No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensitive

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No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensitive

Postby yesferatu » Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:55 am

<<Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 “...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earth’s initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface... altering solar modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)...Still further, plumes in accordance with the present invention can be formed to simulate and/or perform the same functions as performed by detonation of a “Heave” type nuclear device without actually having to detonate such a device...”<br><br>More Excerpts from Patent #4,686,605 HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)<br>DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION...<br>...Sufficient energy is employed to cause ionization of neutral particles (molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, and the like, PARTICULATES, etc.) which then become part of the (plasma) region, thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region. This effect can also be enhanced by providing artificial particles, eg electrons, ions, etc, directly into the region to be affected from a rocket, satellite, or the like, to supplement the particles in the naturally occurring plasma. The artificial particles are also ionized by the transmitted electromagnetic radiation thereby increasing charged particle density of the resulting plasma of the region...<br>In another embodiment of the invention, electron cyclotron resonance heating is carried out in the selected region or regions at sufficient power levels to allow a plasma present to generate a MIRROR FORCE which forces the charged electrons of the altered plasma UPWARD along the force line to an altitude which is higher than the original altitude... Sufficient power, eg 10 to the 15th joules, can be applied so that altered plasma can be trapped on the field line between mirror points and will oscillate in space for prolonged periods of time. By this embodiment, a plume of altered plasma can be established at selected locations for communications modifications or other purposes...>><br><br>Trace HAARP to Sandia National Laboratories to the company with a name that sounds borrowed from a PK Dick story, <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">Time Domain Corporation.</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> Thay have over 200+ classified eavesdropping patents. Trace that to <br><<TESLA'S BIG EYE FOR REMOTE VIEWING Nikola Tesla planned a very special use for his endothermic scalar interferometer, he planned to produce what he called his BIG EYE to see at a distance. The system used to accomplish this is only weakly endothermic, so that only a small amount of energy is extracted from the distant target, also, the beams are scanned by an open receiver, timewise, from side to side and top to bottom. By scanning yet another single beam through the intersection zone and phasing its pulses, an even better representation can be obtained, thus the receiver produces a representation of the energy extracted from various locations within the distant endothermic zone, by displaying the received signals on an appropriately scanned screen, a representation of the distant scene can be created. This is a special kind of microwave interferometry, and -- with modern techniques -- the imagery obtained can be surprisingly good.>><br><br>Sprayed antennae. The short ones that are parallel to one another, short distance, three side by side. You've seen 'em.<br><br>Please check out <br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">luxefaire</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> for <br><br>To follow up on the air force fuckwad who declared this fascist regimes intent to test weponry on his "fellow" citizens, (and which actually solicited a "sounds reasonable" on this board) please note the following:<br><br><<Gallinium saturated Ionispheric inversion tendencies, when exposed to pulsating long wave IR radiation, creates a plasma layer which can be more than just tilted, it can move on 5 axis each independent of the next. with an area of influence with a radius equaling the inverse cube of the IR radiation in megawatts...<br><br>As to Tectonic Energys we should just take into consideration the fact that the undersea earthquake on December 26th 2004 which caused the infamous Tsunami in Indonesia, had roughly the same power as 23000 (thousand) Atomic Bombs Like that used on Hiroshima. We can easily see the energies involved in ENMOD, and the subsequent directional capabilities of just the unclassified technology, make cause for wonder concerning crowd control weaponry, and mass mental coercion from macro-directed energy weapons of High power, including but not limited to laser, microwave, ionising radiations of all types, in magnitudes hitherto unthought of.<br><br>There are four basic types of HERF/HPRF weapons, classed by the way they are mobilized against citizens. There are hand-held devices, deployed through secret societys and religious personnel during the bush administration, as well as law enforcement; there are jet-drone and aircraft (cessna) fly-over types, also distrubuted to civilian personnel through secret society type channels, as well as law enforcement and the military; there are satellite based high-powered DEW (Directed Energy Weapons), and there are ENMOD deployed HERF weaponry, as mentioned above, utilizing sprayed plasmas and active auroras in top secret control technologies of the foreign government which has taken over Americas Government and Currency.<br><br>Some symptoms of directed energy attacks: Highly accelerated growth of cancers and funguses. Diminished eyesight, accelerated, (ENMOD Laser experiments). Joint pain, intermittent and abnormal. Back pain from inflamed discs. Severe tightening and damage to tendons. Confusion and distraction--forgetfulness, intermittent and abnormal. Unexplainable anger, disruption of thought from unexplainable anxiety. Many of the DEW cause gastro-intestinal distress, one being affectionately termed the COLON POW by its military adherents. Tectonic weaponry employs ultrasound which can stop the heart, or other organs, and cause excessive freezing temperatures in tightly restricted areas, like a home, or stationary vehicle. There are many other DEW symptoms, and it is well known among the enemy deploying them against Americans that the effects are cumulative, so it is quite easy to make a person die of what appears to be natural causes, but in fact is relatively long term over-exposure to DEW.>><br><br>COLON POW could be funny, but the humor is too dark even for me. <br><br>And now to GM crops....another facet of the chemtrail project.<br>It may seem chemtrails are a catch-all at this point for "speculative" conspiracies, and so I feel this may sound like too nice a fit for the GM crop axe-grinders, but the theory seems at least palatable (yes, pun).<br><br><<YOU ARE NOW ELECTRO-SENSITIVE<br><br>The Romans used to sow fields with salt to destroy the productivity of farm land and make conquered peoples dependent on them for food until rain could leach out the salt and restore the land's usefulness.