Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Thu May 21, 2015 6:33 pm

Christ, the US mass media are just absolutely fucking vile. I didn't realise it had become quite this bad. Where do they find these cackling harpies to present this stuff? What's with that high-speed, HIGH-VOLUME delivery? She makes Foghorn Leghorn sound like Noam Chomsky. How do you guys put up with it?? Who can endure listening to it for more than two minutes?

As for the actual content: The mixture of sanctimoniousness, cruelty, shameless dishonesty and sheer barefaced manipulation is just vomit-inducing. This is propaganda worthy of the Nazis.

One good question in the comments:

Frank Jahoda vor 1 Woche

[...] How come we watched OJ Simpson for a year but no video of THIS trial.

lamujermaslinda vor 5 Tagen

+Frank Jahoda I know I find it odd that they haven't released one footage of him sitting in court but they showed footages of the Aaron' Hernandez case as well as the movie theatre shooter.

Well? What makes Dzokhar T. such an utterly unique defendant that he has to remain both invisible and inaudible? Exactly why should anyone believe that it is in fact him?
Last edited by MacCruiskeen on Fri May 22, 2015 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Thu May 21, 2015 7:35 pm

Meanwhile, can one of you specify a time (to within, say, five seconds) -- on that series of carefully edited stills and film sequences -- when we can clearly see that Dzokhar T. and / or Tamerlan T. definitely has no rucksack? Cos I'm sick of looking in vain. This isn't the first time I've asked, and it really shouldn't be a hard task to fulfil, since this concoction is so "smoking gun", or so you claim. ("Smoking gun" enough to fry a boy for.)


What I expect you to counter with is that the bag could have been tucked away on his right side in just such a way that the camera could miss it. It's possible. Improbable, but possible. What's way more probable is that there's no bag. The bag was bulky. (Yes, bulky enough to contain a pressure cooker.) As he jogs right to left, we get a view of his profile that partially rotates. The chance that some part of the bag wouldn't have been visible in those five seconds is low. Ah, but maybe it blended in with the darkness of his clothes? But now, isn't the lightness of his bag compared to the darkness of the exploded bag with the square white tag supposed to be evidence implicating the National Guard team? You can see a woman holding a purse jogging in that same time span, so I expect to see at least a tiny glimpse of his bulky light-colored backpack. There's none. What it looks like is a dude with his arms in a typical jogging/running position, bent at the elbows, unencumbered by any object like a backpack.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby chump » Thu May 21, 2015 7:52 pm

What the Dzjokar needed was some reasonable doubt! Ever see the movie, Executive Action? Remember, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo? The BMB is GWDT X 1,000,000. By analyzing the many public images and videos of the BMB, the media stories, Facebook and fundraiseers, photo/videographer sleuthes have painstakingly compiled a compelling chronology of the principle players on Boylston Street.

Why weren't these witnesses called to the stand?

Garbage cans exploded!

Photos and Eyewitnesses Confirm - BOTH Boston Marathon Bombs Were Fake

Eyewitnesses to both of the Boston Marathon bombs confirm that pyro simulators were used to fake the explosions. This shows how dramatic looking effects were produced without any danger to the waiting actors at the scene. Strategic Operations was the contractor admitting to working with the perpetrators within Boston government at the "Urban Shield" exercises, and was almost certainly involved in supplying the special effects for the Marathon as well. Compare the Strategic Operations effects with the physical evidence in photographs from the marathon and the accounts of eyewitnesses, and you have a perfect match.

This issue is taking on a new and even greater significance, with the revelation of the NSA massive spying operation against innocent US citizens. Many of the companies involved in 'security' at the Boston Marathon (in other words, setting up the terrorism) have considerable ties to those also doing the spying. No doubt, staging the false-flag bombing was meant to help "justify" the spying - as well as the huge amount of tax payer money they receive for doing it. After watching this, you will never think about the Boston Marathon bombing, FEMA, the FBI, or terrorism the same way again...

===================== ...
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby stillrobertpaulsen » Thu May 21, 2015 8:35 pm

Uhh...chump, please tell me you're joking. Please tell me you don't really think an entire conspiracy event was completely faked, just as anyone posting that 9/11 was completely faked would have to be joking. Because that concept is disinformation where the Boston Bombings are concerned.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Elvis » Thu May 21, 2015 9:20 pm

Wait. Garbage cans exploded right next to people who were then able to stand for television interviews?

