Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Thu Apr 03, 2014 9:30 pm

OK so I bit the bullet and posted more openly about this at my blog, chips fall where they may. Here are the parts that are new to this thread, plus some summing up, I hope not too tedious.

The things I am uncovering about my past are truly shocking and they have implications for everyone who grew up in the UK and beyond. Whatever the nature of this vast, generational conspiracy is, to begin to see its workings up close and personal, first-hand and from the inside, is totally incomparable to simply reading about them in David Icke or Noam Chomsky books, watching documentaries on YouTube, or smoking a doobie and chatting on Facebook about “Chapel Perilous.” Incomparable. Here's what it looks like:


All of this is both enlightening and potentially crazy-making. I am on the verge of becoming one of the those conspiracy-nuts with newspaper clips and sticky papers all over the walls. Except I am not driven to find out what’s going on "out there" but what happened to me, in here, what were the circumstances, the nature, and the context of my own psychic damage? To do that traditionally entails going back to the ancestors, particularly (for a male child) the paternal grandfather. And going back to the paternal grandfather for me means going back to the Fabian Society.

I can’t vouch for the source of this information. I already linked to it here but that was before I'd read the full article, which is called "The Fabian Society: the masters of subversion unmasked." The site has a political slant to it and it may be aligned with so-called “right-wing” points of view (i.e., on immigration). I don’t really care what their specific political affiliation is because any affiliation at all is too much, in my view. But all I can go on is the cogency of the presentation and how well-referenced the facts being offered up are, and this seems like a pretty well-researched site.

The Fabian Society currently describes itself as a “think-tank.” However, as a think-tank operating within the Labour Party the Society is, by definition, a body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific issues which are then implemented as Labour Party policy.

[T]he relationship between the Fabian Society and the Labour Party was not a purely intellectual one, but very much physical, given that Fabians literally wrote Labour’s policy statements, manifestos and party programmes.

The Fabian Society has 7000 members 80 per cent (5,600) of whom are members of the Labour Party. This amounts to about 3 per cent of the general Labour Party membership (about 190,000 in 2010).

The Fabian percentage increases dramatically in the higher reaches of the Labour Party. From inception, Labour candidates standing for parliament included a fair number of Fabian Society members and the Society has retained a large proportion – about 50 percent – among Labour candidates since the 1940s.

In 1945, 393 Labour candidates were elected to Parliament, out of whom 229 were Fabian Society members.

In 1997, 418 Labour candidates were elected, out of whom 200 were Fabian Society members.

By the time we come to the Labour Party leadership, the proportion of Fabians comes close to 100 per cent.

Bernard Shaw declared the aim of Fabian educational reform as entailing the creation of a Minister for Education, with “control over the whole educational system, from the elementary school to the University, and over all educational endowments” (Shaw, “Educational Reform,” 1889).

This was accomplished through a wide range of interconnected organisations, societies and movements:

Education: councils like the London County Council, university societies and schools like the London School of Economics, Imperial College and London University.

Culture: the New Age movement, the Central School of Arts and Crafts, the Leeds Arts Club, the Fabian Arts Group and the Stage Society.

Economy: the London School of Economics, the Royal Economic Society, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR).
Law: the Haldane Society (named after Fabian Society member Lord Haldane).

Medicine: the Socialist Medical League.

Religion: the Labour (later Socialist) Church movement, the Christian Socialist Crusade, the Christian Socialist League, the Christian Socialist Movement, etc.

Shaw expressed his wish to make the Fabians “the Jesuits of Socialism” (Martin, p. 16), while H G Wells who was number four on the Fabian Executive (after Webb, Pease and Shaw) proposed to turn the whole Society into a ruling order similar to the “Samurai” in his A Modern Utopia.

The Fabian Window was commissioned by Shaw in 1910 and is currently located at the London School of Economics. [On it is the last line from a quatrain by the medieval Iranian poet Omar Khayyam:] “Remould it [the World] nearer to the heart’s desire.” [The full quatrain] reads: “Dear love, couldst thou and I with fate conspire/To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,/Would we not shatter it to bits, and then/Remould it nearer to the heart’s desire!”

[T]he Society’s Iranian logo may well be a hidden reference to the reconstruction of the world order in line with international oil interests. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (later British Petroleum) was among the corporate members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs a.k.a. Chatham House (King-Hall, p. 140), an organisation co-founded by members of the Fabian Society and the Society has retained close links to oil interests. . . .

That the Fabians consciously sought the company, collaboration and support of the wealthy and powerful is evident from Fabian writings such as Beatrice Webb’s Our Partnership, which abound in references to “catching millionaires,” “wire-pulling,” “moving all the forces we have control over,” while at the same time taking care to “appear disinterested” and claiming to be “humble folk whom nobody suspects of power” (Webb, 1948) The leading elements of liberal capitalism – the big businessmen, industrialists and bankers – who had amassed great wealth in the wake of the industrial revolution, were no selfless philanthropists. They aimed to strengthen their own position of power and influence by two means: (1) by monopolising finance, economy and politics; and (2) by controlling the growing urban working class.

The first aim was to be achieved by the centralisation of capital, means of production, etc. The second was to be gained through organising the workers and through promises of a larger share in resources. These aims coincided with those of the Socialist movement of which the Fabians aimed to become the leading element.

