around a coffee shop that was attached to the real Hangar 18. That's the spirit, the atmosphere, here. Pour us all another cup of coffee, 004, and let's talk about why things are the way they are. Doesn't she look cute in that waitress outfit? Leave her a big tip.

What's going on with the dark side? Why now, after centuries on top of centuries does it now seem so easy to let the air out of their balloon? Part of the reason, I'm sure, is that we are nearing the end of the Yuga cycle, and all this drama is being wound up. Story lines are ending, just like the last days of a TV series. I'm sure they won't leave us all stranded like the folks on Gilligan's Island, though. There's a plan, and if we don't get caught up in the drama of the moment, we can see it all unfold.

I have been reading Barbara Marciniak's books since the beginning. She often says that we are living in a "nanosecond of time", a 25 year period that ends on the Winter Solstice, 2012. Her fourth book has been out for some time, but I only got around to reading it this week.

She says that the first ten years of that 25 year period, 1987 to 1997, would see a ten-fold increase in energy each year. So the energy is accelerated in 1988 to ten times the previous year and so on for ten years. There's some kind of transformation going on, and it's affecting all of us. Darksiders included.

This is an acceleration of awareness, and in the physical realm it manifests as a growth in the internet and other forms of communication. So as our mental awareness expands to include awareness of other forms of existence, our earth-focused mind is similarly aware of people, events, and ideas from all over the globe. Nothing can be hidden any more, which takes away the fear factor, and it is driving the dark side controllers nuts.

Now, as if that wasn't intense enough, the next ten years we had a hundred-fold increase in acceleration energy each year. Now we're getting intense. This is like compounded interest, each year 100 times more powerful than the next. No wonder the world is getting wacky.

Hold on to your hats, fasten your seat belts, and say goodbye to Kansas, Dorothy. The last five years, we're in that period now, will see a one hundred thousand fold increase in energy each year. Which probably explains why some celebrity mind control M-kids are wigging out these days. So, four years and nine months from this spring, we'll all be saying "Holy transformation period, Batman! What was that?"

What happens after the winter solstice, 2012? I can't even find any decent speculation about that. But I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Some of the dark side controllers, non-resident aliens with no green card, have been forcibly removed within the last few weeks. I don't think old Dickie is eligible for repatriation to any other planet, though. And neither is cyborg Dubya. Dickie and some of the others get to stick around as this energy intensifies daily. Maybe he, and they, will just melt into a quivering mass of un-differentiated protoplasm. If so, you can bet someone will post the video on You-tube.

004! Check please! Rick's buying. We'll see y'all later.


Captain's Log 20 March 2007 Part One of Three.....

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:33 pm
by marykmusic
The Spring surge continues. I have been waiting for days for a report from our
operative in a neighboring state. He was to have provided the second strike of
the Spring surge. It is likely that he did, but is too caught up in the problems
of ordinary living to get back in contact. When he checks in, I'll pass along
what he has done. It's a juicy target.

Meanwhile, we've been doing our own "surging" locally. There's a horse ranch
on the other side of Cottonwood, a little town about 10 miles from here. The
place is still haunted by the spirits of Indians who once lived and were
massacred there. To aggravate the situation, the previous resident was doing
some Left Hand Path work there, and managed to materialize some spirits that
still hung around after the new residents arrived. The previous resident had
conjured up some entities in the classic demon shape, tail and all, and they
were in one of the bluffs that overlook the house.

This was not the ordinary recreational dance with the Dark Side that some
people do just for thrills. This was serious stuff. The person who lived there
left some paintings there, 4 by 6 foot paintings, maybe a dozen of them. Each
painting had demons in it. One in particular was a [self-portrait, maybe?] of a
woman being tortured by six or more demons.

The house sits right on Oak Creek, which is the waterway that runs through
Sedona. You remember Sedona, the city with the heavy reptilian population above
and below ground. Part of the Sedona underground is situated under these
people's house and the little demons found the reptilian hive to be compatible
neighbors. Our boy Devlin buried a Triniti Wand very near the place. He could
"see" them, he said, there inside the hill, and see that it didn't kill or drive
them away. It slowed them down.

MaryK and I discussed how to finish the job and as we were passing ideas back
and forth an image formed in her mind of her, MaryK, drawing pictures of these
demons and stabbing them with a one of the pieces of "artwork" formed out of
copper tubing that the previous resident had formed and left there.

