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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:10 pm

Link du jour


http://www.occurrencesforeigndomestic.c ... ee-twenty/

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/fbi ... ack-897623

https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/07/10/fbis- ... n-bombing/



hush, secret
Photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Geoffrey Meyer-van Voorthuijsen / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0)

As another mega-budget Hollywood movie about the Boston Marathon bombing nears release, the mainstream media are finally addressing the many unanswered questions concerning the mastermind of the bombing, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

And yet — four years after the bombing and two years after Tamerlan’s younger brother Dzhokhar was sentenced to death for his role — the feds still aren’t talking.

WhoWhatWhy readers will be familiar with most of these open questions:

• How was Tamerlan able to travel back and forth to the country from which he sought asylum in 2012, despite being on multiple terror watchlists?

• Why was he not questioned about the 2011 murder of three of his friends?

• Was Tamerlan working for or manipulated by the feds for some purpose?

• Was the FBI or some other federal agency using Tamerlan’s desire to become a US citizen as leverage?

• Did the Tsarnaevs have help constructing the bombs?

• Was anyone else involved in planning or inspiring the plot?

As we highlighted in April, ABC News investigative reporter Michele McPhee published a damning exposé which documents the suspicion in Boston’s local law enforcement that the FBI is covering up its interactions with Tamerlan Tsarnaev prior to the bombing. McPhee’s investigation led her to conclude that there is indeed an FBI cover-up afoot.

More recently, WBUR’s (Boston’s NPR station) Meghna Chakrabarti produced an hour-long special titled “Unanswered Questions about Tamerlan Tsarnaev.” Taking off from McPhee’s findings, the radio program explores some of the mysteries about which the government remains tight-lipped.

Chakrabarti concludes: “There is still a tight shroud of secrecy wrapped around much of this case.”

While she is more circumspect about the possibility of a cover-up, her long and detailed account points to a raft of strange coincidences and anomalies that scream for further explanation.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Unanswered Questions about Tamerlan Tsarnaev by Jamie Bologna and Meghna Chakrabarti (left). Maximum Harm by Michele McPhee. Photo credit: WBUR and ForeEdge

It’s not just the media that’s still being shut out.

As Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s automatic federal death penalty appeal gets underway, prosecutors are refusing to turn over “classified” documents to Tsarnaev’s appellate lawyers.

What’s in those “classified” documents? It’s impossible to say, but they would likely shed some light on the unresolved mysteries surrounding Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

The lead prosecutor in Tsarnaev’s trial, William Weinreb, told WBUR that he thinks “it is fair to say that there are still a number of questions unanswered about that case. Maybe the answers will emerge over time.”

Sounds like the lead prosecutor was also kept in the dark.

Epidemic of Secrecy
The trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was, from the beginning, cloaked in unprecedented levels of secrecy.

Various media organizations raised issues with the inordinate number of sealed motions during the high-profile trial.

The attorney who defended Whitey Bulger — another notorious Boston killer the feds were eager to distance themselves from — characterized Tsarnaev’s trial as an “epidemic of secrecy.”

Bulger, the South Boston mobster, was employed by the FBI for years as an informant — all the while carrying on his murderous mob operations in and around Boston. Bulger’s attorney, Jay Carney, told the Boston Globe “transparency should be the presumption” instead of all the secrecy and sealed documents in the Tsarnaev trial.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, FBI Suspects 1 and 2.
Photo credit: FBI

That didn’t happen. The government invoked that old standby “national security,” allowing it to shroud important details of the back story in darkness.

Robert Ambrogi, executive director of the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, told Politico that the information lockdown “tells you that major parts of this case are being conducted out of the public view. If ever there was a case that cries out to be conducted in a public forum, this is it. It’s pretty shocking.”

The judge in the case, George A. O’Toole Jr., ignited a veritable firestorm among Boston media when, three months after the conclusion of the trial, he continued to refuse to release the names of jurors.

Experts quoted in media accounts at the time characterized the long delay as “unprecedented,” “an aberration,” and as having “no possible rationale.”

Even Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s defense team, who presumably have a right to unfettered access to evidence against their client, found themselves filing numerous motions complaining to the judge about a lack of cooperation from the FBI and prosecution during the discovery phase of the trial.

Compounding their difficulties, Tsarnaev was placed on draconian Special Administrative Measures (SAMs) that severely limited the defense team’s ability to interact freely with their client. It also continues to prevent Tsarnaev from communicating with anyone from the media — as WhoWhatWhy found out when we were given a Kafkaesque runaround after we requested an interview.

Congress Shut Out
Because of FBI stonewalling, a delegation of congressmen felt compelled to travel to Russia, trying to get answers about Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Upon returning, Massachusetts Rep. Bill Keating (D-MA) said the FSB were more forthcoming than the FBI. (The FSB is Russia’s federal security service.)

Russia had warned the FBI back in 2011 that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was becoming radicalized, and might be making plans to travel to Russia to engage in terrorist activity. The FBI claims to have conducted an assessment of Tsarnaev but found no links to terrorism and closed the investigation.

The FBI’s pre-bombing interest in Tsarnaev thus came under intense, albeit short-lived, scrutiny.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Judiciary Committee which oversees the FBI, wrote a scathing letter to then-Director James Comey complaining about a lack of transparency to his oversight committee.

When the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community published an unclassified summary of “intelligence failures” that led up to the bombing, it too noted a lack of cooperation from the FBI, writing that “access to certain information was significantly delayed.”

And when 47 inspectors general from various executive agencies sent a letter to Congress in 2014 complaining about a growing problem of stonewalling of investigations by numerous executive branch agencies, the FBI’s lack of cooperation on the Boston Marathon bombing investigation was cited front and center.

As a result of that letter, a bipartisan Congressional coalition introduced an amendment to the original 1978 Inspector General Act. Grassley, a cosponsor of the amendment, wrote at the time that a “federal agency’s failure to give its inspector general timely access to information as required by law raises red flags. It begs the question, ‘What are you trying to hide?’”

Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Street Scene (Aaron “tango” Tang / Wikimedia – CC BY 2.0), Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (US Marshals Service) and Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Wikimedia).

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3314719

SEE IT: Columbus officer throws disabled woman out of her wheelchair during protest over Medicaid cuts

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, July 10, 2017, 10:21 AM

http://ticklethewire.com/2017/07/10/tru ... ing-memos/

Trump Suggests Fired FBI Director Broke the Law by Releasing memos

By Steve Neavling

As the pressure on Donald Trump intensifies over an evolving federal investigation of alleged collusion with Russia, the president is resorting to what he knows best: Attack his perceived enemy on an unrelated issue.

On Twitter Monday morning, Trump wrote, “James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!”

The president also tweeted a video Monday morning from Fox & Friends in which former U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, suggested fired FBI Director James Comey broke the law by disseminating memos about his and Trump’s meetings.

“You can’t do that,” Chaffetz said. “It’s against the law.”

On Sunday evening, Chaffetz also tweeted, “Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material. If true, this is bombshell news.”

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3314399

Minneapolis cop shoots two dogs in woman's backyard while investigating canceled burglary alarm

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, July 10, 2017, 5:41 AM

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/bom ... nct-839076

Man Busted For Phoning In Bomb Threat To Police Used Pay Phone In Precinct Lobby

http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainmen ... -1.3314895

Comedian George Lopez called on Trump to 'deport the police' on Instagram

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, July 10, 2017, 11:12 AM

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/p ... -1.3314854

North Carolina priest allegedly points gun at two people during road rage incident

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, July 10, 2017, 11:10 AM

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/a ... -1.3314413

Afghan girls trying to attend robotics competition denied U.S. visa again

July 10, 2017, 5:55 AM

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ex- ... -1.3313612

Retired prison guard faces human rights raps for being the bully of his Staten Island block
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Monday, July 10, 2017, 4:00 AM

http://congress-courts-legislation.blog ... 8CCL%29%29

July 2, 2017
WYCO deputy fired, charged with pocketing money from sex offenders

7-1-17 Kansas:

Kansas City, KS - A Wyandotte County deputy faces felony charges for stealing money intended for the Sheriff's office, according to the county prosecutor.

Jay Pennington,38, was team leader for the WYCO sheriff's Offender Registration Unit (ORU) and responsible for taking cash fees from registered sex offenders.

Prosecutor Michael Dupree alleges Pennington was making fake receipts and pocketing the $20 cash fees. It's not clear yet how much money is missing.

He was fired Thursday, June 29, and arrested.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:06 am

Link du jour

http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/ ... 268140.php

http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Cons ... 281708.php

http://www.cjpc.org/sex-offender-policy ... sopri.html

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3317367

http://www.nydailynews.com/newswires/ne ... -1.3318232

http://www.sfgate.com/news/crime/articl ... 280957.php

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3318890

WATCH: Video captures white Georgia officer viciously beating black woman with baton
while she is laying on floor
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 8:35 PM

https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/07/11/us- ... nee-policy

US: Press FBI Nominee Wray on Independence, Detainee Policy

(Washington) – The US Senate Judiciary Committee should vigorously question Christopher Wray, the nominee for director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), on ensuring the bureau’s independence and his role in post-September 11, 2001 detainee policy, Human Rights Watch said today. Wray’s confirmation hearing is slated for July 12, 2017.

President Donald Trump nominated Wray after firing James Comey as FBI director in the midst of the FBI’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and Russia to intervene in the 2016 US presidential election.

“Christopher Wray needs to demonstrate to the Senate that he will uphold the FBI’s independence, which is critical for the bureau being an impartial law enforcement agency,” said Maria McFarland Sanchez-Moreno, US program co-director at Human Rights Watch. “Senators also need clarity from Wray about his role in abusive detainee policies after 9/11 and his positions on surveillance, protest movements, and other issues affecting basic rights.”

As FBI director, Wray would be in charge of all federal investigations aimed at enforcing federal law and would play an important role in counterintelligence operations. The FBI conducts investigations in a range of areas including terrorism, cyber-crime, federal civil rights violations, corporate and banking fraud, and public corruption.

As a lawyer, Wray has alternated between working for the Justice Department, including heading the criminal division and handling corporate fraud cases, and private practice, representing corporate interests in criminal and regulatory actions. More recently he was the personal attorney for Trump’s former transition director, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. The firm where he currently works also advises the Trump family business, media reports say.

Senators should question Wray about his involvement in US detainee policy after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Human Rights Watch said. As head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, Wray may have had information about the mistreatment of detainees amounting to criminal conduct by members of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), civilian contractors and other personnel.

However, in 2004 after reports surfaced of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Wray suggested at a public hearing that he had no knowledge of the abuses before they were reported by the media. Days later, the media reported that the Justice Department had already been investigating allegations of detainee abuse by the CIA, prompting Senator Patrick Leahy to write a letter to the attorney general urging him to clarify Wray’s testimony.

Documents since made public as part of a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Civil Liberties Union indicate that the CIA Office of Inspector General had sent Wray a memo three months earlier referring the case of Manadal al-Jamadi to Wray for “possible violations of criminal law.” Jamadi died due to “blunt force injuries complicated by compromised respiration,” according to the memo, shortly after his arrest and detention in CIA and then military custody in Iraq. By that time, at least six detainees had died in CIA or Defense Department custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, including at least two and perhaps three, whom the Justice Department had known about and were investigating.

“Wray needs to explain what and when he knew about CIA detainee abuse and his response,” McFarland Sanchez-Moreno said. “The issue gets to the heart of whether Wray will use his powers to carry out criminal investigations in the face of enormous political opposition.”

Wray also played a key role in the FBI PENTTBOMB investigation following the 9/11 attacks, during which more than 750 mostly Arab or Muslim men who had violated US immigration law were detained, ostensibly for ties to terrorism. Many of these men, deemed “special interest” detainees, were held for prolonged periods, averaging 80 days, without knowledge of, or the ability to contest, the terrorism allegations. Though many had overstayed their visas or entered the US illegally, as Human Rights Watch and Inspector General’s reports found, the men normally would not have been detained or would have been held in immigrant detention centers with access to visitors and attorneys.

Instead, they were held under a “hold until cleared” policy even if there was no basis for the terrorism allegations, and even in some cases after judges had ordered their release on bond or deportation orders and they could be returned to their home countries. Both reports found that these measures were not justified on national security grounds.

Many of these detainees were put in maximum-security prisons under what the inspector general’s report described as a “communications blackout,” that in some cases lasted for weeks. During that time, the detainees’ families and lawyers didn’t know where they were or why they had been locked up. Wray, who was then Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General, supported these measures, according to the Inspector General’s report. The report says that he and a colleague told the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) director, Kathy Hawk Sawyer, “to ‘not be in a hurry’ to provide the September 11 detainees with access to communications – including legal and social calls or visits – as long as the BOP remained within the reasonable bounds of its lawful discretion.”

Incommunicado detention can facilitate serious human rights violations, including torture and ill-treatment, and violates US obligations under international law. In addition to being denied access to lawyers and families and arbitrarily detained, many of the PENTTBOM detainees subject to the communication blackout were physically abused, slammed into walls, kicked, dragged by handcuffs, and verbally harassed, according to the report.

Senators should question Wray about areas of FBI work that directly affect the rights of Americans, Human Rights Watch said. Little is known about Wray’s views on communications surveillance, but as with then-Deputy Attorney General Comey and others, he reportedly was willing to resign in protest in 2004 over the prospective re-authorization of a large-scale secret monitoring program.

It’s up to the Senate to ensure that its next director will uphold the bureau’s independence and respect rights.
Maria McFarland Sanchez-Moreno
Co-Director of US Program
However, the FBI has access to enormous troves of information assembled using electronic surveillance powers greatly expanded since 9/11. Therefore, it will be important for Senators to question Wray about how he would use US communications surveillance authorities. They should also question whether he, like Comey, would support the creation of “encryption backdoors” for law enforcement. Human Rights Watch, digital security experts, and privacy groups have opposed this because it would create vulnerabilities that criminals and others could exploit, broadly undermine cybersecurity, and give rise to a risk of rights abuses by unscrupulous governments and officials.
A related area of concern is the FBI’s practice, documented by Human Rights Watch, of targeting for investigation American Muslims and particularly vulnerable people, including those with intellectual and mental disabilities and the indigent, who were not involved in terrorist activity and may never have been were it not for the FBI’s involvement and encouragement.

Senators should question Wray about his response to emerging protest movements, such as Black Lives Matter, whose motives President Trump has criticized. The FBI has a history of abuses against domestic dissenters, notably the COINTELPRO investigations, aimed at carrying out surveillance on, smearing, and discrediting anti-war and civil rights groups between 1956 and 1971.

Questions should focus on the FBI’s ability to safeguard the rights of protesters. Senators should also seek a firm commitment from Wray to continue the FBI’s investigations into civil rights violations by local police departments, despite Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ moves towards reducing the Justice Department’s role in civil rights enforcement.

“The FBI has broad powers and plays a critical role as the chief federal law enforcement agency in the United States,” McFarland Sanchez-Moreno said. “It’s up to the Senate to ensure that its next director will uphold the bureau’s independence and respect rights.”

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3317904

KING: Recent stories of injustice in America you may have missed

July 11, 2017, 12:25 PM

The injustice review is a new column I will be writing every Tuesday to review recent cases of injustice from the past week that could easily get lost in the news cycle of Trump's America.

One of the most difficult aspects of my job is that so many of you keep informed about incidents of injustice in America that I sincerely struggle to keep up. I write at least one story a day about injustice in America, but that barely scratches the surface of how bad things truly are. I hope to use this new column to track and expose even more cases.

The Indianapolis Police Shooting of Aaron Bailey

On June 29, Indianapolis police shot and killed Aaron Bailey, a 45-year-old black man, after a traffic stop. He was unarmed. The shooting has a single eyewitness, Shiwanda Ward, who recently spoke to the press. In this video, she said Bailey was injured by airbags after their car crashed and that police shot him right there on the spot "for no apparent reason."

Local police, and now the FBI, are investigating the shooting.

KING: Police brutality fight is David versus an army of Goliaths
Columbus Officer Zachary Rosen fired for stomping a handcuffed man

Columbus, Ohio, police officer Zachary Rosen was involved in the 2016 shooting death of Henry Green, a beloved young man in the community. Rosen was not indicted by a grand jury after the shooting, and activists in Columbus have fought nonstop for Rosen to be fired — something that finally happened after video showed him stomping on a handcuffed man. Now, he must be arrested. What he did to a nonviolent man in handcuffs was not just against department policy, it should be classified as an illegal assault. Firing him is simply not enough.

Philando Castile
Philando Castile (JIM MONE)
Officer who shot and killed Philando Castile given $48,500 settlement

After shooting and killing a man who did absolutely nothing to deserve such violence, Officer Jeronimo Yanez was just given a $48,500 settlement in an agreement to leave the department. This man — who openly admitted that he first pulled over Philando Castile because he thought his nose resembled that of an armed robbery suspect — shot and killed Castile for no apparent reason whatsoever, then was given a load of cash? Not only is that bogus, it's a true symptom of just how difficult it is to hold terrible cops accountable. The man literally just got paid after killing Philando Castile. My blood is boiling.

The Louisiana police killing of Dejuan Guillory

Early in the morning of July 7, 27-year-old Dejuan Guillory, a black man, was shot and killed by police in the rural Louisiana town of Mamou, La. Guillory was unarmed. According to the attorney of the only eyewitness to the shooting:

"They were both on the ground. Guillory was on the ground, on his belly, his hands behind his back, and the officer had a gun trained at Guillory's back, maybe a foot or two from Guillory's body. They were still arguing back and forth but Guillory was on the ground as directed. His hands were behind his back. Guillory said 'Please don't shoot me; I have three kids.' He was not resisting. All of a sudden, a shot rang out."

KING: No, I won't be writing about black-on-black crime
Dejuan Guillory was shot to death by a Ville Platte sheriff's deputy, and his girlfriend Dequince Brown's lawyer alleges that Guillory was lying on his stomach with his hands on his back when he was shot.
Dejuan Guillory was shot to death by a Ville Platte sheriff's deputy, and his girlfriend Dequince Brown's lawyer alleges that Guillory was lying on his stomach with his hands on his back when he was shot. (FACEBOOK)
According to attorneys for the eyewitness, the officer, Paul LeFleur, then shot Guillory at least three more times. An autopsy report on Guillory has not yet been released.

Police in Colorado shoot and kill six people in five days

This year is on pace to be the deadliest measured for police brutality in America. In a span of just five days last week, police in Colorado shot and killed six people. To give that some perspective, in 2013, police in Finland, which has 5.3 million residents, fired six bullets the entire year.

Florida's first and only black state's attorney was racially profiled by police

Aramis Ayala is Florida's first and only African-American state's attorney — making her one of the most powerful and influential figures in their justice system. That didn't stop police from pulling her over for flimsy reasons. Watch the outrageous video of the incident here.

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/sco ... -1.3318292

Hundreds of NYPD cops turn backs to de Blasio in protest as he speaks at funeral for slain police

July 11, 2017, 3:11 PM
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Jul 15, 2017 10:39 pm

Book Review
https://www.amazon.com/Phenomena-Govern ... 0316349364

Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis Hardcover – March 28, 2017
by Annie Jacobsen (Author)
4.2 out of 5 stars 93 customer reviews

http://www.npr.org/2017/07/13/536922440 ... -the-lambs

Ronald Kessler is a FBI Public Relations Specialist

FBI's 'G-Man' Image: From Comic Books To 'The X-Files' And 'The Silence Of The Lambs'

July 13, 201712:56 PM ET

Annie Jacobsen, a journalist who covers national security and author of Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government's Investigations Into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis, believes the FBI must have had a department like the one for which TV's Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully worked. And it still could.

"My reasoning is that we know there is that department inside the CIA and also inside the Pentagon. And history tells us that this department existed in [the FBI] in the 50s," she said.

Her book is a deep dive into the CIA and Pentagon programs that sought to train people in the arts of mind-reading and moving objects with their minds.

"The FBI always likes to keep up with what's going on in the intelligence community and their partners over at the Pentagon," said Jacobsen. "To imagine that the department went away is sort of less believable."

Then there are the fictionalized representations of the Bureau's profilers, whom audiences love — and network executives love that audiences love them. Perhaps the most famous of these was, technically, a trainee — Clarice Starling, a dogged naif pulled from the FBI Academy and assigned with trying to track down a skin-suit-making serial killer in The Silence of the Lambs.

James Comey is writing a book, and publishers are eager to pay big money for it

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/latest-news/artic ... rylink=cpy


ERIC - A Quantitative Description of FBI Public Relations., Public Relations Review, 1997
ED.gov › eric › ...
by DC Gibson - ‎1997 - ‎Cited by 12 - ‎Related articles
A Quantitative Description of FBI Public Relations. Gibson, Dirk C. Public Relations Review , v23 n1 p11-30 Spr 1997. States that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had the most successful media relations ...

https://www.rawstory.com/2017/07/im-not ... r-defense/

FBI agent/Congressman Rogers:
‘I’m not buying it’: National security expert rips Trump team’s ‘We didn’t know any better’ defense

http://www.floridabulldog.org/2014/12/f ... 11-report/

Florida congressman denied access to censored pages from Congress' 9/11 report - Florida Bulldog | Florida Bulldog
Florida Bulldog › 2014/12 › florida-con...
Dec 29, 2014 - Grayson, an outspoken liberal and a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, said his denial was engineered by outgoing Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich. Rogers is a former FBI agent who ...

http://www.thedailybeast.com/did-brits- ... -into-wwii

Did Brits or FBI agents Kill New York City Cops to Get U.S. into WWII?
For 77 years the culprits behind a July 4, 1940, terror bombing at the New York World’s Fair have never been found. Is this the answer?

07.16.17 12:00 AM ET

This past Independence Day marked the seventy-seventh anniversary of the unsolved crime. “It’s a cold case, but still an open case,” New York City Police Lieutenant Bernard Whalen tells me. He has scrutinized the original bombing case files while researching two books he wrote on the history of the NYPD. “There was a massive investigation at the time. The FBI was involved.” No effort was spared—except to get at those he believes were likeliest to have knowledge of the bomb, the security staff of the British Pavilion itself.
Although the United States was officially neutral, in the midst of a world at war, it was fast becoming a shadowy battlefield. New York teemed with spies, political agitators, and foreign agents, many with violence in mind for their enemies, some desperate enough to go to any length to sway American public opinion. While Whalen won’t pin blame on any single possible culprit, he says after his own studies of the case, “You could draw the conclusion that it was an inside job.” At one point the NYPD suspected as much, but were stopped from getting to the bottom of the case.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/ ... 7ad8379ace

Did FBI Director Hoover Know Of Pearl Harbor?

By Thomas O'Toole December 2, 1982
In the war of words over who was to blame for the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 41 years ago, fresh evidence is emerging that the late FBI director J. Edgar Hoover had a hand in the intelligence bungles that led the United States to heed none of the warnings that the invasion was imminent.

The new evidence is supplied by Michigan State University historians John F. Bratzel and Leslie B. Rout Jr., who write in the current issue of The American Historical Review that Hoover received a double warning more than three months before the attack that the Japanese were thinking of making a surprise aircraft attack on the American fleet in Pearl Harbor.

Based on information in 40-year-old FBI documents and documents from the FDR library near Hyde Park, N. Y., the two historians also claim that the double warning to Hoover is the "missing evidence" that Pulitzer Prize-winning author John Toland said he and other Pearl Harbor writers have sought for years. Toland claimed in his last book, "Infamy," that the "disappearance" of this evidence was part of a "cover up" to purge intelligence records damaging to high officials in the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration.

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-ra ... 58197.html

Trump Raises $13.3 Million in Second Quarter, FEC Records Show
Yahoo Finance-
Former FBI director Robert Mueller then took charge of the government's probe as special counsel. Trump's campaign paid $677,827 for legal services, up from ...

http://www.thedailybeast.com/fbi-made-h ... r-30-years

FBI Made Him Into a Cocaine Dealer, Now 'White Boy Rick' Is Going ...
Daily Beast-
Wershe's involvement in the drug underworld began when the FBI recruited him as a confidential informant at age 14. He had not been ...

http://www.kvue.com/news/local/ways-to- ... /457024865

Ways to ensure kids can be identified if they go missing
"The FBI has a child identification kit that's an application they can put on their cell phone," Paul said. "It helps them gather the information, photographs, and ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/ ... 5732c272cb

also see


Edward Rodgers was in charge of investigating cases of Child Abuse at the FBI

THE DENVER POST - Voice of the Rocky Mountain Empire
May 17, 1990
Sisters win sex lawsuit vs. dad $2.3 million given for years of abuse

Two daughters of former state and federal law enforcement official Edward Rodgers were awarded $2.319,400 yesterday, after a Denver judge and jury found that the women suffered years of abuse at the hands of their father.

The award to Sharon Simone, 45, and Susan Hammond, 44, followed testimony of Rodgers’ four daughters in person or through depositions, describing repeated physical abuse and sexual assaults by their father from 1944 through 1965.

Rodgers, 72, who became a child abuse expert after retiring from the FBI and joining the colorado Springs DA’s office, failed to appear for the trial. But in a deposition taken in March, Rodgers denied ever hitting or sexually abusing his children.

He admitted that he thought of himself as a "domineering s.o.b. who demanded strict responses from my children, strict obedience." But it never approached child abuse, Rodgers said. "Did I make mistakes? Damn right I did, just like any other father or mother..."

Thomas Gresham, Rodger’s former attorney, withdrew from the case recently after being unable to locate his client. Rodgers recently contacted one of his sons from a Texas town along the Mexican border. Gresham said his last contact with Rodgers was on April 24.

The sisters reacted quietly to the verdict, and with relief that their stories of abuse had finally been told.

"I feel really good that I’ve gone public with this,"Hammond said. "I am a victim, the shame isn’t mine, the horror happened to me. I’m not bad.
"My father did shameful and horrible things to me and my brothers and sisters. I don’t believe he is a shameful and horrible man, but he has to be held accountable," Hammond added.

The lawsuit deeply divided the Rodgers family, with Rodgers’ three sons questioning their sister’s motives.

Immediately after the verdict, son Steve Rodgers, 37, reacted angrily, yelling at his sisters in the courtroom.

Later, Rodgers said he loves his father and stands by him. He said his sisters had told him their father had to be exposed the way Nazi war criminals have been exposed.

"In a way I’m angry with my father for not being here. But I’m sympathetic because he would have walked into a gross crucifixion," Rodgers said.

Steve Rodgers never denied that he and his siblings were physically abused, but disputed that his father molested his sisters.
Before the jury’s award, Denver District Judge William Meyer found that Rodger’s conduct toward Simone and Hammond was negligent and "outrageous."

Despite the length of time since the abuse, the jury determined the sisters could legally bring the suit. The statute of limitations for a civil suit is two years, but jurors determined that the sisters became aware of he nature and extent of their injury only within the last two years, during therapy.

The jury then determined the damages, finding $1,240,000 for Simone and 1,079,000 for Hammond.

The sisters had alleged in their suit filed last July that Rodgers subjected his seven children to a "pattern of emotional, physical, sexual and incestual abuse."

As a result of the abuse, the women claimed their emotional lives had been left in a shambles, requiring extensive therapy for both and repeated hospitalizations of Hammond, who was acutely suicidal. Simone developed obsessive behavior and became so unable to function she resigned a position with a Boston-based college.

Despite the judgment yesterday, Rodgers cannot be criminally charged. the statue of limitations in Colorado for sexual assault on children is 10 years.
Rodgers, who worked for the FBI for 27 years, much of it in Denver, became chief investigator for the district attorney’s office in Colorado Sp;rings. during his employment at the DA’s office from 1967 until 1983, he became a well-known figure in Colorado Springs, and lectured and wrote about child abuse both locally and nationwide.

He wrote a manual called " A Compendium -- Child Abuse by the National College of District Attorney’s," and helped put together manuals on child abuse for the New York state police and a national child abuse center.

https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/wa ... hief_x.htm

Ex-FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse

Tuesday February 17, 2004 11:46 PM


The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career.

John H. Conditt Jr., 53, who retired in 2001, was sentenced last week to 12 years in prison in Tarrant County court in Fort Worth, Texas, after he admitted he molested the daughter of two FBI agents after he retired. He acknowledged molesting at least two other girls before he began his law enforcement career, his lawyer said.

Conditt sought treatment for sex offenders after his arrest last year, said his attorney, Toby Goldsmith.

``The problem these people have is they don't really feel like it is their fault,'' Goldsmith said. ``The treatment doesn't work unless you admit you are the one who instigated it, and he did that.''

Conditt headed the internal affairs unit that investigates agent wrongdoing for the Office of Professional Responsibility at FBI headquarters in Washington from 1999 until his retirement in June 2001, the FBI said. He wrote articles in law enforcement journals on how police agencies could effectively investigate their own conduct.

FBI officials said Tuesday they had no information to suggest that Conditt had any problems during his career and he was never the subject of an investigation.

Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney Mitch Poe, who prosecuted the case, said he wanted a longer prison sentence and was skeptical of Conditt's claim that his molestation of children subsided during his FBI career.

``Both myself and the judge in open court, we were kind of skeptical but we don't have any evidence,'' Poe said.

A recently retired FBI whistleblower who brought allegations to Conditt's office that agents had not aggressively pursued evidence of sexual abuse in Indian country said Tuesday she now questions whether his personal history affected that decision.

``Before, it never made any sense,'' retired agent Jane Turner said of the FBI's decision to decline to further investigate her allegations. ``Now I can understand. Why in the world wouldn't you want to investigate that?''

Goldsmith said he was concerned about the safety of his client in prison given that he is a former FBI agent and an admitted child molester. ``He's not going to be comfortable in the penitentiary,'' the lawyer said.

Goldsmith said his client had admitted that he had molested at least two other girls before he became an FBI agent more than 30 years ago, but that there was no evidence of any wrongdoing while he served in the bureau.

``It seems that he never did because he had stricter control at that time,'' the lawyer said.

Conditt could have faced life in prison, and prosecutors requested he get 50 years. The judge sentenced him to 12 years in prison, in part citing Conditt's decision to spare the victim the trauma of a trial, Goldsmith said.

Conditt's conviction is the latest controversy to strike the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility.

Last year, FBI Director Robert Mueller transferred the head of the office to another supervisory assignment outside Washington, three months after rebuking him for his conduct toward a whistleblower.

That whistleblower, John Roberts, alleged the FBI disciplinary office had a double standard that let supervisors off easier than rank-and-file agents.

Those allegations prompted investigations by Congress and the Justice Department inspector general. The inspector general concluded that there was no systematic favoritism of senior managers over rank-and-file employees but that there was a double standard in some cases involving crude sexual jokes and remarks.
http://www.campusactivism.org/phpBB3/vi ... =689#p1538

http://articles.courant.com/2006-02-04/ ... l-activity

Former Scout leader-FBI agent indicted on child sex charges

February 3, 2006, 5:59 PM EST

NEW HAVEN, Conn. A retired FBI agent was indicted Friday on federal child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader.

William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested Friday. The federal grand jury indictment offers few details about the case but accuses Hutton of enticing a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.

"It's obviously devastating. He was an FBI agent in this district and was reputed in this district," defense attorney Hugh Keefe said. "The people who worked with him in the U.S. attorney's office and FBI respected him."

Keefe said the investigation has been going on for years. He would not discuss the details of the case or how the allegations surfaced.

Investigators asked anyone who knows anything about the case to call the FBI. U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor said that's standard practice whenever there might be more victims.

"In any case that's a concern," O'Connor said. "Whether that's the situation here I can't say."

If convicted on all four charges, Hutton faces up to 30 years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines.

Hutton was released on a $200,00 bond. He may not own any firearms or have any unsupervised contact with children. He was also ordered to stay away from playgrounds, schools, arcades or anywhere children congregate.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:34 am

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https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/07/18/whowh ... eam-media/


http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/l ... 103811398/

Mutilation probe widens as deportation fears mount
Robert Snell , The Detroit News Published 5:45 p.m. ET July 18, 2017 | Updated 6:50 p.m. ET July 18, 2017

Steve Francis, special agent in charge of Homeland Security Investigation’s office in Detroit, denied that agents were threatening people with deportation in the nation’s first federal prosecution involving female genital mutilation.

“Homeland Security Investigations special agents conduct all investigative activities with the highest level of professionalism and respect,” Francis said in a statement Tuesday. “Any allegations to the contrary are baseless and without merit.”

The head of the FBI in Detroit defended his agents’ handling of the case.

“The FBI has and will continue to tirelessly investigate allegations involving harm to children, and we will pursue each and every lead in this case, as it is literally some of the most important work that we do,” said David P. Gelios, special agent in charge for the Detroit Division of the FBI.

“At the same time, just as we remain steadfast in our efforts to protect children from harm, FBI special agents adhere to the highest level of professionalism and uphold the constitutional protections afforded to everyone in the United States — victims and defendants alike,” he said. “Any accusations to the contrary are misguided, without merit, and cut against not only what the FBI stands for but also the work performed by the men and women of the FBI every day.”

http://www.ajc.com/news/crime--law/form ... SvxBRrsuI/

Former FBI agent’s guilty plea could affect child predator case

Rhonda Cook
10:13 a.m. Monday, July 17, 2017 AJC Homepage

http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index. ... _pris.html

FBI agent Ryan Seese sentenced to prison in two Peeping Tom cases in Hershey | PennLive.com
Dec 28, 2010 - A Dauphin County judge this morning sentenced former FBI agent Ryan Seese, 37 , of Derry Township, to 1 to 23-1/2 months in county prison plus 3 years' probation for two Peeping Tom ...

http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/08/24 ... -scramble/

VT Exclusive: Largest Pedophile Ring in History, 70,000 Members, Heads of State, the Rats Scramble | Veterans Today
Veterans Today › 2016/08/24 › vt-exclus...
Aug 24, 2016 - Millions read the news today, the pedophile ring “busted” or the earlier article about how the FBI ..... We remember former FBI director and founder, J Edgar Hoover, the man who said ritual satanic child ...

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/ ... zen-school

More than 500 boys abused at top German Catholic school
Physical and sexual abuse took place up to 2015 at Regensburger Domspatzen choir school, referred to by some pupils as ‘hell’

http://ticklethewire.com/2017/07/18/dis ... al-prison/

Disgraced Ex-House Speaker Dennis Hastert Released From Federal Prison

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, 75, who had long been regarded in the public eye as just a Regular Joe from the Midwest — that is until his scandal emerged — has been released from a federal prison hospital in Minnesota and transferred to a halfway house in Chicago, Josh Gerstein of Politico reports.

Hastert pleaded guilty last year to violating money laundering laws in a case that shocked the country and Beltway insiders. The scandal stemmed from hush money he paid to conceal sexual abuse he committed of students while he was a high school teacher and coach several decades ago.

A federal judge in Chicago sentenced him to 15 months.

Hastert was never charged in the sexual abuse cases because of the statute of limitations. But Politico notes that two men are suing him, alleging they were abused as kids.

