The Little Führer

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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Sun Feb 12, 2017 7:13 pm ... far-right/


“We have a wonderful opportunity here folks, that may never come again, at the right time. Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have shown that our views are not so unpopular as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are.”

This isn’t all that uncommon a thing to hear right now. These same sort of statements are heard at Trump rallies, by him and his supporters on the news, and all over social media. What should make each and every person saying things like this uncomfortable is the source of this quote.

That quote is from Rocky Suhayda, Chairman of the American Nazi Party. Even more frightening: he isn’t the only white supremacist or neo-nazi saying these things. There are a whole load of genuine human garbage that see the Trump campaign as a source of inspiration and opportunity for spreading a message of race war, white superiority, and outright fascism.

There are two real threats here. First, that these organizations are growing their membership and base of support. You heard that right, Nazis in the US are a growing force. Second, that many of the ideas and policies that they encourage are finding their ways into the mainstream without all the swastikas and less-than-popular images of outright racism.

Honestly, these are both the same problem – the growth of extremist right wing organizations and the spread of white supremacist, authoritarian, and militaristic ideology to an ever-growing segment of the US population. This problem can be seriously dangerous at this moment, and shouldn’t just be dismissed just because the morons of the National Socialist Movement seem like, well, morons. Like syphilis, the white right can be eradicated early, but will drive you insane if left untreated.

Why does this growth of support for these fringe characters deserve attention and opposition? Because the current moment in US and world politics presents them with an unsettling degree of political opportunity.

Rising wealth inequality is making a huge body of people in the United States and across the globe fear for their future and the futures of their families and loved ones. At the same time, the US is going through some major demographic changes, with expanding non-white populations. Global economic dominance by the US is also on the decline. Post-civil rights movement, we’ve also seen some successes for some Black people in business, media, politics, etc.

In some of the more isolated and reactionary elements of the white population this has led to two major phenomena: resentment at their perceived decline in status and fear for their collective future in power. Of course, the absurdity here is that the basic structures of institutionalized racism have barely been touched and remain largely in place. You can see this in the lauded “14 words” of the white nationalist movement: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

This story of the victimized white race, and by extension the victimized United States that needs to be made “great” again is really just people afraid of losing the benefits, status, and power associated with generations of white supremacy. To many of the people that most believe this narrative, it justifies all manner of horrors: extreme authoritarianism, inhumane border controls, denying citizenship to immigrants, turning the instruments of “law and order” (police and military) into mythical creatures capable of no wrong, and imperialism to prevent the rise of other world powers. Sound familiar?

So how do these ideas go mainstream? It’s really not that hard in a nation with such a brutally racist history. Put out proposals that at their very core are based on racist perceptions of the world, but avoid the out-in-the-open racist jargon.

It’s not that Trump hates Mexicans, it’s just that he thinks we should build a wall between us and them to “protect our jobs.” It’s not that he hates people from the Middle East, but he thinks we should impose a temporary ban on Muslims “for our safety.” It’s not that he thinks Black people are criminals, just that we should take the racial profiling of Stop-and-Frisk nationwide for “law and order.” Nevermind that it’s rich whites who are actually hurting white workers. Nevermind that fear of terrorist refugees lacks any basis in reality. Nevermind that Stop-and-Frisk led to increased abuse and criminalization of Black youth in New York City and was declared unconstitutional.

All of this is based on years of propaganda put out by folks now calling themselves the Alt-Right to make these ideas seem less controversial. They’ve pushed for the development of campus White Student Unions and White Studies programs that actively work to discredit the very notion that institutional racism in the United States even exists despite its many measurable outcomes.

One of the gateway ideas in these circles has been the opposition to “politically correct culture”. In an effort to look cool to a younger audience, they flaunt their refusal to abide by new cultural standards of decency and respect that expect people to avoid sounding racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. These ass-hats aim to look cool in their edgy almost-racism and their bullshit assertions of masculinity. The millions they must have poured into PR-firms trying to figure out how to make being a conservative, entitled, young jackass look cool could probably end world hunger.

This trend isn’t only happening in the United States. In Europe, the far-right is growing as the absurdity of white fear and fragility spreads. The National Front in France, Golden Dawn in Greece, the Alternative for Germany, the UK Independence Party and more have been having electoral successes as their support grows.

In almost all of the cases in Europe, you see some of the same questions being asked. Is this party racist? Are they fascists? The questions are asked with some hesitation, in part because they’ve mostly made the same switch that Trump has made in the United States – they’ve brought out all the racist policy and dropped the most vicious and obvious racist propaganda.

What does the head of the National Socialist Movement in the US say about Trump, then? “[Trump] has ‘opened doors’ to our people… we can and should utilize the opportunity provided to recruit, educate and organize all of these White men and women.” He continues, “Look, all of these thousands of Trump supporters would never attend some silly “movement” event, much less join these costumed, ‘Hollywood Hate’ style operations – but, look there they are, out in public, embracing a huge chunk of our agenda, happy and proud to be counted right on the TV screen.”

