[Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby JackRiddler » Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:48 am

Elvis » Fri Apr 19, 2019 3:46 am wrote:

Ira Glass
The World Order?

Zoe Chace
Basically, the idea that a cabal of rich guys is trying to take over the world and create one world government-- like one currency, one army, no national borders.

There's where I wanted to get out of bed and email them: "I think you just described everyday neoliberalism."

Not really though. Ideologically to an extent, but we are not obligated to believe ideological statements (e.g., the talk of "free markets" or "open borders") when the policy reality is consistently different over very long terms. Especially not when it is clear why the material reality must differ from the dogma, if the interests of the ruling class and of maintaining capitalist societies are truly to be served.

Neoliberalism like earlier capitalist forms relies on a highly authoritarian state, necessarily organized mainly through the existing nation-states, to set up, protect, and subsidize its "markets," and to aggressively police and suppress all tendencies who would counteract privatization and bone-crushing competition among the laboring classes, or raise the potential for an actual alternative to capitalism. They can't even hold a Davos or a G20 without an army of national police to protect them.

Open borders are for goods and above all capital, not for human beings. The association of human movement with money movements is a fatal, ungenerous, and indeed deplorable fallacy of those on the nativist right-wing who oppose neoliberalism.

Again, the neoliberal ideology may say otherwise, and neoliberal organizations may advocate open borders for human beings, but this is generally a low priority and often disingenuous. The money comes first. Harsh border regimes are supported by a consensus of actors along the standard political spectrum who otherwise sing together with neoliberal ideology and practice, and the "debate" currently only seems to be about whether and how much to punish children who didn't choose where they live and grew up (DACA) and who didn't choose to have their parents turned into refugees by repressive (US backed) governments and drug cartels. Borders are perhaps the most important factor in assuring that migrant labor is desperate, willing, unregulated, and cheap, which is such music to the neoliberal capitalists, including (as a minor example) that famous employer (and stiffer) of cheap undocumented labor, the mobbed up construction and money laundering entity known as Trump Org.

We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:02 am


seemslikeadream » Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:33 am wrote:from The Intercept

Reporters Should Stop Helping Donald Trump Spread Lies About Joe Biden and Ukraine
Robert Mackey
September 22 2019, 8:23 p.m.
President Donald Trump lied to the press outside the White House on Sept. 22, 2019. Photo: Alastair Pike/AFP/Getty Images

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP appears increasingly desperate to deflect questions about the flagrant abuse of power he seems to have committed this summer by withholding aid to Ukraine as he pressed that country’s new president to open an investigation into the false claim that Joe Biden abused his power as vice president to protect his son’s business interests in Ukraine in 2015.

Since the news broke that Trump repeatedly pressed his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, to open an investigation into Biden, while delaying $250 million in military aid to Ukraine, the president has urged reporters again and again to look instead at the viral conspiracy theory that the former vice president had admitted on camera that he blackmailed Ukraine’s former president.

In fact, as a detailed review of the evidence conducted by The Intercept in May showed, Biden’s intervention in Ukrainian affairs that year, when he successfully pressed Ukraine’s then-president to dismiss a chief prosecutor who had failed to pursue corruption investigations, was no secret and was widely praised by Ukrainian anti-corruption activists and international donors to the country.

The reason there is footage of Biden boasting about this intervention on stage at a public event in 2018 is that he knew he had nothing to hide.

Put simply, there is no evidence to support the conspiracy theory that Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani want Ukraine to validate by opening an investigation. Still, it has become an article of faith among Trump supporters that Biden got the chief prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, dismissed to derail a corruption investigation of a Ukrainian firm his son was paid to advise.

But journalists at leading American news organizations — including CNN, the New York Times, Politico, ABC News, and MSNBC — have helped weaponize this disinformation by repeating the baseless smear over and over, without promptly and accurately conveying that Trump and Giuliani are lying about what the former vice president did in Ukraine. So lies and misinformation have been broadcast nationwide, reaching millions of people who will never read subsequent fact checks debunking them.

This began in May, when Giuliani’s embrace of the conspiracy theory was reported on the front page of the Times, in an article that forced readers to wait until the 19th paragraph to find out that “No evidence has surfaced that the former vice president intentionally tried to help his son by pressing for the prosecutor general’s dismissal.” Even so, the Times politics reporter who interviewed Giuliani, Ken Vogel, claimed on Twitter that this meant “The BIDENS are entangled in a Ukrainian corruption scandal.”

As I reported at the time, the truth is not that hard to determine. There is little doubt that Biden’s son Hunter did benefit from his father’s position by securing a spot on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas company in 2014, a legal but ethically dubious move. But when Joe Biden subsequently conveyed a threat from the Obama administration to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine unless the chief prosecutor was dismissed, his intervention made it more rather than less likely that the oligarch who paid his son would be subject to prosecution for corruption.

That’s because one of the most prominent cases of official corruption that Shokin had failed to pursue was against a former environment and natural resources minister, Mykola Zlochevsky, who had oversight of all Ukrainian energy firms, including the largest independent gas company, Burisma, which he secretly controlled through shell companies in Cyprus. After Zlochevsky was forced from office in 2014 — in the popular uprising that toppled a pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, and forced his political adviser, Paul Manafort, to look elsewhere for work — Burisma appointed Hunter Biden to its board.

