Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:50 pm

God’s providence [провидение Божие].

http://speciesbarocus.tumblr.com/post/1 ... providence
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:09 pm


Psychosis or Gnosis?

Aldous Huxley felt that the "scientific" approach was utterly hopeless. "Those idiots want to be Pavlovians," he said, "[but] Pavlov never saw an animal in its natural state, only under duress. The 'scientific' LSD boys do the same with their subjects. No wonder they report psychotics." The practitioners of psychedelic therapy, on the other hand, were cognizant of the complex interaction between set and setting, and they worked to facilitate insight and personal growth.

Of course, even the best set and setting could not always guarantee an easy, pleasant, or uncomplicated experience. The goal of a therapeutic session was not to have a "good trip" per se but to work through emotional, creative or intellectual blockages and further the process of self-discovery -- an ordeal that could be very painful at times. Certain schools of psychiatry -- R. D. Laing, for example -- recognized that "freaking out" might actually herald a positive breakthrough to a new level of awareness if properly integrated by the patient. [2] The idea that a turbulent acid trip could have therapeutic consequences reflected an ancient understanding of the human psyche and the principles governing the healing process.

The "perilous passing" through the chaotic realm of the bummer was structured into the drug rituals of primitive societies as part of the sacred "vision-quest." The key figure in the hallucinogenic drama was the shaman, the witch doctor, the medicine man (or woman, as was often the case) who gave song to dreams and provided spiritual access for the entire tribe. A connoisseur of the drug-induced trance state, the shaman derived his or her strength from confronting the terror of ego death -- the quintessential trial by fire that was seen as a necessary prelude to an ecstatic rebirth, the resurrection of a new personality.

The drug experience informed every aspect of life in traditional cultures. With the aid of hallucinogenic plants the witch doctor cured the sick, communicated with the spirits of the dead, foretold the future, and initiated young people in coming-of-age rites. The use of mind-altering substances within an ethos of combat and aggression was also common in primitive communities. Whatever the specific purpose, the shaman always employed the hallucinogen in a ceremonial context. An elaborate set of rituals governed every step of the process, from gathering the roots and herbs to preparing and administering the brew. The power plants were often poisonous and could be fatal if not prepared properly. Only a ritually clean person who had endured weeks or months of prayer and fasting, often in isolation from the community, was deemed ready to ingest these substances. Because of the shaman's familiarity with states of consciousness induced by hallucinogenic drugs, he or she was considered qualified to pilot others through the experience.

"Primitive man," wrote Huxley in 1931, "explored the pharmacological avenues of escape from the world with astounding thoroughness. Our ancestors left almost no natural stimulant, or hallucinant, or stupefacient, undiscovered." To Huxley, the urge for transcendence and visionary experience was nothing less than a biological imperative. "Always and everywhere," he asserted, "human beings have felt the radical inadequacy of being their insulated selves and not something else, something wider, something in the Wordsworthian phrase, 'far more deeply interfused.' ... I live, yet not I, but wine or opium or peyote or hashish liveth in me. To go beyond the insulated self is such a liberation that, even when self-transcendence is through nausea into frenzy; through cramps into hallucinations and coma, the drug-induced experience has been regarded by primitives and even by the highly civilized as intrinsically divine."

The use of mind-altering drugs as religious sacraments was not restricted to a particular time and place but characterized nearly every society on the planet (with the possible exception of certain Eskimo and Polynesian communities). For the Aztecs there was peyote and ololiuqui, a small lentil-like seed containing lysergic acid; the Aborigines of Australia chewed pituri, a desert shrub, the natives of the Upper Amazon had yage, the telepathic vine. Those who floated into a sacred space after ingesting these substances often projected ecstatic qualities onto the plants themselves. Certain scholars believe that the fabled Soma of the ancient Vedic religion in northern India was actually the fly agaric mushroom, and there is strong evidence that ergot, from which LSD is derived, was the mysterious kykeon used for over two thousand years by the ancient Greeks in the annual Eleusinian Mysteries. [3]

When Christianity was adopted as the official creed of the Roman Empire in the fourth century, all other religions, including the Mysteries, were banished. Christian propagandists called for the destruction of the pagan drug cults that had spread throughout Europe after the Roman conquest. Like its shamanistic forebears, paganism was rooted in rapture rather than faith or doctrine, its mode of expression was myth and ritual, and those who carried on the forbidden traditions possessed a vast storehouse of knowledge about herbs and special medicaments. The witches of the Middle Ages concocted brews with various hallucinogenic compounds -- belladonna, thorn apple, henbane and bufotenine (derived from the sweat gland of the toad Bufo marinus) -- and when the moon was full they flew off on their imaginary broomsticks to commune with spirits. [4]

The ruthless suppression of European witchcraft by the Holy Inquisition coincided with attempts to stamp out indigenous drug use among the colonized natives of the New World. The Spanish outlawed peyote and coca leaves in the Americas, and the British later tried to banish kava use in Tahiti. Such edicts were part of an imperialist effort to impose a new social order that stigmatized the psychedelic experience as a form of madness or possession by evil spirits. It wasn't until the late eighteenth century that industrial civilization produced its own "devil's advocate," which spoke in a passionate and lyrical voice. The romantic rebellion signified "a return of the repressed" as drugs were embraced by the visionary poets and artists who lived as outcasts in their own society. Laudanum, a tincture of opium, catalyzed the literary talents of Coleridge, Poe, Swinburne, De Quincey, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, while the best-known French writers, including Baudelaire, de Nerval, and Victor Hugo, gathered at Le Club des Haschischins, a protobohemian enclave in Paris founded by Theophile Gautier in 1844. [5]

For the visionary poets modern society was the bummer, and they often viewed the drug experience as a tortured means to a fuller existence, to a life more innately human. It was with the hope of alleviating his own tortured mental condition that Antonin Artaud made an intercontinental trek in the 1930s to participate in the peyote ritual of the Tarahumara Indians in the Mexican highlands. Artaud did not undertake such a risky journey as a tourist or an anthropologist but as someone who wished to be healed, as a spiritual exile seeking to regain "a Truth which the world of Europe is losing." The desperate Frenchman experienced a monumental bummer -- "the cataclysm which was my body ... this dislocated assemblage, this piece of damaged geology." Yet somehow, despite the nightmare visions and the somatic discomfort, he managed to scratch out a perception of the Infinite. "Once one has experienced a visionary state of mind," Artaud wrote in The Peyote Dance, "one can no longer confuse the lie with truth. One has seen where one comes from and who one is, and one no longer doubts what one is. There is no emotion or external influence that can divert one from this reality."

