'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby stickdog99 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 5:15 pm

https://unherd.com/thepost/the-left-pus ... res-again/

Tons of supporting links at the OP.

The Left pushes for hard Covid measures (again)

A subculture of safety could be making a comeback


This week George Monbiot, the well-known environmental journalist and climate campaigner, has written another polemical Guardian column about Covid, extolling the virtues of mask-wearing in hospitals and endorsing keeping school children with a runny nose or sore throat at home.

He claims that the Government is acting like “Covid-19 is all but over”, unaware of the epidemiological differences between an epidemic and endemic disease, and the vital role of herd immunity. Unsurprisingly, he overstates the risk of re-infection and long Covid, using fear-mongering language.

But most egregiously, he points to “steady rising” Covid deaths, leaving out some vital details. Data from the Office of National Statistics in England and Wales shows there were nearly five times more influenza deaths (1,229) than Covid deaths (255) last week, and 89% of these deaths with Covid were in people over 70 years old.

Unfortunately, Monbiot is just one example of many on the Left who are pushing for such measures. From Leftist intellectuals like Noam Chomsky, Slavoj Zizek and Bruno Latour to journalists such as Amy Goodman and Ed Yong and academics, including members of Independent Sage and the World Health Network, many on the Left became Covid hardliners during the pandemic and promoted a new safety subculture that persists today.

While there are some outward manifestations of this subculture around us — masks, boosters, social distancing, vaccine mandates — it is also guided by a distinct political philosophy: government “complacency” is responsible for “deliberately infecting” people with Covid, and causing a “mass disabling event”, because they are not providing a Covid-safe environment.

Despite pushback within some corners of the Left, these critiques, for the most part, fell on deaf ears. Instead, the pandemic was coopted as a radical moment to “rethink everything”. Hence, lockdowns were praised as an exercise in mass empathy, concerns about social trade-offs were dismissed as a Right-wing conspiracy, large restrictions on free speech were heralded as a necessary strategy to fight “disinformation”, vaccine mandates were promoted as a way to punish non-conformists, and fears about the threat of Covid to the young and healthy were repeatedly hyped up.

Where does this impulse on the Left come from? Clearly, there is a connection between these critiques of the Covid response and Leftist critiques of climate inaction. Fear of Covid drew upon the apocalyptic imagery of ecosystem destruction and concerns about chemical contamination, which was turbocharged by the safetyism associated with the lockdown era.

Indeed, there is ideological crossover among those who advocate for maximalist Covid controls and maximalist policies for the climate emergency. The ultimate solutions to both involve some mix of greater state controls on individual behaviours, a radical overhaul of capitalism and a fight against “anti-science” forces. We have already seen, for example, climate lockdowns, personal carbon credits and bans on meat enter the climate debate, ideas with which writers like Monbiot have also toyed, albeit with some ambiguity.

Yet from Covid to climate, we urgently need to cultivate a greater ability to balance social trade-offs in how we respond to health emergencies. Otherwise, we risk being carried to extremes by the lofty rhetoric of security, saviourism and “the Science”.
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:04 am

A number of us in this thread — and other threads here— have been calling this out for the past ~2yrs:

The Left Has Forgotten it Used to Rage Against the Machine


It is tiring to be accused of being ‘far-Right’ by people doing (however unwittingly) the bidding of the corporations and investors who recently made a killing on Covid. It is particularly irritating that such people, whilst deriding low-income workers and the ‘uneducated’, have convinced themselves that they are somehow being virtuous. They call themselves ‘Left’, but so do I. We either need to re-think or ditch these outdated epithets, or be more honest about our positions.

As explanation, the following is a list of some actual ‘Left’ policies I have always supported. They lean towards public health issues, as this is relevant to the times. They include:

An emphasis on human rights, bodily autonomy and freedom of movement.

An effort to limit inequality in wealth distribution.

Decolonisation, i.e., large rich countries and the corporations in them (or that run them) should not dictate to, or extract wealth from, smaller and poorer countries.

Community-based influence or control on local policy and resources, particularly healthcare.

A publicly funded health system that ensures reasonably equal access to good basic care.

Free and equal opportunity for education, to reduce poverty and improve gender equality.