Devlin and MaryK went back the next day, and the demons were gone! The way we
explained the situation to ourselves is that the demons in that mountain were
products of the previous owner's mind, and not the ordinary critters we find in
underground bases. And that's why the Triniti Wand had a limited effect on them.
But when countered by a strong, positive, thoughtform, they simply evaporated.

I don't know if this is relevant or important, but the previous resident--and
owner of the place--is a lady lawyer.

The thoughtform vs. thoughtform reminds me of the spy vs. spy in the Mad
Magazines! But it worked! And that illustrates what I have been writing for some
time. What holds us all in bondage now is a thoughtform, and when we
individually hold a higher thoughtform in our minds we can destroy theirs. The
struggle shifted to the mental and spiritual plane back in 2003. Just watch the
drama in the District of Calamity. Observe how hard it is for Bush to move his
agenda forward. His thoughtform isn't holding.

He styled himself as "the Decider", and even believed it. Now that thoughtform
has disintegrated, and a new thoughtform is emerging. This one is having input
from the citizens, so it's different from the normal political inter-party
treachery as they struggle amongst themselves for power. Citizen-input is just
now beginning to have an effect on events in Washington. This, I think, is the
emerging new 'thoughtform'.

So what's a discredited 'decider' to do, now that everyone has 'decided' to
either fight or abandon him?He's being attacked by almost everyone now and he's
watching as those around him are picked off by legal sniper fire. He should have
gone to his ranch in Paraguay.

That may not be an option any longer. We hear rumors from the spirit world
that the Paraguayan government is trying to find a way out of letting him own
the land. What they're looking at now is claiming the land for the Indians on
the basis of "prior title".

The Spring surge included neutralizing a huge tower in a little town known as
Village of Oak Creek, or VOC for short. It's where people go when they can't
afford to live in Sedona. A huge new tower was built right in back of the fire
station. Someone we know has someone he knows who opened an office in the
building nearby, and is now headed for The Last Roundup because of failing
health due to the tower emissions. Mud balls were liberally applied and stifled
it somewhat, but did not eliminate the problem.

MaryK drove the getaway car when we went there a few days ago. I buried a
Triniti Wand within sight of the tower. MaryK said she saw an etheric red dragon
swoop down and sit on the tower just as I did that. The tower is neutralized
now. The range of the Triniti Wands is such that the Triniti Wand at the horse
ranch should connect with the one at the fire station. There can't be much left
of the underground hive after that.

Agent 77, down in Tucson, was not going to be left out of the Spring surge
fun. She has two Triniti Wands and has targets for both of them. Way to go, 77!
Tell the folks about it when you're done.

The Black Ops boys have their own plans for a sneaky Spring surge. That's in
Part Two.


Captain's Log 20 March 2007 Part Two of Three.....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:15 am
by marykmusic
The Spiff Report

One news report I saw said there are more than 100,000 'private contractor'
[read: mercenary] operators in Iraq. The public image of them as "security
forces" hides the dirty, private, actions of a black ops force. The best known
of the lot of them is an outfit known as Blackwater, which operates out of a
home base in North Carolina.

These guys function as Bush's private army. Operating outside of military
rules and codes, they are perfect for black ops jobs. Navy SEALS once did dirty
deeds when called upon, but that's all changed since the SEALS lost two teams in
Iran. SEALS are quietly refusing some operations, and some of them have simply
voted with their feet and gone AWOL. Enter Blackwater. They get paid enough
money to quiet any conscience they may have, and were the picks for the next big
job, a missile attack on France.

A few days ago I asked Spaceman Spiff to take a look at Blackwater. At the
time, I had no idea of what they were up to, except that they were operating in
Iraq and they appeared to be a worthy target.

Even if they were not already in Iraq, they would be a worthy target. Their
property includes the Great Dismal Swamp, I am told. A place so notoriously evil
that the Indians would not go there, and many white settlers have disappeared in
that area. You can imagine what kind of people feel comfortable in that kind of
an environment.

Spiff did some recon work, and reported back this morning. Blackwater is in
Libya and plans to send a missile from there into France. He doesn't know when,
but it would have to be soon, as the exposure risk goes up with each day that

MaryK and Flash conferred about it briefly this morning, and they say that the
Chinese microchips will fail, just like they did on the Israeli jets that were
sent to attack Iran. Remember the American F-22s that had to turn back? Those
computer chips.