Defending Rights & Dissent Joins Transparency Groups in Trying to Prevent CIA from Destroying Records

the facade of the Archives of the United States building
July 18, 2017 – The CIA recently received tentative approval from the National Archives and Records Administration to destroy files that allegedly have no historical significance. Defending Rights & Dissent joined the National Security Archives, OpenTheGoverment, and Demand Progress in submitting comments opposing the planned destruction of documents.

http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2017/0 ... newsletter

Despite parents' pleas, police closed in, and a life was lost in Hingham

His parents said he just needed to sleep. A SWAT team came instead
HINGHAM — As police cars rolled into his pristine suburban neighborhood last Saturday night, past the sprawling Colonials and manicured lawns, and as dozens of officers from across the region surrounded his home, Russell Reeves begged them again and again to back off.

In a bedroom upstairs his son Austin, 26, was distraught over a breakup. He had told his family he needed time alone. With him was his dog and his 9 mm handgun. If you pressure him, if he feels cornered, Reeves said he told the police, this will end with Austin killing himself.

The police listened and nodded and took notes in their notebooks, according to Reeves. And yet, more officers kept coming. Some wore camouflage and carried rifles. They set up bright lights to shine onto the house and drove a military-style vehicle into the backyard. Eventually, they broke seven upstairs windows so a mounted camera could look inside for Austin.

“Please,” the frightened father says he asked them, “why can’t you just let him go to sleep?”

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/k ... -1.3335288

KING: Recent stories of injustice in America you may have missed

Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 12:06 PM

Teenager stuck behind bars for a crime he did not commit will soon lose his college scholarship

Pedro Hernandez graduated from high school with distinction and was recognized for helping many of his peers accomplish the same thing. For all of this, he was awarded a full college scholarship and should be starting college in a few weeks. Except Hernandez is behind bars.

Everything about the case against Pedro Hernandez stinks to high heaven. Over a year ago he was arrested for shooting someone in the Bronx. The shooting victim says Hernandez was not the shooter. Eight different eyewitnesses have said Hernandez was not the shooter. In recorded statements, witnesses to the shooting have said that the officer who arrested Hernandez, David Terrell of the NYPD, threatened them with physical violence if they did not claim Hernandez was the shooter, PIX11 News reports. Officer Terrell is now suspended after being recorded gambling while a suspect sat in his squad car. Yeah, really.

Sadly, in a completely separate incident, a surveillance camera recorded a security officer brutally beating then 15-year-old Pedro Hernandez. That officer was fired and charged with a crime.

KING: Police brutality jumped racial fence with Minn. shooting
Now, if Hernandez is not released from jail soon, he could lose his college admission and scholarship.

Justine Damond was fatally shot by police in Minneapolis.
Texas officer who shot and killed 15-year-old Jordan Edwards indicted on murder charge

I know. We've seen this before. An indictment is not a conviction — far from it — but you can't get a conviction without this essential step and that's exactly what it is, an essential step. Officer Roy Oliver was indicted on a murder charge in the shooting death of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards — a star student, athlete and beloved son. Just two weeks ago Oliver was also charged with aggravated assault for a road rage case that actually happened before he killed Jordan.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... y-weakened

America steals votes from felons. Until it stops, our democracy will be weakened
Russ Feingold

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/a ... -1.3335357

Animal rights activists accused of freeing more than 30,000 mink in Minnesota
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 12:32 PM

https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ ... k-fountain

Robot cop found face down in office-block fountain
Machine built to keep humans in check defeated by stairs and fountain in incident where ‘no one was harmed’

http://ticklethewire.com/2017/07/18/sec ... feit-cash/

Secret Service Employee Stole Authentic Money While Examining Counterfeit money
A Secret Service technician whose job was to determine whether suspicious currency was counterfeit pocketed some of the cash that was authentic.

Shaun Qureshi, a 34-year-old Maryland resident who began working in the Secret Service’s Washington field office in 2009 as a”counterfeit technician,” pleaded guilty Friday to one felony count of illegal conversion of property, the Washington Post reports.

Authorities said Qureshi sole between $20 and $200 nearly every day for 22 months, accumulating at least $8,000 between January 2013 to October 2014.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3336070

O.J. Simpson’s friend slams choice of Mark Fuhrman as Fox commentator for parole hearing as a ‘racist and felon’
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, July 18, 2017, 4:39 PM

Disgraced cop Mark Fuhrman will turn Fox News' coverage of O.J. Simpson's parole hearing into a nightmare, not a dream team, the football star's best pal told the Daily News on Tuesday.

"He's a racist and a convicted felon," friend Tom Scotto said of Fuhrman. "Everyone saw he's a racist on live TV."

Fuhrman, 65, is due to provide on-air "contributions and analysis" to Fox News during the Thursday parole hearing tied to Simpson's 2008 robbery conviction in Nevada, the network said in a press release.

The Los Angeles Police detective was a notorious figure during Simpson's “Trial of the Century” in 1995. He told jurors he found the bloody glove that seemed to connect Simpson to the shocking murders of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, but then his tape-recorded use of racial epithets surfaced and shredded his credibility.


Honda to debut all-new hybrid next year, plans for long-range EV

July 17, 2017, 4:20 PM

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-m ... story.html

Former USC medical school dean no longer seeing patients; Pasadena police discipline officer

An overdose, a young companion, drug-fueled parties: The secret life of a USC med school dean
During his tenure, Dr. Carmen A. Puliafito kept company with a circle of criminals and drug users who said he used methamphetamine and other drugs with them, a Times investigation has found. Photos and videos captured some of their exploits.

http://www.yorkdispatch.com/story/news/ ... 484849001/

A 2013 Facebook post by Lincoln Charter School announcing the partnership between Thackston and GeoSource provides three GeoSource principals who would be involved in the partnership: Sam Brown, a former federal government operative; Lt. Col. Randy Marcoz, a retired Army intelligence officer; and Courtney West, a former Marine and FBI agent.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Fri Jul 21, 2017 11:15 am

https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/ar ... ng/533319/

What Dog Shootings Reveal About American Policing
A needless assault on two Minneapolis emotional-support pets is the latest demonstration of a persistent problem in law enforcement.

The two dogs, Ciroc and Rocko, that were shot by Minneapolis police officer. Courtesy of Jennifer LeMay

http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainmen ... -1.3344716

Trailer released for '9/11' movie starring Charlie Sheen who said attack was 'controlled demolition'
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Friday, July 21, 2017, 9:19 AM

A Japanese trailer has been released from the upcoming drama "9/11" starring Charlie Sheen.

What's notable is that the "Two and a Half Men" star has previously raised questions about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

During a radio interview with Alex Jones in 2006, the 51-year-old actor claimed that the towers had collapsed because of a "controlled demolition," rather than two planes being flown into them.

"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this issue," he said. "It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airlines and hitting 75% of the targets — that feels like a conspiracy theory."

He also spoke at the Neocon Agenda — a conference organized by neoconservatives, some of whom believe in 9/11 conspiracy theories — and called for people to "wake up and join us," speaking out to "unleash the juggernaut of truth."

It's also Sheen’s first


image: http://cdn3-www.dogtime.com/assets/uplo ... ustice.jpg

Brandon Carpenter and Arzy; policeman Brian Thierbach (not pictured) claimed the dog bit his foot, prompting the officer to shoot the 14-year-old mutt in the head.

In late April, traveling musician Brandon Carpenter of Portland, Maine, experienced the tragedy of a lifetime during a trip through Sulphur, Louisiana.

Carpenter, 28, was visiting the small Calcasieu Parish town with his dog Arzy, a Labrador Retriever–Newfoundland–Golden Retriever mix, and their friend, 21-year-old Logan Laliberte. Arzy, Carpenter, and Laliberte had been traveling around the country performing, hopping trains, and hitching rides, the Portland Press Herald reports, and were on their way to stay with a friend in Lake Charles.

The trio arrived in Sulphur during a rainstorm, so they took refuge in the back of an old box truck in the parking lot of a newspaper office to wait out the bad weather. Unfortunately, their choice of shelter prompted someone to call the police.

Officer Brian Thierbach of the Sulphur Police Department was the responding officer. Carpenter says he and his friend were sleeping when Officer Thierbach arrived and ordered them out of the truck. Thierbach put Carpenter and Laliberte in handcuffs, told them to lie on the ground, and then proceeded into the truck to retrieve their belongings.

“We were extremely compliant. We did everything he asked us to do,” Carpenter insists.

Meanwhile, Arzy was inside the truck, secured by a 4-foot leash. When Thierbach asked if Arzy was going to attack him, Carpenter said there was no way, that Arzy was harmless and sweet.

“I said no, it’s an incredibly friendly dog,” Carpenter remembers.

Newspaper employee Eric Midkiff looked on as Officer Thierbach approached Arzy, the police officer allegedly even petting the dog for a few seconds.

“His tongue was out. His tail was wagging. That’s my dog,” Carpenter said of Arzy. “Arzy maybe did a little sniff, like do you want to play?”

That’s when, without warning, Officer Thierbach drew his gun, shooting and killing Arzy.

Arzy was only 14 months old when he died.

“Then [the officer] jumped down from the back of the truck and shoots my dog in the head,” says Carpenter. “I watched him convulse his last breath and twitch the life out of him.”

Carpenter says he and Laliberte watched in horror as poor Arzy’s body was disposed of, thrown into a garbage bag. When Carpenter insisted that Officer Thierbach had needlessly shot Arzy, Thierbach claimed the dog had attacked him and bitten him in his foot.

But Eric Midkiff, the newspaper employee, witnessed the entire incident. Midkiff contends that Arzy never attacked Officer Thierbach, and said as much in his official report. Midkiff confirms that Arzy was indeed wagging his tail, happily greeting Officer Thierbach in a friendly manner. Theirbach shot Arzy when the lovable dog brushed up against him.

“All he had to do is take one giant step back,” Carpenter tells the Sulphur Daily News. “Why didn’t he ask me to move the dog or just take one big step back if he was uncomfortable?”

The loss of his dog has taken a toll on Carpenter, who maintains that Arzy was an innocent victim.

“That dog wouldn’t hurt a fly. Everybody loved Arzy,” Carpenter tells the Bangor Daily News (BGN). “Everybody said, ‘Oh, he’s so friendly. So gentle.’ He was an angel in dog form.”

Following Arzy’s death, the Sulphur Police Department launched an investigation into whether or not Officer Thierbach’s conduct was appropriate given the circumstances.

“I am a dog lover and I am deeply saddened by this incident,” Sulphur Police Chief Louis Coats told the BGN in early May. “I realize there is nothing I can say that would take away the hurt this incident has caused Mr. Carpenter. The actions of Officer Thierbach did not represent what I expect from the officers of the Sulphur Police Department.”

Officer Thierbach submitted his resignation May 7, but the department continued a criminal investigation.

“Those of us who serve as law enforcement officers do so with the responsibility of serving and protecting the community as professionals,” Chief Coats added. “The resignation of Officer Theirbach was accepted so that the officers and community can heal and move forward.”

Carpenter said Thierbach’s resignation was certainly a step in the right direction, but continued to push for justice. Supporters started a Facebook group, “Justice for Arzy,” hoping law enforcement would punish Thierbach.

Finally, on June 5, a grand jury served Brian Thierbach with an indictment for one count of aggravated animal cruelty. A warrant was issued for Thierbach’s arrest. Thierbach was taken into custody and his bail has been set at $20,000.

“They came to the right decision,” Carpenter tells the Southwest Daily News.

Sources: Southwest Daily News, “Justice for Arzy”, Sulphur Daily News, Bangor Daily News, Portland Press Herald

Read more at http://dogtime.com/trending/19918-polic ... LCoc8LR.99

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Minneapolis police chief says shooting death of Australian woman 'should not have happened'
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Friday, July 21, 2017, 1:30 AM

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... 65a8c7f76e

Trump team seeks to control, block Mueller’s Russia investigation

Here's how Trump’s lawyers are trying to undercut the Russia probe

President Trump has asked his advisers about his power to pardon people in connection to the Russia probe, according to people familiar with the effort. (Amber Ferguson/The Washington Post)
By Carol D. Leonnig, Ashley Parker, Rosalind S. Helderman and Tom Hamburger July 21 at 9:47 AM
Some of President Trump’s lawyers are exploring ways to limit or undercut special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s Russia investigation, building a case against what they allege are his conflicts of interest and discussing the president’s authority to grant pardons, according to people familiar with the effort.

Trump has asked his advisers about his power to pardon aides, family members and even himself in connection with the probe, according to one of those people. A second person said Trump’s lawyers have been discussing the president’s pardoning powers among themselves.

https://robertscribbler.com/2017/07/21/ ... factories/

China Cracks 100 Gigawatts of Solar Capacity as Musk Pitches More U.S. Gigafactories
When it comes to solar energy, China is on one hell of a roll.

In the first half of 2017, the massive country added a record 24.4 gigawatts of solar electrical generating capacity. This boosted its total solar capacity to 101.82 gigawatts. By comparison, China has about 900 gigawatts of coal generating capacity, but recent coal curtailments provide an opportunity for renewable energy to take up a larger portion of China’s energy market share. Such an event would provide a crucial opening for the world to begin a necessary early draw-down of global carbon emissions in the face of rising risks from climate change.

(The government of China proudly touts its clean energy advances. Trump Administration — not so much.)

This very rapid solar growth rate, if it continues, puts China on track to beat its 2016 record annual solar installation rate of 34 GW. And, already, it is 9 percent ahead of last year’s more than doubling of new annual solar capacity toward a likely 2017 build-out at around 40 GW. China is also adding new high voltage power cables and averaging about 25 GW of new wind energy capacity each year. A stunning combined wind and solar build rate that has led CNN to claim that China is crushing the U.S. when it comes to renewable energy production and adoption rates. With the Trump Administration still wallowing in climate change denial, withdrawing from the Paris Climate Summit, and courting dangerous deals with petro-states like Russia, it’s enough to make you wonder if American technology and climate leadership are a thing of the past.

Back in the states, more progressive American (it’s not tough to beat Trump in this regard) Elon Musk was trying to help prevent just such a slide into backward-looking regression. Addressing 30 state governors at the summer governor’s association meeting, Musk explained that only a 100 by 100 mile square region was needed to capture enough solar energy to power the U.S. and that the battery storage needed for such a system to provide energy 24/7 would only cover a region 1×1 mile in size.

(Elon Musk claims an area of solar panels the size of the blue square could power the U.S. The black square represents the size of the area needed for energy storage to provide 24/7 power. Image source: Tesla.)

This is less than the total rooftop and highway area of all buildings and roads in the U.S. Musk also soft-pitched the notion of new gigafactories to the 30 state governors in attendance. Hopefully, a few will take up what amounts to an amazing economic opportunity. With Nevada seeing major new growth surrounding Musk’s Gigafactory 1 site, you’d think that interest would be high.

Oddly enough, 20 governors were AWOL at the meeting. Primarily republicans, apparently they had “more important” work to attend to than helping America become energy independent while fighting to prevent the fat tail of global climate catastrophe from crashing down on their constituents like a 1960s Godzilla on a mad romp in Tokyo.

Steve Hanley of Clean Technica notes:

“Whether any of the governors will take Elon’s words to heart remains to be seen. Only 30 of them bothered to attend. Many Republicans stayed home so they could focus on challenging issues like how to discriminate against Muslims, slash Medicare rolls, promote more fracking on public lands, and prevent transgender people from using public bathrooms. When you are in government, it is important to keep your priorities straight.”


China Adds a Record 24.4 GW of Solar in First Half of 2017



Clean Technica


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http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc ... -1.3339766

NYPD worker robbed Manhattan bank by claiming to have homemade bomb:

Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 8:14 PM

The suspect is a custodial assistant for the NYPD and was arrested Tuesday on charges of robbing a bank.
Cops busted an NYPD employee who held up a Greenwich Village bank and threatened the teller with a homemade bomb, officials said Wednesday.

Calissa Alston, 27, a custodial assistant at the NYPD's Military and Extended Leave Desk, was arrested Tuesday afternoon.

Alston walked into a Chase bank branch on Sixth Ave. near W. 4th St. on July 12 and handed the bank teller a note demanding cash, police said.

The note read, "I have a homemade bomb, pass me your loose $50s and $100s. Hurry the f--- up."

Bank robbers, ages 71 and 60, busted after Manhattan heist
The frightened teller handed over the $1,100 and hit the silent alarm once Alston bolted, authorities said.

Detectives originally believed Alston, who spoke in a deep voice, was a man dressed in women’s clothing.

Alston was on a leave of absence from the NYPD when she was arrested Tuesday, although it is unclear why.

The Staten Islander was suspended from the department as a result of her arrest, cops said.

Alston is charged with robbery. She was also arrested in April for trying to cash a check of an NYPD colleague. She was charged with petit larceny and criminal possession of stolen property

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/mta ... -1.3250636

MTA officer accused of hitting pedestrian and dropping the injured man off in a Staten Island parking lot

Friday, June 16, 2017, 11:26 AM

http://www.nydailynews.com/newswires/en ... -1.3344275

Exhumation of Salvador Dali's remains finds his mustache still intact

Friday, July 21, 2017

http://www.cbsnews.com/news/graphic-bod ... ng-2-dogs/

CBS NEWS July 20, 2017, 9:44 PM
Graphic body cam footage shows police officer shooting 2 dogs

MINNEAPOLIS -- Body camera video released Thursday shows how two dogs approached a Minneapolis police officer before they were shot and seriously wounded in their fenced-in backyard earlier this month, CBS Minnesota reports.

The officer was responding to a false security alarm on July 8 when he shot the dogs, according to the police report. One suffered a bullet wound to the jaw, and the other was hit multiple times in its body. Both dogs survived but will require extensive treatment.

In the body camera footage, the first dog can be seen approaching the officer, identified as Michael Mays, slowly with its tail wagging. After the officer shoots the animal in the face, the other dog dashes toward the officer and is hit by gunfire.

"I dispatched both of them," the officer reports immediately after the shooting. Video then shows Mays climb the backyard fence, walk around the house and speak to the teenage resident who tripped the alarm.

Body camera footage showing a police officer shooting two dogs in Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS POLICE DEPARTMENT / CBS MINNESOTA
He apologizes to the sobbing teenager for shooting the dogs, saying, "I don't like shooting dogs, I love dogs."

In a report filed the night of the shooting, Mays said that the dogs, which he described as pit bulls, charged at him.

The police union defended Mays, saying the first pit bull growled at him before approaching.

However, the body camera footage cannot verify this, as no sound was recorded until after shots were fired.

The body camera footage was released Thursday afternoon by Michael Padden, the attorney for the dogs' owner, Jennifer LeMay, who says the animals are service dogs for her children. At a news conference, Padden wanted to know why the audio on Mays' body camera wasn't turned on as the officer approached the house.

The day after the shooting happened, LeMay posted surveillance video taken by a backyard camera to Facebook, where it went viral, garnering hundreds of thousands of views. The video clearly shows Mays shooting both dogs and climbing over the fence.

A Facebook image of one of Jennifer LeMay's dogs. CBS MINNESOTA / JENNIFER LEMAY / FACEBOOK
Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau described the surveillance video as "difficult to watch." She called for an Internal Affairs use of force review of the incident and said that officer training courses on dealing with dogs will be updated.

So far, the department has yet to comment on Mays' actions.

The wounded dogs required thousands of dollars in veterinary treatment. A GoFundMe page to raise money for medical expenses has received nearly $40,000.

Harteau also said that the police department will help pay for treatment expenses.

The dog shooting is the second Minneapolis police incident this month involving questions of police and body cameras.

Over the weekend, Justine Damond, an Australian yoga teacher reporting a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her home, was fatally shot by a responding officer.

While both officers on the scene were wearing body cameras, neither was turned on when the fatal shot was fired. The shooting remains under investigation.
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:13 pm

Link du jour

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/u ... -1.3347998


https://www.boston.com/news/food/2017/0 ... nthusiasts

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc ... -1.3347783

https://www.boston.com/culture/local-ne ... ok-amazing

http://www.heatisonline.org/contentserv ... ethod=Full

http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/co ... 56181.html

Prosecutor drops involuntary manslaughter charges against FBI agent.

The fix is in?

Bizarre process of picking jury gets Martens trial off to a dramatic start
Court spends four days probing potential jurors before murder case can finally begin, writes Ralph Riegel

https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/07/22/meet- ... hris-wray/


FBI Octopus

Limestone Ledger for 7/22/17
News Courier-
Guest speaker is Steve Brandon, retired FBI special agent. Breakfast will be served. More information: Dean Morgan at 256-233-0248. • Ladies Civitan. Athens ...

https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/07/19/socia ... not-think/

Social Security May Bust the Federal Budget — But Not How You Think
As President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “We put those payroll contributions there to give the contributors a legal, moral, and political right to collect their pensions… With those taxes in there, no damn politician can ever scrap my Social Security program.” But what about the Federal budget?

24/7 FBI Media Specialists bombard you with non news in radio,tv and print

https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press ... ess-office

http://www.nwaonline.com/news/2017/jul/ ... it/?latest

FBI report shows Barrow gang stole suits in Fort Smith
Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
While speaking to FBI Special Agents E.J. Dowd and C.B. Winstead at the Dallas Division Office from Dec. 6-7, 1933, about the automobiles he and the Barrows ...

http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/20/politics/ ... index.html

FBI restricts contact between its employees and media

By Evan Perez and Pamela Brown, CNN
Updated 3:55 PM ET, Thu April 20, 2017


Media and Public Relations - FBI-LEEDA
fbi-leeda › page › MediaPubRel_Landing
FBI-LEEDA is pleased to present a 4 1/2-day course on media and public relations. Police cannot succeed without the support of the community they are sworn to protect. The image of an agency as a professional and ...

https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/na ... -fbi_n.htm

Broadcaster Paul Harvey had close ties to FBI - USATODAY.com
USA Today › 2010-01-22-harvey-fbi_n
Jan 22, 2010 - Paul Harvey's FBI file, released to USA TODAY under a Freedom of Information Act request, shows how ... The 1,375 pages also illuminate how the FBI cultivated one of the nation's most popular media ...

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal ... l_in_media

Federal Bureau of Investigation portrayal in media
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been a staple of American popular culture since its christening in 1935. That year also marked the beginning of the popular "G-Man" phenomenon that helped establish the Bureau's image, beginning with the aptly titled James Cagney movie, G Men. Although the detective novel and other police-related entertainment had long enthralled audiences, the FBI itself can take some of the credit for its media prominence. J. Edgar Hoover, the Bureau's "patriarch", took an active interest to ensure that it was not only well represented in the media, but also that the FBI was depicted in a heroic, positive light and that the message, "crime doesn't pay", was blatantly conveyed to audiences. The context, naturally, has changed profoundly since the 1930s "war on crime", and especially so since Hoover's death in 1972.[2]


The Press.

The following excerpts are from Failure of the Public Trust.

Patrick was harassed beginning October 26, 1995, and the harassment obviously involved the FBI. Five months later, we completed Patrick's Report of Witness Tampering, detailing and proving the harassment (which you read portions of above), and gave it to almost all the major newspapers. No articles appeared.
On October 24, 1996, just under a year after the harassment (before the one-year statute of limitations for the assault count expired), Patrick filed his civil rights lawsuit. Because the timing was on the eve of the Presidential election, the suit was filed under seal in anticipation of attacks that the suit was politically motivated. On November 12, 1996, one week after the election, it was unsealed and distributed at a press conference held on the steps of the federal courthouse in Washington. Many representatives of the press attended. There was almost no coverage.
A year later, October 10, 1997, Patrick's 20-page submission wasattached as an Appendix to Mr. Starr's Report on Mr. Foster's death, by order of the Special Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels of the United States Court of Appeals. The media received the Report and its Appendix, much of which is reprinted above. Despite the obvious historical significance of evidence of the FBI cover-up in the case being ordered attached to the Independent Counsel's Report, the media suppressed its existence. Some of the articles even mentioned Patrick's name, but not his Court-ordered Appendix. On the evening of October 10, 1997, Peter Jennings announced that Starr's report should "satisfy even the most ardent conspiracy theorists." (Only three out of ten Americans believed him. )
In October of 1998, Patrick's Amended Complaint was filed (before the expiration of the three-year statute of limitations period for the civil rights violation). It names as defendants United States Park Police Sergeant Robert Edwards, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner James Beyer and his unknown assistant, Deputy Director of the FBI Robert Bryant, FBI agents Lawrence Monroe and Russell Bransford, unknown FBI Lab technicians, Scott Bickett, and the group of men who harassed Patrick: Ayman Alouri, Abdel Alouri, and 24 John Does. The press ignored it.
Those are the developments in the case, each of which occurred in October of the last four years. They were the harassment in October of 1995, the filing of the suit in October of 1996, the Court-ordered Appendix to the OIC's Report in October of 1997, and the filing of the Amended Complaint in October of 1998. The media still fails to apprise the public of these facts.
We cannot explain it, but, despite the fact that evidence of the cover-up is obvious, no major news organization has ever assigned a single reporter to the case. Our efforts to apprise members of the press have been steadfastly rebuffed. The press has acted mostly as a conduit for the official announcements and conclusions of the executive branch, like a public relations department, or the press in countries that do not enjoy the same guarantees of free speech as we do. By its attacks on doubters as conspiracy theorists, the media has a record of turning questions of fact in the case into questions of the motives of those who question the official conclusion, and even into questions of mental stability.
Besides repeating the official conclusions, the media's reporting of the facts of the case is generally limited to the verdict of depression. In light of the physical evidence in the case, the facts of which the press has yet to report, the print on the depression verdict could be the basis of a study on the role of the press during the progress of the cover-up.
Here we simply point out what is now manifest. After six years of anobvious cover-up under the nose of the Washington press corps, the media has a powerful interest in keeping the facts of the case from public view. Mike Wallace remarked on 60 Minutes that some people even accused him of being "a part of the conspiracy." He is not. But his most valuable professional asset, his credibility, as well as the credibility of his industry, will be diminished when the existence of the conspiracy is no longer a secret. Today, suppressing the truth of Mr. Foster's death is a matter of professional self-preservation for numerous members of the news media.
Immediately after this filing is unsealed, it will have been delivered to every major news organization in America. Every day that goes by without its being reported makes the point that much stronger. The media just will not inform the public what it knows of the truth in the case.
End excerpt pages 440-442

Endnote 33: The media
March, 1996, Report of Witness Tampering provided to: Sarah Fritz & Tom McCarthy, LA Times; Robert Hohler, Boston Globe; R.W. Apple, New York Times; Marilyn Rauber, John Crudele, & Steve Dunleavy, N.Y. Post; Jerry Seper, Wash. Times; Anne Devroy, Wash. Post; Michael Isikoff, Newsweek; Micah Morrison, Wall Street Journal; Lou Kilzer, Denver Post; editor, Chicago Tribune; editor, Philadelphia Inquirer; Jack Loftis, Houston Chronicle; Charles Zehren, Newsday; Jamie Dettmer, Insight on the News; Washington editor, Reuters News Agency; Pete Yost, Associated Press; Brian Gaffney, Dateline NBC; Ted Koppel; Julia Malone, Cox News; Lisa Tutman, Cox Broadcasting; HardCopy; Unsolved Mysteries; Inside Edition.
Representatives from the following media organizations present at a November 12, 1996 press conference on the steps of federal District Court in Washington, unsealing Patrick Knowlton's civil rights lawsuit: CNN, Insight on the News, Wash. Post, N.Y. Times, Wash. Times, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News, Time Magazine, N.Y. Observer, Cox News, among others.
Media accounts of the October, 1997 release of the OIC's Report on Mr. Foster's death, mentioning Patrick Knowlton's name but failing to report the existence of his Court-ordered Appendix:
S. Labaton, Report of Foster's Suicide portrays a
depressed man, N.Y. Times, October 11, 1997: The report also dismisses the testimony of Patrick Knowlton, a witness who says he was at the park the day Foster died and did not see his car but did see a person who stared at Knowlton menacingly. The report concludes that there is no reliable evidence that anyone at the park "had any connection to Foster's death."
B. York, Vince Foster, In the Park, with the Gun, The Weekly Standard Magazine, October 27, 1997: Byron York is an investigative writer with the American Spectator *** [C]onspiracy theorists... have already begun to complain about Starr's treatment of Patrick Knowlton, a motorist who says that on July 20 he stopped in Fort Marcy to relieve himself and saw a man in a car who stared at him menacingly... But Starr found no other evidence to support Knowlton's story, and the report mentions the incident only briefly.
M. Morrison, In Re: Vincent Foster, Wall Street Journal, November 25, 1997: "Most of the other allegations, including the recollections of much-touted witness Patrick Knowlton, represent the confusions inevitable in any large investigation of a dramatic event."
Some responses from journalists when asked by the authors whether they are interested: George Will, Feb., 1996: "We're not interested in that [Foster case]; Fred Barnes, Feb. 23, 1996: "Conservatives should ignore the death of Vincent Foster and stick to the real issues... It was a suicide... No, I don't want to meet Patrick Knowlton;" Tim Russert, Feb. 29, 1996: "I appreciate your taking the time... It is important to have your input;" James Stewart, March 20, 1996: "Now I think it is too much of a coincidence that he [Foster] would be that depressed and then that somebody would somehow move in and fake some kind of crime. Life just doesn't work like that;" Haynes Johnson, May 28, 1996: "You have raised provocative questions;" Ted Gest, 1996: "Our magazine [Newsweek] covers consumer issues, that is not the kind of story we cover, try one of the daily papers;" James Whalen (St. Paul Journalism Prof.), "If there was anything suspicious about Foster's death the Washington press would cover it;" Paul Gigot (Wall St. J.), July 23, 1996: "Foster committed suicide. Everything points to that... No, I don't want to meet him [Patrick Knowlton] and you probably think I am part of the conspiracy;" Michael Barone, July 30, 1996: "I'm not going to defend the coverage of Vincent Foster by U.S. News & World Report, I do not know enough about the Foster story;" Jerry Seper (Wash. Times), Oct. 17, 1996: "I don't cover Foster, I'm covering Whitewater. Ask George Archibald, he has been assigned the Foster story;" George Archibald, Oct. 24, 1996: "Foster is dead. I don't cover Foster... My time is limited;" Eugene Meyer (Wash. Post), Nov. 5, 1996: "No, it's not my job... I don't care about your friend;" Karen Ballard (Wash. Times), Nov. 5, 1996: "Why don't you write the story;" William Kristol, Nov. 8, 1996: "Amazing... What kind of work does Mr. Knowlton do?" Candy Crowley (CNN), Kwame Holman, Peter Kenyon (NPR), Nov. 19, 1996: "If it was reported I would cover it... I have to cover other news, it's not my job;" Carl Stern, Michael McCurry, Marlin Fitzwater, & Charles Bierbauer (CNN), Feb. 13, 1997: "We don't know anything about it;" Cokie Roberts, April 13, 1997: "Thousands of reporters have looked into the death of Vincent Foster and everyone including the numerous investigations have concluded that his death was a suicide;" Paul Harvey, July 16, 1997: "The death of White House counsel Vincent Foster has now been investigated four times including Kenneth Starr's most recent one and all four have reached the same conclusion. There was no conspiracy, no cover-up, it was suicide;" Mike Wallace, July 23, 1997: "Just wait until Ken Starr's report is released, then you can apologize to me;" Tom Sherwood, WRC-DC, July 31, 1997: "I can't believe there would be a cover-up... Why don't you contact Mike Isikoff;" Michael Isikoff, Aug. 13, 1997: "[I] do not have enough evidence to go with the story about Patrick Knowlton's allegations;" Martha Malan, (St. Paul Press), Oct. 12, 1997: "We don't have the resources to cover the Foster story... No, I don't want to talk to Patrick Knowlton;" John Crudele (N.Y. Post), Nov., 1997: "I don't believe there is a cover-up;" Steve Labaton, (N.Y. Times), Nov., 1997: "The court had to attach your submission;" Bob Zelnick, May 30, 1998: "[There isn't] any credible evidence that Vincent Foster was murdered. Can I ask to change the subject?" Harold Hostetler, June 25, 1998: "Mr. Knowlton does appear to be an honest and forthright person who is sticking up for his principles and beliefs. However, I do not see this as a potential story for Guideposts;" Sam Fullwood (L.A. Times) at Sanford Ungar AU forum (with L. Brent Bozell III, Karen DeYoung & Bill Plante), Sept. 8, 1998: "It's not my kind of story... Why don't you post it on the Internet then everyone will know... Why don't you write a book, you could make lots of money;" Matt Drudge, "I'll read this [written materials] but I was just about ready to believe the body was moved and now you're saying he was murdered;" Frank Sesno, Sept. 24, 1998: "I'll look at this;" Helen Thomas, Oct. 7, 1998: "[T]his should be reported to the American people;" Helen Thomas, April 9, 1999: "Q. I gave you the addendum to Starr's Report. Will you write about Patrick Knowlton? A. No... I don't have time. Q. Can I quote you? A. No. Q. You said then that his story should be reported. A. It is very unfair of you to do this to me. Just forget it."

Attacks on Patrick Knowlton's mental stability: Excerpt from Knowlton v. Edwards et al, USDC, DC, CA No. 96-2467:
170. Defendants also accomplished their object of publicly discrediting Plaintiff. On November 24, 1997, a book review entitled The Secret Life of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, written by Michael Isikoff, appeared in the widely circulated Weekly Standard Magazine. In it, Isikoff wrote:

* * *
Evans-Pritchards' work, such as it is, consists of little more than wild flights of conspiratorial fancy coupled with outrageous and wholly uncorroborated allegations offered up by his "sources" - largely a collection of oddballs... and borderline psychotics.
* * *
Back in Washington, Evans-Pritchard breaks one of his big stories: Patrick Knowlton, a construction worker who stopped to urinate at Fort Marcy Park on the afternoon of Vince Foster's death and -- here's the key part -- recalls seeing a mysterious "Hispanic-looking" man lingering around the parking lot. No sooner has Evans-Pritchard popped this bombshell in the Telegraph than, Knowlton reports, menacing-looking men in business suits begin following him and staring really hard at him...
* * *
But for the moment I prefer my own conspiracy theory: Evans-Pritchard doesn't believe a word he has written... designed to discredit critics of the Clinton White House by making them look like a bunch of blithering idiots.

* * *
The next day, November 25, 1997 another book
review, entitled Conspiracy Central, authored by Jacob
Cohen, appeared in the widely circulated National
Review Magazine. In it, Cohen wrote:

* * *
...Patrick Knowlton, who claims that he came to the park at 4:30 on the afternoon of July 20 to relieve himself, and at that time saw in the parking lot a brown Honda with Arkansas plates...
* * *
He insists that a very sinister-looking man was hovering around the parking lot and may have monitored his peeing... Knowlton seems to have a penchant for seeing the sinister in the glances of those he meets... Mysterious cars follow him, he says. Carefully organized teams of men constantly pass him and his girlfriend on the streets, giving them very menacing stares... Apparently, they are present during every walk Knowlton takes, so that any experimental stroll will reveal them. One wonders, is there a school that teaches federal agents this methodology of intimidation?

