Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Wed May 15, 2024 3:40 pm

Belligerent Savant » Mon May 06, 2024 1:54 am wrote:I'm going to reiterate one last time here: my premise is NOT that climate fluctuations aren't occurring; indeed, climate fluctuations -- sometimes sudden, sometimes drawn out -- have occurred thoughout the history of the world, well before humans existed. The point is that 'climate alarm' is foolish as there will always be fluctuations to climate for myriad reasons. Austerity measures will NOT change these fluctuations. To believe otherwise is to believe in non-science and propaganda.

The Earth’s atmosphere is far more complex than our current models can handle.

That aside, the reality is that our human-era climate -- the climate experienced on Earth throughout most if not all of of human existence -- is actually anomalous/non-standard. What we may be experiencing, over the course of the next few hundred years [certainly not imminently] is a 'regression to the mean'.

Much of Earth's history consisted of 'Equable Climate':
https://groups.seas.harvard.edu/climate ... index.html

Equable Climate? What Does That Mean?

During various points in the Earth's history, the global climate has been equable. You are probably wondering what an equable climate is. Simply put, it is a period in Earth's history when the temperature was roughly equal everywhere in the world. In the past, this state existed because the poles were significantly warmer than they are currently, while the Tropics remained at roughly present day temperatures.

When the Earth has an equable climate, the equator to pole temperature difference (EPTD) is much lower than it is now, and the seasonality—the temperature variation from summer to winter—is also much lower. Fifty million years ago, during a recent era of equable climate, sea surface temperatures in the Arctic Ocean were in the subtropical range, between 64° and 77°F; In Antarctica, palm trees grew and frost was a rare event. In effect, the tropics extended north and south from the equator much further than they do now, and subtropical conditions extended from there to the poles.

It was a very different world. The only glaciers were on high mountains close to the poles. The only deserts were in the rain shadows of tall mountain ranges. Snow was a rarity away from mountain summits. The Sahara and the Arabian peninsula? Green and fertile, watered with regular rains. The world was wrapped in a springtime that lasted for millions of years.

It should go without typing that even if the Earth returned to the exact same climate as described above, it would NOT be 'devastating'. To the contrary. Further: if the Earth does indeed return to an 'Equable Climate', it will not happen suddenly, but rather, gradually over hundreds of years. PLENTY of time for sensible, incremental adjustments to living conditions in the appropriate regions.

What's missing here is that there were no humans around last time we had a climate like that. It doesn't matter what the climate was like millions of years ago, it matters what it's like now, when human civilization exists.

Back then the average temperature of Earth was more than 10C hotter than today, and the changes took thousands or millions of years, not hundreds. If the climate went back to that we'd be thoroughly fucked. Most of human civilization would be under water to start with (if Antarctica and Greenland melts sea levels will rise by about 210 feet), along with a good chunk of our arable land. What new land became available would be mostly useless, because good topsoil doesn't just happen overnight. Then the oceans would be way hotter than today, which would fuck up everything living in them and currently feeding over a billion people. Throw in the thousands of viruses and shit currently trapped in the permafrost, insane power consumption just to keep everyone from dying of heatstroke (funny thing, if you evolve in a cool climate you struggle in a hot one), massive migrations as every major city disappears under the waves, etc., and you have a half-decent Roland Emmerich movie on your hands.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby stickdog99 » Thu May 16, 2024 5:33 pm

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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby stickdog99 » Thu May 16, 2024 6:17 pm

President of European Central Bank Says the Entire Economy and Financial System Requires Overhauling due to Climate Change

Christine Lagarde using the excuse that keeps on giving''

Don’t blame us when the economy crashes, says Christine Lagarde, head of the European Central Bank (ECB), it was climate change wot dunnit.

The former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) took to the stage to petrify Europeans into complying - “Floods, droughts and wildfires last year were just a preview of what is to come”, she said in an almost threatening tone.

With the menacing warnings out of the way, Lagarde gives a brief insight into what the globalists have in store for us when the economy starts to implode. Climate change will be changing our economy and financial system, she tells us.

To ensure they retain control once the system fails, they have a cunning plan. She calls it the ‘new climate and nature plan’ because that sounds all fuzzy and warm - ‘returning the plebs to serfdom plan’ probably wouldn’t cut it.

The plan focusses on three things:

1. The green transition. Translation - your further impoverishment;

*2.The growing physical impact of climate change. Translation - our excuse for your further impoverishment;

3. The risks from nature loss and degradation. Translation - the threat to make you want to be further impoverished.

The magnanimous leader says they “will also work to reduce their carbon footprint in everything they do, from banknotes to how we supervise banks”. Translation - we will be removing cash and replacing it with CBDCs.

The global elites are itching to bring in CBDCs. Once the glitches have been ironed out, they will be used as a totalitarian tool, all under the premise of solving climate change.

Lagarde is warning you.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Sat May 18, 2024 2:34 pm

This is what I meant by always assuming the worst about people. At no point did he say he actually wants to cull the population, only that he doesn't see any good way for us to reach our stated goals. It's a statement of pessimism, not advocacy for genocide. We're fucked unless something terrible happens, in which case we're fucked.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby stickdog99 » Sat May 18, 2024 7:02 pm

How about if we all just embraced a new environmental ethic in which we prioritized humans leaving the Earth in a better shape than they found it?

