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Postby 8bitagent » Fri May 13, 2011 3:29 pm

So basically, the "endless treasure trove taken from bin Laden compound" is the ultimate propaganda tool...because for years to come the Pentagon can
leak to the press: "a year later, digital files seized show blah blah blah".

I'm surprised they don't claim OBL just started a twitter, as they claim the Taliban have now
http://technolog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/20 ... on-twitter

Also funny how the story continues to morph:

Official: Pakistan may be our enemy, secretly funding al Qaeda!
A week later: 80+ people security and civilians die in OBL revenge death in Pakistan

Official: OBL was a pious terror leader obsessed with Islamic fundamentalism
a week later: large quantities of drugs, smut, etc are found throughout the house

I loved it with Randi type anti truthers would answer "taqfir! Way of deception!" when pressed with why the 9/11 hijackers
spent copious amounts of money on hookers, strippers, cocaine, alcohol, porn shops, in room hotel, porn, etc.
Atta getting hammered in the days before 9/11, was that just their manchurian program glitching? ha

Even one article on it straight up said it was almost like the hijackers wanted to be noticed, intentionally leaving breadcrumb trails.
Yelling all the time, going to the cops about muggings/being pulled over by cops, and making a general nuisance everywhere you go is not
the way to "stay under the radar"
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Postby 82_28 » Fri May 13, 2011 3:45 pm

dbcooper41 wrote:i wonder if the porn belonged to the right handed or the left handed onan been loadin.

perhaps this explains why the seals claimed he was shooting?
please pardon my immaturity, this is getting pretty silly to me. :roll:

More silly than the "avenging deaths" of Osama bin Laden that just so happened to be carried out by tandem suicide bombers in Pakistan today? Silly how? Where do the "psy-ops" end or begin? We've established a motif I think that shit ain't as it seems in this thread. I brought up another one. Do I buy it? No. Do I think there's something there? Yes.

I'm merely a two bit forecaster with a lot of PKD under his belt and deep fascination with the occult from the standpoint of the rituals going back thousands of years and trying to currently scale my brain and sensations with what little I haven't been programmed with and what the information flow is. I'm certainly no true believer. Just open source thinker. All of my ideas were fully disclaimed. RI is the only place I can do this in an open forum.
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Postby semper occultus » Fri May 13, 2011 3:59 pm

Link between child porn and Muslim terrorists discovered in police raids

Paedophile websites are being used to pass information between terrorists

Richard Kerbaj and Dominic Kennedy

October 17, 2008


A link between terrorism plots and hardcore child pornography is becoming clear after a string of police raids in Britain and across the Continent, an investigation by The Times has discovered. Images of child abuse have been found during Scotland Yard antiterrorism swoops and in big inquiries in Italy and Spain.

Secret coded messages are being embedded into child pornographic images, and paedophile websites are being exploited as a secure way of passing information between terrorists.

British security services are also aware of the trend and believe that it requires further investigation to improve understanding of terrorists’ methods and mindsets. Concerns within the Metropolitan Police led to a plan to run a pilot research project exploring the nature of the link. One source familiar with the proposal said that this could eventually lead to the training of child welfare experts to identify signs of terrorist involvement as they monitor pornographic sites.

Concerns have already been expressed at Cabinet minister level about the risk of vulnerable Muslim youths being exploited by older men.

Officers have noted that child sex abuse images have been found during investigations into some of the most advanced suspected plots. However, it is understood that the proposed research project was never implemented because the AntiTerrorism Branch was overwhelmed by the sheer number of cases it was having to deal with.

It is not clear whether the terrorists were more interested in the material for personal gratification or were drawn to child porn networks as a secure means of sending messages. In one case fewer than a dozen images were found; in another, 40,000.

British security sources confirmed that such a link had been discovered in several cases. They noted the contradiction between people supposedly devoted to theocracy and Islamic fundamentalism and their use of child pornography. “It shows that these people are very confused,” a source said. “Here they are hating Western decadence but actually making use of it and finding that they enjoy this stuff.”

Baroness Neville-Jones, Conservative security spokeswoman and former chairwoman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, said: “The information about a possible link between extremism and child pornography potentially provides useful insight into three things: the methods that extremists use to communicate; the methods they use to target vulnerable people in society; and the techniques they seek to use to conceal their online activities.” She added: “There is no doubt that these possible linkages should merit further research.”