An analysis of the use of the media during the progress of the cover-up could include:
(1) A comparison of the initial published accounts of Mr. Foster's demeanor (no noticeable signs of distress) to the accounts that suddenly began appearing upon the "discovery" of torn note six days after the death (rapid weight loss and other symptoms consistent with severe depression);
(2) The alliance between the Washington press corps and the Justice Department -- permanent institutions of government;
(3) The chilling effect on witnesses of the steady
stream of press leaks that the OIC was soon to issue a report validating earlier official conclusions (see January 1995 Scripps-Howard wire reporting Starr's suicide conclusion appearing the same day that the OIC began grand jury proceedings into the death, February, 1995 Wall Street Journal feature quoting sources close to Starr as saying the case had been closed as a suicide, October, 1995 60 Minutes piece declaring that Starr's suicide report would be out shortly, December, 1995 Fox News report that Starr's Washington office was to issue a suicide report within six weeks, July, 1996 60 Minutes piece declaring that Starr had concluded the death was a suicide and that a report would be issued that summer, November, 1996, Newsweek cover story by M. Isikoff quoting unidentified sources as saying that the suicide report was to be released imminently);
(4) Years of repeating of the official suicide
conclusion in stories about other matters, like
the OIC's Supreme Court litigation of its
subpoena of attorney James Hamilton's notes of a
consultation he had with Mr. Foster shortly
before the death;
(5) Pulitzer Prize winning journalists who
misreported the Foster story: Haynes Johnson,
David Broder, Bob Woodward, Anthony Lewis, Mary
McGrory, James Stewart, and Mike McAlary;
(6) The accounts of the death in virtually every book written on the Clinton Presidency: Bob Woodward, The Agenda, Simon & Schuster, 1994; David Brock, The Seduction of Hillary Clinton, Free Press, 1996; Haynes Johnson & David Broder, The System, Little & Brown, 1996; James Stewart, Blood Sport, Simon & Schuster, 1996; Gary Aldrich, Unlimited Access, Regnery, 1996; R. Emmett Tyrrell, Boy Clinton, Regnery, 1996; HowardKurtz, Spin Cycle, The Free Press, 1998; Ann Coulter, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Regnery, 1998; Michael Isikoff, Uncovering Clinton, Crown Publishing, 1999; George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human, Little Brown & Company, 1999; Lanny J. Davis, Truth To Tell, Free Press, 1999; Joyce Milton, The First Partner, William Morrow & Company, 1999; Helen Thomas, Front Row At The White House, Scribner, 1999;
(7) Unpublished accounts of witnesses -- in addition to Patrick Knowlton -- who contacted members of the news media to report what they know of the cover-up.
W. Barret, Freedom to Steal, Why Politicians Never go to Jail, New York Magazine, February 4, 1980: Crooked politicians have nothing to fear in New York. Contrary to much of the post-Watergate anti-corruption ballyhoo, the three United States attorneys who have served in Foley Square for the last ten years have failed to make a single case against a crooked politician within their jurisdiction. As astounding as it may seem, not since the legendary Carmine DeSapio was convicted back in 1969 for bribery has a top politician or any of the thousands of public officials in the Southern District's territory -- Manhattan, the Bronx, and Westchester -- found himself in handcuffs. It is uncertain whether this pattern of timidity on the part of the politically appointed prosecutors will change now that John S. Martin has been designated by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan to replace Robert B. Fiske in the prestigious post... The failure on the part of the federal prosecutors in the Southern District to involve themselves in political-corruption cases is one of the most fascinating, if unspoken, mysteries in city government. The end of Fiske's term, in March will, in fact, conclude a ten-year period in which Nixon- and Ford-appointed U.S. Attorneys have presided over the transformation of the Southern District into a red-light district for political corruption. *** The description of all political-corruption cases handled during the first three years of Fiske's term consumes only 6 of the 187 pages enumerating major cases in the U.S. attorney's annual reports. *** [T]he former WNEW-TV reporter who broke much of the Velez story, recalls numerous meetings with Weinberg and Fiske. "Once I know I brought them absolute, cold evidence of a crime," he said... but nothing happened. *** Charges of campaign-finance irregularities had been made [against Al DelBello] ...Fiske closed it [the grand jury] four months after he opened it... [and] sharply limited this inquiry... *** Fiske's office terminated an eight-month probe of the city's most political bank. Jack Newfield's recent piece on Staten Island Congressman Murphy in the Village Voice centers on an alleged $50,000 bribe *** [It] has now been quietly closed without result. *** Then U.S. Senator James Buckley delayed Fiske's appointment for several weeks because of his concern that Fiske's long-standing connections to Morgan Guaranty, one of the city's six major banks... Fiske did not "recuse" - the legal term for withdrawing... *** Nonetheless, six months after the SEC final report, Fiske released a one-page statement closing the securities case... There are a number of other cases, reported in the media, that have been covered by Southern District silence and inactivity... *** Agents from various federal departments say they prefer to work with assistants from other offices where assistants are closer to the streets and more willing to work with agents as partners... Fiske, for example, has a hard-and-fast rule that assistants are not to do field work with agents, a rule that has no parallel in other, neighboring federal districts. The price we all pay for these relationships and priorities is a federal jurisdiction where official corruption appears legally impenetrable.
Compare Now You Know..., Wash. Post June 22, 1998: President and Hillary Rodham Clinton fed the hands that bite them Friday night, hosting more [than] 1,000 White House reporters, spouses and progeny at a South Lawn carnival.*** But tickled reporters jammed the Ferris wheel, arcade, merry-go-round and Twister, a stomach-churning pendulum. Nothing could kill the horde's locust like appearance for children, sausages, ice cream and cotton candy.
End excerpt pages 504-510 from Failure of the Public Trust

The Press.

The following excerpts are from Failure of the Public Trust.

Patrick was harassed beginning October 26, 1995, and the harassment obviously involved the FBI. Five months later, we completed Patrick's Report of Witness Tampering, detailing and proving the harassment (which you read portions of above), and gave it to almost all the major newspapers. No articles appeared.
On October 24, 1996, just under a year after the harassment (before the one-year statute of limitations for the assault count expired), Patrick filed his civil rights lawsuit. Because the timing was on the eve of the Presidential election, the suit was filed under seal in anticipation of attacks that the suit was politically motivated. On November 12, 1996, one week after the election, it was unsealed and distributed at a press conference held on the steps of the federal courthouse in Washington. Many representatives of the press attended. There was almost no coverage.
A year later, October 10, 1997, Patrick's 20-page submission wasattached as an Appendix to Mr. Starr's Report on Mr. Foster's death, by order of the Special Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels of the United States Court of Appeals. The media received the Report and its Appendix, much of which is reprinted above. Despite the obvious historical significance of evidence of the FBI cover-up in the case being ordered attached to the Independent Counsel's Report, the media suppressed its existence. Some of the articles even mentioned Patrick's name, but not his Court-ordered Appendix. On the evening of October 10, 1997, Peter Jennings announced that Starr's report should "satisfy even the most ardent conspiracy theorists." (Only three out of ten Americans believed him. )
In October of 1998, Patrick's Amended Complaint was filed (before the expiration of the three-year statute of limitations period for the civil rights violation). It names as defendants United States Park Police Sergeant Robert Edwards, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner James Beyer and his unknown assistant, Deputy Director of the FBI Robert Bryant, FBI agents Lawrence Monroe and Russell Bransford, unknown FBI Lab technicians, Scott Bickett, and the group of men who harassed Patrick: Ayman Alouri, Abdel Alouri, and 24 John Does. The press ignored it.
Those are the developments in the case, each of which occurred in October of the last four years. They were the harassment in October of 1995, the filing of the suit in October of 1996, the Court-ordered Appendix to the OIC's Report in October of 1997, and the filing of the Amended Complaint in October of 1998. The media still fails to apprise the public of these facts.
We cannot explain it, but, despite the fact that evidence of the cover-up is obvious, no major news organization has ever assigned a single reporter to the case. Our efforts to apprise members of the press have been steadfastly rebuffed. The press has acted mostly as a conduit for the official announcements and conclusions of the executive branch, like a public relations department, or the press in countries that do not enjoy the same guarantees of free speech as we do. By its attacks on doubters as conspiracy theorists, the media has a record of turning questions of fact in the case into questions of the motives of those who question the official conclusion, and even into questions of mental stability.
Besides repeating the official conclusions, the media's reporting of the facts of the case is generally limited to the verdict of depression. In light of the physical evidence in the case, the facts of which the press has yet to report, the print on the depression verdict could be the basis of a study on the role of the press during the progress of the cover-up.
Here we simply point out what is now manifest. After six years of anobvious cover-up under the nose of the Washington press corps, the media has a powerful interest in keeping the facts of the case from public view. Mike Wallace remarked on 60 Minutes that some people even accused him of being "a part of the conspiracy." He is not. But his most valuable professional asset, his credibility, as well as the credibility of his industry, will be diminished when the existence of the conspiracy is no longer a secret. Today, suppressing the truth of Mr. Foster's death is a matter of professional self-preservation for numerous members of the news media.
Immediately after this filing is unsealed, it will have been delivered to every major news organization in America. Every day that goes by without its being reported makes the point that much stronger. The media just will not inform the public what it knows of the truth in the case.
End excerpt pages 440-442

Endnote 33: The media
March, 1996, Report of Witness Tampering provided to: Sarah Fritz & Tom McCarthy, LA Times; Robert Hohler, Boston Globe; R.W. Apple, New York Times; Marilyn Rauber, John Crudele, & Steve Dunleavy, N.Y. Post; Jerry Seper, Wash. Times; Anne Devroy, Wash. Post; Michael Isikoff, Newsweek; Micah Morrison, Wall Street Journal; Lou Kilzer, Denver Post; editor, Chicago Tribune; editor, Philadelphia Inquirer; Jack Loftis, Houston Chronicle; Charles Zehren, Newsday; Jamie Dettmer, Insight on the News; Washington editor, Reuters News Agency; Pete Yost, Associated Press; Brian Gaffney, Dateline NBC; Ted Koppel; Julia Malone, Cox News; Lisa Tutman, Cox Broadcasting; HardCopy; Unsolved Mysteries; Inside Edition.
Representatives from the following media organizations present at a November 12, 1996 press conference on the steps of federal District Court in Washington, unsealing Patrick Knowlton's civil rights lawsuit: CNN, Insight on the News, Wash. Post, N.Y. Times, Wash. Times, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News, Time Magazine, N.Y. Observer, Cox News, among others.
Media accounts of the October, 1997 release of the OIC's Report on Mr. Foster's death, mentioning Patrick Knowlton's name but failing to report the existence of his Court-ordered Appendix:
S. Labaton, Report of Foster's Suicide portrays a
depressed man, N.Y. Times, October 11, 1997: The report also dismisses the testimony of Patrick Knowlton, a witness who says he was at the park the day Foster died and did not see his car but did see a person who stared at Knowlton menacingly. The report concludes that there is no reliable evidence that anyone at the park "had any connection to Foster's death."
B. York, Vince Foster, In the Park, with the Gun, The Weekly Standard Magazine, October 27, 1997: Byron York is an investigative writer with the American Spectator *** [C]onspiracy theorists... have already begun to complain about Starr's treatment of Patrick Knowlton, a motorist who says that on July 20 he stopped in Fort Marcy to relieve himself and saw a man in a car who stared at him menacingly... But Starr found no other evidence to support Knowlton's story, and the report mentions the incident only briefly.
M. Morrison, In Re: Vincent Foster, Wall Street Journal, November 25, 1997: "Most of the other allegations, including the recollections of much-touted witness Patrick Knowlton, represent the confusions inevitable in any large investigation of a dramatic event."
Some responses from journalists when asked by the authors whether they are interested: George Will, Feb., 1996: "We're not interested in that [Foster case]; Fred Barnes, Feb. 23, 1996: "Conservatives should ignore the death of Vincent Foster and stick to the real issues... It was a suicide... No, I don't want to meet Patrick Knowlton;" Tim Russert, Feb. 29, 1996: "I appreciate your taking the time... It is important to have your input;" James Stewart, March 20, 1996: "Now I think it is too much of a coincidence that he [Foster] would be that depressed and then that somebody would somehow move in and fake some kind of crime. Life just doesn't work like that;" Haynes Johnson, May 28, 1996: "You have raised provocative questions;" Ted Gest, 1996: "Our magazine [Newsweek] covers consumer issues, that is not the kind of story we cover, try one of the daily papers;" James Whalen (St. Paul Journalism Prof.), "If there was anything suspicious about Foster's death the Washington press would cover it;" Paul Gigot (Wall St. J.), July 23, 1996: "Foster committed suicide. Everything points to that... No, I don't want to meet him [Patrick Knowlton] and you probably think I am part of the conspiracy;" Michael Barone, July 30, 1996: "I'm not going to defend the coverage of Vincent Foster by U.S. News & World Report, I do not know enough about the Foster story;" Jerry Seper (Wash. Times), Oct. 17, 1996: "I don't cover Foster, I'm covering Whitewater. Ask George Archibald, he has been assigned the Foster story;" George Archibald, Oct. 24, 1996: "Foster is dead. I don't cover Foster... My time is limited;" Eugene Meyer (Wash. Post), Nov. 5, 1996: "No, it's not my job... I don't care about your friend;" Karen Ballard (Wash. Times), Nov. 5, 1996: "Why don't you write the story;" William Kristol, Nov. 8, 1996: "Amazing... What kind of work does Mr. Knowlton do?" Candy Crowley (CNN), Kwame Holman, Peter Kenyon (NPR), Nov. 19, 1996: "If it was reported I would cover it... I have to cover other news, it's not my job;" Carl Stern, Michael McCurry, Marlin Fitzwater, & Charles Bierbauer (CNN), Feb. 13, 1997: "We don't know anything about it;" Cokie Roberts, April 13, 1997: "Thousands of reporters have looked into the death of Vincent Foster and everyone including the numerous investigations have concluded that his death was a suicide;" Paul Harvey, July 16, 1997: "The death of White House counsel Vincent Foster has now been investigated four times including Kenneth Starr's most recent one and all four have reached the same conclusion. There was no conspiracy, no cover-up, it was suicide;" Mike Wallace, July 23, 1997: "Just wait until Ken Starr's report is released, then you can apologize to me;" Tom Sherwood, WRC-DC, July 31, 1997: "I can't believe there would be a cover-up... Why don't you contact Mike Isikoff;" Michael Isikoff, Aug. 13, 1997: "[I] do not have enough evidence to go with the story about Patrick Knowlton's allegations;" Martha Malan, (St. Paul Press), Oct. 12, 1997: "We don't have the resources to cover the Foster story... No, I don't want to talk to Patrick Knowlton;" John Crudele (N.Y. Post), Nov., 1997: "I don't believe there is a cover-up;" Steve Labaton, (N.Y. Times), Nov., 1997: "The court had to attach your submission;" Bob Zelnick, May 30, 1998: "[There isn't] any credible evidence that Vincent Foster was murdered. Can I ask to change the subject?" Harold Hostetler, June 25, 1998: "Mr. Knowlton does appear to be an honest and forthright person who is sticking up for his principles and beliefs. However, I do not see this as a potential story for Guideposts;" Sam Fullwood (L.A. Times) at Sanford Ungar AU forum (with L. Brent Bozell III, Karen DeYoung & Bill Plante), Sept. 8, 1998: "It's not my kind of story... Why don't you post it on the Internet then everyone will know... Why don't you write a book, you could make lots of money;" Matt Drudge, "I'll read this [written materials] but I was just about ready to believe the body was moved and now you're saying he was murdered;" Frank Sesno, Sept. 24, 1998: "I'll look at this;" Helen Thomas, Oct. 7, 1998: "[T]his should be reported to the American people;" Helen Thomas, April 9, 1999: "Q. I gave you the addendum to Starr's Report. Will you write about Patrick Knowlton? A. No... I don't have time. Q. Can I quote you? A. No. Q. You said then that his story should be reported. A. It is very unfair of you to do this to me. Just forget it."

Attacks on Patrick Knowlton's mental stability: Excerpt from Knowlton v. Edwards et al, USDC, DC, CA No. 96-2467:
170. Defendants also accomplished their object of publicly discrediting Plaintiff. On November 24, 1997, a book review entitled The Secret Life of Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, written by Michael Isikoff, appeared in the widely circulated Weekly Standard Magazine. In it, Isikoff wrote:

* * *
Evans-Pritchards' work, such as it is, consists of little more than wild flights of conspiratorial fancy coupled with outrageous and wholly uncorroborated allegations offered up by his "sources" - largely a collection of oddballs... and borderline psychotics.
* * *
Back in Washington, Evans-Pritchard breaks one of his big stories: Patrick Knowlton, a construction worker who stopped to urinate at Fort Marcy Park on the afternoon of Vince Foster's death and -- here's the key part -- recalls seeing a mysterious "Hispanic-looking" man lingering around the parking lot. No sooner has Evans-Pritchard popped this bombshell in the Telegraph than, Knowlton reports, menacing-looking men in business suits begin following him and staring really hard at him...
* * *
But for the moment I prefer my own conspiracy theory: Evans-Pritchard doesn't believe a word he has written... designed to discredit critics of the Clinton White House by making them look like a bunch of blithering idiots.

* * *
The next day, November 25, 1997 another book
review, entitled Conspiracy Central, authored by Jacob
Cohen, appeared in the widely circulated National
Review Magazine. In it, Cohen wrote:

* * *
...Patrick Knowlton, who claims that he came to the park at 4:30 on the afternoon of July 20 to relieve himself, and at that time saw in the parking lot a brown Honda with Arkansas plates...
* * *
He insists that a very sinister-looking man was hovering around the parking lot and may have monitored his peeing... Knowlton seems to have a penchant for seeing the sinister in the glances of those he meets... Mysterious cars follow him, he says. Carefully organized teams of men constantly pass him and his girlfriend on the streets, giving them very menacing stares... Apparently, they are present during every walk Knowlton takes, so that any experimental stroll will reveal them. One wonders, is there a school that teaches federal agents this methodology of intimidation?

An analysis of the use of the media during the progress of the cover-up could include:
(1) A comparison of the initial published accounts of Mr. Foster's demeanor (no noticeable signs of distress) to the accounts that suddenly began appearing upon the "discovery" of torn note six days after the death (rapid weight loss and other symptoms consistent with severe depression);
(2) The alliance between the Washington press corps and the Justice Department -- permanent institutions of government;
(3) The chilling effect on witnesses of the steady
stream of press leaks that the OIC was soon to issue a report validating earlier official conclusions (see January 1995 Scripps-Howard wire reporting Starr's suicide conclusion appearing the same day that the OIC began grand jury proceedings into the death, February, 1995 Wall Street Journal feature quoting sources close to Starr as saying the case had been closed as a suicide, October, 1995 60 Minutes piece declaring that Starr's suicide report would be out shortly, December, 1995 Fox News report that Starr's Washington office was to issue a suicide report within six weeks, July, 1996 60 Minutes piece declaring that Starr had concluded the death was a suicide and that a report would be issued that summer, November, 1996, Newsweek cover story by M. Isikoff quoting unidentified sources as saying that the suicide report was to be released imminently);
(4) Years of repeating of the official suicide
conclusion in stories about other matters, like
the OIC's Supreme Court litigation of its
subpoena of attorney James Hamilton's notes of a
consultation he had with Mr. Foster shortly
before the death;
(5) Pulitzer Prize winning journalists who
misreported the Foster story: Haynes Johnson,
David Broder, Bob Woodward, Anthony Lewis, Mary
McGrory, James Stewart, and Mike McAlary;
(6) The accounts of the death in virtually every book written on the Clinton Presidency: Bob Woodward, The Agenda, Simon & Schuster, 1994; David Brock, The Seduction of Hillary Clinton, Free Press, 1996; Haynes Johnson & David Broder, The System, Little & Brown, 1996; James Stewart, Blood Sport, Simon & Schuster, 1996; Gary Aldrich, Unlimited Access, Regnery, 1996; R. Emmett Tyrrell, Boy Clinton, Regnery, 1996; HowardKurtz, Spin Cycle, The Free Press, 1998; Ann Coulter, High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Regnery, 1998; Michael Isikoff, Uncovering Clinton, Crown Publishing, 1999; George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human, Little Brown & Company, 1999; Lanny J. Davis, Truth To Tell, Free Press, 1999; Joyce Milton, The First Partner, William Morrow & Company, 1999; Helen Thomas, Front Row At The White House, Scribner, 1999;
(7) Unpublished accounts of witnesses -- in addition to Patrick Knowlton -- who contacted members of the news media to report what they know of the cover-up.
W. Barret, Freedom to Steal, Why Politicians Never go to Jail, New York Magazine, February 4, 1980: Crooked politicians have nothing to fear in New York. Contrary to much of the post-Watergate anti-corruption ballyhoo, the three United States attorneys who have served in Foley Square for the last ten years have failed to make a single case against a crooked politician within their jurisdiction. As astounding as it may seem, not since the legendary Carmine DeSapio was convicted back in 1969 for bribery has a top politician or any of the thousands of public officials in the Southern District's territory -- Manhattan, the Bronx, and Westchester -- found himself in handcuffs. It is uncertain whether this pattern of timidity on the part of the politically appointed prosecutors will change now that John S. Martin has been designated by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan to replace Robert B. Fiske in the prestigious post... The failure on the part of the federal prosecutors in the Southern District to involve themselves in political-corruption cases is one of the most fascinating, if unspoken, mysteries in city government. The end of Fiske's term, in March will, in fact, conclude a ten-year period in which Nixon- and Ford-appointed U.S. Attorneys have presided over the transformation of the Southern District into a red-light district for political corruption. *** The description of all political-corruption cases handled during the first three years of Fiske's term consumes only 6 of the 187 pages enumerating major cases in the U.S. attorney's annual reports. *** [T]he former WNEW-TV reporter who broke much of the Velez story, recalls numerous meetings with Weinberg and Fiske. "Once I know I brought them absolute, cold evidence of a crime," he said... but nothing happened. *** Charges of campaign-finance irregularities had been made [against Al DelBello] ...Fiske closed it [the grand jury] four months after he opened it... [and] sharply limited this inquiry... *** Fiske's office terminated an eight-month probe of the city's most political bank. Jack Newfield's recent piece on Staten Island Congressman Murphy in the Village Voice centers on an alleged $50,000 bribe *** [It] has now been quietly closed without result. *** Then U.S. Senator James Buckley delayed Fiske's appointment for several weeks because of his concern that Fiske's long-standing connections to Morgan Guaranty, one of the city's six major banks... Fiske did not "recuse" - the legal term for withdrawing... *** Nonetheless, six months after the SEC final report, Fiske released a one-page statement closing the securities case... There are a number of other cases, reported in the media, that have been covered by Southern District silence and inactivity... *** Agents from various federal departments say they prefer to work with assistants from other offices where assistants are closer to the streets and more willing to work with agents as partners... Fiske, for example, has a hard-and-fast rule that assistants are not to do field work with agents, a rule that has no parallel in other, neighboring federal districts. The price we all pay for these relationships and priorities is a federal jurisdiction where official corruption appears legally impenetrable.
Compare Now You Know..., Wash. Post June 22, 1998: President and Hillary Rodham Clinton fed the hands that bite them Friday night, hosting more [than] 1,000 White House reporters, spouses and progeny at a South Lawn carnival.*** But tickled reporters jammed the Ferris wheel, arcade, merry-go-round and Twister, a stomach-churning pendulum. Nothing could kill the horde's locust like appearance for children, sausages, ice cream and cotton candy.
End excerpt pages 504-510 from Failure of the Public Trust

https://books.google.com/books?id=TrRvq ... sQ6AEIODAJ

Surveillance in America: Critical Analysis of the FBI, 1920 to the ...
https://books.google.com › books
Ivan Greenberg - 2012 - ‎History
Critical Analysis of the FBI, 1920 to the Present Ivan Greenberg ... a Black Panther-styled organization.17 The popular radio commentator Paul Harvey worked in concert with the FBI for about 20 years (1952-1972).


Project MUSE - Media Manipulation - muse.jhu.edu - Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University › muse
by T Osborne - ‎2007
As Bob Herzberg's The FBI and the Movies details, Hoover was a master of media manipulation. ... He hired a PR man to publicize the Bureau and cultivated the country's top columnists, Walter Winchell, Drew Pearson, ...

http://www.marquette.edu/library/archiv ... I-sc.shtml

FBI Investigation and Surveillance Records - Scope and Content Note | Marquette Archives | Raynor Memorial Libraries | Marquette ...
Marquette University › Mss › FBI › FBI-sc
These documents also depict the relationship between the FBI and the media and the FBI and Congress. Series 20, Senate ... Journalist Walter Winchell was a friend of J. Edgar Hoover for over thirty years. This ...

https://books.google.com/books?id=POYyB ... ll&f=false

The FBI and the Movies: A History of the Bureau on Screen and ...
https://books.google.com › books
Bob Herzberg - 2006 - ‎Performing Arts
Even this colorful collection of Bureau characters pales besides the media hotshots who worked to promote the Bureau. The most famous of them all was, of course, Walter Winchell. From the ¡920s to the ¡950s, it was ...

http://www.globalresearch.ca/how-the-me ... bi/5377247

How the Media Conned the Public into Loving the FBI | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Global Research › ca › how-the-media-c...
Apr 9, 2014 - A review of “Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate: The Campaign to Control the Press and the .... Foes were denied access to FBI information, while friends, like famed columnist Walter Winchell, got ...

http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic ... rd/?page=4

Operation Mockingbird - Page 4 - JFK Assassination Debate - The ...
Invision Power Services › educationforum › ...
The FBI most important media asset was Walter Winchell. According to Sullivan: “ Winchell was probably the first nationally known radio commentator developed ...
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:16 am

Link du jour


https://www.americanswhotellthetruth.or ... ngaged-art

http://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast ... story.html



http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainmen ... -1.3352366

https://jfkrevelations.wordpress.com/20 ... k-allgire/

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politic ... -1.3352514

http://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/23/go ... unty-fair/

Heat Is Online
https://robertscribbler.com/2017/07/24/ ... g-in-rome/

European Heat, Drought, Fires Bite Deep as 1 Million Impacted by Water Rationing in Rome
“This year was not bad, it was catastrophic. I can’t remember a year like this since 1992 when I was a little child,” —Joaquin Antonio Pino, a cereal farmer in Sinlabajos, Avila.

“We will see a lot more surprises and fires burning in places that don’t have a fire history. We’ll see more fires and more intense fires in the Mediterranean and new fire situations in countries that don’t really expect it.” — Alexander Held, a senior expert at the European Forest Institute.

“Rome faces eight hours a day without running water after a halt was ordered on pumping water from a nearby lake.” — BBC.

(Europe — sweltering under heat and drought — is blanketed by triple the typical number of wildfires during July of 2017. Image date is July 17. Bottom edge of frame is approximately 2,500 miles. Image source: NASA Worldview.)

Water Rationing in Rome

According to reports from BBC, Reuters, and The Guardian, about 1 million residents of Rome are now facing 8 hour periods without water supplies. Across the country, lake levels are at record lows after the driest spring in 60 years followed by a series of severe European heatwaves that recent scientific research indicates was made substantially more likely by human-caused climate change due to fossil fuel burning. Drought-related reductions of water withdrawals from drying lakes are spurring these major curtailments of public water access.

Severe Crop Damage

As Romans face water rationing for the first time in modern memory, across southern Europe, farmers are reeling as olive and wheat crops are severely stressed by both drought and by temperatures that in some places have hit in excess of 40 degrees Celsius (105 F). The cost of Spanish wheat has risen more than 40 percent even as prices for Italian olives have spiked by 50 percent. Cereal crop production in both states have fallen to the lowest level in 20 years. Meanwhile, damage estimates to crops from the widespread heat and drought in Italy alone has risen to between 1 and 2.3 billion dollars.

Warming temperatures spreading northward into Europe from the Sahara as climates warm have generated widespread stress for farmers over recent years. These growers, increasingly sensitive to climate change-based stresses are, more and more often, questioning the viability of farming as a livelihood. From Reuters:

Some see rising temperatures as a long-term trend, which threatens the viability of farming in the region.

“In this situation … you realize it’s almost impossible to keep going. You think OK, this year I will try to manage, but if the harvest is like this next year you won’t be able to cope any more,” said farmer Tocchi, who is also the local head of farmers’ group Confagricoltura.

Triple the ‘Normal’ Rate of Wildfire Burning

Heat and drought hitting water supplies and crops was also accompanied by a severe spate of wildfires raging across Italy, Croatia, Montenegro, France, Portugal, and Spain during recent weeks. Thousands have been evacuated as tens of thousands of acres burned and armies of firefighters battled blazes across numerous states. Tragically, 64 people were killed by one swiftly-moving Portugal fire during early July.

(Rates of wildfire burning were already heightened as warming intensified through Europe during 2008 through 2016. The 2017 spike, however, is triple even that already elevated level. Image source: EFFIS.)

Overall, the 677 fires igniting across Europe during 2017 is about triple that of an average year for Continent. An increased rate of burning that experts are also blaming on climate change as temperatures increase and fire seasons lengthen. From EuroNews:

Alexander Held, a senior expert at the European Forest Institute, backed Curt’s claim saying fires were starting earlier and burning for longer.

“We will see a lot more surprises and fires burning in places that don’t have a fire history,” Held told Euronews. “Spain burns, yes, but it’s not a surprise. We’ll see more fires and more intense fires in the Mediterranean and new fire situations in countries that don’t really expect it.”


NASA Worldview



The Guardian

The Atlantic


https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2017 ... -20-years/

Philip Weiss: The Role of Jewish Democrats in Bill That Could Imprison Israel Boycotters for 20 Years

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-m ... story.html

Crews make gains on California wildfires that forced evacuations, destroyed homes

http://www.kcci.com/article/ex-tama-pol ... t/10353051

Tama police chief sentenced for theft, lying to FBI agent
KCCI Des Moines-
A former Tama police chief is sentenced to federal prison for stealing guns and vehicles from a police impound and lying about it to an FBI special agent.

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-m ... -story.htm

Severe, chronic flooding will devastate California coast as sea levels rise, experts say

FBI Octopus

http://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2 ... 485707001/

From FBI to Florida Bar: Doyle makes big transition
The application of the new executive director of the Florida Bar reads like the blurb for a spy novel: Undercover agents, intelligence analysts, covert vehicles, ...

http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/cia-fbi- ... d=48817457

CIA and FBI documents on investigation into Kennedy assassination are released

Jul 24, 2017, 1:36 PM ET

More than 3,800 records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy have been released today by the National Archives.

Most of the documents were previously released with parts redacted, and 441 have never been released before. Of those that were previously redacted, some have now had the redactions removed.

Among the materials, which include CIA and FBI records, are transcripts and 17 recordings of interviews with Yuri Nosenko, a former KGB agent who defected in 1964 and claimed he was in charge of the KGB file on Lee Harvey Oswald when Oswald was in the Soviet Union.

The list of documents released Monday also includes some referring to the investigation into Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination in 1968, five years after President Kennedy was killed.

The National Archives has been working toward releasing documents related to Kennedy's death since 1992 when a law was passed to preserve the approximately 5 million pages of records surrounding the investigation.

http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthr ... assination

FBI Director Hoover was tasked by Deep State to assassinate President Kennedy, Martin Luther
King and Robert Kennedy

This is what military grade remote viewers saw.
2 video trailers
Part 1
Part 2

Remote Viewing - JFK assassination
FarSight Institute's Remote Viewing Project of the JFK assassination (part 1 - "the shooters"), now released:

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2VT2zNLbmA

... interesting findings include:

- command & control centre location, where the assassination activities were coordinated from.

- thorough planning & preparations.

- use of encrypted radio communications (secret at the time).

- extra shooters lined-up, that never pulled the trigger, but were ready to do so.

- multiple teams working together, including details regarding individuals within the teams

- what JFK himself experienced

- how the shooters & overseers dispersed after the shooting

... part 2 "the organizers" now released:

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIzUiOj5XO4

http://www.njspotlight.com/stories/17/0 ... -questions

Christie's Hiring of FBI Nominee as Bridgegate Attorney Raises ...
NJ Spotlight-

President Trump's nominee for FBI director, Christopher Wray, represented Gov. Chris Christie as his personal, publicly funded Bridgegate attorney for 11 months before signing a mandatory retainer agreement, according to new documents provided to WNYC through a public records request.

Wray began working for Christie as his personal, publicly funded attorney, according to bills submitted to the state, in September 2014. But it wasn't until August 2015, 11 months later, that Wray and Christie formally agreed to the arrangement.

Several lawyers who work with the government said the extended delay was extraordinarily unusual, possibly unethical, and could indicate that Christie, who was preparing to run for president at the time, was keeping it hidden from the public that he had a taxpayer-funded criminal attorney. Indeed it wasn't until the summer of 2016 that it was revealed that Wray was holding onto a piece of potential evidence — one of Christie's cell phones that his former aides, charged in the Bridgegate affair, unsuccessfully sought to subpoena.

Wray and his colleagues would ultimately bill taxpayers more than $2 million in fees and expenses, including meals, hotel rooms, cab fare, and flights. They continued working — and being paid — even after the Bridgegate trial ended and those convicted were sentenced to prison. It is unclear what work was done, since the governor was neither charged nor called to testify.

Shortly thereafter Christie recommended Wray to his friend, President Trump, for the job of FBI director.

Emails and legal bills obtained through a public records request show that Wray first started billing the New Jersey treasury for representing Christie on September 25, 2014, nine months after the federal Bridgegate investigation began. Wray and his associates got to work immediately, billing the state daily, including weekends, on all but three days through Christmas 2014.

The following March, Wray reviewed a draft retention agreement for his role as outside counsel, emails show. Over the course of the next few months an employee from Wray's firm, King & Spalding, had questions about the state rules restricting the hiring of political donors as government contractors. Wray was not a political contributor in New Jersey, according to state records.

The following August 5, 2015, documents were finally exchanged to affirm the deal. A rate of $340 an hour for Wray and his colleagues was agreed upon. Christie himself signed a document designating King & Spalding as special counsel. This was 11 months after work had actually begun.

"Eleven months is a little on the long side — and in the very least, it's kind of sloppy," said Jim Eisenhower, a Philadelphia attorney and former federal prosecutor who has previously been retained by the governor's office in Pennsylvania. He said some lag time is expected due to bureaucracy, or because attorneys may be needed immediately before paperwork can be signed. But in 30 years of practicing law he said he had never heard of such a significant length of time before the signing of a retention agreement.

