Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Canadian_watcher » Wed May 08, 2013 10:41 pm

compared2what? wrote:
Canadian_watcher wrote:
Joe Hillshoist wrote:
Mask wrote:So, again, why would they go to such risky length when they can just blow some random people* up, given the moral compass of any likely deep-state actors involved (as semper said)?

Just in case anyone missed it.

I just answered it two or three posts ago, Joe. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT.

But your response didn't include an explanation of what made the risky lengths worthwhile when there were more expedient alternatives.

So that's still an open question.

last one ever, miss thing.

Anything i might say on that matter would be conjecture, and I'm told you people want facts. You want them, you go look for them. Hint: you can't find them in your email from your friends who all think the same way you do. that is if you have any fucking friends.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby compared2what? » Wed May 08, 2013 10:46 pm

Canadian_watcher wrote:War of attrition is exactly right.
I haven't seen the movie Gaslight but I don't need to.

It's excellent.

Also, attrition can only occur in response to non-belligerent, fair questions when you don't answer them.

Gaslighting suggests personal persecution and deceptive manipulation via mindfuckery of some sort. Fair, non-belligerent question aren't generally regarded as either. A lot of people take them as an expression of interest.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby compared2what? » Wed May 08, 2013 10:54 pm

Canadian_watcher wrote:
compared2what? wrote:
Canadian_watcher wrote:
Joe Hillshoist wrote:
Mask wrote:So, again, why would they go to such risky length when they can just blow some random people* up, given the moral compass of any likely deep-state actors involved (as semper said)?

Just in case anyone missed it.

I just answered it two or three posts ago, Joe. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT.

But your response didn't include an explanation of what made the risky lengths worthwhile when there were more expedient alternatives.

So that's still an open question.

last one ever, miss thing.

Anything i might say on that matter would be conjecture, and I'm told you people want facts. You want them, you go look for them. Hint: you can't find them in your email from your friends who all think the same way you do. that is if you have any fucking friends.

My concern about it being a scam that trains people to regard all critical questioning except the approved critical questioning as always and invariably proof that the person asking is just another unthinking, hostile, inferior being trudging along in the crowd that supports the enemy is genuine, btw.


ON EDIT: I mean it. If you think I'm objecting out of spite or for personal reasons, you're wrong.
Last edited by compared2what? on Wed May 08, 2013 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Project Willow » Wed May 08, 2013 10:59 pm

DrEvil wrote:
barracuda wrote:I don't hate anything. I feel sorry for people when they mindlessly repeat fascist talking points, iterate obviously poor analysis as if it were The Golden Key, and throw open the door to the wolf with a knowing wink.


Why is it that the only people on this board screaming about gate-keeping, thought-policing and special privileges for the few are the same people who regularly indulge in the same?

Why not use arguments to fight back, instead of trying to silence those who disagree by casting aspersions on their motives, insinuating they're fascists, sock-puppets or gate-keepers, and posting vague bullshit instead of straight answers? Or is that too hard?

QFT x2

Canadian_Watcher, please stop complaining and back-up your need to insist there were no victims in Boston. If that's not your contention, then please clarify. So far, all I've seen you do in reaction is claim that no one here will allow talk of "false flags", which is, and forgive me but, a ridiculous assertion given the history of this board, and a strawman defense if there ever was one. EVERYONE on this board, that I know of, accepts that there are false flag events. The issue in contention here, in relation to the Boston bombing, is fake victims. Please refer to the OP. Faking an entire event is not equivalent to carrying out a false flag event which may contain many and various elements that are real or faked. I personally would be appreciative if you stopped characterizing everyone who raises an objection to the idea as someone who will not allow discussion of false flags. I would also appreciate it greatly if you attempted to understand the ethical and intellectual stances of your opponents rather than simply screaming that you're a victim of gatekeepers. Thank you.

Also QFT:
compared2what? wrote:FWIW, the primary thing that concerns me about seeing people subscribe to this particular belief is that some of the video-makers/etc. pushing it appear to have learned everything they know about story-telling while taking the first step towards being deceptively inducted into cooperating with a confidence trick of some sort that was taking the cast-a-wide-net approach to trolling for marks.

Because it's exactly the same formula -- ie, an appeal to ego that explicitly and emphatically equates being more astute than others with the ability to see the belief being pointed at as true, while simultaneously preemptively degrading, deriding, and generally inciting extreme hostility towards every and any conceivable source of potentially countervailing information -- such as (in this case) news reports, photographs, people who think their advanced degrees, years of experience and extensive body of knowledge in relation to some relevant specialty area mean that they know more than you do, etc.-- by lumping them all together into a single, undifferentiated enemy class.

It's kind of like a disproportionate emphasis on preventative critic-proofing, basically. Red flag, imo.

Yep, reminds me somewhat of a cult mindset, and advertising strategies as well.

Really, this propensity to blow the conspiracy angle way out of proportion, there's a side of me that wonders if everyone has gone mad? Again, do we not have enough verifiable tradecraft to explore without extrapolating to entirely different, and completely untenable in this case, levels?