As pointed out by H. G. Wells, big business was by no means antipathetic to Communism as “the larger big business grows the more it approximates to Collectivism” (Wells, p. 100)

Indeed, we find that the core of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’ Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) consisted of monopolistic capitalist policies like the centralisation of capital and the organisation of workers. . . [Emphasis added]

The business my grandfather started was a dairy, which with the help of my father became a multinational food corporation, thereby monopolizing food production in Britain. Its primary early alliances were with Fox’s Biscuits, Rowntree Mackintosh (chocolate manufacturers), and Marks & Spencers (run by active Zionists, the Sieff family).

The Fabian Society not only adopted Marx and Engels’ policies but was closely connected with the same kind of interests. . . .

Hubert Bland, a bank-employee-turned-journalist, worked for the London Sunday Chronicle, a paper owned by newspaper magnate Edward Hulton, formerly of the Liberal Manchester Guardian. Bland was a co-founder of the Fabian Society in 1884 and became a member of its executive and its long-serving treasurer. He also recruited his friend and fellow journalist Bernard Shaw.

For those not paying close attention, Hulton’s son, also Edward Hulton, was on the 1941 Committee with David Astor (see below), Tom Driberg and Sir Richard Acland.

Tellingly, the Fabians were also adept at securing a higher social and financial position for themselves – which shows that the “equitable share of natural and acquired advantages” and the “complete substitution of public property for private property” preached in the Fabian Basis and elsewhere were not regarded by Fabians as binding on themselves.

Exact match for the Horsley clan.

Shaw’s friend and fellow Fabian Society leader Sidney Webb married Beatrice, daughter of Richard Potter, a wealthy financier with international connections who served as chairman of the Great Western and Grand Trunk Railways of England and Canada. Beatrice was also a close friend of Rothschild associate and Conservative Prime Minister Arthur Balfour.

Rothschild and Balfour were founding members of the Round Table, of which my grandfather was reputedly one of the two leading financial backers in Britain, during the 30s, 40s, & 50s.

The Great Western Railways (GWR) supported Webb’s fledgling London School of Economics by booking courses for members of its staff at the school and Webb also used his wife’s other connections to further his Fabian agendas.

Shaw was employed by millionaire William Waldorf (later Lord) Astor, owner of the Pall Mall Gazette, and became a close friend of the latter’s son (and Milner Group leader) Waldorf and his wife Nancy. Interviews with both Shaw and Webb promoting Socialist ideas were published by the Pall Mall and St. James’s Gazettes.

Afore-mentioned David Astor, alleged MI6 agent and editor of the UK paper The Observer, was the grandson of William Waldorf (the first). He lobbied for the release of Myra Hindley in the 1970s along with Lord Longford. My grandfather visited Hindley in jail and my brother wrote letters to her.

both Karl Marx and the Fabian Society were bankrolled by industrial interests with links to the left-wing Manchester School and the media world.
. . . .
Lord Rothschild himself was personally involved, with Sidney Webb, in the restructuring of the University of London into which the Fabians’ London School of Economics (LSE) was incorporated in 1898. He also provided funds for the LSE and served as its third president, after his relative Lord Rosebery (Webb, pp. 182, 214).

Archibald Primrose, Earl of Rosebery, British Prime Minister 1894-95. The name “Rosebery” is a Scottish peerage (title) but apparently Rosebery is a variant of the place name Roseberry, an area of the Yorkshire Moors inhabited since prehistoric times. The name is accordingly first found in Yorkshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor. When I was nineteen, after coming into my family inheritance, my sister and I bought a house on a Rosebery Road, in Brixton, within eye-distance of Brixton prison. We lived there for one year before selling. The above-mentioned Benjamin Bream (son of Julian) ended up doing time in Brixton prison, which was how/where my sister met her husband and the father of her child, now deceased (the father).

The Fabian Society and the Rowntree Clan. Another Fabian line of connection with industrial interests were the chocolate manufacturers Rowntree’s. The company’s head Joseph Rowntree, who had founded various charitable trusts in 1904 . . . Rowntree trusts have funded Fabian projects ever since.

Because of the alliance between Northern Dairies and Rowntree Macintosh, our house (until our parents split) was always full of RM chocolate products, and we even got to visit the RM chocolate factory. One of the books I grew up on was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Roald Dahl (with whom I corresponded briefly as a child). Willy Wonka, as illustrated in the book and later depicted in the movies, wears a top hat and a purple jacket, a bit like the infamous Child-Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (from the book by Ian Fleming, and probably the movie the impressed me most strongly in my childhood). More recently, of course, the CC has been compared to Jimmy Savile. Savile’s predations have been recently linked to those of an ice-cream manufacturer and retailer Peter Jaconelli, in Scarborough (Yorkshire), a town I visited as a child. Northern Dairies had its own ice cream products and also provided milk to other companies. As an adolescent, we lived opposite a famous ice cream shop, called Burgesses. The link between ice cream, chocolate, and predatory pedophile rings would seem then to pertain not only to works of popular (children’s) fiction . . . .


Another Rockefeller outfit bankrolling Fabian projects was the International Monetary Fund (IMF), established in 1944 along with the World Bank. . . . The IMF provided several loans to Labour (Fabian) governments:

$250 million to the Attlee Government in 1947 (Martin, p. 77);
$1 billion to the Wilson Government in 1969 (Martin, p. 109);
$4 billion to the second Wilson Government in 1976 (Stone-Lee, 2005).