I know it sounds weird, but it's no weirder than believing that 90% of must be killed for the "good of the planet" for which we are no worse than a bad case of dandruff.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Tue May 21, 2024 6:25 pm

All for the first paragraph. No idea where the second one is coming from, because no one outside of some fringe groups is seriously saying that. The mainstream people talking about population control are talking about contraception, healthcare and education, because those are some of the surest ways to lower birth rates. Mass murder on the scale you're talking about has the unfortunate side effect of collapsing civilization, which is bad. No fun being rich in a fancy bunker if the outside looks like Fallout and your staff just realized there's one of you and twenty of them.

But hey, we might get to experience it for ourselves. In the not very distant future it will probably be within the grasp of most of us to create a virus that would kill a ton of people, or if you're extra sneaky, something with no symptoms that spreads like covid and sterilizes any children you have after getting infected. If you think covid measures were draconian just wait until there's a new AI designed bug popping up every week from anti-natalists, accelerationists, and assorted other lunatics.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby JackRiddler » Wed May 22, 2024 1:33 am

Was the one-child policy in China a genocide? I guess that's how it's judged by the people who think the mere discussion of stabilizing population is already genocide. It was authoritarian, of necessity. Are the people in China going to be worse off because of a lower and stable population? No, not because of that. But yes, because a) capitalism, including the Chinese variant, is still going to finish consuming the planet, and b) population x consumption levels is likely to continue exceeding the biospheric limits beyond how much of our civilization can be supported, and the consequences will be global, not limited to any country.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Wed May 22, 2024 12:06 pm

Just the fact people are called "consumers" without anyone batting an eyelid tells me we're fucked. There will probably be a population reduction at some point, not because that's the plan, and not all at once, but because we'll just keep going right up to the point where everything starts falling apart.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby stickdog99 » Wed May 22, 2024 5:21 pm

As Carbon Dioxide Grows More Abundant, Trees Are Growing Bigger, Yale Study Finds

Could Gaia possibly know how to take care of Herself better than Bill Gates does?
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Wed May 22, 2024 7:10 pm

Assuming it does (which assumes it knows anything at all and isn't just a big, dumb semi-stable system that hasn't encountered technological civilization before), the problem is it doesn't give a fuck about us, so maybe we shouldn't be pushing our luck. Earth has been fine for 4.5 billion years, but most of that time would not have been fine for humans, and that's the whole point. Don't push the system into a state that is hostile to us.
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby SonicG » Wed May 22, 2024 11:59 pm

Capitalism, work, is more depressing and future-generation killing than anything else...
Air Katakana
i was a postdoc at a korean university. one time i had plans with my girlfriend, so i told my boss i wouldn’t be coming in on saturday. he thought an appropriate response was to lock me in the lab monday (also a holiday) from 6pm to 5am, for a discussion about my work ethic

Since 2006, South Korea's government has spent $270bn, or just over 1% of GDP a year, on babymaking incentives. Here's the dismal result:


https://twitter.com/airkatakana/status/ ... 6755002624
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Thu May 23, 2024 9:21 am

Pretty much every issue to do with the climate and our biosphere, if you go to the source it's almost always either capitalism or something that's made worse by capitalism. Actually, pretty much every issue in general when I think about it. It's such a rotten fucking system.

As for work, there's a quote by an old guy in my town I always think of: "when I feel the urge to work get too strong I go find a quiet corner and wait for it to pass."
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby DrEvil » Sun May 26, 2024 3:16 pm

^^ "I am convinced that “climate change” is a hoax from many years of campaigning against it..."

Is it just me or is this a hilariously dumb thing to start with?

Anyway, the rest of the article is a veritable who's who of denier talking points. I'm pretty sure I've rebutted each of them at least once in this or one of the other climate threads, so I'm not going to do that again, but just to give a taste of the quality of the content (for certain values of quality), the very first link in the article is to a UK far-right politician, best known for being chummy with the English Defense League and openly stating he's a racist. Later he links to a "study", which turns out to be a short Youtube video, then "papers" from The Conservative Woman (Our Mission: All who believe in liberty will share my concern about the growing threats to free speech, freedom of conscience and to our Western Judeo-Christian heritage.), a fourteen year old article from Wattsupwiththat, and of course the obligatory "Agenda 21 is a UN plot for totalitarian world government".
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Re: Abandoning rational discussion on climate change

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon May 27, 2024 5:10 am

stickdog99 wrote:https://metatron.substack.com/p/debunking-the-climate-change-hoax

There is a video linked in this article where the presenter tries to explain the consistent approx. 1 deg C increase from Antarctica to Iceland via death valley as something that isn't happening or not due to the increase in atmospheric CO2 that happened over that time.

Anyway I live in Tasmania now cos the increasingly hot and humid summers where I used to live have finally just got too much. Not to mention the insane increases in rainfall over the last four years.
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