Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Canadian_watcher » Wed May 08, 2013 7:13 pm

conniption - barracuda has special privileges - I see you've noticed one of them for yourself. See if you can add him to your blocked list (friends/foes in your settings). I couldn't. I had to ask for help to do it because he was still coming up as a moderator. this was last week.

I was going to keep that to myself but since it's Witch Hunt Week I figured why not share?

Second, they don't hate YOU. they hate anything that doesn't go nicely along with the Big Brother narrative. If you happen to get in the way you'll be treated as if you were public enemy number one. this goes for absolutely ANYONE on this board - step out of line and you'll get yours.
Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own.-- Jonathan Swift

When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby barracuda » Wed May 08, 2013 7:17 pm

conniption wrote:
justdrew wrote:I think we should consider banning the hoax pushers.

we have NOT "seen this before" NEVER EVER

all we've seen before is disingenuous liars spreading the same bullshit lies about Sandy Hook

Simulist wrote:Agreed. This crap needs to be ended. Right now.

This tarnishes the board.

Is that what you take me for, justdrew? A disingenuous liar?

Do you guys really hate ME that much to call for my banning?

May cooler heads prevail.

from page 11
conniption wrote:
barracuda wrote:
Elihu wrote:oh spare us the piosity pleeze.

No way! What this group needs is some good ole-fashioned maudlin sentimentality. How's about this...

Here are the frames used in Dave Emory's dumb-ass article, animated into a nice .gif sequence:

Who was talking about Dave Emory?

It's an article by Dave McGowen. You know, the Laurel Canyon guy.

Here is the text minus the disturbing images.


Special Report on the Boston Marathon: The Curious Case of the Man with the L-Shaped Leg
May 1, 2013

The Boston Marathon bombing incident produced an exceedingly bloody, gore-filled scene. We know that because virtually all avenues of the mainstream media, as was obvious from the very first reports, wanted us to know that. Never before can I recall seeing so many blood-soaked images being so prominently displayed. Newspapers and network and cable news broadcasts seemed to be on a mission to bring you the bloodiest, most graphic images they could come up with.



Dave McGowen has revised his Special Report on the Boston Marathon: The Curious Case of the Man with the L-Shaped Leg.
Barracuda - I noticed you were able to edit the name without it showing you edited it.

I'll post the text here, minus the images...not that it will help. That is to say, if you don't see it by now...


Daves Web

Special Report on the Boston Marathon: The Curious Case of the Man Who Could Only Sit Down

May 7, 2013

The Boston Marathon bombing incident produced an exceedingly bloody, gore-filled scene. We know that because virtually all avenues of the mainstream media, as was obvious from the very first reports, wanted us to know that. Never before can I recall seeing so many blood-soaked images being so prominently displayed. Newspapers and network and cable news broadcasts seemed to be on a mission to bring you the bloodiest, most graphic images they could come up with. The most disturbing of those images, by far, all involved a guy who had reportedly just had both of his legs blown off. The most heavily circulated and iconic of those images are of the legless guy being rolled away from the scene in a wheelchair, his unbelievably graphic wounds uncovered and on full display for the waiting cameras.

How crazy would it sound to suggest that that did not happen by accident -- to suggest that not only were his injuries staged, but that they were specifically designed for that high-profile wheelchair ride? Pretty crazy ... right? After all, I have in the past been rather critical of other researchers who have alleged that the victims of high-profile mass murders are actually actors. Nothing, it seems to me, could possibly serve to better alienate and offend the general public than attacking the victims as being part of the conspiracy. But what if the evidence is so overwhelming that it simply cannot be ignored?

I need to be very clear here in stating that I am not arguing that no one was injured in the attack and that there was no real suffering. That undoubtedly was not the case. But the fact remains that the most high-profile of the victims, who also happened to be by far the most gruesomely injured of the victims, and the guy who purportedly provided the tip that allowed authorities to identify the alleged perpetrators, appears to have been a fake. And though we were told that there were numerous people who lost limbs that day, he is the only one the media chose to put in the spotlight that day.