American Bar Association guidelines on client-lawyer relationships and New Jersey Supreme Court rules say that the terms of an attorney's retention should be communicated in writing "before or within a reasonable time after commencing the representation."

WNYC sought an explanation from a spokeswoman for Attorney General Chris Porrino, the Christie appointee in charge of retaining outside attorneys for employees, nearly two weeks ago. Last week she left a voicemail requesting a call back and saying she could offer little explanation. But she did not return two subsequent messages.

Christie's spokesman, Brian Murray, also did not return an email for comment.

Wray's nomination as FBI director has been approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. He awaits conformation from the full Senate.

President Trump's nominee for FBI director, Christopher Wray, represented Gov. Chris Christie as his personal, publicly funded Bridgegate attorney for 11 months before signing a mandatory retainer agreement, according to new documents provided to WNYC through a public records request.

Wray began working for Christie as his personal, publicly funded attorney, according to bills submitted to the state, in September 2014. But it wasn't until August 2015, 11 months later, that Wray and Christie formally agreed to the arrangement.

Several lawyers who work with the government said the extended delay was extraordinarily unusual, possibly unethical, and could indicate that Christie, who was preparing to run for president at the time, was keeping it hidden from the public that he had a taxpayer-funded criminal attorney. Indeed it wasn't until the summer of 2016 that it was revealed that Wray was holding onto a piece of potential evidence — one of Christie's cell phones that his former aides, charged in the Bridgegate affair, unsuccessfully sought to subpoena.

Wray and his colleagues would ultimately bill taxpayers more than $2 million in fees and expenses, including meals, hotel rooms, cab fare, and flights. They continued working — and being paid — even after the Bridgegate trial ended and those convicted were sentenced to prison. It is unclear what work was done, since the governor was neither charged nor called to testify.

Shortly thereafter Christie recommended Wray to his friend, President Trump, for the job of FBI director.

Emails and legal bills obtained through a public records request show that Wray first started billing the New Jersey treasury for representing Christie on September 25, 2014, nine months after the federal Bridgegate investigation began. Wray and his associates got to work immediately, billing the state daily, including weekends, on all but three days through Christmas 2014.

The following March, Wray reviewed a draft retention agreement for his role as outside counsel, emails show. Over the course of the next few months an employee from Wray's firm, King & Spalding, had questions about the state rules restricting the hiring of political donors as government contractors. Wray was not a political contributor in New Jersey, according to state records.

The following August 5, 2015, documents were finally exchanged to affirm the deal. A rate of $340 an hour for Wray and his colleagues was agreed upon. Christie himself signed a document designating King & Spalding as special counsel. This was 11 months after work had actually begun.

"Eleven months is a little on the long side — and in the very least, it's kind of sloppy," said Jim Eisenhower, a Philadelphia attorney and former federal prosecutor who has previously been retained by the governor's office in Pennsylvania. He said some lag time is expected due to bureaucracy, or because attorneys may be needed immediately before paperwork can be signed. But in 30 years of practicing law he said he had never heard of such a significant length of time before the signing of a retention agreement.

American Bar Association guidelines on client-lawyer relationships and New Jersey Supreme Court rules say that the terms of an attorney's retention should be communicated in writing "before or within a reasonable time after commencing the representation."

WNYC sought an explanation from a spokeswoman for Attorney General Chris Porrino, the Christie appointee in charge of retaining outside attorneys for employees, nearly two weeks ago. Last week she left a voicemail requesting a call back and saying she could offer little explanation. But she did not return two subsequent messages.

Christie's spokesman, Brian Murray, also did not return an email for comment.

http://wtvr.com/2017/07/24/mac-malware- ... ter-users/

Mac malware caught silently spying on computer users

POSTED 7:23 PM, JULY 24, 2017,
SAN FRANCISCO — Mac users typically think they’re immune to malware. But a new strain used for spying reminds us even Macs can be compromised.

Researchers have found an unusual piece of malware, called FruitFly, that’s been infecting some Mac computers for years.

FruitFly operates quietly in the background, spies on users through the computer’s camera, captures images of what’s displayed on the screen and logs key strokes.

Security firm Malwarebytes discovered the first strain earlier this year, but a second version called FruitFly 2 subsequently appeared.

Patrick Wardle, chief security researcher at security firm Synack, found 400 computers infected with the newer strain and believes there’s likely many more cases out there.

It’s unclear how long FruitFly has been infecting computers, but researchers found the code was modified to work on the Mac Yosemite operating system, which was released in October 2014. This suggests the malware existed before that time.

It’s unknown who is behind it or how it got on computers.

Thomas Reed of Malwarebytes called the first version “unlike anything I’ve seen before.”

Wardle says there are multiple strains of FruitFly. The malware has the same spying techniques, but the code is different on each strain.

After months of analyzing the new strain, Wardle decrypted parts of the code and set up a server to intercept traffic from infected computers.

“Immediately, tons of victims that had been infected with this malware started connecting to me,” said Wardle, adding he could see about 400 infected computer names and IP addresses.

He believes this reflects only a small subset of infected users.

The discovery of FruitFly reminds users that although Mac malware is considerably less widespread than Windows, it still exists.

“Mac users are over-confident,” Wardle said. “We might not be as careful as we should be on the internet or opening up email attachments.”

Apple did not respond to a request for comment.

Mac malware has increased in recent years. According to a report from McAfee, Mac malware skyrocketed in 2016, but most of it was adware — or malicious advertising — as opposed to targeted spy campaigns.

Wardle said FruitFly is completely new for Macs. He alerted national law enforcement to the malware. The FBI said it does not confirm or deny the existence of investigations.

It’s unclear how it got on machines and if it targeted individuals randomly or directly.

http://www.kpvi.com/news/local_news/pol ... 9c3f0.html

Police Say Man Filming FBI Facility Was Not Charged with 'Public Voyeurism'

Pocatello Jul 24, 2017

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/congr ... le/2629555

Congressional Black Caucus calls on Jeff Sessions to resign

Jul 24, 2017, 6:28

The Congressional Black Caucus is calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign.

A majority of the 49-member caucus voted to issue a statement calling for Sessions to resign because of how he has handled conversations he had with Russian officials during the presidential campaign.

"Every day the Department of Justice prosecutes people for lying under oath, yet the man who leads the department has lied under oath on more than one occasion," the Congressional Black Caucus said Monday in a statement to the media. "Attorney General Sessions is unfit to serve as the top law enforcement official in the nation and should resign from his position immediately."

In his Senate confirmation hearing, Sessions failed to disclose his contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the campaign.

After news reports revealed Sessions met with Kislyak on more than one occasion, Sessions acknowledged the meetings, but said they were not related to the Trump campaign and were relevant to his job at the time as a senator representing Alabama.

Trump later recused himself from the FBI's Russia investigation because of those conversations. After Sessions recused himself, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to lead the Russia probe.

The Washington Post reported last week that Sessions discussed policy and campaign-related issues with Kislyak and that the attorney general has provided "misleading" statements that are "contradicted by other evidence."

The Congressional Black Caucus vote pushing for Sessions to resign occurred before the Post published its report.

Sessions is under increased scrutiny after President Trump told the New York Times last week that he would not have chosen Sessions to be attorney general if he knew Sessions would recuse himself from the Russia investigation.

Trump also criticized Sessions for giving "bad answers" during his confirmation hearing about his Russia contacts.

On Monday, Trump piled on, referring to Sessions' status as "beleaguered" in a Twitter post.

Sessions has said he intends to remain attorney

http://www.kmov.com/story/35959388/jury ... pd-officer

A former police officer charged with murder will not have his case heard in front of a jury. A judge Monday approved the officer’s request to allow the judge to hear the case instead.

Jason Stockley, a former officer with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, is charged with first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting death of Anthony Lamar Smith. The incident occurred near Acme and West Florissant on December 20, 2011.

Stockley’s trial is scheduled to start July 31. A statement from the Circuit Attorney’s Office says they are “disappointed that a jury of St. Louis citizens will not have the opportunity to review the evidence.”

Read: Former St. Louis cop charged with murder in 2011 shooting; victim's family speaks

A motion for the prosecutor’s office argued against a bench trial, saying “Officer involved shooting cases are of particular interest to the public. Removing these cases from juries and letting a single judge determine guilt in such controversial cases creates a perception amongst the public that police officers accused of crimes get special treatment.”

http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/was ... b_20170724

U.S. Intelligence Veterans Believe the ‘Russian Hack’ of DNC Computers May Have Been an Inside Job

Posted on Jul 24, 2017

By VIPS / Consortiumnews

Forensic analysis of metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016, intrusion into the Democratic National Committee server. (The Forensicator)


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Was the “Russian Hack” an Inside Job?


Executive Summary
Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.

After examining metadata from the “Guccifer 2.0” July 5, 2016, intrusion into the DNC server, independent cyber investigators have concluded that an insider copied DNC data onto an external storage device, and that “telltale signs” implicating Russia were then inserted.

Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East Coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].

Independent analyst Skip Folden, a retired IBM Program Manager for Information Technology U.S., who examined the recent forensic findings, is a co-author of this Memorandum. He has drafted a more detailed technical report titled “Cyber-Forensic Investigation of ‘Russian Hack’ and Missing Intelligence Community Disclaimers,” and sent it to the offices of the Special Counsel and the Attorney General. VIPS member William Binney, a former Technical Director at the National Security Agency, and other senior NSA “alumni” in VIPS attest to the professionalism of the independent forensic findings.

The recent forensic studies fill in a critical gap. Why the FBI neglected to perform any independent forensics on the original “Guccifer 2.0” material remains a mystery—as does the lack of any sign that the “hand-picked analysts” from the FBI, CIA, and NSA, who wrote the “Intelligence Community Assessment” dated January 6, 2017, gave any attention to forensics.

NOTE: There has been so much conflation of charges about hacking that we wish to make very clear the primary focus of this Memorandum. We focus specifically on the July 5, 2016, alleged Guccifer 2.0 “hack” of the DNC server. In earlier VIPS memoranda, we addressed the lack of any evidence connecting the Guccifer 2.0 alleged hacks and WikiLeaks, and we asked President Obama specifically to disclose any evidence that WikiLeaks received DNC data from the Russians [see here and here].

Addressing this point at his last press conference (January 18), he described “the conclusions of the intelligence community” as “not conclusive,” even though the Intelligence Community Assessment of January 6 expressed “high confidence” that Russian intelligence “relayed material it acquired from the DNC … to WikiLeaks.”

Obama’s admission came as no surprise to us. It has long been clear to us that the reason the U.S. government lacks conclusive evidence of a transfer of a “Russian hack” to WikiLeaks is because there was no such transfer. Based mostly on the cumulatively unique technical experience of our ex-NSA colleagues, we have been saying for almost a year that the DNC data reached WikiLeaks via a copy/leak by a DNC insider (but almost certainly not the same person who copied DNC data on July 5, 2016).

From the information available, we conclude that the same inside-DNC, copy/leak process was used at two different times, by two different entities, for two distinctly different purposes:

-(1) an inside leak to WikiLeaks before Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, that he had DNC documents and planned to publish them (which he did on July 22)—the presumed objective being to expose strong DNC bias toward the Clinton candidacy; and

-(2) a separate leak on July 5, 2016, to pre-emptively taint anything WikiLeaks might later publish by “showing” it came from a “Russian hack.”

* * *

Mr. President:

This is our first VIPS Memorandum for you, but we have a history of letting U.S. Presidents know when we think our former intelligence colleagues have gotten something important wrong, and why. For example, our first such memorandum, a same-day commentary for President George W. Bush on Colin Powell’s U.N. speech on March 5, 2003, warned that the “unintended consequences were likely to be catastrophic,” should the U.S. attack Iraq and “justfy” the war on intelligence that we retired intelligence officers could readily see as fraudulent and driven by a war agenda.

The January 6 “Intelligence Community Assessment” by “hand-picked” analysts from the FBI, CIA, and NSA seems to fit into the same agenda-driven category. It is largely based on an “assessment,” not supported by any apparent evidence, that a shadowy entity with the moniker “Guccifer 2.0” hacked the DNC on behalf of Russian intelligence and gave DNC emails to WikiLeaks.

The recent forensic findings mentioned above have put a huge dent in that assessment and cast serious doubt on the underpinnings of the extraordinarily successful campaign to blame the Russian government for hacking. The pundits and politicians who have led the charge against Russian “meddling” in the U.S. election can be expected to try to cast doubt on the forensic findings, if they ever do bubble up into the mainstream media. But the principles of physics don’t lie; and the technical limitations of today’s Internet are widely understood. We are prepared to answer any substantive challenges on their merits.

You may wish to ask CIA Director Mike Pompeo what he knows about this. Our own lengthy intelligence community experience suggests that it is possible that neither former CIA Director John Brennan, nor the cyber-warriors who worked for him, have been completely candid with their new director regarding how this all went down.

Copied, Not Hacked

As indicated above, the independent forensic work just completed focused on data copied (not hacked) by a shadowy persona named “Guccifer 2.0.” The forensics reflect what seems to have been a desperate effort to “blame the Russians” for publishing highly embarrassing DNC emails three days before the Democratic convention last July. Since the content of the DNC emails reeked of pro-Clinton bias, her campaign saw an overriding need to divert attention from content to provenance—as in, who “hacked” those DNC emails? The campaign was enthusiastically supported by a compliant “mainstream” media; they are still on a roll.

“The Russians” were the ideal culprit. And, after WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange announced on June 12, 2016, “We have emails related to Hillary Clinton which are pending publication,” her campaign had more than a month before the convention to insert its own “forensic facts” and prime the media pump to put the blame on “Russian meddling.” Mrs. Clinton’s PR chief Jennifer Palmieri has explained how she used golf carts to make the rounds at the convention. She wrote that her “mission was to get the press to focus on something even we found difficult to process: the prospect that Russia had not only hacked and stolen emails from the DNC, but that it had done so to help Donald Trump and hurt Hillary Clinton.”

Independent cyber-investigators have now completed the kind of forensic work that the intelligence assessment did not do. Oddly, the “hand-picked” intelligence analysts contented themselves with “assessing” this and “assessing” that. In contrast, the investigators dug deep and came up with verifiable evidence from metadata found in the record of the alleged Russian hack.

They found that the purported “hack” of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 was not a hack, by Russia or anyone else. Rather it originated with a copy (onto an external storage device—a thumb drive, for example) by an insider. The data was leaked after being doctored with a cut-and-paste job to implicate Russia. We do not know who or what the murky Guccifer 2.0 is. You may wish to ask the FBI.

The Time Sequence

June 12, 2016: Assange announces WikiLeaks is about to publish “emails related to Hillary Clinton.”

June 15, 2016: DNC contractor Crowdstrike, (with a dubious professional record and multiple conflicts of interest) announces that malware has been found on the DNC server and claims there is evidence it was injected by Russians.

June 15, 2016: On the same day, “Guccifer 2.0” affirms the DNC statement; claims responsibility for the “hack;” claims to be a WikiLeaks source; and posts a document that the forensics show was synthetically tainted with “Russian fingerprints.”
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:31 pm

Blink Tank


http://www.wnd.com/2017/07/fbis-report- ... ing-pages/

'Would reveal sensitive details about how much money was being moved around'

(News.com.au) Missing pages from a heavily censored internal FBI report on 9/11 contain explosive information on Saudi Arabia’s role in the 2001 terrorist attack, according to a group of investigative journalists.

The declassified version of a slide show titled “Overview of the 9/11 Investigation” was published by Florida Bulldog, a non-profit investigative journalist outfit, after it sued the FBI for the records in 2015.

The FBI made the presentation to the 9/11 Review Commission in secret on April 25, 2014.

But the agency redacted 13 pages and completely deleted an additional nine pages from the report, which was believed to have originally contained around 60 pages, before releasing it in March.

The document, released under America’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was also obtained by public records database Government Attic, which posted it online yesterday.

Read the full story ›

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/07/fbis-report- ... X6ozuBg.99

Click link to see FBI documents
http://www.governmentattic.org/24docs/F ... w_2014.pdf

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Overview of the 9/11 Investigation Slide show
What is the FBI hiding in redacted 9/11 slide show documents?
JULY 26, 20176:54PM

FBI's mysterious 911 slideshow

MISSING pages from a heavily censored internal FBI report on 9/11 contain explosive information on Saudi Arabia’s role in the 2001 terrorist attack, according to a group of investigative journalists.
The declassified version of a slide show titled “Overview of the 9/11 Investigation” was published by Florida Bulldog, a non-profit investigative journalist outfit, after it sued the FBI for the records in 2015.
The FBI made the presentation to the 9/11 Review Commission in secret on April 25, 2014.
But the agency redacted 13 pages and completely deleted an additional nine pages from the report, which was believed to have originally contained around 60 pages, before releasing it in March.
The document, released under America’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was also obtained by public records database Government Attic, which posted it online yesterday.
According to Florida Bulldog, which has conducted a long-running investigation into Saudi Arabia’s possible link to the West’s most notorious terrorist attack, the censored pages detail “the transfer of money prior to and funding of the attacks”.
Some of the slides released are blank except for their tantalising titles which include “Funding of the 9/11 Attacks”; “Early to Mid-2001: Additional Funding”; “August 2011: Reserving 9/11 Tickets”; and “KSM (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) Non-Immigrant Visa Application”.
Of the 19 hijackers who crashed planes into New York’s Twin Towers and the Pentagon in Virginia, 15 were Saudi Arabian.
In documents tendered to court earlier this year, Florida Bulldog alleged the FBI improperly redacted key intelligence related to the funding of the 9/11 attacks.
The first page of the FBI’s 60-page, heavily censored Power Point presentation on the 9/11 attacks.

When the FBI finally released its internal slide show to the public in March, 13 pages were redacted and nine had been completely deleted from the presentation.Source:Supplied
In May, Miami judge Cecilia Altonaga ruled the document should be largely opened for public inspection, after the FBI failed to establish Freedom of Information Act Exemption 7(E) applied. The exemption applies when the information would “disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions”.
But the FBI asked her to reconsider, arguing that while the document doesn’t discuss techniques, it could still reveal some techniques used. As an example it cited a photograph taken from a security camera which could reveal the camera’s location unless redacted.
On July 6, Judge Altonaga had a change of heart, siding with the FBI and reversing her May decision, dismissing Florida Bulldog’s application for a Freedom of Information Act trial.
“The court sees no need for further facts to be elicited at trial,” she said.
The pages exempt from disclosure include two slides titled “Funding of the 9/11 Attacks” and “Early to Mid-2001 Additional Funding” and others that currently appear blank under the headings: “Early to Mid-2000: Pilots/Intended Pilots Arrive U.S.”; “Investigative Findings regarding hijacker Identification”, “Financial”, “Early to Mid-2001: Non-pilots arrive U.S.”,‘July-August 2001: Knife Purchases” and “August 2001: Reserving 9/11 Tickets” as well as four pages titled, “Ongoing Investigation”.
Lawyers for Florida Bulldog have indicated they may challenge the ruling in the Supreme Court.
Florida Bulldog co-founder and editor Dan Christensen says the FBI’s grounds for continuing to withhold information on the 9/11 attacks are weak and make no sense. He addressed the agency’s concerns, including the mysterious redacted photograph, in an article posted on his website last month.
But he believes the real reason for the FBI’s secrecy relates to questions about who financed the 9/11 attacks.

Survivors and relatives of the almost 3000 victims are currently engaged in a fraught civil litigation with Saudi Arabia amid accusations that the kingdom and its official charities were among those who supplied funds. The country has denied any wrongdoing.
“Another page the FBI wants to remain hidden ‘contains specific factors deemed pertinent in the analysis of the actions of the hijackers’ concerning financial transactions before September 11, 2001,” Christensen said.
“(According to the FBI) disclosure of this information would reveal what the FBI already knows about the hijackers’ financial actions and how they were able to stay ‘under the radar’.”
FBI record chief David M Hardy expanded on this in his submission to keep the reacted and missing pages secret.
This page, with its promising title, is one of several which were left otherwise blank in the FBI’s heavily censored report.
This page, with its promising title, is one of several which were left otherwise blank in the FBI’s heavily censored report.Source:Supplied
Nothing to see here. Several pages of the FBI's internal slide show on 9/11 have been redacted and nine have been deleted entirely.
Nothing to see here. Several pages of the FBI's internal slide show on 9/11 have been redacted and nine have been deleted entirely.Source:Supplied
“The release of this information would reveal sensitive details about how much money was being moved around, when it was being moved, how it was being moved, the mode of transfer and locations the FBI had detected movements in,” Mr Hardy told the court in his sixth court declaration in June.
“Disclosure of this information would provide a playbook to future subjects on how much money one can move around in certain forms without attracting attention.”
Christensen claims the FBI has also redacted details relating to:
*The types of weapons and identification the conspirators carried;
*The timing of the arrival of the pilots, intended pilots and conspirators in the US;
*Information about when the conspirators moved to their respective departure cities and the timing of their plane ticket purchases;
* A timeline of telephone records and money transfers between conspirators; and
*Information about previous flights the conspirators took before the attacks to include the collection and timing and locations of flights.
“One page, withheld in full, ‘is a photo taken by a security camera’. The FBI does not identify the photo’s subject, the date it was taken or its general location,” Christensen said.
“This was withheld because the release of this picture would disclose the location of the security camera at the site where the photo was taken. The disclosure would allow future subjects to know where to find the security camera so as to avoid the area in which the camera points, thereby circumventing detection or the ability for the FBI and law enforcement to try to obtain an image of the subject.
“Two more pages from the overview section about the FBI’s ‘ongoing investigation,’ also completely withheld, contain “information about a conspirator and his actions taken in preparation for the attacks. This is sensitive information, which if revealed, would put at risk the collection techniques used to obtain such information. It also reveals sensitivities that future subjects could exploit in the future while

http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crim ... abe27.html

Asking for probe of misconduct claims against police 'symbolic,' St. Louis County Police board chairman says

Former County Executive Charlie Dooley appointed Corvington, a retired FBI agent, to the police board in March 2012. Dooley also appointed The Rev. Lawrence Wooten Sr., vice chairman, and Laurie Westfall, secretary.

Roland Corvington’s comments follow Tuesday night’s 5-1 vote by council members in favor of requesting an outside agency to investigate the allegations raised in a series of stories by Post-Dispatch Columnist Tony Messenger.

The newspaper obtained public documents, photos and video from Metro that supported allegations of county police officers’ loitering in offices, covering a camera at the North Hanley MetroLink substation and refusing to cooperate with Metro public safety officials.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/don ... 64e877e64a

Donald Trump Asked For Russian Help In The Election 1 Year Ago ...
In March testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, former FBI agent Clint Watts explained that the Trump team and Moscow-linked media, including ...

Link du jour

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3361876

https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/07/26/devil ... overnment/

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bro ... -1.3362237

http://nation.com.pk/snippets/27-Jul-20 ... done-in-us

http://www.occurrencesforeigndomestic.c ... -military/

http://samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uplo ... wf2002.pdf

Driving While Female - Samuel Walker
SamuelWalker.net › 2010/06 › dwf2002
"DRIVING WHILE FEMALE”: A NATIONAL PROBLEM IN POLICE MISCONDUCT. A Special Report by the. Police Professionalism Initiative. University of Nebraska at Omaha. Samuel Walker and Dawn Irlbeck.

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/lon ... -1.3362360

Long Island police officer forced woman to perform sex act at precinct

Thursday, July 27, 2017, 3:36 PM
While processing the woman wanted for outstanding traffic and vehicle offenses, the Sayville cop brought her to an isolated room and exposed himself, Brooklyn federal prosecutors said. When she refused the proposition, McCoy held her head down, court filings show.

At one point, someone walked by the door and McCoy "quickly zipped up his pants and took her out of the room."

In the course of the act, semen fell on the victim's shirt, court papers state.

More than a week later, McCoy texted the victim — who at first couldn't figure out who was contacting her.

"I put you [in] handcuffs...remember now?," McCoy wrote, court papers claim.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/ ... 236204038e

Driving While Female

April 14, 2002
"THIS WAS SOMETHING that all the girls knew," a 22-year-old woman named Elizabeth Hardman recently told The Post. Ms. Hardman was referring to the commonly held belief that for years, out on I-66 and I-95 and Route 28, Route 29 and around the watering holes of Manassas, there was a Virginia state trooper, William A. "Buck" Carter, who showed a predilection for targeting women. He liked, Ms. Hardman said, to hang out in parking lots, watching for women leaving bars. He liked to follow them in his police car. He liked to pull them over. This went on, and on, and on, until allegedly he went too far: This month, Mr. Carter was indicted for soliciting sex from a 20-year-old. According to prosecutors, he arrested her for drunk driving, took her to the Prince William jail, let her understand the gravity of that place, then told her that if she left and had sex with him, the charge would disappear. The day the indictment was handed down, Trooper Carter resigned.

It goes without saying that most police don't behave this way; most Virginia troopers treat women, and men, with respect and courtesy. All the more reason to be outraged by this story: an alleged stalker operating under the aegis of the state police, using the power of his badge to violate rather than protect -- and the "girls" weren't the only ones who had an inkling. Some of the troopers knew; they've said so. Officials at the state police knew, or should have known: Last May, a local law enforcement officer complained about Mr. Carter's arrest habits. An internal investigation was done; it found that while 19 percent of those arrested in the county for drunk driving are women, Mr. Carter was arresting 53 percent women, almost three times the average. No problem, headquarters concluded. After all, half the people in the county are women. Looks okay to us.

Belatedly, everyone is taking this seriously. The commonwealth's attorney, who has been forced to drop cases against nearly 40 women Mr. Carter arrested, has charged him with bribery. The superintendent of state police, calling this "possibly profiling of a different nature," says he wants to know who knew what, when. More needs to happen: Last year in New York, the attorney general filed a federal civil rights complaint against the town of Wallkill, charging that officers pulled over young women to solicit dates. Federal civil rights folks should look here too, to see whether women were deprived of their constitutional right not to be unfairly targeted -- and, if so, to see what sort of culture was permitting this profiling to go on. One cannot help wondering: When Buck Carter took that young woman down to the jail, started to book her, abruptly stopped, and left with her, did nobody notice? Was everybody looking the other way?

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/d ... -1.3361570

Deputy Calif. attorney general who is son of Watergate figure G. Gordon Liddy arrested for child porn possession
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, July 27, 2017, 11:19 AM

http://andreajritchie.com/wp-content/up ... ssault.pdf

rape, sexual assault, & sexual harassment - Andrea J. Ritchie
Andrea J. Ritchie › uploads › 2016/01 › t...

https://www.irishcentral.com/news/white ... arole-date

Whitey Bulger’s crooked Irish American FBI handler given 2039 parole date

July 27, 2017 04:03

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3362218

SEE IT: Off-duty deputy uses wounded gunman as human shield during Chicago shooting
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, July 27, 2017, 2:51 PM

The deputy, Michael Raines, was uninjured in the gunfight, but died the next year after overdosing on fentanyl-laced heroin, the Chicago Tribune reported.

http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/co ... 74184.html

Jason Corbett's body 'appeared cool' when paramedics arrived to ...
Independent.ie-7 hours ago
The revelation came on the ninth day of a Davidson County Superior Court trial where Molly Martens Corbett (33) and her father, retired FBI agent, Thomas ...

Jason Corbett murder trial halted as photo of corpse makes juror vomit
The Times-Jul 26, 2017
The second day of the Jason Corbett murder trial was halted briefly when a juror fell ill after she saw pictures of his injuries. Craig Nelson, an associate chief ...

FBI Octopus

Story image for fbi agent from CNN
The conversation we need on police shootings
KBZK Bozeman News
Editor's note: James A. Gagliano is a CNN law enforcement analyst and a retired FBI supervisory special agent. He also serves as an adjunct assistant professor ...

Woman in Charge at Border Patrol Hopes to See More in Ranks
New York Times-
Less than a week after President Trump took office, Mark Morgan, a former F.B.I. agent, was forced out after four months as the Border Patrol chief. The Border ...

http://www.kuam.com/story/35982232/2017 ... businesses

FBI Honolulu Division hosts a joint information sharing conference for some of Guam's leading businesses

Posted: Jul 27, 2017 2:46 AM EDT
Updated: Jul 27, 2017 2:46 AM EDT

On July 27, 2017, the Honolulu Division of the FBI hosted a joint information sharing conference for some of Guam's leading businesses. This Strategic Partnership Engagement Conference was an opportunity for the FBI and other law enforcement entities to provide the state's leading industries with unique access to current threats facing the United States as well as specific issues facing Guam. It is part of a national effort led by the FBI's Office of the Private Sector to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with infrastructure, industry, and security stakeholders.

"Typically, law enforcement challenges are overcome by two elements: meaningful community relationships and coordinated law enforcement response," said FBI Honolulu Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) Tuan Nguyen. "The Executive Partnership Engagement Conference is an opportunity for our office in Guam to enhance both these dynamics. Our experience has shown that the time to build these relationships is not in the midst of a crisis. This conference serves as a building block in establishing meaningful dialog between law enforcement and industry leaders."

During the conference, law enforcement subject matter experts briefed industry executives about trending threats in the areas of terrorism, counter-intelligence, economic espionage, and cyber intrusions. ASAC Nguyen noted, "We intend for this to be the next step in a long-term relationship we will have with infrastructure and industry in our community."

Story image for fbi agent from The Harvell gazette
Senior citizens' art displayed at library
The Harvell gazette
Jay White, a retired FBI agent and a former member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, lead the discussion. White is an adjunct faculty member at several area ...

Middle East discussion: The Council on Aging is hosting a discussion group on terrorism in the Middle East.

Jay White, a retired FBI agent and a former member of the Joint Terrorism Task Force, lead the discussion. White is an adjunct faculty member at several area colleges.

The group meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Citizens Center, 10 Welcome St. Call 978-374-2390 if you wish to participate.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3362010

Video of woman telling Somali women she’s going to kill Muslims goes viral, gets her fired
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, July 27, 2017, 1:48 PM

https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/07/27/will- ... unt-trump/

Will a Document Targeting Bill Clinton Come Back to Haunt Trump?
Nearly 20 years ago, in the wake of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal, a legal paper was produced concerning whether a sitting president could be indicted. Today, that document seems more relevant than ever.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3362568

Boy Scouts chief apologizes for Trump’s strange speech
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, July 27, 2017, 5:10 PM

http://www.readingeagle.com/ap/article/ ... on-process

Senate committee tries to revive FBI relocation process
Reading Eagle

WASHINGTON - The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday will consider language requiring the FBI to develop a new plan to consolidate its workforce ..

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/man ... -1.3362578

Harlem Gospel Choir singer claims cops wrongfully arrested her after altercation with pro-Trump

Thursday, July 27, 2017, 5:37 PM

A singer who performs with the Harlem Gospel Choir plans to sue the city, claiming cops falsely arrested her after she was harassed by a pro-Trump protester outside Trump Tower.

LennAsia Harvey, 21, of East Orange, N.J., claims she was leaving a choir gig at the Plaza Hotel with a fellow singer and heading toward the subway about 9:45 p.m. on Nov. 10, 2016.

As she and Shacara McLaurin, 23, passed two groups of competing protesters outside the President's building on W. 57th St. and 5th Ave., she claimed a Trump supporter began taunting.

“He was saying things like 'Why are you protesting? You don't even know why you don't like Trump,’” she said of a man she identified as James Durkan, 74, of Manhattan.

White nationalist pleads guilty after shoving Trump protester
“We weren't even protesting. We were just walking to the subway.”

Durkan, she said, trailed after them for more than a block and called them the n-word and “black b-----s.”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi
After cops heard about the spat and arrived to interview all three, an NYPD supervisor said, “Lock them up,” Harvey said. (ANDREW SAVULICH/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
“I was trying to ignore him, but my friend is very protective and he was getting aggravated,” said Harvey, who has performed with the choir at Madison Square Garden, Barclays Center and elsewhere. “He targeted us because we were young, black and female.”

McLaurin confronted him and told him to back off and then pushed him when he drew too close to her, Harvey said.

Cops cart off 25 protesters outside Trump Tower
Harvey alleges that Durkan dramatically fell to the ground. Durkan and other witnesses then reported the incident to police.

After cops arrived and interviewed all three, an NYPD supervisor said, “Lock them up,” Harvey said.

"I was asking them why they were arresting me and they are not answering me at all," she said. “I was just like panicking. It was annoying. Period.”

Harvey said she was held for three hours before she was released without charge — with cops calling it a misunderstanding.

Protesters rally outside Trump Tower over Syria airstrikes
NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi
“We weren't even protesting. We were just walking to the subway," said Harvey. (DEBBIE EGAN-CHIN/NEW YORK DAILY NEWS)
“I think due to the complete absence of probable cause to believe that my client had done anything illegal, the only explanation for my client’s false arrest is that she was arrested because she is black,” said her lawyer, Joe Stancati.

An NYPD spokeswoman countered that multiple witnesses reported that McLaurin pushed Durkan, leading to her arrest for assault.

“As a result, the victim fell to [the] ground causing a laceration and substantial pain,” the spokeswoman said.

“Harvey was temporarily detained based on allegations made by a complainant. She was removed from an ongoing demonstration. After a brief investigation it was determined that the complainant’s

https://robertscribbler.com/2017/07/27/ ... -vehicles/

Oklahoma to Build World’s Second Largest Wind Farm as France + UK Pledge to Ban Fossil Fuel Vehicles
If we’re going to effectively deal with climate change while maintaining economic prosperity, then it’s absolutely essential to rapidly transition fossil fuel based energy to non-carbon emitting energy. And some of the best options for doing so presently involve leveraging economies of scale with three widely available technologies — wind, solar, and low cost storage and EV batteries.

Oklahoma Wind Capacity to Rise Above 30 Percent of Electrical Generation

Over the past week, serious advances continue to be made on these fronts. In the Oklahoma panhandle, Invenergy has partnered with GE Renewable Energy to build a 2 GW onshore wind farm. Once finished, the farm (named Wind Catcher) will be the largest U.S. wind farm and the second largest such farm in the world. The farm itself will be composed of 800 massive 2.5 megawatt wind turbines. This is GE’s largest wind turbine model and its size will help to lower the cost of producing electricity, some of the benefits of which will then be passed on to energy customers.

(According to the American Wind Energy Association, Oklahoma presently ranks as third in the U.S. for wind electrical generation capacity at 6,645 megawatts. Adding another 2,000 megawatts would considerably increase Oklahoma’s wind energy share by 30 percent. As a result, present Oklahoma wind generation of 25 percent of the state’s electrical supply would likely rise to 32.5 percent as a result of this single large project.)

Pete McCabe, President and CEO of GE’s Onshore Wind business noted in Clean Technica:

“GE is delighted to be a part of the groundbreaking Wind Catcher project with Invenergy and American Electric Power. We look forward to putting our teams to work in these communities as we continue to move toward our goal of ensuring that no one has to choose between sustainable, reliable and affordable energy.”

