New World Order Quotes

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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby zangtang » Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:50 am

what a bunch of sweeties!

that JJ Hurtak - crazy name, crazy guy!.....had a book by him (still here somewhere) - if anybody can tell me what it actually meant i'm all ears!!!

- wonder if dear old benjamin creme feels a lifetime of bending over for the arch-deciever has been time well spent?

Going to have to do some real hoovering to get upto speed on the transhumanist thing - i was obviously wrong to initially dismiss them
out of hand as a bunch of limpwristed failed scifi writers. I would wager real money every single one has sex problems.
Now, every time i read of them, or something one of them said, i fear for the future even more cos i know full well that
some people really are sulphurous-batshit fucking crazy & not just willing but champing at the bit to drag us all to hell
because hey 'its a price that has to be paid'.

If they are actually saying what i think they're saying, they need to be forcefully reminded of the limitations of the
human form by public disembowellment.
For the benefit of virtual listeners not unadjacent to Fort Meade, that is not a suggestion as it could
possibly be construed as hate speech & i never condone violence, even for the blindingly obvious mortal enemies of humanity.
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby divideandconquer » Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:41 pm

Interesting quotes in this article (scroll down to transhumanism).

In the dark past of human civilization, the ruling class controlled humanity largely through religious institutions and mysticism. However, the turn of the century witnessed the epistemic transformation of the elite's religious power structure into a "scientific dictatorship." The history and background of this "scientific dictatorship" is a conspiracy, created and micro-managed through the historical tide of Darwinism, which has its foundations in Freemasonry. In this article, we shall examine the evolutionary alchemy of eugenics, from Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood to William Sims Bainbridge's Transhumanism.

The Alchemical Transformation of Man

A common misnomer that has been circulated by academia's anointed historians is that the alchemists of antiquity were attempting to transform lead into gold. In truth, this was a fiction promulgated by the alchemists themselves to conceal their ultimate objectives . . .the transformation of man into a god. Among one of the various occult organizations that aspired to complete this alchemical mission was Freemasonry. Providing a summation of Masonry's supreme goal, Masonic scholar W.L. Wilmshurst writes:
This - the evolution of man into superman [emphasis - ADDED] - was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into practice; whilst to join the Craft for any other purpose than to study and pursue this science is to misunderstand its meaning (Wilmshurst, p. 47, 1980).

According to this alchemical mandate, humanity is a gradually developing deity requiring scientific assistance in its evolution. In Mystic Masonry, 32nd degree Mason J.D. Buck reiterates this theme of man as a progressively apotheosizing organism: "Humanity, 'in-toto', then, is the only Personal God" (Buck, p. 136, 1990). Of course, the concept of evolution would later be disseminated on the popular level as Darwinism and become the veritable cornerstone of contemporary science.

Before its popularization, evolutionary theory was the intellectual property of Masonry. Freemason Erasmus Darwin, Charles' grandfather, "originated almost every important idea that has since appeared in evolutionary theory" (Darlington, p. 62, 1959). It is hardly a coincidence that many of Charles Darwin's chief promoters were Freemasons, not the least of which being T.H. Huxley. It is even less of a coincidence that Charles Darwin's cousin, Sir Francis Galton, would become one of the early expediters of Masonry's alchemical agenda.

Eugenics: Alchemically Engineered Apotheosis

Sir Francis Galton could be considered an early evolutionary alchemist. His own cousin's theory of evolution was one of his chief inspirations. In Memories of My Life, Galton wrote:
The publication in 1859 of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin made a marked epoch in my own mental development, as it did in that of human thought generally. Its effect was to demolish a multitude of dogmatic barriers by a single stroke, and to arouse a spirit of rebellion against all ancient authorities whose positive and unauthenticated statements were contradicted by modern science (Galton, Memories of My Life, p. 287).

Viewing evolutionary theory in conjunction with the alchemical mandate for man's consciously engineered apotheosis, one inevitably recognizes a belief system that exhibits all of the characteristics of a religion. This revelation is most clearly illustrated by Galton's statements in Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development:
The chief result of these Inquiries has been to elicit the religious significance of the doctrine of evolution. It suggests an alteration in our mental attitude, and imposes a new moral duty. The new mental attitude is one of a greater sense of moral freedom, responsibility, and opportunity; the new duty which is supposed to be exercised concurrently with, and not in opposition to the old ones upon which the social fabric depends, is an endeavor to further evolution, especially that of the human race (Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development, p. 337, 1883).