Given his central role in the affair then, we should probably take a much closer look at the wheelchair guy. That means, of course, that this post will necessarily be filled with very graphic images. But there’s no need to worry – you’ve seen plenty of this stuff before on your television and on theater screens. And it doesn't appear to be any more real here than it is in a George Romero movie or an episode of The Walking Dead.

Before getting to the images though, a brief review of the official story is in order here so that we can gauge how closely the photographic evidence conforms to the story that we have been asked to believe. To begin with, the guy's name is supposedly Jeff Bauman. The posted photos of Bauman, however, do not really resemble the wheelchair guy. In addition, the initial identification of Bauman came via an unverifiable Facebook post. In fact, virtually everything that has been reported about Bauman to this day seems to have come from unverified Facebook posts, though the info has been reported as fact. Those posts have largely been credited to Jeff Bauman, Sr., though no reporters, as best I can determine, have actually located and spoken to the senior Bauman. Reports claim that Jeff, Jr. was supposedly waiting at the finish line for his girlfriend to cross, but that girlfriend has never been identified and has not come forward to speak to the press. And Bauman himself, though healthy enough after just 19 days to attend a Boston Bruins hockey match, has not been sought out by or interviewed by anyone in the media.

Some on the Internet have claimed that the guy who allegedly lost his legs was actually Nick Vogt, a former serviceman who had previously lost his legs overseas. But numerous photos of Vogt can be found posted online and none of them really seem to resemble the wheelchair guy all that closely. I don’t pretend to know who the no-legs guy actually is, but I do know that the evidence overwhelmingly suggests that he did not lose his legs at the Boston Marathon. For the purposes of this post, we will refer to him as Jeff Bauman, though I am not at all convinced that that is his real name.

According to the official narrative, Bauman was all but straddling backpack bomb #1 when it went off. As reported by Bloomberg News, "Bauman was waiting among the crowd for his girlfriend to cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. A man wearing a cap, sunglasses and a black jacket over a hooded sweatshirt looked at Jeff, 27, and dropped a bag at his feet, his brother, Chris Bauman, said in an interview. Two and a half minutes later, the bag exploded, tearing Jeff's legs apart." Curiously, that alleged brother has not been seen, photographed or spoken to by any other media outlet. ... ckers.html

What we will be viewing here then in the accompanying images is 'ground zero' of the Boston bombing - the very area that the so-called Cowboy Hero, Carlos Arredondo, described as follows: "[there was] blood, blood everywhere, on the floor ... and then all you see was people without limbs. I mean, ripped off limbs everywhere, everywhere ..."

Arredondo has claimed in interviews that he was seated in the bleachers across the street when the first bomb went off, but that he immediately swung into action. The Daily Mail reported that, "as most people ran for their lives when the explosions went off in Boston, [Arredondo] vaulted a fence to get to spectators, many of whom had lost limbs, and used his clothes and towels to stanch victims' bleeding." Naturally enough, Arredondo immediately recognized that Bauman was the victim most in need of assistance and he acted accordingly, reaching his side within "moments": "The first time Jeff Bauman Jr. met Carlos Arredondo it was moments after one of the blasts at the Boston Marathon blew him to the ground taking both his legs." ... d-life.htm

The Daily Beast provided one of the most detailed accounts of Arredondo's heroics: "Carlos Arredondo was in the bleachers by the finish line of the Boston Marathon when the first bomb went off directly across the street ... In the next moment, the 53-year old was vaulting a barricade and racing straight into the acrid cloud ..." He immediately located and rushed to assist Bauman. "A second bomb went off 100 yards away. Arredondo kept his focus on the young man ..." In other words, he had worked his way down from the bleachers, raced across the street, vaulted the barricade, located Bauman amidst the smoke and confusion, and already begun to assist him - all within less than 15 seconds! I think we can all agree that heroes of that magnitude aren't born every day. ... bombs.html

The ever-heroic Arredondo then quickly lifted Bauman into a nearby wheelchair and without hesitation got him to a medical tent, pinching off Jeff's exposed femoral artery along the way, thus saving the young man's life. From his hospital bed Bauman has reportedly confirmed that account: "When Carlos picked me up and threw me into the wheelchair, then I was like, maybe I am going to make it ... before that, no way. I thought I was done." ... 64370.html