Notice: this post is a set of arguments and opinions, not instructions for anyone to shut up.
(Unless of course you're a paid shill with an inoculation brief, in that case, yeah, shut up.)

Gawd, this board, it has fallen so low.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby FourthBase » Wed May 08, 2013 11:02 pm

Gawd, this board, it has fallen so low.

I vehemently disagree. On the contrary, never been better.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Canadian_watcher » Wed May 08, 2013 11:11 pm

Project Willow I've stated a thousand times what I think at this point. I've stated it over and over - probably on the page preceding this one - sorry if I don't re-write the entire thing over and over every time a new jackal comes around to take a bite out of me. Go read what I wrote and you'll have your answers.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby barracuda » Wed May 08, 2013 11:13 pm

This is the kind of stuff that drives me nuts...

Canadian_watcher wrote:what I have seen from photos with appearing and disappearing people and mailboxes,

^^Pure assertion, no link or photo to back it up.

Canadian_watcher wrote:there most definitely are anomalies in the photos which admittedly might have been faked in some way.

^^Pure assertion, no link or photo to back it up. It really can't be all that hard to point to examples of these things if you say you've seen them. In your own thread. On this very topic.

And then followed closely by a request that we prove a negative assertion:

Canadian_watcher wrote:I'm told you people want facts. You want them, you go look for them.

...i.e. "let's see you prove there weren't fake actors."
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby justdrew » Wed May 08, 2013 11:28 pm

re re QFT
Project Willow wrote:...
Also QFT:
compared2what? wrote:FWIW, the primary thing that concerns me about seeing people subscribe to this particular belief is that some of the video-makers/etc. pushing it appear to have learned everything they know about story-telling while taking the first step towards being deceptively inducted into cooperating with a confidence trick of some sort that was taking the cast-a-wide-net approach to trolling for marks.

Because it's exactly the same formula -- ie, an appeal to ego that explicitly and emphatically equates being more astute than others with the ability to see the belief being pointed at as true, while simultaneously preemptively degrading, deriding, and generally inciting extreme hostility towards every and any conceivable source of potentially countervailing information -- such as (in this case) news reports, photographs, people who think their advanced degrees, years of experience and extensive body of knowledge in relation to some relevant specialty area mean that they know more than you do, etc.-- by lumping them all together into a single, undifferentiated enemy class.

It's kind of like a disproportionate emphasis on preventative critic-proofing, basically. Red flag, imo.

nicely put :thumbsup
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Project Willow » Wed May 08, 2013 11:56 pm

Canadian_watcher wrote:Project Willow I've stated a thousand times what I think at this point. I've stated it over and over - probably on the page preceding this one - sorry if I don't re-write the entire thing over and over every time a new jackal comes around to take a bite out of me. Go read what I wrote and you'll have your answers.

I'm not a jackal, I don't deserve to be name-called for simply stating my opinion, or disagreement with what you have written.

Could you just please comport yourself with some small degree of respectful behavior?
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Project Willow » Thu May 09, 2013 12:06 am

FourthBase wrote:
Gawd, this board, it has fallen so low.

I vehemently disagree. On the contrary, never been better.

Yah? Well then, why is it that there's nary a post from our founder, dear Jeff, anymore? He's fled to Facebook. Why do I hear from a number of people who used to read this board regularly that there is very little of value to glean anymore without wasting a great deal of effort to separate wheat from chaff?

During the discussion of any major news topic, one can expect three reactions: a small number of posters who inject the most preposterous ideas which would never have been entertained before; a number of posters who turn discussion into debates over favoritism and gatekeeping; endless interpersonal bickering, belittling, name-calling, and attempts at shaming.

There are truly gifted people here who remain engaged despite such silliness, but the cost to benefit ratio, is dwindling everyday.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby compared2what? » Thu May 09, 2013 12:15 am

Project Willow wrote:[

Also QFT:
compared2what? wrote:FWIW, the primary thing that concerns me about seeing people subscribe to this particular belief is that some of the video-makers/etc. pushing it appear to have learned everything they know about story-telling while taking the first step towards being deceptively inducted into cooperating with a confidence trick of some sort that was taking the cast-a-wide-net approach to trolling for marks.

Because it's exactly the same formula -- ie, an appeal to ego that explicitly and emphatically equates being more astute than others with the ability to see the belief being pointed at as true, while simultaneously preemptively degrading, deriding, and generally inciting extreme hostility towards every and any conceivable source of potentially countervailing information -- such as (in this case) news reports, photographs, people who think their advanced degrees, years of experience and extensive body of knowledge in relation to some relevant specialty area mean that they know more than you do, etc.-- by lumping them all together into a single, undifferentiated enemy class.

It's kind of like a disproportionate emphasis on preventative critic-proofing, basically. Red flag, imo.

Yep, reminds me somewhat of a cult mindset, and advertising strategies as well.

It just looks like a really high-pressure come-on masquerading as something more friendly than it really is to me. Probably not much real risk for most of falling in with anything dangerous, if so. But just enough that it seemed like a greater one not to say it, I guess.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby FourthBase » Thu May 09, 2013 12:23 am

Well then, why is it that there's nary a post from our founder, dear Jeff, anymore?