Another important loan of $4.34 billion was negotiated in 1946 by Fabian economist John Maynard Keynes and facilitated by his friend and collaborator Harry Dexter White who operated within the US Treasury as well as the IMF. All these loans were organised under successive Fabian Chancellors Hugh Dalton, Roy Jenkins and Denis Healey.

As already mentioned, John Maynard Keynes is linked directly to two close associates of my grandfather, including Baron Boyd Orr, whom my grandfather met in the USSR in the 1950s. Boyd Orr was the first Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the co-founder and first President (1960–1971) of the World Academy of Art and Science. He gave an address to the Fabian society on “food policy” in 1940.

Hugh Dalton is mentioned in The Dust Has Never Settled by Robin Bryans (a very oblique expose on government corruption, occult secret societies, and child abuse, discussed at RI here), with reference to his title as “the Minister of economic warfare,” as a possible procurer of children for sexual use (hard to tell with Bryans’ cryptic phrasings). Roy Jenkins is a lot easier to nail down. Here are some tidbits from a post at RI:

Plutonia wrote:PIE was born in part from the reforms of Harold Wilson’s home secretary, Roy Jenkins [Labour], who decriminalised homosexual acts between men aged 21 and over. “[Jenkins] created within the Home Office an atmosphere of excitement around liberal reform,” [PIE Chair] O’Carroll said. They felt a moment was coming when their desire for “mutual and loving relationships” between adults and children would shame them no more. But drumming up members was hard because so few publications would take their adverts and PIE sought affiliation with NCCL “to create a greater weight of opinion by joining together in a common cause,” O’Carroll said. “It got me a platform or two.”

Jenkins replied to public criticism by asserting that the so-called permissive society was in reality the civilised society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Jenkins

The political views of Jenkins were unpopular in the Labour Party and in 1981 he joined Shirley Williams, David Owen and William Rodgers in setting up the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Jenkins became leader of the new party and in 1982 he returned to the House of Commons as MP for Glasgow Hillhead. . . . After the election Jenkins resigned as leader and was replaced by David Owen. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRjenkinsR.htm

This being the same David Owen who gave Jimmy Savile the keys to Broadmoor . . .

Back to the anti-Fabian tract:

The Fabian Society had developed an obsession with economics in the very first months and years of its existence, when its members met regularly to study and discuss Karl Marx and his economic theories. This obsession led to the Fabians’ creation of institutions like the British Economic Association (later Royal Economic Society) and, in particular, the London School of Economics (LSE). The Fabians’ strange interest was motivated by two things. First, they could use economic theories as a “scientific” backing for their Socialist ideology just as Marx had done before them. Second, through educational institutions teaching Fabian economics, they consciously sought to create whole generations of professional economists – a new ruling class – who, working as civil servants and other government officials, would implement Fabian policies (M. Cole, p. 88).

As I have tried to show with this thread, I believe something similar was/is occurring in terms of training care home workers and conducting psychological/psychiatric “research,” both involving the sexual use of children, and that both psychiatric institutions and care homes (as well as borstals, prisons, hospitals, and the like) may be being used, and in some cases even being established, specifically for these purposes. I also think this is perhaps the most deeply hidden layer of the Fabian onion: (something like) evolutionary/spiritual engineering via the sexual "liberation" of children.

For example (back to original source):

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Founded in 1965 under the government of former Fabian Society chairman Harold Wilson and having as chief executive leading Fabian Michael (later Lord) Young, who alone was responsible for the creation of over 60 like-minded organisations. The ESRC was originally known as Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and was clearly a clone of the US organisation of the same name.

This was how I found the anti-Fabian article to begin with, while researching information at the afore-cited RI thread:

Plutonia wrote:These documents are held at London University, London School of Economics Library, Archives Division . . .

Outline proposals for development of Albany Trust, 1967-1978.

Study of Human Sexuality in Britain: proposals for establishing an institute of social behaviour (including letter from Brian Abel-Smith).

Proposal to SSRC [Social Science Research Council] concerning Dr. J.H.Gagnon.

The Albany Trust is generally associated with Left-leaning Gay activism, but it may have been funding the Right too:

Elm Guest House:

This image from the ‘Mary Moss Images’ shows a newsletter from CHE, which appears to implicate the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality in the promotion of the Elm Guest House and handwritten note above which talks of a ‘Dutch Adventure’ which could be construed as a reference, in the circumstances, of child sex tourism. [For image see original post]

The Albany Trust was founded the same year I was born, the year homosexuality was legalized. It was founded in the apartment of one of my grandfather’s close friends, J.B. Priestley, chairman of the afore-mentioned 1941 Committee, and with whom my grandfather started the CND party.

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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby lucky » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:28 am

I don't know why but reading through this triggered a memory of being about 4-5 and 'waking' with sleep paralysis where my fingers where intertwined BUT i was witnessing this at the end of my bed watching myself unable to move, this happened several times - only to reoccur many years later when i took shed loads of Ecstacy in the late 80's/9o's and had S.P on quite a few occasions but this was 'normal' , lying in bed unable to move or breath until i put all my physical effort in moving my little finger and that would 'break the spell'
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:39 pm

Strange. Anything particular about the post that triggered the memory? Was it a buried memory or one you've always had?
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:27 pm

This will probably be a thread-closer, as I don't want to be milking this place for attention.

