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PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:43 am
by antiaristo
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Suspected London bombers 'dopey,' former Scotland Yard officer says<br>Last Updated Sat, 30 Jul 2005 18:11:55 EDT <br>CBC News<br>The four suspected bombers arrested by British and Italian police are "dopey" and "not very bright" and will prove to be an intelligence gold mine, a former senior Scotland Yard officer said Saturday. <br><br><br>INDEPTH: London Bombing<br><br> <br>Osman Hussain <br>"They were so unprofessional," and not at all like the religious militants found in the Middle East, John O'Connor told CBC-TV News. <br><br>The four, who he said <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>drank, smoked dope and womanized,</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> in contrast with the austere life of religiously motivated attackers, were susceptible to suggestion by their recruiters. <br><br>So they will be easy for interrogators to break down, O'Connor said. That means the planners and bomb-makers, who assumed the four would die in suicide attacks on the London transit system on July 21, "must be quaking in their boots."</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

Richard Ingrams in Fine Form

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:28 am
by antiaristo
<br>For those that don't know, Richard founded Private Eye and was editor for about 30 years<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Condemn the rule of the gun<br>Both the Oppositition and the media are too cowed to speak out on the Met's shoot-to-kill policy<br><br>Richard Ingrams<br>Sunday July 31, 2005<br><br>Observer<br><br>'Maybe it would have been considered lawful and respectable if officers of the Metropolitan Police had done precisely the same thing on the streets of London.'<br>The surprising author of these sentiments, writing in the wake of the killing of three IRA suspects by SAS men in Gibraltar in 1988, was the late Right Honourable Enoch Powell.<br><br>Surprising, because the IRA had no more implacable enemy than Powell, a Unionist MP and steadfast opponent of the whole Irish republican movement.<br><br>But besides believing in the union, Powell believed even more so that British troops should not be permitted to go around shooting people in the street.<br><br>Now his prophecy has been fulfilled and we have seen the Met doing the same thing in London.<br><br>And there is the same fog of lies from the authorities as followed the Gibraltar shooting.<br><br>We were told on that occasion that a massive bomb had been planted in a car and was about to be detonated by the three men. It turned out to be quite untrue.<br><br>As for the British press, then as now making mealy-mouthed apologies for shoot to kill, Powell again, in words that apply as much to our situation today, wrote: 'Is it scared of losing readership, if suspected of too much affection for justice and the truth? Is it cowed by the Foreign Secretary's rhetoric (an unlikely hypothesis), or by the supine silence of the parliamentary opposition?'</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>This was "Death on the Rock" I alluded to earlier.<br><br>And his very next comment. Remember the Mercedes we were told had been destroyed after the crash? MI6 again?<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>False alarm<br>While Londoners went to work last week under the watchful eye of hundreds of policemen, a top-secret police operation was underway elsewhere.<br><br>At huge expense to the taxpayer, the wreckage of the Mercedes car in which Princess Diana met her death in 1997 was being shipped from France to Britain to be examined by Scotland Yard experts under the command of the former head of the Metropolitan Police, Lord Stevens.<br><br>The French authorities have already conducted an exhaustive inquiry into the death of Diana and her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed. The investigation took 536 days and ended with the publication of a 6,800-page report. It included the evidence of French crash specialists, who examined the wreckage of the Mercedes and dismissed the various rumours about a white Fiat having caused the accident.<br><br>Their conclusion, generally accepted by just about everybody in the world apart from Mr Fayed, was that the crash had been caused by dangerous driving on the part of the chauffeur, M Henri Paul, who was drunk. One might ask what purpose is served by British policemen going over the same ground?<br><br>More pointedly, one might ask what a once senior policeman thinks he has been doing wasting time on such a ludicrous exercise at a time when Britain, following its disastrous support for the US invasion of Iraq, was under special threat of terrorist attack?<br><br>One major difficulty in the present situation is that following the killing of an innocent Brazilian and all the false statements that followed, the public have little confidence in the police, even assuming that they had any before.<br><br>The fact that when all hands are needed on deck, a number of senior officers will be raking through the rusty wreckage of the royal Mercedes, will only serve to alarm people even more.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=",3858,5252095-102273,00.html">,00.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>