I just figured he was serenely awaiting the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Apocalypse.
(Meant with good will and appreciation, but also a little wry gallows humor.)
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby Simulist » Thu May 09, 2013 12:34 am

Project Willow wrote:
FourthBase wrote:
Gawd, this board, it has fallen so low.

I vehemently disagree. On the contrary, never been better.

Yah? Well then, why is it that there's nary a post from our founder, dear Jeff, anymore? He's fled to Facebook. Why do I hear from a number of people who used to read this board regularly that there is very little of value to glean anymore without wasting a great deal of effort to separate wheat from chaff?

During the discussion of any major news topic, one can expect three reactions: a small number of posters who inject the most preposterous ideas which would never have been entertained before; a number of posters who turn discussion into debates over favoritism and gatekeeping; endless interpersonal bickering, belittling, name-calling, and attempts at shaming.

There are truly gifted people here who remain engaged despite such silliness, but the cost to benefit ratio, is dwindling everyday.

Something has happened to this board, and I agree with Project Willow on her remarks above — most especially as regards the "small number of posters who inject the most preposterous ideas." And who keep injecting them. And feigning outrage. And repeating the cycle. Ad nauseam.

That kind of stuff is poisonous to this board — which has been an intelligent board and in large measure still remains so — but I believe this stuff will be fatal to Rigorous Intuition, ultimately, if it is not well-reigned-in. And soon. We are not Godlike Productions, and I sincerely hope that we do not become like them. While I value free speech in a society, I do not value blatant, unabashed idiocy on a discussion board — and there's been much-too-much idiocy being promoted here of late. In fact, just yesterday, I wrote:

Simulist wrote:In the weeks following Sandy Hook, I popped in a couple of times, and read literal craziness being promoted by a few voices here, alleging a massive hoax. This thread is a similar embarrassment.

Ever since the "no planes" stupidity began to be promoted after 9/11, this sort of wild-eyed hoax-mongering has turned into a spreading pestilence.

I meant those words. And I still do.

Because of this I sincerely hope Jeff and his staff are listening, and that we can find a viable solution to these matters quite soon.
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby justdrew » Thu May 09, 2013 12:39 am


in the recent past, we have pissed off these chums: "I am the attorney representative of American Freedom Group, formerly known as American Third Position or A3P"

So it would be not surprising to find them creepin' :wink:

and they have a "party" to
The American Freedom Party (formerly the American Third Position Party or A3P) is a third positionist American political party which promotes white supremacy. It was officially launched in January 2010 (although in November 2009 it filed papers to get on a ballot in California) partially to channel the right-wing populist resentment engendered by the financial crisis of 2007–2010 and the policies of the Obama administration.

people really need to be a bit more savvy about cognitive infiltration, priming memes, etc
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Re: Crisis Actors? Post your info & WTF moments here

Postby dbcooper41 » Thu May 09, 2013 10:57 am

the post quoted below raises a couple of questions in my feeble old mind.

1- how was barracuda able to repost what i had deleted in my edit? i suppose he could make a copy of every post when it is made just in case they get edited. but my post was only up for about 30 minutes so he must be effecient.

2- do some people, non-moderators, have special editing rights?

3- if barracuda was reposting for me, on general principle, why not repost everything i wrote.

i thought my observations about the carlos arredondo/ john mixon/ susan hurley/ erin hurley/ jeff bauman connections were more interesting than the erin hurley/ jeff bauman/ poor reporting remarks which were reposted. but that's just an opinion.
not trying to start anything. just wondering. :shrug:

barracuda wrote:
dbcooper41 wrote:
justdrew wrote:wow. some people knew each other... AMAZING.

come on FFS :roll:

sorry, you're of course right.
there is nothing unusual about the hero and number one victim being connected(which no one has bothered to mention before.)
i'll edit my posts.
if anyone is interested we can discuss privately without pissing off the rest of the board.

Reposting from the edit on the last page, on general principle:

dbcooper41 wrote:team stork/erin hurley ... rinhurley1

and it is the same erin hurley but this says her roommate was hurt.

Give to Team Stork Supporter Jeff Bauman
Team Stork Runner Erin Hurley’s boyfriend Jeff Bauman suffered serious injuries in the Boston Marathon bombings. Donations to support Jeff can be made at

Give to Team Stork Supporter Michele Mahoney
Team Stork Runner Erin Hurley’s roommate Michele Mahoney suffered serious injuries in the Boston Marathon bombings. Donations to support Michele can be made at

this version has erin hurley herself injured. ... ton-blasts

....Amesbury High graduates Remy Lawler, who also had surgery to remove shrapnel
from her leg, and Erin Hurley were both recovering yesterday from injuries.
Andover High senior Samantha Kelley, whose father was working security near the
finish line, suffered an ear concussion from the blast.

but then it says bauman's girlfriend was not hurt. so are there 2 erin hurleys involved.

Bauman said his son, who was there to watch his girlfriend run, was in the wrong
place at the wrong time. The girlfriend was not hurt.

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