TheBlackSheep » Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:34 am wrote:I am interested mainly in any trends or influences that have had a significant impact on society and its development, regardless of whether I agree with those trends or not. My interest is to form as complete of a picture as possible of what those trends are. I think that the Fabians definitely had such an influence in one way or another, exactly what that influence is takes some form of examination of what the Fabian society is, who has been a part of it and what those members or associates have accomplished. A member from recent history is Tony Blair, who I think it cannot be doubted had some impact on life in the western world, and there seems to be more than one connection of Anthony Giddens, a sociologist and Blair's advisor, to the Fabians... among other things, for example their influence on the publication The New Statesman, being a news medium influences the opinion to a certain segment of the population at least to a degree.

I've become aware, as evidenced by the 0-0 comment which this ^^^ is a response to, that as much as I want to keep this to the "ground" of my own family history, the pull of the conspiratorial and political memes is too strong to ignore and invariably distorts whatever picture I am trying to paint, not only in expressing it but even in my own "mind's eye." I think the basic problem is that it's nigh-impossible for any of us to view anything except in terms of good vs. evil, ie, within socially-conditioned moral parameters, even though I may intellectually know that those same moral parameters have been at least partially laid down by the groups, individuals, and agendas I am examining, and that they are inseparable from the values being traced back to same groups, etc.

Implicit in the whole framing of this information is a value-judgment: "Look at those dastardly Fabians, wolves pretending to be sheep!" (or look at my grandfather, an elitist pretending to be a socialist, no wonder I am so fucked up!). Like I say, it's unavoidable (especially when all of it seems to tie into Jimmy Fixer, who we can all agree just ain't no good!), but it's also untenable, doesn't add up, and is actually at odds with the real point and meaning of these kinds of discoveries, which is that "good and evil" - whether agendas, groups, or individuals - can't be separated (and the idea they can be is an intrinsic element of the dastardly "divide & conquer" plot, damn them to Hell!).

Most obviously, looking at how the Fabian society may or may not have used progressive and libertarian ideas to further a geopolitical agenda, somehow, however subtly, aligns the researcher with more "right-wing" POV, even tho the point, again, is that the left wing works together with the right, etc. How's that possible? The power of conditioning. It's impossible for us not to choose some sort of allegiance, even if it flies in the face of logic and prevents any kind of coherent understanding from happening.

Coherence is what I'm after, and since emotional knee-jerk reactions (like 00's) prevent that, the resistance to coherence has to be factored into every attempt to establish it. An obvious example of this is, if the Fabians have a global agenda, then why are "they associated" with the Labor party? Doesn't this only reinforce the idea of a genuine division in the factions of power, since if the conservative party was "Fabian free," then every time they got into power they would threaten to undo the "Fabian agenda." Ergo, FS must have infiltrated the conservative party too, and be pushing more moralistic, overtly capitalist agendas at the same time as doing the opposite. Getting the mass to march in lockstep, into barracks or battlefield, with a never-ending cry of "Left, right, left, right!"

When I was growing up, Mary Whitehouse was a despised name in my household - a Christian conservative tight-ass whining about "family values" behind which lurked a fear and hatred of homosexuals and all other kinds of "deviance" (i.e., difference). The National Front was seen as the evil of evils, just a bunch of moronic Neo Nazi skinheads. And maybe they were/are these things. But looking at this present material, such as PIE, it turns out the MW & NF were two of the most fiercely vocal voices speaking out against pedophilia. Does this make them the good guys? Obviously not. Does the fact the Nazis had the Fabians on their hit list mean the Fabians were the good guys? Apparently not.

Mother and father (or father & grandfather) battle for control of the child's psyche, while unconsciously wrestling with their own demon-traumata; neither have the psychic welfare of the child at heart, even if both believe they do. For the child it's a lose-lose situation. Any allegiance at all is a kind of betrayal, because the demand to choose allegiance in such a situation is itself a betrayal, and betrayal can only be met with more betrayal.

TheBlackSheep » Sun Mar 23, 2014 7:34 am wrote:So it seems to me in one way or another this group had connections to the ruling classes. Whether their contributions to societal development were laudable, reprehensible, or in ways irrelevant is a matter for speculation, discovery, and opinion following research. But I don't think it is necessary to disregard the group entirely if you are interested in the development of western culture, ideas and politics.


Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure and guaranteed sustenance.Work as the means and end of living will diminish in importance except for a few with exceptional motivation, drive, or aspiration.No major source of a sense of worth and dignity will replace the Protestant Ethic.Most people will tend to be hedonistic,and a dominant elite will provide "bread and circuses" to keep social dissension and disruption at a minimum.
A small elite will carry society's burdens.The resulting impersonal manipulation of most people's life styles will be softened by provisions for pleasure seeking and guaranteed physical necessities.Participatory democracy in the American-ideal mold will mainly disappear.The worth and dignity of individuals will be endangered on every hand.Only exceptional individuals will be able to maintain a sense of worth and dignity. [pg. 288/457]

This last is a tautology, like "survival of the fittest." It's not an explanation but a justification.

It's absurd in the context of Nature as a living system in which the parts all form a working whole. Ironically, this "natural" view is used as the basis for all manner of anti-nature totalitarian political movements, the basis of which seems to be that primary split between conscious and unconscious, mind and body (father & mother?).