Another guy we will be seeing a lot of in the images that follow is allegedly named Christian Williams, but we will refer to him as "the hoody guy" or just "hoody" because I seriously doubt that that is his real name. Hoody guy was right alongside Bauman at the time of the blast and, like Jeff, he sustained very serious, life-threatening wounds. According to a fundraising page put up by someone claiming to be a friend of hoody guy, he remains in the hospital and has endured numerous surgeries aimed at putting him back together. Here are a few (very poorly written) excerpts from the page: "[Christian] remembers quite vividly that a Boston Marathon runner who is also a surgeon, came to his rescue. He remembers the man was able to get people to help him apply tourniquet to each of his legs, he hollered out 'if we can get this guy out on the next transport he has a chance, otherwise he's going to die.' That's when he realized how serious his injuries were ... Christian is indeed lucky that his legs will not have to be amputated ... Here's the latest update from Christian ... 'today I met a few of my saviors ... Standing before me were the three members of the Boston EMS who were directly responsible for keeping me alive and getting me swiftly to the hospital. Apparently, they had been speculating about my outcome for two weeks and decided to surprise me with a visit, because I was by far the most seriously injured patient they treated that day, and that they had not expected me to make it. They had applied not one, not two, but three tourniquets to my left leg, yet still my blood poured down off the stretcher and onto the floor. Both of my femurs were exposed and they were applying pressure to keep them in place. My right leg was so badly wounded from top to bottom they thought for sure it was gone. My blood pressure was nowhere to be found, and they were calling ahead and alerting the trauma team that I had turned ashen.'" Elsewhere on the page, it says that, "Christian’s right hand was also partially 'degloved', meaning he has no skin left on his last three fingers."

Also right alongside Bauman at the time of the blast was a young woman allegedly named Nicole Gross, who was waiting at the finish line with her sister. We will be seeing quite a bit of Nicole as well. Also with her was her husband. According to an account in the Charlotte Observer, Nicole and her husband were taken to the hospital together. While her husband sustained only minor wounds, Nicole and her sister were far more gravely injured. Nicole's injuries included two breaks in her left leg, a fracture in her right ankle, torn skin, and a severed Achilles tendon. Her sister fared even worse, losing her left leg below the knee and suffering a compound fracture in her right leg, a broken right ankle, and broken bones in her foot. While I seriously doubt that her name is really Nicole, I will play along and use that name for her in this post. ... among.html

There is one more person we will be seeing a lot of, a black woman dressed in black pants, a white top and a red sweater. She was also in the grouping around Bauman when the first blast occurred, which means that according to the official version of events she was also nearly straddling the supposedly shrapnel-laden bomb. As best I can determine at this time, she has not been identified and so will here be referred to as "Redcoat."

Having now met the cast of characters and having familiarized ourselves with the relevant portions of the official narrative, let's now review the available photo and video evidence to determine if there might be a possibility that some parts of the story might be untrue. Let's begin with some live footage from the Boston Globe that depicts the explosions and their immediate aftermath. As can be seen, the explosions took place on the side of the street opposite the bleachers - the side of the street, that is, where there were far fewer spectators gathered. The explosions also took place behind some temporary fencing/scaffolding, requiring would-be rescuers to spend a full two-and-a-half minutes working to dismantle the fencing to get to victims. Arredondo can be seen among the responders and volunteers working to tear down the fencing.

So already, we have a bit of a problem with the Cowboy Hero's version of events: he clearly did not immediately vault over the fence to get to victims and he just as clearly was not at Bauman's side within "moments." Below is a photo taken from above of the first bombing site just seconds after detonation. Plainly evident is that there were relatively few people at the site of the blast and, with the exception of a small huddled group, all of them are on their feet and quickly moving away from the area. That would tend to indicate that they still had their legs firmly attached.

The fact that there were relatively few witnesses at the blast location, coupled with the fact that would-be rescuers were held at bay for the first few minutes by the temporary fencing, would have provided an ideal window of opportunity to stage the scene, if anyone had been inclined to do so.