The project which will cost 4.5 billion dollars hits a pretty amazing price of around 2.25 cents per kilowatt hour installed. And with new wind energy projects costing as little as 2.5 cents per kilowatt hour on average in 2017, it appears that raw economic factors alone are likely to continue driving large and lucrative wind projects like the one now being pursued in Oklahoma. A single project that will increase Oklahoma’s wind energy generation capacity by 30 percent to 8,645 GW and push wind’s total share of state electrical generation to around 32.5 percent (see image and caption above).

France and UK Pledge to Ban Fossil Fuel Vehicles

Even as wind gains a larger share of energy production capacity in a red state, the UK and France have now joined a growing number of cities and nations in providing a responsible pledge to ban petrol and diesel based vehicles by 2040. These national moves match a recent initiative by Norway — which aims to sell only electrical vehicles in country by 2025. Meanwhile, India has also recently set a goal to sell only electrical vehicles in its own markets by 2030. Cities such as Madrid, Munich and Stuggard are also considering diesel bans.

Concerns about worsening air quality, recent cheating by automakers on emissions standards, worries about climate change and a major threat to traditional automaker market share by all-electric manufacturers like Tesla appear to have reached a kind of critical mass.

From the New York Times:

Britain’s decision is, however, the latest indication of how swiftly governments and the public in Europe have turned against diesel and internal combustion engines in general. Automakers, though reluctant to abandon technologies that have served them well for more than a century, are increasingly resigned to the demise of engines that run on fossil fuels. They are investing heavily in battery-powered cars as they realize their traditional business is threatened by Tesla or emerging Chinese companies, which have a lead in electric car technology. The shift away from internal combustion engines is in large part a result of growing awareness of the health hazards of diesel.

According to reports from the BBC, France’s own July 6 decision to ban petrol and diesel vehicle sales by 2040 was spurred by the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. France has long aimed to reduce its carbon emissions and the 2040 vehicle ban is part of a larger plan for the country to become carbon neutral by 2050.


USA’s Largest and World’s Second Largest Wind Farm to be Built in Oklahoma

Britain to Ban New Diesel Cars by 2040

France to Ban Sale of Petrol and Diesel Vehicles

American Wind Energy Association
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Postby fruhmenschen » Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:33 am

https://uk.news.yahoo.com/wikileaks-say ... 52745.html

Wikileaks Says Robert Mueller Gave Russia Nuclear Material - But That's Not The Whole Story

July 2017
Wikileaks has released a classified US State Department from 2009 that appears to prove Special Counsel Robert Mueller, head of the Trump/Russia probe, once supplied the Russians with nuclear material.

The claim, if true, would be a hugely damaging revelation that would throw the whole investigation into chaos and incri

Only it isn’t and Wikileaks knows it.

The text and tweet released by Wikileaks more than suggests Mueller is guilty of a serious crime, passing on nuclear material to the USA’s superpower rival.

6. (S/Rel Russia) Action request: Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21. Post is requested to convey information in paragraph 5 with regard to chain of custody, and to request details on Russian Federation’s plan for picking up the material. Embassy is also requested to reconfirm the April 16 understanding from the FSB verbally that we will have no problem with the Russian Ministry of Aviation concerning Mueller’s September 21 flight clearance.
But the section it omitted from the tweet changes the entire context of Mueller’s actions.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller departs after briefing members of the U.S. Senate on his investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign on Capitol Hill in Washington, US, June 21.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller departs after briefing members of the U.S. Senate on his investigation into potential collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign on Capitol Hill in Washington, US, June 21.
It reads:

2. (S/NF) Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorised the United States to share a sample of the material with the Russians for forensic analysis.
This text is included in the document linked to in the tweet but it’s clear many people did took it at face value.

Wikileaks used to be a force for good in the world, playing a major role in the release of the Snowden files and exposing events like the killing of journalists by US forces in Iraq.

But more recently the group and its founder, Julien Assange, have been accused of pandering to a pro-Russian agenda.

Assange has been eager to assist the Trumps in the ongoing probe into possible collusion between the President’s associates and Russia during the 2016 US election.

Read More

http://original.antiwar.com/justin/2017 ... -theorist/

Behind the Headlines
Robert Mueller, Conspiracy Theorist
He’s unfit to be special counsel

Posted on July 31, 2017
When former FBI chief Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel to preside over the “Russia-gate” probe, official Washington sang hosannas. Democrats, Republicans, the pundits, and the cocktail party chatterers of every persuasion swooned over his “impeccable” credentials.

That should’ve served as a warning sign, right there. Because what are those credentials? What is the Mueller record, and why does it inspire confidence in all the usual suspects?

Mueller has been consistently wrong about every important investigation he’s been involved in: and not only that – he’s erred on the side of a group-thinking warmongering and utterly clueless political class.

Let’s start with the most egregious case: the “Amerithrax” investigation. When, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, letters containing anthrax showed up at the offices of NBC, the New York Post, and two US Senators, then FBI Director Mueller mobilized his agency to get to the bottom of a crime that shocked the nation – and helped push us into the Iraq war. Colin Powell used the anthrax attacks in his talking points for war with Iraq, telling the United Nations:

“Less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax, a little bit about this amount – this is just about the amount of a teaspoon – less than a teaspoon full of dry anthrax in an envelope shutdown the United States Senate in the fall of 2001. This forced several hundred people to undergo emergency medical treatment and killed two postal workers just from an amount just about this quantity that was inside of an envelope.”

The Iraqis, intoned Powell, had never accounted for their biological weapons. The implication was clear: the Iraqis were behind the anthrax attacks. Americans were told by their government that another terrorist attack utilizing biological weapons was imminent: they rushed to the hardware stores and bought up duct tape and plastic tarps. Mueller appeared before Congress, testifying that cooperation between Iraq and al-Qaeda on US terrain represented a direct threat:

“Secretary Powell presented evidence last week that Baghdad has failed to disarm its weapons of mass destruction, willfully attempting to evade and deceive the international community. Our particular concern is that Saddam may supply al-Qaeda with biological, chemical, or radiological material before or during a war with the US to avenge the fall of his regime. Although divergent political goals limit al-Qaeda’s cooperation with Iraq, northern Iraq has emerged as an increasingly important operational base for al-Qaeda associates, and a US-Iraq war could prompt Baghdad to more directly engage al-Qaeda.”

A month later, the invasion of Iraq began.

And the anthrax investigation dragged on. The probe focused on one Steven Hatfill, a former employee of USAMRIID, the primary US government bio-weapons research lab. Given the weaponized nature of the anthrax contained in the letters, FBI investigators were convinced that a scientist connected to anthrax research was the culprit. But why fixate on Hatfill?

This focus was due largely to the efforts of two individuals who were not experts in the field. Instead of homing in on the science – trying to trace the peculiar anthrax strain found in the deadly missives, which had killed 17 people – the FBI investigation under Mueller’s direction was based on purely circumstantial evidence uncovered by two individuals with little to no scientific knowledge: one was Don Foster, a Vassar College professor whose claim to fame was tracking down Newsweek columnist Joe Klein as the anonymous author of Primary Colors, a roman a clef about Bill Clinton’s scandal-plagued career. The other was Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a molecular biologist and former advisor to President Clinton on bio-weapons, who believed that the anthrax attacks were the unintended consequence of a secret CIA project gone awry and that the FBI wasn’t making any arrests because it would reveal the government’s responsibility for the whole affair.

Like the amateur “investigators” of the Twitterverse, who today weave elaborate conspiracy theories linking various Trump administration figures to murky Russian operatives, Foster had done some digging and uncovered a pile of circumstantial “evidence” pointing to Hatfill: he dug up an interview with Hatfill during his tenure at the National Institutes of Health in which he outlined how bubonic plague could be manufactured and launched in someone’s garage. Foster also found an unpublished novel written by Hatfill that described a biological warfare attack on Washington, D.C. More “clues”: Hatfill had been in Rhodesia during an anthrax outbreak that occurred during the 1970s, and had been a student at a medical school in the town of Greendale – the name of the made up school listed as the return address on the anthrax letters.

Rosenberg was also on to Hatfill’s trail, and she got together with Foster, comparing notes: they had independently come to the same conclusion – Hatfill was the likely culprit. Foster had previously gone to the FBI, which initially rejected his evidence: Hatfill, they told him, had a good alibi. Yet the Foster-Rosenberg team of amateur sleuths soldiered on: Rosenberg carried out a public campaign explicating her pet theories, including authoring a “Possible Portrait of the Anthrax Perpetrator” that did not name Hatfill but surely described him to a tee, even naming one of his friends.

Still, the FBI was uninterested in the Foster-Rosenberg sleuthing effort – but this changed when the two amateur investigators met with Senate staffers, including those whose offices had been targeted by the anthrax letters. The FBI agent in charge of the probe was brought into the meeting. As David Freed, writing in The Atlantic, put it:

“Rosenberg criticized the FBI for not being aggressive enough. ‘She thought we were wasting efforts and resources in a particular—or in several areas, and should focus more on who she concluded was responsible for it,” [FBI agent Van] Harp would later testify.

“’Did she mention Dr. Hatfill’s name in her presentation?’ Hatfill’s attorney, former federal prosecutor Thomas G. Connolly, asked Harp during a sworn deposition.

“’That’s who she was talking about,’ Harp testified.

“Exactly a week after the Rosenberg meeting, the FBI carried out its first search of Hatfill’s apartment, with television news cameras broadcasting it live.”

From that day forward, Hatfill’s life became a living nightmare. Then Attorney General John Ashcroft declared that Hatfill was a “person of interest.” The FBI trailed him everywhere. The media hounded him. He was driven out of two jobs. His friends abandoned him. His home was trashed by agents, as was his girlfriend’s apartment. He was constantly stopped by local police. He became a pariah. Although ultimately exonerated when the “evidence” against him collapsed – Hatfill was awarded a $5.82 million settlement after enduring six long years of torture – his life was effectively destroyed. And all because Robert Mueller fell for a conspiracy theory that had no basis in fact.

As Freed notes, President George W. Bush was constantly needling Mueller about the slowness of the anthrax investigation, and there was tremendous pressure for the FBI Director to come up with something. The hysteria level in the country was reaching new heights on a daily basis. The theory of Hatfill’s guilt filled a need for Mueller, both politically and career-wise. As Freed writes:

“There was enough circumstantial evidence surrounding Hatfill that zealous investigators could easily elaborate a plausible theory of him as the culprit. As fear about the anthrax attacks spread, government and other workers who might have been exposed to the deadly spores via the mail system were prescribed prophylactic doses of Cipro, a powerful antibiotic that protects against infection caused by inhaled anthrax. Unfamiliar to the general population before September 2001, Cipro quickly became known as the anti-anthrax drug, and prescriptions for it skyrocketed.”

Pursuing the trail pioneered by Foster and Rosenberg – Hatfill’s good alibi was apparently forgotten – the FBI tried to tie together the bits and pieces of information linking Hatfill to the attacks into a legally airtight case – and they failed. But that didn’t stop them from leaking to the media all along the way. As Freed writes: “The result was an unrelenting stream of inflammatory innuendo that dominated front pages and television news. Hatfill found himself trapped, the powerless central player in what Connolly describes as ‘a story about the two most powerful institutions in the United States, the government and the press, ganging up on an innocent man. It’s Kafka.’”

Is any of this beginning to sound familiar?

Here is a politically important case, in which several high-level people have been targeted: investigators come into the probe assuming the identity of the responsible party, and are engaged thereafter in looking for confirmation of their assumption.

The parallels with the “Russia-gate” investigation are glaringly obvious: despite the lack of any real forensic evidence, the investigation is based on the assumption that the Russians, under the direction of Vladimir Putin, interfered in the 2016 presidential election by “hacking” the DNC and John Podesta’s emails, handing them over to WikiLeaks, and otherwise engaging in a concerted campaign to keep Hillary Clinton out of the Oval Office. All evidence to the contrary – and there’s plenty of it – is being pointedly ignored. Instead, the Russian conspiracy theory is being pushed by political actors with dubious (and quite obvious) motives, with the probe headed up by a man with a history of succumbing to political pressure in order to get “results.”

Like the Foster-Rosenberg conspiracy theory targeting Hatfill – and the “evidence” the Bush administration utilized to drag us into war with Iraq – bits and pieces of “intelligence” are being strung together to depict a Vast Russian-Trumpian Conspiracy to steal the 2016 election. A meeting with the Russia ambassador: a meeting with some Russian lawyer; the selling of condos to Russian clients; bit and pieces of intercepted communications leaked by anonymous intelligence officials. The whole thing resembles the “factoids” touted by the Bush era “Office of Special Plans” that were disseminated in the media to mislead the public and the Congress into going along with the Iraq war.

Rod Rosenstein’s letter appointing Mueller as Special Counsel assumes a conclusion and then seeks evidence to confirm it: the letter takes as a given the role of the Russian government and gives Mueller the authority to probe “links” – the same carefree methodology that led to Hatfill’s years-long persecution at the hands of the government and its media accomplices.

Speaking of media accomplices, the worst was undoubtedly New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who persistently passed along Rosenberg’s unverified accusations under the thinly-veiled protective shield of prefacing it with “some say.” Weeks after Hatfill was exonerated, Kristof dashed off a reluctant-sounding pseudo-apology: that he’s now among the chief expositors of the Russia-gate conspiracy theory should come as no surprise.

Mueller’s weakness for convenient conspiracy theories that complement the conventional wisdom in Washington make him the worst possible choice for a special counsel. His tendency toward groupthink made him a key player in the campaign to lie us into the Iraq war. His utter lack of epistemological integrity in targeting an innocent man for the anthrax attacks – and refusing to clear Hatfill two years after investigators concluded he wasn’t the perpetrator – demonstrate his unfitness so clearly that one can only marvel there was no public outcry at his appointment. These flaws are more than likely to produce the same results in the Russia-gate probe – albeit on a much larger scale.

If Mueller carries out his mandate as special counsel the way he conducted the Amerithrax investigation, it will be as if Louise Mensch, Eric Garland, and Seth Abramson are providing the FBI with leads and guidance – just as Don Foster and Barbara Hatch Rosenberg did in the Hatfill case. But with this difference: hard scientific evidence – tracing the anthrax variant contained in the deadly letters – eventually led the anthrax probe in a different direction. In the case of Russia-gate, there is no science, only the guesswork of various self-interested cyber-security firms like CrowdStrike, which first fingered the Russians as the DNC/Podesta hackers. The inherent subjectivity of hacking attribution, and the extreme politicization of the investigation, will block this kind of corrective.

Which will empower Mueller to make it up as he goes along. Or, paraphrasing David Freed writing about the anthrax investigation fiasco: If there is “enough circumstantial evidence” surrounding the Trump administration that “zealous investigators could easily elaborate a plausible theory” of them as the culprits in a collusion scheme involving the Kremlin, then that is what we can expect to see.

This goes way beyond the Trump administration, Russia-gate, and the current political brouhaha over the 2016 presidential election: this is about the epistemic corruption that is rife in our political class. It is a pandemic born of groupthink, hypocrisy, smugness, and the willingness to fabricate “facts” in order to achieve political ends. It is a deadly disease, and it is killing us. The only antidote is a free media untethered to political interests and answerable only to the truth – and that is precisely what we don’t have right now. The media is complicit in all this: indeed, they are the carriers of the bacillus that is destroying this country. What happens when a free society poisons itself? I’m afraid we’re about to find out.

Important note: I don’t want to leave the impression that Mueller got it right when he targeted scientist Bruce Ivins as the culprit. In fact, the “evidence” marshaled against Ivins – who committed suicide before he could be brought to trial – was pretty much on the same level as the allegations made against Hatfill. I wrote about the Ivins case here. I also wrote about the anthrax attacks here, here, and especially here, in 2003, where I upheld Hatfill’s innocence and pointed in the direction of the probable perpetrators.

In short, Mueller never got it right.

http://www.herald.ie/news/courts/blood- ... 82880.html

Blood spray expert will say Jason was struck in the head as he lay ...
Molly Martens (33), his second wife, and Thomas Michael Martens (67), his father-in-law, a retired FBI agent and lawyer, both deny second degree murder.

Link du jour

http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/addi ... -1.3366164



https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2017/ ... -surrender


We brought John DeCamp to speak at our 12 annual conference investigating crimes
committed by FBI agents held at Bates College in the spring of 2001.
Featured on the program with John was Michael Ruppert, Black panther Darruba Bin Wahid,
Daryl Cherney of Earth First//Judy Bari fame, attorney John Clarke of Vince Foster murder coverup fame
and Frank Wilkinson of NCARL.
I spoke to John's son over 1 year ago and was told DeCamp had Alzheimers and was in the VA.

http://www.omaha.com/news/legislature/j ... 3c728.html

John DeCamp remembered as one of Nebraska's most accomplished, controversial lawmakers

Jul 29, 2017

During an unsuccessful bid for statewide office, former State Sen. John DeCamp once corrected someone who noted he brought to the race good name recognition.

“I’ve got name recognition, but it’s not all good,” he said with his trademark cackle.

Indeed, the 16-year state legislator from Neligh who died Thursday was at the same time one of the most accomplished and controversial lawmakers the Nebraska Legislature has seen. The colorful DeCamp was a power broker and wheeler-dealer of the first order, a pivotal figure in the success or failure of countless bills during his run in the Statehouse from 1971 to 1987.

DeCamp proved a man of both accomplishment and controversy outside the Legislature, too. The former Army captain in Vietnam spearheaded efforts to airlift thousands of orphans from the country; but he was also the author of an infamous memo that fanned rumors of child abuse by prominent Omaha figures during a 1990 investigation of a savings and loan failure.

DeCamp died at the state veteran’s home in Norfolk, where he had lived for more than two years. He was 76. DeCamp had recently been suffering from Parkinson’s and other illnesses, his family said.

A colleague in the Legislature once said DeCamp was “attracted to controversy like a moth to flame.” DeCamp never shied away from such talk, saying he earned his reputation by being in the middle of the fray and getting things done.

“Controversy is a part of accomplishment,” he once said. “Find me a guy that isn’t controversial in some quarter and I’ll show you a guy that hasn’t done a damn thing in his life.”

That certainly can’t be said of DeCamp, who very early cut his own path in life.

A native of Neligh in northeast Nebraska, DeCamp ran away from home at age 13 after his parents separated. Over the next eight years, he’d sell magazine subscriptions in Washington, D.C., spend time in a Minnesota boarding school, work as a cabin boy on a passenger liner and assist an American geologist working in Iran.

Despite not having a high school diploma, at age 21 he enrolled in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, which then only required a high school “certificate of attendance.” It took him just five years to earn both bachelor’s and law degrees.

DeCamp then enlisted in the Army and spent two years as an infantry captain in Vietnam. That’s where he met his wife, Nga, who worked for the U.S. government as a secretary.

In 1975, DeCamp was instrumental in organizing Operation Babylift, which placed some 2,800 children orphaned by the war in American and Canadian homes. He was honored in Washington for his efforts.

Vietnam is also where DeCamp launched his political career. In 1970, he filed for Legislature from overseas and mailed home — postage-free — 20,000 letters promoting his campaign. He returned to the States in time for the general election and won.

In Lincoln, the new senator from Neligh showed he had the wit, smarts, eloquence and determination to become a major player in Nebraska’s unique 49-member, one-house lawmaking body. He soon was getting his hand into nearly every big issue, becoming a major negotiator and back-room dealer.

Before long, lobbyists, aides to governors and fellow senators were beating paths to his first-floor office or hobnobbing with him after hours at the Nebraska Club.

He’d help a senator on his bill and collect an IOU he could cash in later. He searched for compromise, married unrelated issues, cut deals, counted votes and shepherded bills through to passage. His bent was conservative and Republican, but he would work with anyone.

“John could operate in a back room or out in the rotunda,” said longtime lobbyist Walt Radcliffe. “He was always trying to bring parties together, to find common ground. He wanted to be a part of things.”

DeCamp delighted in the process. He got up to speak frequently. He darted in and out of the chamber to talk to staff, lobbyists and other senators. He’d pace up and down the aisle as the process droned on, and then gleefully rub his hands together when it came time for a big vote.

During what would turn out to be his last year in the Legislature, DeCamp in 1986 pushed a major phone deregulation bill on behalf of the industry — one his good friend and fellow senator Loran Schmit bitterly opposed.

Schmit recalled that when a legal opinion appeared to torpedo the bill, DeCamp maneuvered to get the Legislature to adjourn early for the week. That gave industry lobbyists time over the weekend to shore up support for the controversial measure. It passed.

“I used to chide him about that,” Schmit said. “But he did a lot of good stuff.”

DeCamp was instrumental in passing major bank deregulation bills (he chaired the banking committee for a decade), a 1977 rewrite of the state criminal code, creation of local lodging taxes, stronger drunken driving laws, restrictions on abortion, and a medical malpractice law that tilted strongly in the interest of doctors.

He also could be caustic and was prone to exaggerate if it advanced his cause, sometimes rubbing colleagues the wrong way. But session after session, he was a powerful force.

“If there’s anyone who knew the art of the deal, it’s John DeCamp,” said former senator Vard Johnson of Omaha.

DeCamp also proved a bit of a political survivor. He once came within a vote of being stripped by colleagues of his banking chairmanship. He barely won re-election in 1982 after it was disclosed he had spent nearly $19,000 in campaign contributions on mortgage payments, gold coins, medical expenses and office furnishings.

In 1986, his history of controversy — and the fact he spent nearly all his time in Lincoln rather than his home district — finally caught up to him. He was defeated in a bid for a fifth term.

DeCamp moved to the rotunda as a lobbyist and was an overnight success. By 1990, he was collecting nearly $200,000 in annual fees. But over the next three years that practice dwindled to almost nothing. While DeCamp liked to be involved in everything, successful lobbying requires focus on single issues and attention to detail.

“There just wasn’t enough action in the lobby for him,” Radcliffe said.

There also were other self-inflicted wounds that helped make him a pariah with the establishment.

In 1990, DeCamp injected himself into the legislative investigation that followed the failure of Franklin Community Federal Credit Union. He wrote a widely circulated memo naming five men he said were suspected of child abuse and drug abuse. A grand jury in Omaha would later say the memo lacked any factual basis and was written for political gain.

DeCamp always defended the memo, saying it helped lead to the convening of the grand jury, and he later wrote a book about the case. Schmit, who was chairing the Legislature’s investigation, said the memo proved counterproductive.

“John could run amok,” Schmit said.

DeCamp numerous times tried to get back into public office — running for attorney general in 1990, governor in 1994, U.S. Senate in 1996 and 2000, and the Legislature in 2006 — but failed each time. As he faded from public life, he practiced law, becoming known for defending anti-government militia members, and owned a variety of businesses. He also was a member of several veterans organizations.

DeCamp is survived by his wife and their four children: daughters Jennifer Lecher of Clarinda, Iowa, Shanda Erb of Columbus, and Tara DeCamp of Omaha; and son Johnny. DeCamp donated his body to science. His family is planning a memorial service at a later date.

“He wasn’t all good, but he sure as hell wasn’t all bad,” Schmit said. “He helped a lot of people, including 2,800 children. If there’s a heaven, John is going there.”

https://www.policeone.com/officer-misco ... ECD-death/

Two Nebraska officers charged
in ECD deathAsked why he didn't charge the LEOs with murder or manslaughter, Attorney Don Kleine said, "there's no evidence whatsoever that these officers intentionally killed" the man

http://www.houstonchronicle.com/neighbo ... 719122.php

Cops crack down on public sex at Memorial Park - sort of
Houston Chronicle-
He said students, a pastor and even an FBI agent have been among those charged in recent years. When they are caught, he said, the apprehension goes ...
At least six people have been arrested for indecent exposure in the last six months, Silva said.

The last high-profile case goes back to 2013, when seven men were arrested in one day.

One was a Harris County sheriff's deputy, Christopher Toomey, who had been a deputy for four years when he was nabbed. Police had operated stings on Picnic Loop for years before that, Gracia said.

One reason he suspects men continue to use a forested spot just feet from cyclists and family picnics despite monthly arrests is "the thrill of getting caught."

Apprehensions go smoothly

He said students, a pastor and even an FBI agent have been among those charged in recent years.

http://www.ktvq.com/story/36005296/mac- ... uter-users

Mac malware caught silently spying on computer users
Posted: Jul 30, 2017 5:55 PM EDT
Updated: Jul 30, 2017 5:55 PM EDT

Mac users typically think they're immune to malware. But a new strain used for spying reminds us even Macs can be compromised.

Researchers found an unusual piece of malware, called FruitFly, that's been infecting some Mac computers for years.

FruitFly operates quietly in the background, spies on users through the computer's camera, captures images of what's displayed on the screen and logs key strokes.

Security firm Malwarebytes discovered the first strain earlier this year, but a second version called FruitFly 2 subsequently appeared.

Patrick Wardle, chief security researcher at security firm Synack, found 400 computers infected with the newer strain and believes there's likely many more cases out there.

It's unclear how long FruitFly has been infecting computers, but researchers found the code was modified to work on the Mac Yosemite operating system, which was released in October 2014. This suggests the malware existed before that time.

It's unknown who is behind it or how it got on computers.

Thomas Reed of Malwarebytes called the first version "unlike anything I've seen before."

Wardle says there are multiple strains of FruitFly. The malware has the same spying techniques, but the code is different on each strain.

After months of analyzing the new strain, Wardle decrypted parts of the code and set up a server to intercept traffic from infected computers.

"Immediately, tons of victims that had been infected with this malware started connecting to me," said Wardle, adding he could see about 400 infected computer names and IP addresses.

He believes this reflects only a small subset of infected users.

The discovery of FruitFly reminds users that although Mac malware is considerably less widespread than Windows, it still exists.

"Mac users are over-confident," Wardle said. "We might not be as careful as we should be on the internet or opening up email attachments."

Apple (AAPL, Tech30) did not respond to a request for comment.

Mac malware has increased in recent years. According to a report from McAfee, Mac malware skyrocketed in 2016, but most of it was adware or malicious advertising as opposed to targeted spy campaigns.

Wardle said FruitFly is completely new for Macs. He alerted national law enforcement to the malware. The FBI said it does not confirm or deny the existence of investigations.

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc ... -1.3368435

NYPD chief loses 45 vacation days after failing to report officer who allegedly pulled gun on him at end of affair

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Sunday, July 30, 2017, 4:01 AM

http://sfbayview.com/2017/07/assata-sha ... struggles/

Assata Shakur: She who struggles
July 30, 2017

Meet a sista, comrade, soldier, warrior, guerrilla who exemplifies the meaning of revolution through the life that she lives, transforming from the day of her birth to this present day. Born with the slave name JoAnne Deborah Byron, after her emancipation from the shackles of capitalism she took on the name we’re most familiar with, Sista Assata Olugbala Shakur – Assata meaning “she who struggles,” Olugbala meaning “love for the people,” Shakur meaning “the thankful.”

From exile in Cuba, Assata Shakur continues to inspire revolutionary thought and movements.
Assata was raised by a small tribe of family members who instilled the toughness of surviving the racist South with a strong sense of personal dignity and respect. But because of how deep the claws of capitalism were gouged into the social fibers of the family tribe, the key to living a successful life was having your American piece of the pie or living the American dream, a dream that was and is only an illusion, a lure to keep you in a guided trance, sinking deeper into the trenches of capitalism. Thus it became young Asssata’s dream to live such a life.

So much so in her teens she began to rebel against the family tribe to experience life her way, out on her own. Our young naive sista immediately got engulfed into the fast street life and took to small, petty larceny crimes as means of survival. In no time our young brave sista began to master street survival tactics, and life out on the streets started to become easy and very dangerous at the same time.

This fast paced lifestyle was not the cup of tea that filled her. But it was a lifestyle she could count on to get by.

After her emancipation from the shackles of capitalism she took on the name we’re most familiar with, Sista Assata Olugbala Shakur – Assata meaning “she who struggles,” Olugbala meaning “love for the people,” Shakur meaning “the thankful.”

Assata’s early college years came at a time when struggle and the activity of Black consciousness and nationalism was on an upswing. The beat of Afrikan drums could be heard throughout the college campus and ghetto neighborhood, and talk of revolution began to be expressed in many ways.

“Assata, Winnie and Harriet” – Art: Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, 158039, FSP, P.O. Box 800, Raiford FL 32083
Assata began to dive deeper into her Afrikan heritage and her identity as a New Afrikan woman surviving on the blood-soaked stolen soil of a forgotten people. Her love for her people began to be expressed in her words: “I love Black people. I don’t care what they are doing, but when Black people are struggling, that’s when they are most beautiful to me.”

Assata’s studies and intrigue guided her closer toward her revolutionary destiny. This is when Assata began to extract her old capitalist ways of thinking – replacing them with a more revolutionary way of thinking. As she shed more and more of her capitalistic ways, she became more and more revolutionary, and as she became more revolutionary, her destiny as a New Afrikan woman became clear to her and her responsibility to her people became a clear conscious thought and part of her daily activities.

Assata’s story of revolutionary change reads like many of our own. Assata is a strong Afrikan soldier who dared to take revolution on her own shoulders and carry it to its next transition, and her contributions, sacrifices and struggles will always be historic, a guiding light for those who dare to bear the torch, and our sista will always be a living martyr for the struggle.

Thus let us give tribute to our sista in arms by highlighting her contribution to the struggle we maintain today.

Power to all the people who don’t fear freedom!

In a spirit of love,

Jabari Scott

Send our brother some love and light: Aaron Jabari Scott, H-30536, CSP Cor 3A-2-143, P.O. Box 3461, Corcoran CA 93212.

Exiled Panther Assata Shakur feted at 70!

by the New Jersey Black Panther Party Commemoration Committee

On Sunday, July 16, a cross section of activists, artists and humanitarians came together to salute Assata Shakur, the long exiled Black Panther who resides in Cuba, to mark her 70th birthday. The gathering was called For the Love of Freedom: Assata Is Always Welcome Here, An Honoring of 70 Years of a Committed Life.

It was not the usual maligning of Shakur in connection with the bounty on her head that comes from the New Jersey State Police, the FBI and the law enforcement community. Instead, it was an evening of poetry, dance, song and testimony, appreciating the activist’s lifetime commitment to the struggle for human dignity.

On Sunday, July 16, a cross section of activists, artists and humanitarians came together to salute Assata Shakur, the long exiled Black Panther who resides in Cuba, to mark her 70th birthday.

Shakur was born on July 16, 1947, to a proud, independent Black family from Wilmington, North Carolina. At the turn of the 20th century, Wilmington was the site of a vicious ethnic cleansing attack that literally ran legions of African Americans from the town. Shakur’s grandparents dared to be landowning business persons against this violently segregated background. It is from this background that would emerge her own commitment and courage that she would take into the Black Panther Party as a college student.

The FBI and New Jersey State Police joined forces to produce this “wanted” poster for Assata Shakur, a woman who is not, judging from the photos, armed and dangerous, except ideologically. Note the mention that she has a bullet wound on the “underside of right arm,” proving she had her hands raised when she was shot.
When the Black Panther Party was faced with the dangerous distinction of being labelled the “greatest threat to the internal security” of the country by the FBI, and when New York chapters of the party came under particular attack after surviving the NY 21 case, a case where 21 Panthers, officers and rank and file members were put on trial for bogus conspiracy charges to commit terrorist acts, charges that would have landed them in prison for the rest of their lives, Shakur and a number of other Panthers opted to go underground and create the Black Liberation Army to continue their fight.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/p ... -1.3368520

Philippine cops gun down 14 people including mayor denounced by Duterte, arrest daughter in drug raid

http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the ... ars-241127

Judge balks at FBI’s 17-year timeline for FOIA request

07/29/2017 01:17 PM EDT
Getting answers to Freedom of Information Act requests is often a protracted and tiring process, but how long a wait is too long?

One federal judge just came up with an answer: 17 years.

U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler bluntly rejected the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s proposal that documentary filmmaker Nina Seavey wait until the year 2034 to get all the law enforcement agency’s records for a request pertaining surveillance of anti-war and civil rights activists in the 1960s and 1970s.

The request involved an unusually large amount of material — about 110,000 pages of records at the FBI and more at other agencies — but Seavey said waiting almost two decades for the complete files wasn’t viable for her.

“Literally, they were talking 17 years out. I’m 60 years old. You can’t do that math,” the George Washington University professor and documentarian told POLITICO this week. “It wasn’t going to work for me.”

The FBI said it has a policy of processing and releasing large requests at a pace of 500 pages a month, while Seavey, represented by D.C. transparency lawyer Jeffrey Light, had proposed 5,000 pages a month. (At one point, the FBI thought it had about 150,000 pages of responsive records, which would’ve meant a 25-year wait.)

Justice Department lawyers and the FBI argued that going faster than 500 pages a month would disrupt the agency’s workflow and create the possibility of a few massive requests effectively shutting down the rest of the their FOIA operation.

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc ... -1.3370009

Correction officer caught smuggling marijuana into Manhattan jail:

http://www.sctimes.com/story/news/local ... 524028001/

Domestic terrorism probe spotlights Minnesota

4:47 p.m. CT July 30, 2017 | Updated 4:55 p.m. CT July 30, 2017

To the FBI, they were part of a Minnesota militia group possibly gearing up for a violent showdown with the government.

Members of the group, called United Patriots of Minnesota 3%, say they’re nothing more than patriots defending hard-won liberties secured by a handful of forefathers who stood against tyranny.

No one has been charged in the investigation, which spilled into public view recently when a federal judge unsealed search warrants in the case. But the probe underscores the complexity of balancing protected speech with trying to root out domestic terror.

Soon after agents kicked in the door to his Red Wing home last December, Jason Thomas documented the aftermath of the raid on Facebook: photos of belongings strewn across his kitchen and a copy of the search warrant, signed by a federal judge, alleging that Thomas and his fellow United Patriots members schemed to illegally obtain and use powerful weapons.

The raid of Thomas’ home followed months of infiltration by a paid FBI informant who documented what agents said was firearms training in Stillwater and Albert Lea and chatter on a secret Facebook page that Thomas helped run. Another man under investigation allegedly built AR-15 assault rifles out of unfinished rifle kits for members whose criminal backgrounds prevented them from legally acquiring firearms.

In court documents, the FBI described the “3 percenters” as a militia that “believes in the violent resistance to, or intended overthrow” of the government. The group formed after Barack Obama’s 2008 election to the presidency. Its name derives from the belief that the American Revolution was waged by just 3 percent of the population.

In applying for warrants, federal agents noted multiple Facebook posts by Thomas, including a March 2016 guarantee that he would “be one of the first to start killing Feds.”

“I’ll openly say that like I always have,” Thomas wrote. “And [I] am actually trying to build up our capacity to challenge them.”