Like Artaud and the romantic poets, some psychiatrists who used LSD in a therapeutic context believed that a disruptive experience could have a curative effect if allowed to proceed to resolution. Many other researchers, however, dismissed transcendental insight as either "happy psychosis" or a lot of nonsense. The knee-jerk reaction on the part of the psychotomimetic stalwarts was indicative of a deeply ingrained prejudice against certain varieties of experience. In advanced industrial societies "paranormal" states of consciousness are readily disparaged as "abnormal" or pathological. Such attitudes, cultural as much as professional, played a crucial role in circumscribing the horizon of scientific investigation into hallucinogenic agents.

Thomas Kuhn, in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, argues that the scientist's overriding need to make sense of his data compels him to mold it to the prevailing scientific paradigm, which defines "legitimate" problems and methods for a given historical era. There are moments, however, when the orthodox framework cannot bear the weight of irrefutable new evidence. A period of controversy ensues until a new paradigm emerges to encompass and transcend the previous ideology. During this transition period scientists who buck the status quo are often castigated as eccentric, irresponsible, and unscientific. Galileo, for example, was branded a lunatic and a heretic for suggesting that the earth revolved around the sun. In a similar fashion the psychedelic evidence challenged the entrenched world view of the psychiatric establishment, and proponents of LSD therapy were summarily denounced and ridiculed by those who were fixated on the model psychosis concept.

Dr. Humphry Osmond defended his position by emphasizing that the pathological bias, from a historical perspective, was clearly the exception and not the rule. In many cultures that were less sophisticated technologically but more so ecologically, the drug-induced trance state was revered as an enlargement of reality rather than a deviation from it. Osmond pleaded with his fellow researchers not to dismiss something that struck them as unusual or different simply because "it transcends those fashionable ruts of thinking that we dignify by calling logic and reason." He urged psychiatrists to change their outlook in order to realize the full potential of psychedelics.

While many young doctors rallied to his call, there were others, including certain influential scientists working under CIA and military contract, who refused to budge from the psychotomimetic posture. The debate between the two camps came to a head at the first international conference on LSD therapy in 1959. Sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation (at times a CIA conduit), it was perhaps the most important gathering of LSD researchers to date for it enabled workers in the field to compare notes and analyze their findings as a group. The conference was chaired by Dr. Paul Hoch, a prominent and well-connected scientist who was, in the words of Sanford Unger, "an opinion leader." Hoch was also a longtime CIA consultant and a contract employee of the US Army Chemical Corps. Dr. Harold Abramson, a veteran of the CIA's MK-ULTRA program, served as recording secretary, and a number of other scientists who rented their services to the CIA and the military were featured speakers. Hoch and Abramson did not just stumble into their respective roles at this event. Their status as dominant figures in above ground LSD research suggests the extent to which covert interests influenced the course of the debate over hallucinogenic substances and their effects.

Despite ample evidence to the contrary Dr. Hoch stubbornly insisted that LSD and mescaline were "essentially anxiety-producing drugs." He asserted that they were "not especially useful " in a therapeutic context because they disorganize the psychic integration of a person. LSD experiments, according to the chairman, could not be compared with "results obtained in patients where tranquilizing drugs were used to reduce, instead of stir up the patient's symptoms."

Dr. Hoch was incredulous when other participants in the Macy conference reported that their patients found the LSD session beneficial and personally rewarding and were usually eager to take the drug again. "In my experience," Hoch announced, "no patient asks for it again." His experience included the following mescaline experiment conducted on a thirty-six-year-old male diagnosed as a "pseudoneurotic schizophrenic."

He had some visual hallucinations. He saw dragons and tigers coming to eat him and reacted to these hallucinations with marked anxiety. He also had some illusionary distortions of the objects in the room. The emotional changes were apprehension and fear -- at times mounting to panic, persecutory misinterpretation of the environment, fear of death, intense irritability, suspiciousness, perplexity, and feelings of depersonalization. He verbalized the feelings of depersonalization as "floating out of space," seemed "between this life and the next," and had the feeling of being born. The paranoid content concerned essentially why the doctors were taking notes and fear that he would be attacked by them. He also expressed an ecstatic grandiose trend of having the feeling that he was God in heaven and then, however, had the feeling of being in hell ... The mental picture was that of a typical schizophrenic psychosis while the drug influence lasted.

As an afterword, Hoch noted, "This patient received transorbital lobotomy and showed temporarily a marked improvement in all his symptoms, losing most of his tension and anxiety. Postoperatively he was again placed under mescaline. Basically the same manifestations were elicited as prior to the operation with the exception that quantitatively the symptoms were not as marked as before."

Dr. Hoch also tried electroshock treatment on patients who had been given mescaline. "It did not influence the clinical symptoms at all," he reported matter-of-factly. "The patients continued to behave in the same way as prior to electroshock treatment." On the basis of these tests Hoch concluded that electroshock "has no influence on mescaline-produced mental states." He might have revised his "objective" assessment if he had taken the drug himself and had one of his assistants apply the volts while he tripped the lights fantastic. But those who secretly funded his research required only that he dish it out to mental patients and prisoners.

"An interesting theory can always outrun a set of facts," declared psychologist Audrey Holliday. She found the whole psychotomimetic approach guilty of using "unscientific and intemperate terms." Yet the semantic inaccuracies were still being bandied about even when most researchers had agreed that LSD did not really mimic endogenous schizophrenia.