Isn’t that the perennial mystery – what is unconscious motivation (ie, self-deception) and what is conscious concealment, deception of others? The line is always moving, either towards transparency or away from it, depending on our willingness and capacity to be honest with ourselves. The whole notion of using ignoble means to justify noble ends is what power politics is all about, I think, and it’s a close match, a cover-story really, for using conscious rationalizations to justify unconscious drives.

Point being, when I look at the dastardly plots of these Fabian wolves dressed up as Socialist sheep, or whatever, I am looking at a magnified mirror of my own psyche. A bit like finding a family member in the echelons of the Illuminati. . . What you gonna do??
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Fri May 02, 2014 12:34 am

I was pointed to a new, very short and unremarkable piece about my brother today, May Day, at Dangerous Minds website, called “JESUS STOLE MY ACT AND OTHER TALES OF SEBASTIAN HORSLEY.”

What got my attention however was the first comment, linking it to this thread! It seems RI's reach is far & wide. I commented at the post, which was a new experience, to discuss my brother's work and image, in public, with his fans (one of them anyhow).

[Edit: I just saw there’s an article in the sidebar, published last week, about Crowley and Tom Driberg! http://dangerousminds.net/comments/the_ ... _successor ]
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby justdrew » Fri May 02, 2014 11:15 pm

Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure and guaranteed sustenance.Work as the means and end of living will diminish in importance except for a few with exceptional motivation, drive, or aspiration.No major source of a sense of worth and dignity will replace the Protestant Ethic.Most people will tend to be hedonistic,and a dominant elite will provide "bread and circuses" to keep social dissension and disruption at a minimum.
A small elite will carry society's burdens.The resulting impersonal manipulation of most people's life styles will be softened by provisions for pleasure seeking and guaranteed physical necessities.Participatory democracy in the American-ideal mold will mainly disappear.The worth and dignity of individuals will be endangered on every hand.Only exceptional individuals will be able to maintain a sense of worth and dignity. [pg. 288/457]

I think this may be just wrong. How much sense of self worth did the majority slave or near-slave population have in Roman civs? Or a serf working the fields constantly for his lord? Or one man on a production line of thousands, with hundreds waiting in line to take his place? This above seems to assume there was some wonderful time when everyone was a petty lordling with his own self--made estate and no troubles with dividing the land among the children.

but it's a good excuse to peruse the meaning of the phrase Protestant work ethic

The term was first coined by Max Weber in his The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, written in 1904–05. The Protestant work ethic is often credited with helping to define the societies of Northern Europe and other countries where Protestantism was common (for example, the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States of America). Writer Frank Chodorov argued that the Protestant ethic was long considered indispensable for American political figures:

There was a time, in these United States, when a candidate for public office could qualify with the electorate only by fixing his birthplace in or near the "log cabin." He may have acquired a competence, or even a fortune, since then, but it was in the tradition that he must have been born of poor parents and made his way up the ladder by sheer ability, self-reliance, and perseverance in the face of hardship. In short, he had to be "self made." The so-called Protestant Ethic then prevalent held that man was a sturdy and responsible individual, responsible to himself, his society, and his God. Anybody who could not measure up to that standard could not qualify for public office or even popular respect. One who was born "with a silver spoon in his mouth" might be envied, but he could not aspire to public acclaim; he had to live out his life in the seclusion of his own class.
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Sun May 04, 2014 5:53 pm

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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby Sounder » Sun May 11, 2014 6:24 am

conniption introduced me to Andrew over on the psychopathology thread.

Thomas sees what is going on.

Monday, 5 May 2014H.G. Wells, G.B. Shaw and the Parlour Room Blood Lust of The Fabian Society

By the end of the Great War of 1914-1918, one organization that was very influential on the global stage and whose actions and implementations directly led to the rise of the totalitarianism of both Fascism and the Bolsheviks was the Fabian Society. Based in London and formed in 1884, and which still exists and remains influential in global politics to the present day, this think-tank was and still is essentially an aristocratic cult out of which formed the British Labour Party, the London School of Economics and the influential New Statesman journal, as well as having a huge influence on the creation of the League of Nations in 1919.

The Fabian ideology is driven by incremental social Darwinism and scientific socialism, and until the 1940's did nothing to hide their totalitarian psychopathic agenda. In fact, they openly boasted about their horrific agenda which, today, is now hidden behind a façade of celebrities and climate change fronts. The same aristocratic families which championed the ethos and rise of both National Socialism and the Bolsheviks are very much still moving the Fabian rudder and maintaining their utopian course behind the scenes just as much as they ever have as you read these very words.

The Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw was a Fabian who openly called for scientists to develop gasses to murder races and groups who did not want to be controlled within the Fabian utopia. Later, IG Faben would cater to his wishes with their 'pesticide' Zyklon B; poured upon European Gypsies, in an attempt to eliminate the last non-controlled indigenous people in Europe. Shaw also demanded a system whereby humans were to sit in front of a committee and justify their existence to a panel of civil servants who had the right to decide a person's fate. If people could no longer demonstrate that they were productive before this panel of bureaucrats, they would be 'humanely murdered' according to George Bernard Shaw.

The influence that the Fabians had on the creation of National Socialism and the Bolsheviks cannot be downplayed, as they were significant in generating a degree of acceptance of totalitarian regimes among intellectuals and academics in the years leading up to 1919. Hitler and Stalin could not have risen to power without the social conditioning of the Fabians; that a cold, scientific control of humanity was the only method of government for the 20th century. The Fabian Society was ruthlessly atheistic and scientific, and this was perhaps what made them so very dangerous, in that they assumed that human existence is nothing more than chemical and electrical bodily functions, and that humanity has no soul or spirit.


