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Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:44 pm
by guruilla

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:26 pm
by semper occultus
Owen was ofcourse a central figure in the 70’s era “Atlanticist” front within Labour – a fact not unrelated to his elevation to becoming the youngest ever Foreign Secretary I believe & his subsequent leading role in the breakaway SDP to split the left-of-centre vote :

Who were they travelling with?
By Tom Easton
From Lobster 31

SDP: The Birth, Life and Death of the Social Democratic Party
Ivor Crewe and Anthony King
Oxford University Press, 1995, £25


Walden was not the only contributor to the Britain on the Brink issue of the Public Interest in 1987. Another was Samuel P Huntington, like King associated with the American Enterprise Institute, but also well-known to David Owen and his fellow Trilateral Commission friends in the SDP - John Roper, Dick Taverne, Evan Luard, Alan Lee Williams and Roderick Mac-Farquar, the founding editor of the Congress for Cultural Freedom's China Quarterly. The great fear of David Rockefeller's Trilateralists was summed up in their Crisis of Democracy (1975), namely that Western society could become ungovernable if too many of its citizens became politically active.

there are some Tavistock related scans covering child – related issues & US ( Rockefeller ) & LSE links posted to data-dump thread :

from the book Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic

.......including this bit of WTF-ery.....


….other items of note – they referred to themselves internally as the “invisible college”, anyone who thinks Harry Potter was exaggerated would need to contend with a Miss Hunnybun & Dr Farqhuar Buzzard…..

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:31 pm
by guruilla
Thanks. Got the link to the TI material?

A duck-duck search for "Dr. Alan Maberly" turned up a total zero.

Meanwhile, I got a few more leads on "granddad" today, including that one of his old friends was the Yorkshire-born critic and poet William Empson, who it turned out was one of the Fugitives (Southern/Agrarian Poets associated with Robert Graves), a group/movement I only found out about for the first time yesterday! (There's a lot in that History Project link, "The CCF and the God of Thunder Cult" I recommend it to anyone who's interested in this thread.) [Edit: I just traced its original source & it appears to be "larouche"-connected, which I guess makes it tainted to some readers. What it lacks is references.]

I found out Empson knew my grandfather via a book about him, by Empson's son Jacob, called A Memoir of a Bohemian Marriage. I found the Fugitive connection at Empson's wiki page:

Then, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, he taught at The Kenyon School of English at Kenyon College in Ohio - a summer program for the intensive study of literature. According to Newsweek, "The roster of instructors was enough to pop the eyes of any major in English." In addition to Empson, the faculty included Robert Penn Warren, John Crowe Ransom, Robert Lowell, Delmore Schwartz, Jacques Barzun, Eric Bentley, Cleanth Brooks, Alfred Kazin, Arthur Mizener, Allen Tate, and Yvor Winters.

A search for Empson and Tom Driberg brought me back to Mass Observation (A Brief History of . . .; I'm sure it's worth a closer read, when I get a spare week to catch up!):

Reflecting this democratic initiative, Madge and Harrisson requested the support not of trained anthropologists or sociologists, but of any interested volunteers, whom they solicited through newspaper and other advertisements. By their 30 January announcement, the group already had “fifty observers at work on two sample problems.”[21] A few months later, M-O had recruited approximately 400 men and women. The paid members of Mass Observation (including Madge and Harrisson) were likewise not professionally trained social scientists. In London, working alongside Madge and Jennings, were David Gascoyne, a poet; Stuart Legg, a filmmaker; Ruthven Todd, another poet; William Empson, a literary critic; and Kathleen Raine, a third poet and Madge’s wife. In Bolton, with Harrisson, were Spender; William Coldstream, Graham Bell, and Julian Trevelyan, the painters; Dick Crossman, Labour politician and writer; Woodrow Wyatt, writer and eventually Labour MP; and Tom Driberg, a journalist and, like Wyatt, eventually a Labour MP.

Julian Trevelyan caught my eye because of the film censor John Trevelyan, whose daughter Sarah, the psychiatrist, married Jimmy Boyle.