Constitutional democracy, where governments exist on the will of the people, and inviolable rules protect minorities.

Free speech (essential to stop dictators from entrenching themselves and to ensure progress).

Willingness to stand your ground for the above principles, even at some personal cost.

The list could go on, but generally this is where I was, and remain. This is why, ignorantly or not, I have always voted that way. Working in global health, I had thought that was where most of my colleagues were, though I was fine with those that differed. However, with notable exceptions, nearly all have actively supported the following list of antithetical policies during the past few years:

Mandated face coverings and injections, and vilification and exclusion of individuals and minorities who refused (note: ‘exclusion’ is the opposite of ‘inclusion’, so the opposite of DEI).

Desperation to defend the largest concentration of wealth in the history of humankind, with ‘Left-wing’ media lauding the recipients (and sponsored by them).

Imposition of global policies geared to ensure broad uptake in low-income countries of Western health products to address a Western problem (e.g. ‘No one is safe until everyone is safe’), at the cost of deterioration of the health issues that actually impact low-income countries most.

Increasing centralisation in international public health policy, with the World Health Organisation (WHO), ‘philanthropists’ and a parrot-like sponsored media pushing the same policies onto young mothers in Nigerian villages that they push on aged-care centres in Seattle.

Restricting healthcare access across much of the globe, from chemotherapy for NHS cancer patients in Britain and basic birthing support for young mothers in Kenya.

Advocating for school closures that will ensure increased poverty for the next generation, widening gender inequality, promoting child marriage and child labour.

Rule by emergency decree, because the public may choose differently from the Government. Then planning for a transfer of powers to WHO for any health event, or even the threat of one, that WHO staff in a comfortable Swiss city deem to call an ’emergency’.

Development of a whole new concept called an ‘infodemic’. This involves people who are losing their right to show their face, work or visit family, questioning the regime that is removing these rights. The same regime that is profiting from their confinement. In an ‘infodemic’, the people asking the questions are deemed to be the problem, not the regime. (Remember when raging against the machine was a thing?)

Support for these actions requires an abandonment of any inclination to stand for those principles that we (the ‘Left’) once believed in. Perhaps to hide this weakness from themselves, many now label human rights advocates and free-speech defenders as ‘anti-whatever’ or ‘whatever-denier (insert the latest thing, it is usually incoherent, or use the derogatory ‘free-dumb’ instead).

If someone cannot see through this piece of Orwellian double-speak played out in the media and in life, benefiting the few at the expense of the many, then the behavioural psychology is working as intended. They won’t recognise reality until they snap out of it. But for those who agree with the first list above, but still persist in closing down debate and name-calling, self-reflection might bring a return of strength.

People can change their minds. Intelligent people do as they learn new things and find time to think.

Which brings us to the obvious conclusion. The new movement of cancellation, vilification, exclusion and abuse is not a Left or Right movement. It promotes a form of totalitarianism closer to fascism than anything else, whilst calling others ‘fascist’ for valuing free thought and free association. Fascism is not a synonym for freedom; it has a different and unpleasant meaning.

We live in a divided society. The divide is political. It is between those who value democracy, equality and intrinsic human worth and those who think it virtuous to deride them. Those who still recognise these values as worthy should stop calling people stupid names and start asking, and allowing, questions. Inclusiveness is not a dogma; it is fundamentally the opposite. There is strength in diversity, not in subservience to another’s uniformity.

Dr. David Bell is a clinical and public health physician with a PhD in population health and background in internal medicine, modelling and epidemiology of infectious disease. Previously, he was Programme Head for Malaria and Acute Febrile Disease at FIND in Geneva and coordinated malaria diagnostics strategy with the World Health Organisation. He is a member of the Executive Committee of PANDA.

https://dailysceptic.org/2023/10/24/the ... e-machine/
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby BenDhyan » Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:57 pm

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"The Left"

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:41 pm

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby stickdog99 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:04 pm

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:09 pm

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:40 pm

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:28 pm

This makes a lot of sense.

For Turchin, history suggests that non-violent reversal of elite overproduction is possible, citing the two decades after World War II in the United States, a time of high taxes on the wealthy and strong labor unions.