Below is the first post-blast image of Bauman, taken from a surveillance video. He can be seen to the left, just in front of Redcoat. Just behind her is the hoody guy. Barely visible to the far left is Nicole Gross. Hoody, Nicole and Redcoat are all three huddled closely around Jeff's freshly mangled legs. The smoke is still pretty thick in this image so we can’t discern much, but we can see that from the earliest moments after the explosion, both of Bauman's stumps are at right angles to his body. And the lower leg on the longer stump, though it can’t be seen from this angle, is at a near perfect right-angle to the upper leg. Both of his stumps, in other words, are in a sitting position. And they will remain in that very same orientation, without even minor changes, throughout his ordeal. Also worth noting is that the shorter stump looks considerably different here than it does in later images.

Moving on to the second image, we can clearly see that the hoody guy, mere moments after the blast, is primarily concerned with donning his sunglasses. Some web posts and videos have claimed that this was to send a signal to Redcoat – which seems rather unlikely, I have to say, given that the two are obviously close enough to signal each other verbally. Far more likely is that hoody guy was mostly concerned with concealing his identity. He will remain in the hoody and shades for as long as he is on the set, even while receiving medical attention. We can also see more clearly here that Redcoat, Nicole (now visible) and hoody guy are all within inches of Jeff, with his freshly amputated limbs pointed directly at them. In fact, Jeff's longer stump appears to be wedged in between Redcoat and Nicole. All three accomplices, nevertheless, will emerge from their ordeal without so much as a drop of Johnny's blood on them. Also, none of the three appear to have received any significant injuries despite having been right alongside a guy who supposedly got both his legs blown off.

In this third image, we can now see the right-angle bend in Jeff's remaining knee. We can also see that the bony stump is all but poking Redcoat in the head (which seems, even under the circumstances, kind of rude). And it is clearly pointing directly at both Redcoat and the hoody guy, both of whom remain remarkably blood-free. We can also see that no one else in this scene appears to be nearly as gravely injured as Jeff. Also, Redcoat and hoody guy seem rather calm relative to most of the others in the scene, many of whom are in full panic mode. Lastly, there is no sign of hoody's wife, who was supposedly alongside him, or of Nicole's husband and sister, both of whom were allegedly alongside her.

Moments later, we can see that Jeff and Redcoat seem to both be giving the very same hand signal in the direction of approaching responders while making eye contact with one another. Both stumps continue to be in a sitting position and both continue to point directly at Redcoat. It doesn't seem to have yet occurred to Jeff or anyone else to put pressure on his wounds. Hoody guy looks on passively while making no effort to offer assistance to Jeff. Indeed, neither Redcoat nor hoody guy ever make any effort to staunch the flow of Jeff’s blood, which is okay since there doesn’t appear to actually be any blood flowing. Meanwhile, Nicole has moved out of the shot.

This next series of images captures the same scene from a slightly different vantage point and at a higher resolution, revealing that hoody guy, demonstrating a considerable amount of manual dexterity for a guy with a 'degloved' hand, began working diligently on Jeff's stumps before the smoke even began to clear. And he did so without getting any blood on his hands.

We now change positions to look at the same scene just moments later from a different perspective, and this is where things really start to get interesting. All five of our key players (Carlos, Jeff, Hoody, Nicole, and Redcoat) are present and accounted for. Just about everyone else, which is to say all the non-actors, have fled the scene. Jeff is just behind Redcoat, though he is all but impossible to see. Everyone is ignoring him. In fact, with the notable exception of Arredondo, no one on the scene is even looking in his direction. Not a single person.

And speaking of Arredondo, he is, mere moments after the blast and with the smoke still swirling, already inside the temporary fencing, which obviously would have been impossible had he initially been seated across the street in the bleachers. And it's hard not to notice that he isn't actually rushing to help anyone but is instead standing idly by, hat and flag in hand, though he is obviously aware of Jeff and appears to be looking right at him.

Next up is a more detailed view of Arredondo, cropped from a higher resolution version of the above image. He is indeed inside the fencing and leaning casually against it. He also is quite obviously pointing with his right hand while shielding the gesture with his hat, as though covertly sending a signal. And he is, as previously noted, looking at Bauman while doing so.

