John McAfee

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John McAfee

Postby justdrew » Sat Nov 10, 2012 7:01 pm

Secrets, Schemes, and Lots of Guns: Inside John McAfee’s Heart of Darkness

interesting story about an interesting character, probably a classic manipulative controlling narcissistic psychopath?
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Re: John McAfee

Postby fruhmenschen » Sun Nov 11, 2012 8:51 pm

I read the Belize papers on a regular basis because of people I know who live in the country.
I read about the arrest of McAfee when it happened and the follow up scandals.
One thing I do know is Belize has a regard for life about the same as the Mexican drug cartels.
Read their local papers for a couple of weeks and you will see what I mean.
The link to the story about McAfee shows the author is a regular writer for the 911 collaborators over at Popular Mechanics.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby chump » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:10 am ... f-darkness

Eye opening article. I've always thought of McAfee (or Norton) as being like the mob - fostering the threat, then selling protection. JM is an interesting guy because he has all that money! Reading between the lines in that article, I assumed that he likes to play - as he actively invests his stash? Pretty cool guy!! But, Treetop flying at Rodeo was hot!! Too many hangers... Then the road down south was paved with good intentions... Altruistic? Aum.... A hundred million bucks buys a lotta drugs and lotsa p**sy! Who is using whom? And now they say the man is sinister. All washed up and nobody left to bribe? The South Pacific sounds nice. Another metamorphosis? ... s_yoga.php

JM: I think the problem with modern society is that we are glued to the television set. We are glued to the easy chair at home, and we are stuck in the habitual lifestyle -- commuting to and from work each day and then watching TV when we get home, and then we have two days off on the weekend and don't know what to do, so we watch TV again. Anything that gets people out of the house, in which the idea of something new is available, is a good thing.

WW: What makes relational yoga different from other forms of yoga?

JM: I think what's important is not the type of yoga; it's leaving the home and going out and doing something.

That's how I came up with observational yoga. It sounds like a ridiculous concept, but it gets you out of the house; it is simply doing something with your life rather than sitting around watching television.

WW: What is observational yoga?

JM: You can pay $200 a month to sit in an easy chair and watch people do yoga up on a stage. There is a scientific basis for this, that through osmosis, as you watch others be active, the observation of something impacts yourself. If you watch someone move in a certain way, you start to mimic that later in the day. A good example is if you watch a scary movie, you become scared. You are not being attacked, but somehow you feel the fear. It's very popular [in Belize].

It would be very difficult to sell this concept in America. I would be shut down on all the claims that it improved health by the government. But here I can make any kind of outrageous claim that I choose and the government can see fit to say that it is okay.

In all sincerity, would you rather go out and see the work or do the work? Watching work is a very popular concept. Have you ever been in a city and there is construction going on? They used to put round holes in the walls that divide the construction from the street, because people used to like to walk by and watch people working. It was a popular pastime.

WW: Is this your primary occupation right now?

JM: In Belize this is a minor hobby more than anything else, but it is quite popular. I am planning to franchise it.

WW: What do the actual yoga practitioners do?

JM: It's mostly hatha yoga in static poses -- like Iyengar yoga. People find it more interesting to watch. We are trying to do the same thing with weight training, where you sit in an easy chair, they serve coffee or juice, and you watch people lift weights. There is a scientific basis that it will affect your actions throughout the day -- that you may lift a chair later rather than just scooting it across the floor -- and there will be an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

We have discovered that activities with large-scale movements (involving the whole body, for example) lend themselves more readily to observational techniques. Small-scale movements, such as typing, provide limited results. This is why we had no success in teaching people to play the piano by having them watch concert pianists at work.

... He's juz messin' with her... right!? You gotta like this: ... nes-text/2

... McAfee's backcountry version of ultralight flying may or may not catch on, but if it does, it wouldn't be the first time the world has found itself swept up in one of his improbable schemes. It was McAfee who, in the late 1980s, informed millions (including me) that malicious "viruses" could infect and kill our electronic equipment. McAfee's ingenious protection software netted him $100 million by the time he sold his antivirus company in 1994. A few years later, he got into another new thing—instant messaging—and made millions more.

But with business success came the unwelcome creep of drudgery and responsibility. In what was to become a pattern of relentless self-renewal (and, some would say, selfishness), the entrepreneur shed his companies, divorced his spouse, and started teaching transcendental meditation and yoga. He wrote four books with titles such as Beyond the Siddhis: Supernatural Powers and the Sutras of Patanjali and The Fabric of Self—books McAfee now says he "wouldn't suggest that you or anyone else bother reading."

This sounds like the group here at RI: ... es-text/10

With the ringleader's return, the desert party shifts into high gear. Around the fire are millionaires, rocket scientists, fighter pilots, and a pistol-packing gal from Georgia. More wrestling breaks out, and the conversation ranges from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle to sadomasochism to Milton Erickson's rapid-induction hypnosis techniques. The campfire talk flows fast and uninhibited, and the laughter is nearly nonstop—though no one has imbibed anything stronger than coffee.