So is Trump himself a white supremacist, raging-racist who can barely contain his heil-hitlers while on stage? Probably. But who fucking cares? Even if he doesn’t believe a word of what he says, he’s playing with racist-fire on top of a mountain of inequality-kindling soaked in the gasoline of generations of racism and hatred in the US. In the aftermath of Trump’s caught-on-tape Ode to Sexual Assault, it does seem increasingly unlikely that a President Trump is in our future.

Good. Then it’s really no big deal. At the end of the day the valiantly anti-racist, stalwart ally of the working class, and champion of world peace Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States. Oh wait. In fact, there’s plenty to show Clinton and the ideology of the Democratic Party have helped get us where we are today, superpredators and all. Trump and white supremacists have this opportunity because of the Democratic Party’s many failures.

From the 90’s onward, she helped support the austerity that destroyed welfare and the social safety net. She supported the privatization of prisons along with laws that led to a very profitable and clearly racist mass incarceration problem. She had a George W. Bush-like fervor for regime change from Honduras to Libya. Before and after the collapse of the world economy, she’s retained close partnerships with Goldman Sachs and other architects of the inequality and stagnating livelihoods that so many of us are now fighting against. There are real reasons why the ruling class across the political spectrum are lining up behind Clinton in this election. She is likely to quietly safeguard the interests of exploitation and world dominance, while treating us to subtler flavor of white supremacy.

So what do we do to avoid the political rise of these assholes? There are a ton of answers, but those of us in Black Rose typically put forward two major lines of thinking.

We need to actively support the movements and demands of communities of color combating white supremacy and its on-the-ground consequences. That means standing alongside the Black Lives Matter movement, supporting the national movement of incarcerated workers going on strike against the prison system, and supporting immigrant and refugee movements. People of color and white people both need to fight in their communities to support and understand the demands of these groups.

We also need to develop a broader understanding of class and the common interest between communities of color and the white working class. When white working people don’t understand capitalism and class, it’s easy to reinforce a white supremacist position that the cause of their economic woes are immigrants and people receiving social services. But as they learn to identify the capitalist class that actually controls the economy as the cause of their problems, they’ll begin to understand the importance of standing alongside the masses of Black and Latino people being exploited and oppressed by those same forces.

At the end of the day, that’s the greatest tool we have against fascism, whether it’s out in the open or more discreet: an organized working class that stands against white supremacy and capitalism.

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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:32 pm

Alex Jones: Americans Don’t Deserve A ‘Damn Champion’ Like Donald Trump

Last week, far-right radio host Alex Jones lashed out at the Ninth Circuit Court for upholding a lower court’s decision that deemed President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and refugee resettlement to be unconstitutional.

Jones claimed that there is a grand conspiracy of governmental and financial institutions waging “economic terrorism” against the U.S. in order to hurt Trump. Strangely, Jones named Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan as among the anti-Trump actors, despite the fact that Trump has built close ties with the two Wall Street firms.

But, Jones said, Trump is such “a damn champion for the people” that he is standing up to these attacks.

“I don’t know if the American people actually deserve this,” he added. “They may just deserve David Brock and poverty and enslavement.”

This led Jones to rant about how colleges and universities deliberately turn students “mentally ill” and have “weaponized and brain damaged the people as they give them worthless degrees.”

These students, according to Jones, are pawns in the “Third World War” between the West and “Islamic jihadists and leftists and feminists saying they want women to have acid dumped on their faces and their genitals cut off screaming ‘Allah Akbar.’” ... ald-trump/
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:18 pm

Alex Jones: Obama Plotting A Bolshevik Revolution Against Trump

Furious about national security adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation, Alex Jones posted a video commentary this morning warning about the threats President Trump is facing from what Jones described as a demonic conspiracy out to destroy him.

While railing against a Foreign Policy article (which he misattributed to Foreign Affairs) about the Russian government’s view of Trump, Jones said that there is a plot to sabotage both Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin over their efforts to stop globalism.

Among the plotters, according to Jones, is Barack Obama, whom he accused of living in a “bunker” in Washington, D.C., where Jones believes he is personally directing and “recruiting with [George] Soros an army for a Bolshevik-style revolution.” ... nst-trump/
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:19 pm

My Family Tradition: Punching Nazis

When I was a kid growing up, I used to love my grandfather Milton’s stories. “Pop-Pop” as we called him, was in WWII and as a ten year old, of course, war stories were my favorite stories. Only children get to ask veteran’s about war stories. He was reluctant, but he would occasionally tell me some war stories, especially if they had a good moral. I can almost hear is old raspy voice saying, “It was night somewhere in the South Pacific. Our platoon was hiding in the dark for hours. The officers told everyone not to make a sound. We had one guy in our platoon that was a wise guy and talked a lot. So this guy got bored and started talking to his friend. Then ‘CRACK,'” my grandfather would say, (really loud to for the startling effect), “He was shot dead. SO keep your mouth shut.”

More often he would tell me stories about growing up in Newark, NJ. There were a lot of interesting ones, and Newark, even back then, had its fair share of battlefields. Once he told me a similar-themed story about smuggling booze for Longie Zwillman. “They had a chain of men passing cases of booze down a dock off a ship from the Jersey shore. It was dark and you couldn’t see nothing but the hands passing you the booze, and the hands you were passing too. Well some guy was a wise guy and started talking and BOOM, and then you hear a splash. Never heard from again, SO keep your mouth shut.” I remember being suspicious that the stories weren’t true and my parents were more than happy to cast a shadow of doubt.

