Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:38 pm

This is an elementary point, a point any seven-year-old child can understand easily,and I'm restating it for your adult benefit for the millionth and very last time now: Disagreeing with you or with anyone else does not per se constitute a personal attack.
"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:40 pm

Do I really have to remind you again of all the personal attacks you’ve made



Disfo agent

you're a public health hazard.


Creepy crawler

transparent phoney


This isn’t disagreeing ....they are personal attacks

I’ll get back with the rest
Last edited by seemslikeadream on Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:45 pm

"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, NYC, 1966

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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Feb 24, 2019 7:47 pm

Here’s another

gombeen man and a shitehawk

Taken from the Irish word ‘gaimbín’ (meaning ‘monetary interest’) the straight translation of this word is ‘a mean, underhanded, corrupt person’.

Sounds kinda personal to me

We can do this the rest of the night if you want.....I don’t mind reminding you

Dress it up in a different language and it is all the same...personal attack is a personal attack

I am going to ask Elvis if he would please ask you to stop since you’ve brought up this topic again ...I think going over this again for the 100th time is getting us no where.....YOU addressed me and I had every right to correct the record now let’s put an end to this ridiculous conversation
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:27 pm

seems like a dream wrote:YOU addressed me

You know that is not true. Everyone can see it is not true.

What is wrong with you?
Last edited by MacCruiskeen on Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:31 pm

oh ok we are only going back that far.....I see...I was blinded by all the personal attacks I was gathering
Last edited by seemslikeadream on Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:32 pm

"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." - Richard Feynman, NYC, 1966

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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:35 pm

yea at that point I was really pissed that I lost a friend...a really nice person who NEVER had a problem here until he started standing up for all the personal attacks made by you against me...and that is a FACT

2 1/2 years it is getting kinda old and tiresome

here was the beginning.....he posted here for 9 years without a problem and then made the huge mistake in becoming my friend ...not one personal attack was made against him in 9 YEARS....I was very surprised to see him speak of me since we rarely if ever talked with each other here...that I can remember anyway

peartreed » Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:19 pm wrote:I just wanted to again commend Wombaticus Rex for maintaining a modicum of sanity and civility in the challenging but essential moderation of this board.

Among many others I also wanted to thank SLAD, Iamwhomiam and Jerky for balancing some of the more boisterous bs being broadcast and brought here. And while JackRiddler is challenged himself in keeping his cool, I love the way he identifies and dissects drivel.

All of you are perversely appreciated.

the reoccurring names are notable

peartreed » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:13 am wrote:More of a languishing lurker than a posting participant, I’ve been scanning this site since a sympathetic cyberfriend suggested it some years ago as a watering hole for those weird but wise wanderers of the byways and unbeaten paths to intuitive insight and enlightenment.

I was raised with a Spiritualist Medium Minister as a grandfather who, between spirit messaging, séances and dowsing for water, used to investigate while ministering the institutionally insane - only to afterwards declare that many of the inmates were too intelligent, perceptive and sensitive to survive mainstream society. He contended that the crush of social conformity stifled natural psychics.

As a child of the fifties in Montreal I played with Duplessis orphans near St. Mary’s and McGill where MK Ultra experimenter Dr. Ewen Cameron refined Dr. Mengele techniques to reprogram the traumatized minds of little, innocent victims. A uniformed “uncle” led us into extracurricular labs for psychically “gifted” kids. The lasting outcome was a visceral, instinctive distrust and suspicion of all declared authorities. The shorter term result was self-protective paranoia about intruders.

Compensation as a student included exploring the outer envelope of society’s fringes in search of psyches similarly bent and left sidelined and squinting at the mainstream. A quest for comprehension of inhumanity led to looking skyward and inward, and outward examining folklore, legends and modern assertions of alien visitors. Nightmares and hallucinations reinforced altered states of consciousness while opening dimensional doorways to a maddeningly impregnable multiverse.

An adult eventually found the monsters were of our own species, some of them sociopaths who gravitated to power positions with hands-on control of the global puppet strings – politics, military, religion, education, media and entertainment programming. In effect, I returned to my grandfather’s findings and the survival of the human spirit. I remain more comfortable amongst the outcasts, where kindness still flourishes.

That is why, seeking surcease and support, the jungle paths lead the curious here. Welcome.


where kindness still flourishes

I don't know what is so hard about being kind ...I don't know why we can't have kindness here.... everyone here deserves kindness and most RI members are kind most members follow the rules

MacCruiskeen » Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:08 pm wrote:RI appears to be dying, but nobody's allowed to say it's being killed. That would be paranoia.
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby RocketMan » Mon Feb 25, 2019 7:01 am

It's not kind to flood the forum and threads with copypasta posts mainly on one subject. The entire forum becomes sludge.
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby Heaven Swan » Mon Feb 25, 2019 7:23 am

What a sad day for this forum. Peartreed brought much-needed humor and positive energy. I hope he will reconsider his decision to leave.

It’s not just RI. America is in deep trouble. When bullies champion censorship watch out. In our society, this practice is coming from both the left and the right.

But this forum is small and shouldn’t be difficult to manage. Why is it so hard to differentiate between gratuitous personal attacks and censorship campaigns, and political debate that can get edgy? (Which I think everyone agrees is fine)

Personal attacks and tolerance of them, IMO, are the wrecking ball that is destroying this site. What a sad day...