A small correction

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:24 am
by Qutb
Justice dept. prosecutors in Settle wanted to bring criminal charges against Aswat in 2002, not in 1999. He tried to set up the "terrorist traing camp" in Bly, Oregon in 1999. <p></p><i></i>

Re: We need to know more about British intelligence

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:00 pm
by starroute
I've got a ton of notes on the CIA and its agenda and projects. I have far less on British intelligence (most of it involving the Middle East), and I really feel as though I'm operating in the dark here as far as motivation and affinities go. Saying "the queen feels threatened" barely scratches the surface of a story that clearly goes back over a century and concerns the Suez Canal, Iranian and Persian Gulf oil, Lawrence of Arabia, the royal families of Jordan and (formerly) Iraq, and probably Middle Eastern fascists and the Moslem Brotherhood. Not to mention money-laundering in many places under British jurisdiction or influence, including the Channel Islands and various islands of the Caribbean.<br><br>Here's one snippet from my notes:<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>In <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>All the Shah’s Men,</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> the role of the Dulles brothers proves pivotal to the process of tracing the President’s reasons for radical departure from the Truman policy course on Iran. In what would come to be a prototype for clandestine American interventionist policies worldwide, the justification provided to Eisenhower by his Secretary of State and Director of Central Intelligence was cast in terms of opposition to the threat of the ascendancy of Soviet-inspired Communist movements in the oil-rich Middle East. Once convinced that the achievement of this objective was necessarily linked to the elimination of Mossadegh and a viable National Front movement in Iran, the green light was given to Kermit Roosevelt to launch Operation Ajax in August of 1953, on the basis of the Wilber (CIA)-Darbyshire (MI6) blueprint for the coup.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>And here's a longer quote, from Loftus's "The Secret War Against the Jews," concerning the creation of BCCI:<br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>A number of past and present intelligence officers say that it was Casey who opened a new private channel to the British in 1976. it did not take a political genius to realize that the Democrats would take over the White House, the CIA, and the Securities Exchange Commission in 1977. Time was running out to hide a dirty chain of money laundering that stretched back to Dulles. Casey had worked with British intelligence before, and together they had no problem in devising a new and more reliable banking system that would permanently avoid congressional scrutiny. Casey, not Bush, forged the British banking-intelligence connection. George Bush just did as he was told. His only contribution was to chip in CIA funds to set up the new listening post in the Gulf states. The British took care of the rest.<br><br>Through a series of coups, the British secret service had placed their own puppets on the thrones of the tiny bedouin kingdoms that comprised Oman and the United Arab Emirates. These tiny countries ("tribes with flags") were totally dependent on the SAS and MI6 for their survival. Virtually every aspect of their banking, intelligence, and foreign policy was handled by British advisers on the scene.<br><br>The capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi, was a small town of less than 100,000 people, but it controlled 10 percent of the oil deposits in the world. The UAE was the perfect place to hide a bank, a bank to handle covert operations behind the back of the British Parliament and the U.S. Congress. The new bank would be called the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, or BCCI. Although it is now better known as the "Bank of Crooks and Criminals," the "old spies" say that BCCI really stands for the "British Cover for Collecting Intelligence."<br><br><snip><br><br>According to our sources in the intelligence community, what no one knows is that this little British island played an integral role in international money laundering for several of the Arab intelligence services. The British used their M16 base on the Cayman Islands as headquarters for an "International Consortium for Intelligence Collection (ICIC)," a joint venture of several spy agencies that would secretly own the stock of an international bank. Later on several witnesses tried to tell Congress about the "consortium" entity for "Intelligence Cooperation," or IC, that had been established in the Cayman Islands. What no one realized was that the ICIC spy consortium was the same ICIC that secretly controlled all the stock of the BCCI.<br><br>Here, according to the "old spies," is how the BCCI-ICIC fraud worked. In 1976 British and American representatives offered stock in ICIC to the intelligence services of the UAE, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. In effect, the British secret service "borrowed" the money to start the BCCI from various friendly intelligence services. The original investors, the Arab spy agencies, were then repaid under-the-table by the ICIC after the bank started to turn a profit. The BCCI had no capital of its own, but the public believed it was funded by wealthy Arabs.<br><br><snip><br><br>The leaders of Oman and the United Arab Emirates owe their existence to Julian Amery, a former member of the British secret service and the brother of John Amery, the British traitor who, as discussed in Chapter 5, was hanged after World War II as a pro-Nazi propagandist. Forty years later brother Julian became a paid consultant to the BCCI and its biggest defender in the British Parliament. In the late 1950s Amery was the undersecretary of war who was sent to reorganize the armed forces in the area. In 1967 British mercenaries replaced the sheik of Abu Dhabi of the UAE with his brother, Sheik Zayed.<br><br>In 1970 Timothy Landon of British intelligence launched another SAS mercenary coup in Oman, blasting the old ruler aside and putting Sultan Qabous on the throne. Oman and Abu Dhabi became loyal friends of Julian Amery, a staging ground for the SAS and headquarters for the BCCI. The biggest British coup was in establishing liaison with Kamal Adham, the head of Saudi Arabian intelligence from 1963 to 1977. As discussed in Chapter 11, following the Suez debacle in 1956, British intelligence had wound back the Mossad connection and actively courted Saudi Arabia. One of the men who established close relations with Adham was Julian Amery.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br>Can anyone add to this or fill out the picture? <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>starroute</A> at: 7/31/05 10:01 am<br></i>