I definitely had a favorite story. I made him tell it to me often. It was when Milton and his friends beat up what he sometimes called “Bunds” or the “Brownshirts,” but usually just called “Nazis.”

“Before the war there were these Americans that loved Hitler. They were called Bunds and they wore Brownshirts. They would have meetings around town and they had camps around here (where we lived in Western New Jersey) where they would go and they would always talk bad about Jews and call us Kikes. They wanted to create a “New Germany” in America. Well, I was friends with this guy Nat, he was a big boxer at the time and connected to Longie Zwillman, and he had a group called “The Minutemen” to fight Nazis.”

“One day we got the call that they were having a big meeting and that they were going to be talking bad about Jews and that we should get them. One of the guys had a plumbing truck and we went around and picked up guys and took them to their meeting. Me and a couple of other guys snuck into the meeting and we sat in the back row.”

“We had snuck these stink bombs in and we set them off. The whole hall started to stink to high heaven. Well, eventually they all had to come out and when they stepped outside “BOOM” we’d hit them on the head with pipes from the plumbing van. We had a line of guys waiting for them and just “BOOM” and “BOOM”. We kicked their tuchuses until the cops came and made us stop.”

Fast forward ten years and I am at Rutgers University. I was taking the very popular “Jerseyanna” course that was taught by two professors who were experts in New Jersey history and culture. There I was, reading my textbook for class, (Jerseyanna written by Marc Mappen), there it was in front of me. Suddenly, I am reading a very similar story to the one my Grandfather told me… in my college textbook! It is hard to explain the feeling it gave me. I was definitely proud, and also surprised. I remember going to visit my Grandfather and telling him, “I learned about you in my class at college.”

I did more research and the story is told in acute detail in the book, Nazi’s in Newark, by Warren Grover. Most of the details my grandfather told me were true, including the “stink bombs” which I found surprising. However, the book refers to it less as the righteous fight it seemed when my grandfather told it and more as a “riot,” complete with tear gas and all.

I can imagine this story happening now. I can imagine “Project Veritas” infiltrating them and accusing them of “chemical terrorism”. I can imagine talk radio talking about their “criminal gang” affiliations. I can hear the calls to “lock them up” and referring to them as “professional rabble rousers” who disobeyed the police. I can imagine the undercurrent of anti-semitism that would be just below the surface giving the story a certain type of legs.

I don’t have to imagine how I felt, as a kid, hearing this story in the 1980s. I don’t have to imagine how I felt as a college student learning that this was true in the 1990s. Then, as we do now, we have the benefit of hindsight. We know what those ideas lead up to. We know that these ideas, and the people associated with them, caused some of the worst catastrophes in modern history. What I find so interesting is that, my grandfather and his fellow “Minutemen,” didn’t know that at the time. They couldn’t have imagined the horror that Nazis and their allies caused, or that he would have to go to war to fight them with guns and bombs, instead of stink bombs and lead pipes. As I am typing this, I am aware of the irony of being in defiance of my Grandfather’s favorite moral-of-a-story to “keep my mouth shut.”

At this time in America where those willing to stand up to Nazis and Fascists in the streets are already being referred to as “terrorists,” a label which can deny them any of the protections our legal system offers citizens, there is a wisdom to keeping your mouth shut. I know many people around me are keeping their mouth shut. The best lessons however aren’t that simple. Perhaps, in this instance, it was the Nazis who should have “kept their mouth shut.” Perhaps freedom of speech also means, sometimes, having to pay for what you say.

I also have to say it has been fascinating watching the Right go from ridiculing the Left as safe-space seeking snowflakes to being scared of the violent mobs. Lastly, I am going to open my mouth one more time because there is something one last thing I have to say,

“Thank you Pop-Pop. I love you.” ... ing-nazis/
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Thu Feb 16, 2017 4:50 pm

Donald Trump’s Latest Twitter Rant Makes No Sense

Early this morning, President Trump took to Twitter to blast “FAKE NEWS media” reports about Russian ties to administration and campaign officials as made-up and reliant on imaginary sources. But at the same time, he said that the leaks concerning the Russian connections contain real information and come from government officials, vowing that the leakers—who he also said are not real—will be “caught.”

Trump, who just a few months ago told campaign rallies, “I love WikiLeaks!,” is now deriding leaks as “illegal” and accusing the media of promoting “conspiracy theories,” comparing the situation to Nazi Germany.

The irony of Trump, a pathological liar who has pushed dozens of conspiracy theories, criticizing journalists as conspiracy theorists making up fake sources (sources whom he simultaneously insists are real government officials who are leaking real information) is hard to overstate.

For example, Trump, who has said that if journalists “don’t name [their] sources, the sources don’t exist,” once claimed that an “extremely credible source” gave him information showing that President Obama was likely not born in the U.S.


