Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Jan 22, 2022 12:46 pm

This entire site is recommended reading (shared by Harvey in the prior page).

also, I imagine many already saw this update from the mainstream, but memorializing it here as well.

Dr. Urso
Natural immunity deniers still exist and some of them still act like this is bombshell news.
It’s not a bombshell. It’s what we’ve always known. Any other prediction would be bombshell.
They also are still claiming super immunity and other fairy tales ... ccination/
CDC Study: Natural Immunity Provides Significantly More Protection Against COVID Than Vaccination Only

By the first week of October, COVID-19 rates among the vaccinated with no previous infection were 6.2 times lower in California and 4.5 times lower in New York than among the unvaccinated with no previous infection.

However, among the unvaccinated with a previous infection, the COVID-19 rate was 29 times lower in California and 14.7 times lower in New York. ... 96834?s=20
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:22 pm


Another 'snapshot' from the mainstream:

bari weiss closes this by saying "it's a pandemic of the bureaucracy, it's not real anymore" and she begins by establishing her good person bona fides by listing all the insane useless choices she was bamboozled into doing, presumably back when it was "real"

Just like that...the tides finally start to turn as the sheep slowly begin to stumble out of their pen and realize the facade that’s kept them fenced all their lives.

Image ... 28771?s=20

[Video clip at link]
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Jan 22, 2022 1:40 pm


One more. Aaron Rodgers, Packers QB:
"When in the course of human history has the side that's doing the censoring and trying to shut people up and make them show papers and marginalize a part of the community ever been [the correct side]?" Rodgers said Thursday. "We're censoring dissenting opinions? What are we trying to do? Save people from being able to determine the validity on their own or to listen and to think about things and come to their own conclusion? Freedom of speech is dangerous now if it doesn't align with the mainstream narrative? That's, I think first and foremost, what I wanted people to understand, and what people should understand is that there's censorship in this country going on right now. ... on-rodgers
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:55 pm ... -rages-on/

THE CHIEF ECONOMIST AT ONE OF NORWAY’S major banks has called on the government to lift all remaining Corona containment measures. Harald Magnus Andreassen at Sparebank 1 Markets has supported restrictions since the pandemic began, but now thinks they’re doing more bad than good.

Newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (DN) reports that Andreassen has “serious questions” over why the government hasn’t removed restrictions already. They did raise the maximum size of indoor gatherings, but not enough to help large concert halls and theaters. The next evaluation of measures isn’t due until current ever-rising infection levels are expected to peak in early February.

“There’s no reason to wait for several weeks to relax all the restrictions, it can be done immediately,” claims Andreassen. “Today we have all reason to believe that Omicron is manageable and won’t create any crisis in the health care system, so then there’s no need to create problems in the economy. The consequences of Omicron are now quite certainly minimal compared to the economic consequences of the (anti-infection) measures.”

Katrine Løken, an economics professor at Norwegian business school NHH, tends to agree. “We’re learning a bit more every day, and based on what we see, there’s reason to ease up,” Løken told DN. “I think those of us in Norway need some time to be certain before we let go, but we should absolutely ease up.”

NORWAY’S TOTAL NUMBER OF CONFIRMED CORONA CASES since the pandemic began soared to 586,468 on Friday (January 21), according to state public health institute FHI, up from 561,729 on Thursday. An additional 90,906 Norwegians have been confirmed infected with the virus just during the past seven days, with another daily record of 16,877 set on Friday as well. The number of Corona patients needing hospitalization nationwide fell, however, from 238 to 230, while the death toll rose to 1,414. A total of 4,306,412 Norwegian adults have been vaccinated with at least a first shot, with well over 90 percent vaccinated with two. The government is keen to have everyone over 18 vaccinated with three doses by the end of February.

LOL. Just as long as more vaccinations are still the number one priority!


***Oslo set another dubious infection record heading into the weekend, registering 3,785 new confirmed cases of the Corona virus during a 24-hour period ending on Friday. That’s more than double the 1,565 new cases reported during the same period last week. Oslo has averaged 2,441 new cases per day during the past week.

