Ryan Dawson

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Ryan Dawson

Postby Nordic » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:57 pm

I had never heard of Ryan Dawson until today when I noticed he had done an "Ask me Anything" at Reddit.

https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/com ... on_ask_me/

He's made some films that have gotten a lot of hits, none of which I've seen and is working on a new one that covers among other things 9/11. He is planning one about JFK and RFK.

He seems really smart and extremely well informed.

Thought I'd bring him up here and see what people think of him and his work.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby Joao » Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:23 am

I'm only familiar with him through his podcast, which I've listened to for maybe a year or so when the topic seems interesting. He's had some good guests, particularly Douglas Valentine and Joaquin Flores. Dawson himself has always seemed rather pedestrian, even if he does have a clue.

I've started questioning whether he's worth my time, however, after the recent "WWII Myths Debunked" episode. It was so terrible it made me angry: So much assertion paraded as unassailable* fact. And it's never a good sign when conspiracists start handwaving about why Hitler got a bad rap. Maybe it was one bad show, but I'm writing him off at the next whiff of a right-wing agenda (looking at you, James Corbett).

I'm aware that he makes videos but he hasn't distinguished himself enough for me to want to take the time.

*Edit: I'd originally written "inscrutable" instead of "unassailable." I always thought the former meant "beyond scrutiny" but whaddya know, I was mistaken.
Last edited by Joao on Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby coffin_dodger » Thu Aug 06, 2015 7:31 am

Oh, come now, Nordic - you know better than to post the thoughts of a crazy talker here.

RI is as much a part of our cultural cognitive dissonance as everything else, after all is said and done.

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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby divideandconquer » Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:50 am

James Corbett is part of the right-winged agenda?? He very well could be an agent of the opposition (and probably is), but I don't get a right-winged vibe. But I don't really care who he is or what he believes because I'm not looking for a guru. Corbett has revealed some very interesting information that I can research for myself.

Don't you think we should be suspicious of every so-called "truth-seeker" because you have no idea who they really are or what their agenda really is, but that doesn't mean you can't glean some truth or new insight and/or perspective on an issue.

As far as Hitler--to be sure a very evil puppet--goes, he did take the full rap for the very evil ruling class Nazis who escaped blame with their reputations fully in tact. By using Hitler as their scapegoat, Hitler's puppeteers were able to continue their Nazi agenda, covertly, to this very day. Germany may not have won that war, but the Nazis surely did.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby brainpanhandler » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:15 pm

divideandconquer » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:50 am wrote: Don't you think we should be suspicious of every so-called "truth-seeker" because you have no idea who they really are or what their agenda really is, but that doesn't mean you can't glean some truth or new insight and/or perspective on an issue.

I know, right? Even Mein Kampf has it's virtues. I mean Hitler was a "truth seeker" (therefore caveat lector) and an evil puppet to be sure, but the National Socialists had some good ideas and even if the final solution was abhorrent, we all know the jews run the world.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby coffin_dodger » Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:28 pm

Trite little stonewall you've erected there - as ever, bph.

You are impatient with, and become irritated by, any discussion that you absolutely already know all the answers to. It's so simple, why can't these fucking idiots get it into their head that there's nothing to see here, eh?

It must be exasperating for you to see this line of thought popping up again and again. So exasperating that it never occurs to you to ask why it does so.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby Joao » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:37 pm

Corbett totally pushes a "libertarian" agenda, which yes is thoroughly right-wing (not to mention simple--at least the Nazis had a less vacuous economic doctrine).

I listened to Corbett for years and learned from his shows, but have reached a point where I'm hostile to Randianism and don't want it infecting my thoughts anymore (which is tough, since it's everywhere.)

Regarding WWII Germany, I'm interested in deconstructing Allied propaganda but have rarely seen it done well. It all too often turns out to be cheap Nazi-sympathizing in disguise. I have seen a couple Soviet films which present Fascism from a less cartoonish perspective than what we typically get in the US, anyway. (Those films are propagandized too, of course, but they're sufficiently foreign and dated that the agenda becomes obvious.) I'm also currently halfway through Marcel Ophuls' 4 hour documentary The Memory of Justice, which is quite interesting.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby km artlu » Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:33 pm

"Regarding WWII Germany, I'm interested in deconstructing Allied propaganda but have rarely seen it done well."

Oliver Stone's Untold History does a commendable job of contrasting the impacts and costs of Soviet efforts in WWII, versus those of the United States. The damage done to the Russian people is staggering.

