by cortez » Mon Sep 05, 2005 2:12 am
Needed some inspiring quotes, this is from 'The Science of Being' by Eugene Fersen 1923<br><br><br>...What does it mean, THE SUM OF ALL<br>INTELLIGENCES, THE ONE INTELLIGENCE,<br>IS THE GREAT PRINCIPLE, THE<br>ABSOLUTE, CALLED GOD? It means that<br>all intelligences throughout the whole<br>Universe, all thoughts, the creative intellect<br>of the genius, and the little mentality of a<br>cell in the body, that has only enough sense<br>to do its proper duty so as to work for us automatically,<br>taking all of them as One Great<br>Whole, make THAT ONE INTELLIGENCE<br>WHICH WE GALL COSMIC MIND, THE<br>SELF-CONCIOUSNESS OF THE UNIVERSE.<br>And whenever we feel one with that<br>Cosmic Mind, we can draw all the knowledge<br>there is from that Consciousness, and<br>we Know; we can know all without studying,<br>without the process even of reasoning. We<br>do not need to go from one point to another,<br>for we are then comprehensive and include<br>all points. We have the Whole before us and<br>we are a part of the Whole. Again like a<br>drop, one with the ocean it is strong, outside<br>it is weak. It is not because we like it<br>or believe it to be so, but because IT IS THE<br>LAW. ALL IS ONE INTELLIGENCE AND WE<br>ARE PART OF IT.<br>THE SUM OF ALL TRUTHS, THE ONE<br>'I'RUTH, IS THE GREAT PRINCIPLE, THE<br>ABSOLUTE, CALLED COD. That means<br>that everything which REALLY IS from<br>Eternity unto Eternity, every Law, no<br>matter if it is a little law or if it is a Universal<br><br><br>Law, every Truth ever thought or spoken,<br>make ONE GREAT ALL, ONE UNIVERSAL<br>TRUTH-AND WE ARE PART OF IT. Whenever<br>then we realize that ONE-NESS with the<br>Great Truth and stand for that Truth and<br>live It, we have the whole of the Truth of<br>the Universe back of us, because we are<br>part of It, as a drop is part of the Ocean.<br>The drop may be on the top of the wave; it<br>is not the force of the drop which makes it<br>rise, it is the force of the wave, and the wave<br>is a part of the ocean. So are we. When we<br>stand for Truth we know that we are one<br>with the Great Truth. We have then<br>irresistible and invincible Power with us<br>because the Great Principle----God----is that<br>One Truth.<br><br>THE SUM OF ALL LOVES, THE ONE<br>LOVE, IS THE GREAT PRINCIPLE, THE<br>ABSOLUTE, CALLED GOD. What does it<br>mean? It means every affection, every<br>fervent emotion, every loving thought,<br>word, look or deed-all these loves, be it the<br>love which makes worlds vibrate, or the<br>little unconscious love of two chemicals, put<br>in the presence of one another and combining<br>because they are mutually attracted loves<br>small and great, conscious or unconscious,<br>sublime or low, taken together into One<br>Great Whole, make THE ONE INFINITE,<br>UNIVERSAL LOVE FOR WHICH NOTHING<br>IS TOO GREAT. Whenever we love unselfishly,<br>not from our own personal little self, but<br><br>from the Great Self, then that Ocean of<br>Infinite Power and Harmony is immediately<br>behind us in its GREATEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL<br>MANIFESTATION OF LOVE-the manifestation<br>which is last and yet is first because<br>it is the most important, and because it is<br>THE GREAT PRINCIPLE, THE ABSOLUTE.<br>Therefore, whenever we love unselfishly and<br>manifest that Love, the whole of the<br>Universe's Love stands behind us, and<br>THERE IS NO GREATER POWER ON EARTH<br>OR IN HEAVEN THAN THAT.<br>And finally, THE SUM ALL BEINGS,<br>THE ONE BEING IS THE GREAT<br>PRINCIPLE, THE ABSOLUTE, CALLED GOD.<br>What does that mean? It means that all<br>the individual beings, whether worlds, stars,<br>planets, human beings, animals, plants,<br>minerals, cells, atoms, electrons-the smallest<br>things everywhere and the biggest<br>things make ONE, ARE ONE INFINITE,<br>UNIVERSAL BEING, THE BODY OF WHICH<br>IS THE UNIVERSE, THE MIND COSMIC<br>INTELLIGENCE, AND THE SOUL INFINITE<br>LOVE.<br><br>Taken all together with their bodies,<br>minds, and souls, holding together through<br>the indissoluble Force of Attraction, yet<br>retaining their eternal identities, moving<br>freely in their own individual orbits, attracted<br>one to another by the Law of Attraction,<br>working throughout the Universe, THEY<br>CONSTITUTE ONE GREAT BEING, just as<br>each cell of our body, attracted to other<br><br>cells, form this very body of ours. The body<br>is made up of minute individual cells and<br>yet it is a complete whole, which is strong<br>and has its own powers. So it is with that<br>One Great Being. It is made up of all of us;<br>we are an eternal part of it; and THAT BEING<br>IS CALLED THE GREAT PRINCIPLE, THE<br>ABSOLUTE, OR GOD... <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>cortez</A> at: 9/5/05 12:13 am<br></i>