With a president who trusts Alex Jones’ InfoWars, WorldNetDaily and the National Enquirer for his many conspiracy theories, it is entirely predictable to now see Trump wrongly accuse the media of doing the very thing he consistently does. ... -no-sense/
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:39 pm

I believe that nationalism is one of the greatest evils in the world. I distinguish nationalism from what Orwell calls patriotism or Rudolf Rocker calls “national feeling”. Patriotism or national feeling is a potentially benign affect, whereas nationalism is an ideology. Love of one’s homeland or one’s compatriots is common, healthy, perfectly compatible with sentiments of international solidarity, cosmopolitan justice, ethnic pride or class consciousness. It can be mobilised for good aims, such as resistance to tyranny or social solidarity within the nation.

Orwell writes that: “Both words [nationalism and patriotism] are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force on other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.”

The nation is a fairly recent invention, and the organisation of sovereignty on the basis of nations is so far but a fairly brief phase in human history. Organising sovereignty on the basis of nations is, in my view, inherently problematic, because it always excludes those who, while living within the state’s territory, are not “of” the nation – it excludes them from the right to participate fully in the affairs of the state. Historically, we know where this leads: to ethnic cleansing, to genocide.

In the late twentieth century, there were signs that the deadly allure of the nation-state-territory trinity was weakening. The cosmopolitan project of the United Nations and the building of institutions of international law, the supra-national project of the European Union, the dissemination of the American model of “civic patriotism”, the number of countries who shifted from the principle of blood (jus sanguinis) to that of birth (jus soli) in their citizenship policies – these gave some grounds for optimism.

Now, after the massacres in Sudan, Sri Lanka, Rwanda and Yugoslavia, after the renewal of communalism in the Indian subcontinent and its re-emergence in Iraq, after the flowering of infra-national conflicts in the former Soviet empire, after the Second Intifada, there is little space for hope. More than ever, I believe, we require the political imagination to relegate the deadly age of the nation-state to the past.

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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:35 pm ... itism.html

Thursday, February 16, 2017
Trump and anti-Semitism
The answer that Trump gave about anti-Semitism was not surprising. Trump has nurtured an anti-Semitic white supremacist movement among his base (I am not saying that all his base is racist or anti-Semitic as lazy Democrats would argue--there are working people who were attracted to Trump by virtue of their betrayal at the hands of the Corporate Democratic Party). But he is also too narcissistic and self-absorbed to ever feel empathy: this is a man who thinks that his treatment at the hands of the New York Times is a worse injustice than the Holocaust itself. But Israel and American Zionists are doing it again: they are covering up for an anti-Semite only because he is good to Israeli occupation (which has been the case since the days of the crude and simpleton anti-Semite, Harry Truman). Hell, American Zionists and Israel were able to forgive and cover up to this very day the rabid anti-Semitism of Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon can easily be counted among the history's worst anti-Semite, among Henry Ford and David Irving. For this reason, it is important that the fight against anti-Semitism be made a universal humanitarian cause and be wrestled away from the hands of Zionists who barter the cause of combatting anti-Semitism for money and arms for Israel.
Posted by As'ad AbuKhalil
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:56 pm

Michael Savage: Armed Militia Members Should Rally Outside Schumer’s House


On Wednesday, radio host Michael Savage dedicated his program to attacking Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Savage blamed Schumer for the resignation of Mike Flynn, President Trump’s national security adviser who stepped down this week after it became clear that he misled administration officials about his conversations with Russia’s U.S. ambassador.

According to Savage, Schumer orchestrated a plot to push Flynn out of office. He urged armed demonstrators to protest in front of the senator’s house:

Why is there nothing going on? You know there’s probably 4 million armed men in this country, 4 million armed men, ex-military, police, militias, why are they not saying anything? Where are they? Why am I sitting here like a schmuck alone taking on so much on my shoulders? Where are they? Where are these 4 million men? I want to know why they’re not outside Schumer’s house in Brooklyn. That big tough guy Schumer ripping apart a great man like Flynn, I want to know why they’re not picketing Schumer, making his life a living hell as they’re making Trump’s wife’s life a living hell, the vermin on the left. You have Black Lives Matter disrupting society? How about Military Lives Matter disrupting these Communist bastards.

Savage said that a “rat” like Schumer should be more grateful for military leaders like Flynn, for without military men like Flynn, Schumer would have died in the Holocaust: “If it wasn’t for men like Gen. Flynn, you’d be speaking German or you’d be a lampshade.”
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Mon Feb 20, 2017 8:59 am

Trump admin's Hungarian fascist connection?

Veteran journalist Jim Lobe this week called out Trump's "deputy assistant" Sebastian Gorka—who just refused to admit it may have been poor judgment not to mention the Jews in the White House statement on Holocaust Day—for appearing in multiple photographs wearing the medal of the Hungarian Order of Heroes, listed by the State Department as having collaborated with the Nazis during World War II. Breitbart now runs a video in which Gorka unapologetically says he wears the medal in honor of his father, who was awarded the decoration in 1979 for his resistance activities under the communists. He says his father escaped imprisonment in Hungary with the 1956 uprising and fled to the West, so he was presumably awarded the medal in exile, although it isn't clear where the Order was based at that time. Gorka hails his father's "pro-democratic, anti-communist" agitation, but the Order appears far more anti-communist than pro-democratic.