Re: Want more confusion?UK 'blocked bomb plotter' arrest

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:16 pm
by hmm
<!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>"(CNN) -- About a month before the July 7 bombings in London, British authorities balked at giving U.S. officials permission to apprehend a man now believed to have ties to the bombers, according to sources familiar with the investigation." <p></p><i></i>

Re: We need to know more about British intelligence

PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:16 pm
by Qutb
Asia Times: <!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="" target="top">"Remaking Central Asia"</a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br>"Most major media outlets have spelled out with a profusion of details the "exact" events that led to the death of what some claim to have been hundreds of people in the eastern Uzbekistan town of Andijan on May 13. Led by British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, the world media condemned much-maligned Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov for yet another bloody and ruthless suppression of "public dissent". Yet, all the details so far provided do not explain who the real players were or their end objectives. <br><br>It is certain, however, that the puzzle cannot be solved unless the London factor is understood. The answers lie in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Liverpool. The old British colonial establishment, with former intelligence officer Bernard Lewis as its mentor, appears to have set in motion a series of events that will bring endless bloodshed to Central Asia. London's objective would appear to be to keep both China and Russia under an open-ended threat. At this point, there is no one who can better serve this "Lewis Doctrine" than Muslims nurtured in Britain - the Hizbut-Tehrir (HT)."<br><br>"Footsoldiers of foreign powers<br>Apart from various Islamic preachers, two major Islamic groups function in the Ferghana Valley, whose common objective is to change the regimes in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. These are the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and the HT. While the IMU openly thrives on violence, the HT is strongly promoted by the United Kingdom, where it is headquartered, as peaceful. But records indicate that that the IMU and the HT work hand-in-hand. Most of the IMU recruits are from the HT, according to Rohan Gunaratna, an expert on world terrorist outfits. Gunaratna claims that Khaled Sheikh Muhammad, the alleged mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks in the US, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian of Chechen origin who has remained active in the Iraqi insurgency against the US occupying forces, were both once members of the HT. <br><br>The relationship between the Taliban and the IMU pre-dates September 11. In September 1996, after the Taliban had captured the Afghan capital, Kabul, Juma Namangani and Tahir Yuldashev - long-time adversaries of Karimov and considered the founders of the IMU - held a press conference in the city to announce the formation of the IMU. Namangani, who had served as a Soviet paratrooper in Afghanistan in the 1980s, became the group's leader (or amir) and Yuldashev its military commander. Their aim was to topple Karimov and turn Uzbekistan, and ultimately the whole of Central Asia, into an Islamic state. The Taliban provided them with a place to shelter and train, and to plot against Karimov. It is also said that Yuldashev developed contact with Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and the two became supportive of each other. Although Karimov is a target of the IMU, in recent months he has identified the HT as the greater threat. Following the Andijan incident, Uzbek authorities again blamed the HT. <br><br>Unlike the IMU, which has concentrated its role in Central Asia, with the Ferghana Valley as the focus, the HT is an international Islamic movement. It is headquartered in London, but also has a strong organizational presence in Birmingham, Liverpool and Bradford. The UK group was co-founded by Omar Bakri Mohammed, who went to the UK after being expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1986. The HT's present leader is an information technology professional from the Indian sub-continent, Jalaluddin Patel. <br><br>The HT was established in 1953 in Palestine by a well-known religious figure, the judge of the appellate Sharia court in Jerusalem, Takieddin al-Nabahani al-Falastini (1909-1979). According to available reports, the group's first UK-based website was hosted by the London Imperial College - but following complaints to the college authorities, the site was closed down until a new host could be found. The group now posts in its own name as Hizbut-Tehrir. <br><br>Although portrayed as non-violent by British authorities, Bakri's links to bin Laden are widely known..." <p></p><i></i>