<br> <br><br>AD Number: ADA072167 Subject Categories: RADIO COMMUNICATIONS Corporate Author: MISSION RESEARCH CORP SANTA BARBARA CALIF Title: Radio Communication Utilizing the Base of a Striated Barium Plasma. Descriptive Note: Topical rept. Apr-Jul 78, Personal Authors: Fulks,G. J. ;Scott,L. D. ;Sowle,D. H. ;Wortman,W. R. ; Report Date: JUL 1978 Pages: 43 PAGES Report Number: MRC-R-401-R Contract Number: DNA001-78-C-0237 Project Number: S99QAXH TASKNUMBER: B053 Monitor Acronym: DNA,SBI Monitor Series: 4670T,AD-E300 465 Descriptors: *RADIO TRANSMISSION, *STRIATIONS, NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS, HIGH FREQUENCY, PLASMAS(PHYSICS), REFLECTION, NUCLEAR EXPLOSION SIMULATION, CROSS SECTIONS, HIGH ALTITUDE, NUCLEAR CLOUDS, COMMUNICATION AND RADIO SYSTEMS, RADIO SIGNALS, BARIUM, BOTTOM, RADIO RECEPTION. Identifiers: Avefria operations, Barium clouds, Cloud bases, Base reflection, PE62704H, WU09 Abstract: In conjunction with the DNA barium releases, Avefria I and II, an experiment was undertaken to determine if radio communication was possible off the base of a striated plasma created by these barium releases. A transmitting station was set up to broadcast a steady signal at two HF frequencies toward the base of the barium striations and two receiving stations listened for signal returns on the two frequencies. (The chosen geometry prevented reflections off the sides of the barium cloud from affecting the experiment). One station heard substantial returns while the other heard nothing. Data from the first station provide an estimate of the reflection cross sections for the base of the striated barium cloud. The negative result from the second station arises partly from limited sensitivity of equipment but the upper limit on cross section was less than that seen from the first station. This suggests a directional character for the signal reflected from the base of the cloud. Limitation Code: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Source Code: 406548 from: ... EXT=barium <br><br>The spraying of powdered materials throughout the skies of the world is happening on a daily basis everywhere. This has been going on with increasing frequency since the so-called “Election” of the bush crime family to leadership positions in America. Hardly a day goes by now where jets do not lay down chemical trails in grids and canopys. This is support for technology being used against the population of the world. Its main goal is control of food and water through weather modification, but the vast vast expense of this program, as well as the classified technology of corporations such as Time Domain Corporation, suggest even greater goals are being obtained in conjunction with the attempt to lock down food and water. Monsanto Corporation is also deeply involved in this illegal take-over, and many others. Electro-sensitivity of the soil itself will only allow gm crops to crow eventually. Get it? I knew you would.<br><br>Ionization of these sprayed particles also causes many forms of radiation to rain down upon the as yet unsuspecting populace of the world, as well as lensing programs to dehydrate land, dry up water sources, AND START FIRES. The first lie of the NWO is that a shield is needed because the atmosphere has been depleted -- it is too bad that THEY themselves can now deplete the atmosphere at any time and thus CREATE THAT NEED.<br><br>The true crux of the program is to create conductivity within all life on the surface of the planet, by spraying conductive materials which inevitably end up in the soil, the water, the air, and the food. Great inroads have been made in the last few decades concerning electronic coercion through thought entrainment and other electronic stimulus; some examples of this include Paperclip, mk-ultra, pandora, and the work of the so-called doctor delgado. <br><br>Spraying of conductive materials was preceded just slightly with the widespread use of cell phones, and it is a fair and reasonable contention that the cell phones are just a cover for the deployment of broadcast towers everywhere, a necessary adjunct to electronic mind control and automated law enforcement. Look around yourselves, the evidence is before your eyes. Towers everywhere and daily spraying of chemicals in American skies, as well as all over the world, will give you a fair clue of just what the new world order with its nazi connections is all about. <br><br>Electro-sensitivity is being created so that the populace will respond in a predictable way to various forms of broadcast energy being used for control and coercion. There are also implants being used on a broad scale, in places such as veterans hospitals, and certain dental labs, and these are used also for coercion, and act as tracking devices too. Finally, the two bush gulf wars were nothing but testing fields for biotech infections that react to electronic broadcast fields. Now, enemies of the State in the US are systematically targeted by The Brothers cadre within the bush cia for coercion through direct pain. It is more than unfortunate that most of the medical records pertaining to the first bush gulf war have now been destroyed. They were stored in the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, when it was demolished by individuals possessing all the symptoms of advanced nazi mind control science. <br><br>Broadcast towers are simply the means to control the mass. The hard cases are targeted with handheld and airborn fields which cause accelerated growth of funguses and cancers the freedom fighters have been intentionallly infected with. <br><br>No one can escape this attack on the world by a few degraded non-human animals, and only mass awareness and removal of the perps will end this depredation on humanity. <br><br>And remember this: Russia perfected and used this Tesla-Like technology long before the United States. It was in fact that happening which caused Reagan to go into an orgy of spending once that fact was discovered. <br>Visit:<br><br><br><br>OK To Reproduce with credit to author and not for profit.<br><br>AgriTerrorism, Atmospheric Engineering, and the bush crime family<br><br>“...HAARP is designed to duplicate (And Manipulate...ed.) solar phenomena within the ionosphere...Since the suns radiation creates and maintains the ionosphere, sudden variations in this radiation can effect the performance of radio systems. Sometimes the changes are sufficient to induce large transient currents in electric power transmission grids, causing widespread power outages...”<br><br>Control of food and water AT ALL COSTS is the goal of the NWO. This is the only strategy that will eventually ensure America can be made to give up its rights to own firearms. Starving people can be made to do many things they would not normally do. This plan is well entrenched and in place here. The servants of world banking, the bush crime family, have taken over the government and military of America, for their masters. Chemtrailing daily is rife and the population is being bombarded with many forms of invisible but highly detrimental radiation.<br><br>Destruction of crops is but one aspect of this weather control and radiation technology. That technology is being tested here in New Mexico on a regular basis already, all across the state, but particularly near Playas in southern New Mexico, future home of a supposed Office of Homeland Security installation, which is believed by some local intelligence sources to be a cover for even more nefarious activities by the nazi sympathizers bush, and their world banking cohorts. Because the OHS cover facility is unfinished, the gnomes of control have been using local populations to test these destructive weapons of control. Certain experimentation by myself and others has proven atmospheric manipulations detrimental to many kinds of plant life. The local populations here are beginning to notice this, and this is well, because these are the people most removed from the facts of just who has taken over their government. <br><br>The farm being planned for Playas is to be used to grow GM crops that are being tailored to survive a radioactive environment. This is one of the stated aims of the new OHS facility according to local sources, and the evidence indicates that the radiation supply is to be provided through atmospheric engineering, and is, in fact, already being provided on a vast scale.>><br><br>Again, from luxefaire.<br><br><br><br><br> <br><br><br><br><br> <br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensit

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:11 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr><hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Caveat emptor.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>Long story short, I'm a former moderator from that site and it's a Spook/Disinfo Candyland..<br><br>Lots of speculations about chemtrails, and after hundreds of hours researching very difficult science material instead of merely indulging and bestowing faith towards the clusterfuck of paranoia sites out there who claim to know the 'truth', I like to consider myself a kinda/sorta authority on the subject and all I can really say is this:<br><br>Most of what you read out there is bullshit, and those lies started from the begining by people with backgrounds so convoluted you can't begin to fathom it. Some of these individuals run from passive disinfo dessemination to extreme character assasination, tireless harrassment, instigating(successfully) child protective services against individuals, publishing personal details online, some extreme like details of sexual assaults, calling employers and causing persons to be fired, posting in forums so relentlessly and consistent you begin to wonder if they're even human and not some mutated form of Illuminati ChatBot..<br><br>That said, I'll leave you with one of my many photographs taken last year. I like to think this one speaks for itself:<br><br><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="" style="border:0;"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--> <p>____________________<br>Wehret den Anfängen</p><i></i>
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Re: No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensit

Postby terryintacoma » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:08 am

O.O<br><br><br><br>So then,<br><br> what you're saying is<br><br> we're all screwed...<br><br> right?<br><br><br><br><br>Nice photo. <br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensit

Postby yesferatu » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:10 pm

Luxefair mentioned the site. I was not referring to the site itself. As far as all theories are bullshit, I will defer to you on that. I think the HAARP explantion is the best, but you say that is bullshit too? Seems clearcut to me. Which theory is not bullshit and lies?<br>Is it a phenomena we are not going to understand, or simply a phenomena you came to the conclusion that it is not worth pursuing? If so, why is it not worth pursuing? <br>Just want to know your conclusions a little more in depth.<br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

Re: No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensit

Postby 1 tal » Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:54 pm

<br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="">satellite weather map</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><br> tick the <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>radar</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> and <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>IR</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> boxes and press <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>'playback control'</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br> So, what are the stationary, circular cells unmoved by the jetstream, usually only active after dark? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensit

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:24 am

HAARP, meaning anything to do with manipulating em on a massive scale, probably has something to do with the spraying, but its probably not the only explanation.<br><br>Some of the debunker arguements probably have some truth to them, in that in some cases extra pollution and a changing climate and the increased amount of air traffic may contribute.<br><br>but then companies like <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">Dyn O Mat</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--> are definitely involved in the whole mess.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>Dyn-O-Mat® and its team of experts have developed a proprietary blend of formulated polymers that have undergone intense laboratory study and actual testing. They believe that if they deliver their formulated polymer via jet aircraft into the outer bank of a hurricane working their way into the eye cutting a pie shape piece out of the storm it should cause the winds and the strength of the storm to diminish. The polymers will be delivered into storms via jet aircraft with specialized disbursement systems. <br><br>In early 2001 Dyn-O-Mat®, utilizing a Canberra Jet, dispersed a nominal amount of its formulated polymer into a building thunderstorm off the coast of Florida. The result was that the thunderstorm was removed from Doppler radar. This was verified by the Palm Beach International Airport traffic controllers and local media weather stations.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>From their <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">website</a><!--EZCODE LINK END-->.<br><br>There was also something weird around sept 11 2001.<br><br>I remember a certain chemtrail site (megasprayer) got hold of a lidar image of New York in the days following, well the image was taken then, I can't remember exactly when Chem11 got hold of it, it might have been pretty soon after tho.<br><br>Anyway there were reports of trails above New Yok during the no fly period, that a grid was laid down, and the date the lidar image was made was the same as the reported trails during no fly time.<br><br>The image was incredible in its detail, and although its a bit of a leap, (like across a puddle) I am comfortable that the two are related, that the spraying somehow contributed to the effectiveness of the lidar imaging. It was years ago tho, I think megasprayer the site is gone, tho the discussion board still chugs (or lurches) along. <p></p><i></i>
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Arcadia, I saw your video at YouTube

Postby Asta » Fri Oct 06, 2006 1:21 pm

Your photography is excellent.<br><br>Interesting, too, in that the images are beautiful in a hauntingly sinister way. I got goose bumps. <p></p><i></i>
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Chemtrail activists...

Postby marykmusic » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:07 am

...come in several types.<br><br>There is the Chemtrailcentral style, blind-them-with-science version.<br><br>Or the ChemtrailtrackingUSA type: Write your Congressman! Educate the Masses! And Be Very Afraid!<br><br>There is also the original Cloudbuster group, mostly dispersed for many reasons. Activists who clear chemtrails out of the sky, with varying success. But... you wanna talk about Agents, Disinfo, and Slander artists!<br><br>If we didn't have those folks attacking us, though, we'd feel that we weren't accomplishing enough to make us worthwhile targets. Here's the first video made about chemtrails; in it, my brother Don's Cloudbuster is introduced. This was late 2002. <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">Clouds of Death</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br>After that, things started really moving. The movement itself was splintered; this continues today. There are pockets of people working in various modalities, including my husband Dragon and myself. Don and his following are still going strong, but we're not all working together. Plus, many of the original people are still out there doing what they do, without contacting others... not to mention those who have been doing this on their own for who knows how long.<br><br>Are we winning? We think so... we seldom have chemtrails here in our little valley, and our updated SuperBusters can clear just about anything that's thrown at us. We call ourselves Z-Force Group (that's in honor of rather-die-on-my-feet-than-live-on-my-knees Emiliano Zapata.) The technical, device-centered Research and Development section (that's Dragon, mostly) is called ACME, the Arizona Coalition of Metaphysical Engineers.<br><br>The addition of the Agnihotra ceremony is the biggest development in several years to our knowledge base.<br><br>Oh-- that Clouds of Death video? That guy turned out to be one of the biggest, most effective Agents of all. He put out some outrageous Truth, got in good with everybody so that we hung on his every word... then created the rift between me and my brother that nearly killed the whole Cloudbuster movement.<br><br>Almost. But not quite. What does not kill us, makes us stronger. --MaryK <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Chemtrail activists...

