Otis to upgrade Empire State Building's elevators

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Re: Otis to upgrade Empire State Building's elevators

Postby 82_28 » Thu Jun 23, 2011 7:38 am

As far as I am concerned, we DO NOT know if anybody was even on those planes. They could have all been filled with a bunch of Jessica Lynch's. Which is to say, empty planes. Too many famous motherfuckers were to be on these planes, but bailed. Rob Lowe and John Ashcroft come to mind -- a Seinfeld writer or some shit. Narrative, narrative. People asked me back then, and I still stick to this answer: somebody put up a lot of money to have a job get done. The job got done. That's it. That's seriously it. The job got done and that was the point. It was easily in planning for I surmise just through empty speculation, 10-15- 20 years. At least 10 years though. Because the psy-op part was the most important. Every base needed to be covered, thus the ridiculous PA bullshit and the simultaneous "attack" on the Pentagon. The was the tell. That is the part that makes it too clever by half. But it gets meta-double binded with WTC7 and this is the coup for the narrative. They covered all occultic bases. Everything is hidden and the only reason we talk about this is because we, here, are into hidden things. RI is the only place on the web that is sanely covering and discussing this.

My PKDickian theory has always been that those planes held no one. If they can invent the "terrorists" they can also invent the victims. Probably easier too. As you would then come out with a few people who can elevate the double bind by giving it a human touch of TERROR -- which again, was the point. Myself and others like me have always known who the terrorists are. They are both our psyches and those who are determined to confuse us -- they work in tandem and compliment one another. This all was meant to confuse. And as I've always said, anybody who "knows for sure" such as preachers and shit surely does not. The first tell for someone who "knows it all" is that they say they do know it all.

By the grace of the Universe it has made this impossible. There is only emulated certainty and cruelty balanced by human empathy and the placid state of the beauty found within nature.
There is no me. There is no you. There is all. There is no you. There is no me. And that is all. A profound acceptance of an enormous pageantry. A haunting certainty that the unifying principle of this universe is love. -- Propagandhi
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Re: Otis to upgrade Empire State Building's elevators

Postby Nordic » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:24 am

8bitagent wrote:
Nordic wrote:sure, hiding in plain sight is the way to go. just like shoplifting, the best way to do that is to actually buy something, with whatever you're nicking hidden on your person.

i've often thought a great way to do a building like wtc is to simply ups the explosives to every office on the day. guaranteed delivery before 10 o clock or whatever. radio controlled detonators, kaboom.
nobody would suspect a thing, ups is all over the buiding every damn day. use the system as it exists. why make it more difficult than it needs to be?

what always gets me with the "it couldn't have been cd" crowd is they assume the detonation would have to be traditional old-school detonation, with every single charge physically wired together. modern wireless technology would take care opf that little problem. the whole damn operation was probably on autopilot at some point' all running from a single computer in some office in building 7.

hell you could easily know when each and every parcel had been delivered to each office suite, with all the info going to said computer, with the signals to the planes to finally be guided into the buildings automatically occurring at a certain point. other crucial munitions were likely installed during the elevator "repaira" and with the "sprinkler" repairs. the more simply the whole plan was set up the better. remember whoever did this undoubtedly had access to technology that was not available to consumers yet, and may still not be known.

Well, one could argue that military grade thermite spray could be applied to a bevy of core columns, so that the resulting plane impact and fuel based fire/structural damage would be accelerated.

Well yeah. That could easily have been part of it, and something like that likely was, considering the forensic evidence.

It must be terribly easy to do The Unthinkable, because, well, most people would never suspect you. Because you're doing The Unthinkable!
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Re: Otis to upgrade Empire State Building's elevators

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:12 am

82_28 wrote:As far as I am concerned, we DO NOT know if anybody was even on those planes. They could have all been filled with a bunch of Jessica Lynch's. Which is to say, empty planes. Too many famous motherfuckers were to be on these planes, but bailed. Rob Lowe and John Ashcroft come to mind -- a Seinfeld writer or some shit. Narrative, narrative. People asked me back then, and I still stick to this answer: somebody put up a lot of money to have a job get done. The job got done. That's it. That's seriously it. The job got done and that was the point. It was easily in planning for I surmise just through empty speculation, 10-15- 20 years. At least 10 years though. Because the psy-op part was the most important. Every base needed to be covered, thus the ridiculous PA bullshit and the simultaneous "attack" on the Pentagon. The was the tell. That is the part that makes it too clever by half. But it gets meta-double binded with WTC7 and this is the coup for the narrative. They covered all occultic bases. Everything is hidden and the only reason we talk about this is because we, here, are into hidden things. RI is the only place on the web that is sanely covering and discussing this.

My PKDickian theory has always been that those planes held no one. If they can invent the "terrorists" they can also invent the victims. Probably easier too. As you would then come out with a few people who can elevate the double bind by giving it a human touch of TERROR -- which again, was the point. Myself and others like me have always known who the terrorists are. They are both our psyches and those who are determined to confuse us -- they work in tandem and compliment one another. This all was meant to confuse. And as I've always said, anybody who "knows for sure" such as preachers and shit surely does not. The first tell for someone who "knows it all" is that they say they do know it all.

By the grace of the Universe it has made this impossible. There is only emulated certainty and cruelty balanced by human empathy and the placid state of the beauty found within nature.

I pretty much agree with you for the most part, though in my view 9/11 was in the works much longer...certainly far longer than the "Bush and Cheney engineered 9/11" meme we here. 9/11 was a gift to the neocons, not engineered by them. I do believe the people and hijackers were on those planes. More death for the ritual/mega working, but also seals the deal. Meaning, you have NTSB digging around, and they probably did find fragments of people, personal items, etc as you'd expect to find. I've seen enough evidence to know the planes were real, people were on those planes and the Pentagon was hit by Flight 77. But I feel 9/11 was bigger than some US 'inside job'. I don't want to get too much into how deep I think it went(I'll just say those four plane numbers weren't a coincidence) but even on an exoteric level you have Israeli spies and Saudis interfacing with the hijackers through and through...and probably very high level AI computer shit going on with the flights, NORAD, FAA, towers, etc.

But besides the point, I agree the main point was psyop. Those towers HAD to fall. There's no getting around it. Bin Laden in the tape can act shocked the towers fell, to me bin Laden and al Qaeda are just globalist footsoldiers anyways. Pledge, turn and the prestiege...all a giant magick trick. Poof, towers gone...psyche and consciousness forever altered. Why even the anti globalist left can be made into war loving death mongers! Aw, so brilliant

Now, noone but a very small cadre of human beings even questions 9/11 anymore. Most liberals I know dont wanna hear about 9/11.
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