PostPosted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 5:47 pm
by antiaristo
From the Sunday Times (NB Michael Smith is the man who sat on the "Downing Street Minutes" for TWO WEEKS before publishing.)<br><br><br><i>SAS link<br><br>Could this ‘police officer’ be a soldier?<br>Michael Smith<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>BRITISH special forces soldiers took part in the operation that led to the shoot-to-kill death of an innocent Brazilian electrician with no connection to the London bombings, defence sources said last week. <br><br>Jean Charles de Menezes was tailed by a surveillance team on July 22 as he caught a bus to Stockwell Underground station in south London. He was shot eight times when he fled from his pursuers at the Tube station. <br><br>The Ministry of Defence admitted last week that the army provided “technical assistance” to the surveillance operation but insisted the soldiers concerned were “not directly involved” in the shooting. <br><br>Press photographs of members of the armed response team taken in the immediate aftermath of the killing show at least one man carrying a special forces weapon that is not issued to SO19, the Metropolitan police firearms unit. <br><br>The man, wearing civilian clothes with a blue cap marked “Police”, was carrying a specially modified Heckler & Koch G3K rifle with a shortened barrel and a butt from a PSG-1 sniper rifle fitted to it — a combination used by the SAS. <br><br>Another man, dressed in a T-shirt, jeans and trainers, was carrying a Heckler & Koch G36C. Although this weapon is used on occasion by SO19 it appears to be fitted with a target illuminator purchased as an “urgent operational requirement” for UK special forces involved in the war on terror. <br><br>The soldiers who took part in the surveillance operation that led to de Menezes’s death included men from a secret undercover unit formed for operations in Northern Ireland, defence sources said. <br><br>Known then as 14 Int or the Det, it is reported to have formed the basis of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, the newly created special forces unit stationed alongside the SAS at Hereford. The men include SAS soldiers serving on attachment and are part of a team of around 50 UK special forces that has operated in London since the July 7 bombings in which 56 people died. <br><br>Special forces counterterrorist experts have been regularly used to support police at Heathrow since the September 11 attacks. They moved into London a day after the July 7 bombings and have been supporting the police and gathering intelligence to help snare the suspects. <br><br>Members of SO19 (technically known as CO19) are trained by SAS and SBS instructors. One key tenet of that training is to ensure that a suicide bomber is killed rather than wounded, which would allow them to trigger a bomb. <br><br>The use of multiple shots to the head is the modus operandi of the special forces, whether from the SAS, the SBS or the undercover intelligence operators used in the Stockwell operation. Over the past 30 years the SAS has developed a reputation for never allowing gunmen to remain alive, an attitude shown most graphically during the 1980 Iranian hostages siege and the Gibraltar IRA killings eight years later. <br><br>“It is vital to strike fear into the minds of the terrorists,” one former SAS officer said. “In an ongoing situation such as we have now the fear must be directed to the fact that we are watching them and will eventually (get) them. They need to know that they cannot escape. <br><br>“We know they are happy to kill themselves but that doesn’t mean they are happy to be killed by others. As long as they evade the police they will think they are in control but the minute they are intercepted they lose control.” <br><br>The Ministry of Defence insisted last week that the military involvement was limited in the operation that led to de Menezes’s death. “We would describe it as technical assistance as part of a police-led operation under police control,” a spokeswoman said. “It is a particular military capability that the police can draw on if needed. It was a low-level involvement in support of a police-controlled operation.” <br><br>The Det is made up of the army’s best urban surveillance operators using skills honed in Belfast against republican and loyalist terrorists. Its speciality has always been close target reconnaissance: undercover work among civilians, observing terrorists at close quarters, and carrying out covert searches of offices and houses for information and weapons. <br><br>The unit was very egalitarian when it operated in Northern Ireland. An operator’s rank was always regarded as less important than his or her capabilities; it was also the only UK special forces unit to use women. <br><br>The Det broke into homes to gather intelligence and plant listening devices or hidden cameras. Weapons were left where they were found but “jarked” with tiny transmitters placed inside them that would provide warning should they be moved. </i><br><br> <br> <br> <p></p><i></i>

