by OpLan » Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:51 am
Rachel North thinks we are "conspiraloons".She will no longer enter into debate with tinfoil nutjobs.She is now moderating comments to her blog,with a veiled threat that offensive comments are passed out to friends for comedy value,along with the I.P. address of those who displease her.
Last time I wasted my time on her site,she was sharing her favourite recipe with us while her partner watched "Syriana":a film she didn't understand.If she can't understand a sodding movie,no wonder she can't get her mind around dirty politics.
Most of her Blog consists of anti-Blair diatribes.Muslim extremists did this without collusion from the gov,who are merely inept.
She's a trained writer,she studied psychology,and she worked as an M.D of an advertising company.She knows how to use people, emotions, and words.