Below is a close-up of hoody guy, cropped from the same high-resolution image. Hoody is clearly knocking on death's door here and we can bear witness to his exposed femurs, shredded and badly bleeding legs, and partially 'degloved' right hand. We can also see that he is very concerned about his missing wife. Ooops .... actually we can't see any of that because none of it really happened. What we actually see is a guy comfortably reclining with a fully intact right hand and two perfectly fine legs. He hardly even has any blood on him, and what is visible was undoubtedly picked up from the pavement.

Next up is a close-up of Recoat, lying in what is supposed to be Bauman's pooled blood. She nevertheless has remarkably little blood on her, though she does have an alien growing out of her midsection. I have no idea if that is supposed to be blood on her otherwise white top, but it certainly doesn't look like any kind of normal blood pattern. Overall, despite laying in a pool of blood and having been directly in the line of fire of Jeff's femoral arteries, she has very little blood on her and doesn't appear to have suffered any significant injuries.

The next image up for review is of Nicole, with her twice-broken left leg, fractured ankle and severed Achilles tendon. Luckily, those injuries haven't hindered her mobility as she has clearly moved from her original position. Those are some excruciatingly painful injuries that she has, but she seems to be toughing it out okay. She has though been abandoned by her husband, who you would think would be tending to and comforting her, and her legless sister is nowhere to be seen. Her right arm got peppered with shrapnel, but luckily for her it was a special kind of shrapnel that shreds clothing fibers but doesn't penetrate flesh. That was a relatively common phenomenon in Boston that day, with the guy in the following image, looking like he just walked off a film set, being a classic example.

Moving on now to the next image in the sequence of events, we find Arredondo moving quickly to aid Bauman. Just kidding ... what we actually find him doing is beginning to pull the fence down from the inside, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he is bringing it down directly on top of one of the victims, which is probably okay because she was undoubtedly an actress anyway. What is important to note here is that the Cowboy Hero already had access to the victims but rather than assist them he chose to spend the next few minutes helping to tear the fence down, pretending as though he hadn't already been on the other side of it. No medical personnel are yet on the scene and yet almost all of the victims have already left on their own, thoughfully carting their severed limbs off with them. Jeff, naturally enough, continues to be ignored. As can be seen, the bomb shrapnel all passed cleanly between the fence pickets without breaking a single one.

In the next image we see that Redcoat has moved away to reveal that the spot previously occupied by her and the other accomplices is covered with a pool of very unconvincing blood. The fence is now down and responders are on the scene but Arredondo is nowhere in sight and Jeff is being ignored by everyone. Both of his stumps continue to be at right angles to his body and the knee on the left stump remains bent at a right angle, though he has rolled onto his side to draw attention away from that. He is now also keeping a firm grip on that longer leg/prosthesis and he will continue to do so for as long as he remains in camera range.

Absurdly enough, hoody guy, while still wearing his shades, is receiving medical attention while Jeff, just a couple of feet away, is apparently invisible. No one has bothered to even fashion a makeshift tourniquet or two to arrest his alleged bleeding. And why, one wonders, has Jeff been abandoned by all his accomplices? Why, after first providing no assistance whatsoever, have all three of them now physically distanced themselves from him? It clearly wasn't to get out of the way and let responders tend to his alleged wounds. And speaking of responders, wouldn't it have been a nice gesture for hoody to say to rescuers something along the lines of, "don't worry about me, guys - the poor motherfucker right there doesn't have any legs!"

Next up is an image in which we again see that the ground is drenched in stage blood that even Roger Corman would have balked at using. We also see that both of Jeff's limbs continue to be locked in a sitting position and that he continues to keep a very tight grip on the left prosthesis. And he continues to suffer alone, with no one at any time offering any assistance whatsoever in any of the recorded images, even though a responder is clearly standing right there in what is supposed to be his pooled blood, with his back turned to Jeff as though he is guarding him rather than assisting him. Just to the left of Jeff's head can be seen the boot and camo fatigues of a soldier with the national guard, who also has his back to Jeff as though guarding rather than assisting him. Arredondo remains missing in action. Apparently aware of the presence of a photographer (who the girl next to him is looking directly at), Jeff is now grimacing.

