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Postby sunny » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:17 pm

American Dream wrote:Ianeye wrote:
I am not fully "on board" either.

Anyone lurking have an opinion on this?!?

I think McGowan is on to something- that intelligence agencies did have something to do with the 60's counterculture, but he is taking too much coincidence and implying that it proves more than it does...

We've discussed this point before here at RI. There was a difference between the activists and the flower children that most folks do not bother to parse. I think it is entirely plausible, given the MIC's deep understanding of psychology, that they could and did create a fake opposition-kind of like pro wrestling and the Democratic party-to divert all those malcontented teenagers onto the dead end road of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. How hard is it really to lure hormonal young people with those potent weapons? Charlie Manson can tell you.

It must have been quite clear to the owners in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination and the escalation of the Vietnam War that something would have to be done. Imagine if the counterculture had never existed-I think quite possibly they would have had an actual revolution on their hands at the instigation of true radical activists and artists. Instead, the troops were in a stupor, tuning out and turning on.
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Postby thurnundtaxis » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:25 pm

My running take on this series is filtered through Gary Lachman's highly intriguing documentation of the occult aspects of the '60's movement,Turn Off your Mind, and the pop-occult axiom that magic is the science of coincidence.

I'm fascinated by Dave's perspective on the military intelligence aspect to all of these diverse cultural matters, from serial murder, to the sex and drug industries, to pop culture media distribution networks. and find in it much of value to ponder when considering how all of this intersects with class politics.

This series is my currently among my 'most-looked-forward-to' web postings.
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Postby NavnDansk » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:24 am

Sweejak, I think you are right about the one scene I remember, Nicholson or whoever he is, was sitting on the ground, by the motorcycles in the dark and gave a speech. I saw the movie only once in a drive-in and always changed the channel when it was on TV but I loved Stephenwolf's music and that one scene often repeated on the tv of Peter Fonda riding the motorcycle with the wind in his hair (no helmet laws?) and liked the creative clothes and some of the artwork of the times.

I still like Jane Fonda but the history of the Fonda family in the McGowan series is certainly thought-provoking. Either on break for news or sott boards someone asked why McGowan didn't link or reference his startling claims and how difficult would it have been for him to provide references/footnotes?


The Miracle Cross

Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes with references to Brown's DaVinci Code

The similar takeover of much, not all, of Christianity is very distressing and the Cointelpro involvement is as intense as the creation of the 60's counterculture. Go to and and Crossroads -different from the above link, and Antipas ministries for an analysis of the author and agendas of The Purpose Driven Church. and many of the Christian cults beginning with Jesus Freaks.

Jesus did say in the End Times that many false prophets would arise and if possible deceive the very elect and warned not to go after them.

I don't believe in the secret rapture aka the pre-tribulation rapture that was sold beginning with Paul Scofield and others in the 1800, I do believe in the post-trib rapture.

Jim Bakker of Jim and Tammy's PTL Praise the Lord mentioned Corrie Ten Boom again and again and her warning that the church believing in the PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE would not be prepared to help themselves and others if they thought the church would escape this testing.

That may be one of the reasons Jim Bakker was brought down. The last time I saw Bakker on Larry King, about 3 years ago, he was still diplomatically not aggressively warning of the lack of preparation in the church. He said often that it was God's way to lead the his people through tribulations and trials and with the escapism of the belief in the pre-trib rapture, Christians were not preparing spiritually or physically to be a help and blessing to others during the time of trial that Jesus clearly warned about in the Gospels and in The Book of Revelation and also in the Old Testament.
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Postby Sweejak » Wed Jun 25, 2008 1:46 am

The scene I was thinking of was in the cemetery when they take Acid, if I'm correct they even play a rock version of Kyrie Elyison, sorry, my Latin is gone, anyway there is a lot Christian symbolism in that scene. If you have the chance the film, with the backstory, is worth the rent.

In the interview Fonda doesn't give any indication of foul play regarding the death of his mother. Furthermore, Fonda's explanation of the money being inserted into flag draped fuel tank doesn't strike me as very establishment friendly and is one that isn't terribly obvious in an admittedly anti-establishment film.

I think it's a fair criticism that there are few links ln McGowan's story.

I'll have a look at your links. I've never looked into Dan Brown's work.
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:16 am

IanEye wrote:Image

"Mr. Ruby?" "The Company?" "Altered bodies?"

Interesting director and especially movie title.
Check out Richard Popkin's book published that year, 1966.

There was also a terrible incident at a tower in Texas...
CIA runs mainstream media since WWII:
news rooms, movies/TV, publishing
Disney is CIA for kidz!
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Postby bardobailey » Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:27 am

Don't you mean Rupert Pupkin?
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shhhh... spiral staircase...

