True Detective on HBO

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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:43 pm

brekin » Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:45 pm wrote:Yeah, that caught my eye to. Just on a visual level there definitely are two opposites or partial individuals meeting (or being reunited?) to create a new being. A thesis, antithesis, and synthesis process. Cohle and Hart (who are also opposites that complete each other in a sense) seem to be the counterparts to LeDoux and Dewall. The meth bust is really a big turning point in the series I thought. Cohle and Hart confront LeDoux and Dewall and encounter the real darkness they've been chasing. Cohle and Hart both cross over in a sense because they break the law in executing LeDoux and cover it up. Similiar to Se7en, the evil man initiates the good man into trangressing societies natural or normal order. Dewall in the diner and LeDoux at the compound though allude to being familiar with Cohle or that he himself carries some darkness with him. Strangely Dewall seemed to tell Cohle at the diner, we aren't compatible, while LeDoux seemed to tell Cohle when he met him, we are compatible, we've done this before and will do it again. My hunch, with other teasers in that episode, is that Cohle is the Yellow King, or was, or is a counterpart somehow to the Yellow King.

Also LeDoux's body is an obvious smorgasbord of allusions to things that will tie in somehow. I think his noose is riffing on some hanged man tarot theme. A Christ anti-Christ duality. Where what is up is down. Redemption is damnation, where the shadow "church" he belongs to finds salvation in death and destruction, perhaps, and has a counterpart front straight church as a cover. There is a lot of obvious Christ imagery with LaDoux in that scene. Perhaps as son of the Yellow King he had to die for Cohle's sins? The two detectives interviewing Hart seem to imply Cohle had possibly killed people to cover his own tracks. LeDoux's crazy speech is framed like he is some twisted messiah whose message is too dark to be accepted and must be sacrificed. Cohle repeatedly tells LeDoux to shut up, but years later is speaking his words verbatim as if he is now a disciple.

The we've done this before/we'll do it again line is one of the most eeriest of the series. As if Ladoux(Dutroux?) wanted to die before giving one last message...a kind of "Ive been waiting for you/what took so long" moment.

I think it'd be a cheesey/not make any sense forced cop out if Cohle is the killer. Unless it's revealed as some sort of metaphysical doppleganger/alternate timeline. Ive seen people speculate about the show ending up in some supernatural type thing in the final episode, which I have mixed feelings about. Ive seen theories that the "big men" involved in the death cult are the christian politician you see in the earlier episodes and associated business folk, which episode 6 hints at. Speculations that all the killed girls are related but each killed by someone different. Speculation Harts dad in law is somehow involved. Im prepared for the ultimate mind fuck that will make sense when all eight episodes are considered. But like the final episode of Seinfeld, I know ya cant please everyone. So far it seems like each episode gets better and better, with Episode 5 being the best.

Who is the tall man with scars? Who are the KKK looking people in the photo? How deep does the secret cult go? Is there foreshadowing to something bad happening to Harts older daughter, or even implying a rift from an affair between Cohle and Harts wife?
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Grantchester Meadows

Postby IanEye » Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:49 pm

brekin » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:45 pm wrote:

Yeah, that caught my eye to. Just on a visual level there definitely are two opposites or partial individuals meeting (or being reunited?) to create a new being. A thesis, antithesis, and synthesis process.

It would be interesting to look at Floyd's catalog and see what albums/songs sync up with different scenes, episodes. The montage of Cohle and Hart settling into a domestic routine in their lives and careers after the meth shootout brought "Comfortably Numb" to mind.

The Division Bell tour pulled into Louisiana and performed on May 14, 1994.
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby 8bitagent » Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:58 pm

"I can never leave this bus"
Greyhound killer believed man he beheaded was an alien ... -1.1131575

"Franklin coverup author linked sandusky/penn state to abuse before news broke" ... se-scandal

"New possible suspects named in the brutal 1993 West Memphis murders of three cub scouts: 'Killers': The witness said that Buddy Lucas, left, told a witness he was at the scene with Hobbs, Jacoby and another teenager LG Hollingsworth, right. He said he saw Hobbs stab the boys" ... thers.html

"Who Killed the Jeff Davis 6 in Lousianna?"

"Did authorities coverup the extent of the Dutroux/pedo ring in Belgium?" ... s.2.t.html

In Belgium, the X-Files refer not to the U.S. television series but to a series of horrific witness accounts of an alleged pedophile network.

