Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:02 pm

American and British Freemasons pop up everywhere in the history of eugenics. Most MKULTRA scientists happened to be Masons, often with military connections (especially Air Force). Freemasons funded schizophrenia research on children in the 1950s -- they come up everywhere, including survivors' accounts.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby convolvulaceae » Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:51 pm

The Man Next Door was a great read, as was Prisoner of Infinity. Cheers lunarmoth and guruilla.

General Patton » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:45 am wrote:

Have you ever noticed any of these types using crystals elsewhere?

According to my sources (Hobo's, outpatients, 'Diana', teenage runaways, and comic books mostly) The Bay of Fundy and Nelson, British Columbia sit on top of giant crystal beds.

As well as being a town crawling with freemasons in new age yoga costumes, Nelson (located just across the 49th from Twin Peaks, Wash.) is also alleged to be where Wolverine had his skeleton coated in pure adamantium under a hydro dam...(probably the Duncan Dam - battery for the salmonless Columbia basin) This all comes under the banner of the Bris-itch Intelgents Project Mannequin-Q552-James Casbolt-Gordon Novel psychotronic NAMBLA love-in. - A project allegedly 'twinned' to the military base below David Cameron's hometown - Peasemore, UK.

On a side note - Pig Gate is probably just to distract from Samantha Camerons attendance (alleged by Abel Danger) at the Picton/Maurice Strong/RCMP Commissioner Paulson pigfarm, beyond Hope.

Peasemore and Nelson have similar geomantic signatures due to the major ley lines both sit on...but this isn't the place for geomancy...too much intuition involved. Might lead to horrid musings regarding reptiles...and Montauk...emerald tablets of Thoth, redheaded EDOMITES!!!! etc.

Not certain if this explains why Randy Quaid fled to Nelson before popping up in Montreal (where the most recent X-Men super soldier/sex slave franchise was shot)

Was it the crystals? The ley lines? The massive beryl deposit below Michel Trudeau's frozen corpse?

I don't know. I'm going back inside my hollow log to eat morning glory seeds and read comic books.

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby guruilla » Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:29 pm

lunarmoth » Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:02 pm wrote:American and British Freemasons pop up everywhere in the history of eugenics. Most MKULTRA scientists happened to be Masons, often with military connections (especially Air Force). Freemasons funded schizophrenia research on children in the 1950s -- they come up everywhere, including survivors' accounts.

Once again, you need to remember we aren't conspiracy hunting but tracking an idea, like microchipping an eel to see what holes it swims into in case we want to catch it later on. (John Taylor Gatto)

I recently spoke to a young Freemason about his experiences in the Order and he posted stuff at my forum, here: http://kubrickon.com/maze/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=80

Around the same time I had John Michael Greer on the podcast, who is also a Freemason. That left me pretty much convinced that naming someone as a Freemason is no more significant than naming them as a Republican. Or, for that matter, a Satanist.

Social engineering entails making use of whatever groups, individuals, and ideological systems it can without having any allegiance to any of them. They are just means of transport, infiltration, & mimetic delivery devices, and ways of concealing their actual goals and methods, covering their tracks not just with twigs but a bunch of false clues that lead nowhere very slowly.

The entire conspiracy culture, IMO, is testimony to how brilliantly we have been conned, to the extent that significant facts (such as around Tavistock) can be re-contextualized to become effectively meaningless. (Witness how at this forum the Tavistock meme has been mostly ignored due to being Larouche-ified).
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:46 pm

Well, guruilla. . The answers you get depend on the questions you ask. If you are studying "Secret Societies" you will end up knowing about their history, oaths, hierarchies, practices, teachings, publications, structures and rules. The "exoteric" side of the coin. But that's not esoteric knowledge, which you can only acquire by joining and moving through the ranks.

Correct? As a male, you could do that. As a woman, nossir. Of course i could study all the same texts, interview former Masons, acquire the same knowledge but I would never get to climb that golden staircase and shake hands with the guys in robes, get initiated, participate in rituals, and make my way up the sacred ladder to the stage of having Lodge brothers I could phone up when i need money, connections, or help getting famous. Not gonna happen. And anyway the Masons never interested me and were never discussed in our home, so I was never a Rainbow Girl -- and my mother was Roman Catholic -- but my dad came from Scots Presbyterians and was related to Freemasons. He apparently didnt think highly of them. But at the end of his life when he was living in the country by a river with my mother, one day (my brother told me) some Masons drove up to the door and told my father he was welcome, he could join, they would accept him - and he thanked them and said no thanks. After they drove away, strange things began happening that hadn't ever happened before - just odd, spooky slightly ominous things, and my dad began giving away his possessions, like an old outboard motor, a canoe, things that were very much part of him - and within a few months he was dead from a massive heart attack in Florida.