Thomas said in an interview that the remarks cited in the search warrant application were taken out of context. He described United Patriots as a “civil defense” unit and said he was concerned that the Obama administration would confiscate privately owned firearms.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jef ... 8434b6b2f3

Jeff Sessions’ Assault On Gay Workers Revealed Yet Another Lie He Told At Confirmation Hearings
The attorney general vowed to “ensure” civil rights protections for LGBTQ people.

Donald Trump is angry with Jeff Sessions for recusing himself in the Russia collusion investigation. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from giving Sessions carte blanche to enforce his brutal hard-right agenda ― one reason why, in fact, conservatives have defended Sessions against Trump’s attacks ― and that includes what are clearly his plans to dismantle LGBTQ rights.

The reason Sessions had to recuse himself from the Russia investigation, of course, is because it became known that he had several meetings with Russian officials during the election, while serving in the Trump campaign, though he claimed during his confirmation hearings that he hadn’t ever met with such officials.

But now we know that’s not the only thing Sessions lied about.

In his opening statements back in January, Sessions said, ”I understand the demands for justice and fairness made by our LGBT community.” He vowed to “ensure ... protecting their rights and their safety,” which he said would be “fully enforced.”

But last week Sessions’ Justice Department used precious time and federal expense to tell a federal appeals court, via a 36-page brief, that employers should legally have the right to fire gay, lesbian and bisexual people based on their sexual orientation. If employers deem homosexuality as immoral, Sessions believes they should be able to tell gay, lesbian or bisexual employees to pack their things and go if they are found out, destroying lives, affecting their families and livelihoods. It’s abhorrent ― and the complete opposite of what the civil rights office at the Department of Justice should be doing.

The DOJ isn’t party to this case. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals didn’t invite it to file a brief. Sessions clearly decided to take it upon himself to influence the court, in a case in which a now deceased skydiver claimed he was fired from his job because he was gay (his survivors have continued with the case). According to the Center for American Progress, 10 percent of gay, lesbian and bisexual people report having been fired because of their sexual orientation while a staggering 47 percent of transgender people have reported being fired based on their gender identity.

The ACLU’s Ria Tabacco Mar, in a New York Times op-ed, explained the significance of the case that Sessions is attempting to sabotage using the influence of the DOJ:

This latest blow to civil rights by the Trump administration comes at a moment of tremendous promise: The Second Circuit appears poised to expand protections for lesbian and gay workers under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal law that bars on-the-job discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin and religion.

Earlier this year, it agreed to reconsider a pair of its decisions from the 2000s that wrongly concluded that discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation isn’t covered by the statute’s ban on sex discrimination.

Coming on the heels of a landmark decision in April from the federal appeals court in Chicago that overruled similar precedent, the news that the Second Circuit would revisit its old conclusions was applauded by the L.G.B.T. community as heralding the end of another barrier to equality.
Trump has given all of his anti-LGBTQ lieutenants ― from Betsy DeVos and Tom Price to Ben Carson and Mike Pence ― free rein to assault LGBTQ rights and, just as profoundly, he has listened to their counsel on the issue. That’s why we’ve seen protections for transgender and gay students threatened, elimination of data collection on LGBTQ seniors and a devastating attack, via Twitter, on transgender people serving in the military.

For Sessions, if he remains at the Justice Department (there have been unconfirmed reports that Trump is thinking of moving him to head up Homeland Security), it means a sustained assault at a time when LGBTQ people are subject to hate crimes attacks more than any other minority group, with transgender women of color disproportionately affected in the worst way.

During his confirmation hearings, senators pointed out how Sessions had vehemently opposed adding gay and transgender people to existing hate crimes laws, which the justice department is charged with enforcing ever since the bill he opposed became law in 2009.

“Today, I’m not sure women or people with different sexual orientations face that kind of discrimination,” Sessions said at the time. “I just don’t see it.”

In his questioning, Sen. Leahy of Vermont brought Sessions back to his opposition to queer people being protected under hate crimes statutes, and pointed to current statistics:

Last year the FBI said that LGBT individuals were more likely to be targeted for hate crimes than any other minority group in the country. We can study this forever but that’s a pretty strong fact. And in 2010 you stated that expanding hate crimes protections to LGBT individuals was unwarranted, possibly unconstitutional. You said the bill has been said to cheapen the civil rights movement. Especially considering what the FBI is found, do you still feel that way?′
Sessions responded: “Mr. Chairman the law has been passed, the Congress has spoken, you can be sure I will enforce it.”

And in June at a summit at the Justice Department, Sessions focused in on murders of transgender people.

“We have and will continue to enforce hate crime laws aggressively and appropriately where transgendered individuals are victims,” Sessions said. “Last month, Joshua Brandon Vallum was sentenced to 49 years in prison for assaulting and murdering Mercedes Williamson. This is the first case prosecuted under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act involving the murder of a transgender person.”

But the historic case prosecuted under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, signed by President Obama, was prosecuted entirely by the Obama Justice Department in 2016. Last December, Vallum finally pleaded guilty to the horrific stabbing murder of 17-year-old Williamson in Alabama in 2015. (It was the sentencing, by a

https://robertscribbler.com/2017/07/28/ ... -d-c-area/

Strange Summer Nor’Easter Drops 3 Inches of Rain in 45 Minutes Over Parts of D.C. Area
Climate change related hydrological events. Rain bombs. These are somewhat uncomfortable subjects. But it’s a basic fact that if you warm the Earth, you also crank up rates of evaporation and precipitation. And since we’ve warmed the Earth by about 1.2 C above preindustrial levels by burning fossil fuels and dumping so much carbon into the atmosphere, we’ve loaded the climate dice for producing both more extreme rainfall and more extreme drought events.

In the mid-Atlantic today, a strange summer Nor’easter is dropping multiple inches of rain over parts of Maryland, Virginia and Delaware in very short time periods. In an area just northwest of Silver Spring, M.D., an amazing 3.19 inches of rain fell in just 45 minutes.

A resident of Gaithersburg, M.D., I experienced a comparable deluge situation in which my hilltop residence and home office saw a river forming in its back yard. Just about an hour before, my phone was sending me warnings to avoid the valley regions. Considering the flooding we saw in the hills, it’s tough to imagine what the low-lands might have looked like.

(Extreme rainfall creates streams through the hilltop residences of Gaithersburg, MD on July 28 as a strange summer Nor’Easter taps very high atmospheric moisture levels over the region to produce 1-4 inch per hour rainfall rates.)

It’s worth noting that 1 inch per hour rainfall rates are considered to be extreme. But the short-period volumes of rain being produced by this system (1-4 inch per hour rates) are pretty much off the charts. It’s coming from a storm that has been fueled by an upper level trough dipping down over Canada. One that pushed a large frontal system over the Great Lakes region on Wednesday night. This front then moved across the Ohio Valley on Thursday and out over the Atlantic by Friday. Packed with cooler temperatures, the front ran over ocean waters that are ranging between 1 to 4 degrees Celsius above average. The extra ocean heat helped to create a very moisture-rich environment. A coastal low subsequently forming in this very wet column of air began cranking that moisture over the mid-Atlantic even as its associated instability produced some extraordinarily powerful rainstorms.

(Sea surface temperature anomaly map shows a hot blob of ocean water temperatures off the U.S. East Coast in the range of 1-4 C above average. A deep-digging trough has enabled a strong coastal low to form and feed on the amazing amount of moisture bleeding off this warm water to produce an odd summer nor’easter and related extreme rainfall over the U.S. East Coast. A number of the factors enabling the strength of this system are aspects of human-forced climate change. Notably — the deep summer trough and the very warm Atlantic Ocean surface waters. Image source: Earth Nullschool.)

Meanwhile, the Gulf of Mexico’s warmer than normal waters have throughout the spring and summer produced tropical levels of moisture over southern and central sections of the Eastern U.S. — fueling numerous extreme rainfall events and adding even more punch to this particular event.

Already warm summer waters produce a serious amount of water vapor. But punch up ocean temperatures to the above average ranges we see today and you get even more moisture bleeding out. If an odd, deep, cool summer trough runs through it, then it provides a big kick of atmospheric instability in a region where there’s already an abnormal amount of fuel for storms. Both the ability of troughs to dig deeper over the U.S. East Coast and the added ocean heat and moisture are arguably aspects related to human-caused climate change. So to talk about this particular event without adding that context would not really be looking at the whole weather and climate picture.



Summer Nor’easter Wallops Mid Atlantic

Earth Nullschool

National Weather Service — DC/Baltimore

Understanding the Jet Stream
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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:46 pm

http://www.nydailynews.com/newswires/ne ... -1.3374875

Saudi Arabia says there's no proof it backed 9/11 attacks

Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 12:38 PM

Showing results for fbi cover up saudi arabia 911
Search instead for fbi coverup saudia arabia 911
How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11 | New York Post
New York Post › 2016/04/17 › how-us-c...
Apr 17, 2016 - And the coverup goes beyond locking up 28 pages of the Saudi report in a vault in the US Capitol ... Former FBI agent John Guandolo, who worked 9/11 and related al Qaeda cases out of the ...
Yes, the Saudi government helped the 9/11 terrorists | New York Post
New York Post › 2016/07/15 › yes-the-s...
Jul 15, 2016 - Because of the coverup, a Saudi terror support network may still be in place inside the United ... “Numerous” FBI files also fingered two Saudi government employees who assisted the 9/11 ...
More 9/11 FBI Coverup Evidence Emerges - WhoWhatWhy
WhoWhatWhy › 2016/12/29 › 911-fbi-c...
Dec 29, 2016 - Newly released FBI documents reveal a previously unacknowledged investigation into the 9/ 11 network ... of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia.
29 Pages Revealed: Corruption, Crime and Cover-up Of 9/11 | HuffPost
Huffington Post › kristen-breitweiser › 2...
Jul 16, 2016 - When CIA Director John Brennan states that he believes the 29 pages prove that the government of Saudi Arabia had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks, recognize that John Brennan is not a man living ...
One Man's Quest to Prove Saudi Arabia Bankrolled 9/11 - POLITICO Magazine
Politico › saudi-arabia-911-lawyer-214996
Apr 7, 2017 - Proving the link between Saudi Arabia and the hijackers has been Kreindler's nearly sole focus ... a cover-up,” says former Senator Bob Graham, the co-chair of Congress's 9/11 Joint Inquiry and the ...
Does a Classified Sarasota Investigation Hold Shocking Truths About 9/11? | Sarasota Magazine
Sarasota Magazine › secrets-and-lies
Oct 26, 2016 - Since then, Graham has intensified his crusade to uncover more information about Saudi Arabia's ... Over eggs Benedict and cheese grits, he told me more about the FBI's attempt to cover up the ...
Saudi Arabia, 9/11, and what we know about the secret papers that could ignite a diplomatic war | The Independent
The Independent › uk › ... › Middle East
Apr 24, 2016 - Obama knows 9/11 was linked to Saudi Arabia – but it has oil. The issue had cast a long ... The former mayor said he returned the cheque after tearing it up. He declared: “His money he can ...
How allegations of Saudi Arabia's ties to 9/11 plotters became a problem for Obama, again - The Washington Post
Washington Post › news › 2016/04/19
Apr 19, 2016 - Yet the controversy surrounding the pages has remained; in fact, some point toward the 9/11 Commission report's cautious wording on the alleged Saudi link as evidence of a cover-up.
'28 pages': Congress releases report on alleged Saudi 9/11 ties - CNNPolitics.com - CNN.com
CNN.com › 2016/07/15 › politics › cong...
Jul 15, 2016 - "We hope the release of these pages will clear up, once and for all, any lingering questions or suspicions about Saudi Arabia's actions, intentions, or long-term friendship with the United ...
9/11 report's classified '28 pages' about potential Saudi Arabia ties released | US news | The Guardian
The Guardian › us-news › jul › 911-repo...
Jul 15, 2016 - 9/11 report's classified '28 pages' about potential Saudi Arabia ties released .... “ That material was then written up in FBI files as possible leads for further investigation. As of June 2003 ...
Israel Perpetrated 9/11‎

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/garla ... le/2630254

Garland Police keeping tight grip on documents two years after ISIS ...
Washington Examiner-
Police in Garland, Texas, are refusing to release documents that could show an FBI agent allowed a terrorist attack to go ahead in 2015, in order to avoid blowing his cover.

http://dailycaller.com/2017/07/31/fbi-a ... edia-czar/

FBI Agents Claim Cover Up In Death Of Putin Media Czar
The Daily Caller
FBI agents and one U.S. intelligence officer are reportedly claiming that the death of Russian President Vladimir Putin's media czar in ...

Link du jour

http://www.nydailynews.com/newswires/ne ... -1.3373858

http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/2 ... -1.3374789

http://www.denverpost.com/2017/08/01/du ... ns-photos/

http://www.centralmaine.com/2017/08/01/ ... ted-bills/

http://www.climatecentral.org/news/miam ... cord-21663

Miami Just Had Its Hottest Month on Record

Andrea Thompson By Andrea Thompson

Published: July 31st, 2017
Editor's note: The final average temperature for July 2017 in Miami, released Tuesday, was 0.2°F above the previous record hot month of June 2010.

FBI Octopus

Organization who assassinated JFK and Martin Luther King creates Adopt a School
program. I wonder why?
Adopt-a-School Program
Federal Bureau of Investigation (press release)
In 2009, Special Agent Arnold Laanui helped establish the FBI Honolulu Division's Adopt-a-School program at Waipahu High School. Since then, one of the ...

https://accountsolution.gcion.com/redir ... m%3Dglobal

Mount Vernon mayor taps ex-FBI agent to probe Urban Renewal ...
The Journal News | LoHud.
Mount Vernon Mayor Richard Thomas on Monday announced the appointment of a former FBI official to probe the city's Urban Renewal ...

http://www.denverpost.com/2017/08/01/la ... ich-story/

Lawsuit alleges Fox News made up part of Seth Rich story
Fox removed the story from its website a week after it was published

http://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/jaso ... 00410.html

Jason Corbett's father-in-law told co-worker he hated Jason, murder ...
Martens, 67, a former FBI agent, and his daughter, Molly, 33, Jason Corbett's wife, are on trial for second-degree murder in Davidson Superior Court. They deny ...

Scientific Breakthrough


http://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/31/an ... tory-dead/

Harvard Law apologizes after new alumni directory erroneously lists Scaramucci as dead

http://www.centralmaine.com/2017/07/31/ ... -shooting/

Police were sent to wrong area in D.C. shooting
The Capitol Police have opened an internal investigation to see why.

http://www.climatecentral.org/news/aust ... ways-21656

Australia to Build One of World’s Longest EV Highways

Published: July 30th, 2017
Queensland will have a 1,200 mile (2,000 km) network of electric vehicle charging stations that make up one of the world’s longest electric vehicle highways within six months.

The state government announced on Thursday it would build an 18-station network stretching along Queensland’s east coast from Cairns to Coolangatta and west to Toowoomba.

The stations, which recharge a vehicle in 30 minutes, will offer free power for at least a year in what the environment minister, Steven Miles, said was a bid to boost the number of electric cars on Queensland roads, currently about 700.

“This project is ambitious, but we want as many people as possible on board the electric vehicle revolution, as part of our transition to a low-emissions future,” Miles said.

http://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/31/co ... l-warming/

Inevitably hotter world: U.S. and German scientists calculate “committed warming” that cannot be stopped
Colorado-based scientists and German partners found locked-in warming already is approaching targets set in Paris climate agreement

http://www.denverpost.com/2017/07/31/de ... ime-cards/

Denver Sheriff Department suspends deputies for falsifying time cards
Other disciplinary cases in June included deputies involved in previous case of preferential treatment, use of force

Brooklyn man says cops beat him, pulled his braids in false arrest now under police investigation
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 4:00 AM

http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bro ... -1.3372808

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -1.3374760

Baltimore police officer fatally shoots black shoplifting suspect outside grocery store

Baltimore police officer fatally shoots shoplifting suspect outside grocery store who
stole a bottle of detergent

http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/h ... -1.3374641

Gum disease linked to cancers in older women, says study
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, August 1, 2017, 12:23 PM

http://www.thecannabist.co/2017/08/01/s ... act/84997/

Sen. Cory Booker intros sweeping bill to deschedule marijuana, incentivize states, expunge records

The federal marijuana legislation also seeks to address disproportionate arrest rates for minorities and aid communities most affected by the war on drugs

https://robertscribbler.com/2017/08/01/ ... ntarctica/

New Study Finds that Present CO2 Levels are Capable of Melting Large Portions of East and West Antarctica
If you’re a regular reader of this blog and its comments section, you’re probably more than a little worried about two bits of climate science in particular:

Our understanding of past climates (paleoclimate) and 5-6 C long term climate sensitivity.

And if you’re a frequent returner, you’ve probably figured out by now that the two go hand in glove.


Looking back to a period of time called the Pliocene climate epoch of 2.6 to 5.3 million years ago, we find that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels were somewhat lower than they are at present — ranging from 390 to 400 parts per million. We also find that global temperatures were between 2 to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than 1880s ranges, that glaciers in Antarctica and Greenland were significantly reduced, and that sea levels were about 25 meters (82 feet) higher than they are today.

(The Totten Glacier is one of many Antarctic land ice systems that are under threat of melt due to human-forced warming. A new paleoclimate study has recently found that levels of atmospheric greenhouse gasses that are below those presently in our atmosphere caused substantial Antarctic melt 4.23 million years ago. Image source: antarctica.gov.)

Given that atmospheric CO2 levels during 2017 will average around 407 parts per million, given that these levels are above those when sea levels were considerably higher than today, and given that these levels of heat trapping gasses are rapidly rising due to continued fossil fuel burning, both the present level of greenhouse gasses in the Earth’s atmosphere and our understanding of past climates should give us substantial cause for concern.

This past week, even more fuel was thrown onto the fire as a paleoclimate-based model study led by Nick Golledge has found that under 400 parts per million CO2 heat forcing during the Pliocene, substantial portions of Antarctica melted over a rather brief period of decades and centuries.

Notably, the model found that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed in just 100-300 years under the steady 400 ppm CO2 forcing at 4.23 million years ago. In addition, the Wilkes Basin section of Antarctica collapsed within 1-2000 years under a similar heat forcing. In total, the study found that Antarctica contributed to 8.6 meters of sea level rise at the time due to the loss of these large formations of land ice.

From the study:

We conclude that the Antarctic ice sheet contributed 8.6 ± 2.8 m to global sea level at this time, under an atmospheric CO2concentration identical to present (400 ppm). Warmer-than-present ocean temperatures led to the collapse of West Antarctica over centuries, whereas higher air temperatures initiated surface melting in parts of East Antarctica that over one to two millennia led to lowering of the ice-sheet surface, flotation of grounded margins in some areas, and retreat of the ice sheet into the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. The results show that regional variations in climate, ice-sheet geometry, and topography produce long-term sea-level contributions that are non-linear with respect to the applied forcings, and which under certain conditions exhibit threshold behaviour associated with behavioural tipping points (emphasis added).

This study began the publication process in 2016 when year-end atmospheric CO2 averages hit around 405 parts per million. By end 2017, those averages will be in the range of 407 parts per million. Even more worrying is the fact that CO2 equivalent forcing from all the various greenhouse gasses that fossil fuel burning and related industrial activity has pumped into the atmosphere (methane, nitrogen oxides, CFCs and others) will, by end 2017 hit around 492 ppm.

As a result, though conditions in Antarctica are presently cooler than during 4.23 million years ago, the considerably higher atmospheric greenhouse gas loading implies that there’s quite a lot more warming in store for both Antarctica and the rest of the world. A warming that, even if atmospheric greenhouse gasses remain at present highly elevated levels and do not continue to rise, could bring about a substantially more significant and rapid melt than during the Pliocene.


Antarctic Climate and Ice Sheet Configuration During Early Pliocene Interglacial at 4.23 Ma


NOAA’s Greenhouse Gas Index

East Antarctic Ice Sheet More Vulnerable to Melting than We Thought

Pliocene Climate

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Postby fruhmenschen » Wed Aug 02, 2017 2:48 am

http://www.wnd.com/2017/08/draw-muhamma ... d-us-dead/

'Draw Muhammad' conference organizer: FBI 'wanted us dead'
The paper has requested all documentation from the Garland Police Department that made mention or made reference to an FBI agent on the scene.

Two years ago, two Muslim terrorists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, drove from Phoenix to Garland, Texas, to attack a “Draw Muhammad” competition arranged by activist Pamela Geller.

They were stopped at a parking checkpoint, where they started shooting, and promptly were shot dead by police.

A few days later, police said they did not expect to identify other suspects in the attack for which ISIS later claimed responsibility.

However, a number of related investigative documents are being held in secret by Garland police, according to the Washington Examiner.

The paper has requested all documentation from the Garland Police Department that made mention or made reference to an FBI agent on the scene.

The Examiner said police say the investigation still is pending.

The “tight hold” on documents by police, the paper said, “is making it difficult for a security guard who was shot during the event to learn whether an undercover FBI agent was there at the scene and knew that a terrorism event was being planned.”

See Pamela Geller’s books, including “Stop the Islamization of America,” in the WND Superstore.

The report said the security guard’s lawyer “believes the FBI agent was trying to get close to the terrorists and may not have warned authorities of the event in order to keep his cover.”

Related stories:

The guard, Bruce Joiner, was shot in the knee, and he and his lawyer now want the details that led to a “60 Minutes” report claiming an undercover FBI agent was behind the car carrying Simpson and Soofi and was taking photographs as they opened fire.

The Examiner reported the FBI agent fled the scene as the attack began but was detained briefly by Garland police.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/08/draw-muhamma ... 85wHlU3.99

https://boingboing.net/2017/08/01/senat ... istie.html

New FBI director is Chris Christie's Bridgegate lawyer and has Christie's infamous cellphone

After firing James Comey for the crime of "showboating," Trump chose Christopher Wray to be the new FBI director. A Senate committee approved the nomination. This is the lawyer who collected over $600 thousand from New Jersey taxpayers for personally representing Chris Christie in the Bridgegate scandal

With Wray’s assistance, Christie wasn’t charged — though prosecutors at the trial said he knew about the closing of commuter bridge lanes as they were happening, which he has denied. Christie said he would have testified at the trial if subpoenaed, but he wasn’t called.
p>The only time Wray’s name surfaced during pretrial motions was when it was revealed that he had a cellphone, believed lost, that Christie had been using during the lane closures. Defense attorneys sought access to the phone but their request was denied by a judge.

The mystery over the missing cell phone that Gov. Chris Christie used during the period when there were legislative hearings on the brewing Bridgegate scandal has been solved

The phone, which lawyers for Bridgegate defendants Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly have been seeking, is in the custody of Christie's personal lawyer, Christopher Wray of King and Spalding.

Brian Murray, a spokesman for Christie, confirmed that Wray has the phone.

The news that Christie's lawyer has the phone comes just after a federal judge ruled Thursday against Baroni, the former deputy executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and Kelly, Christie's former deputy chief of staff, who issued a subpoena for the phone, as well as the electronic devices used by other top Christie staffers.

And according to Senator Jeff Merkley, Wray is a "consistent GOP donor" and is a partner in a law firm that "represents the Trump Trust and Russian oil."

Photo of Governor Chris Christie: Gage Skidmore

http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/01/politics/ ... index.html

Only 6 people have ever voted against an FBI director. Five of them did today
By Ryan Struyk, CNN
Updated 10:14 PM ET, Tue August 1, 2017

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/john- ... le/2630358

John Barrasso to scold feds for quietly killing new FBI headquarters

Aug 2, 2017, 12:01 AM

"The security and efficiency arguments for this are clear. What is not clear is why this project was suddenly halted, why Congress was not notified in advance, and what happens now," Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., will say at a morning hearing, according to an excerpt of his prepared remarks obtained by the Washington Examiner.

A top Senate Republican is expected to scold federal agencies Wednesday for scrapping plans last month to relocate the Federal Bureau of Investigation's headquarters without informing Congress, while simultaneously looking for ways to reopen the relocation review process.

"The security and efficiency arguments for this are clear. What is not clear is why this project was suddenly halted, why Congress was not notified in advance, and what happens now," Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., will say at a morning hearing, according to an excerpt of his prepared remarks obtained by the Washington Examiner. "Senators should not have to find out about a decision of this magnitude" through the news media, he said.

Wednesday's hearing will be the first oversight hearing since the General Service Administration announced it was canceling the FBI relocation review on July 11 because of lack of funding and uncertainty in the procurement process. Barrasso's committee has direct oversight over large federal public works projects.

"I have no doubt that there is a need to replace the FBI's existing headquarters. The men and women of the FBI, who keep us all safe, deserve an office building that meets their needs," Barrasso said in his remarks.

Senior officials from the FBI, GSA, and the Government Accountability Office will be at the hearing.

"At this time, GSA and the FBI are working together to meet the FBI's short- and long-term housing needs and mission requirements, that necessarily includes deciding what investments to make in the Hoover Building now that we know the FBI will be housed there for longer than expected," said Michael Gelber, the GSA's acting public building commissioner, in prepared remarks.

"Additionally, the FBI's portfolio of leased space is being evaluated as well as options to procure a new headquarters for the FBI," he said. "In closing, GSA is committed to carrying out our mission of delivering the best value in real estate. The need for the FBI to have a modern headquarters remains. GSA will continue to work with members of this committee, the FBI, and others in the administration and Congress to meet this need."

The FBI official in his testimony, however, said the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover building in downtown Washington would be too costly to retrofit and is wholly inadequate to protect the agency from a physical or cyber attack.

Link du jour
https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article ... -s-killing

http://www.govtech.com/data/Kansas-City ... -Data.html

http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryla ... story.html

http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/13/sport ... oneer.html

https://wolbbaltimore.com/2050685/minne ... o-castile/

http://tucson.com/news/local/fbi-threat ... 440cc.html



Unjustified FBI harassment of Black mayors Coleman Young (Detroit), Harold Washington (Chicago) and Marion Barry (Washington, DC); white agents urinating on photographs of President Bill Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore; a white agents' fundraiser for white policemen accused of murdering a Black Detroit motorist; agents pasting the picture of an ape over the photo of an African American agent's child; sheet-clad classmates pretending to be Ku Klux Klansmen at the FBI Academy; the mysterious explosion of a "troublesome" Black agent's FBI-issued vehicle -- all of this, too, is the FBI, and former Special Agent Tyrone Powers tells it as only a conscious Black insider could.

http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/co ... 91403.html

Corbett may have suffered first blow while in bed, expert tells murder ...
A forensic scientist said blood spatter marks indicated retired FBI agent Thomas Michael Martens (67) was standing above Mr Corbett (39) when the Irish ...

https://wolbbaltimore.com/2050697/charg ... ideo-case/

Charges Dropped In Baltimore Body-Camera Video Case

https://sputniknews.com/us/201708021056 ... ffic-stop/

WATCH: California Cop Draws Gun During Traffic Stop (Strong Language) © Facebook/Feo Mas
01:43 02.08.2017(updated 03:44 02.08.2017) Get short URL91358312
A video made by a driver pulled over by a Campbell County police officer documents their interactions seconds after the officer pulled his gun on the driver and passenger during a routine traffic stop along California’s Highway 101 Thursday afternoon.
The roughly nine minute video, which was posted on Facebook, shows the officer point his weapon toward the passenger, even as the passenger repeatedly asks the cop to put his gun away, as his hands are clearly visible.

​"Why are you still pointing the gun at me, bro?" the passenger asked. "My hands are right here."

According to the Campbell Police Department, the pistol was drawn after the passenger, helping the driver look for her "additional paperwork," made an "unexpected movement towards the bottom of the seat," which caused the officer "to perceive a threat and draw his handgun."

As the officer called in for back-up personnel to assist him, the driver of the car can be heard asking him to put the gun away in favor of a taser gun. The officer did not comply.

"Don’t you have like a taser, or something, that you could use before you use [the gun]?" pleaded the driver. "You’re telling him to relax, but you have a gun on him."

"It is never a comfortable position to have a gun pointed at you, regardless of whether it is an officer," the department’s press release stated. "Unfortunately, the length of time that the officer’s gun was drawn lasted much longer than normal based on his location … If the same situation would have occurred closer to back-up officers, it would most likely have been resolved much sooner."

California Bill Would Mandate Release of Police Bodycam Footage
While the officer’s body camera recorded the entire incident, there is no word on whether the Silicon Valley police department will release the footage in its entirety or through excerpts, The Mercury News reported.
Gary Berg, the public information officer for the police department, noted that the first five minutes of the encounter captured by the body camera showed a "cordial conversation" between the occupants of the vehicle and the officer before the friendly environment soured.

Although the responding officer was outside of his jurisdiction, as a "peace officer in the State of California" the officer still had the authority to pull over

http://www.elpasotimes.com/videos/news/ ... 240629001/

A former Reeves County contracted prison guard received a lenient sentence for his role in a cocaine trafficking scheme after tearfully telling the judge he had committed the crime to buy a home for his two children.

Fabian Dominguez was sentenced July 28 in El Paso to a year and a day in prison in federal court after he pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute more than 500 grams of cocaine.

http://www.blacklistednews.com/Israeli_ ... 8/Y/M.html

Published: August 1, 2017

https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20170 ... rant.shtml

Another Appeals Court Denies Suppression Of Evidence Obtained With An Invalid FBI Warrant
from the so-much-for-valid-warrants-being-better-than-invalid-ones dept
A second appeals court has handed down a ruling on the constitutionality of the Network Investigative Technique (NIT) deployed by the FBI during its Playpen child porn investigation. The Tenth Circuit Appeals Court overturned the suppression of evidence granted by the lower court, ruling that the FBI's NIT warrant was invalid but that the agent's "good faith" reliance on the warrant prevented exclusion of the evidence.
Multiple courts have found the NIT warrant invalid. The warrant was obtained in Virginia but the search the FBI's malware performed accessed computers all over the world. Prior to the recent Rule 41 changes, warrant execution was limited to the jurisdiction it was obtained in. The Appeals Court worked around the jurisdictional limit by reasoning the NIT was sent from Virginia and returned info gathered in the same jurisdiction. It just kind of glossed over the part where computers located all over the nation were briefly infected by the NIT to obtain the information needed to pursue suspects.
The Eighth Circuit Appeals Court decision [PDF] finds more problems with the NIT warrant and execution than the Tenth Circuit did. The consolidated appeal, however, ultimately finds in favor of the government, overturning two lower court suppression orders.
First, the good news. The appeals court finds the FBI does indeed need warrants to perform these searches, even if IP addresses aren't necessarily protected by the Fourth Amendment.
In this case, the FBI sent computer code to the defendants’ respective computers that searched those computers for specific information and sent that information back to law enforcement. Even if a defendant has no reasonable expectation of privacy in his IP address, he has a reasonable expectation of privacy in the contents of his personal computer. [...] Moreover, the NIT retrieved content from the defendants’ computers beyond their IP addresses. We conclude the execution of the NIT in this case required a warrant.
The court also disposes of the government's "but it's kind of just a tracking device" argument:
Although plausible, this argument is belied by how the NIT actually worked: it was installed on the defendants’ computers in their homes in Iowa. The government rightly points out that our court interprets Rule 41 flexibly in light of advances in technology... but we agree with the district court that the “virtual trip” fiction “stretches the rule too far,” We agree with the majority of courts that have reviewed the NIT warrant. These courts have concluded that “the plain language of Rule 41 and the statutory definition of ‘tracking device’ do not . . . support so broad a reading as to encompass the mechanism of the NIT used in this case.” Id. Thus, we hold that the NIT warrant exceeded the magistrate judge’s jurisdiction.
It also agrees with the lower courts' findings the warrant was invalid from the moment it was obtained, since the NIT was clearly going to be traveling outside of the issuing judge's jurisdiction. But that's where the good news ends. The appeals court applies the "good faith" exception and declares the requesting agent -- who knew the NIT would travel outside the jurisdiction and suggested as much in the warrant request -- could rely on a warrant signed by a judge to execute these extrajurisdictional searches.
The defendants also argue that the NIT warrant was facially deficient because FBI agents should have known that a warrant purporting to authorize thousands of searches throughout the country could not be valid. Specifically, Horton argues that “there can be no credible argument that officers reasonably believed that none of the 214,898 members of [Playpen] were located outside of Virginia.” We, however, will not find an obvious deficiency in a warrant that a number of district courts have ruled to be facially valid. Further, we have declined to impose an obligation on law enforcement to “know the legal and jurisdictional limits of a judge’s power to issue interstate search warrants.” Law enforcement did not demonstrate bad faith, and we will apply the Leon balancing test as instructed by the Supreme Court.
So, law enforcement officers are not required to know the legal limits of the warrants they seek. Apparently, neither are judges, as the judge signed off on this warrant despite being told it would be executed outside of his jurisdiction.
But that's not the worst part of the opinion. The worst part is this: the court says there's no deterrent value in suppressing evidence obtained with a facially-invalid warrant because the law changed after the fact.
Because Rule 41 has been updated to authorize warrants exactly like this one, there is no need to deter law enforcement from seeking similar warrants.
Under this rationale, anyone currently incarcerated for marijuana possession or distribution in states where weed is now legal should have their sentences immediately vacated. After all, there's no deterrent effect in keeping them locked up, now that both actions have become legal.
So, it's now 2-0 in favor of the FBI in federal appeals courts. In the future, its NIT activities won't receive much scrutiny. But it appears everything it did in violation of Rule 41 prior to the rule changes is being forgiven by higher courts -- whether with generous applications of the "good faith" doctrine or by making the Rule 41 changes effectively retroactive.

https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/us- ... gs.kCwhzDM

US judge orders FBI investigation into records of 1953 Executive Order targeting LGBTI federal employees
President Eisenhower signed the Executive Order
US judge orders FBI investigation into records of 1953 Executive Order targeting LGBTI federal employeesWikipediaJudge orders FBI investigation into Executive Order signed by President Eisenhower (pictured) targeting LGBTI people1 August 2017 by Anya Crittenton
In a new ruling, a US federal judge ordered the FBI to conduct an investigation into Executive Order (EO) 10450. This decades-old order led to purging of gay and lesbian federal employees during the height of McCarthyism in the 1950s. It was signed by President Dwight Eisenhower in 1953.

