Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs)

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Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs)

Postby operator kos » Wed Oct 17, 2007 2:19 pm

Fighting for G.O.D. is a graphic novel documentary about 9/11 and the historical context into which it fits. The book delves into the history of banking, Skull and Bones, dirty dealing of the CIA, false-flag terrorism, and more. The author has said that the idea of putting it in a comic book format was to bring an understanding of deep politics to people who don't have the high speed connection or inclination to watch 9/11 movies on the Internet, and who aren't going to read weighty books of political analysis, but it also has some good info for veteran truthers. It was published in June of 2007 by Kris Millegan's TrineDay Press.

From the book's website:
Telling a story that our mainstream media rarely come near, this illustrated volume gives us an understanding of 9/11 as a cynical ploy by global elites to maintain their control. With a review of history from medieval bankers to the corporate 'new world order' of modern neocons, writer Jeremy Begin and artist Lauren Salk deftly set out the patterns of war and terror which have kept the masses subservient.

While police state control and war without end are becoming the expected norm, this analysis delves into aspects of the larger framework into which 9/11 fits and scrutinizes the ancestry of the players who transcend commonly accepted partisan divisions.

Building on the research of such notables as theologian David Ray Griffin, Michael Rupport, and Anthony Sutton—all of whom have questioned the government’s account of 9/11— this book discusses key issues confronting America’s citizenry and steps the populace can take to not only halt but reverse the march towards totalitarianism.
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Postby operator kos » Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:41 am

I just happened across this review today. Evidently somebody at Indymedia New Orleans likes the book:

The book "Fighting For G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and Drugs)" written by Jeremy Begin, and illustrated by Lauren Salk, addresses many very important aspects of what it means to be an American today. This book is an excellent read, and quite a bargain at $9.95 US. It is not everyday that one gets valuable information like this served up in such a concise and entertaining manner.

Published on heavy paper in an illustrated magazine format, Fighting For G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and Drugs) resembles some of the nicer specialty comics on the market, although what is contained within is not in the least bit comical. If this book was to be compared to any of the comic book genre I would classify it loosely within the horror realm, and it is even more horrible because it is true!

Fighting For G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and Drugs) does an excellent job of illustrating why and how Americans have departed from a government by and for the people. It is actually an abbreviated history, highlighting the ultra-pertinent, yet secret history of our country. This abbreviated and easily absorbed form is truly one of the strong points of the book, because it quickly illuminates patterns that have been intentionally smeared over, buried, by the enemies of America and their agents, for many years.

In a nutshell, "Fighting For G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and Drugs)" written by Jeremy Begin, and illustrated by Lauren Salk, explains in no uncertain terms exactly how America has gotten to this police state of judicial decadence and economic debauchery. I assure you this: it was no accident.

Many astute observers have known about a secret cabal within the United States government for quite some time now, alongwith its origins, and how it infiltrated our government. Until recently though, this cabal of traitors had preferred to pull strings and manipulate our laws from behind the scenes. That changed radically on September 11th, 2001, and it was the event known as 911 which brought Americas secret history to the fore, largely due to the numerous implausibilities manifest before, during, and after the event.

In other words, a lot of people started asking questions, because the official explanations just did not make any sense.

Fighting For G.O.D. is an excellent distillation of answers to those questions, a compilation of factual happenings that led up to 911, beginning with the history of banking, and running through the event itself, and the subsequent surveillance state which has resulted from it.

Mr. Begin does a wonderful job of stitching seemingly unrelated events into their proper order, and he does this repeatedly. That is a major basis of this book in fact; by reading this short, informative, and well illustrated accounting, even the casual reader can see that things are not as they should be, here in what used to be the land of the free.

Order this important book from its publisher today, and also check out the full catalog of this unique publisher. You will be glad you did.

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Re: Fighting for G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs)

Postby operator kos » Thu May 10, 2012 1:48 pm

uploaded some scans recently, figured I might as well share them here...













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