Julian T "married the potter Ursula Darwin . . . a great-granddaughter of Charles Darwin [Talk about noble bloodlines!]; their marriage was dissolved in 1950. Their son is the film-maker Philip Trevelyan."

I have been unable to ascertain if Julian & John are related, but John Trevelyan is an interesting character:
During his tenure as Secretary of the British Board of Film Censors (1958-1971), John Trevelyan (1903-1986) was responsible for the most extensive liberalisation in its history. Drawing on policies introduced by Arthur Watkins, his predecessor-but-one, in which context and artistic merit were key factors when assessing a film, Trevelyan developed them to keep the BBFC abreast of unprecedentedly rapid social changes
[E]ven when Trevelyan felt unable to pass a particular film that he otherwise admired, he would encourage its exhibition by private cinema clubs. Famously, he publicly defended the Open Space Theatre's screening of Flesh (US, 1968, d. Paul Morrissey) after a police raid, even though the BBFC was not involved. By the late 1960s, extreme violence, explicit drug use, swearing, frontal nudity and even relatively graphic sex scenes had all featured in BBFC-approved films, with Trevelyan's PR skills enabling many potentially controversial decisions to slip by practically unnoticed.


Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:59 pm
by guruilla
Spelling correction. (Still nothing on duckduck or G**gle)


And today found this, in Zilliacus: A Life for Peace and Socialism


:shock: Should I be getting worried?

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 4:45 am
by semper occultus
....ever seen this - synchro-mystic / psycho-geographical reading of the 7/7 Bombing ties back to Tavistock etc

The Heat Is Rising – 7/7 London Bombings

Let’s move on to Tavistock Square. Again the Square is a symbolic TOOL of freemasonry. Tavistock Clinic in Tavistock Square founded the now famous Tavistock Institute. Tavistock Clinic deals in mental trauma and Tavistock Institute is well known in conspiracy circles as the world centre of subliminal mind control. A friend of mine sent me this picture, further down below, showing a blood-splattered Tavistock Clinic. Coincidence is it? Or could it be negative esoteric symbolism? The “Passover” is just one example of blood being used in ritual in which door posts and lintels are daubed with sacrificial blood. Though lamb’s blood is officially used for Passover ritual and not human blood. That said, couldn’t innocent humans purposely led to the slaughter be described as lambs? Please see

A blood splattered Tavistock Clinic: Is it simply a coincidence or is it a planned ritual?

The Tavistock Institute was funded by Rockerfeller Foundation. The official site is here.
But there are many conspiracy articles on the net about it. Let me also focus on the bus for a moment. It was a number 30 bus. Both the numbers 3 and 30 are important numbers in Freemasonry. I would like to point out the address of the Tavistock institute to you It is 30 Tabernacle Street. Yes folks the cheeky buggers even use Tabernacle Street along, coincidently, with the number 30. Obviously Tabernacles have great spiritual meanings for ritual.


Anyway I am being directed off the path so let’s get back on it (you see, their scam does work!). Let’s look at the hometown of the alleged bombers, BEESTON. Beeston is a slum area near Leeds United football ground. Bees are strongly connected to Freemasonry etc. ( ...hint : Leeds is in Yorkshire for those unfamiliar with Britain.. ! )

Mind you, Leeds itself has its own symbolism – that of the owl. Obviously the owl has many occult connections. I mention Lilith but maybe Bohemian Grove is the most famous. Isn’t it? I remember hearing of the crowds that formed in places around the country to pay respects to those slaughtered by the London Bombings. Most organised by the authorities. In Leeds people attended a ceremony at their Millennium Square.

I point out that Leeds Millennium Square has obelisks and on top of these obelisks are owls. Here is a short explanation from the Yorkshire post.


Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:30 am
by lucky
Apropos of aristocracy and elite families, I attended the most expensive public school in the UK and its prep school. We were not a fabulously wealthy family and were not aristocrats but when I look back and when i left school in the early 80's and lived in chelsea mixing almost exclusively with ex - public school folk there was a definite feel of either being in 'the club' or not. These elite families are all about keeping their bloodlines pure, this is not a blanket statement and is not always adhered to but you only have to go back to Victorias time and see how many of her children/grandchildren were royalty in many countries in europe in the 19th/20th century and work back through the Baronets, dukes etc to see that there is an elite 'family club' with old money that amounts to many trillions - having money and being in a position of power and influence means that you can do what you please, this is an unfortunate situation but none the less obvious , with a few unfortunate souls thrown in the fire - like johnny Bristol (an aquaintance many years ago)

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:04 am
by semper occultus
...hey ...sounds like you need to get going on your own thread up to the avatar..!

..always a bit of a jolt when your presnal expereince intersects with RI stuff - I realised I knew someone abused at Elm House & one of my relatives went to Mount House in Tavistock then on to a famous school that its a feeder for ( they're socially ambitious types )

as comprehensive school scum I aspire to nothing beyond the most utterly mundane, banal & obscure anonymity .....

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:07 am
by Sounder
:shock: Should I be getting worried?

No, no, not at all.

It seems nigh time for the cosmological urge to have its day in the sun.

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:15 pm
by guruilla
Sounder » Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:07 am wrote: It seems nigh time for the cosmological urge to have its day in the sun.

Can you clarify this statement for me?

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:12 pm
by Sounder
The drive to understand our condition is a primary urge, in my opinion.

That is to be supported and worry probably does not help these things.

Aside from that usually the 'mob' types mess more with folk they think broke their contract.

(If you gave away your family money, you may be free of that 'contract')

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:45 pm
by guruilla
Sounder » Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:12 pm wrote:The drive to understand our condition is a primary urge, in my opinion.

That is to be supported and worry probably does not help these things.

Sure. I was/am worried that the desire to throw these discoveries into the public realm as soon as I make them might be neurotic, and therefore unwise.

Aside from that usually the 'mob' types mess more with folk they think broke their contract.

(If you gave away your family money, you may be free of that 'contract')

There are different kinds of contracts, and since we're talking about the "blood" kind, many levels. But you're right I did send out a very clear message.

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:05 pm
by guruilla
Partial Lists of Groups and their members

Order of Chaeronea

George Cecil Ives
Oscar Wilde
Lord Alfred Douglas "Bosie"
Charles Kains Jackson
Samuel Elsworth Cottam
Montague Summers
John Gambril Nicholson

British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology

George Cecil Ives
Edward Carpenter
Montague Summers
Stella Browne
Laurence Housman
Havelock Ellis
Bernard Shaw
Ernest Jones

Fellowship of the New Life

Dr. Burns-Gibson
Edith Lees (Mrs. Ellis)
Edward Carpenter
Edward R. Pease.
Frank Podmore
Frederick Keddell
Havelock Ellis
Henry Stephens Salt
J. Hunter Watts
John Davidson
Olive Schreiner
Percival Chubb
Ramsay MacDonald

Fabian Society

A.D. Lindsay
Annie Besant
Anthony Crosland
Ben Pimlott
Bertrand Russell
Charles Marson
Clement Attlee
Ed Balls
Edith Nesbit
Emmeline Pankhurst
George Bernard Shaw
Gordon Brown
Gordon Marsden
Graham Wallas
H. G. Wells
Harold Wilson
Hubert Bland
Leonard Woolf
Oliver Lodge
Ramsay MacDonald
Richard Crossman
Shirley Williams
Sidney & Beatrice Webb
Sydney Olivier
Tony Benn
Tony Blair
Virginia Woolf

New Age Magazine

Arnold Bennett
Cecil Chesterton
G. K. Chesterton
Aleister Crowley
T.S. Eliot
Havelock Ellis
Florence Farr
Beatrice Hastings
T. E. Hulme
D.H. Lawrence
Katherine Mansfield
Edwin Muir
Alfred Orage
Ezra Pound
H. G. Wells
George Bernard Shaw
Walter Sickert
William Butler Yeats