That Galton recognized the "religious significance of evolution" is no accident. Throughout the years, this Masonically inspired religion of emergent deities has resurfaced under various appellations. Wagar enumerates its numerous manifestations:
Nineteenth- and early twentieth-century thought teems with time-bound emergent deities. Scores of thinkers preached some sort of faith in what is potential in time, in place of the traditional Christian and mystical faith in a power outside of time. Hegel's Weltgeist, Comte's Humanite, Spencer's organismic humanity inevitably improving itself by the laws of evolution, Nietzsche's doctrine of superhumanity, the conception of a finite God given currency by J.S. Mill, Hastings Rashdall, and William James, the vitalism of Bergson and Shaw, the emergent evolutionism of Samuel Alexander and Lloyd Morgan, the theories of divine immanence in the liberal movement in Protestant theology, and du Nouy's telefinalism - all are exhibits in evidence of the influence chiefly of evolutionary thinking, both before and after Darwin, in Western intellectual history. The faith of progress itself - especially the idea of progress as built into the evolutionary scheme of things - is in every way the psychological equivalent of religion (Wagar, pp. 106 - 7, 1961).

This emergent deity, Man (spelled with a capitalized M to denote his purported divinity), would be fully enthroned through the efforts of alchemists themselves. Galton would reintroduce the concept of alchemy under the appellation of eugenics, a term derived from Greek for "well born." The basic precepts of eugenics were delineated in Galton's Hereditary Genius, a racist polemic advocating a system of selective breeding for the purposes of providing "more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing over the less suitable" (Galton, Hereditary Genius, p. 24, 1869). According to Galton, society should be eugenically regimented. The framework of such a society would be a caste system where status was assigned according to genetic superiority. In an article in the January 1873 edition of Fraser's Magazine, Galton stated:
I do not see why any insolence of caste should prevent the gifted class, when they had the power, from treating their [lower caste] compatriots with all kindness, as long as they maintained celibacy. But if these continued to procreate children, inferior in moral, intellectual, and physical qualities, it is easy to believe that the time may come when such persons would be considered as enemies to the State, and to have forfeited all claims to kindness (qutd. in Chase, pp. 100, 1977).

Galton hoped that such societal regimentation would promote "eugenically sound" breeding amongst the citizenry. Summarizing Galton's objectives, Allan Chase explains: "What Galton was talking about here was the power to breed people as we breed pigs" (Chase, p. 101, 1977). Of course, as George Orwell opined in Animal Farm, some pigs are more equal than others. According to Galton's cousin and racialist progenitor, Charles Darwin, the pigs of higher stock were the Anglo-Saxons. This becomes evident in Darwinian Josiah Strong's manifesto, America's Destiny. Quoting Darwin, Strong wrote:
"At the present day," says Mr. Darwin, "civilized nations are everywhere supplanting barbarous nations, excepting, where the climate opposes a deadly barrier; and they succeed mainly, though exclusively, through their arts, which are the products of the intellect." He continues: "Whether the extinction of inferior races before the advancing Anglo-Saxon seems to the reader sad or otherwise, it certainly appears probable...Is there room for reasonable doubt that this race, unless devitalized by alcohol and tobacco, is destined to dispossess many weaker races, assimilate others, and mold the remainder, until, in a very true and important sense, it has Anglo-Saxonized mankind?" (Strong, pp. 165 - 80, 1885).

Of course, it comes as no real surprise that such thinking underpinned the racialist policies of Nazi Germany, which was a scientific dictatorship edified by Darwinian evolution. It comes as even less a surprise that Leonard Darwin, son of Charles, was vice-president of both the 1912 and 1921 International Eugenics Congresses. The first of these two meetings was the outgrowth of a 1911 gathering of the International Society for Racial Hygiene, a predominantly German organization. That Germany would see the full enactment of eugenical policies is hardly a coincidence.