Postby IanEye » Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:40 pm

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Postby thurnundtaxis » Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:26 pm

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Postby NavnDansk » Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:25 am


The scene I was thinking of was in the cemetery when they take Acid, if I'm correct they even play a rock version of Kyrie Elyison, sorry, my Latin is gone, anyway there is a lot Christian symbolism in that scene. If you have the chance the film, with the backstory, is worth the rent.

In the interview Fonda doesn't give any indication of foul play regarding the death of his mother. Furthermore, Fonda's explanation of the money being inserted into flag draped fuel tank doesn't strike me as very establishment friendly and is one that isn't terribly obvious in an admittedly anti-establishment film.

I think it's a fair criticism that there are few links ln McGowan's story.

I'll have a look at your links. I've never looked into Dan Brown's work.

The agenda is too draw people away from real spiritual truth we need to fight the evil spoken of in McGowans articles. I don't think connecting acid with communion as been, or will be any kind of hlp in the figjt against this incredible evil

Sweejak, . There is nothing wrong with using Christian symbolism to make a point in a film or book. If it i done with a repect for 'truth. Both Christian and non-Christian artists do because the symbolism in the Bible, esp. the life of Jesus applies to all of us and a myriad of situaions in dealing with the human condition.

John Fowles has written of this fact and used Christian symbolism in his work esp. to illustrate some of his life experiences and choices. I once read a book on the many works of literature that have used THE LAST SUPPER as an important theme in their work - on was THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN. Even if people are not Christian, their use of Christian symbolism to destribe the human condition esp. as it applies to the artist experience is done seriously. Gaugain painted himself as Christ in the Garden of Gethsemne, I believe it was after his beloved daughter died. Early Gaugain had done at least one satire of Christianity holding a snake in his fingers like a cigarette with apples above his head, but that was when he was younger and before so many tragedies.

But my point is the many ways that Christianity has been badjacketed and hijacked. Using some strategies for Christians and other strategies for others esp. young people to get them to turn away from Christianity or if they are unfamiliar with Christianity to get them either to never explore the truth or to present a horribly distorted view of Christianity.

Huxley in THE DOORS OF PERCEPTION along with ISLAND and other works was very consciously distorting Christianity and nudging people into a false version of Christianity and mystical experiences. Huxley was not simply pushing Eastern religions esp. for mystical expeeriences but was very deliberaely dropping breadcrumbss to make people believe that they were the same thing.

I started reading Huxley because very early on John Lennon said he was his favorite writer, started reading F Scott Fitzgerald because Janis Joplin raved about him and Zelda and did my best to understand William Blake's more difficult passages because of Jim Morrison's interviews stressing Blake's poetry and where the Doors got their name.

I don't remember much about Easy Rider but from what you wrote it seems that despite the different subject matter and style that Easy Rider and The DaVinci Code based on Holy Grail Holy Blood have the same agenda of a one world religion by hijacking and distorting the truths of Christianity - fisheaters, herescope, samliquidation, cutting edge, crossroads have very detailed analysis of howthis is being done

John Densmore the Doors drummer., in his autobiography, goes into Morrison's imitation and use of the symbolisms of Jesus Christ after Morrison's arrest and persecution for supposedly exposing himself in a concert in Florida. From holding a lamb on stage and while giving an interview to leaving an outdoor concert by means of a heliocopter, the nearest Morrison could come to imitating Jesus ascension. Densmore, a former Catholic still influenced by his upbrining, thought it was another of Morrison's power ame esp. since everything was going wrong for Morrison and he was trying different images but it seems Morrison was crying out to God and for the Saviour. In an article I just read on rolling stone magazine on line and another article on morrison's last days, one of the last notebooks in Paris, Morrison wrote on every page, "God Help Me."

Densmore also connected the energy level/aura of his very mentally ill brother with what he always felt from Morrison. Said his brother gave off this disjointed and distressing order with extreme visible nervousness and Morrison's presence had the same feeling but that Morrison off-stage was very still - the self-control to hide what he was feelin and suffering;

In the last interview with Morrison in the Rolling Stone the interviewer asked Morrison why he had a small gold cross around his neck and Morrison answered that it was just one of the symbols of our culture..
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Postby NavnDansk » Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:05 am

I didn't notice the first time I read Isadora Duncan's autobiography but the second time years later - I was heartbroken to read that after the tragic death of her two children in an auto accident, Isadora had another child and the baby died within a few hours of birth. When the child was born, I think it was a boy, Isadora said she looked into the infant's face and asked "Are you Deidre or Patrick?" since she believed in reincarnation. This was so unutterable sad.