The five women and the male transvestite who testified anonymously in Belgium under the code-name "X" described an underworld of snuff movies and sadomasochist torture that was almost impossible to believe. And they said that politicians and other highly placed members of society were involved.

The conventional wisdom is that the witnesses were either deranged or were recounting fantasies. It was, in the jargon of psychiatrists, a bad case of false-memory syndrome.

But a new book by three crime reporters, "The X-Files: What Belgium Was Not Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair," published in French and Dutch in November, asserts that the X-witnesses were more credible than the conventional wisdom suggests.
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby brekin » Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:25 pm

8bitagent wrote:

The we've done this before/we'll do it again line is one of the most eeriest of the series. As if Ladoux(Dutroux?) wanted to die before giving one last message...a kind of "Ive been waiting for you/what took so long" moment.
I think it'd be a cheesey/not make any sense forced cop out if Cohle is the killer. Unless it's revealed as some sort of metaphysical doppleganger/alternate timeline. Ive seen people speculate about the show ending up in some supernatural type thing in the final episode, which I have mixed feelings about. Ive seen theories that the "big men" involved in the death cult are the christian politician you see in the earlier episodes and associated business folk, which episode 6 hints at. Speculations that all the killed girls are related but each killed by someone different. Speculation Harts dad in law is somehow involved. Im prepared for the ultimate mind fuck that will make sense when all eight episodes are considered. But like the final episode of Seinfeld, I know ya cant please everyone. So far it seems like each episode gets better and better, with Episode 5 being the best.

Who is the tall man with scars? Who are the KKK looking people in the photo? How deep does the secret cult go? Is there foreshadowing to something bad happening to Harts older daughter, or even implying a rift from an affair between Cohle and Harts wife?

Yeah, I'm hoping that there is a master plan to the series and we've been dropped into an elaborate, well thought out labyrinth with omg at the end and not wtf? I'm thinking Harrelson and McConaughey would have picked something that would not be pat at the end. Worse comes to worst, though, I'll just play Frailty at the conclusion of the series and pretend it is just Cohle's early years. If True Detective ends up being more of a mindfuck than Frailty, well then I might have to eat every smirk I've ever made regarding McConaughey.

Frailty (aka Cohle's early years)


Frailty first half of plot...lots of similar threads...

A man (Matthew McConaughey) enters the Dallas, Texas FBI office one night and introduces himself as Fenton Meiks. He wants to speak to Agent Wesley Doyle (Powers Boothe) about his belief that his brother Adam (Levi Kreis) is the "God's Hand" serial killer that the FBI have been hunting.

Fenton explains he is only coming forward now because earlier that day, Adam called him to say that he cannot stop the "demons" because there are too many, and shot himself after hanging up. Fenton claims to have buried Adam's body at the Thurman Rose Garden. Doyle is skeptical, and Fenton unfolds through flashback the story of their childhood with their widower father (Bill Paxton).
Years ago, their father told them that they have been tasked by God to find and destroy demons whose names are to be provided by an angel. He's been provided with special tools: gloves to protect his hands, a lead pipe to knock the "demons" unconscious, and an ax named "Otis" to "destroy" them. Fenton goes into denial, refusing to believe their father would murder people, but Adam quickly believes their father to be doing God's work. Their father also tells them that God will protect them from being caught by the authorities.

Their father captures his first victim; when he touches her, he claims to "see" the sins she has committed, and feels no guilt when he uses Otis to "destroy" her. Fenton is horrified but Adam claims he can "see" the woman's sins as well, which leads to Fenton concluding that his brother has been brainwashed. They bury her outdoors in the Thurman Rose Garden, which is adjacent to the Meiks house.
When their father kidnaps another victim and orders Fenton to "destroy" him, Fenton flees and informs the town sheriff (Luke Askew). Fenton's father ends up killing the sheriff, blaming Fenton for the act that he believes to be "murder" unlike the previous killings. Their father confesses that the angel told him that Fenton is also a demon that must be slain. He doesn't want to believe this, so he locks Fenton in the cellar for over a week, hoping to change his beliefs. Fenton nearly starves to death, and is only released when he has a "vision of God" and says he understands what to do...

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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby TheDuke » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:18 pm

On another forum i read someone pointed out that after a minute of talking to the guy on the lawnmower Cohle is called back to the car by Hart sounding his horn urgently. This may have prevented Cohle from proving his claim that he only needs two minutes to find out if someone is guilty or not.