Despite widespread acknowledgment that the model psychosis concept had outlived its usefulness, the psychiatric orientation articulated by those of Dr. Hoch's persuasion prevailed in the end. When it came time to lay down their hand, the medical establishment and the media both "mimicked" the line that for years had been secretly promoted by the CIA and the military -- that hallucinogenic drugs were extremely dangerous because they drove people insane, and all this talk about creativity and personal growth was just a lot of hocus pocus. This perception of LSD governed the major policy decisions enacted by the FDA and the drug control apparatus in the years ahead.

2.. Whereas most psychedelic therapists were prepared to assist their patients should difficulties arise, Dr. Salvador Roquet, a maverick Mexican psychiatrist, consciously sought to induce a bummer as part of his "treatment." Roquet utilized various hallucinogenic drugs, including LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, datura, and ketamine. Known as "a master of bad trips" and "a pusher of death," Roquet subjected people to adverse stimuli while they were drugged; Jewish subjects, for example, were given acid and then forced to listen to a recording of Hitler's speeches


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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby Searcher08 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 8:39 am

Part of an ongoing series of posts to be cross posted from the David Icke Forum

14-01-2013, 10:34 PM #1

Join Date: Aug 2010
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Default The most AMAZING Ayahuasca experience ever!
Greetings all,

This is an event that took place over the weekend of 21/12/2012, and was the greatest experience of my life, second only to the birth of my children. Ayahuasca is the one! It was David Icke who first made me aware of Ayahuasca (all those years ago), and I am forever grateful to him for that.


I had tried Ayahuasca a few times prior to this experience, and whilst each experience was certainly noteworthy, my most recent was the most incredible experience of my life and has forever changed my perspective upon myself and the world around me.

The event took place at a spiritual retreat designed for sacred tea ceremonies; I had been there twice before, once for a week long retreat and once for a weekend. This was my third visit and was a 4 day, 3 night ceremony which included an all vegan diet and an atmosphere without television, radio, TV or social media etc.

For the sake of time I will negate to include my experiences from the first two evenings, although they were very profound indeed. However these were merely a build up to the third night, which was absolutely incredible, profound and life changing.

The ceremonies took place in a large marquis with a group of 12 people positioned in a circle along with a few helpers to help guide us along our journeys. On the first night I had taken a normal sized drink, on the second night a large drink. and on this night a super large drink.

As I waited for the brew to take effect, I began to notice the normal nausea associated with the vine of the soul. However on this particular occasion the nausea was at least bearable, and after around 30-40 minutes I purged the entire contents of my stomach and lay down to rest.

It wasn’t long before the visuals began to creep in however they were barely noticeable in comparison the extreme feelings of discomfort I began to experience. The phrase writhing in agony comes to mind, and whilst I had mentally prepared myself for such an experience, the first two hours of my experience were filled with the thoughts “I just want this to end” and “I want to go home”. I could not sit still and could not keep warm, I felt as though I had gone too far and had been foolish in my decision to take a super large does. Forgive me for the fleeting nature of this description, however so much took place in such a short time that it is very difficult for my tiny human brain to articulate the experience adequately, nonetheless I shall try.

After around 2 hours I began to notice a buzzing sensation all over my entire body, very slight at first, then more and more extreme until I had no choice but to give into it completely and let it overtake every cell within my being until my entire body was vibrating at an extremely high frequency. I was completely absorbed into the vibrations until I lost all body awareness and all sense of ego. I became us and I am became we are, I was connected to all living things, alive in life itself.

Suddenly without warning came an infinite number of visions, a new language of sorts. I was in the kingdom of heaven standing before the throne of god and I knew at once that I was privileged to be there. Call him what you will, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, whatever. It makes no difference; all I know now is that he is real, he is mighty and he is powerful. All I could do was give in to utter astonishment and perceive with gratitude what was being revealed to me.

Due to previous experiences with the vine, and due to hearing other people’s experiences, I had previously been focusing entirely on the concept of mother earth, the earth spirit, mother nature, or Gaia, call her what you will. And whilst she is magnificent in her love and beauty, I had completely forgotten about the father. In fact, due to my grievances against religious dogma, Christianity and those who follow the writings of corrupt kings and queens throughout history, I had subconsciously dismissed the whole concept of “our father”. But there he was, in all his glory. I was taken into him and shown the secrets of the ages, the language of spirit was revealed to me and all I could think was:

“Praise him, praise him, bow to him, for he is our father! He is mighty, and we are his children, so we are mighty, we are lions, white lions of light, we are infinite energy and we cannot be destroyed. We are the white knights of light and we are here to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth so that all humanity may know his peace. Praise him, praise him, for he is mighty, the darkness shall tremble in his presence and all mankind will know his love, for he is our father, and he loves us, and we love him, even those who have forgotten him will remember, and we will all return to our father. Praise his name, whatever name we choose to use, for he is glorious. I love you all, I love you my father, I love you all, I love you mother. Praise him, praise us, and praise all. I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! For we are his children, and we are mighty, we are lions...”

It suddenly dawned on me, “as above, so below”; the way in which man shares his essence with women in order to create new life, our children. A man cannot be a father without a woman, and a woman cannot become a mother without a man, through their union they become parents and continue their being and evolution through their children. That is what we are, the union of Father and Gaia; God the father, Gaia the mother, and we the children, creators, bestowed with the holy powers of both masculine and feminine.

You know, up until this experience, I had completely gotten the concept of masculinity wrong. I saw masculinity as something disruptive, destructive and domineering. I could not have been further from the truth. The role of the masculine is to serve, honour, protect and provide. The role of the feminine is to nurture and grow. Don’t get me wrong here, I am not trying to take a sexist stance, femininity can be protective and masculinity can be nurturing, but what I mean is, traditionally, the role of the masculine is to protect and provide whereas the feminine energy is of more of a nurturing nature. I do hope you understand what I mean by this.