Isadora wrote that later she and her brother went to Greece to distribute food and other aid to the poverty striken victims of a war and Isadora wrote that on her previous visits to Greece she was only interested in the confident Greek statures, the movement and dancing but after the death of her three children she found herself drawn again and again to the sorrowful face of Jesus in the murals and paintings of the convents she worked with to do her charitable work. This was left out of the movie with Vanessa Redgrave.

There is a passage in the Bible, I think in the Psalms and maybe in other places.

Oh, Thou that hearest prayer,
Unto Thee shall all flesh come

And that is true of superstars and very gifted artists as well need to learn about Jesus now carrying our burdens and willing to help in ways we can't imagine and ALL will face God on Judgment Day - people who are kind to others will escape judgment esp. those of the household of faith. Prayer can and has overcome evil and God can come up with solutions to problems that you cannot imagine if you call on the name of the Lord.

++++++++++++++ ... 498&page=2
"It Was Twenty Years Ago Today,"...That Crowley Drugged World Away: CIA psyops of 1960s-
author: webweaver

extended comments from Jeff Wells' Rigorous Intuition "v.2.0" post at: ... -dead.html
Just a Coincidence? Four of Jessica Lynch's Rescuers Have Died Mysteriously ... on_23.html

--on the CIA infiltration (and creation) of the 1960s, in a right wing attempt to steer culture toward some rather dark goals and keep rock and roll "from going leftist".


It is unknown what the context of this quote is, though it is from the CIA's Kesey, in a quote from the book "Storming Heaven":

"Standing by the speaker's platform, listening to the yammer of the crowd and the booming oratory of the speakers, Kesey was reminded of his Cow Palace epiphany. When his turn came at the microphone, he bounded onto the stage flanked by a bevy of Day-Glo, guitar-wielding Pranksters.

Whipping out a harmonica, he began honking his way through "Home on the Range." "You're playing their game," he drawled into the microphone. "We've all heard all this and seen all this before, but we keep doing it ... I went to see the Beatles last month ... And I heard twenty thousand girls screaming together at the Beatles ... and I couldn't hear what they were screaming either ... But you don't have to ... They're screaming Me! Me! Me! Me! ... I'm Me! ... That's the cry of the ego, and that's the cry of this rally! ... Me! Me! Me! And that's why wars get fought ... ego ... because enough people want to scream Pay attention to Me ... Yep, you're playing their game."[11]

"We are content with the given in sensation's quest. We have been metamorphosised from a mad body dancing on hillsides to a pair of eyes staring in the dark." ~ James Douglas Morrison


The band's April 1971 album, L.A. Woman, was even stronger: as dark and imaginative as the band's first albums, but showing new musical strengths that few critics now expected from the band. It's also a fascinating portrayal of dissolution. Whereas The Doors and Strange Days were largely about fear and loss, L.A. Woman actually seemed to emanate from those conditions. And yet like much of the best blues music, it expressed its terrors with the sort of fervor that might also chase dread away. In songs like the title track, you hear Morrison's voice push and fray and gain a new credibility as it actually struggles not to fall apart.

Morrison had always claimed that his biggest vocal influence was Frank Sinatra, and L.A. Woman demonstrated that influence, in Morrison's determination to sing as if it were the latest hours of the night and he was sharing a few final words with sympathetic friends. In Sinatra's case, it took decades to achieve that brandy-tone world-weariness.

Morrison, though, had acquired it in four short years that must have felt like a lifetime. But the pressures and excesses had taken a toll. According to his friends, the Miami experience had knocked much of the verve out of Morrison, and he was drinking more than ever. By this time, he had already published some of his poetry, and he had been recording a solo spoken-word album (parts of which would appear later on An American Prayer). Also, Morrison was growing disillusioned with his life in Los Angeles - and in America. He wanted to pursue his writing more attentively, and he also had some hope of turning his life around...... ... IBM0uBYAIw ... rowse/bfbb[/img]
Young Morrison Family
By: jimmorrisonf...

Image ... AMJIM.html\\

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Postby NavnDansk » Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:50 am
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im Morrison & the Occult

[size=18]Mojo Risin' - Rumors, Myths and Urban Legends Surrounding the Death of Jim Morrison[/size]

The Lizard King

Jim Morrison's Death

Jim Morrison's Dad: Son's Death 'Unfortunate'

The Shocking Truth About How My Pal Jim Morrison REALLY Died

The future of The Doors was in no doubt, though. In a Rolling Stone interview with Ben Fong-Torres a few days before his departure, Jim Morrison was still making plans: "I think we'll do a couple of albums and then everyone will probably get into their own thing: each guy in the band has certain projects that they want to do more independently."



