Coronavirus Crisis: Main Thread

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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:38 pm

Three or four days ago our Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) announced their plan for fighting the spread of contagion: Every three days they will wipe down their buses with antiseptic. Not after every run, but every third day. Unbelievable. We are so fucked!

Edited as the VP speaks: What a bunch of bs. I'm paraphrasing here - Pence claimed by closing our borders the US had an advantage in getting ahead of the plague. In reality, we wasted precious weeks developing our own test and then once they began distributing and using them learned they gave false positives - they were faulty. In other words, useless. The irony is we could have used the test developed by the WHO, of which there was ample supply to begin testing back in January. (I tried checking to see when the WHO test was first developed and produced in quantity, but could not find the exact date, so January is to the best of my poor memory.) The Pres recommends taking a cruise!

The test will now be available in each state. (Hopefully, more than one test per state.)

Methinks we'll skip right past "Depression" to "Utter Collapse."
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby kelley » Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:34 am

stocks plummet

oil is way down

and as if by magic all liquidity (as if, please) disappears from the market

manufactured crises beget another round of easing? it's inevitable but probably useless

luckily candidate Biden is familiar with the processes etc
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Mar 10, 2020 9:38 am

(there's nothing to ease, the only stimulus is fiscal, it can be fiscal for destruction, fiscal for a better world, or cut fiscal = worsened crisis)

Anyway, who can read German? What is below is really interesting, but I don't have time to translate it. (And the google translation is going to be incomprehensible.)

I'm comfortable today with the idea that this is a mass-panic convergence event, emerging mostly autopoeietically out of a seasonal contagion; and also resigned, without despair, to the idea that it's going to be hard to talk with many people about this in those terms for a while; and also hopeful that it's not the big one yet. (The "big one" being not the World War Z plague event, but a social hysteria on sufficient scale to drive those of us who aren't already in China-style systems irrevocably into a whole new stage of omnipresent control, surveillance, panic and obedience.)

Hier für alle ein sachlich-wissenschaftlich verfasster Text zum Thema Corona-Virus von meinen Chefs, Prof. Harald Matthes ist unserer Ärztlicher Leiter und Dr. Friedemann Schad, Leiter Onkologie, beide sind Fachärzte für Innere Medizin im Krankenhaus Havelhöhe.
Ja, es ist etwas mehr zu lesen, aber wer sich mit kühlem Kopf aus kompetenter, medizinischer Hand informieren möchte, sollte diese Ausführungen unbedingt einmal lesen. Ich habe die ausdrückliche Erlaubnis von Prof. Matthes, dies zu verbreiten:

"SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 Infektionen: Die Angst geht um – Ein Aufruf zur Versachlichung im Umgang mit der neuen Infektionskrankheit
Aufgrund der Coronavirus-Ausbreitung werden wesentliche Grundrechte, wie Freiheits- und Persönlichkeitsrechte durch Quarantänemaßnahmen und Versammlungsverbote bzw. Absagen großer Messen in Deutschland, aber auch weltweit eingeschränkt. Eine Stimmung der Hysterie mit Hamstereinkäufen, Diebstählen von Schutzmasken, -brillen und Desinfektionsmitteln aus Krankenhäusern sind an der Tagesordnung.
Welches Gefährdungspotential hat nach derzeitiger Lage die Coronainfektion? Welche Maßnahmen sind daraus rational ableitbar?
Das neue Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19) ist wahrscheinlich auf dem Huanan-Seafood-Markt in Wuhan, ein mit 600 Ständen und ca. 1500 Arbeitern großer Tiermarkt, vom Tierreich auf den Menschen übergegangen. Auf diesem Markt werden Wildtiere, Reptilien und frische Organe von Tieren verkauft. Als Ursprungsort im Tierreich für das neue Coronavirus wird die Fledermaus angesehen, eines der wenigen fliegenden Säugetiere, aus dessen Reservoir zuvor schon mehrfach Infektionen auf den Menschen übergegangen waren (sog. Zoonosen = Von Tier auf Mensch übertragene Erkrankungen: Ebola, HIV, Vogelgrippe, Nipah, West-Nil, MERS, Zika etc.). Unter diesen Zoonosen sind viele Infektionen, die in der Vergangenheit zu hoher Sterblichkeit bei Infektionen am Menschen geführt haben. So lagen die Sterblichkeitsraten (Letalität) bei Ebola zwischen 50 bis 90% oder HIV anfänglich ohne Therapie bei 100%. Aber auch Nipah und MERS Infektionen, die ebenfalls Coronavirusinfektionen sind, haben Letalitätsraten von 20 bis 40% aufgewiesen.
Somit ist verständlich, dass die WHO solche neuen Infektionen (sog. neuer Subtyp des Coronavirus) aus dem Tierreich als Pandemische Alarmphase 3 klassifiziert und hohe Vorsicht zunächst geboten ist. Daher ist bei einem Neuausbruch durch einen Subtyp sorgfältig auf die verschiedenen Verläufe und Risikokriterien zu achten. In China wurde nach anfänglichem Zögern mit drastischen Maßnahmen einer Massenkohortenquarantäne (Stadt Wuhan mit ca. 11 Mill. Einwohnern) und Zwangsisolierungen sowie Aufhebung der Reise- und Bewegungsfreiheit, Stillstand des öffentlichen Verkehrs, Zwangsanordnung von Mundschutztragen in der Öffentlichkeit etc. gehandelt. Nach mehr als 80.000 gesicherten Coronainfektionserkrankungen in China können dennoch nur begrenzte epidemiologische Fakten angeführt werden, da die Transparenz und Qualität der Daten eingeschränkt ist.
Derzeitige Faktenlage
Die Infektion hat sich auf alle Kontinente ausgebreitet. Die Inkubationszeit beträgt 2-14 Tage. Die Infektiosität liegt etwas unterhalb der echten Grippe (Influenza) und deutlich unter SARS-1, HIV, Polio oder gar Masern. Bei Kontakt mit einem Infizierten wird anscheinend nur jede 10. bis 20. Person (5- 10%) infiziert (Prof. Drosten; Charité). Außerhalb von China ist eine hohe Rate an Diagnostik (PCR auf Coronavirus) von Kontaktpersonen, Verdacht auf Infektion und symptomatisch Infizierten durchgeführt worden. Diese Zahlen zeigen, dass ca. 50 bis eher 80 % der Infizierten keine oder nur leichte klinische Symptome aufweisen (Kratzen im Hals, Husten, grippeähnliche Symptome, Fieber, Unwohlsein). Nur ca. 14-15% weisen stärkere Symptome mit hohem Fieber und Atemnot auf. Max. 5
% erkranken schwer und bedürfen intensiverer ärztlicher Therapie und 0,5-2% auch intensivmedizinische Verfahren, wie Beatmung. Dieser kleine Anteil an Erkrankten erfährt eine Sepsis (Blutvergiftung) und ggf. ein Multiorganversagen (Ateminsuffizienz/Beatmung; Nieren- und Herz- Kreislaufversagen). Die Letalität beträgt außerhalb Chinas bei guten Gesundheitssystemen lediglich 0,3-0,7 % (Prof. Drosten; Charité, Berlin Bundespressekonferenz vom 3.3.2020). Die schwereren Verläufe betreffen vor allem ältere Menschen, mehrfach Erkrankte (sog. multimorbide Personen), Personen mit schwerer Lungenerkrankung und immunsupprimierte Personen.
Die Ausbreitung erfolgt überwiegend durch Tröpfcheninfektion, bei der durch Husten, Niesen oder Sprechen kleine Tröpfchen von Infizierten auf die Schleimhaut treffen. Nur jede 10. bis 20. ungeschützte Person mit Kontakt zu einem Infizierten wird selbst infiziert (5 – 10%). Aufgrund der großen Anzahl an Infizierten ohne eine Symptomatik besteht die Gefahr, dass diese Übertragung unerkannt bleibt, da der Infizierte symptomlos bzw. symptomarm ist und selbst die Infektion nicht erkennt.
Der einfache Mundschutz wird auch vom RKI (Robert Koch Institut) nicht empfohlen, da er für Gesunde keinen nennenswerten Schutz und falsche Sicherheit gibt und bei Infizierten der Mundschutz nach kurzem Gebrauch durchfeuchtet ist und beim Husten des Erkrankten die Viren auch von der durchfeuchteten und virusdurchtränkten Maske in die Umgebung verstreut werden. Bei medizinischem Kontakt zu einem Corona-Infizierten erfolgt der Eigenschutz durch Mundschutz der Klasse FFP2, einer auch seitlich geschlossenen Schutzbrille und einem einfachen Schutzkittel sowie Handschuhen.
Als präventive Maßnahmen gelten regelmäßiges Händewaschen mit Seife (>20 Sekunden; vor allem auch zwischen den Fingern), das Wahren eines Abstandes von 1,5-2 m zu anderen Personen und vermiedene Körperkontakte, wie Begrüßungsküsse etc. Entscheidend ist die vermiedene Berührung des Gesichtes und der Augen durch die Hände.
Bewertung eines Gefährdungspotenzials
Die einfache Analyse der Fakten zeigt eine geringe Infektiosität mit einem Ansteckungsrisiko unterhalb der Grippe (Influena A/B). Die Letalität liegt mit 0,3-0,7% nur mäßiggradig über der Influenza und weit unter der Pandemie von SARS-1, ebenfalls einer Coronoavirusinfektion, von 2002/2003, die damals weltweit bei 9,6% lag.
Da anfangs die Erstmanifestation in den verschiedenen Ländern in Risikogruppen (meist Alte, Multimorbide etc.) auftritt, wo die Letalität bis zu 15% beträgt, ist zu vermuten, dass die derzeitige Letalitätsrate von 0,3-0,7% weiter sinken wird, wie dies die offiziellen Verlautbarungen der letzten 10 Tage auch immer wieder zeigten. Auch sind bisher zu wenige schwere Verläufe in hochentwickelten Gesundheitssystemen versorgt worden, um gerade für das Risikoklientel weitere realistische Zahlen zu erhalten.
Der Initiator der Enquête-Kommission "Ethik und Recht der modernen Medizin", ehem. Mitglied des