I ask McAfee about his aversion to alcohol, even at times like this, when nobody's flying or driving. "I don't actually mind people drinking," he tells me. "I just don't want them doing it around me. With every drink, you lose 8 percent of your IQ. Once you quit, you start to notice that people get really stupid when they drink."

And yet, when I step back from the fire and look up, I feel giddy, almost stoned. Atop the high meadow, in the darkest corner of the contiguous U.S., it seems that I can feel the Earth spinning through the universe. I jokingly ask Ivashkov, the former hypnotherapist, if McAfee slipped some mojo into the meditation—then I add that I've always been one of those people who can't be hypnotized.

Ivashkov just smiles, and I notice in her green eyes the flickering dance of firelight. "Everyone," she says, "can be hypnotized."
... ... es-text/11

... On my first day at the Sky Gypsies compound, during the meditation, McAfee had given similar instructions. "Let go of everything you know," he told the assembled pilots. "Forget all your knowledge and just…simply…experience."

I loosen up and let the wing find its own way through the air. In an instant, flying becomes much easier. I cascade up and down, practicing landings and takeoffs, then climb up toward the high peaks of the Chiricahuas. Combs forewarns me, then reaches down and cuts the engine, leaving nothing in my ears but the rushing wind. I glide between the mountains, experiencing the trike's wingtips as extensions of my own outstretched arms. It's not a bird I've become, I think, but rather the flying human of my childhood dreams.

So surreal is the experience that it occurs to me, as I turn my last lazy circles above the desert, that the past few days—the flying, the laughs, the desert world of cone-headed aces and blue-haired beauties and shape-shifting possibilities—might have been just one long, hypnotic dream sequence, a runaway unspooling of imagination.

Drifting down toward the airstrip, I think back again to that first day, to the moment when McAfee voiced the final note of his count-up to the meditation's end.
"Five," McAfee said, and in the dimly lit theater a dozen pilots opened their eyes. At the foot of the stage, the Sky Gypsies' leader came into focus, sitting serenely and watching his flock blinking and stretching and rubbing bleary eyes.

"OK," McAfee said. "Did anyone go anyplace interesting?"

Inexpensive ways to fly:
Open Air/extremely mobile:
Power paraglider -
Ultralight trike (or bike) - ... re=related

Enclosed cockpit:
Light Sport Aircraft -
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Re: John McAfee

Postby justdrew » Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:52 am

well, he's been mostly harmless I guess so far? really screwed over that biologist though, she's lucky to have made it out alive. I wonder if he ever crossed paths with Frederick Lenz?

Observational yoga? well, I'd like to think that's a joke, cause it's very funny, but he's got it thought out, I think it's probably real.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Nov 12, 2012 5:35 pm

Anti-virus pioneer John McAfee wanted for murder
Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY
3:50PM EST November 12. 2012 - John McAfee, the eccentric 67-year-old founder of the antivirus software company McAfee, Inc., is wanted for murder in Belize, Gizmodo reported Monday, citing Belize officials.

Gizmodo quoted Marco Vidal, the head of the national police force's Gang Suppression unit, as saying McAFee is the prime suspect in the murder of an American expatriate, Gregory Faull, who was shot and killed Saturday night at his home on the island of Ambergris Caye.

Gizmodo published an official police statement issued Monday that said the body of the well-liked 52-year-old builder from California was found in a pool of blood from an apparent gunshot wound to the head.

The San Pedro Sun confirmed that police were looking for McAfee in connection with Faull's death. Vidal told the newspaper that officers searching McAfee's home next door found no one there.

Jeff Wise, writing for Gizmodo, reported that McAfee and Faull had been "at odds for some time."

"Last Wednesday, Faull filed a formal complaint against McAfee with the mayor's office, asserting that McAfee had fired off guns and exhibited 'roguish behavior.'" Gizmodo reported. "Their final disagreement apparently involved dogs."

Gimzodo, which reported last week on McAffee's purportedly bizarre activities in Belize, said that his behavior "has become increasingly erratic, and by his own admission he had begun associating with some of the most notorious gangsters in Belize."

The tech device website said McAfee, who sold his company to Intel in 2010 for almost $7.7 billion, was involved in the "intensive use of psychosis-inducing hallucinogens" and that this "would go a long way toward explaining his growing estrangement from his friends and from the community around him."

Gizmodo said his purported interest in extracting medicine from jungle plants "provided him a wholesome justification for building a well-equipped chemistry lab in a remote corner of Belize." His new venture, QuorumEx, "seeks to develop better ways to combat pathogenic bacteria through anti-quorum sensing medicines," PC Magazine writes.