There's more to it than that, of course. This is not an ordinary product
failure case. The chips were the weakest point, and what made them fail was a
focused mind [or minds] attack on them. Whose minds? I'm glad you asked!

Because the truth is, it really doesn't matter whose mind was the one that
made it happen. The man who lights the fuse may be the one who makes the
cannonball fly, but before there was the man who lit the fuse, there was someone
who produced the gunpowder, someone who made the cannonball, someone who dug the
ore and smelted it into iron and formed it into a cannon. See what I mean?

So, before there was that Quaker in Pennsylvania or that monk in the
Himalayas, or whoever it was that sent that mind molecule to hit the computer
chip, there had to be an agreement here among thousands of people that this was
a needful thing to do. And the agreement goes all the way from ordinary blokes
such as you and I to the monks in the mountains to Archangel Michael and his
stalwart buddies. And the agreement is a message to the governments of the world
that the days of war and exploitation and genocide are over. And specifically,
right now, at this point in time, the war in Iraq is over.

Remember what I said in Part One about thoughtforms? This is the new
thoughtform. And it is still in the early stages of creation. Add your energy to
it. Remember when Seraph asked the Oracle if she always knew?

"No", she said. "But I always believed."

That's what we gotta do. Just hold that frequency in your heart. It will
radiate that "no war" thought which will be picked up by others and spread.

Thoughtforms. They're the matrix that makes mind molecule work possible.

If mind molecules worked on computer chips, they'll work on California
chemsmog, too. Let's look at that in Part Three.


Captain's Log 20 March 2007 Part Three of Three.....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:17 am
by marykmusic
I read the reports on the forum, and the spray boys are picking on California.
Why? And how is it that they can do so much damage after all these years of work
by Rick and his California smackdown team? Let's think about that.

Let's do the first question. Why? Granted that anything Don Bradley says or
said in years past is suspect, he did let some important information out. I
remember one of his statements about California is that California [or was it
just L.A.?] is the heart chakra of this country. And that, he explained, is the
reason that L.A. and California get hit so hard, so often.

So, just in case it's true, let's accept that as fact and go from there. If
true, it would explain the intensity of the efforts applied to counter the work
of Rick and his stalwart crew. You all have seen helicopters fly over places
where cloudbusters have been deployed. This was reported years ago, and
something that was widely observed and reported. Probably doesn't happen now,
not in areas where the cloudbusters have been long established.

What were those choppers doing? Intimidation, in some cases, of course but not
limited to that. Bradley reported one of his crystals being shattered by a flyby
chopper. I'm thinking that all those chopper flybys reported by cloudbuster
owners in California and especially L.A. were on a crystal-busting mission. That
would explain why they don't appear in those locations any more, and explain why
the cloudbusters can't keep away the smog.

Shattering crystals en masse would have been a dead give-away. We would have
all seen what they were up to, and promptly replaced the crystals. These boys
are more subtle than that.

As I've said many times before, the struggle has been taken to the mental and
spiritual plane. Remember the sylph killers from the Air Force? Before that,
there were deva killers. Each crystal has a deva, a non-physical energetic being
attached to it. Those flyby choppers? They were carrying electronics that killed
the devas. That explains why, even as long ago as the days when Stuart's forum
was active, we were reading reports of cloudbusters that just were not
performing like they once did. Only recently have we come to understand the
reason for their failure to clear the skies.

Granted that some of the chemtrails were no doubt of new formulations. These
guys are familiar with the 'attack and adjust' methods that I described long
ago. So it may be that not all the crystals in California are inoperative now
because their devas are dead, but I'll bet that there's a significant number,
and it's something that you guys should look into.

And it could very well be that they've murdered most of the crystal devas in
L.A. Get your replacement crystals from out of state.

And just as an aside remark here; I have two very large crystals taken from
some "art work" formed out of copper tubing, made by the lady lawyer who owns
the horse ranch. Even I, who is not normally sensitive to subtle energies, can
look at them and see that they are spiritually dead. Very sad thing to behold.

So what's a cloudbuster owner to do? I'll give you what Dr.Dragon recommends,
and y'all can do what you want with the information. First thing to do is
replace the crystals, if you can get them out of the pipes. If not, then slide
some replacement crystals down the pipes.

Before you do that, the crystals need to be passed through the agnihotra
smoke. Until experience proves to the contrary, it is our position that doing
this makes them incorruptible. Impervious to electronic attack? Probably, based
on what we've seen around here. Point is, you gotta do something.