This is the first I've heard of exploding garbage cans and the first I've time seen those interview clips. I have to say, too, the blasts seen in the videos always looked more like "flash bangs" than a serious bomb.

And anyone -- was there, as some people claim, an earlier announcement to the effect, "We will be conducting exercises today, so please don't panic"?

In any case, it seems fairly unarguable that the place was crawling with security contractors. And the messy FBI history with the accused? The whole business looks fishier and fishier.

It's just that...I wasn't so sure before but now I'm not so sure. Y'know? :starz:

Mac, at the moment I don't know what else to say, but I love what you are doing -- thank you.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Thu May 21, 2015 9:53 pm

Mac's infinite skepticism here is one thing. He's assuming the role of defense attorney. I can respect that, however overboard I think he's taking it. Skepticism about whether there were actually any real bombs that killed and maimed any real people is another thing, a morally disgusting and intellectually retarded thing. I imagine this board would probably not tolerate the equivalent re: cases of drone attacks, rape, hate crimes, or torture documented with a similar quantity of photo evidence and witness testimony.
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future schlock.

Postby IanEye » Thu May 21, 2015 11:29 pm

MacCruiskeen » Thu May 21, 2015 5:36 pm wrote:Ian, thanks. I lost a fairly lengthy reply to both you and FB (WiFi vanished). It's midnight here, will reply tomorrow.

same here.

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri May 22, 2015 4:52 am

That TV vileness is not random, it's no accident, it's not some hack's spontaneous personal misbehaviour. It's the dependable Spook/Media Modus Operandi, standard operating procedure, researched for decades by psychologists and admen, its effects carefully observed and worked out and diagrammed, its methods set down on paper for young trainees, there in plain sight for all to see:


Just as they know how to torture effectively, they know how to propagandise effectively. It ain't rocket science, but it is a kind of science. It requires specialist knowledge and skills, it uses tried and tested methods, it produces predictable and testable results.

PS I am not saying they micromanage every single news item. But do they take pains to manipulate mass-media reporting on a prominent DOMESTIC TERROR ATTACK (and "trial")? You bet.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Fri May 22, 2015 5:54 am

A prisoner flipping off his jailers is utterly normal behavior, same for a bored dude making faces in a mirror. Isolating the finger like that really was a shitty act of propaganda. Standard devious behavior from a prosecutor no matter what the case. As someone who was barely paying attention the last several months, I saw almost nothing from the trial, but I did see that one still photo somewhere, out of context, and it made me hate him a little more. I still feel less than zero sympathy for him, and it has no impact on whether I think he's guilty, but that one thing moves my sympathy for him from, like, -35 on a scale of 0 to 10 up to, like, -30. But, so, now...should I thank NBC for opening my eyes to the truth of the finger?
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby Sounder » Fri May 22, 2015 6:06 am

Thanks Mac, that's the kind of material that does us good.

That spells things out plain as day, there are folks whose commitment and mission in life is to 'control thought'.

They are people that have internalized an imperative that calls on them to do anything in order to preserve the 'system'.

There is fine irony though in that the resulting violence done to truth and justice is the means by which the 'system' becomes undermined, by the very people that most pathologically support it.

Dave McGowen has a handle on the BMB issue.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri May 22, 2015 8:56 am

The FBI invent a criminal, stage a fake arrest, and bring the dummy to trial -- all for the greater good:

Fictitious case to snare judge was elaborate

By Jeremy Roebuck and Mark Fazlollah, Inquirer Staff Writers
Posted: September 29, 2014

On paper, David P. Khoury's case appeared like any of the hundreds that make their way through Philadelphia's Criminal Justice Center each day.

Arrested for illegally carrying an unloaded Glock .40-caliber pistol during a May 2012 traffic stop in Holmesburg, Khoury was booked on felony charges and released on a $50,000 bond to begin his slow march through the cogs of the courts.

But that's where the similarities end.

On paper, Khoury's case appeared routine. Yet, as federal court documents now reveal, on paper was the only place Khoury existed.

Last week, authorities identified David P. Khoury as the alias used by an undercover federal agent working as part of an elaborate sting operation to take down a corrupt Philadelphia judge.