Among the more psychopathic—if not psychotic—members of the Fabian Society who used his popular influence to sow the seeds of the totalitarian scientific oppression in the name of reason, was the British author H.G. Wells. Known mainly for using his science-fiction novels such as The Time Machine and Things to Come in order to future-proof the expectations of present generations towards political objectives (which is why sci-fi remains a core aspect of the Psychopathic Control Grid to this day), Wells and his warped philosophy played a huge part in the creation of both Hitler and Stalin in terms of their acceptability among more scientifically inclined thinkers in the decades leading up to 1919.

Wells was perhaps the most perfectly pre-formed National Socialist who wasn't a German. Like so many of the intelligentsia of his day, he took the Darwinian 'survival of the fittest' concept to a completely literal level, in that some humans were just not fit to live in the scientific and reasoned New Order of the 20th century that he and the other Fabians had envisioned. Wells, carrying the ethos of the Fabians into a literary narrative, declared that 'The Base' of humanity was unfit to live because, culturally and intellectually, their need to be free and have free will had to be removed from society as 'congenital invalids', as they only represented 'an antagonism to the State organisations.' His solution, as was also that of the Fabians, was for the Utopians to eliminate 'The Base'.

This was to be achieved by means of mass starvation and robbing these people of both their ability to survive and their will to live. Precisely the same methods used by the Nazis with the Nuremberg Racial Laws and which led to the 'silent holocaust', whereby Jews and others declared unfit to live in the Reich chose suicide in their countless thousands as they were shunned, made unemployed or mocked and chased out of schools and universities. The Nazis adopted these methods directly from H.G. Wells and the other British intellectuals of the Fabian Society. There is no difference at all between H.G. Wells' 'congenital invalids' and Adolf Hitler's 'racial tuberculosis'. The same use of weaponised black magic language was being unleashed to create pre-formed opinions in the minds of their audience, while at the same time serving notice to the victims that 'the hunt is on'.

H.G. Wells' elimination of 'The Base' classes included forbidding the undesirables from building boats, as islands off the coast were to be used as concentration camps while the Utopians arranged their extermination. Just like the Nazis, Wells and the Fabians demanded that malformed children and disabled adults should be murdered, as they would affect the finances of the state and may contaminate the bloodlines of the Utopians with malformed strains. Wells (on behalf of the Fabian Society) demanded uniformity of attire and uniformed clothing, that all marriages be arranged and decreed by the state with total bureaucratic control of family diets and recreational facilities.

As incredible as it seems, this was the prevailing mindset of the British and Anglo-American establishment in the first half of the 20th century, and without fully understanding this period of history, whereby the Scientific Materialists proposed their own form of National Socialism for the world and then unleashed everything from Eugenics to Gerrymandering, we cannot begin to grasp why the Anglo-American establishment became so enamoured with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during their rise to power. In many ways, Hitler was the Fabians' ideal leader in Berlin, just as much as Lenin and later Stalin were their ideal leadership culture in Moscow. This happened because the imperial powers following the Great War—even if only by fostering a culture of acceptability—created the means for it to have happened.

Posted by Thomas Sheridan at 14:11
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sun May 11, 2014 11:04 am

The Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw was a Fabian who openly called for scientists to develop gasses to murder races and groups who did not want to be controlled within the Fabian utopia.

Aye, he was almost as bad as that notorious Irish bloodthirsty monster Jonathan Swift, an outspoken Eugenicist and advocate of both genocide and cannibalism.
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Sun May 11, 2014 12:54 pm

Is that irony?

You think the reports about GBS have been exaggerated?

Swift was a satirist. Shaw spoke openly and non-satirically about eugenicide. Not sure I see the parallel.
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sun May 11, 2014 1:55 pm

Definitely, and perhaps too obtuse on a stoned Sunday morning. Shaw stands convicted of his own account, although I am of course wary of contemporary exaggerations in this field, being an American citizen with heavy ties to the conservative grapevines.


On an evidentiary level, of course, Swift left behind one document full of black humor flourishes, and Shaw left behind a number of clinically horrific statements in a number of locations.

And of course, Hitler was an artist.
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby semper occultus » Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:14 am

...bit OT...but any relation....?

Mr. Janus Comes Calling


Born in 1921, Air Marshal Sir Beresford Peter Torrington Horsley embarked upon an illustrious career with the British military in 1939, when he took a position as deck-boy on the TSS Cyclops, a steamer bound for Malaya. For the return journey, and as the Second World War was declared, he changed ships – to the TSS Menelaus, and eventually gravitated to a career in the Royal Air Force: first as an air-gunner, then as a pilot, and subsequently as a flight-instructor.

Horsley was later attached to the Communications-Squadron of the 2nd Tactical Air Force in France, and, during the D-Day invasion of Normandy, he accepted the job of personal pilot to Major-General Sir Miles Graham. He returned to England in 1947, joined the staff of the Central Flying School, 23 Training Group, and was appointed Adjutant to the Oxford University Air Squadron in 1948.

In July 1949, Horsley entered the Royal Household as a Squadron Leader, and as Equerry to Her Royal Highness, the Princess Elizabeth, Duchess of Edinburgh (better known today as Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II), and to His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh. In 1952, Horsley became a Wing-Commander and in 1953 became a full-time Equerry to the Duke of Edinburgh; a role he held until 1956.