Nice to know you Peartreed, and I hope this isn’t the end.
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:53 am


Every day, people play a series of roles. Even with their families and loved ones, they may play functional roles at various times. Sometimes the role is online. There is not necessarily a "real person" who is more "real" than the one who posts here.

But the role here should not be about personalities, not primarily - hey, trick up your avatar and do a sig line, adopt a funny style, whatever, we all do that - but about ideas. There is a constant confusion between a clash of ideas and "personal attacks." This is evidence of a pretty limited view of what this place is.

Some of you I have met or gotten to know in your "real" selves. Some before this forum, some because of this forum. Some of you whom I do not know I suspect I might like; maybe not. There are a couple of you I have not met or communicated with in person, whom I nevertheless recognize as a particular person (through other fora, your confessions about your lives, etc.) and might like or dislike. The rest of you are not my friends, even if we might play friendly here. You are also not my personal antagonists and cannot be, not if I don't know you in person. Sure, someone exists behind each avatar. But I'm not here to have a fake online family made up of people I don't know - or, for that matter, to sustain a "hatred" of a limited persona I don't know in person. If friendship is what you're looking for, there are probably better communities, like the Stereo Wiring Club beloved by IanEye.

I'm here for the ideas. Mainly, that is true. If your ideas are violently stupid, I will say so. I think it is much worse, for example, to find ways to justify or facilitate wars that murder thousands and millions in the real world (even if doing so only as an online persona) than to occasionally say "fuck off" to an avatar on a forum. I may sometimes (and have sometimes) been mean in the process of saying what I think about what others write here (or fail to write, because they're busy posting copy-paste and disguising their messages vaguely through smarmy message videos). Tough fucking cookies. If your ideas fail to impress, and especially if you additionally flood the board will bullshit and lies because of your frustration with this failure, experience shows you might get bounced. Again, too fucking bad.

We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby Heaven Swan » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:24 pm

Jack R. said^^^
Snip”...I'm here for the ideas. Mainly, that is true. If your ideas are violently stupid, I will say so. I think it is much worse, for example, to find ways to justify or facilitate wars that murder thousands and millions in the real world (even if doing so only as an online persona) than to occasionally say "fuck off" to an avatar on a forum.”

There are people behind the avatars—please don’t deny their humanity.
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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Feb 25, 2019 10:32 pm

Heaven Swan. :hug1:

Stereo Wiring Club beloved by IanEye.

Great club :lovehearts:

ReHumanize yourself

Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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individuals & interactions over processes & tools

Postby IanEye » Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:53 am

* - * - *

feelin’ good - takin’ my meds
feelin’ alright - wakin’ with a smile
call my Mother - because she is Agile



Using Your Intuition When Coaching

Some people are big fans of intuition and others are very skeptical of intuition. Perhaps it depends on the definition of intuition. For the purposes of coaching, there’s at least one definition of intuition that can be very helpful: “an insight that arrives in the moment without a clear chain of reasoning to support it.”

Our brains are amazing. We make decisions in the moment on a regular basis “without even thinking about it.” Of course, we are thinking about those decisions, but it happens much faster than when we are trying to figure out something new or do something new for the first time. We often call this distinction acting with or without conscious thought. When we act “without conscious thought” it just means we aren’t aware of our thought process as it unfolds, but we can explain our reasoning afterwards if we need to. For instance, if a car comes out of nowhere and we swerve to avoid it, we can explain “I had a feeling that there was a car about to hit me coming from the left, so I moved to the right.”

When coaching, we can think of intuition in a similar way. We get an insight on what is happening in the moment which is likely based on our past experiences and our skills as a coach. However, we aren’t quite sure how to explain the reasoning behind the insight. As a result, we may doubt the value of that insight and resist sharing it.

If your intuition provides you with an insight that would have helped the coachee move forward, but you didn’t share it, that’s a shame. On the other hand, if you present an insight as an observation, you run the risk of leading the coachee astray.

When you are coaching, and your intuition provides you with an insight, consider sharing as in these examples:

“Something just occurred to me. I’m not sure if it will help here or not…”

“A thought just popped into my head out of nowhere. I have a feeling it may help. See what you think…”

“While we’ve been talking, I think I may have had an insight, but I’m not sure. May I share it with you to see if it fits in with what we are discussing?”

As long as you make your offer quickly and make it clear that it is up to them to decide whether your thought was truly a relevant insight or not, it is hard to go wrong. If it was useful, then they will incorporate it and move forward. If it was not useful, very little time was expended and you can move on. The more you lean on your intuition, the more your skill in presenting potential insights will grow.




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Re: Rhetoric and the art of Collaborative Discussion

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:13 am

Heaven Swan » Mon Feb 25, 2019 9:24 pm wrote:
Jack R. said^^^
Snip”...I'm here for the ideas. Mainly, that is true. If your ideas are violently stupid, I will say so. I think it is much worse, for example, to find ways to justify or facilitate wars that murder thousands and millions in the real world (even if doing so only as an online persona) than to occasionally say "fuck off" to an avatar on a forum.”

There are people behind the avatars—please don’t deny their humanity.

Please don't murder little kittens anymore. Have you stopped?
We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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