The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby Harvey » Mon Jul 24, 2023 5:10 pm

Sanders is a realist, he must routinely endorse the unconscionable in exchange for a crumb or two for everyday folk? A courtier then?
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This he said to me
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby Elvis » Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:21 pm

Harvey » Mon Jul 24, 2023 2:10 pm wrote:Sanders is a realist, he must routinely endorse the unconscionable in exchange for a crumb or two for everyday folk? A courtier then?

Are you saying that because we have structural crises fostered by capitalism, government should just let laid-off workers go broke, let poor children go hungry, and let sick people die? I'm not following any logic here.

You see government relief from capitalist abuse as a mutually agreed exchange, a devil's bargain. I see it as exigent measures to improve & save lives, until, putting it metaphorically, the day billionaires hang from lamp posts.

Obviously Sanders and other progressives are so far unable to make the structural changes necessary to achieve any kind of fair economy. "Trickle-down" economics never went away. The FIRE sector reigns powerful. Pay attention to the real enemy.

Frame it as crumbs if you like, but keeping millions out of poverty is still a good thing, even as a stop-gap.

Deliberately keeping millions in poverty ought to be a crime. Instead, it's official policy to "discipline labor" with debt and financial precarity. That's unconscionable.

What exactly do we want from an economy, if not good employment, good health, and a good, long life?
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby stickdog99 » Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:25 am

So what happened to the "organizer in chief"?
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jul 25, 2023 10:25 pm

Revolutionary Blackout Network
All the people who used to get mad at me for bashing AOC are now forced to admit what we’ve been saying for years now

Sad thing is these Democratic Socialist types will never apologize for attacking us for telling the truth about AOC before it was cool


I admit it.

Not just AOC, but much of the Quad and Bernie Sanders support:

- Biden 2024
- the pandamic crackdown, and
- the Ukraine war.

Has caught me massively off-guard Even Marianne Williamson backs Biden on Ukraine..


BigChris Cooks
Predictable unfortunately.


Fran - SylviasDaughter -
It's hard to take. But it's the truth.
The Bernie desertion, AOC , the Squad.

Not one of them faithful to their promises of political Revolution.

Like Dr. West Said ,They got "co-opted".

They lost their souls. They are passionless.

Image ... 03617?s=20

Revolutionary Blackout Network

All the AOC fans who realize AOC is now a fraud I hope you learned your lesson.

Turning a politician into a celebrity like figure while refusing to hold them accountable will make it that much easier for them to sell you out

1:36 PM · Jul 25, 2023

Thia is with
How many times was I dragged for calling her out in the height of her popularity… lol. my political bs detector is here to help the working class.

Revolutionary Blackout Network
I still remember when you said AOC is the next Elizabeth Warren ages ago

Thia is with …
… and where’s Liz and her green bombs now? What a bunch of frauds, at the expense of the working class and the planet. Sickening, really.


Narrator: they did not learn their lesson.


Political independent, Loyal to my teams
Kudos to those who came to the realization that AOC and every so-called progressive inside the duopoly are frauds. Let's welcome them to the movement and hopefully more people will finally open their eyes to the truth.


Hahahaha no they wont. These are not logical decisions. These are artifacts of a warped us/them calculation that has been weaponized against citizens so that everyone is a them and there is no us. so no. No lesson learnable unfortunately ... 06055?s=20
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Jul 22, 2024 2:53 pm

AOC, Friday, July 19th:

AOC slams media 'craziness' surrounding Biden drop out speculation: 'Enormous peril'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., early Friday morning took to Instagram to dispel what she described as media "craziness” surrounding reports President Joe Biden could soon drop out of the presidential election.

AOC admitted during a live video on Instagram she does not know what will happen in the coming days. However, she said the notion that Democrats aren’t behind Biden largely originates from a class of powerful individuals outside of Congress who aren’t acting in the interest of the voting masses.

If people wanted to have this conversation six months ago, a year ago, it’s a very different landscape of logistics,” she said. “I think people need to understand the reality and the gravity of what these people are proposing.”

The representative continued, calling out her Democratic colleagues for failing to take ownership of their comments made to the press during such a tumultuous time for the party, referring to it as "craziness" in the media.

“Over the last several weeks, there’s been lots of Democrats who have been giving little anonymous quotes to the press, to some journalist to print — and I’m not here to knock the press on it, I’m here to knock my colleagues on it," she said.

That’s bulls---,” she added. “If you have an opinion, say it with your chest and say it in public. The idea that you are an elected official and you are supposed to be responsible for a community and you’re just going to, like, text some journalist on the low and say ‘this is what I think, but don’t put my name next to it’ — what are you here to do?”

Continuing, she noted choosing another nominee within the Democratic Party could prove to be a lengthy process, impacting some state deadlines for ballot entries. Such a scenario, she said, could lead to “enormous peril.”

Her remarks come as fellow “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., on Thursday also lamented a lack of accountability among Democratic leaders.

“I can’t tell you all how shameful it feels to hear all these leaks about what Democratic leaders are staying [sic] and not to have a single one of them out here confirming or denying it,” Rep. Omar wrote on X. “It’s a lack of leadership and it’s making all Democrats look bad."

Whatever this mess leads to will not undo the damage that has already been inflicted. May God help us all," she concluded. ... atic-party

Image ... _who_want/

Also AOC, ~2 days later:



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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby stickdog99 » Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:24 pm

And when Harris is forced out as well, the entire "far left" will all dutifully line up to support her replacement, once again in the name of "saving democracy."

Note that if the Democrats actually cared about beating Trump in a democratic vote, then any governor on Harris' supposed VP list (other than Newsom) would be a far better choice than Kamala.
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Aug 20, 2024 10:13 pm

Aaron Maté

After grassroots pressure, AOC said in March that the Biden admin is complicit in an “unfolding genocide” in Gaza.

Now given a primetime appearance at the DNC, AOC forgets the whole genocide thing and falsely claims that Kamala Harris “is working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza.”

This came on the same day that the Biden-Harris admin pulled off their latest ceasefire scam that lets Israel dictate the terms.

What an insult to Palestinians and everyone else actually working tirelessly to pressure the genocide-complicit, ceasefire-blocking admin that AOC is whitewashing.
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby SonicG » Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:10 am

Mike Prysner
Okay so Sgt. Itay Chen was an IDF soldier killed in combat


This thread makes a pretty good case for Lil Miss Dead Eyes being a Company Woman
Rap Game Edward Bernays
Friendly PSA: AOC is not just a “Latinx bartender from the Bronx with no political experience” but actually an establishment opp with a spooky past who was put where she is to subvert America’s growing Leftist movement. THREAD ... 9243243523
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Re: The RI thread about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Aug 21, 2024 9:30 am

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