On the other hand there are some unanswered questions concerning the last few hours of Pamela Courson. The two reports Mandell gave the police within a few hours time difference present a few oddities. First of all, he mentioned Diane Gardiner being at the apartment on that very day. She left at 6.30 pm in the first version of the report but at 11.00 pm in the second version.

Diane herself reported being there last on April 24th, a day before Pamela died. Mandell also said Pamela was drunk that night, but at the autopsy they found no alcohol in her blood. Mandell mentioned he was cooking dinner - in the first report he took 2 1/4 hours to prepare it, in the second he needed only 50 minutes. In the first version, John Mandell and Clifton Dunn are gone for shopping until 9.30 pm, while in the second one Mandell and Pamela are out shopping. And last but not least, in the first version Pamela is seen to be apparently asleep at 9.30 pm, but the second version has her talking to her parents until at least 10.00 pm. ... ietday.htm

Pamela's fortune, which consisted almost exclusively of the money she had received from Morrison's will, now went to her parents. The latter shared the sum with Morrison's parents. All of Jim's current income through his 1/4 share of The Doors royalties, is also split between the Coursons and the Morrisons. Jim Morrison's wish, that his parents should not receive a single penny, was accordingly ruined three years after his death. ... rison.html ... -risin.htm

The Intelligence Connection and JM2

Rock icon Jim Morrison's father was an admiral in the United States Navy, privy to intelligence and counterintelligence information. His name is Steven Morrison.

During the first few years surround Jim Morrison's "death" a number of interesting articles surfaced. These cited references showing various intelligence interests either in Morrison's underground activity; his "death" or that intelligence had even masterminded Morrison's death itself! One of the more explicit appeared in the Scandinavian magazine Dagblatte. This article detailed French intelligence efforts to assassinate Jim Morrison in Paris. Author Bernard Wolfe writing The Real Life Death of Jim Morrison for Esquire (June 1972) related the story of:


From about 1972 through 1992 JM2 has left a surreal trail of paper and appearances all over the world. These include letters to and from Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards and CIA Director William Colby, through the Washington, DC law firm of Colby, Miller and Hanes.

A courtroom transcript which I have seen implicates the FBI and CIA in several coverups regarding JM2's intelligence career. These show that there seems to be a sytematic destruction of files relating to JM2's spy activities. An enclosed plate also shows JM2's Swedish Intelligence ID card, obtained from the FBI through the Freedom of Information Act. Unfortunately the only copy I have is obscured in the facial area, but the ID numbers are intact. Also in my possession are files concerning JM2's rogue financial activities with the Bank of America, and news reports regarding lawsuits by and against JM2 for bank fraud and espionage, which he claims was done under intelligence auspices as part of financial experiments to destabilize foreign currencies and exchange rates.

There also appear to be hundreds if not thousands of miscellaneous files -- both classified and declassified -- regarding one James Douglas Morrison, dated after his "death" in 1971. These also refer to "WBC", a nom de plume of JM2. These look like real letters, documents, and court transcripts involving intelligence circles. These involve the CIA, Danish intelligence, and others. There is also an active passport and banking IDs under the name James Douglas Morrison.

Is this all for real or is this an elaborate hoax? It is not the scope of this work to determine the truth -- or lack of truth -- or the consequences of such activities. The important thing to note for the sake of this study is that someone or some group are actively pursuing and setting up a mass "urban legend" regarding James Morrison. They are painstakingly documenting it also. Whether this is a hoax or not is not as important as the fact that a lot of official-looking information is being generated surrounding the myth and legendry of Jim Morrison, his life and his supposed "death". Just why might this be?

Multiple Morrisons

Like the "multiple Oswald" theories of Kennedy assassination buffs, there also exist rumors and urban legends describing the "multiple Morrison" theory.

ttp:// ... son/photos ... _index.htm ... w/ac02?b=2

gabe gives historically correct quotes from the Beatles, and one such quote, by Lennon, was especially relevant to the book: "Le ROLL

nnon said that a lot of his music came to him and that he was a channel who transcribed like a medium"...and "that he wrote lyrics that he didn't understand the meaning of until later."