From the latter part of the 1950s to the early 1960s, Horsley was employed as Senior-Instructor at the RAF Flying College, Manby, Lincolnshire; as Commanding-Officer at RAF Wattisham, Suffolk; and as Group-Captain, Near-East Air Force (NEAF), Operations, on the island of Cyprus. Horsley made the rank of Air Vice-Marshal; later attaining the position of Assistant-Chief of Air-Staff (Operations), and then that of Commanding-Officer, 1-Group from 1971 to 1973. His final post in the Royal Air Force was as the Deputy-Commander-in-Chief of Strike Command, which he held from 1973 to 1975.

And there's one more thing: Horsley’s other claim to fame is that he claimed a face-to-face encounter with a human-looking alien who went by the memorable name of Mr. Janus.

The strange affair began when Horsley learned of the Duke of Edinburgh’s fascination with the complexities of the UFO puzzle. According to Horsley “He was quite interested. As always his mind was open. He agreed I should do a study on the subject in my spare time; as long as I kept it in perspective and didn’t bring the Palace into disrepute. He didn’t want to see headlines about him believing in little green men.”

With typical British understatement, Horsley said: “At the end of my tour at the Palace, I had a very strange experience.”

Sir Arthur Barratt, who worked at Buckingham Palace as Gentleman Usher to the Sword of State, introduced Horsley to a mysterious “General Martin,” who, in turn put him in touch with an “enigmatic” Mrs. Markham. Interestingly, the English researchers Dr. David Clarke and Andy Roberts learned from Horsley that General Martin “believed UFOs were visitors from an alien civilization which wanted to warn us of the dangers posed by atomic war.” According to Horsley, it was Markham who told him to turn up at a particular apartment in London’s Chelsea district on a specific evening, where he met a stranger who introduced himself only as Mr. Janus.

Horsley said of his chat with the man that: “Janus was there, sitting by the fire in a deep chair. He asked: ‘What is your interest in flying saucers?’ We talked for hours about traveling in space and time. I don’t know what or who he was. He didn’t say he was a visitor from another planet but I had that impression. I believe he was here to observe us. I never saw him again. I have no qualms about the reaction to my experience with Mr. Janus.”

Rather disturbingly, and echoing the claims of so many of the Contactees that the Space-Brothers were concerned by our ever-growing nuclear arsenals, UFO investigator Timothy Good says: “In my second and last meeting with Sir Peter Horsley at his home in 2000, he revealed that, in addition to being disturbed by the realization that Janus was reading his mind, he was even more disturbed by the fact that this extraordinary man ‘knew all Britain’s top-secret nuclear secrets.’”

Is it possible that this bizarre episode was actually part of some state-sponsored operation designed to ascertain the nature of Sir Peter’s character and his loyalty to the country? This particularly novel theory was most assuredly on the minds of researchers Clarke and Roberts, who asked Horsley if he considered it feasible that he had been “set up” by MI5 (the British equivalent of the FBI) to “test his vulnerability.” Horsley provided the pair with an adamant “no.”

Right up until his death in 2001, Horsley’s position on the overwhelmingly weird experience was rock-solid: “I don’t care what people think - it was what happened. I would say they come from another planet somewhere in the universe but not in our galaxy. They are benign, not aggressive and, like us, are explorers.”


Horsley, Peter, Sounds From Another Room, Pen & Sword Books, Ltd., 1997.

Clarke, David & Roberts, Andy, Flying Saucerers, Heart of Albion Press, 2007.

Clarke, David & Roberts, Andy, Out of the Shadows, Piatkus, 2002.

Good, Timothy, Need to Know, Pegasus Books, 2007.

McManners Hugh & Ellis, Walter, "What the Alien Told the Equerry about Prince Philip," The Times, November 2, 1997.

Peter Horsley: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Horsley
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Thu Jun 05, 2014 12:43 am

Sir Pete came up previously during my explorations. No relation -- as far as I know.
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:53 pm

The rabbit hole may be calling me back to it.

Just got word from my brother's oldest friend about the Groucho Glub, which my brother belonged to.

In 2010 the Groucho Clubs web forum was found to have hundreds of web pages and links dedicated to gross and indecent material of young children. This was reported to Metropolitan Police and CEOP but nothing appeared to be done. Googles cache pages of the evidence also kept being removed.

Links have been made between Charles Napier of the Paedophile Information Exchange and the Groucho Club; Jeremy Hunt Health Secretary and sugar daddy JHJ Lewis of Groucho Club; church premises nearby being used by men associated with the Groucho club to make child porn films ; and surveillance cameras being used in the club for improper purposes.
The Groucho Club private members forum had 42,000 members, 900,000 posts and was operating for almost a year with children on sale for sex. The forum also had thousands of posts, photographs and videos of young children. However, the Child Abuse Network operating on the Groucho Clubs forum was covered up.
“The Reason for this static protest is that many Anti Child Abuse organizations, charities, groups and parents are appalled that the systemic abuse of children over many years can simply be covered up allowing paedophiles and networks to move on without prosecution”.