The Order of Heroes, or Vitezi Rend, was founded in 1920 by Miklós Horthy, Hungary's inter-war strongman who in 1940 joined the Axis and turned the country into a Nazi satellite state. Horthy has recently undergone a controversial rehabilitation, with squares renamed in his honor and statues erected. The cult of Horthy abets an open glorification of Hungary's collaborationist wartime role by growing ranks of neo-fascists in the country. This is all taking place under Hungary's increasingly fascistic Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whose xenophobic policies would warm the heart of any Trump supporter.

At the same time that statues of Horthy are going up, a statue of dissident Marxist philosopher György Lukács was just torn down by Budapest municipal authorities. Lukács was persecuted and exiled to Uzbekistan by Stalin after he fled to the USSR to escape Horthy's persecution in Hungary in the 1930s. Later, he would serve as a minister in the Hungarian government of Imre Nagy, which sought a socialism free of Moscow's orbit and was brought down in the Soviet invasion of 1956. But in the current reactionary climate in Hungary, even anti-Stalin Marxists are un-persons. The statue, raised in 1985 as communist Hungary began to loosen up, is (of course) to be replaced by one of Saint Stephen. (Hungarian Free Press)

We assume the Vitezi Rend has a happy home once again in Orbán's Hungary. But we think it may be somewhat factionalized today, as it appears to have one, two, three websites.

Hungary Today informs us that before joining Team Trump, Gorka served as an advisor to Orbán. His current hot book, Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War, is plugged by the righties at WorldNetDaily as a "bold statement." A cursory review indicates it is a cut above the typical Islamophobic "alt-right" swill, intellectually. But Raw Story accuses Gorka of resume-padding, noting that his personal website, The Gorka Briefing, which has since been taken offline, had a section dedicated to his supposed role as an "expert witness" in the trial of accused Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. However, an investigation by Fusion found that he never actually took the stand in the case. Oops.
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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:19 pm

Pending Lawsuit Seeks to Expose Trump’s Neo-Nazi Connections

US President Donald Trump Has Surrounded Himself With Advisors Who Are Sympathetic to White Supremacist Ideology

A lawsuit pending in federal court in Kentucky since this past April may shed some light on the oppressive executive orders issued recently by President Donald Trump that target refugees worldwide as well as immigrants from seven Muslim-majority nations.

The executive orders ban Syrian refugees from entering the US, temporarily suspend all refugee entries into the country and block citizens from seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the US for at least 90 days, even if they are legal US residents. The president’s orders left hundreds of people stranded in airports, many fleeing war zones or government persecution in their home countries, sparked nationwide protests and prompted federal judges in four states to issue rulings blocking part of Trump’s orders pending further court review.

ImagePleadings filed in the Kentucky case contend that it is likely Trump and his inner circle have more than a coincidental relationship with the various white supremacist groups that frequented his election campaign rallies. Recently, Narco News discovered evidence that seems to support that assertion.
If Trump or high-level members of his administration are shown to be in league with neo-Nazi groups in some way, that revelation could prove to be very explosive in the context of the White House’s current attack on immigrant rights.

Assuming the Kentucky litigation survives Trump’s continuing efforts to get it dismissed — which is far from guaranteed — the case would go to the discovery phase. At that point, the attorneys representing the victims in the case — three protestors who claim they were assaulted by neo-Nazis at a Trump campaign rally — would have subpoena power to dig into Trump and his campaign-leadership team and expose any communications or direct relationships that might exist between them and neo-Nazi groups around the country.

Since his election, Trump has nominated or appointed some half dozen people with anti-immigrant backgrounds to high-level positions in his administration. The most recent move was naming Julie Kirchner, former head of a nativist group called the Federation for American Immigration Reform, as chief of staff for US Customs and Border Protection, which plays a major role in enforcing US immigration laws.

“The appointment, reported by multiple sources, suggests that President Trump intends to follow through with his promises to anti-immigrant advocates,” a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which seeks to expose hate groups, said of Kirchner’s appointment. “Throughout his campaign, Trump worked closely with nativist leaders and has appointed individuals such as U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions [US Attorney General nominee] and Mike Pompeo [the new director of the Central Intelligence Agency] who maintain cozy relationships with America’s anti-immigrant movement.”

Other top Trump advisers with nativist histories include Stephen Miller, Sessions’ former communications director; anti-Islamist and retired US Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn; and Steve Bannon, co-founder and former chief of Breitbart News, an online propaganda site that serves as a media platform for white supremacist ideology and the Trump administration.

Bannon in particular brings a lot of neo-Nazi baggage into the White House via the propaganda organ Breitbart News, which was founded in 2007 and led until 2012 by Andrew Breitbart, who, as an indication of his affinity for white supremacist doctrine, expressed admiration for Bannon’s neo-Nazi leanings.