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:28 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>my brother Don's Cloudbuster is introduced.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Your brother.<br><br>you are kidding right.<br><br>James demeo loved your brother (NOT) if I remember rightly.<br><br>Personally I make no judgement on his claims.<br><br>I neever tested them myself using any of his devices, but did stuff around with chi exercises and stuff trying to do something similar.<br><br>And I remember using his (Don's) explanation of what he was doing with chembusters as a blueprint for some psychic equivilent, to be used in conjunction with the chi exercises.<br><br>Wow that was a while ago. Seems to work tho.<br><br>Tho I have to admit some of those ideas the chembuster mob were into were pretty far out.<br><br>Actually I have a soft spot for your bro, contemplating his ideas set me thinking about some pretty interesting stuff, and some amazing things happened because of it.<br><br>I dunno if putting HHG's at reptile hives is literally a true way to describe what is going on in the world but, but as a psychodramatic metaphor to aid in accessing the dreaming and creation space its a brilliant idea. (WTF?<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 0] --><img src= ALT="0]"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> ) <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Chemtrail activists...

Postby marykmusic » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:02 am

It's not only about chemtrails.<br><br>These are a visible symptom of the numerous programs that forward... someone's... Agenda.<br><br>Part of what we fight against is the effort to keep people asleep, unaware, unproductive, dependent. Chemtrails, whatever the science may be, are an obvious sign that people simply don't want to look up, and if they do will ignore the fact that something's wrong.<br><br>The skies in northern Arizona were always blue, a deep, almost glaringly bright high cloudless amazing hue. But gradually, it started getting hazy. Until one day five years ago, when all the planes in the sky were ordered to stop flying (y'all remember that day, right?) Suddenly, immediately, that very afternoon, the blue was back. I noticed that. Wow, I thought, that's the way it used to look! And then the haziness came back after the moratorium on flying was lifted, and I found myself depressed again and unable to figure out why.<br><br>What's in those things?<br><br>And when Don's Secret Buddy told us all about the proliferation of cell phone towers, and that they were really <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>mind control</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> installations, we began to attack them as well. Threw everything we had at them. All the orgone devices we had at the time, mostly developed by Don.<br><br>But the biggest thing he promoted was developing our psychic awareness. These devices certainly did seem to work along those lines, from the first thing he made with Orgonite (a mixture of resin and metal shavings, with his own addition of quartz crystals), in the Terminator Zapper. He sent me one of his first in the spring of 2000, before the Cloudbuster even. At first it seemed that my life intensified (a sign of budding awareness.) It didn't start to get better for a couple of years. But it definately intensified.<br><br>My awareness and abilities have increased exponentially since that first bit of Orgonite. It's about clearing out inner space (the space between our ears) as much, if not more, than clearing the sky. But it's easier to look up and see results, than it is to develop both increased awareness AND the self-confidence to recognize same. --MaryK<br><br> <p></p><i></i>
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Re: Chemtrail activists...

Postby yesferatu » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:06 am

What I don't get is this: I have brought up chemtrails now and prior, in an effort to understand the most probable explanations, evidence, so forth, for what it is all about.<br>And all anyone talks about is groups, cliques, personalities, politics of the chemtrail community, bad websites, disinfo, this, that, and the other. <br>I have no axe to grind. No affiliation to groups or websites. If I bring up HAARP as an issue to bounce it off for discussion, what I get is how one group is trying to sabotage another group in the "chemtrail community". <br>Ummmmmmm....okayyyyyyyy. <br>I guess I must be out of the loop of intrigue.<br>I'm just a dude who looks up and sees something wrong and really could care less about the politics of groups, nor do I wish to join in the reindeer games of the "chemtrail community"<br>because it sounds like a big pissing contest...<br><br>I'll just read everything and see what fits, and what sounds bogus. Come to my own conclusions. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Chemtrail activists...

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:52 am

Yeah I remember his cell tower raids. i used to subscribe to the newsgroup, back around 2000/01, pre 911.<br><br>Sorry yesfer just reminiscing. <p></p><i></i>
Joe Hillshoist
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Attack of the Sky Spiders!

Postby The Omega Man » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:26 am

I was never one to put much into the Chemtrail phenomena. That is until I personally bore witness to its patterns, destructive manipulations and subsequent health effects.<br><br>1) Patterns: There is not a week that goes by that I don't see Chemtrails in the sky in various vicinities throughout Pennsylvania. And they are NOT Contrails to which I've also seen and can differentiate between the two. They are usually at about 30,000 feet and some above that, with some created before my eyes in broad daylight, but then some heavy trails sortied under cover of darkness. I always see them a day before rainfall to the area is meteorlogically anticipated and they are in side by side patterns that striate the sky with a few miles in between. <br><br>2) Destructive Manipulations: I have watched as major rainfalls have literally been dramatically moved out of the area or dried up to the point of drizzle lasting minutes. I have witnessed this in person in concert with monitoring both local and regional radars as well as satellite. All through this past summer there has been a sustained drought that has only been somewhat alleviated as of late. But you can literally see the "Sky Spiders" as I've discovered these murderous pilots nickname themselves, weaving their sickly strands of destruction. It is infuriating to say the least and many in my area have noticed and commented on the correlation of Chemtrails one day and the lack of rainfall.<br><br>3) Subsequent Health Effects: As I've detailed in a previous post, I, my family and people within my community have been sickened with continued bouts of pernicious and continued upper respitory ailments during the Spring of this year. Sinusitis, Streptococcus infections, Bronchitis, sudden development of allergic reactions, Pneumonias, eye and ear infections that all required multiple doses of antibiotics to treat it. In the particular cases of my family I can state with authority that we are normally very healthy and vigorous with the worst being a stray flu or rare cold. <br><br>I asked one local doctor if there has been a rash of these incidents within our area and he didn't even bother to answer me and hurriedly moved onto another subject. When I inquired the same from his associate on another occasion to which I was being treated, she emphatically stated that yes it was a very unusual concentration of infections that she has never before witnessed and that it could be considered almost borderline epidemic. It was around then that I noticed the correllation between the Chemtrails that infested our normally placid sky with all of the above. So I can tell you all as a former skeptic that I have personally noted and eyewitnessed the effects and their associated detriments.<br><br>So the questions are:<br>Why would the government and specifically the U.S. Air Force expend huge amounts of resources to methodically spray over certain areas with sustained and predictible sorties? There must be a reason and the evidence is literally being engraved into the sky for any who care to gaze up.<br><br>Two possible theories I'm developing are, they are using attritional Chemtrail interceptions calculated to deplete water supplies and local crops with payloads containing heavy amounts of Barium. While other Chemtrails containing airbourne viruses, immuno-compromising particulates combined with dessicated cells are vectored down to the populace. Designed to wear down the constitutions and immunity of masses of people for a future staged vectoring of a virulent influenza like the recently geneticly modified (weaponized) H1N1 virus from 1918, under the guise of a "Bird Flu" pandemic. <br><br>What we are dealing with is a very covert black op lauched with a specific agenda, before our eyes, and against the American masses in general. Are mind-controlled pilots being used to carry out these sanctioned sorties against us, that also affects their own families and their own loved ones? I mean how else does someone like that sign up for that level of self-destruction? I've heard speculation that NATO pilots are used and if that's true it would explain how they might not have qualms about executing these orders against people not from their particular land of origin. I would also imagine that they would also utilize foreign miltary to carry out other atrocities such as concentration camp pick-ups and detainment. But then again judging from the all-American assholes who were going house to house confiscating guns in NOLA, I believe there are a number who have no problem jackbooting their own and would jump at the chance to play junior gestapo. <p></p><i></i>
The Omega Man
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Re: No chemtrails without HAARP - You are now electro-sensit