In this next image, Jeff is ready for his moment in the spotlight. Ridiculously, he is in a wheelchair rather than strapped to a gurney. And just as ridiculously, his alleged wounds are on full display because, you know, no one thought to throw a coat or a sheet or something over them. It couldn’t really be any more obvious, given the laws of gravity, how absurd it is for a bottomless guy to be transported in an upright position. There is no question that under any other circumstances, this guy would have been on a gurney with his wounds covered with a sheet. But that would have ruined the show that his prosthetics were specifically designed for. Also, it would have looked pretty ridiculous to have him in a sitting position while lying on his back on a gurney.

The next two images are not part of the sequence of events revolving around Jeff and his associates, but are included here as examples of how people on the scene with far less significant leg wounds were handled by responders. This is how, in the real world, people with alleged leg injuries are transported.

Next up is another view of Jeff in the wheelchair. From this angle we can see that his left leg is still bent at the knee at a right angle, even though that is a very unnatural position for it to be in. Without exertion by our victim/hero, his lower leg would be hanging straight down. To maintain it in that position would require physical exertion for the entire time that Bauman remained on the scene, both while on his back and while in the wheelchair. So apparently Jeff not only remained conscious and quite alert throughout his ordeal, he also maintained enough strength to keep his knee locked at a right-angle.

I should also point out here that though we have a clear view of the street, there isn’t so much as a drop of blood visible in the wheelchair’s path. Note also that Jeff's longer stump looks quite horrifying here, with bloody flaps of skin and all manner of nastiness hanging from it, though none of that was visible when he was waving his stump in his accomplices' faces while avoiding getting blood on them.

This next image is a highly incriminating one of Redcoat, ready for her photo op. It is clearly the same woman – same face, same clothes, same purse. But the last time we saw her, she had miraculously survived the blast without visible injury and had even more miraculously managed to avoid getting drenched in Jeff’s blood. But now, as she is about to be rolled out for the waiting cameras, she has suddenly and inexplicably become a bloody mess. Note also that Nicole, who had previously been sitting up and looking around, has once again moved to a different location and is now being treated as though she has a spinal injury. She also has a makeshift tourniquet around her leg which appears to be unnecessary.

Here is yet another dramatic shot of accomplice #1 being rushed to a waiting ambulance. She is now bleeding so profusely that there is a river of blood rushing down towards the bottom of the gurney and her chest is completely drenched. It's a miracle she's still alive. Luckily they had a gurney available for her. And for Nicole as well, as can be seen below. And they also drove the ambulance right up to the site of the blast, rather than wheeling her down the street. But they could probably only do that for people with really serious injuries.

There is one other image that must be discussed here. Among the literally hundreds of posted photos that I have reviewed, it stands out as being the only image in the public domain that comes anywhere close to depicting the level of carnage described by Arredondo and others. It is the only image that depicts anyone other than Bauman with an apparently amputated limb. It also depicts some rather dead-looking women who appear to be being checked for vital signs. And of course Jeff himself makes an appearance with his perpetually bent knee.

There is though a bit of a problem with that particular image: it seems to be at odds with other available images. If we look at it side-by-side with an earlier image, for example, it is pretty clear that the guy with the missing lower leg and the two dead women weren't there initially. And at the risk of sounding insensitive, I have to note here that dead people and/or people with mangled legs generally have pretty limited mobility, so the question naturally arises: how did they get there?

One final piece of evidence concerning Bauman can be found in a YouTube video. As can be seen, as Jeff is belatedly being rolled out, an EMT rushes up to stop the wheelchair processional to make a last-second adjustment before Bauman reaches the waiting cameras. Given that Jeff was at the time allegedly just moments away from death, what kind of adjustment could have possibly been so important?

So what have we learned today? Some conclusions can be drawn with a certainty, such as that the story told by Carlos Arredondo is a complete fabrication. Virtually every aspect of the tale he has told is demonstrably untrue and yet it has been readily accepted and repeated by the mainstream media. It is also irrefutably true that the guy calling himself 'Christian Williams' has also left a reeking pile of bullshit on the table. His phantom injuries, which he has used to raise some $100,000 (is that the going rate these days for selling your soul?), were entirely imaginary and his wife is nowhere to be seen in any of the photos. We also know that the image of Redcoat that was presented to waiting photographers was an entirely contrived one, complete with lots of added stage blood. And we know that 'Nicole Gross' didn't really break her leg in two places and wasn't really standing with her husband and sister when the blast occurred.