“As a compliment, Andrew Breitbart, the founder of Breitbart News, openly called Bannon the ‘Leni Riefenstahl of the Tea Party movement,’ the senior justice writer for the New York Daily News reveals in a recent story. “Leni Riefenstahl was a famous Nazi filmmaker and propagandist. She worked directly with Adolf Hitler. Such a ‘compliment’ blows my mind. No man who has openly received such a compliment should ever be in the Oval Office.”

No clue?
Breitbart died of an apparent heart attack in the summer of 2012, leaving Bannon to take over the leadership reins at the online news site that regularly twists headlines and story facts to comport with its white supremacist and nativist worldview. Bannon joined the Trump campaign this past summer as campaign chief and post-election became the White House chief strategist and has been taking on an increasingly powerful position in the new Trump administration evern since — most recently being given a role on Trump’s national security team.

ImageWhat is of interest in the federal lawsuit still pending in Kentucky is that Trump’s attorneys allege that Trump and his campaign staff “had no idea” that white supremacists would be at the campaign rally the day the three protestors were attacked. The event was held at a public venue in Lousiville. In fact, however, there is evidence that one of the alleged assailants, an avowed white supremacist named Matthew Heimbach, founder of the neo-Nazi Traditionalist Workers Party, has links to Breitbart News, which has been a major propaganda organ for the Trump campaign —with Breitbart News staff members even suspecting Trump was paying the site for positive coverage.

Heimbach, in his mid-20s, is very vocal about his racism and neo-Nazi ideology and is openly working to recruit new members to the cause by spreading his message of hate via the media and at events around the country. [See 2014 video here.]

Yet, Trump’s attorneys in the Kentucky lawsuit insist Trump and his campaign staff were unaware that members of a white supremacist group would be present at the campaign rally in Louisville, Kentucky, this past March.

“Mr. Trump and the campaign could not possibly have known more security might be needed [because they were supposedly unaware of the presence of neo-Nazis at the Louisville rally],” Trump’s pleadings in the Kentucky lawsuit state. “In sum, neither Mr. Trump nor the campaign owed any duty to plaintiffs [the victims assaulted]. It was not reasonably foreseeable that an alleged, avowed white supremacist would attend the rally with the express purpose of recruiting members for his cause.

“…Plaintiffs have pointed to no preexisting relationship between Mr. Trump and the alleged perpetrators … because there is none. Nor have they identified an agreement between Mr. Trump and the alleged perpetrators … because there is none. There is simply no connection between Mr. Trump and these defendants [including Heimbach] and nothing plaintiffs allege shows otherwise.”

Inciting violence
The plaintiffs in the court case are three individuals who attended a Trump campaign rally on March 1 in Louisville that was held at the Kentucky International Convention Center. The plaintiffs, one of whom is African American, concede they were at the rally as protestors. The litigation alleges that presidential candidate Trump incited the audience to expel protestors, resulting in the plaintiffs allegedly being assaulted by members of the audience — in particular, by members of Heimbach’s neo-Nazi group, called the Traditionalist Worker Party.

“Instead of allowing his own security, the Secret Service, or [the building’s] security to remove protestors, Trump stopped his half-hour speech five different times to point out protestors and, in most cases, to tell his crowd of supporters to ‘get ‘em out of here,’” the plaintiffs’ state in their initial complaint. “… On or around the time injuries occurred to the plaintiffs … Trump also stated: ‘Don’t hurt ‘em. If I say ‘go get ‘em,’ I get in trouble with the press, the most dishonest human beings in the world.’”

The plaintiffs’ pleadings continue: “Trump went on to state: ‘In the old days, which isn’t so long ago, when we were less politically correct, that kinda stuff wouldn’t have happened. Today we have to be so nice, so nice. We always have to be so nice.’ Then Trump went into a discussion about waterboarding, and how it is ‘absolutely fine.’”

After Trump riled up the crowd against them at the Louisville rally, the three protestors bringing the lawsuit were forcibly ejected by members of Trump’s audience, with several individuals from the Traditionalist Worker Party, including Heimbach, allegedly shoving and pushing them out of the building and punching one of the plaintiffs in the stomach at one point, the litigation alleges.

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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:34 pm

Magic Dirt Nation

Making airports great again at the Trump rally in Melbourne, Florida.


THE PROTESTERS are now around thirty feet from the police-sanctioned area. They have crossed the four-lane road and pushed about ten yards into the field in front of the hangar. It took them an hour to get there, inch by inch, a girl named Michaela tells me. First they broke the barrier, crumpling it. Then a few made it to the grassy median and stayed there long enough to attract others. They crossed the last two lanes and hung out for a while. It all began with a handful of people, maybe four or five, Michaela says, but then people started to join them. About 200 protesters chant and hold up signs on the airport’s private property.

The light is quickly fading. The speech ends and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” plays to fill the vacuum. The protesters chant as people with Trump signs start to pass by, on their way to their cars. Two haul out a portable speaker and make wailing noises into a microphone; the protesters begin to chant “Love Trumps Hate” to drown them out. I see one of the young men from before, Andrew, drift across the field, cupping his hands to his mouth. “Buh-bye, babies!” he shouts. “Go back to your safe spaces!”