The next thing to do is take the anti-chemtrail effort to the spiritual level.
Get those agnihotra fires going, even if you can only do it once a day or
intermittently as your hectic schedules permit. This forms a protective shield
around everything and everybody inside its zone of protection. As an added
benefit, it works to reduce pollution, and that's the reason for doing it given
by the man in India who was interviewed by Christopher Bird in his book, SECRETS
OF THE SOIL, decades ago.

Doing the ceremony raises one's own personal vibratory rate, making one more
disease resistant, and......

Remember the recent discussion about "be your own cloudbuster"? This'll do it.
Raise your vibratory level, and you'll be a cloudbuster too.

This will also reinforce the work of the sylphs. Another way to help the
sylphs is to play Bach. For those of you who have mobius coils inside your
cloudbusters, plug the coil into the headphone jack of your sound machine and
play Bach CDs into it. Lacking a mobius coil, you can simply set a speaker, or
two of them, up next to your unit and turn it on.

What else? Learn Robert Platteter's 'Volume of Protection'. Spread mud balls
around to reinforce your other work. All this stuff works synergistically. The
other side has towers that reinforce the work of the spray planes. We gotta
think in layers of protection that reinforce each other in order to counter it.

Before we close, let's re-visit the first question. Why? Why do they pick on
L.A. so often? One answer is, because they can. Here, we have advanced design
cloudbusters in Sedona, Cornville and Cottonwood, and the spray boys just can't
make it happen, even with their best efforts. So, they rarely come around. Got
agnihotra going in Sedona and Cottonwood, too. Mud balls and Triniti Wands are
part of the reason, too.

Do what you've always done, and you'll get what you always got. It's time to
take the struggle to the next level and bring in the spiritual allies we have
there. The Volume of Protection is a thoughtform. Imagine the power of a
thoughtform reinforced by Ra, the sylphs, the crystal devas, the plant devas and
probably other positive entities we are not even aware of yet.

Anyway, y'all please take this in the spirit in which it was given; a sincere
desire to help.

Till next time.....


Captain's Log 1 April 2007 Part One of Two......

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:57 pm
by marykmusic
So, we seem to have gotten through Good Friday without an untoward event in Jerusalem. Whew!

And now, the most recent Captain's Log. --MaryK
The Spring Surge here at Z-Force Group continued after the initial operations
and just kind of morphed into March Madness. March Madness took us all the way
to an April Fool's Day surprise for the dark side warmongers.

In the previous Log entry, I mentioned that we were still waiting on a report
from one of our operatives in a nearby state. That report has come in, but is
lacking in details due to the press of personal business. For purposes of
reference, let's just identify him as Agent K.

Agent K was being harassed by the frequent appearance of ships cloaked to
resemble helicopters. K's father was a powerful man in the battle against the
dark side, and had managed to put a lid on a portal that the darkies were using.
He put all he had into it, and it eventually cost him his life, and the life of
another person close by.

The "choppers", cloaked ships, actually, were returning to the portal now that
the man who closed it to them was gone. They made repeated trips to the place
with something that made a pulsing sound in an attempt to break through the
protection that K's father had placed on the portal.

The device had an effect on Agent K. The thumping sound of the pulsating
device was felt in K's chest area. It sounded like a very large compressor, he
said. Over a period of time it had brought him very close to complete health
failure. Just before it was all lost, he made contact with us. Over a period of
a few weeks, we began to understand the problem. We sent him some ash, a couple
of crystals with Archangel Michael's frequency embedded in them, and of course;
the Piece' de Resistance'; a Triniti Wand.

That wand was purpose-built for that application, and it knew where it was
going when it left here. The brief message we got from him a couple of days ago
said that the "compressor noise" had ceased. We'll get the details later, but
the message was clear.

The Spring Surge included a major effort at Death Valley, remember? One of our
occasional operatives, whom we will identify here as Agent 10, was the one who
came through for all of us. Death Valley had been on my to-do list ever since
Don and Carol went through there years ago. All they had was orgonite back then,
but that was enough to bring out the boys in the white vans who tried to run
them off the road.

There's something there that the proletarians are not supposed to see or know
about, and the presence of orgonite was enough to threaten that status quo.
Agent 10 went in with the heavy artillery, so to speak. We didn't have to wait
long before it had an effect.

Hundreds of mud balls and quite a few Triniti Wands were deployed there and
into Nevada all the way up to Art Bell City. Subtle energies are subtle, but
they are decisive!