Video Link

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:23 pm
by antiaristo
You can now view Qutb's video without going to Fox.<br>Short and sweet.<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>

Chossudovsky is now on the story as well

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:47 pm
by DrDebugDU
And he added some additional information. I'll skip the Loftus part and continue with the Chossudovsky part and he mentions the SAS as well<br><br>(...)<br><br>More substantively, what this interview reveals is something which news coverage on the London 7/7 attacks has carefully ignored, namely the longstanding relationship of Western intelligence agencies to a number of Islamic organizations. In this specific case we are dealing with a British based organization Al-Muhajiroun.<br><br>Amply confirmed by official documents, Al Qaeda was a creation of the US intelligence apparatus. Both the CIA and its British counterpart MI-6 are known to have links to Al Qaeda operatives. <br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>The Kosovo Connection</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>In the Balkans in the 1990s, both US, British and German intelligence (BND) were involved in training the Kosocvo Liberation Army (KLA), which was also being supported by Al Qaeda. <br><br>Mujahideen mercenaries from the Middle East and Central Asia were recruited to fight in the ranks of the KLA in 1998-99, largely supporting NATO's war effort. <br><br>According to a report published in 1999, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) had approached M-I6 to arrange a training program for the KLA: <br><br>"MI-6 then sub-contracted the operation to two British security companies, who in turn approached a number of former members of the (22 SAS) regiment. Lists were then drawn up of weapons and equipment needed by the KLA." While these covert operations were continuing, serving members of 22 SAS Regiment, mostly from the unit's D Squadron, were first deployed in Kosovo before the beginning of the bombing campaign in March [1999].(The Scotsman, Edinburgh, 29 August 1999).<br><br>While British SAS Special Forces in bases in Northern Albania were training the KLA, military instructors from Turkey and Afghanistan, financed by the "Islamic jihad", were collaborating in training the KLA in guerrilla and diversion tactics .("Kosovo in Crisis", <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href="http://"></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END-->, 2 April 1999)."Bin Laden had visited Albania himself. He was one of several fundamentalist groups that had sent units to fight in Kosovo.… Bin Laden is believed to have established an operation in Albania in 1994. ( Sunday Times, 29 Nov 199<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8) --><img src= ALT="8)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>Haroon Rachid Aswat belonged to Al Muhajiroun, which was involved in the recruitment of Mujahideen in Britain. The latter were also sent to Kosovo to fight in the KLA in support of the NATO-US led war:<br><br>(...)<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>The Pakistan Connection</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>In the last couple of weeks, the London 7/7 police investigation has focussed on a "Pakistani connection": the alleged British bombers are said to have visited Pakistan. While in Pakistan, they allegedly had contacts with several Islamic organizations, including a madrassa (coranic school) controlled by Islamic fundamentalists. They allegedly also had contacts with the two main Kashmir rebel groups Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Toiba. Two of the British bombers, Khan and Tanweer, were allegedly "associated with Jaish -e-Mohammed or one of its splinter groups" (India Today, 1 August 2005): <br><br>"In Pakistan, [British] police are painstakingly analyzing the mobile phone records of the two 7/7 suspects who visited the country. While officials stress that it is a tedious process, it has already yielded the name of at least one significant suspect: Masoud Azhar, leader of the Jaish -e-Mohammed (Army of Mohammed). (Christian Science Monitor, 1 August, 2005).<br><br>Both Jaish and Lashkar are said to have links to Al Qaeda. <br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>The Role Of Pakistan's Military Intelligence</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>In their endeavours to uncover these various links to Pakistan based terrorist organizations, British police investigators sought the collaboration of Pakistan's Military Intelligence (ISI).<br><br>While collaborating in the British investigation, Pakistan's Military Intelligence is known to have actively supported and financed the Kasmir rebel groups, which allegedly had contacts with the London bombers. <br><br>The ISI was instrumental in the creation of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Hizbul Mujahideen (JKHM) in the late 1980s. (See K. Subrahmanyam, "Pakistan is Pursuing Asian Goals", India Abroad, 3 November 1995). It has also supported the other two main Pakistan-based Kashmir rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba, (Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), which claimed responsibility for the attacks on the Indian parliament in October 2001.<br><br>See Council on Foreign Relations, "Terrorism: Questions and Answers, Harakat ul-Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e- Muhammad", <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> harakat2.html , Washington 2002.)<br><br>Moreover, according to intelligence sources and the FBI, the ISI also provided support to the alleged 9/11 hijackers. <br>(See <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> ) <br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>Concluding remarks</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>The Fox News report raises some very serious considerations. <br><br>Haroon Rachid Aswat was reportedly in London for two weeks before the July 7 attacks, "fleeing just before the explosions". <br><br>If Haroon Rashid Aswat had been working for MI-6, as suggested by intelligence analyst John Loftus, his movements and whereabouts, including his contacts with the alleged Yorkshire bombers, might have been known to British intelligence. <br><br>The nature of Haroon Aswar's links to Western intelligence agencies inevitably has a bearing on the conduct of the police investigation. <br><br>The broader role of Al-Muhajiroun since its creation in the 1990s, as well as its alleged links to MI-6 requires careful review. <br><br>Pakistan's ISI should not, for obvious reasons, be involved in the police investigation. In fact, Pakistan's ISI should be the object of the investigation in view of its documented links to the terror network, including Al Qaeda.<br><br>More generally, the intelligence agencies including M-I6 should not be involved in the police investigation. <br><br>An independent public inquiry should be launched as demanded by the Conservative opposition. <br><br>Michel Chossudovsky is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and is the author of America's "War on Terrorism" , Second Edition, 2005, forthcoming. <br><br>The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified. The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to the original CRG article must be indicated. The author's copyright note must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact:<br><br>© Copyright Michel Chossudovsky,, 2005 <br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i></i>