Judge Royce Lamberth, against objections from the Department of Justice (DOJ), determined an earlier FBI search was ‘inadequate’. The ruling came days after the DOJ decided the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not protect LGBTI people.
Yahoo! News first reported the news of Lamberth’s ruling. They also published the entirety of Lamberth’s unyielding decision, which can be viewed and read here.
This order was a point of interest in Yahoo’s documentary, Uniquely Nasty: The U.S. Government’s War on Gays. In the film, Douglas Charles, a Penn State University historian, stated about the order: ‘In terms of FBI abuses, this ranks near the top. It was an effort to silence [gays], it was an effort to ruin their lives. Because if you were exposed as gay in the 1950s or 1960s, your life as you knew it was over.’
The Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C., an educational non-profit with the mission of performing archival research to uncover erased LGBTI stories, filed a lawsuit via the Freedom of Information Act against the DOJ last year to release documents related to EO 10450. In response, the FBI discovered 5,500 documents but determined it would be burdensome to sort through them all. They also stated no documents were found relating to Warren Burger, the assistant attorney general charged with enforcing the ban.
‘Thousands of LGBT Americans were ruthlessly investigated, interrogated and fired because of this order,’ Charles Francis, the president of the Mattachine Society, told Yahoo! News.
An inadequate investigation
Regarding Mattachine’s lawsuit, Lamberth wrote in his ruling: ‘The Court finds it nearly impossible to believe that a search for every permutation of the name of the man who was charged with carrying out EO 10450, a robust federal mandate that built upon an established FBI initiative, yielded zero responsive documents.’
Furthermore, in the FBI’s initial search, they looked for the key words ‘Executive Order 10450,’ ‘Sex Deviate,’ and ‘Sex Deviate Program’. However, the EO used another term — ‘Sexual Perversion’ — and the FBI never searched for this term.
Lamberth criticized this oversight in his ruling: ‘The language of EO 10450 uses the term ‘sexual perversion’ rather than ‘Sex Deviate’ and the FBI’s affidavit does not address this shift in institutional language.’

FBI Octopus

http://www.satprnews.com/2017/08/02/a-n ... ip-summit/

A New Dawn for Public-Private Sector Cyber Collaboration to Power ...
... ICF International; Hugo Fueglein, Managing Director, Diversified Search; John Iannarelli, Former Senior Executive Advisor, FBI; Alissa Johnson, VP & CISO, ...

http://www.deadlinedetroit.com/articles ... YFyr9EpChA

Crazy Times in Flint: Cops Visit Residents Who Sign Mayoral Recall Petition

By Allan Lengel
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Postby fruhmenschen » Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:04 pm

http://scout.com/college/mississippi-st ... -105770692

Traver Jung: From the SEC to the FBI
Mississippi State senior black linebacker Traver Jung has hopes of going from gathering tackles in the SEC to gathering evidence for the FBI.

http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-plot-t ... er/5544005

MLK Day: The Plot to Kill Martin Luther King: Survived Shooting, Was Murdered in Hospital

Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. Review of William Pepper's Book

By Craig McKee
Global Research, July 23, 2017

This article was first published by GR on September 5, 2016

For one bright moment back in the late 1960s, we actually believed that we could change our country. We had identified the enemy. We saw it up close, we had its measure, and we were very hopeful that we would prevail. The enemy was hollow where we had substance. All of that substance was destroyed by an assassin’s bullet. – William Pepper (page 15, The Plot to Kill King)

The revelations are stunning. The media indifference is predictable.

Thanks to the nearly four-decade investigation by human rights lawyer William Pepper, it is now clear once and for all that Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and that also involved the U.S. military, the Memphis Police Department, and “Dixie Mafia” crime figures in Memphis, Tennessee. These and many more incredible details of the King assassination are contained in a trilogy of volumes by Pepper culminating with his latest and final book on the subject, The Plot to Kill King. He previously wrote Orders to Kill (1995) and An Act of State (2003).


With virtually no help from the mainstream media and very little from the justice system, Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.

Without this information, the truth about King’s assassination would have been buried and lost to history. Witnesses would have died off, taking their secrets with them, and the official lie that King was the victim of a racist lone gunman named James Earl Ray would have remained “fact.”

Instead, we know that Ray took the fall for a murder he did not commit. We know that a member of the Memphis Police Department fired the fatal shot and that two military sniper teams that were part of the 902ndMilitary Intelligence Group were sent to Memphis as back-ups should the primary shooter fail. We have access to the fascinating account of how Pepper came to meet Colonel John Downie, the man in charge of the military part of the plot and Lyndon Johnson’s former Vietnam briefer. We also learn that as part of the operation, photographs were actually taken of the shooting and that Pepper came very close to getting his hands on those photographs.

plot to kill king

Unfortunately, the mainstream media has ignored all of these revelations and continues to label Ray as King’s lone assassin. In fact, Pepper chronicles in detail how a disinformation campaign has featured the collaboration of many mainstream journalists over almost half a century. He says he suspects that those orchestrating the cover-up, which continues to this day, are no longer concerned with what he writes about the subject.

“I’m really basically harmless, I think, to the power structure,” Pepper said in an interview.

“I don’t think I threaten them, really. The control of the media is so consolidated now they can keep someone like me under wraps, under cover, forever. This book will probably never be reviewed seriously by mainstream, the story will not be aired in mainstream – they control the media. It was bad in the ’60s but nowhere near as bad as now.”

And the most stunning revelation in The Plot to Kill King – which some may question because the account is second hand – is that King was still alive when he arrived at St. Joseph’s Hospital and that he was killed by a doctor who was supposed to be trying to save his life.

“That is probably the most shocking aspect of the book, that final revelation of how this great man was taken from us,” Pepper says. (By the way, when I quote Pepper as having “said” something I mean in our interview. If I’m quoting from the book, I’ll indicate that.)

The hospital story was told to Pepper by a man named Johnton Shelby, whose mother, Lula Mae Shelby, had been a surgical aide at St. Joseph’s that night. Shelby told Pepper the story of how his mother came home the morning after the shooting (she hadn’t been allowed to go home the night before) and gathered the family together. He remembers her saying to them, “I can’t believe they took his life.”

She described chief of surgery Dr. Breen Bland entering the emergency room with two men in suits. Seeing doctors working on King, Bland commanded, “Stop working on the nigger and let him die! Now, all of you get out of here, right now. Everybody get out.”

Johnton Shelby says his mother described hearing the sound of the three men sucking up saliva into their mouths and then spitting. Lula Mae described to her family that she looked over her shoulder as she was leaving the room and saw that the breathing tube had been removed from King and that Bland was holding a pillow over his head. (The book contains the entire deposition given by Johnton Shelby to Pepper, so readers can judge for themselves whether they think Shelby is credible – as Pepper believes he is.)

Pepper and King.
William Pepper with his friend Martin Luther King.

In fact, a second invaluable source was Ron Adkins, whose father, Russell Adkins Sr., was a local Dixie Mafia gangster and conspirator in the planning of the assassination even though he died a year before it took place. Ron told Pepper he had overheard Bland, who was his family’s doctor, tell his father that if King did survive the shooting he had to be taken to St. Joseph’s and nowhere else. As Pepper describes it:

He remembers Breen Bland saying to his father, ‘If he’s not killed by the shot, just make sure he gets to St. Joseph Hospital, and we’ll make sure that he doesn’t leave.’

Ron, who was just 16 when the shooting took place, was apparently taken everywhere by his father in those days, and he was able to recount many details of what happened as the assassination was planned and carried out.

“I definitely found him credible,” Pepper says. “I found him troubled, I found him disturbed in a lot of ways by things that went on earlier in his life.”

His deposition is also contained in the book, which Pepper explains was important so that readers could judge the statements for themselves.

“What I wanted to do was to make sure that the entire deposition of these critical moments and this critical information was there, so that one could go and read the depositions and see that I was being accurate,” Pepper says.

Besides describing what he heard Bland tell his father, Ron Adkins described the many visits made to Russell Sr. by Clyde Tolson, J. Edgar Hoover’s right hand man. Known to Ron as “Uncle Clyde,” the high-level FBI official often delivered cash to the elder Adkins for jobs he and his associates would carry out on behalf of Hoover. Among those the younger Adkins said were paid to supply information about the activities of Martin Luther King were the reverends Samuel “Billy” Kyles and Jesse Jackson.

The basics of the official story

If you seek out any information from a mainstream source about James Earl Ray, you’ll find him described as the killer of Martin Luther King, just as Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan are labelled “assassins” in the murders of John and Robert Kennedy.

But once you read any or all of Pepper’s three books on the King slaying, you see very clearly that Ray is not a killer at all. Instead, he was a petty criminal who was a perfect “follower.” Like Oswald and Sirhan, Ray was set up to take the fall for an assassination that originated within the American deep state. In fact, Pepper says he’s convinced that knowledge of the plot went all the way to the top.

“The whole thing would have been part of Lyndon Johnson’s playbook,” Pepper says. “I think Johnson knew about this.”

As the official story of the shooting goes, at 5:50 p.m. on April 4, Kyles knocked on the door of room 306 of the Lorraine Motel to let King and the rest of his party know that they were running late for a planned dinner at Kyles’s home. Kyles then walked about 60 feet down the balcony where he remained even after King came out of the room at about 6 p.m. (Although Kyles has maintained ever since that he spent the last half hour in the room, Pepper has proven otherwise.)

Andrew Young and others on balcony of Lorraine motel pointing to where the shot originated while King lies at their feet. (Joseph Louw photo)

Andrew Young (left) and others on balcony of the Lorraine pointing to where the shot originated while King lies at their feet. (Joseph Louw photo)

Members of a militant black organizing group the Invaders, who were also staying in the motel because of King’s visit, were told shortly before the shooting by a member of the motel staff that their rooms would no longer being paid for by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and that they had to leave immediately. When they asked who had given this order, they were told it was Jesse Jackson. At the time of the shooting, Jackson was waiting down by the swimming pool. Ron Adkins also identified Jackson as the person who called the owners of the Lorraine Motel and demanded that King be moved from a more secure inner courtyard room to an exposed room on the second floor facing the street.

The Memphis Police Department usually formed a detail of black officers to protect King when he was in town, but did not this time. Emergency TACT support units were pulled back from the Lorraine to the fire station, which overlooked the motel. Pepper also learned that the only two black members of the Memphis Fire Department had been told the day before the shooting not to report for work the next day at the fire station. And black detective Ed Redditt was told an hour before the shooting to stay home because a threat had been made on his life.

Just about a minute after King exited his room, a single shot was fired and the bullet ripped through King’s jaw and spinal cord, dropping him immediately. The shot appeared to come from across Mulberry Street. King was rushed to hospital, where he was pronounced dead just after 7 p.m.

According to the official story, the shot was fired by Ray from the bathroom of a rooming house above a bar called Jim’s Grill, which backed on to Mulberry and faced onto South Main Street. But, as Pepper’s investigation proves, the shot actually came from the bushes located in between the rooming house and the street. In fact, the only “witness” who placed Ray at the scene was a falling-down-drunk named Charles Stephens, who later did not recognize Ray in a photograph and who cab driver James McCraw had refused to transport a short time before because he was too intoxicated.

The bushes that concealed the shooter were conveniently trimmed the day after the shooting, giving a false impression that a shooter could not have been concealed there. Several witnesses, including journalist Earl Caldwell and King’s Memphis driver, Solomon Jones, described seeing the shot come from the bushes and not from the bathroom of the rooming house as the official story states.

Another casualty of the King murder was cab driver Buddy Butler who reported that he saw a man running from the scene right after the shot, going south on Mulberry St., and jumping into a police car (this would turn out to be MPD Lieutenant Earl Clark). Butler reported this to his dispatcher and later to fellow cab driver Louie Ward. Butler was interviewed at the Yellow Cab Company later that evening by police. Ward was told the next day that Butler had either fallen, or was pushed, to his death from a speeding car on the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge.

The owner of Jim’ Grill, Loyd Jowers, would later admit to being part of the conspiracy to kill King, and he would be found responsible – along with various government agencies – for the killing in a 1999 civil lawsuit by the King family, which was represented by Pepper.

“The King family got enormous comfort out of the results of that trial and the evidence that came forward from that,” Pepper says.

Betty Spates, a waitress at Jim’s Grill and girlfriend of Jowers, says she saw him rush into the back of the Grill through the back door seconds after the shot, white as a ghost and holding a rifle, which he then wrapped in a tablecloth and hid on a shelf under the counter. He turned to her and said, “Betty, you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me, would you?” She responded, “Of course not, Loyd.” Spates, who didn’t come forward until the 1990s, also recounted that Jowers had been delivered a large sum of money right before the assassination.

James McCraw stated that Jowers had shown him a rifle the day after the shooting and told him it was the one used to kill King.

“We confronted Loyd,” Peppers explains. “We told him he was likely to be indicted if he didn’t help us, if he didn’t give more information. Jowers didn’t know there was no way the grand jury was going to indict him. All he knew was what he did, what he participated in, how much money he got for it – he got quite a large sum of money, built a taxi cab company with it, had his gambling debt with [local Mafia figure Frank] Liberto forgiven.”

Liberto, an associate of Louisiana crime boss Carlos Marcello, turned out to be involved in the assassination also. He owned a produce warehouse and one of his regular customers, John McFerren, was making his weekly shopping trip there when he overheard Liberto shout into the phone an hour before the shooting: “Shoot the son of a bitch on the balcony.” Nathan Whitlock and his mother, LaVada Addison Whitlock, who owned a restaurant frequented by Liberto, stated that Liberto had told them he was responsible for the King murder.

Setting up the patsy

One thing that many don’t know is that Ray was in prison in 1967, the year before the assassination, serving a 20-year sentence for a grocery store robbery in 1959. After a couple of unsuccessful escape attempts, Ray succeeded in breaking out of prison on April 23, 1967. Unknown to Ray was the fact that the escape had been orchestrated, because he had already been chosen as the patsy in the planned assassination of King, which was still a year away.

The warden of Missouri State Penitentiary was paid $25,000 by Russell Adkins Sr. to allow the escape (as confirmed by Ron Adkins). The money was delivered to Adkins by Tolson, and it was this same connection that would later be used to finance the assassination of King.

After his escape from prison, Ray went to Chicago for a few weeks where he got a job. But, worried about getting caught, he went to Canada, specifically Montreal, and took the name Eric S. Galt. His intention was to get a passport under a false name and to travel to a country from which he could not be extradited.

james earl ray

James Earl Ray spent the last 30 years of his life in prison for a murder he did not commit.

At the Neptune Bar in the Montreal dock area in August 1967, Ray met a mysterious figure who identified himself as “Raul.” Raul asked Ray to help him with a smuggling scheme, and Ray agreed. In the months ahead, Ray would do a number of jobs, including gun running, for Raul for which he was paid and given a car. Always, Ray had to wait to be contacted by Raul, who Ray said co-ordinated his activities right up until the day of the assassination.

At one point Ray was instructed to purchase a deer rifle with a scope (although Raul was not satisfied with the one he bought and made him exchange it for another). Ray was instructed to go to Memphis (he arrived April 3, 1968) and upon meeting with Raul in his motel was given the name of Jim’s Grill, where the two were to meet at 3 p.m. the next day. He also handed the rifle over to Raul and always maintained that he never saw it again.

Ray rented a room at the rooming house above Jim’s Grill (the two met the day of the assassination as planned). About an hour before the shooting, he was given money to go to the movies, but first he tried to have a tire repaired because Raul had said he wanted to use the car. But when Ray heard the sirens that followed the shooting, he got scared and left the area.

Fearing he had been set up, Ray left the country and ended up in England where he was captured on June 8, 1968 at London’s Heathrow Airport as he was trying to leave the UK. Once charged with the crime, Ray was pressured by his second lawyer, Percy Foreman, to plead guilty on the grounds that the evidence was too strong against him and Foreman was not in good health and couldn’t offer a strong defence.

“Foreman was sent in with the purpose of replacing the original lawyers,” Pepper says.

Foreman offered Ray $500 to get another lawyer if he pleaded guilty and even put this in writing. Ray would regret accepting this offer for the rest of his life. He tried unsuccessfully to rescind the guilty plea and get a trial for the next 30 years, finally dying in prison of cancer in 1998.

Pepper becomes convinced of Ray’s innocence

It was 10 years after the assassination before Pepper would even consider meeting with Ray. He had taken for granted at first that Ray was the assassin, but he was encouraged to meet him by Rev. Ralph Abernathy, who had succeeded King as President of the SCLC. Abernathy had remained unsatisfied with the official account of the shooting.

In the book, Pepper describes his first meeting with Ray in 1978 and how he quickly came to believe that Ray had not been the shooter and that the case was essentially still unsolved. It wasn’t until 1988 before Pepper became certain that Ray had not played any knowing part in the conspiracy, and at that point he agreed to represent him, which he did until his death.

Purveyors of the official story of the assassination have always claimed that Raul was an invention of Ray’s, and mainstream media accounts refer to this question as still unanswered even though Pepper not only found witnesses who described their connections to Raul, he actually found Raul himself with the help of witness Glenda Grabow (Pepper learned that his last name was Coelho). She identified Raul as someone she had known in Houston in 1963 and who around 1974, in a fit of rage, had implicated himself in the King assassination right before raping her. Grabow also identified Jack Ruby as someone who she had seen with Raul in 1963. This fascinating story is recounted both in An Act of State and The Plot to Kill King.

One of the most intriguing things to come out of both of these books is the account of a young FBI agent named Don Wilson who after the assassination was sent to check out a white Mustang with Alabama plates (Ray drove a white Mustang) that had been abandoned and that was thought to be connected to the assassination. Wilson opened the car door and some papers fell out. He examined them later and found a torn-out piece of a 1963 Dallas, Texas telephone directory. Written on the page was the name “Raul” and the initial “J” and a phone number, which turned out to be that of a Las Vegas night club run by Jack Ruby, the man who had shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas police station. A second piece of paper had a list of names with amounts of money beside each. Wilson decided to hold on to this evidence, fearing it would disappear forever if he turned it in. He held on to it for 29 years before making it available to Pepper and the King family.

The shooter revealed

Another incredible revelation in The Plot to Kill King is the identity of the man who appears to have fired the fatal shot. Pepper learned his identity from Lenny B. Curtis, who was a custodian at the Memphis Police Department rifle range. Curtis told Pepper this in 2003, and Pepper recorded a deposition with him but kept it confidential out of fear for Curtis’s life. Only after his death in 2013 did Pepper reveal what Curtis had said – that the shooter was Memphis police officer Frank Strausser.

“We had to be very careful about [Curtis’s safety],” Pepper says.

Curtis said to Pepper in his deposition that he heard Strausser say about King four or five months before the assassination that somebody was going to “. . . blow his motherfucking brains out.” He also described that Strausser had practised in the rifle range with a particular rifle that had been brought in four or five days earlier by a member of the fire department. That fireman had shown the rifle to Curtis and asked, “How would you like that scoundrel, that baby there?” When Curtis said it look like any other rifle, he replied, “No, this is a special one; that baby is special.” Lenny remembered that on the day of the assassination, Strausser spent the whole day practicing with it. (Strausser has given several conflicting accounts of where he was and what he was doing that day.)

After the assassination, Curtis says he was followed and intimidated by Strausser. Pepper writes:

Lenny said that he subsequently became aware that strange things were happening around him. His gas was strangely turned on once when he was about to enter his house. He had lit a cigarette, but as he opened the door he smelled gas and quickly put out the cigarette. A strange Lincoln was occasionally parked across the street from his apartment house. He was frightened. One morning when the car was there, he got into his own car and quickly drove off, and the strange car pulled out and followed him. He managed to see the driver. It was Strausser.

In the book, Pepper describes how he came to meet with Strausser, who he describes as a committed and devoted racist.

“He had no respect for black people at all,” Pepper says. “He wasn’t explicit about his racism. But he was not at all sympathetic to what Martin King was all about.”

In the hope of prompting an admission, Pepper lied and told him that he had been implicated in the killing by Loyd Jowers – but Strausser didn’t take the bait. Pepper also told Strausser that the footprints found in the bushes after the shooting were from size 13 shoes (which they were). Then he asked him about the size of his feet:

“He had a bit of a grin on his face, and he said ‘13 large,’” Pepper says.

Pepper also arranged to have cab driver Nathan Whitlock, who Strausser knew, tell him that there was a good possibility that he (Strausser) would be indicted for the shooting. He responded: “What are they going to indict me for, something I did 30 years ago?” Then he caught himself and added, “Or something I knew about 30 years ago?”

A threat to the powers that be

As Pepper explains, King was not only hated by the establishment as he rose to prominence in the 1960s, he was feared. Not only did he have the ability to move large numbers of people with his message of peace and tolerance, but he had designs on a political career. According to Pepper, King was planning to run for president on a third-party ticket with fellow anti-war activist Dr. Benjamin Spock. He was also causing panic in powerful circles because he intended to bring hundreds of thousands of poor people to an encampment in Washington, D.C. in the spring of 1968 to bring attention to the plight of the poor.

“They were terrified that the anger level when [the demonstrators] were not going to get what they wanted was going to rise to such a point where Martin was going to lose control of that group and the more radical among them would take it over and they’d have a revolution,” Pepper explains. “And they didn’t have the troops to put it down. That was a real fear that the Army had. And I think it was a justifiable fear.”

King would also have posed an increasing threat to the political establishment because he intended to become much more vocal in his opposition to the Vietnam War. He had been influenced by an article and photos by Pepper called, “The Children of Vietnam,” which was published in Ramparts Magazine in January 1967 and later reprinted in Look magazine. (The man who published the piece in Look, Bill Atwood, actually told Pepper he received a visit from former New York governor and ambassador to the Soviet Union Averill Harriman who passed on a message from President Johnson that he would appreciate it if Atwood never published anything by Pepper.)

Beyond King’s importance as a powerful force for justice, peace, and equality, he was also Pepper’s friend. And the lawyer/journalist had to deal with that loss as he sought the truth about who really killed King and fought for justice for the man falsely accused of his murder. He writes:

For me, this is a story rife with sadness, replete with massive accounts of personal and public deception and betrayal. Its revelations and experiences have produced in the writer a depression stemming from an unavoidable confrontation with the depths to which human beings, even those subject to professional codes of ethics, have fallen. In addition, there is an element of personal despair that has resulted from this long effort, which has made me even question the wis

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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:33 pm

http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/20 ... 44770.html

The Oklahoma City Bombing–Secrets Worth Dying For?

David Paul Hammer is on Death Row. He is was also on Death Row with the Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Hammer claims that McVeigh told him that he worked for US Black OPs and worked for a person called the Major. The Major was supposedly McVeigh’s handler up until the Oklahoma City Bombing.

Obviously the word of a person on Death Row may not be the best source. But the story is also backed up to an extent by the other co-conspirator in the bombing. Terry Nichols says that there was some sort of government and FBI involvement in the bombing.

.…Those familiar with the details of the case say Nichols has evidently come to conclude-as have many independent investigators-that he (Nichols) and McVeigh were being manipulated prior to the bombing by federal authorities in what was intended to be a “sting” the feds would use as “proof” of their skill in tackling domestic “terrorist threats” from “radical right wing extremists.”

However, it is believed, the sting went awry, possibly manipulated by others outside the loop, and the bombing occurred….(source: rense.com)

The US government likely had and has sources deep inside the militia movements. Also, there is such a thing as government intelligence agencies acting in concert with terrorist groups.
For example, one of the IRAs top torturers actually worked for British Intelligence.

.…He is the British spy who operated at the heart of the IRA’s most brutal enforcement team. Yet Stakeknife was only one of five highly- placed agents working inside the republican terror group, The Observer has discovered.

In the wake of the controversy that has rocked the IRA and the British security services, it has emerged that four more senior Provisionals, including Stakeknife’s deputy, were double agents….(source: guardian.co.uk)

Hammer, an inmate lawyer, claims that McVeigh believed that he would not be executed. That, according to Hammer, McVeigh figured he would be given a drug and that the execution would be staged.

Still there are some big fat holes in the Hammer story.

If McVeigh thought he was working for the government, why wouldn’t he be a bit upset about sitting on death row for years?

If McVeigh was actually working for the government, why wasn’t he killed or even allowed to escape so the story wouldn’t get out?

It is true that the militia movement was growing and dangerous when the Oklahoma City Bombing occurred. The bombing did in fact completely blacken the militia movement’s image with the American public. So as Hammer tells Alex Jones in an interview (see below), McVeigh relates the bombing was used to destroy the militia movement.

The Hammer/Nichols story also has some additional support.

According to a Democracy Now interview:

….A Salt Lake City lawyer searching for the truth behind his brother’s death has uncovered a wealth of new information that could implicate the FBI in the Oklahoma City bombings. The documents he dug up suggest the FBI knew about the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in advance but did little to prevent it. Jesse Trentadue’s brother Kenney Trentadue was found dead in his prison cell in Oklahoma City in August 1995. The FBI calls it a suicide, but Jesse maintains Kenney was beaten to death during an interrogation. Jesse believes the FBI mistook his brother for the missing second suspect in the Oklahoma City bombings – the so-called “John Doe #2.” His research also suggests that the bombing was not the work of one or two men, but involved a wider network connected to the far-right white supremacist movement….(source)

It is likely the true players and the actual events involving the Oklahoma City Bombing will never be known. For now, we only have the story of killers and a US government that few trust.


FBI fights order for deposition of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator, death-row inmate

The FBI is appealing an order that allows a Utah attorney to conduct taped depositions of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols and a death-row inmate.

Salt Lake City lawyer Jesse Trentadue believes that the two inmates have valuable information about his brother's death in a federal prison - and about the FBI's alleged withholding of many of the relevant documents requested in his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit.

Authorities say the August 1995 death of Kenneth Trentadue in a cell at an Oklahoma City federal prison was a suicide, but the inmate's family believes he was mistaken for a bombing conspirator and that guards strangled him with a set of plastic handcuffs in an interrogation that got out of hand.

To support that theory, Jesse Trentadue has filed three FOIA lawsuits. As part of one of those suits, he requested an order allowing the depositions from Nichols and David Paul Hammer, who now is on death row at the federal penitentiary at Terre Haute, Ind.

Lawyers for the FBI objected, saying the agency has made appropriate searches for documents.

U.S. District Judge Dale Kimball granted Trentadue's request last year. He reaffirmed that order in September after the FBI asked him to reconsider.

On Tuesday, nov. 4 the FBI filed a notice that it is asking the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver to reverse the order.

The body of Kenneth Trentadue, who had served time for bank robbery and was being held on an alleged parole violation, was found hanging in his cell on Aug. 21, 1995.

Nichols and Hammer already have supplied Jesse Trentadue with written affidavits concerning Timothy McVeigh, who carried out the bombing and was executed in 2001.

Nichols - who is serving a life sentence at the U.S. Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence, Colo. - claims a high-ranking FBI official "apparently" was directing McVeigh in the plot. Both Nichols and Hammer, who says he had lengthy conversations with McVeigh while the two were both housed at the Terre Haute facility, say McVeigh claimed to be an undercover operative for the military.

The FBI has denied any role in the bombing.

http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdu ... story.html

FBI denies witness tampering accusation

The FBI did not pressure a former government operative into backing out of testifying in a lawsuit claiming the agency failed to search its files for additional videos of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, a new FBI report shows.

The bureau's office of inspections disclosed the report on Friday, a day after U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups threatened the FBI with contempt of court for not completing the tampering investigation as he had ordered.

The lawsuit was filed by Salt Lake City attorney Jesse Trentadue, who believes there is video showing Timothy McVeigh was not alone in detonating the bomb in Oklahoma.

Trentadue believes the presence of a second suspect would explain why his brother was flown to Oklahoma months after the bombing. His brother died in a federal holding cell.

The case reached trial because the judge was not satisfied by the FBI's previous explanations after the lawsuit was filed in 2008. The judge also cited the public importance of the possible tapes.

Trentadue leveled the witness tampering allegation during trial in July. Department of Justice attorneys said they were false, but Waddoups ordered the FBI to look into the claim.

Former operative John Matthews had been set to testify about his involvement in a stealth government operation that tracked militia movements and included McVeigh, Trentadue said.

The agency's report said Matthews called the FBI in Utah to tell them he didn't want to testify during the lawsuit and asked how he could get out of it.

FBI inspectors said they listened to five recorded phone conversations between Matthews and agent Adam Quirk and determined Matthews was never intimidated or discouraged from testifying.

The report found Quirk should have notified the Justice Department about the calls and been clearer about the FBI not being able to give advice about testifying. Still, the agency said there was no tampering.

The report includes partially redacted transcripts of several recorded phone conversations. One call from Quirk's cellphone was not recorded, and there is no transcript.

Matthews also sent an email saying he made the decision to back out of testifying on his own, the report says.

A transcript of one phone call shows Matthews telling Quirk that he wasn't going to testify unless a judge issued a subpoena. If he was forced to testify, he said, "I'm going to sit there on the stand and say I don't recall anything."

Matthews later added, "This is old stuff and it don't need to be brought up again."

In a different call, Matthews said he met Timothy McVeigh before the bombing but "just because I crossed someone's path don't mean I have anything to share."

Quirk told investigators the nature of the unrecorded, four-minute call from his cellphone was similar to the recorded ones.

"This report does not put my mind at ease," Trentadue said. "It just raises more

https://www.courthousenews.com/horrible ... -agencies/

Horrible Child Abuse Blamed on Arizona Agencies

June 27, 2017

After Arizona’s Department of Child Safety placed a toddler with a man who ran a “pornographic pedophile ring” out of his home, it moved her to a home where the foster mother burned her with scalding water over 80 percent of her body, the little girl’s guardian claims in court.

Fleming and Curti PLC, court-appointed guardian of Jane Doe, sued Arizona, its Department of Child Safety, other state agencies, the Christian Family Care Agency and a host of other institutions and people, in Pima County Court.

The Department of Child Safety, formerly Child Protective Services, removed Jane Doe from her biological mother’s home in 2013, when she was 2, and placed her with David and Barbara Frodsham, a state-licensed foster home, according to the June 16 lawsuit.

The state allowed Jane to stay with the Frodshams for 18 months, despite her biological mother’s complaints of “Jane Doe’s repeated documented urinary tract infections,” the complaint states.

“Instead of investigating Jane Doe’s biological mother’s concerns of abuse, [DCS] and the defendant caseworkers accused her of making false and exaggerated reports to DCS,” according to the complaint.

The state did not act until David Frodsham, driving drunk, left 3-year-old Jane and another child in his parked car while he was collecting his foster parent check in a state office, while “visibly drunk and acting belligerent.” Police were called and found Frodsham had a .28 blood alcohol concentration. They removed Jane from his care but did not investigate his home, the complaint states.

It continues: “Later, David Frodsham was arrested and accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, procuring minors for sex, and possessing and/or manufacturing child pornography. Law enforcement’s investigation revealed a video made by David Frodsham of a 3- or 4-year-old girl being penetrated by an adult male and screaming for her mommy. David Frodsham pled guilty rather than face a trial and has been sentenced to 17 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections. David Frodsham was part of a pornography ring involving numerous children in his pornography and the procurement of sex for the ring.” (Citation to sentencing document omitted.)

Four more state and federal cases involving a child placed in Frodsham’s home are pending against him, and more are expected to be filed, according to the complaint.

Unfortunately, things did not improve much when the state moved Jane into the care of Justin and Samantha Osteraas, her guardian says. According to the complaint, “Defendant Samantha Osteraas submerged and held down Jane Doe, a 5-year-old, in a bath of scalding hot water. Jane Doe suffered severe burns over 80 percent of her body. When police arrived, there was blood on the floor and piece of Jane Doe’s skin were falling off her body. There were bruises to her neck and arms along with other signs of trauma.”

Jane had to be placed in a medically induced coma, suffering from organ failure. She lost her toes to amputation “and will undergo lifelong operations to replace 80 percent of the skin on her body and will need incredible amounts of care for the duration of her life as a result of the abuse she suffered in the Osteraases’ home.”

Samantha Osteraas, 28, was arrested in January this year and charged with child abuse. The state then removed her three biological children from her home, according to the Arizona Daily Star. She is awaiting trial.

Jane’s guardian seeks punitive damages for negligence, respondeat superior, breach of duty, intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault and battery, and constitutional violations.

Here are the defendants: State of Arizona; Arizona Department of Child Safety; Arizona Department of Economic Security; Child Protective Services; Division of Children, Youth and Families; Christian Family Care; Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona Inc.; St. Nicholas of Myra; Mark Brnovich; Gregory McKay; Charles Flanagan; Clarence Carter; Jeannette Sheldon; Eva Pena; Katherine Mayer; Cassie Dixon; Monica Reyes; Norel Alviti; Rosette Codner; Jack Roddy; David Frodsham; Barbara Frodsham; Samantha Osteraas; and Justin Osteraas.

Jane is represented by the Cadigan Law Firm and Carillo Law Firms of Tucson, and by Manly, Stewart & Finaldi in Irvine, Calif.

A DCS spokesperson said the agency does not comment on pending litigation.

https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/ ... doc-fanon/

Banning Black Liberation: Michigan prisoners are barred from reading Frantz Fanon

Fanon’s anti-colonial text “Black Skin, White Masks” listed alongside “Mein Kampf” as material banned for “advocating racial supremacy”
Written by Alec Shea
Edited by JPat Brown
Michigan Department of Correction’s (MDOC) 60-page long list of books banned in state prisons, acquired by MuckRock through a public records request, includes 43 that are prohibited for “advocating racial supremacy.” These titles include Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries, and, alarmingly, Black Skin, White Masks, by post-colonial theorist Frantz Fanon. MDOC’s ban on an important anti-colonial text is one reminder of the inconsistent, and potentially biased, book banning practices that exist in prisons across the United States.

Fanon was born in Martinique when it was still a French colony and much of his writing was devoted to studying the psychic and social impacts of colonialism on the colonized. In the introduction to Black Skin, White Masks, Fanon wrote that, “This book is a clinical study. Those who recognize themselves in it, I think, will have made a step forward. I seriously hope to persuade my brother, whether black or white, to tear off with all his strength the shameful livery put together by centuries of incomprehension.” Fanon wrote the book, which would be the first and one of the most well-known texts he would publish, in 1951. MDOC made the decision to ban it in 2000, meaning that prisoners have been barred from reading it for the past 17 years.
When contacted for comment, Maurice Wade, a professor of philosophy at Trinity College, said that “Black Skin, White Masks, is by no means advocating racial supremacy. Even in the introductory sections of the text, Fanon clearly states that his purpose is to overcome black alienation, the alienation that black people in general suffer in societies in which black skin is taken by the white-skinned majority to be an indelible sign of permanent inferiority.” Nigel Gibson, a professor at Emerson college and author of four books about Fanon, said that the MDOC’s decision to classify the book as advocating racial supremacy shows that “the person who made that claim hasn’t read the book, quite simply.”

The MDOC, speaking to MuckRock, did not have any specific comment on the decision to ban Black Skin, White Masks. Chris Gautz, a spokesman for the department described the process through which books are determined to be out of line with prison guidelines. Decisions taken at the level of individual facilities are reviewed by the MDOC centrally, which produces the list of publications that MuckRock acquired. The texts on the list are only those that have been subject to review centrally by the MDOC, so prisoners could be prohibited texts that are off the list. Gautz also said that, although the decision had been made 17 years ago, books do not tend to be removed from the list of prohibited publications unless the MDOC policy prohibiting them changes.
Fanon’s work is not the only text related to black liberation and anti-colonialism that is prohibited in prisons across the US, though it might be the most academic. Practices on prohibiting books vary dramatically between states, and the process through which books are prohibited are often far from transparent. For now, though, experts who argue that there is no basis for Fanon’s work to be classified as “advocating racial supremacy,” not to mention the prisoners barred from possessing it, have no further available process for appealing the judgement made by the MDOC.
Read the full list of MDOC’s banned books embedded below, or on the request page:

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CARPINTERIA, Calif. — Authorities say a 5-year-old has been injured after being hit by a Santa Barbara County sheriff’s patrol car.