***Corona containment measures may be further eased, even as Omicron infection soars in Norway, since the current wave of illness is not putting a bigger burden on hospitals or their intensive care units. Organizers of cultural events have been protesting the ongoing limit of 200 people at indoor events, and that’s one of the rules that may be lifted. Dr Bjørn Guldvog told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) on Thursday that the reduced threat to health care services “gives us more room to make adjustments” to measures like the limits on public gatherings. He was worried, though, that with so many Norwegians already out on sick leave or in quarantine, hospitals may come under severe staffing pressure. It’s therefore important, he said, to control infection.

Several hundred organizers of concerts, theater performances and other public gatherings demonstrated in front of Parliament on Wednesday, demanding to be able to have more than 200 people in large concert halls, theaters and cinemas. They don’t think that would pose any greater risk than going to shopping centers, bars or restaurants, which have been reopening recently. The demonstrators had intended to turn over a list of their demands to the government minister of culture, Anette Trettebergstuen, but she couldn’t meet them after testing positive to the Corona virus herself. “This illustrates that the pandemic is still with us,” Trettebergstuen told newspaper Dagsavisen, adding, however, that she was sorry she couldn’t meet up. She’s also hinted that changes to the currently strict rules may be made soon.

***Health authorities expect record infection numbers in Norway over the next two weeks, with the new wave clearly underway. Fully 15,367 new confirmed cases of the Corona virus were registered in Norway during the 24-hours from Tuesday to Wednesday (January 19). The number of new cases broke all records and is the highest since the pandemic began. There was some good news, though: “We’re fortunately seeing that the gap between registered infection and hospital admissions is widening with the Omicron variant,” Dr Espen Nakstad of the state health directorate told state broadcaster NRK Wednesday morning. On Thursday (January 20), Nakstad himself announced that he’d tested positive as well after his children had been infected at school. Nakstad said he has mild cold-like symptoms and reckons he’s been infected with the Omicron variant.

Nakstad, who’d already gone into self-imposed quarantine, could also be encouraged that the numbers of Corona patients needing intensive care has also fallen. Only 74 of the 238 people hospitalized with the Corona virus on Tuesday and Wednesday were under intensive care, with 49 on respirators. The chief medical officer in Trondheim, Dr Eli-Anne Skaug, went so far as to call Omicron “a blessing that has saved us from Delta, which was a harder variant.” She added that “most of us are well-vaccinated” and protected from serious illness.

LOL. Just as long as vaccinations are still the number one priority!

***The government is being criticized again for sending out mixed signals after anti-infection measures were recently relaxed. Norwegians are being urged to avoid social contact yet also go out and buy tickets for cultural events. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre continues to claim that Norwegians should limit the number of people they meet, avoid public transportation and preferably work from home. His minister in charge of culture and sports Anette Trettebergstuen, however, has urged Norwegians to go out and enjoy cultural events or patronize reopening restaurants.

“I can understand that folks can get confused,” Kjell Ringdal, who lectures on communications at Kristiania College in Oslo, told newspaper Dagsavisen this week. “I think the entire line of communication from the government reflects that things are moving very fast and they aren’t coordinating their remarks very well.” The criticism over contradictory communication comes just as health officials are expecting a wave of new infection that won’t crest until late January or early February before it starts declining through the spring.

***It’s about to get easier to travel into Sweden again. The Swedish government announced it will, starting Friday, drop its recent demand for a negative PCR test and allow entry with just a valid Corona certificate documenting full vaccination. The relaxation of entry requirements is especially good news for shopping centers just over the border to Sweden, which have lost lots of Norwegian customers in recent weeks. “We are very happy and wish a hearty welcome to all Norwegians who now only need a koronapass to come into Sweden,” the leader of Nordby Shopping Center, Ståle Løvheim, told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK). The additional testing requirement had been in effect since December 28.

LOL. Just as long as vaccinations are still the priority!

***Around half of all Norwegians aren’t so worried about becoming infected with the Corona virus any longer. A new survey suggests they’re at least “less afraid” of testing positive for Corona than they were when the pandemic began. The survey, conducted by research firm Norstat for Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK), found that 45 percent questioned claimed they are “little or very little concerned” about catching Corona. Those least worried were in the age group 50- to 59, while men were less worried about Corona than women.