According to Turchin and Jack Goldstone, periods of political instability have throughout human history been due to the purely self-interested behavior of the elite.[7] When the economy faced a surge in the workforce, which exerted a downward pressure on wages, the elite generally kept much of the wealth generated to themselves, resisting taxation and income redistribution. In the face of intensifying competition, they also sought to restrict the window of opportunity, to preserve their power and status for their descendants.[8] These actions exacerbated inequality

This is essentially what I'm referring to when I talk about the financial industry leeching working people's surplus incomes and forcing them into debt.

Such as

Turchin observed that between the 1970s and the 2020s, while the overall economy has grown, real wages for low-skilled workers have stagnated, while the costs of housing and higher education continue to climb.

This—plus health insurance, Medicare Advantage, medical debt, payday loans, etc.—is the big skim-off of our household wealth that the loud bullshit wedge issues (trans, "woke," masks, kinky artists, Trump/Biden, etc.) obscure and perpetuate—not least when legitimate concerns like climate change are lumped in with irrelevant noise about men in dresses.

hillary sniper fire.jpg

caused by man.png

DrEvil » Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:30 am wrote:Came across the idea of "elite overproduction" yesterday, and it feels like it could explain a lot of what's going on:


Basically, too many elites and not enough positions of power for them to fill leads to conflict, and worst case bloody revolution or collapse.

Interview with Peter Turchin, the man behind the concept:

https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/ ... cted-trump
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:35 pm

And HRC is a perfect example of the excess elite.
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:31 pm

stickdog99 » Sat Jun 03, 2023 5:56 pm wrote:[b]There is no political left; what appears like leftism today is BlackRock, the WEF, & the CIA engaged in "leftist" cosplay


The billionaires, the oligarchs, the holders of capital, the richest people in the world, are driving the “left” agenda.


Is the Green New Deal Resolution part of the "left" agenda?

If so, why hasn't the all-powerful ruling class made it happen?
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:07 pm

stickdog99 » Tue May 09, 2023 6:43 am wrote:Swaths of San Francisco have become fentanyl addict hellholes.

Any potential solutions to this issue?

It means dismantling 50 years of neoliberal trickle-down structural arrangements that create growing swaths of the defeated, desperate poor.

1. End involuntary unemployment.

Unemployment is the biggest driver of drug addiction—and a host of other personal & social ills. Ending involuntary unemployment now will stop the accumulation of longterm unemployed, whom private business won't hire (hiring an out-of-work person is risky).

2. Institute universal single-payer healthcare.

Together with strong social services; the addicts who've already fallen through the cracks need help the most.

3. Free public college.

Better, pay people to go to college.
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:31 pm

stickdog99 » Tue May 16, 2023 2:05 pm wrote:Sympathy for the Fentanyl Addict

JAMA: Drug Overdose Deaths Before and After Shelter-in-Place Orders During the COVID-19 Pandemic in San Francisco

The median (interquartile range) number of weekly overdose deaths was 10 (7-12) before the shelter-in-place order vs 15 (11-18) after the order, representing a 50% increase.

If a job guarantee had been in place, levels of idleness & feelings of purposelessness would have been much lower.

(Though, could people think of nothing to do but sit around and watch TV?)

High levels of homelessness & drug addiction are a sign that we're not investing in the available resources.
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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby stickdog99 » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:24 pm

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Elvis » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:43 pm

Carlin says the Earth will be fine—it's just humans beings who won't be able to survive on it.

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Re: 'Liberals'/'Leftists' in America

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:49 pm


If this wasn't the greatest trick the devil ever pulled it was certainly the most efficient. It mindfucked much of the Western left into being the most useful idiots in history.


Everything anti-system seems to be automatically branded "far-right" these days.

The global mafia are "progressive" and all of those who oppose them are "reactionary".

Total inversion.


The German farmers protest is being smeared by the usual suspects as “far-right”.

It isn’t.

It’s blue-collar workers fighting for their livelihoods and standing up against government. It’s the sort of protest that left-wingers used to support.

[Video At Link]

Jan. 23, 2024

https://x.com/JeffWellsRigInt/status/17 ... 31617?s=20
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