Sidney Mttron Hirsch
John Crowe Ransom
Allen Tate
Merrill Moore
Donald Davidson
William Ridley Wills
Robert Penn Warren
Donald Davidson
John Gould Fletcher
Henry Blue Kline
Lyle H. Lanier
Andrew Nelson Lytle
Herman Clarence Nixon
Frank Lawrence Owsley
Allen Tate
John Donald Wade
Robert Penn Warren
William Yandell Elliott
Stark Young
William Empson
Cleanth Brooks

Bloomsbury Group

Clive Bell
Vanessa Bell
E.M. Forster
Roger Fry
Duncan Grant
John Maynard Keynes
Desmond MacCarthy
Lytton Strachey
Leonard Woolf
Virginia Woolf
Adrian and Karin Stephen
Saxon Sydney-Turner
Molly MacCarthy
Julian Bell
Quentin Bell
Angelica Bell
David Garnett

Common Wealth (1942-93): Merger of 1941 Committee & Forward March

Sir Richard Acland
David Astor
Thomas Balogh
Vernon Bartlett
Violet Bonham Carter
Tom Driberg
Michael Foot
Raymond Gauntlett, Secretary
Victor Gollancz
Eva Hubback
Edward Hulton
Julian Huxley
Margaret Storm Jameson
Douglas Jay
David Low
Kingsley Martin
Christopher Mayhew
J. B. Priestley, chairman
Ritchie Calder
Peter Thorneycroft
Richard Titmuss
H. G. Wells
Tom Wintringham
Konni Zilliacusnd

Congress for Cultural Freedom & Encounter magazine

Stephen Spender
Irving Kristol
Melvin J. Lasky
W.H. Auden
Christopher Isherwood
C. Day Lewis
Robert Graves
Kingsley Amis
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Ted Hughes
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
Franz Borkenau
Karl Jaspers
John Dewey
Ignazio Silone
James Burnham
Hugh Trevor-Roper
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
Bertrand Russell
Ernst Reuter
Raymond Aron
Alfred Ayer
Benedetto Croce
Jacques Maritain
Arthur Koestler
James T. Farrell
Richard Löwenthal
Robert Montgomery
Tennessee Williams
Sidney Hook

Left Book Club

Stafford Cripps
Victor Gollancz
Harold Laski
John Strachey
G. D. H. Cole
André Malraux
Katharine Burdekin
Clement Attlee
George Orwell
Arthur Koestler
Clifford Odets
Edgar Snow
Ellen Wilkinson
R. H. Tawney
Léon Blum
J. B. S. Haldane
Stephen Spender
Sidney and Beatrice Webb
J. R. Campbell
Hewlett Johnson
C. L. R. James
Michael Foot
Tom Wintringham
Lord Addison
Philip Noel-Baker
Maurice Edelman
Elywyn Jones
JPW Mallalieu
Stephen Swingler
Konni Zilliacus


Kingsley Martin
Bertrand Russell
Ritchie Calder
James Cameron
Canon John Collins
Howard Davies
Michael Foot
Arthur Goss
Alec Horsley
J. B. Priestley
Joseph Rotblat.

John Arlott
Peggy Ashcroft
Bishop of Birmingham
Dr J. L. Wilson
Benjamin Britten
Viscount Chaplin
Michael de la Bédoyère
Bob Edwards, MP
Dame Edith Evans
Gerald Gardiner, QC
Victor Gollancz
Dr I.Grunfeld
Barbara Hepworth
Patrick Heron
Rev. Trevor Huddleston
Sir Julian Huxley
Edward Hyams
Bishop of Llandaff
Dr Glyn Simon
Doris Lessing
Sir Compton Mackenzie
Rev George McLeod
Miles Malleson
Denis Matthews
Sir Francis Meynell
Henry Moore
John Napper
Ben Nicholson
Sir Herbert Read
Flora Robson
Michael Tippett
C. H. Waddington
Barbara Wootton

