Religion is bullshit.

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Religion is bullshit.

Postby fletcher » Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:47 pm

Religion is bullshit.
But basic truth is just that and some people believe that (even though our language can only convey so much) we can still express it in words from time to time.
And perhaps because we can't quite understand evil's existence in the world, much less the subjective reality of evil, or if you believe it at all exists,
maybe god simply fucked up.
being hostile to god doesn't matter to god really, right?
I'm just trying to be logical.
So if we are to believe the historical account of the carpenter named Jesus, it seems to fit with the idea of what he actually accomplished (believe it or not)
on that cross. which is a symbol. an electric chair symbol, from 2 thousand years ago.
One thing he accomplished was the destruction of Jewish rabbinical providence and power, which had become an abomination before God.
So he took it personal, like when he knocked over the money changer's tables and such in the temple..
but his whole life pointed towards that moment. The priest-who-was-the-sacrifice. And what did he die for?
supposedly for you and me right?
OK, let's assume that you are god, you just created the Earth and humans
and eventually, perhaps because you messed up, or perhaps there was some other force acting on you, maybe God isn't everything...
but let's say God is at least the creator of this Universe, or this planet at least. Or mankind at least.
in the Bible when it says elohim created man in their image, the word their is no accident.
so that implied issue of having "too many cooks in the kitchen" bothers me right away.
Perhaps one of the elohim had the great idea to introduce suffering into the world as a means of making life a bit more challenging or something, and having never truly suffered, the elohim drafted the plans for this suffering and this made life truly challenging. God, as he became more of a singular personality (even though the Bible says that he doesn't change...) finally understood-felt--the suffering of His children-and the need for the comforter.
That's where Jesus comes in.
We were (and still are) a ridiculous group of people, us humans.
God felt so guilty for even creating mankind for His own selfish purposes..his own "good pleasure"
that He actually came down to Earth to be nailed to some wood if it would help.
For those who believe and understand (humbly) this great mystery, there is hope.
God loves a sense of humor.
I mean why else would he create it? it helps us deal with the complete absurdity of our situation.
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Postby FourthBase » Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:14 pm

Great title.
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:45 am

So what you are actually saying is the three major religions (as far as the west is concerned) are bullshit.
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Postby fletcher » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:52 am

I would say that any 'religion' that exists
for it's own sake, to propagate a preisthood
to exert control over others is bullpucky.
A belief that actually frees you from the bondage of the world
a belief that shows humanity for what it is
and for what it can be
is anything but bullpucky.
The question you must face if you do count yourself as a 'believer'
is that of the Truth of your belief.
That, i would say is a personal matter.
or subjective, if you like.
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Postby fletcher » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:36 am

Who Created the Elohim?
If we believed in God, we might ask "Who created God". If we believed in evolution and the "Big Bang" we might ask "where did this matter and energy come from that created the big-bang?".
For the Elohim, it is the same - they were created by people coming from the sky as were their creators. It's an infinite cycle of life. One day scientists from earth will also go to another planet and populate it.
thanks "Rael"
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Re: Religion is bullshit.

Postby filedactivity » Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:19 pm

Religion might seem silly, but it is not bullshit.

Faith is illogical, but powerful.

It might exert control, but I don't think that was the original purpose of "religion"
Religion dates back before anyone was smart enough to control one another.
Humanity has always had the problem of not being to explain what's going on around them. They viewed the Sun and Moon as a god because it's the only way they knew to explain them.
Now we have science, but we still have the mortality issue. Nobody wants to simply cease to exist when they die, it drives them crazy. Afterlife is something that smoothes out that issue.
Life is a lot easier when you think there is a god watching out for you.

You say that "religion is bullshit", because you don't believe in any of it, correct? Who are you to really say that? You can't be right or wrong in religion. It's all possible.
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Re: Religion is bullshit.

Postby Mars » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:13 am

So what you are actually saying is the three major religions (as far as the west is concerned) are bullshit.

When you realize all three major religions are based on the use of psychedelics, religious people become extremely funny...
I can't see a cathedral or mosque anymore without thinking "mushroom mushroom"...
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Re: Religion is bullshit.

Postby 153den » Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:36 pm

Matt,4:4-"It is written,Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God". I personally believe in both physical & spiritual.The duties of religions should teach spirituality,instead of begging for money.For example you start school at six & the teacher will teach you your alphabet and numbers,latter on you start college or university to learn a trade or profession.This is where religions fail big time cuz they do not teach spirituality.You say "Religion is bullshit"you are correct.However spirituality is well and alive just like everything in the physical. :angelwings:
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Re: Religion is bullshit.

Postby Harvey » Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:05 pm

There is a vast difference between big church, the money, the buildings, the business, the power, the institutions, the hierarchy, and the little church.

The little church is all those little people who day in and day out will always stretch out a hand and expect nothing in return because it's just the best thing we can all do, help each other in our need. Over the last few months I've met so many wonderful people who I didn't even know existed. They are quiet, humble and unassuming and beautiful.

St Paul’s was a perfect example of the difference. The big Church said get off our land. The little church was all those Christian people, who turned out and said, no this is god’s house, not yours. Similar things are happening elsewhere. We must learn to distinguish between the big church and the little church because we do our brothers and sisters a disservice to assume they are all alike.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

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Re: Religion is bullshit.

Postby kyles » Fri May 10, 2013 4:52 am

Harvey wrote:There is a vast difference between big church, the money, the buildings, the business, the power, the institutions, the hierarchy, and the little church.

The little church is all those little people who day in and day out will always stretch out a hand and expect nothing in return because it's just the best thing we can all do, help each other in our need. Over the last few months I've met so many wonderful people who I didn't even know existed. They are quiet, humble and unassuming and beautiful.

St Paul’s was a perfect example of the difference. The big Church said get off our land. The little church was all those Christian people, who turned out and said, no this is god’s house, not yours. Similar things are happening elsewhere. We must learn to distinguish between the big church and the little church because we do our brothers and sisters a disservice to assume they are all alike.

A bitter truth. It is hard to admit but some how it is to be admitted that in now a days the religion is also divided into class. That is not a good thing. The real religion is one which teach the equality and humanity. If there would be right kind education regarding religion then religion will not be what it seems now.
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