Beatles fans especially (but not exclusively) will enjoy THE GIFT OF GABE as it opens a new door into the perception of "What Is". And like any good book, you discover new meanings upon each re-read.
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Postby IanEye » Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:32 am

David McGowan wrote:We can begin, I suppose, by noting that Hank served as a decorated US Naval Intelligence officer during World War II, thus sparing Peter the stigma of being the only member of the Laurel Canyon in-crowd to have not been spawned by a member of the military/intelligence community. Not too many years after the war, Hank’s wife, Francis Ford Seymour, was found with her throat slashed open with a straight razor. Peter was just ten years old at the time of his mother’s, uhmm, suicide on April 14, 1950. When Seymour had met and married Hank, she was the widow of George Brokaw, who had, curiously enough, previously been married to prominent CIA asset Claire Booth Luce.

Fonda rebounded quickly from Seymour’s unusual death and within eight months he was married once again, to Susan Blanchard, to whom he remained married until 1956. In 1957, Hank married yet again, this time to Italian Countess Afdera Franchetti (who followed up her four-year marriage to Fonda with a rumored affair with newly-sworn-in President John Kennedy). Franchetti, as it turns out, is the daughter of Baron Raimondo Franchetti, who was a consultant to fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. The countess is also the great-granddaughter of Louise Sarah Rothschild, of the ever-popular Rothschild banking family (perhaps you’ve heard of them?)

Someone's got it in for me
they're planting stories in the press
Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out quick
but when they will I can only guess.

They say I shot a man named Gray
and took his wife to Italy
She inherited a million bucks
and when she died it came to me.

Can I help it if I'm lucky?
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Postby sunny » Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:50 am

What is haunting me is this, from part 6:


And so it was that the soon-to-be convicted murderer
replaced the cherubic hippie child as the face of Lucifer.
But what was it, one wonders, that drew Anger’s
twisted eye to the young boy? And how close a
relationship did Anger have with
Paulekas and Franzoni? And most importantly,
how did Godot Paulekas really die?
We will likely never know for sure,
but let’s just quickly review some
of the factors that might come i
nto play when searching for a
solution to this mystery:

-The young boy was reportedly subjected to
pedophilic treatment by his parents and others.

-The boy’s parents displayed a truly
chilling indifference to the child’s death.

-Kenneth Anger had expressed an interest in
filming the boy.

-Pamela DesBarres contends that the
toddler died during a “wacky photo session.”

-Alban Pfisterer has claimed that the child
was drugged.

-Bobby Beausoleil has said that some
of Anger’s film projects were for
private collectors: “every once in
a while he’d do a little thing that
wouldn’t be for distribution.”

-Finally, according to biographer Bill Landis,
Kenneth Anger was at one time
investigated by the police on
suspicion that he had been producing snuff flicks.
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Postby NavnDansk » Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:00 pm

I think Peter and Jane Fonda decided to keep silent on the strange death of their mother just as Marianne Faithful did about the death of Jim Morrison - she said in her autobio that people who said she was involved actually saw Mamie van Doren who faithfull said she was often mistaken for The British side of rockers, actors and artistocrats and the accompanying strange deaths is also worth reading about and confirms some of mcgowan's speculations.

The Kennedy family decided to keep quiet about the murder of JFK, RFK and JFK, jr. for the same reasons.


The Bible does said that there will be an increase of knowledge in the last days and I always thought of technical knowledge but the Beast and Mystery Babylon's generational crimes are now being revealed to all who will listen.

The ptw - powers that were, may think they are doing a revelation of the method but they are fulfilling God's plan for the real unveiling. The completion of God's revelation will be the beginnning of the kingdom of God and thejudgement of these evo; people who have caused so much suffering.

Reading about the abuse and murder of that poor child Goo made me feel ill. To seephotos and his expressionl

it is tooolate to help him but the more people know the less safe the perpetratros are and te more likelh te maybe arrested /
I think of the article and title of





the vision of the robber of my people will fail.
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Postby Sweejak » Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:51 pm

Navn, I think the symbolism and the main teachings of Christianity are very powerful. The use of those didn't bother me in Easy Rider. Though I haven't read the Bible in ages I think the story of expulsion from the garden and Satan's fall from heaven explains a lot in a very concise way. I love the beatitudes and the psalms. I'm with you on he badjacketing and hijacking too, which is not to say that much of the criticism isn't deserved. It bothers me when people launch shallow attacks on the foundations of their own culture, again I'm not saying that analysis, exposés and disagreements are bad, it's just that there is a lot of knee jerk reactionary bullshit. It goes both way though, with reactions launched the other way as well.

You might be interested in this: ... t-refuted/
But anyway, I still see a lot of parallels especially in imagery but have to confess I'm no scholar and tend to put that down to archetypes.

I'd have to go back and read the Doors of Perception for examples illustrating what you are saying, that Huxley was trying to amalgamate different religions. Do you have any examples? Aren't there many parallels between Eastern religions and Christianity anyway?

Great stuff on Morrison.
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