The survey can reflect confidence in the effect of vaccines, not least since well over 90 percent of all adult Norwegians are fully vaccinated, many with three shots. NRK reported that others point to how the now-dominant Omicron variant doesn’t make people as sick as the earlier Delta variant, for example, and fewer Norwegians need to be hospitalized. One psychologist, Peder Kjos, also told NRK that he thinks “people are tired of being afraid” and want to start living more normally again. “We have mastered this quite well, we’ve stood together, things are still functioning and we’re better equipped to meet this thing,” Kjos told NRK. “Yes, a pandemic is terrible, but we’re handling it. That contributes a lot to reducing anxiety.”

Yes. It is our awesome "handling" of this pandemic and not the fact that the vaccines we mandated actually promote the spread of omicold that has lessen anxiety.

***Public health institute FHI doesn’t think children as young as five need to be vaccinated against the Corona virus, but vaccine will be offered to all aged five to 11 from the end of January. Vaccine has already been offered to everyone over age 12 since September. There won’t be any general recommendation to parents to vaccinate their children, though: “Since the illness isn’t serious for children, there’s really no strong reason to vaccinate them,” Dr Margrethe Greve-Isdahl of FHI told newspaper Aftenposten. Parents who nonetheless want to vaccinate their children will now be able to do so.

LOL. Just as long as vaccinations for those who don't need them are still the priority!

***Norway would have faced a winter of rapidly rising Corona infection even if the government hadn’t relaxed restrictions this week. Public health institute FHI warns that up to 50,000 more Norwegians are likely to become infected no matter what the government does. “An Omicron-driven winter wave is impossible to stop,” FHI wrote in a series of reports released this week, “but it can be possible to reduce its height.” They stress how Omicron is more contagious than earlier variants and can spread much more quickly, also among those vaccinated.

Health authorities reported 11,597 new confirmed cases just in the 24-hour period from Thursday to Friday (January 14). At the same time, however, vaccination remains the best protection against serious illness and well over 90 percent of Norway’s adult population is now vaccinated with at least two doses. Hospital admissions will rise, but health authorities seem confident they can be controlled because Omicron presents a 50 to 70 percent lower risk of hospitalization.

Yes. The vaccines are the only thing that has saved us all! Thank God that they promote omicron so that we can all experience their awesome protective abilities against omicron!
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:00 pm

According to Google Translate:

Norwegian expert: "Everything can be opened"

It is time to open up society, so that people themselve can decide how much they want to protect themselves, writes Preben Aavitsland, chief physician at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

LOL at so many "public health experts" finally deciding that it is OK for them to grant people agency over their own lives.
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:12 pm

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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:17 pm

stickdog99 » 23 Jan 2022 02:23 wrote:Image

Joe, either these data show that the under investigation cohort is a roughly a mix between 90%+ vaccinated and under 10% unvaccinated or they show that the Australian government has been purposefully putting most of the unvaccinated cases that do not require hospitalization "under investigation." So which it is?

I think you'll find its under 90% for vaccinated vaccinated over 10% for unvaccinated. (That data shows about 75% of infections in the fully vaccinated group out of the eligible population.)

But as I said upthread why is this data even trustworthy? I knew 10 unvaccinated people who tested positive at home with RAT tests in that period whose figures aren't included in those stats. Its meaningless. Maybe if they did seroprevalence tests across the entire population there would be some accuracy you could rely on but that hasn't been done. Until then you can't make statements on anything about this.

Many of those NSW hospitalisations are incidental findings as well, across fully vaccinated populations and populations that aren't fully vaccinated.

You are using inaccurate or incomplete data to make your point. Everything that has happened since late November with Covid since Omicron is effectively unknowable at this point. Its probably the same everywhere.

BTW Its the NSW state government, not the Australian federal government.
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:20 pm

But lets leave the data aside foir a minute.

What mechanism are you proposing that enables Omicron to infect the vaccinated more easily than the unvaccinate?

How is this happening?

It makes no sense to me?

Please explain.
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:37 pm

Joe Hillshoist » 22 Jan 2022 23:20 wrote:But lets leave the data aside foir a minute.

What mechanism are you proposing that enables Omicron to infect the vaccinated more easily than the unvaccinate?