Latest Spin

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:57 am
by antiaristo
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>New special forces unit tailed Brazilian<br><br>Richard Norton-Taylor<br>Thursday August 4, 2005<br><br>Guardian<br><br>A new army special forces regiment was involved in the operation that led to the killing of an innocent man at Stockwell tube station in south London last week, the Guardian can reveal.<br>The Special Reconnaissance Regiment, set up in April to help combat international terrorism, was deployed in the surveillance operation which led to the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes, a Brazilian electrician, on July 22, according to Whitehall sources.<br><br>The revelation came as Scotland Yard announced the first charges in connection with the terror attacks in London.<br><br>Ismael Abdurahman of Kennington, south-east London, will appear before Bow Street magistrates today. He will be charged with having information he knew or believed may be of material assistance in securing the apprehension, prosecution or conviction of another person in the UK for an offence involving the commission, preparation or instigation of an act of terrorism.<br><br>Yesterday Whitehall sources told the Guardian that soldiers of the Special Reconnaisance Regiment, modelled on an undercover unit that operated in Northern Ireland, was engaged in "low-level intelligence behind the scenes" when the Brazilian was shot. There was "no direct military involvement in the shooting", the sources said.<br><br>It is believed to be the first time the new regiment was engaged in an operation.<br><br>The regiment absorbed 14th Intelligence Company, known as "14 Int", a plainclothes unit set up to gather intelligence covertly on suspect terrorists in Northern Ireland. Its recruits are trained by the SAS.<br><br>Geoff Hoon, the then defence secretary, said the unit had been formed to meet a worldwide demand for "special reconnaissance capability".<br><br>Mr De Menezes was targeted because he was seen coming out of a three-storey block of nine flats, Corfe House in Tulse Hill, south London, identified as a building linked to the failed July 21 bombers.<br><br>He lived on the first floor with his two cousins, Vivian and Patricia.<br><br>Mr De Menezes was followed and seen boarding a No 2 bus, heading north towards Stockwell. Boarding with him, it is understood, were several plainclothes officers. Defence sources refuse to comment on suggestions that they may have been members of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment.<br><br>Other officers followed the bus in vehicles. When it became clear that Stockwell tube was his possible destination, a team of armed police officers in plain clothes were alerted. They fired eight shots at Mr De Menezes at close range after the 27-year-old Brazilian ran on to a tube train.<br><br>A senior police officer was running the operation from Scotland Yard's "Gold Command".<br><br>The Independent Police Complaints Commission is conducting an inquiry into the shooting. It is certain to include the role of the Special Reconnaissance Regiment, and also issues relating to the false identification of the victim, and whether CCTV pictures of the failed bombers were available at the time.<br><br>Another question is why the Brazilian - a suspected suicide bomber - was allowed to get on to a London bus when two buses had already been targeted. <br><br>Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>So it's all perfectly simple. While the SAS was involved, its role was to follow the dastardly Mr Meneses by climbing on and off London buses. When it became clear we were dealing with Moriarty the delicate flowers handed over to those macho bobbies from the Met. It was PC Plod wot unloaded a magazine into the terrorist!<br><br>It's all gone very quiet, hasn't it? Apart from hush money.<br>Another possible straw in the wind is that it looks like ID cards are to be abandoned. <p></p><i></i>