He was arrested in 2009 on what he called "bogus" weapons charge, Belize News5 reported.

Formerly known as British Honduras, Belize is a country of over 300,000 people located east of Guatemala on the Caribbean Sea.

It includes English among its official languages and is a popular retirement spot for Americans.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:34 pm

So, John, how's that choice of extradition and judgment-safe haven now, hmm?

Nasty provisions lay ahead; milk container toilet; stone-cold bed; and oh, so conversant your mates.

Generally, when one stops paying for insurance, your protection ends.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby 82_28 » Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:37 pm

For the most part, McAfee is one of the sole reasons I have used Linux exclusively for the last 12 years. Just the fact that virus software was even needed in daily devices always struck me as a "weird" backdoor to just the very reason a secure computing security system is needed at even all. The subscription shit is just weird. Why, when I buy a fucking computer should I be prompted to now then subscribe to something now to keep the fucking thing "safe"? I went Linux and never went back and I suggest all do the same.

But weird story. I never knew who the fuck this McAfee guy was and never thought about it. And this about sums it up, I guess.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby chump » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:04 am ... -neighbor/

Hiding out in Belize, McAfee tells Wired he didn't kill neighbor

In an interview with the tech pub, John McAfee, a pioneer in combating computer viruses, denies knowledge of the murder of Gregory Faull, who was found shot to death this weekend. Police say McAfee is wanted for questioning.

John McAfee, an Internet security expert and one of the pioneers in battling computer viruses, acknowledges that he's hiding from police but said he is innocent of the murder of his neighbor who was found shot to death Sunday morning. interviewed McAfee hours after it was reported that police in Belize were searching for him in connection with the murder of Gregory Faull, a general contractor and restaurant owner from Florida who was found Sunday morning shot in the back of the head.

Wired reporter Joshua Davis asked McAfee, founder of the Web security firm that bears his name, if he had any knowledge about Faull's death. The 67-year-old who has had multiple run-ins with police in Belize said he had none.

"I thought maybe [whoever it was who shot Faull] were coming for me. They mistook him for me," McAfee told Wired. "They got the wrong house. He's dead.
They killed him. It spooked me out."

About the possibility of surrendering, McAfee told Wired: "Under no circumstances am I going to willingly talk to the police in this country. You can say I'm paranoid about it but they will kill me, there is no question."

============== ... 12_mcafee/

As Belizean police combed the property of expat antivirus pioneer John McAfee Sunday afternoon, McAfee was closer than they could have known. He’d seen them coming, and says he hid — burying himself in the sand with a cardboard box over his head so he could breathe. “It was extraordinarily uncomfortable,” he says, in an exclusive interview with Wired. “But they will kill me if they find me.”...

...Asked what he knows about the shooting, McAfee said, “Nothing — other than I heard he had been shot.” In fact, McAfee added, he’s worried that whoever shot Faull may have actually been gunning for him. “I thought maybe they were coming for me. They mistook him for me. They got the wrong house,” he said. “He’s dead. They killed him. It spooked me out.”...
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Re: John McAfee

Postby Sepka » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:03 pm

chump wrote:As Belizean police combed the property of expat antivirus pioneer John McAfee Sunday afternoon, McAfee was closer than they could have known. He’d seen them coming, and says he hid — burying himself in the sand with a cardboard box over his head so he could breathe.

I can't imagine that would be possible by oneself.
- Sepka the Space Weasel

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Re: John McAfee

Postby chump » Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:36 pm ... e-volume-1

My misjudgments were monumental. I should have been on point the moment Amber Two arrived. She was the girlfriend of Arthur Young, the notorious Belize City gangster who was shot by the GSU on April 23rd while trying to wrestle a gun away from 6 burly GSU officers while his hands were handcuffed behind his back. [Link from original text.]

Amber Two was on the run when she arrived. She had ratted on Arthur for $100,000 in cash – paid by the GSU. - so the Taylor Street Gang that Arthur ran had placed a $50,000 price on her head. In addition, the rival George Street Gang, run by Pinky Tillett, had put a hit on her because, a week before Arthur's death, Arthur allegedly killed Pinky. [Link from original text.]

Rival gangs here frequently target gang leaders' girlfriends.

In any case, she was in fear of her life, and running to the "White Man" seemed the safest bet. I had had my own run-ins with the GSU and was, so far, the only person in two years to walk away unscathed. I had plenty of guards and plenty of guns and I was rumored to be friendly to the locals. She showed up and asked for sanctuary. When I discovered she was one of the best cooks in Belize I took her in. [The Cartoonist] will, I feel certain, validate my assessment of her cooking. He did, I believe, fall in love just a little bit with Amber Two.