Andrew Dismore, the Labour MP and chairman of the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, said: “This is an important development. We have to do more than just the police work. It needs child protection, criminological and psychological work. It could become a very important weapon in the fight against terrorism.” He urged researchers to review cases where terrorists had been convicted to look for this link.

The first British suspicions of a link between child sex abuse and jihadis emerged in London in 2006 when antiterrorism police in two unrelated investigations were shocked to find computerised images of hardcore child pornography. The key case that tipped off the security services to a plausible link involved the “White-chapel Rapist”, Abdul Makim Khalisadar. A former Mujahidin and a preacher at the East London Mosque, he was being examined for his links to a hardcore Islamic militant who was later convicted of terrorism. Khalisadar was never convicted of terrorist offences. The other investigation involved a young religiously observant Muslim.

The Times has learnt that a criminal investigation also found child pornography on computers after a raid in 2001 at a mosque run by an al-Qaeda recruiter in Milan. Italian police believe that the images were encoded with messages. At a forthcoming terrorism trial in Spain, the alleged mastermind of a Muslim cell has also been accused of downloading hundreds of child sex abuse pictures and videos.

Meanwhile, police uncovered a right-wing terrorist plot when they raided a home after being tipped off about pornographic images. This June, the Nazi sympathiser Martyn Gilleard was jailed for 16 years after being found guilty of terrorism. Police found 39,000 indecent images of children at his flat in Yorkshire.

Invisible ink for the internet age

— Messages may be concealed within digital images and audio, video or other files. The method is called steganography, derived from the Greek for “covered writing”

— Although the average person will not be able to detect the hidden messages by either listening to or viewing a file, the intended recipients can use applications to reverse the steganography process and gain access to the information

— Experts say that the advancement in encryption technology is outpacing the authorities’ abilities to monitor suspected terrorists and paedophiles

— Italian authorities uncovered files of child abuse images that had been manipulated by a terrorist cell after a raid on the Via Quaranta mosque in Milan in November 2001. Investigators claimed that the terrorist cell encoded the images before sending them to each other
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Postby Nordic » Fri May 13, 2011 4:08 pm

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Postby 2012 Countdown » Fri May 13, 2011 4:30 pm

A quick parusal of the message boards and it seems to be having the desired effect. Lots of giggling and demeaning.
People don't even care to question the truth of any of this. This is the narrative desired, and critical thinking/skepticism is on vacation. I guess when the Gov't/administration admitted the bullshit 'coward used his wife as human shield' tale was made up, they had to start something else. Yes, this 'treasure trove' will be a great source of dometic propaganda.

Noreaga had a big porn stash too as I recall. All these dastardly madmen do.
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Postby barracuda » Fri May 13, 2011 4:33 pm

It would surprise me more if the-whoever-they-killed the other day didn't have any porn. All men do.

Besides which, if this is propaganda, it's probably backfired. The fact that terrorists look at pornography humanises them in my eyes.
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Postby Luposapien » Fri May 13, 2011 4:39 pm

Not saying that it hasn't been done, because if you can think of something stupid to do, then you can probably guarantee that someone, somewhere is doing it, but I'm trying to grasp the logic behind a would-be terrorist using, of all things, child porn as a cover for their communications. I guess the only think I can think of is that they're trying to exploit pre-established networks that already operate off or below the grid, but if there's anyone more despised by the public at large than "terrorists", it's people involved in the production and distribution of child porn. Doesn't it seem like this is just begging for the unwanted attention of even more law enforcement types?

Granted, it makes more sense in the context of overlapping intelligence/terrorist networks using it a means to accumulate blackmail material, as another means of drawing in off-budget money, and the further manipulation of public perception, but that's just crazy talk.
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Postby Nordic » Fri May 13, 2011 4:40 pm

barracuda wrote:It would surprise me more if the-whoever-they-killed the other day didn't have any porn. All men do.

Besides which, if this is propaganda, it's probably backfired. The fact that terrorists look at pornography humanises them in my eyes.

I think this sort of thing is propaganda for both "sides", i.e. trying to make it look to the Fundie Muslim crowd that he wasn't such a great Fundie Muslim.
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Postby elfismiles » Fri May 13, 2011 4:42 pm

Well, there is this:

Afghan sex practices concern U.S., British forces
By: Sara A. Carter 12/20/10 9:05 PM
National security correspondent

http://washingtonexaminer.com/news/worl ... ish-forces

I recall Scott interviewing a female journalist about this on his show not too long ago ... am trying to find that link/audio interview.

EDIT: Maybe this is the one I'm remembering, though this is a year old...