Re: Loftus: London bombing mastermind is MI6 agent

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:23 am
by OnoI812
Did any one hear the Loftus interview on infowars today?<br><br>I caught part of it . Apparently Saddam's family was high level Muslim brotherhood. <br><br>Off topic : has anyone here been following the Peter Power - Jones/Dunne flame war at wag news? good times...<br><br><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=""></a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--> <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>OnoI812</A> at: 8/4/05 3:26 am<br></i>

This Stinks

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:47 am
by antiaristo
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Zambia agrees to send home Briton wanted by the US <br>By Kim Sengupta <br>Published: 04 August 2005 <br><br>A British Muslim arrested in Zambia and wanted by the US for alleged involvement in a terrorist plot is to be deported to Britain. <br><br>American law agencies had wanted to take Haroon Rashid Aswat into custody for his supposed part in a plan to set up a military training camp at an Oregon ranch. However, that has been resisted so far by Britain. Under an agreement drawn up by British and American officials Mr Aswat, 30, will be put on a plane to the United Kingdom while the US prepares extradition papers.<br><br><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>But senior police sources said last night that Mr Aswat is not wanted for any crimes in this country and the only reason for holding him would be due to a US request while extradition proceedings are underway.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>Senior British officials say the Americans have so far failed to present an extradition request. It is also believed that the British government has refused US suggestions that Mr Aswat be subjected to the process of "rendition" - incarcerated in a third country.<br><br>Levy Mwanawasa, the president of Zambia, said: "I would like to confirm that we have arrested Mr Aswat, who has been held on violating the immigration laws of Zambia. Once we were holding him, we realised he was an alleged terrorist. It was agreed between the American and British governments that he should be deported to the UK."<br><br>Mr Aswat grew up in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, the same area as 7 July suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan. <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>British security agencies said they had "some interest" in questioning Mr Aswat about whether he had any knowledge of the London bombings but dismissed claims that he was the "mastermind" of the bombings.</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--><br><br>The US case against Mr Aswat is based on evidence given by James Ujaama, an alleged accomplice after a plea bargain which reduced his sentence of 25 years to two years in prison.<br><br>According to FBI documents, Mr Aswat flew into New York on 26 November 1999 on an Air India flight with Oussama Abdullah Kassir, a Swedish national who claimed to be Osama bin Laden's bodyguard. Ujaama claims to have driven the pair to the Oregon ranch but the mission was abandoned after Aswat and Kassir had complained about lack of facilities.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <p></p><i></i>