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:29 am

ahhh just lost a post replying to you.<br><br>Ole matey that provided the Lidar image, I have no link to it so I am mentioning where it came from as some vague and half arsed attempt at documenting my claims.<br><br>now apart from DYNoMAT who claim to spray chemical trails into the air for their commercial weather mod purposes everything else on chemtrails is speculation. Even the stuff I think - which does have to do with electrtomagnetic manipulation of the atmosphere for a host of military related purposes is pure speculation.<br><br>The Eastlund stuff seems to make sense. It might sound very scary and sci fi, but it(HAARP Alaska) has been around for over 10 years now, and it isn't the only massive antenna array with the capacity to pump massive amounts of energy into the atmosphere.<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>The true crux of the program is to create conductivity within all life on the surface of the planet, by spraying conductive materials which inevitably end up in the soil, the water, the air, and the food. Great inroads have been made in the last few decades concerning electronic coercion through thought entrainment and other electronic stimulus; some examples of this include Paperclip, mk-ultra, pandora, and the work of the so-called doctor delgado. <br><br>Spraying of conductive materials was preceded just slightly with the widespread use of cell phones, and it is a fair and reasonable contention that the cell phones are just a cover for the deployment of broadcast towers everywhere, a necessary adjunct to electronic mind control and automated law enforcement. Look around yourselves, the evidence is before your eyes. Towers everywhere and daily spraying of chemicals in American skies, as well as all over the world, will give you a fair clue of just what the new world order with its nazi connections is all about<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->. <br><br>I find this a little hard to credit. tho it depends what they mean by electronic law enforcement.<br><br>I think a low level dulling of intelligence and questioning would serve the agenda this quote refers to better than a high tech mind control system of a higher complexity.<br><br>And I dunno if it is tied in with scalar interferometry.<br><br>Some aspects of the scalar tech thing seem to make sense, using interferometers to collapse low energy vectors made up of highenergy scalar quantities releasing the energy stored as a scalar in the vector. Well that could well be possible. Tho I haven't got my head around it enough to say for sure one way or another.<br><br>And no one has used such weaponry yet to my knowledge.<br><br>Claims about Russia are hard to credit given their society collapsed and they never used the weapon, and often come from a source that seems very sus (thats why the focus on personalities many people in the chemtrail community made claims or did things that stood out, and people took them at their word or wern't switched on enough to catch the bullshit till too late. It was a fascinating thing to watch, but ugly to be part of.)<br><br>And how do we know, its all peoples opinions. That claim about Russia and the Woodpecker setup is a classic example.<br><br>Prove it.<br><br>I dunno about that claim about gm crops and a radioactive enviroment, but hey it could be right. I'll check it out. <p></p><i></i>
Joe Hillshoist
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Re: Chemtrail activists...Senate Bill 517 is Rainmaking.