Planned Parenthood: The Racist Legacy of Margaret Sanger

Although the Nazis' eugenical Holocaust of WWII constituted an enormous public relations disaster for proponents of eugenics, the movement would later resurface under the banner of population control and radical environmentalism. Researchers Tarpley and Chaitkin document this transmogrification:
The population control or zero population growth movement, which grew rapidly in the late 1960s thanks to free media exposure and foundation grants for a stream of pseudoscientific propaganda about the alleged "population bomb" and the limits to growth," was a continuation of the old prewar, protofascist eugenics movement, which had been forced to go into temporary eclipse when the world recoiled in horror at the atrocities committed by the Nazis in the name of eugenics. By mid-1960s, the same old crackpot eugenicists had resurrected themselves as the population-control and environmentalist movement. Planned Parenthood was a perfect example of the transmogrification. Now, instead of demanding the sterilization of the inferior races, the newly packaged eugenicists talked about the population bomb, giving the poor "equal access" to birth control, and "freedom of choice" (Tarpley & Chaitkin, p. 203, 1992).

Indeed, Planned Parenthood successfully carried the banner of eugenics into the post-WWII era. Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a virulently racist woman who touted the slogan: "Birth Control: to create a race of thoroughbreds." Her manifesto, entitled The Pivot of Civilization, thoroughly delineates the mission of Planned Parenthood and its allied organizations in the eugenics movement. In this treatise, which featured an introduction written by Freemason and Fabian socialist H.G. Wells, Sanger reveals the true motives underpinning the promotion of birth control:
Birth Control, which has been criticized as negative and destructive, is really the greatest and most truly eugenic method, and its adoption as part of the program of Eugenics would immediately give a concrete and realistic power to that science… as the most constructive and necessary of the means to racial health (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, p. 189, 1922).

Sanger believed that society's tolerance of "morons," "human weeds," and the "feeble-minded' was encouraging dysgenics. To remedy this purported genetic threat, Sanger unabashedly promoted the implementation of authoritarian measures:
The emergency problem of segregation and sterilization must be faced immediately. Every feeble-minded girl or woman of the hereditary type, especially of the moron class, should be segregated during the reproductive period.... we prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, pp. 101 - 102, 1922).

Understand, these are the words of a so-called "proponent of reproductive rights." Moreover, Sanger desired to see the establishment of a gulag system within America for the internment of the "feeble-minded." In an issue of Birth Control Review, she wrote:
To apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted... to apportion farm lands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives… (Sanger, "Plan of Peace," Birth Control Review, pp. 107-8, 1932).

Although Sanger's gulag system was not formally enacted in the United States, her vision saw horrible fulfillment in Nazi Germany. It comes as little surprise that Planned Parenthood's board of directors included Nazi supporters such as Dr. Lothrop Stoddard, author of a racist tract entitled The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy. In fact, Birth Control Review acted as a conduit for the dissemination of Nazi propaganda in America. In April of 1933, Dr. Ernst Rudin, Hitler's director of genetic sterilization and a founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene, published an article in Birth Control Review. Entitled "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need," the article presented the following appeal:
The danger to the community of the unsegregated feeble-minded woman is more evident. Most dangerous are the middle and high grades living at large who, despite the fact that their defect is not easily recognizable, should nevertheless be prevented from procreation.... In my view we should act without delay (Rudin, "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need," Birth Control Review, pp. 102-4, 1933).

Of course, in Rudin's native country, the "feeble-minded" did not remain "unsegregrated" for very long. The same year that Sanger's publication printed Rudin's article, Ernst collaborated with Heinrich Himmler on Germany's 1933 sterilization law. This genocidal edict stipulated the sterilization of all Jews and "colored" German children. Eventually, the "undesirables" were collected, segregated, and systematically murdered. The final result of the Nazi eugenics program was the Holocaust, which claimed six million lives.

Yet, how many people would have been segregated for orderly disposal according to Sanger's vision? Upon examination of army statistics, Sanger concluded that:
...nearly half - 47.3 per cent - of the population had the mentality of twelve-year-old children or less - in other words that they are morons" (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, p. 263, 1922).

Sanger expressed dismal hopes for a vast segment of the population, declaring that: "only 13,500,000 will ever show superior intelligence" (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, p. 264, 1922). Thus, only a meager 13.5% of the population would be permitted to procreate. The rest would be segregated for orderly disposal. Evidently, Sanger's holocaust would have even dwarfed Hitler's Final Solution.