The airplane rumbles to life, and the protesters boo and become agitated. “Don’t engage!” a policeman says into a megaphone. “Please remain peaceful!” A compact man, sunburned and shrunken and wearing sunglasses, tries to read one of the signs, which says RESIST THE TYRANNY. “Does that say ‘Resist the Trannies?’” he asks nobody in particular. Someone corrects him, and he laughs. “Should read ‘Resist the Trannies.’” He’s pleased with himself, so he begins to shout this, over and over. “I’m a liberal!” he adds, presumably for some variety. “I have the right to marry a frog if I want to! I can use any bathroom I want!”

Now the sky is dark, and the police lights throw pulses of red and blue over the gathering standoff. On one side, the protesters chant “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!” On the other, they’re stretching over the cop car that idles between them, and someone shouts, “You’re a slave to George Soros!”

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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:31 am

Donald Trump’s team of con men drafts a peace plan for Ukraine

Felix Sater, a key player in a Ukrainian peace plan, once spent time in prison for attacking a commodities broker with a broken margarita glass

For most people on the left, there was unquestionably a preference for Donald Trump’s foreign policy in the 2016 election especially with respect to Russia and more particularly taking its side against Ukraine. Just as was the case with Syria, anybody that Obama or Clinton supported even if only rhetorically was the enemy of the left. This meant that Ukraine became as much of a symbol of evil as the “jihadists” in Syria. Granted that Trump is about as articulate as a garden rake, his reply to George Stephanopolous of ABC News on the Russian takeover of Crimea must have warmed the cockle of the hearts of people like Stephen F. Cohen:

I’m going to take a look at it. But, you know, the people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that also. Now, that was under, just so you understand, that was done under Obama’s administration. And as far as the Ukraine is concerned, it’s a mess and that’s under the Obama administration, with his strong ties to NATO.

So with all of these strong ties to NATO, Ukraine is a mess, Crimea has been taken. Don’t blame Donald Trump for that. And we’ll do better. And yet, we’ll have better relationship with Russia. And having a good relationship, maybe. And having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.

Now, admittedly it is pretty hard for me to get inside the head of people like Cohen, Mike Whitney and Boris Kagarlitsky but I wonder what they make of the report in yesterday’s NY Times about a “peace plan” Trump’s cohorts have put together. The amateur hour group of diplomats include Michael D. Cohen, who is Trump’s personal lawyer; Felix H. Sater, a business associate who helped Trump look for deals in Russia; and Andrii V. Artemenko, a Ukrainian legislator who is part of a political opposition movement that is taking its cue from Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Artemenko claims that he has evidence of corruption in President Petro O. Poroshenko’s administration, something that does not strain credulity. And it might even confirm that old saw “it takes a thief to catch a thief” since Artemenko spent time behind bars in a Kiev jail in the early 2000s for an embezzlement conviction. He maintains that he was framed for political reasons. Who knows?

Artemenko is obviously aspiring to be the new Yanukovych, the former president who fled to Russia as the Euromaidan protests made him dispensable, even to his own Party of Regions. At a gathering of his party on March 29, 2014 delegates voted to expel Yanukovych and senior members of his government, including prime minister Mykola Azarov, the head of the Ministry of Revenues Oleksandr Klymenko, deputy prime minister Serhiy Arbuzov, minister of the Department of Energy Eduard Stavytskyy, and the head of the Donetsk Oblast Administration Andriy Shyshatskyy. To my knowledge, Victoria Nuland was not in touch with the delegates who voted to boot these people from their pro-Kremlin party.

If ex-con Artemenko seems a bit dicey, he is small potatoes compared to Felix H. Sater, who seems to have stepped out of a “Sopranos” episode. He acted as a middle-man, conveying Artemenko’s peace plan to Trump. It should be mentioned that the plan is not quite what you’d expect from a tool of the Kremlin, at least on the face of it. It calls for the withdrawal of all Russian forces from eastern Ukraine and leasing Crimea to the Russians for 50 to 100 years, as if it were real estate. Since Russia claims that there are no Russian troops in Ukraine, it is not clear what the first plank is meant to accomplish.

Sater, a Russian Jew who came to the USA as a political refugee, was involved with Trump in real estate deals for the better part of a decade. His ties to Trump were first reported by the NY Times in a December 17, 2007 article.

Before Sater got involved with real estate, he was a stockbroker. In 1991, he was celebrating at El Rio Grande, a midtown NYC restaurant, with a friend who had passed the stockbroker’s exam that day. He was also feeling good about the $3,000 commissions he made at work earlier. A bit lubricated from one too many cocktails, Sater got into a beef with a commodities broker at the bar that quickly escalated. According to NY Times, “he grabbed a large margarita glass, smashed it on the bar and plunged the stem into the right side of the broker’s face. The man suffered nerve damage and required 110 stitches to close the laceration on his face.”

Sater went to prison for this assault and was banned from selling stock. That did not get in the way of him forming a stock brokerage with two partners not long after his release. It was basically a “pump and dump” firm that sold securities at inflated prices based on false information. In the mid-90s, there were so many of these criminal enterprises that you needed hired muscle from the Mafia to protect your turf as if you were a crack dealer. In 1995, Edward Garafola, a soldier in the Gambino crime family, tried to extort money from Sater, who hired Ernest Montevecchi, a soldier in the Genovese crime family, to lean on Garafola to back off.