The Spring Surge brought March Madness to the underground residents of the
Death Valley area. The subtle energies of the mud balls and Triniti Wands was
too much for the critters living below. They burst out of their confinement and
surfaced, destroying whatever they could and really causing havoc. These
critters were sort of under "house arrest", put there long ago. Now they're out
and loose, and "someone" has to deal with them. This was going on most of last

A group of "someones" assembled over the area, cloaked themselves with cloud
cover, and began to deal with the problem. When we looked last night, there were
two huge mother ships over the area, each one representing forces antagonistic
to each other and each one claiming some sort of territorial right. One group
was the descendants of the original Annunaki. I don't know the identity of the
other group.

Within the last few months, the Archangel Corp has increased in numbers and
now are packing weapons. Earth has status now, as I've said before. It is no
longer a territory as was Arizona before statehood. You will recall from the
western movies that a territory is basically a lawless place, where power comes
out of the barrel of a gun. No longer. Not since around July of 2005. There are
rules, now. And the Archangel smackdown team is enforcing them.

So it is that they were on site over Death Valley last night, too. The message
being "if we can't treat you right, we're gonna have to treat you rough". A
diplomatic solution is still being worked out. This may take a while. The
smackdown team is there. Speak softly and carry a big light sabre. That's them.

March Madness morphed into April Foolery last night. What would I do without
Spaceman Spiff? He informed me that the USS Nimitz has been fitted with a
Faraday cage to protect their recently restored fuel rods. The plan is that if
the cage provides protection, they'll install them on the other nuclear powered

So before they got their hopes up and spent a bunch of money on more cages, I
had to show them that the idea was silly. I went there yesterday and messed with
their cage and their reactors. And just so they'd get the message, I messed with
their navigational equipment, too.

Messing with the reactors only slowed them down. They're not getting the
message, or at least, not responding to it. So, the pressure goes up. The
message is re-stated and sent. Message being, of course, no more war. There's a
new sheriff in town, and he's cracking down on all such troublemakers.

The USS Nimitz is in San Diego and was to sail today. Flash tells me that the
captain didn't really believe in the need for a Faraday cage, but when they
brought him down there this morning and he saw the mangled metal, he became
convinced of the necessity for it. He also became convinced that there is a
saboteur on board, and the whole ship is being searched now. The captain refuses
to leave port until the saboteur is found.

As Flash was describing it, I was picturing the ship search scenes in the Star
Trek movie where they were looking for the gravity boots. The search is that

Is there anyone in San Diego who can verify this? Flash is my forward observer
and I trust what he says. But it helps most people if they see 3-D confirmation.

The Nimitz doesn't yet know about the navigational equipment. The folks on
board the USS Stennis do, though. And it was already April Fool's Day there
yesterday when their GPS equipment went kerflooey. It is telling them that they
are 80 klicks inside Iranian waters, yet a visual check shows that they have not
moved in relation to the other ships in the area.

Their radar is malfunctioning, too. MaryK says that it has lost the beep, the
sweep, and the creep. If you have seen Spaceballs, you will know what I am
talking about. If you haven't, that's your next assignment. A very funny Mel
Brooks movie.

Will April showers bring May indictments? That, and more, in Part Two.


Captain's Log 1 April 2007 Part Two of Two......

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:57 pm
by marykmusic
Will April showers bring May indictments? The situation appears to be moving in
that direction. Have y'all been watching this soap opera unfold? Greatest show
on earth, I tell you. One of the best places to keep up with the dissolution of
the Bush empire is Huffington Post.

That Arianna, she's got it going. And check out The Raw Story. Those guys are
very good, too.

Both sites are current with events as they happen. And they've really been
happening. Bush's hair is noticeably grayer as each domino falls. Alberto
Gonzales is being compared to Fredo in the Godfather movie. He's not the only
one in the hot seat. Even Guiliani is in trouble, and he's not part of the
administration. Observers are already speculating about who's gonna be next.
Reminds me of the old days in the Roman coliseum! Ain't this fun?!

Meanwhile, back at the gas pumps. During months of pre-election and
post-election posturing and tension over the possibility that Bush might bomb
Iran, the oil markets were totally unaffected. The price of oil--and
gasoline--actually went down during that period. Now, here we are with a few
British sailors in custody, and the oil markets decide to get sensitive over it.
Even at that, the price of oil only went up a little bit. The price of gas is
racing ahead of the price of oil, though. They're acting as if we're 20 years on
the downslope side of Peak Oil. I saw a photo of gasoline over four dollars on
the Crooks and Liars web site. What's up?