Albany Trust

J.B. Priestley
T A.E. Dyson
Jacquetta Hawkes
Kenneth Walker
Andrew Hallidie Smith
Ambrose Appelbe
Antony Grey

The Colony Room

Michael Andrews (artist)
Frank Auerbach
Francis Bacon (artist)
Tom Baker
Tallulah Bankhead
Timothy Behrens
Jeffrey Bernard
Isabella Blow
Patrick Caulfield
Robert Colquhoun
William 'Bill' Corbett
Keith Coventry
John Deakin
Tom Driberg
Tracey Emin
Daniel Farson
Barry Flanagan
E. M. Forster
Lucian Freud
Christian Furr
Anthony Haden-Guest
Nina Hamnett
Damien Hirst
Christopher Hitchens
Sebastian Horsley
Trevor Howard
Christopher Isherwood
Alex James (musician)
Christine Keeler
Mary Kenny
R. B. Kitaj
Kray Twins
Ben Langlands
Charles Laughton
Sarah Lucas
Robert MacBryde
Lady Rose McLaren
Louis MacNeice
John Maybury
George Melly
John Minton (artist)
Henrietta Moraes
Tim Noble and Sue Webster
Frank Norman
David Remfry
Will Self
Lisa Stansfield
Patrick Swift
Dylan Thomas

Braziers Park

Valentine Fleming (father of Ian Fleming)
Sir Ernest Moon
Norman Glaister
Robert Glynn Faithfull
Baroness Eva Erisso
Marianne Faithfull
Mick Jagger

Oxford Alumni, 1920s

William Yandell Elliott (b. 1896)
Wilfred Bion (b. 1898)
Lord Boothby (b. 1900)
John Stachey, Jr. (b. 1901)
Alec Horsley (b. 1902)
C. Day Lewis (b. 1904)
Tom Driberg (b. 1905)
Baron Oliver Franks (b. 1905)
Sir Roger Henry Hollis (b. 1905)
Sir Richard Acland (b. 1906)
Sir Edward Hulton (b. 1906)
W.H. Auden (b. 1907)
Stephen Spender (b. 1909)

The Pheasantry

Eric Clapton
Germaine Greer
Anthony Haden-Guest
David Litvinoff
Philippe Mora
Martin Sharp
Whitley Strieber
Tim Whidborne
Robert Whitaker

London School of Economics (Founded in 1895 by Fabian Society )
Founding members & professors:

(Some depicted in the Fabian Window)
Alfred Milner
Amartya Sen
Annie Besant
Bertrand Russell
Carlyon Bellairs
Christopher A. Pissarides
E. M. Forster
Edith Nesbit
Edward Carpenter
Edward R. Pease
Emmeline Pankhurst
Frank Podmore
Friedrich von Hayek
G. D. H. Cole
George Akerlof
George Bernard Shaw
Graham Wallas
H. G. Wells
H. M. Hyndman
Havelock Ellis
Henry Campbell-Bannerman
Henry Hutchinson
Henry Newbolt
Henry Stephens Salt
Hubert Bland
James Louis Garvin
James Meade
John Davidson
Keir Hardie
Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf
Leonid Hurwicz
Leopold Maxse, editor, National Review
Leopold Stennett Amery
Lytton Strachey
Merton Miller
Oliver Lodge
Paul Krugman
R. H. Tawney
Ramsay MacDonald
Richard Burdon Haldane
Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham
Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
Sir Clinton Edward Dawkins
Sir Edward Grey
Sir John Hicks
Sydney Olivier
William Clark
William de Mattos

Harold Laski
E.E. Evans-Pritchard
David Graeber
Ashley Montagu
Richard Titmuss
Nicholas Humphrey
Graham Wallas
Edwina Currie
Hugh Dalton
Ramsay MacDonald
John F. Kennedy
Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
David Rockefeller
Robert Shapiro
Whitley Strieber
Mick Jagger
Huw Wheldon
Naomi Klein
Bernard Levin
Zecharia Sitchin
Andrew Bond, fictional father of James Bond, 007

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:00 pm
by guruilla
Related post/thread, on P.I.E & Albany Trust, here.