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Scribbling for environmental, social and economic justice

George Monbiot Just Attacked a Key Solution to Climate Change — Why?
In 2015, the Electric Power Research Institute partnered with NRDC in producing a report assessing the ability of electrical vehicles to reduce global carbon emissions. Their findings were as profound as they were simple:

Electric vehicles and a clean grid are essential to arresting climate change

(Adding electrical vehicles to the energy and transportation mix considerably reduced global carbon emissions. In addition, the batteries on which the vehicles are based provide essential, low-cost means to store renewable based electricity coming from wind and solar power. Image source: NRDC.)

The findings also represented basic common sense.

The start of major atmospheric increases in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses began with the burning of fossil fuels. Rapid global warming subsequently followed. Human burning of wood, cow-based agriculture, and destruction of forests prior to that time may or may not have marginally increased atmospheric greenhouse gasses and tweaked global temperatures. But the simple truth is that from the end ice age interval about ten thousand years ago until fossil fuel burning began in the 18th Century, the primary gas contributing to global warming — Carbon Dioxide — had remained in a tight range between 265 to 275 parts per million (methane concentrations increased by less than 100 parts per billion, and nitrous oxide levels only increased by about 10 parts per billion).

The big hit obviously came when humans began digging up coal, oil and gas, putting them into machines, and burning these materials en-masse. And today we are adding 10 parts per million of heat trapping carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every 3-5 years. An increase that possibly took all the plowing, burning, domesticating, and breaking of the Earth by humans ten thousand years to achieve by harmful land use activity alone. Meanwhile, methane and nitrous oxide levels since the commencement of fossil fuel burning around 1750 have rapidly risen by 1,200 and 60 parts per billion respectively.

(Levels of heat trapping carbon dioxide remained relatively stable for thousands of years until the commencement of fossil fuel burning by humans. Image source: The Keeling Curve.)

And these dangerous carbon emissions in today’s energy, agriculture and manufacturing systems all ultimately come down to one chief source — fossil fuel burning. If there’s a carbon emission from the making of steel, for example, it mostly comes from burning fossil fuels. If there’s a long lasting and harmful carbon emission coming from industrial agriculture, it’s in large part coming from the burning of fossil fuels. And if there’s a carbon emission coming from our use of machines, it’s due entirely to the internal combustion engines within them that burn fossil fuels.

In all of the human system, the vast majority of carbon emissions come from oil, gas, and coal. And all of the most dangerous, old carbon emissions come from this source. In other words, if you want to stop climate change, you have to deal with the real elephant in the room. There is no bargaining. No dissembling. ERPI and NRDC are right. You’ve got to switch your energy sources and your engines if you’re to have any hope of dealing with human-caused climate change. Electric vehicles and a renewable grid are, therefore, essential. They’re our escape hatch. They’re our main path out of future climate change hell.

(It’s clear where the additional heat trapping gases are coming from — old fossil carbon sources. Video source: NASA.)

The big, heavy lift all just boils down to halting fossil fuel burning as soon as possible. This is our best hope, our best means, of removing future carbon from the atmosphere — never burning the fossil fuels at all. Leaving it all in the ground.

New Solutions vs the Old Gridlocked Dialectic

Notably, there are many conceptual, if difficult to enact, ways that we as human beings could achieve this end. Over the past half century at least, wise environmentalists have been calling for a renewed focus on living simply. On public transport. On re-building close-knit communities fractured by rampant consumerism and marketeering. On using less to do more.

This goal was admirable, helpful. But, for various reasons, it has, so far, largely failed to address the larger climate crisis. This is not to downplay the helpful successes of a number of cities and communities around the world who have provided walkable communities, added bike lanes, advanced public transport, and helpfully re-strengthened local ties. Yet despite these helpful advances, about 80 million fossil fuel powered vehicles are produced each year. So we obviously have to address that larger issue as well.

One reason that this helpful environmental movement has not grown its influence more is due to the noted and powerful strength of the fossil fuel industry in manipulating governments and the public interest. If calls by greens for restraint were loud and compelling, they were often drowned out by fossil fuel advertising dollars and legislation that increasingly leaned toward protecting harmful economic interests. Another reason was that these goals, though noble, did not speak to the present economic reality in which many people lived their daily lives. Technology based on fossil fuels enabled many to do more, make more, raise their families up from poverty — but at a terrible long term external cost that was often invisible to the users.

The resource curse thus became ingrained in many regions outside the political reach of environmentalists as these consumers were captured in a new, generational, economic reality dominated by fossil fuel use. And there was much reason to lament and resist this ultimately harmful reality — even if the message of blaming a consumer that was essentially shackled to fossil fuel use and sometimes ineffectively pushing toward a less and less clear vision of efficiency and simplicity without also providing broader access to alternatives was a proposition destined for failure.

(The price of a solar panel from 1977 to 2013 had dropped from 77 dollars per watt to 74 cents per watt. In 2017, solar panels now regularly sell for between 25 and 35 cents per watt. This provides a significant escape hatch to present fossil fuel burning. Low cost wind and emerging electrical vehicles add to this escape route. Image source: Clean Technica.)

This dialectic itself described a systemic downward spiral from which there appeared to be no escape. But recently, the very technological and economic advantages represented by fossil fuels have begun to seriously erode. The cost of non-fossil-fuel based energy systems — wind and solar primarily — plunged to less than that of traditional coal, oil, and gas. Meanwhile, the desirable machines that burned the devil’s juice of oil, began to trade in their black internal combustion engine hearts for far cleaner electrical engines and batteries. Drive systems that could easily be mated to clean energy and remove fossil fuels from the energy picture entirely.

This new opportunity for clean energy to leverage the same strengths that led fossil fuels to prominence not only threatened fossil fuels. It threatened that old dialectic. And some purists were unable to reconcile the reality of far more benevolent new technologies able to replace fossil fuels with the older ideals and conflicts.

Public Transport and Bikes are Great. But why Attack Electrical Vehicles if They are also Helpful?

And it is for this reason that we can understand, a bit, where George Monbiot is coming from when he appears to falsely equate electrical vehicles with fossil fuel based vehicles. A car-less society has long been a big ideological push for George and other environmentalists. The car itself, his reviled icon of harmful consumerism. And, yes, removing cars would achieve a significant reduction in UK carbon emissions if such a thing were even remotely politically possible. Those driving on grid-locked Great Britain highways can certainly have sympathy for a generally helpful reduction in car use. In adding more widely available electrified, renewable-based public transportation. In making bike transport more widely available.

But ultimately, it appears to this observer that George is counter-productively attacking the wrong object. That George is unintentionally committing more harm than good. In other words, as a practical matter, Great Britain is highly unlikely to be able to achieve the goal of a car-less society any time soon. But if it does, eventually, reduce the number of its ‘iron chariots’ as Monbiot suggests, the electrical vehicle will probably have played its part in helping speed that transition.

(Increased adoption rates of electrical vehicles will reduce oil consumption and at the same time erode the power of industries that have for so long blocked green initiatives like public transportation, ride sharing, and walkable and bikeable cities. Why throw water on a much-needed energy revolution that would be very helpful by providing air in the room for green causes? Image source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance.)

Going back to the old dialectic, we find that the primary political opponents to societies with greatly reduced automobile use per person are both traditional automobile manufacturers and fossil fuel companies that rely on ICE based vehicle transportation to support oil demand. Add electrical vehicles to the mix and you reduce fossil fuel demand, thus eroding one pillar of that political power base.

This, by itself, might not be enough to break the larger environmental log jam. But consider the fact that the primary leaders of the electrical vehicle movement are companies like Telsa and countries like China. Tesla itself is more an energy company than a vehicle company. The company produces energy platforms and renewable energy applications. Batteries, solar, and electrical vehicles are its stock and trade. High quality vehicles that primarily do not rely on the same levels of mass production that traditional, single stream automakers have relied on. China, meanwhile, is mass-producing electrical vehicles in an effort to clean its air. Neither are as shackled to the notion of everyone owning a vehicle as traditional automakers now are. And to this point, Tesla itself has identified ride sharing as a strategic goal to enable people to access road transport without owning a vehicle — thus considerably reducing the number of cars per person and helping to enable Monbiot’s ultimate goals.

The net result in bringing EVs in to compete with ICEs will be not only reduced carbon emissions, but a change in the economic based power dynamic within the UK and in other countries. And the economic interests of disruptive new companies like Tesla will be divergent enough from those of traditional automakers to allow the breaking of the old grid-lock at the political level. In such a new dialectic, the voices of those like Monbiot could be even more poignant and helpful as we pursue a path to greater sustainability — so long as they do not shrilly attack the various forces that are enabling their empowerment to achieve those very ends.



The Keeling Curve


Clean Technica

Bloomberg New Energy Finance

https://www.courthousenews.com/monsanto ... pollution/

Monsanto, Cities Square Off Over Bay Area Pollution

August 3, 2017
SAN JOSE, Calif. (CN) – After a spirited hearing on Thursday, a federal judge will decide whether agrochemical giant Monsanto will face claims it’s responsible for pollution in the San Francisco Bay and city stormwater systems.

U.S. District Court Edward Davila, as is his wont, gave no indication of how he will rule on Monsanto’s attempt to dismiss the claims of three Bay Area cities – Oakland, Berkeley and San Jose.

The three cities say Monsanto developed, marketed and distributed polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, beginning in the 1950s, despite knowing the widespread use of the chemical as a coolant in electrical apparatuses represented a major environmental hazard.

https://www.courthousenews.com/extincti ... cord-lows/

Extinction Possible as Salmon Runs Hit Near-Record Lows

August 2, 2017
(CN) – The population of spring-run Chinook salmon has ebbed to the point where fish advocates, Native Americans and environmentalists are warning near-term extinction is a real possibility.

Last week, divers conducted the annual fish population survey on an 80-mile stretch of the Salmon River that winds its way near the California-Oregon border, and found the number of spring-run Chinook salmon was just 110. That figure represents the second lowest number in the 20 years of data collection.

https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-sta ... tta-25737/

Del Latta

Emma Best filed this request with the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States of America.
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Submitted May 14, 2016
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From: Michael Best
Subject: Freedom of Information Request: Del Latta
To Whom It May Concern:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I hereby request the following records:

Files relating to Delbert Leroy Latta, known as Del Latta (March 5, 1920 – May 12, 2016), who was an American politician who served as member of the United States House of Representatives. His death has been widely reported. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/14/obitu ... at-96.html

Please conduct a search of the Central Records System, including but not limited to the Electronic Surveillance (ELSUR) Indices, the Microphone Surveillance (MISUR) Indices, the Physical Surveillance (FISUR) Indices, and the Technical Surveillance (TESUR) Indices, for both main-file records and cross-reference records.

I am a member of the news media and request classification as such as I have written widely read articles about the intelligence community, such as andmagazine.com/us/1431865273.html

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Postby fruhmenschen » Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:50 pm

Link du jour


http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control ... lin_affair

https://www.personalgrowthcourses.net/v ... of_silence


http://9-11themotherofallblackoperation ... ching.html

http://www.judiciaryreport.com/pedophil ... he_fbi.htm




https://robertscribbler.com/2017/08/07/ ... heat-crop/

Smoke Blankets Western North America, 106 F Temps in Portland, Flash Northern Plains Drought Threatens U.S. Wheat Crop
The climate change related impacts from continued fossil fuel burning just keep on ramping up.

Last Thursday, the mercury struck 106 degrees Fahrenheit in Portland, Oregon. The reading, just one degree shy of the hottest temperature ever recorded for the city, came after the thermometer soared to the 103 F mark on Wednesday. The extreme heat prompted some locals to re-name the typically wet and cool city — ‘Hotlandia’ — even as a broader severe heatwave blanketed most of the U.S. West.

(Smoke covers large portions of the U.S. West following record heat in many locales. Image source: NASA Worldview.)

During the weekend, the heat shifted north and east — thrusting 90+ degree (F) temperatures into British Columbia where severe wildfires have been raging throughout the summer. As a result, fire intensity spiked once again and great plumes of smoke today blanketed hundreds of miles of western sky.

In total, more than 575,000 hectares have burned in British Columbia so far this year. This is about 6 six times the average rate of wildfire burning for a typically wet and cool region. An intensification of the fire regime that came on as temperatures warmed, climates changed, and indigenous plants found themselves thrust into conditions outside those they’re adapted to.

The extreme heat was brought on by the kind of combined Pacific Ocean warming and upper level high pressure ridge amplification that some researchers have linked to human-caused climate change. And the overall impacts of the system have been as outlandish as they are notable.

(Extreme heat blankets the U.S. on Thursday, August 3rd. Image source: The National Weather Service.)

Further east, the high plains have suffered from extraordinarily dry conditions throughout spring and summer. Since April, rainfall totals have been reduced by 50 percent or more. The drying began with the start of growing season and has continued on through early August. After a rapid intensification during recent weeks, 62 percent of North Dakota and 38 percent of Montana are now blanketed by severe drought conditions or worse.

The drought’s center mass is near the Missouri River Basin — a primary water shed for the northern plains states. Since April, these key regions have seen as little as one quarter the usual precipitation amount. This equals the driest growing season ever recorded for some locations. And overall conditions are about as bad as they have been at any time in the past 100 years.

The result has been the emergence of a very intense flash drought. One of a type that has become more common as atmospheric temperatures have increased and as evaporation from waters and soils has intensified. At Lodgepole Montana, the heat and drought were enough to ignite a 422 square mile wildfire. Covering an area 1/3 the size of Rhode Island, the fire is Montana’s largest blaze since 1910. The fire is now, thankfully, 98 percent contained. More worrisome, the massive blaze is now accompanied by 9 smaller sister fires throughout the state. And all before the peak of fire season.

(Flash drought — a new phenomenon brought on by human-forced climate change — emerges in Montana. Image source: The US Drought Monitor and Grist.)

But perhaps the worst of the drought-related damage has impacted the region’s wheat crops. And reports now indicate that fully half of the Northern Plains wheat crop is presently under threat. Overall current damage estimates for the Northern Plains drought alone are spiking above 1 billion dollars and states are now seeking emergency funding from a relief pool that the Trump Administration recently cut.

But regardless of Trump’s views on climate change or his related lack of preparedness, the damages and risks just continue mounting. Montana resident Sarah Swanson recently noted in Grist:

“The damage and the destruction is just unimaginable. It’s unlike anything we’ve seen in decades.”

Sadly, with atmospheric carbon levels in the range of 407 ppm CO2 and 492 ppm CO2e, and with fossil fuel burning still continuing, these kinds of devastating droughts, heatwaves, and fires will just keep on getting worse.


NASA Worldview

The US Drought Monitor

The National Weather Service

The National Interagency Fire Center

Portland Heatwave

Flash Drought Could Devastate Half the U.S. Wheat Harvest

Drought Spreads Across U.S. Plains

Western Heatwave Breaks Records Across Oregon and Washington

Canada’s Interagency Fire Center

http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10. ... 0203200301

“We Will Shoot Back”
The Natchez Model and Paramilitary Organization in the Mississippi Freedom Movement
Akinyele Omowale Umoja First Published January 1, 2002 Research Article
Download PDFPDF download for “We Will Shoot Back” Article information
No Access
Between 1965 and 1979, economic boycotts were a principal form of insurgency for Black activists in Mississippi. After 1964, in several communities, the boycott of White-owned commerce became the primary tactic utilized by human rights forces to disrupt the system of segregation. These boycotts relied upon paramilitary organization to protect the activities and leadership of the Mississippi freedom movement and the Black community in general and to sanction anyone in the Black community who wished to violate the boycott. This paradigm of economic boycotts supported by paramilitary organization was first utilized in 1965 in Natchez. Natchez is a commercial center in southwest Mississippi. The combination of economic boycott with armed resistance posed an effective coercive campaign to pressure the local White power structure for concessions demanded by the movement. The insurgent model of Natchez was replicated throughout the state, particularly in Black communities of southwest Mississippi.

Black community leader killed in Klan bombing, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. (1993). Vernon Dahmer file, University of Southern Mississippi.
Board meets with Negro delegation. (1965, August 29). Natchez Democrat, p. 1-1. Google Scholar
Board rejects demands. (1965, September 3). Natchez Democrat, p. 9-9. Google Scholar
Bombing angers Natchez Negroes. (1965, August 29). New York Times, p. L5-L5. Google Scholar
Brown v. Board of Educ., 347 U.S. 483 (1954).
Cops, race strife cut tourist trade in Natchez. (1964, September 25). Muhammad Speaks, p. 27-27.
Crosby, E. (1995). Common courtesy: A community study of the civil rights movement in Port Gibson, Mississippi. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Indiana.
Curfew set from 10 pm to 5 am effective now. (1965, September 1). Natchez Democrat,p.1-1.
Deacons and their impact. (1965, September 4). National Guardian, pp. 4-5.
Desegregation petition filed. (1965, August 20). Natchez Democrat, p. 1-1.
Devoual, R., & Miller, J. (n.d.). Freedom lives in Mississippi (pamphlet).
Dittmer, J. (1994). Local people: The struggle for civil rights in Mississippi. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Google Scholar
Evers, C. (1976). Evers. Fayette, MS: Author. Google Scholar
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (1965, September 3).Deacons for Defense and Justice, Incorporated (Racial Matters report, Field Office File 157-2466-59). Washington, DC: Department of Justice. Google Scholar
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (1966, March 28).Deacons for Defense and Justice, Inc (Racial Matters report, Field Office File 157-3290). Washington, DC: Department of Justice. Google Scholar
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (1967, September 6).Marches sponsored by the National Association of Colored People at Woodville and Centreville, Mississippi, to protest election results (Racial Matters report, Field Office File 157-2466). Washington, DC: Department of Justice. Google Scholar
Hopkins, A. (1966). Observation and investigation in Hattiesburg, Forrest County, Mississippi. Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission report, Governor Paul Johnson papers, University of Southern Mississippi. Google Scholar
Horowitz, C. (1965). Natchez, Mississippi–six weeks of crisis. Unpublished document, Freedom Information Service Archives.
If White man shoots at Negro, we will shoot back. (1964, February 17). Nashville Runner, p. 1-1.
Johnston, E.(1990). Mississippi defiant years, 1953-1973. Forest, MS: Lake Harbor. Google Scholar
Leader claims five slayings. (1964, May 7). Jackson Daily News, p. 1-1.
Loewen, J., & Sallis, C. (1974). Mississippi: Conflict and change. New York: Pantheon. Google Scholar
Malice toward some. (1966, April 11). Newsweek, pp. 39-40.
Marx, A., & Tuthill, T. (1980). Mississippi organizes: Resisting the Klan. Southern Exposure, 8, 73-76. Google Scholar
Morris, W. (1971). Yazoo: Integration in a deep southern town. New York: Harper. Google Scholar
Natchez bombing is laid to Whites. (1964, September 27). New York Times, p. 1-1.
Natchez mayor offers reward for bomber. (1965, August 28). Jackson Clarion-Ledger,p.1-1.
Natchez officials meeting to consider racial crisis. (1965, August 30). Jackson Daily News, p. 1-1.
National Guardsmen in city as aldermen nix demands. (1965, September 3). Natchez Democrat, p. 1-1.
Nightriders kill Mississippi Negro. (1966, January 11). New York Times, p. 10-10.
An oral history with James Nix. (2000). Civil rights in Mississippi digital archive, University of Southern Mississippi. Available: http://www.lib.usm.edu/%7Espcol/crda/oh/nix.htm
Pincus, E. (Producer). (1965). Black Natchez [Motion Picture]. United States: Cambridge Port Films. Google Scholar
Police push investigations of blasts that hit Natchez. (1964, September 27).Jackson Clarion-Ledger/Jackson Daily News, p. A1-A1.
Reed, R. (1965, July 9). White man shot by Negro in clash in Bogalusa. New York Times,p.1-1. Google Scholar
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Research. (1965). Adams County, Mississippi. Unpublished document, Freedom Information Service Library.
Two more burned out churches dedicated. (1965, March 22). Jackson Clarion-Ledger,p.1-1.
Vol 32, Issue 3, 2002
Table of Contents

http://www.metro.us/president-trump/sol ... nistration

Will a solar eclipse end the Trump administration?
So says a prominent astrologer.

Judge has no comment about pedophile organization
arresting pedophiles.
For that matter neither do taxpayers.

http://www.startribune.com/in-global-po ... 439066493/

In global porn probe, Minnesota federal judge calls FBI search unconstitutional, but says evidence can stay
But federal judge upholds evidence gathered against a Minnesota suspect.

AUGUST 8, 2017 — 9:17AM

A worldwide FBI search of hundreds of computers purportedly used to access a secretive child pornography website was unconstitutional, Minnesota’s chief federal judge wrote on Monday.

But the judge refused to throw out evidence that resulted from the search and that was used to prosecute a man from Coleraine, Minn., after he found no signs of FBI misconduct in the probe.

U.S. District Judge John Tunheim rejected a magistrate judge’s recommendation to suppress evidence and statements made by suspect Terry Lee Carlson during the FBI’s controversial investigation into Playpen, a “dark web” child pornography network that once counted 150,000 users.

Carlson, who is awaiting trial on 11 child pornography counts, became one of more than 900 people arrested around the world in a takedown that has produced dozens of court challenges.

Tunheim noted that a three-judge panel in the Eighth Circuit reversed an Iowa judge’s decision to throw out evidence in a case that also stemmed from the FBI’s “Operation Pacifier.”

Tunheim’s decision mirrored numerous other federal court rulings in concluding that agents unconstitutionally exceeded the scope of a Virginia search warrant. The FBI deployed a “network investigative technique (NIT),” described by some as a form of malware, to gather IP addresses and other information on users of the porn website, which formed the backbone of federal criminal cases like Carlson’s and those of at least three other Minnesotans.

But, citing a Supreme Court precedent, Tunheim wrote that because the FBI “acted in good faith and generally followed proper procedures in requesting and executing the warrant,” evidence gathered against Carlson can stand.

The FBI arrested the operator of Playpen in 2015 and seized the website’s server. But it kept a copy of the website running while deploying its NIT to target hundreds of users around the country based on a search warrant signed by a Virginia magistrate judge.

In his March opinion recommending that Tunheim strike evidence from a pair of searches in 2015 and 2016 and statements Carlson made to agents, U.S. Magistrate Judge Franklin Noel also questioned the FBI’s decision to keep a copy of Playpen running, writing that “in essence, the FBI facilitated the victimization of minor children and furthered the commission of a more serious crime.”

http://articles.courant.com/2006-02-04/ ... l-activity

Prosecutors move to dismiss charges against former Scout leader

January 3, 2007

NEW HAVEN, Conn. --Federal prosecutors have moved to dismiss charges against a retired FBI agent who was indicted on child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader, in response to the death of his accuser.

William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested in February on charges he enticed a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.

Edward Rodgers was in charge of investigating cases of Child Abuse at the FBI

THE DENVER POST - Voice of the Rocky Mountain Empire
May 17, 1990
Sisters win sex lawsuit vs. dad $2.3 million given for years of abuse
By Howard Prankratz
Denver Post Legal Affairs Writer

Two daughters of former state and federal law enforcement official Edward Rodgers were awarded $2.319,400 yesterday, after a Denver judge and jury found that the women suffered years of abuse at the hands of their father.

The award to Sharon Simone, 45, and Susan Hammond, 44, followed testimony of Rodgers’ four daughters in person or through depositions, describing repeated physical abuse and sexual assaults by their father from 1944 through 1965.

Rodgers, 72, who became a child abuse expert after retiring from the FBI and joining the colorado Springs DA’s office, failed to appear for the trial. But in a deposition taken in March, Rodgers denied ever hitting or sexually abusing his children.

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Child Abuse

Tuesday February 17, 2004 11:46

The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career.

John H. Conditt Jr., 53, who retired in 2001, was sentenced last week to 12 years in prison in Tarrant County court in Fort Worth, Texas, after he admitted he molested the daughter of two FBI agents after he retired. He acknowledged molesting at least two other girls before he began his law enforcement career, his lawyer said.

Monday August 8, 2005 Longtime FBI agent sentenced to prison on child porn count

BOISE, Idaho
A longtime FBI agent who helped arrest mountain-man Claude Dallas and was involved in a deadly 1984 siege involving white supremacists in Washington state is going to prison for 12 months after pleading guilty to possession of child pornography.

William Buie, 64, of Boise, most recently worked as an investigator for the Idaho attorney general's office.

February 22, 2007

SPOTSYLVANIA, Va. A F.B.I. analyst has been sentenced to seven years in prison for having sex with a young girl in Spotsylvania County.
Forty-four-year-old Anthony John Lesko entered an Alford plea yesterday in Spotsylvania County Circuit Court to nine counts of felony indecent liberties upon a child. An Alford plea means Lesko doesn't admit guilt but believes there is enough evidence for a conviction.
Authorities say Lesko engaged in a sex act with her nine times, beginning when she was nine years old.
According to the plea, Lesko said he was a victim in the case. He said the girl initiated the contact.

FBI Agent Accused Of Masturbating In Public

May 25, 2007 09:02 PM
FBI Agent Accused Of Masturbating In Public

Posted by, Marissa Pasquet KOLD News 13 News Editor

FBI Special Agent Ryan Seese, 34, is facing sex offense charges after a cleaning woman said she found him masturbating in a women's lavatory on campus, according to a University of Arizona police spokesman.

FBI agent arrested on child sexual assault charge

January 15, 2008 6:14 PM ET

An FBI agent is under arrest in Pueblo for investigation of sexual assault on a child by someone in a position of trust.

Authorities say 53-year-old David Allan Johnson is being held in the Pueblo County jail today on a $100,000 bail.

Former Great Falls FBI agent sentenced on child sex charges

Jan 23, 2008

A man from Great Falls who's accused of sexually assaulting five underage

girls will be spending the next 10 years behind bars.

Stanley Perkins, 64, changed his plea to guilty after police began investigating him for child molestation in August 2006.

The former educator, who also served two years as an FBI agent, was sentenced on one count of felony

https://www.dawn.com/news/342719/fbi-wo ... or-suspect

FBI Woman agent Accused Of Sexually Harassing Indian Terror Suspect

An Indian suspect being probed in the wider conspiracy to stage the November terrorist attacks in Mumbai has accused a woman officer of the FBI of sexually abusing him during his interrogation, Indian news reports said on Monday.

Amazing that a public agency funded with your tax dime has no accountability to the voters and taxpayers when it comes to sex crimes committed against children.

see link for full story

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/ye ... 1fbi1.html

Mystery Over FBI Agent's Firing

Government shrouds details of why top child porn prober got canned

Posted May 18, 2010
see link for full story

https://www.theet.com/news/local/charge ... 814a2.html

State Dismisses Charges Against Local FBI Agent

Monday, August 14, 2006

Sterling Pace was charged with two counts of soliciting a prostitute and two counts of obstructing

His trial began Monday morning. But after the state's first witness testified, the prosecution and defense worked out a deal, and the state filed a mistrial.

According to the agreement, as long as Pace resigns from the FBI, and pays court costs, prosecutors won't bring charges up against him. He also can't work in law enforcement ever again.

Here you have FBI agents protecting a Congressman involved with pedophilia. FBI message to Congress, you protect us we protect you.

see link for full FBI coverup

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/23/washi ... foley.html

Report Faults F.B.I. Action in Page Case

New York Times

January 23, 2007

WASHINGTON The Federal Bureau of Investigation should have acted to protect teenage pages in Congress when it initially learned last July that a Florida congressman had sent disturbing e-mail messages to a former page, an internal Justice Department report issued Monday concluded.

see link for full story

http://www.bismarcktribune.com/news/sta ... a81c1.html

Whistleblower seeks probe into N.D. child abuse cases

November 5, 2003

WASHINGTON - The FBI whistleblower who accused agents of stealing a Tiffany crystal globe from the World Trade Center ruins is going public with new allegations that the bureau mishandled a child sexual abuse complaint by failing to interview the victim.

Posted April 30, 2010
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 02512.html

Thursday, October 11, 2007


FBI Agent Charged in Assault at Concert

An FBI agent has been arrested and charged with assault and battery in connection with an incident during a concert, Prince William County police said yesterday.

Chad Gallagher, 30, a special agent, is charged with assaulting a 27-year-old female employee at Nissan Pavilion on Saturday night, police said.

http://www.chaser.com.au/general-news/f ... ve-online/

FBI agent, pedophile find unlikely love online
APRIL 5, 2007

When Special Agent Olivia Martinez started a sting operation to catch online sex predator Karl Bute Jnr, she thought it would be a routine assignment. She never suspected that the man she was entrapping would end up entrapping her heart.

The relationship had an inauspicious beginning. “My first impression was that he was a repellent, dangerous child sex offender who had shown no remorse for his crimes,” said Martinez. “So I was surpised to find myself looking forward to our little chats.”

“I was getting really tired of traditional dating, and kept going out with selfish egomaniacs. So to have someone be really interested in me for a change – what my hopes for the future were, what kind of clothes I liked, the route I took home from school – was really refreshing,” she says.

The rapport they had developed in cyberspace didn’t diminish when it came time to bring Bute into custody. “I wasn’t expecting someone so, well, adorable,” she said. “He looked so vulnerable being led away in handcuffs. He even brought some flowers, which was a sweet touch. So many of these pervs bring nothing more than a roll of duct-tape.”

Bute, a petty criminal with a string of convictions for theft and indecent assault, was wary at first. “I generally don’t like police,” he says. But the two developed a natural rapport in the interview room that went beyond run-of-the-mill interrogation.

“It’s the little things, you know? Asking if I need a cigarette or a cup of coffee while I’m waiting for my attorney. Being the good cop in ‘good cop, bad cop’. Although she can definitely be ‘bad cop’ too,” says Bute with a wry chuckle.

“She’s a cop, and I’m a perp, so there’s definitely an element of ‘opposites attract’,” says the former Little League coach. “But we also have common interests, like surveillance operations. I don’t really think of her as being ‘Special Agent’ – she’ll always be Strawberry_13 to me.”

Martinez says she’s “not 100% happy” with what she calls Bute’s “lifestyle choices”, but says she’s trying to take things one day at a time. “Everyone has some little things about their partner they’d like to change.”

While Bute’s ongoing trials may throw a spanner in the works, the couple say that they can see a bright future together. “Karl says he can see kids down the track,” says Martinez.

“But only with binoculars,” Bute adds.

Read more at http://www.chaser.com.au/general-news/f ... U2DGgLj.99

Prosecutors move to dismiss charges against former Scout leader

January 3, 2007

NEW HAVEN, Conn. --Federal prosecutors have moved to dismiss charges against a retired FBI agent who was indicted on child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader, in response to the death of his accuser.

William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested in February on charges he enticed a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.


FBI agent arrested on child sexual assault charge

January 15, 2008 6:14 PM ET

PUEBLO, Colo. An FBI agent is under arrest in Pueblo for investigation of sexual assault on a child by someone in a position of trust.

Authorities say 53-year-old David Allan Johnson is being held in the Pueblo County jail today on a $100,000 bail

http://fox59.com/2013/04/10/former-fbi- ... y-charges/

Former FBI agent files petition to enter guilty plea for child pornography charges

POSTED 1:59 PM, APRIL 10, 2013,

A local former Federal Bureau of Investigación (FBI) agent arrested on child pornography charges filed a petition to enter a guilty plea.

Donald Sachtleben was arrested in May 2012, following an investigation into the distribution of child pornography. Authorities said they were able to trace online activity back to Sachtleben’s Carmel home.

According to court documents, Sachtleben hid behind the email ‘pedodave69@yahoo.com’ and openly traded child porn. In one email he attached nine images of child pornography and child erotica and wrote:

“Saw your profile… Hope you like these and can send me some of (y)ours. I have even better ones if you like.”

Police obtained a search warrant on May 3. During an initial forensic examination of Sachtleben’s laptop computer, approximately 30 images and video files containing child pornography were reportedly discovered.

Sachtleben, a Northwestern University graduate, worked for the FBI from 1983 until his retirement in 2008.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 03783.html

FBI Official Gets Six Years
19-Year Veteran Tortured Girlfriend

Thursday, March 13, 2008

In a courtroom crowded with his friends from law enforcement, a former FBI official was sentenced yesterday to six years in prison for torturing his girlfriend at knifepoint and gunpoint during a six-hour ordeal in her Crystal City high-rise apartment.

Carl L. Spicocchi, 55, a 19-year FBI veteran who had run the Toledo office and was on temporary assignment in Washington, pleaded guilty in Arlington County Circuit Court last year to two felony counts of abduction and using a firearm in the Aug. 23 attack.

"This obviously was a horrific crime," Circuit Court Judge James F. Almand said. "It requires a substantial sentence and a substantial amount of time."

Almand sentenced Spicocchi to 10 years in prison, suspending four of them.

Spicocchi, who is married, believed his girlfriend was dating another man and attacked her in a jealous rage, according to court records. But the girlfriend, who said she was too fearful of Spicocchi to appear in court yesterday, said in a statement that she was not unfaithful.

"He thought she was cheating on him, but she wasn't," said Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Lisa Bergman. The attack "came completely out of the blue," Bergman said.

In the statement, read by Bergman, the woman gave this account: When she came home that day, she found Spicocchi hiding in a closet, armed with a gun and a 10-inch knife. He stripped her and wrapped her in tape, then dragged her around the apartment by her hair. He forced the gun into her mouth and held the knife to her throat. He beat her repeatedly. He told her that he would cut open her veins and that, because of his training, he knew how long it would take the blood to drain from her body.

"He said I had met my match," she said in the statement.

He told her that he planned to kill her and that she would soon join her father, who had died 10 months earlier. He said that he would write a check for $100,000 from her account and flee to South America after she was dead and that he had a plane ticket for a 6 a.m. flight.

Finally, the woman said, she escaped by running into the hall and screaming for help. "The attack on me was unprovoked," she said in her statement. "I feel lucky to have escaped the monster."

She said Spicocchi had told her he had been divorced for 4 years
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Postby fruhmenschen » Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:29 pm

Attorney John Clarke was a speaker
at our conference dealing with crimes
committed by FBI agents.

He exposed the FBI coverup of the
Clinton Vince Foster muder.

He just posted this about the Deep State


Welcome to our website about the murder of Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel under President Clinton. Brett Kavanaugh was in charge of the Foster death investigation and led the cover-up inside the Office of the Independent Counsel. A federal court ordered Independent Counsel Ken Starr to include evidence, found in government records, of an FBI cover-up, to the final Report.
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