As for Corbett, I mostly lost interest on realizing how academic and disconnected from reality is his anarchist theorizing.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby RocketMan » Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:50 am

Re: Corbett, he has actually improved somewhat, the early Corbett Report shows cribbed heavily from Alex Jones/Infowars. At least he does some interesting interviews and competent alt history summaries. But, as has been said, his political agenda is clearly paleo conservative/Randian.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby brainpanhandler » Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:58 am

coffin_dodger » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:28 pm wrote:Trite little stonewall you've erected there - as ever, bph.

You are impatient with, and become irritated by, any discussion that you absolutely already know all the answers to. It's so simple, why can't these fucking idiots get it into their head that there's nothing to see here, eh?

It must be exasperating for you to see this line of thought popping up again and again. So exasperating that it never occurs to you to ask why it does so.

Actually, I've read Mein Kampf and I've studied the National Socialist's agenda and party platform as they rose to power. And I recommend that others do the same. I also believe it's a good idea to deconstruct the wartime propaganda of the allies during WWII.

What irritates me is that people recommend thoroughly debauched and degenerate sources of information with the caveat that you have to pick through the bs, exaggerations and outright lies for the nuggets of truth. I could go to the city dump today and dig around in the mountain of muck and possibly find something useful, but why would I?

That's the only 'line of thought' I find mildly irritating. Go dig in the dump if you feel like it. Just don't be surprised if some of the stench and dirt clings to you.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:09 am

"What are you guys? Some kind of elitists?"

Yeah. We are. Life is finite. This is one of those holding patterns where you're eventually going to realize you're pointing out the color of the sky.

Until then, we have a lot of emoticons at your disposal. Enjoy!

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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:25 am

I'm not sure how anyone could say Hitler got a bad rap.

At least not compared to Saddam Hussein and Dick Cheney.

On the other hand, all things are relative. Hitler definitely got a bad rap compared to Chris Columbus.

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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby divideandconquer » Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:05 am

It's not that Hitler got a bad rap, something he truly deserved, it's the fact that so many who deserved a bad rap as much, if not more, escaped with their reputation fully in tact.

If a lion is unleashed on the public, who do we blame? The lion? Or the ones who starved that lion, and then released him?
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby RocketMan » Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:45 pm

I hadn't heard a single mention of this Ryan Dawson guy before Nordic started the thread, but now he's popping up in my YouTube feed...

DiEugenio is always worth a listen, anyhow.
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Re: Ryan Dawson

Postby elfismiles » Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:41 am

Y'all never heard of Ry Dawson?!?

He's been around for a while... my friends Scott Horton and Robert Larson have interviewed with him a couple of times over the years:

Out The Rabbit Hole: Robert Larson Interviews Ryan Dawson - 12/29/2006

Ryan Dawson | The Scott Horton Show

Ryan Dawson of Anti-Neocons.com discusses the tragic 9/11 kook movement and their wasted efforts, how the neocons morphed 9/11 lies into their Iraq invasion lies, the Israelis’ prior knowledge of the attacks, U.S. policy toward Russia since the end of the Soviet Union, the rape of Russian industry by the oligarchs in the 1990s, the death of Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian spy, in London and the continuation of the War Party by both presidential candidates.


Ryan Dawson « Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton - Antiwar.com

Ryan Dawson, keeper of the Website Anti-Neocons, discusses his website’s designation of February 26 as “Hate Richard Perle Day,” Perle’s leading role in inventing a Saddam Hussein/al Qaeda link and lying the American people into the Iraq War and how professional war agitators like Perle profit from the revolving door between government and defense contractor employment.


Scott Horton on with Ryan Dawson on the WRH Show

Published on Jul 19, 2012
http://www.scotthortonshow.com Scott jumps in at about 3:07
Thank you Mike Rivero for allowing me to hold the fort

... but Scott and Ry had a falling out ...

Ry Dawson
July 3, 2013 ·
Scott Horton has shut me out because of my views on WWII. Apparently it is 6 million or nothing and your'e a "truther" if you think or say otherwise. I wrote him a letter about it like an adult. But he continued to not talk to me anymore like a kid. Just thought I would let everyone know the truth. Hey they lie about every war except for WWII cause you know questioning that one would make you crazy.
Feel free to let him know what you think. For the record I do not 'deney' a holocaust. I revised the methods and numbers of deaths based on the available evidence and I point out that the allies also starved millions of people too. Sorry that I dont have a GI Joe attitude of good guys vs bad guys in WWII but I'm not 5 years old so I see it how I see it with plenty of wickedness to go around. And it doesn't make me a Nazi to point out crimes of the UK, US, France and Russia while also acknowledging the crimes of Germany Italy and Japan. This is why this subject is so taboo. Anyone is radio or in need of money is not going to touch it with a 1000 foot pole because they will lose all their sponsors. Thats because the accusation of racism is all it takes to bring down anyone in the press.
thats a video of my letter.

https://www.facebook.com/antizionist/po ... 5526985662
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