Up until this experience, I had also gotten the concept of love completely wrong. I always saw love as a beautiful thing, but I saw it as “Ahhh! Love, isn’t it lovely”, sort of like a good night on MDMA crystals; very empathic, caring and feminine. However it wasn’t until this experience that I saw the love in masculinity also, the rage of love, the “madness” of love, the type of love that would make you sacrifice your life in a heartbeat in order to protect your children.

It is the type of love that will drive men to war, to battle against a seemingly hopeless cause in order to protect what is just, right and true. The type of love that gives mothers and fathers strength to lift up cars in order to save their children, the type of love that is undying, relentless and fearless; the strength in love, the power of love, the love of love itself. Love is mighty, and cannot be destroyed.

Love will always, ALWAYS reign supreme. Nothing in existence can compare to love. I love and honour you all, my brothers and sisters of the divine, for it is in you that I find strength to persevere; it is my love for you that keeps my faith in your potential alive and well, and in that, I see the potential in myself. I truly do love you, all who are reading this and all who aren’t. We are siblings of the almighty father and our precious mother; we are eternal, infinite and glorious. Nuff said.

Anyway, back to the story. I was given visions of holy men from all walks of life, from all races and cultures, from all backgrounds and creeds. I could see mosques, churches and temples, all filled with those who serve the light and understand their subservience to it. Don’t get me wrong, we are infinite and we are creators, and we should not bow out of obligation. But we have also been created, and as such we must honour our creators in the same way we expect our creations to honour us, as we honour them. You see? Creator or created, we must honour each other.

Praise Allah, praise Jesus, praise Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Shiva, Abraxas or whatever name you want to call this energy. Names, words, faces and places are irrelevant, what matters is the message, and the message is that now is the time for things to CHANGE! We need reform, or RE-FORM! We must re-form this world into a more desirable one, one that is in balance. We must love one another, in every form. From the tiny insects to the mighty predators of land and sea, life is LIFE! And life must continue. The sweet breath of life is what keeps us coming back time and time again. We are eternal, and if it takes an eternity, we must change this world for the better!

Sorry, I have digressed once again; back to the story. As I was seeing all of these holy men and women, I imagined myself visiting each and every one of them simply to ask the question

“Have you seen him?”

I imagined the answer to be “I do not need to see him, for I believe in him”

To which I would respond

“But I HAVE seen him, and he is mighty, and we are his children, so we are mighty. He is incredible, all powerful, all loving and all knowing. How can you know this if you have not seen him? I do not believe anymore, I KNOW! And you can know too brother...”

I came to the conclusion that sacred geometry is the language of god/ spirit, and that white is the purest colour as it contains all the colours of the spectrum. This has nothing to do with skin colour, for no man is white and no man is black in skin tone, it is the colour of our hearts and souls that matters most.

Then came the gong, and I knew what it meant.

You see this whole 4 day ceremony had been in preparation for 21/12/12, which had been the night before. It was now 22/12/12; however at 8pm precisely the night before, we all sat in a circle to align ourselves with many groups around the world hoping to bring in the energy that will change our world. On that night we could feel the energy coming in, like an unstoppable tsunami.

However on this night, I could literally SEE the energy manifesting into physical existence, and could see my own creation of it, ready to change the world and all those in it! Like a tidal wave, it cannot be stopped! It will overcome all that stands before it and the power of love will overtake all mankind and show us the way to salvation. Hallelujah! Rejoice! Hum do Allah! Satnam, Namaste, Praise be, whatever fucking expression you want to use. The time for change has come!

Then came the bell, I knew what this meant also; time for another drink, make mine a double please, super large coming right up!

Now I was in sheer ecstasy, I went from “I just want this to end” to “let this never end”. Like a shiatsu massage from the inside out, I felt GOOD! There were positive vibrations everywhere; love and light, peace and serenity. I could move but did not want to; I was finally me at last, myself, the boy I used to be before social conditioning convinced me I was something else. My heart was open; I was free, “WOW! Praise him, praise him, and praise him again. I love you father, I love you mother, I love you all. I finally love ME!”

I was finally free. It was amazing.

I then stood up to walk into the house; I must have sounded like a complete nutcase. I hugged every person I saw and said “I have SEEN him!”
To which they usually responded:


“The father!”

“Your father?”

“No OUR father!”

I even tried to kiss a woman, but she didn’t have it; worth a try eh?

But I didn’t care, I loved her nonetheless. It wasn’t sexual; I just wanted to show her I loved her. She understood, no worries, no dramas, just feel the love.

My vibrations were high, and my energy was STRONG. Others could feel it. I sat and meditated to beautiful music, but the best was yet to come.
I went back into the marquis.


Time for another drink; super dose please! (Bare in the mind that in the past I had never taken a second drink, yet alone a third super dose!)
After that was just pure bliss, Snatam Kaur music with heavenly scents of Oranges, Lemons, Rose Water and so many others scents being sprayed around the tent. It was an indulgence of the senses, with four gas heaters keeping us nice and toasty whilst raging winds were blowing outside.

Then one of the helpers began playing his guitar whilst singing in a beautiful tone. He was truly amazing. We all began singing/ humming in harmony and created the most peaceful, loving atmosphere you could ever create. He sang several songs and then one of the other journeyers started to sing, and her voice was chillingly beautiful. Seriously, fuck X-factor, the true talent of the world does not sell itself out! The only thing that would have topped off the evening (Uh, early AM) would have been the Door’s “Riders on the storm”. And this is coming from a guy who likes hip-hop, D&B, Grime and Dubstep!

What a marvellous night, I am so grateful for the experience.
The facilitators then put on a fantastic light show with lasers and beams, and all I could do was stare at them for the next hour. We were dancing, laughing and loving one another. Amazing, words cannot describe how incredible it was.

I drifted off into heavenly sleep, and awoke to never be the same again.
Don’t get me wrong, I still get trapped in patterns of past behaviour, however I am learning to control my emotional response to situations and am more capable of objectively observing my behaviour. I truly love you all.
God Bless, Satnam, Namaste, etc, etc, etc,

Love & Light,

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:50 pm


Black Sun Rising



Today’s New Right and techno-futurist circles are echoing the unorthodox beliefs of Nazi cosmologists.