The arrival of Amber Two might have been counted as an extra woman, but, being still of sound mind, I decided that sleeping with Arthur Young's girlfriend, given the fact that she had just recently been released from prison for stabbing a rival girlfriend of Arthur's seven times in the face with hair scissors, might destabilize a complex set of relationships that already included at least one psychopath. Discord is high. Amber One has more than once pulled a knife on Betsy and alternates between love and hate for Tiffany. Betsy has threatened to slash my throat many times and has gotten into knock-down, hair-pulling fights with Jane on two occasions. Tiffany keeps track of everything and uses subtle passive aggressive button pushing to keep us all miserable. Marly has burst into my room with a gun while I was sleeping with Anna and has slapped Jane's face more times than I can count. And Anna, well, she tried very hard to kill all of us. But I'll get to that...

I didn't find it so unbelievable that McAfee could bury himself in the sand to hide. He appears to be a fairly clever fellow. However, the timing of that Gizmodo piece and this thread were sure ironic. Honestly, I didn't know much about John McAfee until I read them. But then I kind of admired the guy's active and unconventional mind, and hated to think that he had suddenly became so nihilistic and deranged - though it sure as hell wouldn't be the first time that genius took an evil turn! Bath salts!? MDPV? Charlie Sheen comes to mind (except for the genius part). But McAfee didn't even drink! He was heavily into Yoga! Are we being treated to another show? Hasn't he been captured by now? Don't they have bloodhounds? Maybe he's already left... In the jungle? Out on the ocean? Maybe, Wired has a short? ... reRecently

Antivirus pioneer John McAfee is still on the run, hiding in the bottoms of boats and cars, sleeping on a mattress infested with lice, and finally taking refuge in homes at undisclosed locations in Belize. “Obviously, given enough time, they will track me down,” he said in an exclusive interview this morning. “It’s just a matter of time.”

McAfee phoned me again at 6:13 a.m. Belize time and described his last 48 hours on the lam. With his permission I recorded our interview, which you can hear above.

Maybe McAfee let his guard down, and the media is misrepresenting the situation... (It wouldn't be the first time...) Who are Wired and Gizmodo anyway?Another Internet reality series in the works? Something to do with computers perhaps?

McAfee Inc. says it has uncovered an international hacking campaign, probably conducted by one government, that has spied on and committed cyber attacks against the networks of 72 other governments and corporations over the last five years.

The Santa Clara-based tech security firm has dubbed the alleged hacking spree "Operation Shady RAT," and noted that 49 of the 72 victims it has identified were located in the U.S. -- making American organizations the main target.

Among those McAfee says were infiltrated and attacked: the U.S. government, the United Nations, the Assn. of Southeast Asian Nations, the governments of Canada, India, Taiwan, South Korea and Vietnam, and a number of companies dealing with construction, energy production, technology, telecommunications, media, sports, economics, finance and real estate.

McAfee, known to most as a maker of retail anti-virus software for computers, stopped short of accusing any one specific government of being behind the hacking spree, but did make clear that it believed there was one "state actor" behind the actions.

Now, I know that it makes perfect sense when a rich old fart starts getting senile, but maybe McAfee had another big idea...

Just a thought.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby Iamwhomiam » Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:48 am

Heard him today on NPR being interviewed while in hiding in some lice infested place, he said.
(probably quite the opposite)
Also the day before his neighbor was shot in the back of his head, 4 of McAfee's dogs were killed.
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Re: John McAfee

Postby Jerky » Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:52 am

Jeez! First Kim Dotcom, now this?!

Heheh... I keed, I keed.

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Re: John McAfee

Postby chump » Sat Nov 17, 2012 4:43 pm ... ding-place

John McAfee Reveals His Hiding Place
Jeff Wise

In a too-strange-to-be-true twist on an already bizarre crime story, fugitive tech millionaire John McAfee today revealed where he'd been hiding over the last six days: in his own compound. McAfee, wanted by police in connection with the murder of his neighbor Gregory Faull over the weekend, said in a phone interview that he had never really been on the run at all. He'd just been hiding out at home. The calls were coming from inside the house!
I am," he said in a telephone interview Friday afternoon, "where I am most of the time. I am certainly inside my compound."...

... At time of writing, it is not clear what, if anything, Belize authorities will do now that they know McAfee's location. The reporters to whom McAfee disclosed his location, Brian Sullivan and Robert Frank of CNBC, did not press him to reveal further details of how he managed to hide out in his own home
The Official Blog of John McAfee
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Re: John McAfee

Postby chump » Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:25 pm

Pretty far-fetched... But compelling! This will be a Hollywood movie. Cool (supposedly?) real time chat with John in the comments of the blog above:

John McAfee on November 19, 2012 at 7:45 pm said:

Give me more credit. The traffic won't peak until after I post the comments I have in reserve. My philosophy is to post the little things first, then build up to the big. The biggest is still a few weeks away. As I told Vhad yessterday -have patience.I have been doing this since long before you were born. This is not yet even the beginning. smiley face.
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