And what about 'Jeff Bauman'? Did he really have both of his legs blown off? Is it really possible for someone to have both legs blown apart like that while those around him walk away with barely a scratch? And is it really possible that the people who were pressed up against him could somehow avoid being drenched in blood? And is it possible that real blood does sometimes look like red paint? And that with two freshly severed femoral arteries, there wouldn't have been a much, much larger pool of blood? And is it within the realm of possibility that everyone around him, including numerous first responders, could have completely ignored his dire condition for an inordinate amount of time? And that when he was finally 'rescued' it was by being rolled off to who-knows-where in a wheelchair? And should we just ignore the fact that hoody was manipulating Jeff's stumps immediately after the blast, while shielded by smoke? And should we also ignore the curious fact that Jeff's stumps remain locked in the exact same position throughout his ordeal? And that Carlos can be seen signaling to him very soon after the blast occurred, after which he subsequently ignored him for a considerable amount of time? And that Jeff didn't bother mentioning that while allegedly praising Arredondo from his hospital bed?

None of that, quite frankly, seems very plausible to me. It also seem very unlikely that a guy who really did have his legs blown off would find himself surrounded by people who were obviously there as actors playing roles. I will be the first to admit though that the notion that the government would use amputee actors to portray trauma victims, complete with Hollywood blood and gore, seems a rather bizarre notion. But it is not, strangely enough, wild-eyed conspiracy theorizing to suggest such a thing. To the contrary, as this video clip culled from the mainstream media clearly demonstrates, it is an acknowledged fact that the government does indeed employ amputee actors for training purposes:

That doesn’t mean, of course, that the government used actors in the Boston bombing operation. It does though mean that there are amputees out there who have experience convincingly portraying victims of severe trauma, and it means that the government is more than happy to employ them during training exercises, and that it does so primarily for shock value. And nothing in recent memory, I have to say, had quite the shock value of the guy at the finish line of the Boston Marathon with the shredded legs.

It’s okay though. You can go back to sleep now. I’m sure everything is going to work out just fine. Don’t be surprised though if you wake up one day soon to find the streets lined with armored personnel carriers and the skies filled with military helicopters. Because if you accept the implementation of martial law in Boston as a legitimate response to a patently fake 'terrorist' attack, then you have given your seal of approval for far more wide-reaching and far more permanent states of martial law in the not-so-distant future. And it will happen. The only question is when.


Seems to me that realizing what is going on is not in itself a solution to the mind fuck. It won't matter what truths are exposed just so long as you have the Sandy Hook choir singing on morning shows and at sporting events, victims throwing out the first pitch, photo shoots in Sports illustrated (never realized before how much sports plays a roll in the deception of the masses), amputees dancing on popular t.v. shows, etc. There's your reality guys. Stick to it. You can never go wrong.

Amazing. McGowan has edited his article to be even dumber.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby barracuda » Wed May 08, 2013 7:22 pm

Canadian_watcher wrote:they hate anything that doesn't go nicely along with the Big Brother narrative. If you happen to get in the way you'll be treated as if you were public enemy number one. this goes for absolutely ANYONE on this board - step out of line and you'll get yours.

I don't hate anything. I feel sorry for people when they mindlessly repeat fascist talking points, iterate obviously poor analysis as if it were The Golden Key, and throw open the door to the wolf with a knowing wink.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Canadian_watcher » Wed May 08, 2013 7:27 pm

Canadian_watcher wrote:conniption - barracuda has special privileges - I see you've noticed one of them for yourself. See if you can add him to your blocked list (friends/foes in your settings). I couldn't. I had to ask for help to do it because he was still coming up as a moderator. this was last week.