How is this happening?

It makes no sense to me?

Please explain.

LOL. So suddenly you can't trust any official data and everything is unknowable? So why doesn't the same apply to any supposed benefit that you still believe these vaccines confer?

As for how could this possibly happen ...

Vaccine Evasion: https://thorsteinnsiglaugsson.wordpress ... confirmed/

Vaccine evasion is a phenomena where the mutations of a virus cause it to break through existing immunity, natural or vaccine-induced. Original antigenic sin is what happens when the immune system gets trained in such a way that it fails to recognize and react to new threats. Geert Vanden Bossche and several other scientists have warned this might happen as a result of mass-vaccination against Covid-19.

Until now, this has remained a hypothesis. But this new research, published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters seems to confirm this is in fact what is happening now around the world.

Yesterday, I published a piece on a recent and disturbing development in Covid infections in Iceland, where we’ve seen a surge in infections per 100 thousand among the vaccinated, whereby they are overtaking the unvaccinated at an unprecedented rate. I have wondered why this may be happening. Possibly the answer lies here.

In the authors’ own words:

“Here, we demonstrate that vaccine-breakthrough or antibody-resistant mutations provide a new mechanism of viral evolution. Specifically, vaccine-resistant mutation Y449S in the spike (S) protein receptor-binding domain, which occurred in co-mutations Y449S and N501Y, has reduced infectivity compared to that of the original SARS-CoV-2 but can disrupt existing antibodies that neutralize the virus. By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vaccine-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence and frequency of vaccine-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America.”
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Jan 22, 2022 7:53 pm

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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:27 pm

Diddly pindeemic, apdyte:

Anyone [in New Zealand] infected with Covid is now required to isolate for 14 days, up from 10 days under the new interim rules.

Household contacts [i.e., your entire fucking family] must then stay in quarantine for a further 10 days, stretching the time alone out to three and a half weeks. ... -DAYS.html


What's the point, what's the purpose?

The effect is that if you test positive, members of your household may have to isolate for 24 days,' Act political party leader David Seymour told NZ's Stuff.

'People who cannot afford that will have a strong incentive not to get tested, defeating [sic] the purpose of the policy.

'If the advice is taken seriously, it will cripple the health workforce and supply chains more generally.'

That's the point, that's the purpose.
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby alwyn » Sat Jan 22, 2022 10:53 pm

OK, talk me down here. I have a close friend who has covid. She is talking about feeling really stoned when she's not stoned, like a wave that comes over one. I have lately been having symptoms of being completely stoned when I'm not, and it's no damn fun. Never been victim to flashbacks or anything like that. So she talked about this thing coming in waves. And I had to agree. Not comfortable, and I've had low grade covid symptoms since xmas. (vaccinated, damn it) so, what if, what if, it's a nano-engineered virus out of wuhan that accidently got released but it has a graphene component that responds to frequency? Or what if there's a graphene component to some of the vax? I know Darpa had their dirty little hands all over this thing, are they twanging HARP and calling up trouble? Cause it's really really weird right now. That or the magnetic field is shifting, and I'm over thinking things....
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:02 pm

stickdog99 » 23 Jan 2022 09:37 wrote:
Joe Hillshoist » 22 Jan 2022 23:20 wrote:But lets leave the data aside foir a minute.

What mechanism are you proposing that enables Omicron to infect the vaccinated more easily than the unvaccinate?

How is this happening?

It makes no sense to me?

Please explain.

LOL. So suddenly you can't trust any official data and everything is unknowable? So why doesn't the same apply to any supposed benefit that you still believe these vaccines confer?

Well obviously.

Reasons? These are them:

1. At no point before have I known 10 people test positive to covid who were unvaccinated and there be no official record of it.

2. Since the huge outbreak of cases PCR station testing capacity has completely failed. It can't keep up. So for the first time data collection is inadequate. This is reflected in the changes between test numbers and positive cases. The higher ratio of cases to tests means there are more cases in the community than there were at the lower ratios.

3. Further home use rapid antigen testing is also failing. There aren't enough supplies to keep up with demand. This is yet another failure of capitalist medicine but that's for another day.

So for the first time its obvious the testing system in NSW is unable to provide accurate results. it may have been the case before but it wasn't obvious to me.