Shokin’s reluctance to pursue Zlochevsky was loudly condemned by the Obama administration shortly before Biden traveled to Ukraine at the end of 2015. In a speech to the Odessa Financial Forum that September, U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt complained that the chief prosecutor’s office had “undermined prosecutors working on legitimate corruption cases,” like, for example, “the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky.”

“Shokin was fired,” the executive director of Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Action Center, Daria Kaleniuk, told me in May, “because he failed to do investigations of corruption and economic crimes of President Yanukovych and his close associates, including Zlochevsky, and basically it was the big demand within society in Ukraine, including our organization and many other organizations, to get rid of this guy.”

Despite the debunking of this conspiracy theory by The Intercept and other news outlets when Giuliani first raised it in May, the president’s lawyer was invited on CNN this week and allowed, over the course of 20 minutes on national television, to make a series of false claims about Biden and Ukraine, uncorrected by the host, Chris Cuomo, who admitted that he had almost no knowledge of the facts of the case.

etc, etc..
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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:09 am

what are you saying about The Intercept?

or is your post about the article in The Intercept?
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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby RocketMan » Mon Sep 30, 2019 3:44 pm

It's about the use of the "conspiracy theory" smear about reporting on the Bidens' skeezy activities in the Caucasus.
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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:47 am


Belligerent Savant » Tue Oct 01, 2019 10:46 am wrote:
elfismiles » Tue Oct 01, 2019 9:08 am wrote:
UK Band Massive Attack Flashes Q, Epstein Messages at Concert
Band urges audience to reject all conspiracy theories
Infowars.com - September 30, 2019


British trip hop group Massive Attack flashed messages concerning billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s death during a recent tour.

In their latest Mezzanine XXI tour, the band played as words flashed behind them on-stage highlighting various conspiracy theories, including one which asked “Who Killed Epstein?”

Footage of a show earlier this month showed other messages flash on giant screens behind the band, including “Building 7,” “Q,” “MK Ultra,” “WMD” “There is no wind on the moon,” and “Pizzagate,” while they played a cover of Ultravox’s “Rockwrok.”

The visuals were part of a light show devised by British documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis, at the end of which the audience is made to ponder, “Maybe all conspiracy theories are a conspiracy to make you feel powerless?” suggesting the band believes that questioning narratives propagated through the mainstream media is a bad thing.

“Suspicion is another form of control,” the last message states.

The message should come as no surprise from a band that has long subscribed to liberal ideologies.


F@%king infowhores ... that last phrase ("long subscribed to liberal ideologies") links to this:

Massive Attack hit back at 'racists and bigots' during London festival set
Friday, July 01, 2016 - 11:21 PM
https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingn ... 42852.html


meanwhile, around RI:

Information Terrorists Trying to Reshape America
Post by seemslikeadream » 15 Mar 2019 14:24

Brett Kavanaugh and the Information Terrorists Trying to Reshape America
BY Molly McKew, WIRED
The network architecture built in Gamergate helped propel Trump to the presidency and fuel conspiracies like Pizzagate and QAnon. Now it’s backing Brett Kavanaugh.

Q Anon
Post by Freitag » 16 Apr 2019

From Elfis' pasted content above:

The visuals were part of a light show devised by British documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis, at the end of which the audience is made to ponder, “Maybe all conspiracy theories are a conspiracy to make you feel powerless?” suggesting the band believes that questioning narratives propagated through the mainstream media is a bad thing.

“Suspicion is another form of control,” the last message states.

Multiple layers of cynical mindfuckery going on here. InfoWars applying their spin, of course; then there's Adam Curtis with his own distorted take... all packaged as part of audio/visual 'performance art' for a concert. Of course there's the usage of the odious phrase "conspiracy theory" to round out the conditioning mechanisms.

A vile display for those that know better. For others that simply consume information without dedicated discernment, it acts as added reinforcement: continue to absorb the readily available information fed to you. Don't trouble yourself with digging deeper.
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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby MacCruiskeen » Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:31 pm

Well, there you have it, if you needed it: the 198th proof that Adam Curtis is indeed a spooky reactionary confusionist cnut. And now you have the salutary reminder that anyone who ventures to notice that obvious fact can only be an Alex Jones fanboy. We live and learn.

Sad about Massive Attack, though. They had some good tunes back in the day, as did Herman's Hermits.
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Re: [Poll] A sticky thread for "'CT' in the media"?

Postby RocketMan » Tue Oct 01, 2019 12:57 pm

MacCruiskeen » Tue Oct 01, 2019 7:31 pm wrote:Well, there you have it, if you needed it: the 198th proof that Adam Curtis is indeed a spooky reactionary confusionist cnut. And now you have the salutary reminder that anyone who ventures to notice that obvious fact can only be an Alex Jones fanboy. We live and learn.

Sad about Massive Attack, though. They had some good tunes back in the day, as did Herman's Hermits.

Yeah, what a bunch of nihilistic, pseudo-edgy, amoral, intellectually lazy crap.
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