In typical Darwinian fashion, Sanger showed little mercy towards the weak. In fact, Margaret expressed a distinct aversion towards the poor. Chapter Five of her book is entitled "The Cruelty of Charity." Reiterating Malthus' proposal to "disclaim the right of the poor to support," she wrote:
Organized charity itself is....the surest sign that our civilization has bred, is breeding and is perpetuating constantly increasing numbers of defectives, delinquents and dependents (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, p. 108, 1922).

Sanger particularly loathed:
…a special type of philanthropy or benevolence,....which strikes me as being more insidiously injurious than any other.... to supply gratis medical and nursing facilities to slum mothers (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, p. 114, 1922).

According to Margaret, such an investment of time, effort, resources, and love represented the height of futility:
.... we are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.... (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization, p. 187, 1922).

Planned Parenthood retains an active role in the scientific dictatorship's project of eugenical regimentation today. Despite revelations of Nazi atrocities constituted a public relations disaster for the organization, Planned Parenthood survived and continues to tangibly enact Sanger's vision. In fact, so-called "conservative, pro-life, pro-family, Christian" President George Bush Sr. pledged his whole-hearted support to the group. Researchers Tarpley and Chaitkin explain:
Although Planned Parenthood was forced, during the fascist era and immediately thereafter, to tone down Sanger's racist rhetoric from "race betterment" to "family planning" for the benefit of the poor and racial minorities, the organization's basic goal of curbing the population growth rate among "undesirables" never really changed. Bush publicly asserted that he agreed "1,000 percent" with Planned Parenthood (Tarpley & Chaitkin, p. 195, 1992).

Transhumanism: Techno-Eugenics and the End of Humanity

Today, Galton's agenda of biological totalitarianism has resurfaced as the World Transhumanist Association. However, equipped with nanotechnology and genetic engineering, this movement presents a technologically augmented form of eugenics. Richard Hayes, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, elaborates:
Last June at Yale University, the World Transhumanist Association held its first national conference. The Transhumanists have chapters in more than 20 countries and advocate the breeding of "genetically enriched" forms of "post-human" beings. Other advocates of the new techno-eugenics, such as Princeton University professor Lee Silver, predict that by the end of this century, "All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry [will be] controlled by members of the GenRich class... Naturals [will] work as low-paid service providers or as laborers..." (Hayes, 2004).

Here is the vision of the Transhumanist movement… Huxley's Brave New World where the new class distinction is genetic. Yet, just how long shall the GenRich class tolerate the existence of its biological subordinates? Hayes continues:
What happens then? Here's Dr. Richard Lynn, emeritus professor at the University of Ulster, who, like Silver, supports human genetic modification: "What is called for here is not genocide, the killing off of the population of incompetent cultures. But we do need to think realistically in terms of the 'phasing out' of such peoples....Evolutionary progress means the extinction of the less competent" (Hayes, 2004).

This is a frightening proposition indeed. C. Christopher Hook delineates the philosophy underpinning Transhumanism:
That we are biological creatures is simply our current status, transhumanists believe, but it is not necessary for defining who we are or who we should be. Bart Kosko, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California, puts it more bluntly in his book Heaven in a Chip (2002): "Biology is not destiny. It was never more than tendency. It was just nature's first quick and dirty way to compute with meat. Chips are destiny."

British roboticist Kevin Warwick put it this way: "I was born human. But this was an accident of fate-a condition merely of time and place." This sounds startingly reminiscent of what nihilist Frederick Nietzsche wrote in Thus Spake Zarathustra: "I teach you the overman. Man is something to be overcome" (Hook, 2004).

Like Nietzsche's overman, the roboman of Warwick and Kosko represents yet another incarnation of Adam Weishaupt's "inner Areopagites: man made perfect as a god-without-God" (Billington, p. 97, 1980).

A central feature of Darwinism has been the belief in great extinctions. That belief remains firmly embedded within the crusade of the Transhumanist movement. Hook elaborates:
Katherine Hayles, a professor of English at the University of California, Los Angeles, says in How We Became Posthuman (1999) that "in the posthuman, there are no essential differences, or absolute demarcations, between bodily existence and computer simulation, cybernetic mechanism and biological organism, robot technology and human goals." She concludes her book with a warning: "Humans can either go gently into that good night, joining the dinosaurs as a species that once ruled the earth but is now obsolete, or hang on for a while longer by becoming machines themselves. In either case … the age of the human is drawing to a close" (Hook, 2004).