Therefore "suddenly" I no longer trust the data.

Its because circumstances have changed. IMO even with poitential inbuilt errors in the system before Omicron at least its trends were reliable. Now they aren't.

As for how could this possibly happen ...

Vaccine Evasion: https://thorsteinnsiglaugsson.wordpress ... confirmed/

Vaccine evasion is a phenomena where the mutations of a virus cause it to break through existing immunity, natural or vaccine-induced.

Yeah obviously. Everyone knows the spike protein on the vaccine has mutated in such a way that the S1 and S2 proteins the mRNA vaccines generate are significantly different than they were. So antibodies will struggle to recognise them now with Omicron. Hence vaccine evasion happens.

This raises reasonable criticisms with the way they were developed, specifically targeted such a limited number of proteins compared to the number the virus (or even other vaccines) present to the immune system. There are answers to these criticisms and before Omicron they looked reasonable. Whether they still will afterward is another question.

Original antigenic sin is what happens when the immune system gets trained in such a way that it fails to recognize and react to new threats. Geert Vanden Bossche and several other scientists have warned this might happen as a result of mass-vaccination against Covid-19.

Until now, this has remained a hypothesis. But this new research, published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters seems to confirm this is in fact what is happening now around the world.

Didn't data from South Africa show that people who got Omicron and recovered ran the gauntlet from unvaccinated to fully (two dose and "boosted" (lol)) dosed and previously infected with strong immunity? There are no indications that vaccinated or previously infected people suffered longer or more severe illness and there don't appear to be any of these indications coming from anywhere. If anything all people infected with Omicron have better immune responses across the board than with previous strains of COVID.

So how does OAS even come into it?

Yesterday, I published a piece on a recent and disturbing development in Covid infections in Iceland, where we’ve seen a surge in infections per 100 thousand among the vaccinated, whereby they are overtaking the unvaccinated at an unprecedented rate. I have wondered why this may be happening. Possibly the answer lies here.

In the authors’ own words:

“Here, we demonstrate that vaccine-breakthrough or antibody-resistant mutations provide a new mechanism of viral evolution. Specifically, vaccine-resistant mutation Y449S in the spike (S) protein receptor-binding domain, which occurred in co-mutations Y449S and N501Y, has reduced infectivity compared to that of the original SARS-CoV-2 but can disrupt existing antibodies that neutralize the virus. By tracking the evolutionary trajectories of vaccine-resistant mutations in more than 2.2 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we reveal that the occurrence and frequency of vaccine-resistant mutations correlate strongly with the vaccination rates in Europe and America.”

This is the rest of what he wrote.

If this is the case, we may expect more dangerous variants emerging, from which current vaccines offer no protection, attacking the very part of the population we have aimed to protect. The cause, then, is our fixation on mass-vaccination instead of a more focused effort to protect those in actual danger.

Which is obviously garbage.

I mean ... the moon may turn purple and vomit cheese upon the earth. Its not completely impossible in an infinite and infinitely chaotic universe. And its at least as meaningful as that sentence.

Why may we expect that?

It hasn't happened yet, if anything the opposite has.

The Omicron variant, assuming it isn't a lab product, came from vaccinated populations. It was brought to Africa by diplomats who had been in Europe. Its less dangerous.

Even that author's own words, which do loosely describe/mirror the changes with Omicron, show the mutations have reduced infectivity compared to that of the original SARS-CoV-2 but can disrupt existing antibodies that neutralize the virus. Exact quote.

There is obviously a relationship between how the spike protein behaves and its infectivity and another one between how the spike protein behaves and its potential dangerousness. This is what I meant by "it has evolved" when I posted recently actually.

Omicron evades previous neutralising antibodies. It also has trouble infecting lung cells but finds infecting bronchial cells to be alot easier compared to previous variants. That is because previous antibodies that target the spike protein no longer fit as well as they did. But at the same time these changes to the spike protein mean it can't bind to lung cells as easily and more importantly it doesn't cleave the lung cells and create those lumps of cellular refuse that trigger cytokine storms in people.