I was going to keep that to myself but since it's Witch Hunt Week I figured why not share?
Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own.-- Jonathan Swift

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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby barracuda » Wed May 08, 2013 7:28 pm

It's true, I'm special.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby justdrew » Wed May 08, 2013 7:35 pm

barracuda wrote:
Canadian_watcher wrote:they hate anything that doesn't go nicely along with the Big Brother narrative. If you happen to get in the way you'll be treated as if you were public enemy number one. this goes for absolutely ANYONE on this board - step out of line and you'll get yours.

I don't hate anything. I feel sorry for people when they mindlessly repeat fascist talking points, iterate obviously poor analysis as if it were The Golden Key, and throw open the door to the wolf with a knowing wink.

here here :clapping:

(also, if you edit a post within a short period of time, it doesn't get marked as 'edited')

Also, I think we've got a lot more to worry about than "big brother" fantasies.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby conniption » Wed May 08, 2013 7:49 pm

justdrew wrote:

(also, if you edit a post within a short period of time, it doesn't get marked as 'edited')


I just changed McGowen to McGowan (my bad) 40 mins between posting and editing.

Last edited by conniption on Wed May 08, 2013 4:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Not true, justdrew.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby justdrew » Wed May 08, 2013 7:51 pm


true, I've just edited this post 4 times, no 'edited' I'll edit it again in a little bit and it will be marked edited.

later edit
Last edited by justdrew on Wed May 08, 2013 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Canadian_watcher » Wed May 08, 2013 7:57 pm

but you can't deny that I couldn't block him last week because he was listed as a moderator, can you?

also, I was 'there' for the posting conniption is talking about and from what I remember there was quite a bit of time in between the first posting of "Emory" and the subsequent edit. Hey man.. eyewitness testimony right here.
Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own.-- Jonathan Swift

When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby ShinShinKid » Wed May 08, 2013 7:59 pm

We don't know it's really you, you could be an exact replica!
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby conniption » Wed May 08, 2013 8:04 pm

you can edit all day without the notification so long as no one has posted anything after what you wrote. Once someone posts after you, it shows the edit, unless you're barracuda. (You probably already knew that, though.)
Last edited by conniption on Wed May 08, 2013 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby justdrew » Wed May 08, 2013 8:25 pm

conniption wrote:you can edit all day without the notification so long as no one has posted anything after what you wrote. Once someone posts after you, it shows the edit. (You probably already knew that, though.)

yep that's what I meant :partyhat

(was think there was a short timeout window of 3min or so)
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby DrEvil » Wed May 08, 2013 8:33 pm

barracuda wrote:I don't hate anything. I feel sorry for people when they mindlessly repeat fascist talking points, iterate obviously poor analysis as if it were The Golden Key, and throw open the door to the wolf with a knowing wink.


Why is it that the only people on this board screaming about gate-keeping, thought-policing and special privileges for the few are the same people who regularly indulge in the same?

Why not use arguments to fight back, instead of trying to silence those who disagree by casting aspersions on their motives, insinuating they're fascists, sock-puppets or gate-keepers, and posting vague bullshit instead of straight answers? Or is that too hard?

tl;dr: Morons! :cussing:
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Canadian_watcher » Wed May 08, 2013 8:35 pm

our posts with evidence and facts go "unnoticed" - it's part of the gate keeping strategy
Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own.-- Jonathan Swift

When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Hunter » Wed May 08, 2013 8:42 pm

DrEvil wrote:
barracuda wrote:I don't hate anything. I feel sorry for people when they mindlessly repeat fascist talking points, iterate obviously poor analysis as if it were The Golden Key, and throw open the door to the wolf with a knowing wink.


Why is it that the only people on this board screaming about gate-keeping, thought-policing and special privileges for the few are the same people who regularly indulge in the same?

Why not use arguments to fight back, instead of trying to silence those who disagree by casting aspersions on their motives, insinuating they're fascists, sock-puppets or gate-keepers, and posting vague bullshit instead of straight answers? Or is that too hard?

tl;dr: Morons! :cussing:

I am not gonna take any sides here since I havent been here long enough to really matter but I think what you describe above is the nature of any small community, eventually everyone turns on eachother and starts eating their young.

This place has a really bad feel and tone to it though. And I am not just being a complainer, I am certainly free to leave and go elsewhere, but I do like the good parts of it and so far the bad has not yet outweighed the good. I hope it doesnt get to that.
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