In 1998, the law caught up with Sater. He was charged with money laundering and stock manipulation. Two years later, there was another indictment that named him as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in a $40 million scam involving 19 stockbrokers and members of four Mafia families. He never went to prison for his crimes, apparently because he cooperated with investigators.

Under ordinary circumstances, people like Artemenko and Sater would never be taken seriously by an American president but we are now operating under extraordinary circumstances. When Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and his one-time campaign manager give these two whack jobs the kosher stamp of approval, this tells you that we are not in Kansas anymore. It is likely that Trump lent them his ear since he has had ties to organized crime for most of his career.

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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Fri Feb 24, 2017 10:26 am

McMaster and the National Security Council


The dust has finally settled, and General (surprise surprise) H.R. McMaster has emerged from the fallout as the United States' new National Security Advisor (NSA). McMaster took on the position on February 20th after a whirlwind week for the Trump administration that saw previous NSA General Michael T. Flynn resign under curious circumstances on February 13th and reputed first choice, Vice-Admiral Robert Harward, declining the post later in the week.

The position of National Security Advisor is of course one of the most powerful in the entire government. Previous NSAs such as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frank Carlucci, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice have used the post as a stepping stone to even more prestigious posts such as Secretary of State. Kissinger and Brzezinski remain two of the most powerful and influential figures in foreign policy circles to this day. The NSA thus provides interesting insights into the direction a president's foreign policy is headed, as does his National Security Council (NSC) on the whole. Here I will try to briefly address the implications of McMaster and the overall composition of Trump's emerging NSC.

Meet the New Boss...

Flynn was one of the most controversial and despised figures in the Trump junta, so it should come as little surprise that there is must rejoicing in certain circles. Already the mainstream media is hailing McMaster's' appointment as a major victory for the forces of righteousness due to his alleged differences from his predecessor and Trump on certain key issues. The Raw Story crows:

"U. S. President Donald Trump has shown little patience for dissent, but that trait is likely to be tested by his new national security adviser, Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster.

"McMaster is joining the White House staff with views on Russia, counterterrorism, strengthening the military and other major security issues that diverge not only from those of the Trump loyalists, but also from those the president himself has expressed.

"A military intellectual whose ideas have been shaped more by experience than by emotion, more by practice than by politics, and more by intellect than by impulse may also find himself in political terrain that may be as alien, and perhaps as hostile, to him as the sands and cities of Afghanistan and Iraq were.

"McMaster will not be alone, however. His prominent administration allies include Defense Secretary Jim Mattis; Marine General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; and Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee; as well as many of the soldiers who have served with him.

"Unlike his predecessor, Michael Flynn, and Trump himself, McMaster regards Moscow as an adversary rather than a potential partner.Last May, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank, McMaster cited Russia’s annexation of Crimea and support for rebels in eastern Ukraine as evidence of a broader effort 'to collapse the post-World War Two, certainly the post-Cold War, security, economic, and political order in Europe and replace that order with something that is more sympathetic to Russian interests.' A third area where McMaster’s thinking differs from the president’s rhetoric is the size and shape of the U.S. military.

"Trump has promised to add tens of thousands more soldiers, expand the Navy to 350 ships from 282, and 'provide the Air Force with the 1,200 fighter aircraft they need,' according to his campaign website.In his scholarly 2015 Military Review article, which has 39 footnotes, including one citing Greek historian Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War, McMaster argued that 'promising victory delivered rapidly from stand-off range, based on even better surveillance, intelligence, information, and precision strike capabilities' is a fallacy that 'confuses targeting enemy organizations with strategy.' The question now is whether McMaster’s views will have sufficient force to alter the course of U.S. policy set by the president and his closest aides."


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Re: The Little Führer

Postby American Dream » Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:41 pm

Dirge for my country

by Marge Piercy

Cover photo from Made in Detroit: Poems by Marge Piercy.

My country, you are hurtling us into a dark
morass.In that old war, I understood
the Viet Cong better than I understood
the Pentagon.Alienated, at daily war
in the streets and movement lofts against
my government, yet I felt hope at least
sometimes that we were pushing hard
enough to birth a dream of equality.

Step by step those with stifled voices
those dealt day by day fresh wounds
in their minds, their backs, their cunts
their very skin punished for itself
moved a step closer to evident self
hood, a step closer to that picnic
in the sun of dignity on the grass
of survival, our cultures melding.

We seemed to be growing up slowly
to a willingness to listen to those
who don’t look like our mirror image,
to those we perhaps had feared
and turned to bogeyman shadows.
We seemed to be almost arriving
at something halfway holy and adult.
Was it all seeming? All luxury?

We are rushing backward to a war
against our best selves.We’re suckling
hatred, eating hatred for breakfast
and lunch, snacking on hatred, fattening
on it, bloated with it. We’ll dance on
corpses of good ideas. We’ll burn
dissenters like witches. Is this the end
of good my country might’ve done?

Marge Piercy is the author of many books of poetry, most recently Made in Detroit: Poems.
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