The Khoury identity was fabricated, his gun arrest staged, and the criminal charges against him set up - all to test whether Municipal Judge Joseph C. Waters could be induced to influence the case as a favor to a campaign donor.
[...] ... un-charges

These guys have form.
Last edited by MacCruiskeen on Fri May 22, 2015 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri May 22, 2015 9:10 am

^Note the particularly interesting thing: Even the judge (especially the judge) was completely unaware that the defendant, the arrest and the entire case -- including the trial itself -- were elaborate fakes constructed by the FBI. So it is a perfectly practicable method. The deception works.

Unique, you say? A one-off? Nope. From the same article:

While federal authorities have in the past turned to staged prosecutions to root out corruption in the judicial system, the practice remains relatively rare as the technique can raise complex ethical quandaries about tampering with the legal system. ... un-charges

These guys have form.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri May 22, 2015 10:46 am

Sounder, you link to Dave McGowan's Boston articles. Well, I am sorry to hear that the man is dying, but I also want to say that his Boston series was, how shall I put it, not his finest hour. That's really all I want to say about that (and I only mention it at all so that no one here misinterprets my documentation of FBI entrapment and fakery -- all of it demonstrable and much of it even admitted by the Feds themselves -- as support for that "no bombs" stuff).

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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby MacCruiskeen » Fri May 22, 2015 11:13 am

FourthBase » Thu May 21, 2015 6:35 pm wrote:
Meanwhile, can one of you specify a time (to within, say, five seconds) -- on that series of carefully edited stills and film sequences -- when we can clearly see that Dzokhar T. and / or Tamerlan T. definitely has no rucksack? Cos I'm sick of looking in vain. This isn't the first time I've asked, and it really shouldn't be a hard task to fulfil, since this concoction is so "smoking gun", or so you claim. ("Smoking gun" enough to fry a boy for.)


What I expect you to counter with is that the bag could have been tucked away on his right side in just such a way that the camera could miss it. It's possible. Improbable, but possible. What's way more probable is that there's no bag. The bag was bulky. (Yes, bulky enough to contain a pressure cooker.) As he jogs right to left, we get a view of his profile that partially rotates. The chance that some part of the bag wouldn't have been visible in those five seconds is low. Ah, but maybe it blended in with the darkness of his clothes? But now, isn't the lightness of his bag compared to the darkness of the exploded bag with the square white tag supposed to be evidence implicating the National Guard team? You can see a woman holding a purse jogging in that same time span, so I expect to see at least a tiny glimpse of his bulky light-colored backpack. There's none. What it looks like is a dude with his arms in a typical jogging/running position, bent at the elbows, unencumbered by any object like a backpack.

FourthBase, I was going to respond to this point-by-point, but really, what would be the point? Your post already dismantles itself. It crumbles on touch. Out of the entire nine minutes of those surveillance-video extracts -- and after four requests from me -- you cite one (in figures:1) five-second sequence -- and then you admit that it doesn't show what you and others (most notably the prosecutors and the vile media) have claimed it shows!

NB: This is their best evidence. This is the very best they can come up with. This is the strongest evidence they can produce out of all the surveillance film from several different cameras. And it is very carefully selected and edited. (Why so many stills of Tamerlan, for instance? They're from a video camera, right? So why do they extract only stills for our perusal?) FFS.

Smoking gun? It is a wet fart. It is a joke, but a joke in very poor taste. It is a joke that will be used to fry a boy, while Boston cheers and gloats.

In any case: Even it did show one or both of the brothers dropping a bag (it doesn't) or leaving the scene without a bag (it doesn't), it would still only prove... what, exactly? Nothing. Except that one or both of them had lost a bag at a bomb scene. (They weren't the only ones. I see at least one other backpack lying around there.)

I would not fry an egg or hang a coat on "evidence" that weak. (That non-existent, to be precise.) You would fry a boy on it.

FourthBase wrote:What I expect you to counter with is that the bag could have been tucked away on his right side in just such a way that the camera could miss it.

Damn right. And what's more: "To have an objection anticipated is no reason not to raise it." (Alasdair Gray, 1981) Because anticipation and rebuttal are two very different things.
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Re: Two explosions at Boston marathon finish line

Postby FourthBase » Fri May 22, 2015 2:46 pm

You would fry a boy on it.

No. I would not have voted for the death penalty, which I abhor.

But yes, together with the entirety of the rest of the case, I would have found him guilty. If the only evidence were that one video compilation, then no, I wouldn't have, the doubt would have been borderline reasonable. But it's not the only evidence. Thinking the Tsarnaevs are innocent requires the same kind of chain of improbabilities as a coincidence theory.
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