I would never have blamed the Masons for that. Never entered my mind, never occurred to me. Still doesn't.

As for me, i stumbled across Masons when i was investigating missing, abused and murdered children. As i already mentioned, Masons show up in the darkest most secretive and most powerful corners of MKULTRA. Every (famous or not) doctor who came to my attention who was involved in horrific abuse, was a 33rd degree Mason. I wasnt investigating Masons at the time, or conspiracies - inwas following a trail of victim testimonies and cases of murdered children or sexually abused children or children who were guinea pigs. And in almost every case the Masons were involved, at the core. There were clearly networks of colleagues and old boys who protected one another and these horrific secrets. It was organized crome with tassels and fringes and knightly toasts and glittering chandeliers and promotions and perks and backslapping brotherly love and private schools and country club weddings - and i'm sure there was lots of blackmail to keep it all humming.

Why would it be otherwise? And who has eyes to see through so much glory and fundraising and kids' hospitals and cancer research and all the trappings of western civilization. Who notices unmarked graves behind mental hospitals with Rosicrucian carved doors? Who cleans the catacombs where the files are hidden?

Only those who were inside the lab cages know and they all died young.

Maybe only the dead know anything worth knowing about secret societies and they only talk one day a year. Which happens to be today.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby backtoiam » Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:41 am

lunarmoth, that was awesome
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:07 pm

I hope that wasnt too inflammatory for some people. I do recommend researchers consider adopting police methods at a crime scene when inveatigating an organization that tells its members that their bad deeds should balance their good deeds. Just think about what that could entail, in theory and practice.

I also recommend interviewing a 33rd degree Mason - not a 3rd degree innocent. Hint: the original subject of this thread is a 33rd degree Mason (perhaps higher now). He's been generous about sharing the secrets disguised as songs.

Finally, take a look at this site http://lincolnparkmkultra.blogspot.ca
It's written by the husband of a survivor of one of Canada's ugliest secrets. She was doing okay until about 1984 when something triggered her and she was flooded with video graphic memories of bwing in an underground project with other children outside Calgary. The people running it: highly placed military, which usually means Masons, and a specific Nazi cell connected to the Knights of Malta.

Ask yourselves: how could horrors of this magnitude be concealed without airtight security, absolute discipline, and the involvement of a large well-organized and secretive hierarchy?
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby brekin » Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:12 pm

convolvulaceae wrote:The Man Next Door was a great read, as was Prisoner of Infinity. Cheers lunarmoth and guruilla.

General Patton » Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:45 am wrote:

Have you ever noticed any of these types using crystals elsewhere?

According to my sources (Hobo's, outpatients, 'Diana', teenage runaways, and comic books mostly) The Bay of Fundy and Nelson, British Columbia sit on top of giant crystal beds.

As well as being a town crawling with freemasons in new age yoga costumes, Nelson (located just across the 49th from Twin Peaks, Wash.) is also alleged to be where Wolverine had his skeleton coated in pure adamantium under a hydro dam...(probably the Duncan Dam - battery for the salmonless Columbia basin) This all comes under the banner of the Bris-itch Intelgents Project Mannequin-Q552-James Casbolt-Gordon Novel psychotronic NAMBLA love-in. - A project allegedly 'twinned' to the military base below David Cameron's hometown - Peasemore, UK.
On a side note - Pig Gate is probably just to distract from Samantha Camerons attendance (alleged by Abel Danger) at the Picton/Maurice Strong/RCMP Commissioner Paulson pigfarm, beyond Hope.
Peasemore and Nelson have similar geomantic signatures due to the major ley lines both sit on...but this isn't the place for geomancy...too much intuition involved. Might lead to horrid musings regarding reptiles...and Montauk...emerald tablets of Thoth, redheaded EDOMITES!!!! etc.