Calls have been made for Matt Hobbs, MD of the Groucho Club and John Henry James Lewis OBE, Chairman of the Groucho Club to come clean about the Child Pornography on the Groucho Club members forum or the evidence is to be released into the public domain soon
http://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2014/07/2 ... ual-abuse/

If nothing else it confirms quite dramatically that such was the nature of the circles my brother trafficked in. My sister was a member too, but it's logical to suppose (as I speculated about The Colony, and as they say of Freemasonry) that there are circles within circles, the outer ones innocuous but growing progressively more exclusive and bizarre/grotesque as members move inward. Not to state the obvious...
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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

Postby guruilla » Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:33 pm

This actually came up shortly after I started the thread, but I missed it. I post it here because Stephen Fry was the main speaker at my brother's funeral and owns, or owned, the rights to Dandy in the Underworld.

The comic [Fry] treated guests to a graphic story about Gore Vidal’s stay at a top London hotel where he rang a gay escort agency to arrange a boy for an energetic afternoon session.

Despite being attended by usually liberal-minded literary types, Fry’s lurid details of the sex act with the young man and what he would or would not perform was too much for some guests. ‘Fry’s speech was deeply distasteful,’ blusters my corduroy-clad mole.”

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/artic ... event.html

Fry once wrote a play about paedophilia in schools:

” Plans to stage a comedy penned by actor Stephen Fry about paedophilia in a public school were condemned today.

The award-winning play, which details a homosexual affair between a teacher and his 13-year-old pupil, is to be staged at Edinburgh’s Festival Fringe.


Cambridge-based Activated Image said the play celebrated “the love of a man for a 13-year-old boy”.


Described as a “weird, wonderful and just a little twisted comedy”, the play, which Fry wrote as a Cambridge undergraduate in 1979, contains scenes of sadomasochism.”

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/ar ... -fire.html

In 2013, the Independent reported on a BBC investigation into claims that Fry trivialised paedophilia:

” The BBC Trust has rejected a complaint that Stephen Fry “trivialised” child abuse during an episode of QI in which he recited a limerick about a chaplain’s desire for a choir boy.

A report by the BBC Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee (ESC) said the broadcast was “at the margins of acceptability” but had not breached editorial guidelines.

During the episode, Fry recited the lines: “There was a young chaplain from King’s / Who talked about God and such things / But his real desire / Was a boy in the choir / With a bottom like jelly on springs.”

The ESC report said a woman complained because “she felt that the BBC showed a lack of understanding of what the limerick implied. The complainant said that the limerick trivialised the subject of paedophilia.”

The episode of QI, broadcast on BBC Two on 11 January, was followed by a Newsnight edition focusing on the Jimmy Savile scandal.

The committee said: “The likelihood of causing offence was, we acknowledge, increased by the news agenda on the day of broadcast. However, the comparisons that can be drawn between the scenario described in the limerick and the nature and extent of the abuse perpetrated by Jimmy Savile are, in our view, limited.”

http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-enter ... 89553.html

Some voices claim Jill Dando was murdered because she knew about child-raping Savile and the BBC paedophile ring linked to Government and Royalty.

In a strange twist, Fry tweeted the following eulogy to Savile:

” Oh, Sir Jimmy Savile is no more. Spent a train journey from Leeds to London with him once. He was not as other men. Fascinating & rare: RIP”

In the comments section of a blog the following shocking claims were made:

” I have been waiting to see a major BBC celebrity unmasked, this man is protected but you cannot live a life of satanism and debauchery without some inkling coming out.

Stephen Fry lived at Wells- next -the- sea in Norfolk, where the rich Londoners have their holiday homes.

Fry was due to play the lead role on the West End stage in a play about the apostles (Rothschild’s gang of homosexual spies working for Russia), when he suddenly ran away and hid and the search to find him was intense.

Stephen fancies himself as a biliard player and he has a very nice large table at his home, but the wagers were not for money they were for young boys.
One of these boys went to the authorities and the police, because Stephen Fry had connections, brought in MI5,

They tried to get the boy to tell his friends to remain silent as Stephen Fry had contacts who would make things very uncomfortable for the boys.

From comments:

Stephen fry is a Jew and a homosexual giving him top prority with Mossad who now run MI5,(who run the BBC), this man on seeing a court case at the Old Bailey, went through the solicitor’s dustbins and brought back a large bag of papers relating to the Jill Dando case as an offshoot of another case.

From these papers he found links with Stephen Fry to Elm Guest house, Jill Dando and a man named Walter Clack.

Walter was a lifelong predatory homosexual and close friends with Sydney Cooke who had links to both Paul Kidd, the Queen mother’s butler, Jimmy Savile and Sir Anthony Blunt.

From Telegraph, July 2014:

reports from a Labour Party fund-raiser hosted last week by Fry, where the ''national treasure’’ stood in front of an audience that included Ed Miliband, and attacked Operation Yewtree, the country’s most high-profile inquiry into historic sex abuse. He said that ''fewer than half’’ of the people arrested had been convicted of the crimes (this is actually on a par with conviction rates for sexual offences generally, but never mind), and urged the audience to remember that “people are innocent until guilty”. He is said to have singled out Keir Starmer, the former director of public prosecutions who was also present, for criticism, and apparently announced that the law should be toughened up to deter people from inventing claims about sex abuse. “It was all a bit awkward,” said a guest.


Fry’s intervention was appallingly judged, coming as it did in the same week that an inquiry was launched into an alleged paedophile ring at Westminster during the 1980s.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens ... mouth.html
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