Shortly after the National Socialist party consolidated their power, a writer named Peter Bender convinced some Nazi brass to attempt an experiment that, if successful, would send a rocket from Magdenburg to New Zealand. The intercontinental ballistic missile was still decades away from completion, but Bender believed he had figured out how to attack the other side of the Earth—by firing directly into the sky.

He had come under the influence of an American occult group that believed in a particularly bizarre variation on the Hollow Earth theory. While the concept of habitable layers beneath the Earth’s crust had been popular for centuries amongst occultists, Bender’s Hohlwelt-theorie argued that the Earth was a vault within an endless field of matter. The sun was somewhere in the middle of this vault, and the stars in the sky were the lights of cities from the other side.

“An infinite universe is a Jewish abstraction,” wrote Bender. “A finite, rounded universe is a thoroughly Aryan conception.” The anti-Semitic aspect of the theory attracted the attention of Herman Göring but was quickly dismissed in favor of Hanns Hörbiger’s slightly less fanciful World Ice Theory. The idea nonetheless remained compelling to some, and the German Navy attempted to locate British fleets using astronomical instruments.

Hollow Earth and World Ice theories were only two particularly laughable examples of a Nazi cultural regression that included radical alterations in the fields of mathematics, psychology, and physics. It is arguable that the rejection of Einstein’s theory of relativity in place of Deutsche Physiks prevented the Nazis from developing nuclear technology and many other weapons. Some historians similarly argue that the eugenic fervor of the Master Race ideology, which paved the way to the Final Solution, diverted resources to an extent that helped cost Hitler the war.

Better known than their cosmology was the mystical underpinnings of the Nazis’ firm belief in racial superiority. SS leaders Rudolph Hess, Wilhelm Landig, and Karl Maria Miligut developed a cult based on the Nordic pantheon, esoteric rituals, and psuedo-anthropology. Landig, already a major influence on the occultist Thule Society that influenced National Socialist theology in its earliest days, developed the Black Sun as the cult’s symbol. The circular symbol was composed of three interlocking swastikas radiating out from a center point like the sun’s rays. Our yellow sun, he believed, was like a “shadow” of the spiritual Black Sun whose dark solar power could provide enough voltage for rebirth of the Aryan Nation.

The inversion of spirit and material, lightness and darkness, and the particular and universal were dramatic here as in the Hohlwelt, and in the end, just as much a failure. The fascist experiment delegitimized itself, but its anti-modern pretenses remains appealing to today’s radicals. Astrology and astronomy became separate categories in the modern era, as did faith and reason, religion and law, science and pseudoscience. Nationalists, Radical Traditionalists, and the futurist “neoreactionaries” deploy the myth that inverting these divisions, instead of abolishing them altogether, help us conceive of an idealized bygone time. The internationalist, anticapitalist, and egalitarian aspects of the last half-decade of struggle have only furthered modernity’s march away from these simpler times, they argue, and should be disregarded as agents of degradation.

Elements of capitalist totality, such as money, finance, industry, or globalization are singled out and demonized. Some group is inevitability equated with the degenerative nature of these “abstractions” and becomes undesirable. Moishe Postone argues in his essay National-Socialism and Anti-Semitism that Jews were targeted by the Nazis because their stereotypical character of the unassimilated merchant or banker was a perfect stand-in for the commodity-form. Today, European Muslims fulfill a similar role as symbols of “multi­culturalism”’s blight on traditional European values. The expansion of legal rights and visibility for homosexuals, as well as the widespread appeal of feminism, become symbols of attacks on the myth of traditional family.

Liberal democracy, the guarantor of such tolerance, becomes the target of right-wing terrorists and militias. In Ukraine, the Black Sun has risen again. The symbol appears on the uniforms of the Asov Battalion, a military detachment of Right Sector commanded by neo-Nazi Andriy Biletski. In speeches, Biletski echoes Hitler, urging to overthrow liberalism to turn Ukraine into a nation of “Supermen.” Similar paramilitary groups such as Greece’s Golden Dawn and Hungary’s Jobbik continue to train, recruit, and attack immigrants and leftists throughout Europe.

Whether it’s fascist militias or experimental rockets, what goes up must come down, and such open neo-­Nazism has seemingly little hope of broader success. As long as movements place themselves fully within the historical fascist legacy, their trajectory ends where memories of the Nazi takeover begins. After their paramilitary murder of anti­fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas, ministers from Golden Dawn were arrested and the party was outlawed. Fear of a fascist coup in Ukraine ended with the assassination of Right Sector leader Sasho Muzychko only days after the fall of Yanukovych, while the Azov Battallion has mostly served as cannon fodder buffering the Ukrainian army in the most dangerous battlefields of the Donetsk. Any significant neo-Nazi party in Europe has so far been kept on a short leash by the institutional Right, like an attack dog that must be someday put down.

More concerning is the chameleon New Rightest who takes up autonomist elements of the New Left to revive the potential for conservative revolution. Alain de Benoist is the intellectual figurehead of this position, and although he is no Nazi, his arguments for pre-modern mysticism helps elucidate the appeal of the ridiculous pseudosciences at the dawn of the Nazi regime. “We want to substitute faith for law,” he writes, “mythos for logos … will for pure reason, the image for the concept, and home for exile.”

His Nouvelle Droite vision of Europe distributes power as locally as possible, but the abolition of ancient caste systems that have evolved into capitalist social relations is not as important as maintaining the traditionalist structure of these communities; the master-slave dialectic does not fit into de Benoist’s system of inversions.

In a 2013 interview with the racialist think tank American Renaissance, de Benoist says, “Europe, race, culture, and identity all have roles … I am very interested in the future and destiny of my own nation, race, and culture, but I am also interested in the future of every other group.” The egalitarian pretenses of the European Union, he goes on to argue, is part of a modern process of erasing the essential differences of race and culture. Using similar rhetoric, the Front National in France, Swedish Democrats, the United Kingdom Independence Party, and the Danish People’s Party have surged in the polls on a platform of ­euroscepticism—the populist rejection of the EU. The openness of the EU’s borders is allowing the free movement of millions of refugees and immigrants into an economically floundering European Union from its wartorn periphery, they argue, and the inability to economically absorb or culturally assimilate outsiders becomes a technocratic rationale for detention and deportation.