Not certain if this explains why Randy Quaid fled to Nelson before popping up in Montreal (where the most recent X-Men super soldier/sex slave franchise was shot)
Was it the crystals? The ley lines? The massive beryl deposit below Michel Trudeau's frozen corpse?
I don't know. I'm going back inside my hollow log to eat morning glory seeds and read comic books.

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that became Hydra


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I think you would definitely enjoy Children of the Stones if you haven't already watched it. Exploring the influences of the artist of Scarfolf Council blog reacquainted me with it (I seem to remember it vaguely or another strange UK series where a girl and boy are always running from strange silent alien type businessmen). Worth a watch, held me mostly until the last quarter. It's a deep dish of key line pie with psychic children sprinkles.

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby jakell » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:01 pm

I watched Children of the Stones when I was 14 and it really creeped me out. Very eerie for a children's program. The title sequence alone was a bit much sometimes.
I didn't know about the real Avebury, it seemed like a film set. Finding out that it was real was like discovering that Dr Who was real and the locations just down the road. (COTS does unexpectedly have a big central computer and some sci-fi bits under the supernatural exterior)

It's worth watching to the end and the story resolves itself quite well, it's worth bearing in mind though that it's a children's program, and from the 70's too, so some allowances have to be made.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby guruilla » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:52 pm

convolvulaceae wrote:Hydra is a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination through terrorist and subversive activities
on various fronts, resulting in a fascist New World Order. Its extent of operations is worldwide

lunarmoth » Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:07 pm wrote:Ask yourselves: how could horrors of this magnitude be concealed without airtight security, absolute discipline, and the involvement of a large well-organized and secretive hierarchy?

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby brekin » Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:22 pm

jakell » Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:01 pm wrote:I watched Children of the Stones when I was 14 and it really creeped me out. Very eerie for a children's program. The title sequence alone was a bit much sometimes.
I didn't know about the real Avebury, it seemed like a film set. Finding out that it was real was like discovering that Dr Who was real and the locations just down the road. (COTS does unexpectedly have a big central computer and some sci-fi bits under the supernatural exterior)

It's worth watching to the end and the story resolves itself quite well, it's worth bearing in mind though that it's a children's program, and from the 70's too, so some allowances have to be made.

Interesting. Yes, do agree. Definitely intriguing content and mood but many bits can tend toward almost parody in their delivery. I actually think it be interesting to see an updated version done. Maybe with Aphex Twin doing the soundtrack this go around?
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:14 pm

You Brits.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby zangtang » Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:38 pm

best kids tv in the world.
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Luna, i read every post on the lincoln park blog.
- the reconstructed 'dialog' rings some alarm bells.
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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:48 pm

You mean the doctor's monologue on programming children? David Barclay and 'Sara' wrote a book about Lincoln Park and I think I still have a copy (it exists only in manuscript). I think that section, like most of the book, is taken directly from her memory which recorded everything and began playing back in 1984. I.e. as a child she overheard the doctor telling all this to a colleague. Which is a chilling thought in itself: how many of them were there, talking shop?

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby lunarmoth » Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:15 pm

I keep forgetting to say: thats an unforgettable acronym, guruilla --

guruilla » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:52 pm wrote:
convolvulaceae wrote:Hydra is a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination through terrorist and subversive activities
on various fronts, resulting in a fascist New World Order. Its extent of operations is worldwide

lunarmoth » Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:07 pm wrote:Ask yourselves: how could horrors of this magnitude be concealed without airtight security, absolute discipline, and the involvement of a large well-organized and secretive hierarchy?

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Re: Leonard Cohen, Operative? (Ann Diamond material)

Postby guruilla » Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:27 pm

lunarmoth » Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:15 pm wrote:I keep forgetting to say: thats an unforgettable acronym, guruilla --

guruilla » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:52 pm wrote:
convolvulaceae wrote:Hydra is a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination through terrorist and subversive activities
on various fronts, resulting in a fascist New World Order. Its extent of operations is worldwide

lunarmoth » Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:07 pm wrote:Ask yourselves: how could horrors of this magnitude be concealed without airtight security, absolute discipline, and the involvement of a large well-organized and secretive hierarchy?

H.Y.D.R.A = Hope You Don't Remember Anything. 8)

It came in the dream I recounted in Prisoner of Infinity, the one about "intelligent limbs."
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