According to the Darwinian doctrine of the Transhumanist movement, mankind is the next species slated for extinction. How does the GenRich class intend to regulate the rest of the "dysgenics" until their ultimate extinction? Transhumanist ideologue and Deputy Director of the National Science Foundation's Division of Information and Intelligent Systems William Sims Bainbridge provides the answer:
Techniques such as genetic engineering, psychoactive drugs and electronic control of the brain make possible a transformation of the species into docile, fully-obedient, "safe" organisms (Bainbridge, 1982).

In other words, the pharmacological totalitarianism of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Chemically numbed and anesthetized, the "dysgenics" will resign themselves to extinction in the posthuman era. Meanwhile, the eugenical alchemists of the elite continue to write the final chapter of the evolutionary script and they have left no room for humanity in the last pages.

Also, look into the NSF and Department of Commerce December 2001 workshop on "Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science" where Newt Gingrich was keynote speaker ... report.pdf
'I see clearly that man in this world deceives himself by admiring and esteeming things which are not, and neither sees nor esteems the things which are.' — St. Catherine of Genoa
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby slomo » Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:26 pm

divideandconquer » 14 Jul 2015 06:21 wrote:I don't think it's important what you or I believe (agnostic, atheist, Jewish, Christian, etc.), but instead to understand what the controllers believe, and there is no doubt in my mind that they operate under a different religious/philosophical framework, one which is ultimately based on the inversion of good and evil, however, cloaked in robes of goodness and enlightenment.

If you examine the origin of thought and philosophies of people such as Teilhard de Chardin, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey (successor to Annie Besant as president of the Theosophical Society who formed the Lucifer Publishing Company in 1920 which became Lucis Trust), there appears to be a religion of apotheosis at the core, which many call Luciferian.


Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones, who co-founded a Thelemite order and introduced Crowley to the Golden Dawn

Adam Weishaupt

Baron von Knigge

Eugen Grosche

Manly P. Hall

Albert Pike

John Dee

Robert Muller

Karl von Eckartshausen

Paschal Beverly Randolph

Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre

Rudolf Steiner

MacGregor Mathers

Benjamin Creme

Frater Achad

Sir Laurence Gardner

Ron Hubbard and Jack Parsons

J.J. Hurtak

Alan Bennett

Kenneth Grant

Max Theon

Ray Kurzweil

Max More
"Last June at Yale University, the World Transhumanist Association held its first national conference. The Transhumanists have chapters in more than 20 countries and advocate the breeding of "genetically enriched" forms of "post-human" beings. Other advocates of the new techno-eugenics, such as Princeton University professor Lee Silver, predict that by the end of this century, "All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment industry, and the knowledge industry [will be] controlled by members of the GenRich class. . .Naturals [will] work as low-paid service providers or as laborers. . ." Richard Hayes, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society,

Moreover, I think the global elite know the masses will only embrace their one world religion if it's cloaked in the warm and fuzzy, spouting individuality, freedom and independence, if it has seductive appeal, if it promises security and material welfare and "paradise this side of the grave",

In other words, I think it's foolish to assume that the agenda of the global elites isn't deeply rooted in religious belief that most of the world would find shocking. The timetable itself is proof of the religious component involved insofar as these normally greedy, power-hungry people are willing to wait it out past not only their own lifetime, but even past the lifetimes of their children and grandchildren.

This is why, as I grow older, I increasingly think that the Essenes were on the right track.

For various reasons, I have had very up-close, prolonged and personal dealings with Theosophy and its modern day adherents. Everything I know about it (and I know a lot) repulses me.
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Oct 05, 2015 5:41 pm

In no other matter did he act more wasteful than in building a house that stretched from the Palatine to the Esquiline Hill, which he originally named “Transitoria” [House of Passages], but when soon afterwards it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt he called it “Aurea” [Golden House]. A house whose size and elegance these details should be sufficient to relate: Its courtyard was so large that a 120-foot colossal statue of the emperor himself stood there; it was so spacious that it had a mile-long triple portico; also there was a pool of water like a sea, that was surrounded by buildings which gave it the appearance of cities; and besides that, various rural tracts of land with vineyards, cornfields, pastures, and forests, teeming with every kind of animal both wild and domesticated. In other parts of the house, everything was covered in gold and adorned with jewels and mother-of-pearl; dining rooms with fretted ceilings whose ivory panels could be turned so that flowers or perfumes from pipes were sprinkled down from above; the main hall of the dining rooms was round, and it would turn constantly day and night like the Heavens; there were baths, flowing with seawater and with the sulfur springs of the Albula; when he dedicated this house, that had been completed in this manner, he approved of it only so much as to say that he could finally begin to live like a human being.
Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars

Speaking of Nero Trump and his Dormus Aurea Pompous Pimp Palace

Dormus Aurea
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby conniption » Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:11 pm

“In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it's the fast fish which eats the slow fish.”