Scott Horton Interviews Kelley B. Vlahos
Scott Horton, April 16, 2010

Featured Antiwar.com columnist Kelley B. Vlahos discusses the resurgence of Bacha Bazi and the sexual exploitation of boys in Afghanistan, Canadian soldiers who were rebuffed by superiors when reporting abuse by their Afghan comrades, US withdrawal from a long-held remote Afghan outpost and the increasingly obvious futility of US and NATO humanitarian efforts and the occupation in general.

MP3 here. (42:14)

Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, a Washington, D.C.-based freelance writer, is a longtime political reporter for FoxNews.com, a contributing editor at The American Conservative magazine and featured Antiwar.com columnist. She is also a Washington correspondent for Homeland Security Today magazine.


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Postby 82_28 » Fri May 13, 2011 4:51 pm

barracuda wrote:It would surprise me more if the-whoever-they-killed the other day didn't have any porn. All men do.

Besides which, if this is propaganda, it's probably backfired. The fact that terrorists look at pornography humanises them in my eyes.

Unless you're of the fundie christian set to which all this pro-war madness and racism is directed towards anyhow. The critical mass. Those in differing degrees of denial of common humanity. I'm no porn "user" and could care less about it other than what I feel is exploitation of innocent minds. But I'm also no Christian, but can see the value in both porn and religion being used to make people not accustomed to thinking deeply on issues fucking nuts, for or against.
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Postby barracuda » Fri May 13, 2011 4:53 pm

Luposapien wrote:Not saying that it hasn't been done, because if you can think of something stupid to do, then you can probably guarantee that someone, somewhere is doing it, but I'm trying to grasp the logic behind a would-be terrorist using, of all things, child porn as a cover for their communications. I guess the only think I can think of is that they're trying to exploit pre-established networks that already operate off or below the grid, but if there's anyone more despised by the public at large than "terrorists", it's people involved in the production and distribution of child porn. Doesn't it seem like this is just begging for the unwanted attention of even more law enforcement types?

Maybe they understand that certain aspects of the child-porn industry are almost certainly protected and veiled by the very law enforcement agencies whose job it is to discover terror networks, sort of like using drug-smuggling networks as terrorist communication mules.
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Postby barracuda » Fri May 13, 2011 4:54 pm

82_28 wrote:Unless you're of the fundie christian set to which all this pro-war madness and racism is directed towards anyhow. The critical mass.

I thought the whole mythos of "the killing of Bin Laden" was supposed to lock in the Democratic base for Obama in '12.
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Postby Luposapien » Fri May 13, 2011 5:14 pm

As clarification, whether or not Bin Ladin was really in that compound they raided, if there were computers in there, I would be surprised if there wasn't pornography on at least some of those computers (and even more surprised if they didn't plant some if there weren't any there). Even if it wasn't OBL's personal stash, it can be used to tar him as a hypocrite. Never mind that the overwhelming majority of those who would condemn him as such are just as hypocritical themselves. We Americans are capable of withstanding truly stupefying levels of cognitive dissonance. Practice makes perfect and all.
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Postby 82_28 » Fri May 13, 2011 5:40 pm

barracuda wrote:
82_28 wrote:Unless you're of the fundie christian set to which all this pro-war madness and racism is directed towards anyhow. The critical mass.

I thought the whole mythos of "the killing of Bin Laden" was supposed to lock in the Democratic base for Obama in '12.

I thought it was you who said that at the beginning of the thread. I think I've only maintained that this fucks everything up if we're used to living in our parents' America and the Obama crowd doesn't matter any more than a friend helping you hold a nail and then hitting his finger rather than the nail with the hammer and saying "oh, sorry". Deeper and more capricious fascism is coming and this all is part and parcel of it. I think this based on what? I dunno. I've tried a little in this thread and of course others to point out, right or wrong, what I see, with a view to managing fascist thought in collective life as far away as possible. Open minds and skepticism certainly help.
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Postby Luposapien » Fri May 13, 2011 6:01 pm

barracuda wrote:Maybe they understand that certain aspects of the child-porn industry are almost certainly protected and veiled by the very law enforcement agencies whose job it is to discover terror networks, sort of like using drug-smuggling networks as terrorist communication mules.

Yeah, I'm in agreement there. I guess I'm trying to look at it from the angle of what image are they trying to sell to the public. It doesn't seem to me that many people are aware of, or at least willing to give any credence too, the fact that these people are really all in bed with one another.
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