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:38 am

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I'll just read everything and see what fits, and what sounds bogus. Come to my own conclusions.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Chemtrails are mundane cloud-seeding. But even this knowledge is not something TPTB want the masses to know because of the socio-political implications of us all at once realizing, yes, they broke the planet and they are still running things.<br><br>Senate Bill 517 excerpt-<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr> 2 ``weather modification'' means changing or control-<br> 3 ling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial<br> 4 methods the natural development of atmospheric<br> 5 cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in<br> 6 the troposphere.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>This is why they've ramped in awareness of Global Warming very slowly for more than 10 years now.<br><br>So massive disinfo campaigns have been going on for years to obscure the reality of the chem-trail clouds-seeding. I'm sure the stuff they use does have some bad health side-effects but it isn't a plot to poison us, just side-effects.<br><br>The weather is going to change drastically and heat is going to have a drastic effect on crops. So the science of rainmaking is kicking up into high gear.<br><br>Probably some of it is experimental to be tracked from the satellites put up with special ability to monitor particulate matter in the atmosphere to better learn the upper-level rivers of moisture to be turned into rain for food production, drinking water, and hydropower.<br><br>Global warming has been on the PTB radar for many years and last year the House and Senate passed Weather Modification bills setting up oversight and funding.<br><br>The rain generated with this technology (commonly used since WWII) isn't just for drinking water and irrigation of farms. It is also for national energy policy because the extra rain is also extra snow pack that makes hydropower when it melts and runs off.<br><br>Here, read Senate Bill 517 introduced in March 2005 and effective October 2005. (See also H.R. 2995, the same thing.)<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>109th U.S. Congress (2005-2006)<br>S. 517: <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br>Introduced:        Mar 3, 2005<br>Sponsor:        Sen. Kay Hutchison [R-TX]<br><br> Calendar No. 319<br>109TH CONGRESS<br> S. 517<br> 1ST SESSION<br><br> [Report No. 109202]<br><br>To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and<br> for other purposes.<br><br><br><br><br> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES<br> MARCH 3, 2005<br> Mrs. HUTCHISON introduced the following bill; which was read twice and<br> referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation<br><br> DECEMBER 8, 2005<br>Reported under authority of the order of the Senate of November 18, 2005,<br> by Mr. STEVENS, with an amendment and an amendment to the title<br> [Strike all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic]<br><br><br><br><br> A BILL<br> To establish the Weather Modification Operations and<br> Research Board, and for other purposes.<br><br>1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-<br>2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,<br> 2<br> 1 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.<br><br> 2 This Act may be cited as the ``Weather Modification<br> 3 Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of<br> 4 2005''.<br> 5 SEC. 2. PURPOSE.<br><br> 6 It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement<br> 7 a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modi-<br> 8 fication policy and a national cooperative Federal and<br> 9 State program of weather modification research and devel-<br>10 opment.<br>11 SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS.<br><br>12 In this Act:<br>13 (1) BOARD.--The term ``Board'' means the<br>14 Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.<br>15 (2) EXECUTIVE term ``Execu-<br> DIRECTOR.--The<br><br>16 tive Director'' means the Executive Director of the<br>17 Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board.<br>18 (3) RESEARCH term<br> AND DEVELOPMENT.--The<br><br>19 ``research and development'' means theoretical anal-<br>20 ysis, exploration, experimentation, and the extension<br>21 of investigative findings and theories of scientific or<br>22 technical nature into practical application for experi-<br>23 mental and demonstration purposes, including the<br>24 experimental production and testing of models, de-<br>25 vices, equipment, materials, and processes.<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 3<br> 1 (4) WEATHER term<br> MODIFICATION.--The<br><br> 2 ``weather modification'' means changing or control-<br> 3 ling, or attempting to change or control, by artificial<br> 4 methods the natural development of atmospheric<br> 5 cloud forms or precipitation forms which occur in<br> 6 the troposphere.<br> 7 SEC. 4. WEATHER MODIFICATION ADVISORY AND RE-<br><br> 8 SEARCH BOARD ESTABLISHED.<br><br> 9 (a) IN GENERAL.--There is established in the De-<br>10 partment of Commerce the Weather Modification Advisory<br>11 and Research Board.<br>12 (b) MEMBERSHIP.--<br>13 (1) IN Board shall consist of<br> GENERAL.--The<br><br>14 11 members appointed by the Secretary of Com-<br>15 merce, of whom--<br>16 (A) at least 1 shall be a representative of<br>17 the American Meteorological Society;<br>18 (B) at least 1 shall be a representative of<br>19 the American Society of Civil Engineers;<br>20 (C) at least 1 shall be a representative of<br>21 the National Academy of Sciences;<br>22 (D) at least 1 shall be a representative of<br>23 the National Center for Atmospheric Research<br>24 of the National Science Foundation;<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 4<br> 1 (E) at least 2 shall be representatives of<br> 2 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-<br> 3 istration of the Department of Commerce;<br> 4 (F) at least 1 shall be a representative of<br> 5 institutions of higher education or research in-<br> 6 stitutes; and<br> 7 (G) at least 1 shall be a representative of<br> 8 a State that is currently supporting operational<br> 9 weather modification projects.<br>10 (2) TENURE.--A member of the Board serves<br>11 at the pleasure of the Secretary of Commerce.<br>12 (3) VACANCIES.--Any vacancy on the Board<br>13 shall be filled in the same manner as the original ap-<br>14 pointment.<br>15 (b) ADVISORY COMMITTEES.--The Board may estab-<br>16 lish advisory committees to advise the Board and to make<br>17 recommendations to the Board concerning legislation, poli-<br>18 cies, administration, research, and other matters.<br>19 (c) INITIAL MEETING.--Not later than 30 days after<br>20 the date on which all members of the Board have been<br>21 appointed, the Board shall hold its first meeting.<br>22 (d) MEETINGS.--The Board shall meet at the call of<br>23 the Chair.<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 5<br> 1 (e) QUORUM.--A majority of the members of the<br> 2 Board shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number of<br> 3 members may hold hearings.<br> 4 (f) CHAIR VICE CHAIR.--The Board shall select<br> AND<br><br> 5 a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members.<br> 6 SEC. 5. DUTIES OF THE BOARD.<br><br> 7 (a) PROMOTION RESEARCH DEVELOP-<br> OF AND<br><br> 8 order to assist in expanding the theoretical<br> MENT.