Its become less dangerous and its mutation (if it isn't a lab based one) is exactly the sort you'd expect if the selection pressure on the virus now included spike protein only vaccines (tho I don't see why natural infection wouldn't have exactly the same effect.)

So the fella who made that blog is passing on misinformation, technically. In the way he or she or whatever frames what they are describing.

By suggesting this can only be dangerous he implies its a bad thing. When the main real world evidence we have - Omicron - suggests otherwise.

Historically viruses are sposed to evolve to be less dangerous and more infectious, this probably happened as vertebrates on land evolved upper and lower respitratory tracts that were distinctly different. The upper one provides a barrier territory between the atmosphere where viruses are found and the place where the atmosphere is processed and O2 introduced to the blood stream and our survival systems.

The upper respiratory tract is a place where its easier to spread infection from if you're an airbourne pathogen.

So if we evolved separate, slightly different surfaces on our lower respiratory tract along the epic journey to humanity then we've created a selection pressure for a respiratory virus to evolve to be less dangerous and eventually infect the upper respiratory tract by preference.

Creating vaccines that mirror the most dangerous part of the virus will create a selection pressure but its one that historically and biologically leads to less dangerous iterations of coronaviruses, not more dangerous ones as mutations to the spike protein will need to be less damaging not more damaging to increase their chance of spreading and get a genetic advantage.

How is that blog post not fear porn?
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Sat Jan 22, 2022 11:09 pm

alwyn » 23 Jan 2022 12:53 wrote:OK, talk me down here. I have a close friend who has covid. She is talking about feeling really stoned when she's not stoned, like a wave that comes over one. I have lately been having symptoms of being completely stoned when I'm not, and it's no damn fun. Never been victim to flashbacks or anything like that. So she talked about this thing coming in waves. And I had to agree. Not comfortable, and I've had low grade covid symptoms since xmas. (vaccinated, damn it) so, what if, what if, it's a nano-engineered virus out of wuhan that accidently got released but it has a graphene component that responds to frequency? Or what if there's a graphene component to some of the vax? I know Darpa had their dirty little hands all over this thing, are they twanging HARP and calling up trouble? Cause it's really really weird right now. That or the magnetic field is shifting, and I'm over thinking things....

Maybe you've had a different bug since Christmas.

so, what if, what if, it's a nano-engineered virus out of wuhan that accidently got released but it has a graphene component that responds to frequency?

Can you find your way to isolate yourself from the frequency? Maybe use a faraday cage of some sort (not a tinfoil hat!)

I don't think its possible to do that sort of thing with HAARP. Maybe less powerful transmitters locally, cos they can then create a more powerful signal over a smaller area.

Make sure take your vitamins and minerals and eat well and if you want I'm sure Bel Sav could put you in contact with a network of Drs that can help
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Re: Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun Jan 23, 2022 12:34 am

alwyn » Sat Jan 22, 2022 9:53 pm wrote:OK, talk me down here. I have a close friend who has covid. She is talking about feeling really stoned when she's not stoned, like a wave that comes over one. I have lately been having symptoms of being completely stoned when I'm not, and it's no damn fun. Never been victim to flashbacks or anything like that. So she talked about this thing coming in waves. And I had to agree. Not comfortable, and I've had low grade covid symptoms since xmas. (vaccinated, damn it) so, what if, what if, it's a nano-engineered virus out of wuhan that accidently got released but it has a graphene component that responds to frequency? Or what if there's a graphene component to some of the vax? I know Darpa had their dirty little hands all over this thing, are they twanging HARP and calling up trouble? Cause it's really really weird right now. That or the magnetic field is shifting, and I'm over thinking things....

Alwyn - can't offer any valuable insight Re: the potential role of DARPA, HAARP, 5G, Graphene oxide-based nanoparticles, etc.
There's lots of info out there right now, with plenty of potential for disinfo, limited hangouts, poisoned wells, etc.
I can see scenarios where these theories are, in turns, absurd and/or quite plausible. Time will tell.

(My general position on covid should be clear to most by now, to the extent it matters)

In the meantime, I used the following resource to find a doc to prescribe Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, as well as local compound pharmacies.
I'm assuming you're in the U.S.: ... vermectin/

And here are recommended protocols with mostly over-the-counter meds and vitamins: ... -protocol/

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