The eurosceptic Left, drawing on the councils and square protests of 2011 and the Blockupy movement, critiques the EU as an economic and nationalist fortress. In the words of the Commune of Europe: “We reject the institutional borders of the European Union: The EU border regime is a violent and deadly means of controlling and disciplining living labor, mobilizing and reinstating sickly racist imaginaries that form an integral part of the historical and cultural construct of Europe.”

The two sides diverge on the issue of sovereignty, territory, and borders. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is the most strident in this sentiment as he attempts to push a series of reforms to turn Hungary into a “National Democracy” with the ability to expel foreign interests and segregate ethnic groups without intervention. This is old Right thinking for Benoist, who sees racial communities, not the Nation, as the site of political power. The EU is an appendage of enlightenment ideology that ultimately dooms racial autonomy.

In modernity, “mankind is Unitary,” he argues. “All peoples must go through the same stages, and reach the same level of development.” Based on the faith of Occidentalist mythos, some must be therefore shut out from Europe’s peace and prosperity in order to preserve “difference.” The radical dissolution of identity that was begun in the international solidarity between different square movements in 2011 does not fit into a worldview where race and “traditional” cultures must be the basis for politics. In an argument reminiscent of Bender’s ontological anti-Semitism, de Benoist says this modern ideology “comes from Christianity and Judaism, which posit that there is an absolute beginning and an absolute end to history.”

Without the myth of a historically white homeland, the American Right has been typically less eccentric. The anonymously written essay, “The Undying Appeal of White Supremacy,” discusses the few American counterparts to the maneuvers of Europe’s Radical Traditionalists and includes a section on the American phenomenon of radical-­conservative futurists. These “bizarre fascisms,” as the essay refers to them, have emerged online, in an odd collusion of far-right bloggers, men’s rights advocates, former Occupy Wall Street figureheads Micah White and Justine Tunney, and Silicon Valley millionaires.

The essay traces the influence to the “neoreactionary movement” and the “Dark Enlightenment” of Nick Land, which advocates a proliferation of monarchical city-states, a techno-feudalism of the genetically and intellectually superior. In his manifesto, Land sees Dark Enlightenment as a solution to the “exit” strategy of libertarians, white separatists, and National-Anarchists who seek to establish their own Galt’s Gulch or “Little Europe” in lieu of a democratically viable fascist order. Rather than overthrow the existing order or build parliamentary parties, the neo-reactionaries advocate seceding from the (immanently collapsing) democratic capitalist regime, with an eye toward building new techno-­aristocratic city-states on the model of Singapore or Dubai.

This (for now) purely online movement seeks to establish what Baffler columnist Corey Pein calls a “Silicon Reich.” In a petition to WhiteHouse.org, Tunney called for Google chairman Eric Schmidt to be made CEO of America and for the “administrative authority” of the United States to be turned over to the tech industry. Instead of the pseudoscientific eugenics of the Nazis, central neo-reactionary figure Curtis Yarvin calls for pseudoscientific IQ-like tests to determine members of the ruling class. Not shying away from the racist implications of the argument, he calls South African apartheid a useful parallel. But while a white ruling class is hardly a novel solution, Land claims it is as scientifically reasonable as “the heliocentric model.”

Unlike the revolution of the Earth around the sun, the New Right revolutions are not seeking to return to a prior location. For neo-reactionaries, modernity is a dark age characterized by the rule of the weak over the strong: Technological rationality allows for an “objective” method of return to the “proper” structures of power that precede modernity’s enfeebling democracy (e.g: monarchy, aristocracy) without any material turn away from capitalist science and industry. Though seemingly opposed to the avowed myth-making and heroic irrationalism of Nazi philosophy, we see in both the neo-reactionaries’ techno-fetishism and Hollow Earth anti-Semitic cosmology a claim toward the “one true science” that has been perverted or silenced by the masses. Aryan or technological, “scientific truth” proves equally helpful in revealing the motions of heavenly bodies as appointing their deserving masters.

These ideas are not exclusive to certain corners of the Internet but have a broad enough appeal to be the central logic behind a Hollywood blockbuster. On a quest to save humanity from an Earth consumed with “blight,” Interstellar’s Carhartt-wearing übermensch Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) flies through a mysterious wormhole to a solar system with a black hole at its center. In suicidal sacrifice, he flies into the heart of that black sun, allowing his instruments to gather data essential to the development of quantum physics. He wakes up in a hospital bed and hears the crack of a baseball bat. Looking out the window, he sees children playing baseball in an American suburb recreated in a space station. He reunites with his daughter, now over a hundred years old, who tells him his sacrifice has saved humanity.

Interstellar’s paligentic Lazarus Project seems to argue that science will save humanity from itself, but the project only succeeds through a revelation of ultimate truth, achieved through faith, suicidal heroism, and the primacy of filial love. The home-exile dialectic is overcome, but domination remains. The issues of class, race, and patriarchy are clearly outside of Christopher Nolan’s abilities to portray. The reactionary project similarly burrows into the nationalist dirt: The U.S. flag flies proudly beside the flag of the scientific future above a new suburb, same as the old suburb but with no actual urban core: a perfect white outpost built in the cold darkness of space.

Through cult ritual, black suns, or wormholes these fascists expect to find shortcuts around the chaos of humans acting freely together. But even in the autonomous council such ideologies recur, seeking always to restore some “natural” hierarchy. Today it’s clear that the future order of society is in the grassroots, but the soil and sunlight are still up for grabs.

American Dream » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:18 am wrote: https://ce399esoterica.wordpress.com/20 ... s-to-yoga/

From UFOs to Yoga

By Martin A. Lee

George Lincoln Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party until his violent death in 1967, gushed about having had a mystical experience when he first read Hitler’s Mein Kampf. “I realized that National Socialism [was] actually a new religion,” said Rockwell, who considered April 20th the holiest day of the calendar year.