--In<br><br> 9 and practical knowledge of weather modification, the<br>10 Board shall promote and fund research and development,<br>11 studies, and investigations with respect to--<br>12 (1) improved forecast and decision-making tech-<br>13 nologies for weather modification operations, includ-<br>14 ing tailored computer workstations and software and<br>15 new observation systems with remote sensors; and<br>16 (2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy<br>17 of weather modification, both purposeful (including<br>18 cloud-seeding operations) and inadvertent (including<br>19 downwind effects and anthropogenic effects).<br>20 (b) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.--Unless the use of the<br>21 money is restricted or subject to any limitations provided<br>22 by law, the Board shall use amounts in the Weather Modi-<br>23 fication Research and Development Fund--<br>24 (1) to pay its expenses in the administration of<br>25 this Act, and<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 6<br> 1 (2) to provide for research and development<br> 2 with respect to weather modifications by grants to,<br> 3 or contracts or cooperative arrangements, with pub-<br> 4 lic or private agencies.<br> 5 (c) REPORT.--The Board shall submit to the Sec-<br> 6 retary biennially a report on its findings and research re-<br> 7 sults.<br> 8 SEC. 6. POWERS OF THE BOARD.<br><br> 9 (a) STUDIES, INVESTIGATIONS, HEARINGS.--<br> AND<br><br>10 The Board may make any studies or investigations, obtain<br>11 any information, and hold any hearings necessary or prop-<br>12 er to administer or enforce this Act or any rules or orders<br>13 issued under this Act.<br>14 (b) PERSONNEL.--The Board may employ, as pro-<br>15 vided for in appropriations Acts, an Executive Director<br>16 and other support staff necessary to perform duties and<br>17 functions under this Act.<br>18 (c) COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES.--The<br>19 Board may cooperate with public or private agencies to<br>20 promote the purposes of this Act.<br>21 (d) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.--The Board may<br>22 enter into cooperative agreements with the head of any<br>23 department or agency of the United States, an appropriate<br>24 official of any State or political subdivision of a State, or<br>25 an appropriate official of any private or public agency or<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 7<br> 1 organization for conducting weather modification activities<br> 2 or cloud-seeding operations.<br> 3 (e) CONDUCT CONTRACTS RESEARCH<br> AND FOR AND<br><br> 4 DEVELOPMENT.--The Executive Director, with the ap-<br> 5 proval of the Board, may conduct and may contract for<br> 6 research and development activities relating to the pur-<br> 7 poses of this section.<br> 8 SEC. 7. COOPERATION WITH THE WEATHER MODIFICATION<br><br> 9 OPERATIONS AND RESEARCH BOARD.<br><br>10 The heads of the departments and agencies of the<br>11 United States and the heads of any other public or private<br>12 agencies and institutions that receive research funds from<br>13 the United States shall, to the extent possible, give full<br>14 support and cooperation to the Board and to initiate inde-<br>15 pendent research and development programs that address<br>16 weather modifications.<br>17 SEC. 8. FUNDING.<br><br>18 (a) IN GENERAL.--There is established within the<br>19 Treasury of the United States the Weather Modification<br>20 Research and Development Fund, which shall consist of<br>21 amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection (b) or re-<br>22 ceived by the Board under subsection (c).<br>23 (b) AUTHORIZATION APPROPRIATIONS.--There is<br> OF<br><br>24 authorized to be appropriated to the Board for the pur-<br>25 poses of carrying out the provisions of this Act<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 8<br> 1 $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2014.<br> 2 Any sums appropriated under this subsection shall remain<br> 3 available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended.<br> 4 (c) GIFTS.--The Board may accept, use, and dispose<br> 5 of gifts or donations of services or property.<br> 6 SEC. 9. EFFECTIVE DATE.<br><br> 7 This Act shall take effect on October 1, 2005.<br> 8 SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.<br><br> 9 This Act may be cited as the ``Weather Modification<br>10 Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of<br>11 2005''.<br>12 SEC. 2. PURPOSE.<br><br>13 It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement<br>14 a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modi-<br>15 fication research policy and a national cooperative Federal<br>16 and State program of weather modification research and<br>17 development.<br>18 SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS.<br><br>19 In this Act:<br>20 (1) BOARD.--The term ``Board'' means the<br>21 Weather Modification Research Advisory Board.<br>22 (2) RESEARCH term<br> AND DEVELOPMENT.--The<br><br>23 ``research and development'' means theoretical anal-<br>24 ysis, exploration, experimentation, and the extension<br>25 of investigative findings and theories of a scientific or<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 9<br> 1 technical nature into practical application for experi-<br> 2 mental and demonstration purposes, including the ex-<br> 3 perimental production and testing of models, devices,<br> 4 equipment, materials, and processes.<br> 5 (3) WEATHER term<br> MODIFICATION.--The<br><br> 6 ``weather modification'' means the purposeful or inad-<br> 7 vertent changing or controlling, or attempting to<br> 8 change or control, by artificial methods, the natural<br> 9 development of atmospheric cloud forms or precipita-<br>10 tion forms which occur in the troposphere.<br>11 SEC. 4. WEATHER MODIFICATION SUBCOMMITTEE.<br><br>12 (a) ESTABLISHMENT.--The Director of the Office of<br>13 Science and Technology Policy shall establish a Weather<br>14 Modification Subcommittee to coordinate a national re-<br>15 search program on weather modification.<br>16 (b) MEMBERSHIP.--The Weather Modification Sub-<br>17 committee shall include representatives from appropriate<br>18 Federal agencies, including the National Oceanic and At-<br>19 mospheric Administration, the National Science Founda-<br>20 tion, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-<br>21 tion.<br>22 (c) CHAIRS WEATHER MODIFICATION SUB-<br> OF THE<br><br>23 representative from the National Oceanic<br> COMMITTEE.--A<br><br>24 and Atmospheric Administration and a representative from<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 10<br>1 the National Science Foundation shall serve together as co-<br>2 chairs of the Weather Modification Subcommittee.<br> 3 (d) IMPLEMENTATION PLAN.--Not later than 180 days<br> 4 after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the<br> 5 Office of Science and Technology Policy shall develop and<br> 6 submit to Congress a plan for coordinated Federal activities<br> 7 under the national research program under subsection (a)<br> 8 and the plan shall--<br> 9 (1) for a 10-year period beginning in the year<br>10 it is submitted, establish the goals and priorities for<br>11 Federal research that most effectively advances sci-<br>12 entific understanding of weather modification;<br>13 (2) describe specific activities required to achieve<br>14 such goals and priorities, including funding of com-<br>15 petitive research grants, training and support for sci-<br>16 entists, and participation in international research<br>17 efforts;<br>18 (3) identify and address, as appropriate, rel-<br>19 evant programs and activities of the Federal agencies<br>20 and departments that would contribute to the pro-<br>21 gram;<br>22 (4) consider and use, as appropriate, reports and<br>23 studies conducted by Federal agencies and depart-<br>24 ments, and other expert scientific bodies, including<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 11<br> 1 the National Research Council report on Critical<br> 2 Issues in Weather Modification Research;<br> 3 (5) make recommendations for the coordination<br> 4 of program activities with weather modification ac-<br> 5 tivities of other national and international organiza-<br> 6 tions;<br> 7 (6) incorporate recommendations from the<br> 8 Weather Modification Research Advisory Board; and<br> 9 (7) estimate Federal funding for research activi-<br>10 ties to be conducted under the program described in<br>11 subsection (a).