The Kubrickon

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The Kubrickon

Postby guruilla » Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:18 pm

I'm mounting a new campaign to fathom the secret design behind what I call Stanley Kubrick's Architecture of Immersion.

A few quick points. If you prefer a right-brain address, skip to the image below.

a) I have never been a fan of Kubrick's films; in fact I have disliked the later ones quite a bit but most of all the whole idea that he is a Great Cinematic Genius has bugged the hell out of me for years.

b) The cognitive dissonance between my own experience of his films and the larger consensus, which had bothered me for decades, finally moved me to try and tackle it with podcaster Doug Lain. (Result here.)

c) After the conversation, I re-watched Room 237 and The Shining and finally "got" the latter (enjoyed it, I mean), thereby deepening my interest in the idea that Kubrick's films were not ordinary films, either in the sense of being simple entertainment (yeah right), or "works of art."

d) I reached a tentative conclusion that Kubrick had approached his "art" scientifically, as an experiment of some kind, and that the proof of this was in the way his films generated such obsessive attention and analysis. I started to suppose that this was deliberately intended by Kubrick, for a specific purpose.

e) I had a kind of epiphany in which I thought I had grokked what that scientific purpose was. I sent some lines out into the "Sync" community ~ where many of the SK-obsessives obsess together ~ which led to another podcast, here. I didn't want to come out and state my "discovery" because it was so wild and mostly unbacked by any evidence, so instead I extended a challenge at my blog, here.

f) Most of the responses and guesses and feedback so far has been interesting but still within the accepted framework of SK as an alchemist, illuminati shill, NL Programmer, etc etc, positing very wide, general aims usually with mystical overtones; what I am working towards postulating is quite specific and not vague or mystical at all: scientific. That's another reason I haven't revealed it yet, because to present an at least semi-"hard" scientific hypothesis is going to take some work!

g) Meanwhile what started as notes from my chat with Doug Lain has turned into a book-in-progress and a growing web of internet activity, which I call collectively, The Kubrickon, in imitation of the original Kubrickon, which is what I am hoping to unveil.

There's a Twitter feed,

A Youtube channel: ... qrZqW07_Eg

A new piece at the Quietus that pretty well sums up the approach I am taking, There's Something About Stanley: Kubrick's Strange Science Of Obsession

And a Patreon account to try and get some monetary support so I can pay my heating bills while I check all the way into The Overlook. (Not sure if I should mention this last, makes it seem a bit crass I know, but hey, full disclosure; I will refrain from including a link to reduce the crass-factor.)

Lastly, here's an image to make up for all those words.

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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby Luther Blissett » Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:24 am

Wow, congratulations and good luck, looking forward to diving into all this.
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby coffin_dodger » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:35 pm

I know she doesn't speak for her father, but some of him will most probably have rubbed off on his daughter -

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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby guruilla » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:58 pm

I'm now running a forum for this exploration:

On Vivienne Kubrick & Scientology

Sample from ongoing comic strip:

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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby guruilla » Sat Feb 21, 2015 4:21 pm

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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby divideandconquer » Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:33 pm

Very, very interesting.
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:41 pm

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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby guruilla » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:19 pm

That's an unexpected (but welcome) resurrection. Funny timing as it came up during the 2nd part of my convo with William Gillespie, author of Keyhole Factory, last podcast but one.

I didn't know that about Jung & Kubrick. It explains everything ! (not)
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:38 pm

It's quite obviously not meant to explain everything (or anything), being that it's a minute portion of the intro page to an ongoing work of analysis that's something like 100,000 words long. But your pat dismissal wasn't exactly unforeseen.
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby guruilla » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:44 am

It wasn't sarcasm, tho I can see how someone might have read it that way. It genuinely does resonate, that the man who coined the word "synchronicity" should share a birth day with the man who created the most famous/infamous strange attractors for the synchromystics.

Somewhat pat, tho, as you're right in surmising that I've no intention of reading the rest of the 100,000 words. Not enough hours in the day. Block quotes are welcome tho.

I've noticed that post-ers seem to be responding awfully emotionally lately at this board. Distressing, but also fascinating, to see how rapidly a conversation gets derailed that way.
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:14 am

guruilla » Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:44 pm wrote:It wasn't sarcasm, tho I can see how someone might have read it that way. It genuinely does resonate, that the man who coined the word "synchronicity" should share a birth day with the man who created the most famous/infamous strange attractors for the synchromystics.

Good to know... but what about that second little fact there? That there were precisely 237 weeks between the JFK and RFK assassinations seems to me to be a stunning synchronicity that should compel anybody interested in What Kubrick Was Up To, or high strangeness in general, to Want to Know More. Here's where to start, if you ever find the time. You're not obligated to read it all at once, and you may find it unexpectedly interesting. That intro page isn't even about Kubrick, you might be glad to know.

If you have the time to read a far more compact piece detailing another such stunning fact related to Kubrick, check out this blog post I wrote.

I've noticed that post-ers seem to be responding awfully emotionally lately at this board. Distressing, but also fascinating, to see how rapidly a conversation gets derailed that way.

I gave up engaging in serious internet discussions for precisely this reason. It's emotionally draining and ultimately pointless. Yet here I am...
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby tapitsbo » Thu Nov 26, 2015 6:01 am

I am also so thirsty for the signal on the noise that I can not break the addiction
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby divideandconquer » Thu Nov 26, 2015 11:46 am

I'm not sure that I understand the disagreement between Agent Orange Cooper and guruilla. Could someone please explain?
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby guruilla » Thu Nov 26, 2015 12:32 pm

He thought my comment about Jung & Kubrick's shared birthday being meaningful was snarky & superior.

This is the reason we have the green = sarcasm method at RI (which I only just twigged to). It's hard to tell.
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Re: The Kubrickon

Postby backtoiam » Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:55 pm

I've noticed that post-ers seem to be responding awfully emotionally lately at this board. Distressing, but also fascinating, to see how rapidly a conversation gets derailed that way.

Its the holiday season, it is getting dark earlier, winter is coming. A living room full of grumpy old malcontents watching in invisible scenario get grumpier in these times. But like true signal to noise ratio observant crack addicts we keep staring into the Sun, anyway...

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