Obviously, the British are not going to attack Iran over 15 sailors whose GPS
device failed them [Chinese chips at it again!] and got caught in Iranian
waters. All that Tony Blair can do is squawk like a captured chicken. The
Americans are not going to start a war over this. Blair is on his way out this
summer, and Bush has trouble enough at home. He's lonelier than a Maytag
repairman now. No one wants to be known as his friend.

Speaking of losing friends; the King of Saudi Arabia now declares that our
presence in Iraq is an illegal occupation. After four years, he figured it out?

So, I think some people are taking advantage of the situation and artificially
inflating gas prices. I can think of no other reason. Oil prices were on the way
down, and had gotten below 50 dollars a barrel for a while. Even Dubya had to do
his part to keep the price up by announcing that the government was going to
increase buying oil for the strategic reserve. That added five dollars to the
price right away.

Spaceman Spiff says that the Overlord Dark Powers are going to cause tensions
and 'incidents' in various parts of the world, and he gave me a list:

Planned diversion points: Vienna, Austria; Milan, Italy; just outside London
if not available the 2nd choice the outskirts of Belfast; there's a small isle
off the coast of Portugal; New York city; Los Angeles; Southern Argentina
(Falklands?); Taiwan; and if they have to Mexico city and start a situation in
the Saskatchewan province in Canada; Lebanon again.

That Spiff! He's my hero! I want to be just like him when I grow up.

They can't start a war with planes that don't fly right and bombs that don't
go "boom", so they're going to feed off the energy generated by frightening us
with high gas prices, global warming, and the prospect of Al Gore as president.

Meanwhile, over in Israel....

Remember the alert I posted earlier this week about the Good Friday bomb? I
hear through the grapevine that the Ministry of Tourism has gotten wind of the
plot, and they're acting to put a stop to it. By sundown Friday, our time, we
will know for sure. I find it hard to believe that Michael and his SWAT team
will let this happen.

Are you ready for some good news? Click on over to here

and read about the movement to legalize hemp cultivation. It's very strong in
California right now. This is big. Very big. This could do to Big Oil what
cloudbusters did to chemtrails. You guys in California do what you can to
support this movement.

It was chemtrails that brought us all together, and it's chemtrails that are
still the opening to the Rabbit Hole for the pajama people. And it is you and I,
our own quiet and apparently unremarkable selves [to the observers who don't
know us!] who have to keep up the fight. We cannot depend on the 'name brand'
celebrities to help us.

I have tried, though! Ken Welch, Scott Stevens, The Freeman Perspective, Devvy
Kidd, Clifford Carnicom; and probably others whose names I can't recall right
now. They are all oh! so concerned about chemtrails, and they want us to send
them money so they can continue to be concerned about chemtrails and "spread the
word" and "wake up the masses". Yeah.

I have not heard back from any of them. They are not interested in solving the
problem. Scared? Agents? Opportunists? Some of each, I reckon.

Here's what I think about the whole lot of them. They can take a long walk on
a short pier. Give me instead that one man with the 3-cylinder putt-mobile who
neutralized Beale AFB. Give me one of him in each state, and we'll put an end to
this stuff forever.

We have more such "right stuff" people, but not nearly enough. You who read
this; have you neutralized all the towers in your area? If not, why not? It's
your brain that they're messing with. Send for some ash, and be like Agent 10 in
Death Valley, or Pickles in Montreal, or 004 in Dallas or Agent 77 in Tucson.
Carolyn in Arizona credits mud balls with giving her the courage to leave an
abusive relationship. Did I mention the lady in Connecticut who gave up thoughts
of self-destruction after deploying mud balls? The dark siders were harassing
her and driving her mad to the point of self-destruction. She's free of them
now, and living life to the fullest with a new boy friend and a new outlook on

For the Luke Skywalker in all of us, this is your light sabre, and now is your


Captain's Log 8 April 2007 Part One of Three....

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:08 am
by marykmusic
It was a quiet day here at our house. Both boys went to Foam Fighting (anyone else know what that is?) and so Dragon had several hours in which to write a whole new Captain's Log.