That’s when neo-Nazis around the world celebrate Hitler’s birthday at secretive gatherings with Aryan shrines, devotional rituals, white power regalia, and other racialist kitsch.

These annual conclaves are akin to religious ceremonies where true believers worship Hitler as an infallible diety whose every utterance is gospel.

The bizarre quasi-religious and mythic elements that proliferate in sectors of the contemporary neo-Nazi milieu are explored by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke in his important, new book Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity.

Although there has always been a theocratic strain in fascist movements, several factors are contributing to a latter-day, “folkish” (or tribal) revival among white youth who are beset by an acute sense of disenfranchisement in Western societies.

In response to the challenges of globalization, multiculturalism, and large-scale Third World immigration, neo-Nazi racism in the United States, Europe and elsewhere has sometimes morphed into what the author describes as “new folkish religions of white identity.”

This neo-folkish resurgence — reminiscent of some early Nazi ideas — encompasses a hodgepodge of anti-Semitic neo-Pagan sects, Christian Identity churches, skewed variants of eastern mysticism, occult influences, New Age conspiracies, and Satanists into the “black metal” music subculture.

Goodrick-Clarke, a British scholar who writes in an engaging and accessible style, has long foraged on the farther shores of right-wing extremist politics.

His first book, The Occult Roots of Nazism, is a masterful study of a much sensationalized subject — racist groups in early 20th century Austria that embraced forms of mystical nationalism and helped incubate Aryan racial ideas.

Building on his previous work, Goodrick-Clarke draws a parallel in Black Sun between folkish ferment in Hitler’s Austria and the role of today’s marginalized neo-Nazi sects, many of which have repackaged Aryan racism in new forms influenced by eastern religions.

A crucial difference, the author maintains, is the shift from the virulent German nationalism of the Third Reich to a broader racist ideology of global white supremacy.

“It is highly significant that the Aryan cult of white identity is now most marked in the United States,” says Goodrick-Clarke, adding that American neo-Nazi groups behave like persecuted religious sects preparing for the final confrontation with a corrupt world.

Although each have their specific eccentricities — ranging from anti-Semitic Christian Identity churches to anti-Christian, racist Odinist groups — almost all of them espouse millenarian visions of a white racial utopia.

Satan Meets the Führer
Early American neo-Nazi James Madole, who rejected Christianity as a degenerate Jewish construct, became a key figure in developing bizarre forms of fascism after he founded the National Renaissance Party, the first U.S. neo-Nazi organization, in 1952.

Although he never attracted many followers, Madole became known as “the father of postwar occult fascism” by saturating his ideology with a mish-mash of science-fiction and other notions drawn from eastern traditions and theosophy, a mystical religious movement originating in late 19th century America.

During the 1960s and 1970s, Madole’s party cultivated close links with a Church of Satan spin-off — an alliance that anticipated the recent emergence of a violent, international fringe network devoted to Nordic gods, black magic, occultism and devil worship.

David Myatt, chief representative of Nazi Satanism in Great Britain, defends human sacrifice and praises a new wave of satanic black metal Skinhead bands that spout demented lyrics and anti-social rants.

Myatt’s “religion of National Socialism” owes much to Savitri Devi, the grand dame of postwar neo-Nazism, who had traveled from her native France to India as a young woman. An admirer of the racist caste system, Devi immersed herself in early Hindu texts.

Noting that the Nazi swastika is also an ancient, mystical Indian symbol, she romanticized the Third Reich as “the Holy Land of the West.” Devi was the first Western writer to acclaim Hitler as a spiritual “avatar,” a supernatural figure who pointed the way toward a future Aryan paradise.

The Jews, whom Devi blamed for all the world’s suffering and alienation, were predictably pegged as the main obstacle on the path to the Golden Age.

Devi’s obsession with the pre-Christian origins of Indo-European culture was shared by Julius Evola, an Italian Nazi philosopher whose racial theories were adopted and codified by Mussolini in 1938.

Calling for a “Great Holy War” to battle national and ideological enemies, Evola exerted a significant influence on a generation of militant neofascist youth in postwar Italy.

Among his protégés were leaders of right-wing terrorist organizations linked to numerous bomb attacks from the 1960s to the 1980s. Evola’s mystical fascist writings include books on Zen Buddhism, yoga, alchemy, Tantrism (a kind of sexual mysticism), and European paganism.

After he died in 1974, his esoteric musings were rediscovered by New Age publications. Today, many of Evola’s books are available in English translation in trendy New Age bookstores in the United States, despite his status as an avowed fascist.

UFOs, Polar Bases and the Black Sun
Another influential figure in the occult-fascist underground is Miguel Serrano, a former Chilean diplomat and Nazi die-hard who touts yoga, meditation, and hallucinogenic drugs as ways of raising consciousness in order to make contact with higher Aryan intelligence.

Serrano blends exotic oriental religious themes with dubious lore about secret religious societies. He likens the Nazi SS — which was condemned in its entirety for war crimes — to an order of initiates seeking the Holy Grail.

This notion appealed to Wilhelm Landig, an Austrian SS veteran and postwar Nazi activist who coined the idea of the “Black Sun,” a mystical energy source allegedly capable of regenerating the Aryan race.

Goodrick-Clarke credits Landig with reviving the folkish — and far out — Germanic mythology of Thule, the supposed Arctic homeland of the ancient Aryans, in order to prophesy the recovery and resurrection of Nazism as an earth-conquering force.

Landig and other occult-fascist propagandists have circulated wild stories about German Nazi colonies that live and work in secret installations beneath the polar icecaps, where they developed flying saucers and miracle weapons after the demise of the Third Reich.

The abundance of UFO sightings, which began in the early 1950s, is attributed to the amazing prowess of Nazi science and technology.

The fall of the Third Reich is cast merely as a temporary setback; at any moment, a battalion of Nazi extraterrestrials could zoom forth in their magical discs to deliver Aryan folk from the ills of democracy and Judeo-Christian decadence.