Klaus Schwab
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Dec 25, 2021 7:35 am

I laughed at America's fear
Of a New World Order controllin' the hemisphere
'Cause my people been livin' that for the past 500 years
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby BenDhyan » Mon Mar 21, 2022 7:53 pm

President Joe: "Now is the time where things are shifting. There's going to be a new world order out there and we've got to lead it"

Ben D
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby Grizzly » Mon Mar 21, 2022 11:55 pm


"...the author predicts, the US and USSR will continue to suffer both absolute and comparative decline since economic rather than military might will determine the winners of this high-stakes game."
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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby MacCruiskeen » Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:59 pm

"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, NYC, 1966

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Re: New World Order Quotes

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:14 pm


If only there was a recording to capture all the quotable comments out of this eclectic mix, back in 2019.

Montreux, 30 May - 2 June 2019

Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman, Steering Committee; Chairman, Institut Montaigne
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), President, American Friends of Bilderberg Inc.; Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Chairman Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Professor of Economics, Leiden University
Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Treasurer Foundation Bilderberg Meetings; Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG

Abrams, Stacey (USA), Founder and Chair, Fair Fight
Adonis, Andrew (GBR), Member, House of Lords
Albers, Isabel (BEL), Editorial Director, De Tijd / L'Echo
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore
Arbour, Louise (CAN), Senior Counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Arrimadas, Inés (ESP), Party Leader, Ciudadanos
Azoulay, Audrey (INT), Director-General, UNESCO
Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Balta, Evren (TUR), Associate Professor of Political Science, Özyegin University
Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chairwoman and CEO, Temaris & Associés
Barbot, Estela (PRT), Member of the Board and Audit Committee, REN (Redes Energéticas Nacionais)
Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Former President, European Commission
Barton, Dominic (CAN), Senior Partner and former Global Managing Partner, McKinsey & Company
Beaune, Clément (FRA), Adviser Europe and G20, Office of the President of the Republic of France
Boos, Hans-Christian (DEU), CEO and Founder, Arago GmbH
Bostrom, Nick (GBR), Director, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander
Brandtzæg, Svein Richard (NOR), Chairman, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Brende, Børge (NOR), President, World Economic Forum
Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA
Buitenweg, Kathalijne (NLD), MP, Green Party
Caine, Patrice (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Thales Group
Carney, Mark J. (GBR), Governor, Bank of England
Casado, Pablo (ESP), President, Partido Popular
Ceviköz, Ahmet Ünal (TUR), MP, Republican People's Party (CHP)
Cohen, Jared (USA), Founder and CEO, Jigsaw, Alphabet Inc.
Croiset van Uchelen, Arnold (NLD), Partner, Allen & Overy LLP
Daniels, Matthew (USA), New space and technology projects, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Demiralp, Selva (TUR), Professor of Economics, Koç University
Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE
Ellis, James O. (USA), Chairman, Users’ Advisory Group, National Space Council
Feltri, Stefano (ITA), Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Il Fatto Quotidiano
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Findsen, Lars (DNK), Director, Danish Defence Intelligence Service
Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Director, British Government Communications Headquarters
Garton Ash, Timothy (GBR), Professor of European Studies, Oxford University
Gnodde, Richard J. (IRL), CEO, Goldman Sachs International
Godement, François (FRA), Senior Adviser for Asia, Institut Montaigne
Grant, Adam M. (USA), Saul P. Steinberg Professor of Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor "Otto e mezzo", La7 TV
Hanappi-Egger, Edeltraud (AUT), Rector, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation; Former European Commissioner
Henry, Mary Kay (USA), International President, Service Employees International Union
Hirayama, Martina (CHE), State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation
Hobson, Mellody (USA), President, Ariel Investments LLC
Hoffman, Reid (USA), Co-Founder, LinkedIn; Partner, Greylock Partners