Michael Hanson: First chairman (set up P.I.E. as a special interest group within the Scottish Minorities Group with Ian Dunn)

Ian Campbell Dunn: In 1974, Dunn co -founded the Paedophile Information Exchange ( PIE) with Michael Hanson. It became the leading contact group for adults campaigning for the right to have sex with children. In an interview in 1997, Dunn admitted he and Hanson had agreed to facilitate research into sex with children. ... ove/p-i-e/

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:13 pm
by guruilla
From the Savile thread: ... 65#p539974

semper occultus » Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:35 pm wrote:
Alan Doggett was a close friend of both Tim Rice and his songwriting partner Andrew Lloyd Webber.

They chose the former teacher to conduct a recording of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at EMI’s Abbey Road studio, and also collaborated with him on several high‑profile projects. One of the letters written in the Towers Arms was for Tim Rice.

The allegations, at least against Alan Doggett, are reinforced by several biographies of Andrew Lloyd Webber.
One referred to Doggett having been ‘let go at Colet Court because he had sexually molested one of the choirboys’. Another used a similar phrase, saying Doggett ‘had been let go, with rumours of homosexual predilections swirling about him’.
Doggett’s association with Lord Lloyd-Webber began when he previously taught his brother, the cellist Julian Lloyd Webber, at another London school. Later, he invited Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice to compose a pop cantata for an end of term concert at Colet Court. They came up with a 20-minute piece called Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.
A musical publisher attended the performance, liked what he heard and Joseph was extended, recorded, and finally staged commercially.
Not long after that first performance at Colet Court, Alan Doggett left the school.

Rice would later speak at Doggett’s funeral. In his own 1999 autobiography, he wrote: ‘I cannot believe that Alan was truly a danger, or even a minor menace, to the many boys he worked with over the years. It has been known for young boys  . . .  to manufacture or exaggerate incidents when they know and disapprove of a teacher’s inclinations.’

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat was a truly formative show in my childhood; I remember being taken on a surprise trip around my eleventh birthday, not knowing where I was being taken, and ending up at my second or third viewing of the play (with Jess Conrad - OBE, uh-oh!).


I came on Andrew Lloyd Webber's name a couple of days ago when I was following up a seemingly tenuous lead, as follows:

Looking in the index of a Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley by Richard Kaczynski I found the name of my grandfather's pal Jacob Bronowski. Apparently he was one of the more famous visitors at Hastings guest house during the period AC spent his final months there:


Another name in the text caught my eye, that of Julian Bream, because I went to (Cecil Reddie's "progressive") Abbotsholme school with his son, Benjamin Bream. Ben Bream was my sister's first boyfriend (sort of, he had a girlfriend already so she was his "mistress" I guess, at age 12!), and also a friend of my brother's. He became a heroine addict in later life and ended up in Brixton prison for manslaughter for several years. (My sister met her husband through BB; he, the husband, died of a heroin overdose after they split up - just like my brother.)

On his 11th birthday, Bream was given a guitar by his father. He became something of a child prodigy, at 12 winning a junior exhibition award for his piano playing, enabling him to study piano and cello at the Royal College of Music. He made his debut guitar recital at Cheltenham in 1947, aged 13. . . .

Bream was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1964 for services to music, and in the Queen's Birthday Honours List of 1985 he was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. He has received Honorary Doctorates from the Universities of Surrey (1968), and Leeds (1984).