A hot item among New Age conspiracy theorists and promoters of Holocaust denial, stories about Nazi UFOs may seem ludicrous to anyone with their feet firmly planted on terra firma. And, certainly, this kind of thinking does not dominate even the contemporary world of the extreme right.

But these sci-fi legends underscore, in the words of Goodrick-Clarke, how “Aryan cults and esoteric Nazism posit powerful mythologies to negate the decline of white power in the world.”

Moreover, if the past is any kind of prologue, these bizarre, new religious sects “may be early symptoms of major divisive changes in our present-day Western democracies.”

“The risks of race religiosity are great. … Whenever human groups are interpreted as absolute categories of good and evil, light and darkness,” Goodrick-Clarke cautions, “both the human community and humanity itself are diminished.”

A timely warning, indeed.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby conniption » Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:31 am

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby conniption » Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:34 am

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby conniption » Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:47 am

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby conniption » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:44 am

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby conniption » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:52 am

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:59 pm

http://www.substance.com/dea-inadvertan ... -one/2133/

How a DEA Enforcer Became the Godfather of the New LSD Revolution

Shulgin hard at work

In 2000, the DEA busted two men who had an LSD production lab in a missile-silo in rural Kansas. The silo was psychedelia’s equivalent of an oil gusher, supplying an estimated 90% of the world’s acid. Following the agency’s “Operation White Rabbit,” the pipelines ran dry and, for the first time since the hallucinogen was popularized in the mid-1960s, planet Earth faced a psychedelic winter—the death of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, as Burning Man turned into Boring Man.

The winter was a short one, however. Within five years, new LSD labs sprang up selling new types of the drug dazzling and blinding in number and diversity. Also on offer were analogs of mescaline, psilocybin, DMT and other hallucinogens that had long been banned. To participant-observers of this subculture, like James Oroc—the author of Tryptamine Palace and [font=][/font]A Journey From Burning Man to the Akashic Field—the dawning of Psychedelics 2.0 promises to usher in a kinder, gentler—and saner—revolution. One of its benefits is the growing scientific research into the potentially therapeutic effects of MDMA (ecstasy) and LSD into disorders of the brain, including schizophrenia, PTSD and addiction, and the despair that often comes with late-stage terminal disease.

The history of LSD’s second coming is predictably rich with colorful/shady characters, none more so than the chemist Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin, who Oroc calls “our one and only Psychedelic Godfather.” Shulgin first made his mark at Dow Chemicals, producing the first biodegradable pesticide. After taking a job in the early 1970s at the University of California at Berkeley, he learned of the recreational drug MDMA from his students. Having tried mescaline in the late 1950s and “learned that there was a great deal inside me,” he was already sympathetic. He did the “love drug” and loved it, dubbing it his “low-calorie martini.”

“From his remarkable home-lab that looks more like a garden shed, Shulgin would discover, synthesize and bio-essay over 260 psychoactive compounds during the following 35 years, often publishing the results in peer-reviewed journals such as Nature and The Journal of Organic Chemistry,” Oroc writes.

The story takes a most interesting turn. The DEA got in touch with Shulgin, seeking his expertise in its criminal investigations and legal cases. A deal was struck: Shulgin was put on the payroll and granted a special license to pursue his otherwise illegal development of MDMA and LSD derivatives. Then the intrigue begins. How Shulgin became an enforcer for the DEA to a target of the agency to the Godfather of the Second Psychedelic Revolution is an epic tale—one that, as Oroc brilliantly explains, could only happen in America.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:30 pm

Where is the evidence that Sasha Shulgin was ever a "DEA ENFORCER" [sic]?

What does "enforcer" mean in this context, exactly?
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby American Dream » Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:58 pm

A very legitimate question regarding the use of language in that article.

Through his friend Bob Sager, head of the U.S. DEA's Western Laboratories, Shulgin formed a relationship with the DEA and began holding pharmacology seminars for the agents, supplying the DEA with samples of various compounds, and occasionally serving as an expert witness in court. In 1988, he authored a then-definitive law enforcement reference book[ on controlled substances, and received several awards from the DEA.

Bennett, Drake (2005-01-30). "Dr. Ecstasy". New York Times Magazine (New York Times)
Shulgin, Alexander (1988). Controlled Substances: Chemical & Legal Guide to Federal Drug Laws. Ronin Publishing. ISBN 0-914171-50-X.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_ ... and_career
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby Searcher08 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:59 pm

conniption » Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:44 am wrote:Misri Jogi & Companion with Murli (Snake Charmers of Sindh)


Thank you, conniption for those interesting links

I think that these are relevant here, especially in connection with the Swiss approach to drugs

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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:05 pm

American Dream » Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:58 pm wrote:A very legitimate question regarding the use of language in that article.

Through his friend Bob Sager, head of the U.S. DEA's Western Laboratories, Shulgin formed a relationship with the DEA and began holding pharmacology seminars for the agents, supplying the DEA with samples of various compounds, and occasionally serving as an expert witness in court. In 1988, he authored a then-definitive law enforcement reference book[ on controlled substances, and received several awards from the DEA.

Bennett, Drake (2005-01-30). "Dr. Ecstasy". New York Times Magazine (New York Times)
Shulgin, Alexander (1988). Controlled Substances: Chemical & Legal Guide to Federal Drug Laws. Ronin Publishing. ISBN 0-914171-50-X.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_ ... and_career

Yes, I know Wikipedia exists.

The article you posted is a piece of crap. It does not even begin to substantiate the allegation ("ENFORCER") made in its sensationalist yellow-press headline, nor does the article it links to. (Nor does Wiki.) So I'm wondering why you posted it.

Why did you post it?

American Dream wrote:A very legitimate question regarding the use of language in that article

The article, like all articles, consists of language. Its language is not a mere ornament atop its substance. It is its substance.
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Re: Tantra-Induced Delusional Syndrome ("TIDS")

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:22 pm

"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, NYC, 1966

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