<br>12 (e) PROGRAM SCOPE.--The national research program<br>13 under subsection (a) may include the following activities<br>14 related to weather modification:<br>15 (1) Interdisciplinary research and coordination<br>16 of research and activities to improve understanding of<br>17 processes relating to weather modification, includ-<br>18 ing--<br>19 (A) cloud modeling;<br>20 (B) cloud seeding;<br>21 (C) improving forecast and decision-making<br>22 technologies;<br>23 (D) related severe weather research; and<br>24 (E) potential adverse affects of weather<br>25 modification.<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 12<br> 1 (2) Coordination with relevant organizations<br> 2 that engage in weather modification research.<br> 3 (3) Development through partnerships among<br> 4 Federal agencies, States, and academic institutions of<br> 5 new technologies and approaches for weather modi-<br> 6 fication.<br> 7 (4) Scholarships and educational opportunities<br> 8 that encourage an interdisciplinary approach to<br> 9 weather modification.<br>10 (f) ANNUAL REPORT ACTIVITIES.--Beginning with<br> ON<br><br>11 the first year occurring more than 24 months after the date<br>12 of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Office of Science<br>13 and Technology Policy shall prepare and submit to the<br>14 President and Congress not later than January 31st of each<br>15 year an annual report on the activities conducted pursuant<br>16 to this section during the preceding fiscal year, including--<br>17 (1) a summary of the achievements of Federal<br>18 weather modification research, including Federally<br>19 supported external research, during the preceding fis-<br>20 cal year;<br>21 (2) an analysis of the progress made toward<br>22 achieving the goals and objectives of the plan devel-<br>23 oped under subsection (d), including the identifica-<br>24 tion of trends;<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 13<br> 1 (3) a copy or summary of the plan and any<br> 2 changes made to the plan;<br> 3 (4) a summary of agency budgets for weather<br> 4 modification activities for the preceding fiscal year;<br> 5 (5) any recommendations regarding additional<br> 6 action or legislation that may be required to assist in<br> 7 achieving the purposes of this Act;<br> 8 (6) a description of the relationship between re-<br> 9 search conducted on weather modification and re-<br>10 search conducted pursuant to the Global Change Re-<br>11 search Act of 1990 (15 U.S.C. 2921 et seq.), as well<br>12 as research on weather forecasting and prediction;<br>13 and<br>14 (7) a description of any potential adverse con-<br>15 sequences on life, property, or water resource avail-<br>16 ability from weather modification efforts, and any<br>17 suggested means of mitigating or reducing such con-<br>18 sequences if such efforts are undertaken.<br>19 SEC. 5. WEATHER MODIFICATION RESEARCH ADVISORY<br><br>20 BOARD ESTABLISHED.<br><br>21 (a) ESTABLISHMENT.--There is established in the Of-<br>22 fice of Science and Technology Policy the Weather Modifica-<br>23 tion Research Advisory Board to make recommendations to<br>24 the Weather Modification Subcommittee on matters related<br>25 to weather modification.<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 14<br> 1 (b) MEMBERSHIP.--<br> 2 (1) COMPOSITION.--The Board shall consist of 9<br> 3 members, each with a field of expertise in atmospheric<br> 4 science or civil engineering relevant to weather modi-<br> 5 fication, and appointed by the Director of the Office<br> 6 of Science and Technology Policy as follows:<br> 7 (A) At least 1 member shall be a representa-<br> 8 tive of the American Meteorological Society.<br> 9 (B) At least 1 member shall be a representa-<br>10 tive of the American Society of Civil Engineers.<br>11 (C) At least 1 member shall be a representa-<br>12 tive of the National Academy of Sciences.<br>13 (D) At least 1 member shall be a representa-<br>14 tive of institutions of higher education or re-<br>15 search institutes with experience in the field.<br>16 (E) At least 1 member shall be a representa-<br>17 tive of a State organization that is currently<br>18 supporting operational weather modification<br>19 projects.<br>20 (2) TENURE.--A member of the Board shall serve<br>21 at the pleasure of the Director of the Office of Science<br>22 and Technology Policy.<br>23 (3) VACANCIES.--Any vacancy on the Board<br>24 shall be filled in the same manner as the original ap-<br>25 pointment.<br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 15<br> 1 (c) INITIAL MEETING.--Not later than 30 days after<br> 2 the date on which all members of the Board have been ap-<br> 3 pointed, the Board shall hold its first meeting.<br> 4 (d) MEETINGS.--The Board shall meet at the call of<br> 5 the Chair.<br> 6 (e) QUORUM.--A majority of the members of the Board<br> 7 shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number of members<br> 8 may hold hearings.<br> 9 (f) CHAIR VICE CHAIR.--The Board shall select<br> AND<br><br>10 a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members.<br>11 (g) DUTIES BOARD.--The duties of the Board<br> OF THE<br><br>12 shall include the following:<br>13 (1) Advising the Weather Modification Sub-<br>14 committee on recommendations concerning legislation,<br>15 policies, administration, research, and other matters<br>16 related to weather modification.<br>17 (2) In order to assist in expanding the theo-<br>18 retical and practical knowledge of weather modifica-<br>19 tion, the Board shall advise the Weather Modification<br>20 Subcommittee on the research and development, stud-<br>21 ies, and investigations with respect to--<br>22 (A) potential uses of technologies and obser-<br>23 vation systems for weather modification research;<br>24 and<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> 16<br> 1 (B) assessments and evaluations of the effi-<br> 2 cacy of weather modification, both purposeful,<br> 3 including cloud-seeding operations, and inad-<br> 4 vertent, including downwind effects and anthro-<br> 5 pogenic effects.<br> 6 (h) POWERS BOARD.--The Board may con-<br> OF THE<br><br> 7 duct public meetings, gather information, and issue reports.<br> 8 SEC. 6. COOPERATION WITH THE WEATHER MODIFICATION<br><br> 9 SUBCOMMITTEE.<br><br>10 The heads of the departments and agencies of the<br>11 United States and the heads of any other public or private<br>12 agencies and institutions that receive research funds from<br>13 the United States related to weather modification shall, to<br>14 the extent possible, give full support and cooperation to the<br>15 Weather Modification Subcommittee.<br><br><br><br> Amend the title so as to read: ``To establish a co-<br> ordinated national weather modification research and de-<br> velopment program, and for other purposes''.<br><br><br><br><br> S 517 RS<br> Calendar No. 319<br>109TH CONGRESS<br> S. 517<br> 1ST SESSION<br> [Report No. 109202]<br> A BILL<br>To establish the Weather Modification Operations<br> and Research Board, and for other purposes.<br> DECEMBER 8, 2005<br>Reported with an ame<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END-->ndment and an amendment to the<br> title <p></p><i></i>
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Hugh Manatee Wins
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