I got to wondering if Julian Bream, child prodigy who couldn't have been more than 13 at the time, had been at Hastings as part of another sort of "entertainment"? A bit of searching (JB + JS, you know how it goes) and I found a mention of JB at a blog post about Elms Guest House, referring to the Barnes neighborhood where Elms is located:

Long favoured by BBC types for its proximity to Wood Lane, and also by thesps and the judiciary, past residents include Dr John Dee, ‘queen’s conjuror’ to Elizabeth1 who had one of the greatest libraries in Europe, Gustav Holst, Julian Bream, Honor Blackman and a host of writers, poets, musicians and entertainment personalities . .. ... ent-165952

I did a search for JB + pedophilia and I found a link to a BBC masterclass, about ‘Nocturnal after John Dowland', which Benjamin Britten wrote especially for JB. The pedophile connection is that Britten wrote an opera (his last) called Death in Venice based on Thomas Mann's novella of the same name, about a writer who becomes obsessed with an adolescent boy. I can't find a direct link between DIV and Julian Bream, but since the two were obviously very close (or should I say "close"?), it's possible, probable even, that JB named his son after Britten.

And let's not forget Britten was W.H. Auden's lover in the 1930s. Wiki has it: 'Auden was, as David Matthews puts it, "cheerfully and guiltlessly promiscuous"; Britten, puritanical and conventional by nature, was sexually repressed.'

Before that, in 1930, Britten won a composition scholarship at, you guessed it, the Royal College of Music (RCM) in London.

That got me wondering if RCM was another wing of the Fabian Sheepskin-for-Wolves Training Program, alongside LSE. On a list of their alumnis I noticed the name of Andrew Lloyd Webber (as well as Julian Lloyd Webber, William Lloyd Webber, and John Williams).

So that brings me full circle. And in case there's any room for doubt that Joseph & His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was (somehow) part of the Fabian child-sexualization agenda, while checking my facts, I just saw a familiar name on the VIP guest list for Elm Guest House, right after "Cliff Richard":

Jess Conrad, aged ex Pop Star.

Re: Occult Yorkshire: Family Secrets & Fabian Schools

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:31 pm
by guruilla
Reading my brother's memoirs, found a few additional names.

[My grandfather's] house set the scene for the first business meeting between [corporate raiders] Gordon White and James Hanson. . . . Left-wing show business figures like Susanah York, Sybil Thorndike and Paul Robeson rubbed shoulders with political figures like Michael Foot and Bruce Kent. . . Philip Larkin came to High Hall . . .

Thorndike was a film & theater actress who played Lady Macbeth in a 1922 movie and acted with Marilyn Monroe & Laurence Olivier in Prince & Showgirl. G.B. Shaw wrote Saint Joan for her. Her husband was Lewis Casson, who had a big success acting in J.B. Priestley's Linden Tree.

The memoir also mentions that my grandfather visited Myra Hindley in prison, which suggests he may have corresponded with Lord Longford. And that "When the Great Train Robbers were in Hull he went to see them regularly." (see: Bruce Reynolds & Ronnie Biggs were part of the London underworld in the 1960s)

In a search for Thorndike + Fabian I also found this:

Nazi's black list discovered in Berlin: Booklet of over 2,300 names

Friday 14 September 1945

Berlin, September 13.
Himmler's Gestapo prepared for the invasion of England in 1940 by compiling a list of more than 2,300 persons ranging from Mr. Winston Churchill to Jewish refugees whose arrest was to be "automatic" after the Wehrmacht's victory. The list is contained in a booklet found in the Berlin headquarters of the Reich Security Police. ... 30,00.html

Some names on the blacklist:

Paul Robeson

Dame Sybil Thorndike

Richard Acland, "anti-Fascist Liberal M.P."

Aldous Huxley & Julian Huxley

Lady Astor, "enemy of Germany,"

Robert Vansittart, "leadership of British Intelligence Service"

Lord Baden-Powell (scouts founder)

Harold Laski (Fabian)

Mrs. Beatrice Webb (Fabian)


It named key administrators in the universities of Bristol, London, and Oxford, 171 firms ranging from banks to the Western Union Telegraph Company; Masonic lodges, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and 389 societies including the Fabian Society, the Rotary International, the P.E.N. Club, the Oddfellows Society, the Society of Frends, the Y.M.C.A., the Church of England Committee for Non-Aryan Christians, the Society of Friends of the Soviet Union, the Maccabi World Union, and trade unions.

Somewhat curious as to why the Quakers ended up on this list...