Clean up after the London bombs

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:02 am
by Byrne
Further to Zero haven's comments regarding a cleanup prior to the Olympics, I read this in the construction trade news:<br><br><b>Terror shutdown speeds Tube infrastructure jobs </b><br><br><i>London Underground infrastructure companies Tube Lines and Metronet have used shutdowns on sections of the network in the wake of the July 7 bombings to speed up infrastructure improvements. <br><br>Metronet has carried out extra track and signalling work on the Circle Line, which has been closed for three weeks since the terrorist outrages that killed 56 people. <br><br>Heavy maintenance work was carried out on a stretch of the line called Craven Hill Gardens between Paddington and Bayswater. <br><br>Improvement work on the track and signalling was also completed between High Street Kensington and the Edgware Road bomb site. <br><br>Tube Lines, which is responsible for the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly Lines, has accelerated non-track maintenance and upgrades at Caledonian Road, Turnpike Lane and Manor House stations on the northern stretch of the Piccadilly Line where station modernisation work was under way. </i><br><br>It would be interesting to find out if any preparations were made for the upcoming increased work load, prior to the 7th July.....<br>(I read that the bossman of the Underground is ex-CIA!)<br> <p></p><i></i>

MI6 Motivation and Purpose

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:17 am
by antiaristo
This is Xymphora's take<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>had produced guidelines on July 8</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> recommending that suicide bombers be shot in the head. Since Jean Charles de Menezes obviously wasn't a suicide bomber, but had managed to fall under the surveillance of a paramilitary unit who may have been in charge of directing police actions, the obvious question is whether they marked him as a target for police shooting because <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>the British military wanted to set a precedent establishing the IACP guidelines as being in full force in Britain</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END-->. Pick a patsy, have the police shoot him in the head, and suddenly you've recreated in London the good old days of Northern Ireland. I don't think the British people want to see paramilitary operations from the dirty war in Ireland imported by their military into downtown London.</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br>So they had the guidelines announced on July 8?<br>And of course it relates to "suicide bombers".<br>Have they demonstrated that "suicide bombers" were responsible for 7/7?<br>They've actually closed down the investigation of 7/7. They are not interested in Haroon Rashid Aswat and will ship him off to the American gulag as fast as they can.<br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims alleged London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat is a "double agent" who "works for the MI6".</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> <br><br>Yet they are fighting like crazy to get the guy back from Italy (you know, the second "bombing" which was harmless)<br><br>THERE WERE NO "SUICIDE BOMBERS", ONLY THE CREATION OF MI6. SO WHO ARE THESE CLOWNS TO INTRODUCE "MURDER GUIDELINES ON 8 JULY???<br><br> <p></p><i></i>

Another Patsy?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:59 pm
by antiaristo
Perhaps this explains why they are fighting so hars to get him away from the Gladio busters in Italy<br><br><br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br><br><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Mosque tried to alert police<br><br>06aug05<br><br>A MOSQUE in South London wrote to police two years ago to express concern about a man who is now a key suspect in the failed July 21 bombings in London, a trustee of the mosque said overnight.<br><br>Stockwell Mosque asserted in its letter to a senior district police official that Hamdi Issac, 27, was among a group of people involved in "inciting racial and religious hatred in the community".<br>It said the group had been spreading extremist views and literature, and targeting moderate leaders of the mosque for abuse.<br><br>"We believe that this group is trying to undermine both the authority and moderate approach of the centre's management, imams and community," the letter said.<br><br>"They have an agenda to turn this centre into another Finsbury Park mosque," a Muslim centre of worship in north London formerly known as a meeting point for Islamist hardliners.<br><br>Issac, alias Osman Hussein, 27, is suspected of trying to detonate a bomb at Shepherd's Bush Underground station in west London as part of a four-pronged attempt to repeat the July 7 bombings that killed 56 people.<br><br>The Ethiopian-born Briton was arrested on July 29 in Rome where he is fighting extradition.<br><br>Toaha Qureshi, a trustee of Stockwell Mosque, said today: "We could not have been more explicit. It was put in such a manner that it should have been taken seriously."<br><br>"If they had done something, then I don't know how many lives we could have saved," he was quoted as saying by Britain's domestic Press Association news agency.<br><br>The letter was sent on July 24, 2003 to Malcolm Tillyer, deputy borough commander</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><br><br> <!--EZCODE AUTOLINK START--><a href=",5478,16169712^1702,00.html">,00.html</a><!--EZCODE AUTOLINK END--><br><br>Yet they criticise and stigmatise the moslem community for not doing enough! Why wasn't this in a British newspaper? It's all becoming a bit of a pattern, isn't it?<br><br><br> <br> <br><br> <p></p><i></i>