Hoffmann, André (CHE), Vice-Chairman, Roche Holding Ltd.
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. (USA), Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
Jost, Sonja (DEU), CEO, DexLeChem
Kaag, Sigrid (NLD), Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies
Kerameus, Niki K. (GRC), MP; Partner, Kerameus & Partners
Kissinger, Henry A. (USA), Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.
Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chairman, Koç Holding A.S.
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Professor in History and International Affairs, Princeton University
Krastev, Ivan (BUL), Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Kristersson, Ulf (SWE), Leader of the Moderate Party
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group
Kushner, Jared (USA), Senior Advisor to the President, The White House
Le Maire, Bruno (FRA), Minister of Finance
Leyen, Ursula von der (DEU), Federal Minster of Defence
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chairman, KBC Group and Umicore
Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chairman, IFRS Trustees; Helsinki Graduate School of Economics
Lund, Helge (GBR), Chairman, BP plc; Chairman, Novo Nordisk AS
Maurer, Ueli (CHE), President of the Swiss Federation and Federal Councillor of Finance
Mazur, Sara (SWE), Director, Investor AB
McArdle, Megan (USA), Columnist, The Washington Post
McCaskill, Claire (USA), Former Senator; Analyst, NBC News
Medina, Fernando (PRT), Mayor of Lisbon
Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Monzón, Javier (ESP), Chairman, PRISA
Mundie, Craig J. (USA), President, Mundie & Associates
Nadella, Satya (USA), CEO, Microsoft
Netherlands, His Majesty the King of the (NLD)
Nora, Dominique (FRA), Managing Editor, L'Obs
O'Leary, Michael (IRL), CEO, Ryanair D.A.C.
Pagoulatos, George (GRC), Vice-President of ELIAMEP, Professor; Athens University of Economics
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), CEO, TITAN Cement Company S.A.
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chairman, KKR Global Institute
Pienkowska, Jolanta (POL), Anchor woman, journalist
Pottinger, Matthew (USA), Senior Director, National Security Council
Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chairman and CEO, Total S.A.
Ratas, Jüri (EST), Prime Minister
Renzi, Matteo (ITA), Former Prime Minister; Senator, Senate of the Italian Republic
Rockström, Johan (SWE), Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Rubin, Robert E. (USA), Co-Chairman Emeritus, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Treasury Secretary
Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
Sabia, Michael (CAN), President and CEO, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Sarts, Janis (INT), Director, NATO StratCom Centre of Excellence
Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chairman, Newbridge Advisory
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Technical Advisor, Alphabet Inc.
Scholten, Rudolf (AUT), President, Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue
Seres, Silvija (NOR), Independent Investor
Shafik, Minouche (GBR), Director, The London School of Economics and Political Science
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), MP, European Parliament
Singer, Peter Warren (USA), Strategist, New America
Sitti, Metin (TUR), Professor, Koç University; Director, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Snyder, Timothy (USA), Richard C. Levin Professor of History, Yale University
Solhjell, Bård Vegar (NOR), CEO, WWF - Norway
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Suleyman, Mustafa (GBR), Co-Founder, Deepmind
Supino, Pietro (CHE), Publisher and Chairman, Tamedia Group
Teuteberg, Linda (DEU), General Secretary, Free Democratic Party
Thiam, Tidjane (CHE), CEO, Credit Suisse Group AG
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital
Trzaskowski, Rafal (POL), Mayor of Warsaw
Tucker, Mark (GBR), Group Chairman, HSBC Holding plc
Tugendhat, Tom (GBR), MP, Conservative Party
Turpin, Matthew (USA), Director for China, National Security Council
Uhl, Jessica (NLD), CFO and Exectuive Director, Royal Dutch Shell plc
Vestergaard Knudsen, Ulrik (DNK), Deputy Secretary-General, OECD
Walker, Darren (USA), President, Ford Foundation
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Wolf, Martin H. (GBR), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), Chief Revenue Officer, WarnerMedia
Zetsche, Dieter (DEU), Former Chairman, Daimler AG ... rticipants

The key topics for discussion this year are:

1. A Stable Strategic Order
2. What Next for Europe?
3. Climate Change and Sustainability
4. China
5. Russia
6. The Future of Capitalism
7. Brexit
8. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
9. The Weaponisation of Social Media
10. The Importance of Space
11. Cyber Threats
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