Remember, Bring Your Own Discernment. Consider it science fiction if that's the only way you can stand to read it. --MaryK

Easter Sunday, and the long-anticipated war did not materialize over the holy
weekend. There was some scare-mongering in the internet press in the days
leading up to this time period. They were very insistent that this was going to
happen, that the United States was going to bomb Iran for sure this time. One
site posted the starting and ending times for the bombing, such was their
certainty of the information.

Oh, there was a plan, all right. The plan goes back years. The timetable was
for a pre-election October Surprise, but we managed to fizzle out their
surprise. The Denver oil refinery didn't go up in smoke, either, and that was to
have been another trigger for the war. We can thank Flash, Spaceman Spiff, and
Archangel Michael for that one.

The Bush administration is in no position to initiate a war right now with
anybody, but there are other actors on the world stage who have their own agenda
and there really was an event planned for this weekend. Another false flag
operation as an excuse to start a war.

A few days ago we got the message that the Mossad was planning to detonate a
bomb somewhere along the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. I passed the word
as widely as I could, including to my only contact in Israel, Barry Chamish.

Something worked. I suspect Archangel Michael was involved in some way. It may
have been him who made the Ministry of Tourism aware of the plot, and they
spread the word. Pressure was brought against the Mossad, and the plan was
cancelled. Meanwhile, the Mossad is looking for a mole, thinking that someone
leaked the information. While they're looking, they're not plotting, and that's
good news for the rest of the world.

Am I the only one who thinks that there is something funny about the captured
British sailors drama? They were taken without resistance, apparently alone on
the water as if the ship they launched from was nowhere close. Then, the British
government makes un-convincing noises about their plight. The Iranians hold them
for 13 days, 13 being an occult number; and release them on the prophet's

A staged event? Sure looks like it. Sure did make the Iranians look good. One
of those things that make you go hmmm..... in the night.

Old George still has to go through the motions, even though there is not going
to be a war with Iran. And not with Iraq, either, for very much longer. The
aircraft carrier USS Nimitz was scheduled to leave San Diego on 1 April. It had
been fitted with a Faraday cage to protect their newly restored nuclear
reactors, the ones that I had messed with and caused to lose power.

I thought the durn things were irreparable without major surgery, so to speak.
Then I got a message from Spaceman Spiff. When I passed it through my Spaceman
Spiff de-coder ring, it revealed the presence of the cage and the restored
reactors. Thanks, Spiff!

The idea that a Faraday cage could shield against mind power is ridiculous.
These guys are still thinking on the material, 3-D, level. I didn't think it was
a good idea to let them leave port, so I went there, and messed with their
reactor and their Faraday cage.

Closed circuit here for the benefit of the spooks who read this. All this work
is done remotely. I haven't been on an aircraft carrier since 1960. Btw, Happy
Easter, fellers!

The captain had to see for himself. He didn't believe the report that said the
cage had been mangled. He became convinced that there is a saboteur aboard the
ship, and refused to leave the harbor until that person was found. There was a
very intensive inspection of the ship, but nothing was found. He was ordered to
leave port anyway, but was very upset because he knew that this is wrong. The
whole ship is in a near-mutinous state, from what we are able to discern

So, they left port, but they were three days late, according to the report in
a San Diego newspaper. The work on the Faraday cage and the reactors was
reported in the previous Captain's Log, but I wanted to refresh your memory
before I report what happened after that. I waited until they were well out to
sea, and joined Flash for a visit there. We did something that we had never done

Y'all have seen photos of lenticular clouds. We see such clouds often in this
area. They are cloaked ships. Well, picture an aircraft carrier cloaked the same
way. That's what we did to the Nimitz. They had their own little personal cloud
surrounding them, and couldn't see a thing. Had a lot of difficulty with radar
and other electronics, too. It was as if I had brought the Bermuda Triangle to
them. This went on for days.

MaryK looked in on them this morning and reported that the cloud is gone now,
but they are proceeding at about half their rated speed because I did some work
on the reactors while they were still in port and again when they were
surrounded by the cloud.

The Nimitz is supposed to relieve the Eisenhower. The Eisenhower had it's own
little cloud, too. Then there's this, posted on Raw Story web site:

>>The navy said it would deploy no more than two carrier groups to the Gulf.

"If anything, there would be a point where there is only one in the region,"
an official said last week, on condition of anonymity.<<

That is an excerpt from the story about the Nimitz on its way to relieve the
Eisenhower. One carrier in the gulf? Sounds good to me. Wonder what other force
reductions they have planned?

Agent K has re-established contact and had a lot of news to report. That is in
Part Two.