It is also after an earlier scene where Hart tells Cohle that he is not to mow Hart's lawn.

Also has anyone mentioned the execution of LaDoux as a silencing? A parallel with Ruby/Oswald where the alleged motive for the killing is outrage at the victims crime. Seems a fairly common crime/thriller trope but is executed so well here that i never thought about it until now.
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby divideandconquer » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:21 pm

TheDuke » Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:18 pm wrote:Also has anyone mentioned the execution of LaDoux as a silencing? A parallel with Ruby/Oswald where the alleged motive for the killing is outrage at the victims crime. Seems a fairly common crime/thriller trope but is executed so well here that i never thought about it until now.

The problem with that scenario, as I recall, is Hart's initial reaction to discovering the children. With no one there to notice, he looked genuinely shocked/horrified.
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby winston smith » Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:51 am

I thought Breaking Bad was good all the way up to this exact scene where we see Los Pollos Hermanos as just one business cover for drug distribution amongst possibly many:


I loved the idea of the Los Pollos logo just being taken down and immediately replaced with another. At that point I really thought we were going to see the whole scope of the drug trade in all its glory - all the way through the corporate laundering and lobbying to where the money really goes and then....................... it just didn't happen. I like to think this was the original screenplay plan and it was stepped on but who knows?

My point is - I really hope this True Detective follows through to its proper conclusion and connects to the Franklin/Jersey power lines. Not that it will make any difference in the end will it Rust?
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby 0_0 » Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:19 pm

Well i just watched Killer Joe illegaly on the internet, a movie with that same creep Matthew McCoughnty or whatshisname, and if i had any hope left for True Detective it's gone now. What a vile misogynistic movie that is, and maybe even worse what a total crappy movie. Guy is a thirdrate Robert de Niro. At least Cape Fear was well made. I'm sure some people'd argue that Killer Joe isn't a flawed movie but a movie about flawed characters.. but those people would be stupid. What a totally distasteful juvenile talentless piece of crap that movie is. Btw that Mathhew guy everybody likes so much was originally cast as the Marty character in True Detective but on his insistance he got the Cohle role. Can't wait for episode 6!
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby Zombie Glenn Beck » Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:47 pm

winston smith » Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:51 am wrote:I thought Breaking Bad was good all the way up to this exact scene where we see Los Pollos Hermanos as just one business cover for drug distribution amongst possibly many:


I loved the idea of the Los Pollos logo just being taken down and immediately replaced with another. At that point I really thought we were going to see the whole scope of the drug trade in all its glory - all the way through the corporate laundering and lobbying to where the money really goes and then....................... it just didn't happen. I like to think this was the original screenplay plan and it was stepped on but who knows?

My point is - I really hope this True Detective follows through to its proper conclusion and connects to the Franklin/Jersey power lines. Not that it will make any difference in the end will it Rust?

Breaking Bad was cut about a season short. But Im hoping for more exposition in Better Call Saul.
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:48 am

Tonight's episode was a pretty good transitional phase, the tension mostly centered on the non case personal matters.

But holy goodness...the next episode looks frightening, dark, deep and wtf
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby Jerky » Mon Feb 24, 2014 6:02 am

Oh man. What is Cohle showing Rust there at the end of that preview?

Damn, I can't wait for next week. Episode Six was kind of slow and meandering for my tastes, altho they're taking the concept of the unreliable narrator to an absolute extreme with this series.

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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby FourthBase » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:21 am

Obama is a True Detective fan. ... AADaddario

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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby Fresno_Layshaft » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:46 am

Jerky » Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:02 am wrote:Oh man. What is Cohle showing Rust there at the end of that preview?

Damn, I can't wait for next week. Episode Six was kind of slow and meandering for my tastes, altho they're taking the concept of the unreliable narrator to an absolute extreme with this series.


I think he was taped screwing that under-aged hooker he "saved" from that bayou cathouse. He's been compromised. Just a guess.
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:33 pm

Clip from the final episode of True Detective, where Cohle and Hart have to go deep-deep undercover as the Dora Lange investigation leads them to a cult of satanic surfers
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Re: True Detective on HBO

Postby RocketMan » Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:33 am

I'd like to get this on the record: I love the term McConaissance, used to describe McConaughey's career upswing. Though I did always love him from films like Lone Star in 1997 on down, even through his rom-com phase. Never did watch any of those, though.



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