Bundetages und Gesundheitswissenschaftler Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg bezweifelt die Seriosität der derzeitigen epidemiologischen Daten, da Coronaviren zu den übliche Erregern der winterlichen akuten Atemwegserkrankungen gehören und wir die derzeit flächendeckenden Messungen der Coronainfektionen nie systematisch erhoben hatten und deshalb gar keine Basisdaten für deren übliche Verbreitung vorliegen und hochwahrscheinlich eine Überbewertung derzeit vornehmen. Er spricht daher von derzeitiger Panikmache und unverantwortlichen Handeln.
Bewertung der Maßnahmen
Dienten die anfänglichen drakonischen Maßnahmen der Kohortenisolierung in China der Durchbrechung der Infektionsketten und erfolgten bei neuem Subtyp der Coronainfektion mit Übergang vom Tier auf den Menschen einer Gefahrenabwehr bei unbekannten Letalitätsrisiko, so ergeben die derzeitigen Daten eine deutlich geringere Letalität, wie diese bei früheren neuen Subtypen aus dem Tierreich, wie Nipah, MERS oder auch der SARS-1 Pandemie von 2002/3 hatten. Nie zuvor hat es in westlichen Demokratien eine solch weitreichende Reaktion auf eine Pandemie gegeben, wie derzeit in Europa und weltweit. Selbst bei den Ebola-Epidemien mit Letalitätsraten von 50-90% wurden solche Maßnahmen nicht ergriffen. Bei der Influenzapandemie von 2017/18 starben über 20.000 Menschen allein in Deutschland und es wurden keinerlei ähnliche restriktive Anordnungen der Kohortenisolierung und Persönlichkeitsrechte vorgenommen.
Derzeit haben wir die Situation, dass Influenzaerkrankte bzw. nachweislich Influenzainfizierte öffentlich einkaufen und zu Massenveranstaltungen gehen dürfen, hingegen der alleinige begründete Verdacht auf Covid-19 Infektion ausreicht unter Quarantäne und Androhung von Strafzahlungen bis zu 450.000,- € gestellt zu werden. Bei ähnlicher Gefährlichkeit beider Infektionen (Infektiosität und Letalität) ist dies rational nicht zu verstehen und widerspricht sämtlichen wissenschaftlichen Bewertungen.
Ebenso erweisen sich die staatlich verordnete Mundschutzverordnung in China oder die breiten Desinfektionen von Bahnhöfen etc. als wenig evidenzbasiert durch Fakten begründet. Aktionismus ist von der Regierung Chinas und der WHO ohne Reflexion in Europa übernommen worden, ohne die Sinnhaftigkeit und Ratio jeweils kritisch zu hinterfragen und dies auf dem Hintergrund deutlich höherer Freiheits- und Personenrechte in Europa. Wodarg schreibt daher: ‚Wer nur wegen eines positiven Coronavirus PCR-Tests Quarantänemaßnahmen ausgesetzt wird und finanzielle Schäden erleidet, hat u.U. nach §56 des Infektionsschutzgesetzes Anspruch auf Entschädigung. Aber auch gegen einen unsinnigen Freiheitsentzug sollte man sich zur Wehr setzen.‘
Eine Kohortenisolierung/Quarantäne des Einzelnen erscheint zur Durchbrechung der Infektionsketten nicht erfolgversprechend, da viele asymptomatisch Infizierte zur Weiterverbreitung der Infektion beitragen und selbst nicht auf die Idee kommen, sich testen zu lassen. Somit ergibt sich eine hohe Dunkelziffer an mit Covid-19 infizierten Personen.
Auch die ähnlichen Letalitätsrisiken von Covid-19 und Influenza Infizierten lassen diese vehemente Ungleichbehandlung nicht rechtfertigen. Auch die sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen erscheinen in diesem Vergleich als unangemessen.
Der Virologe Prof. Drosten (Charité) hatte zunächst viel Unmut erregt, als er eine Infektionsrate von 70% bei der Bevölkerung für erforderlich hielt, um eine weitere Ausbreitung zu verhindern. Diese

Ausführungen wurden zunächst als Drohszenario angesehen, sind aber rational verständlich. Der Rechnung Drostens liegt Folgendes zu Grunde: Die Infektionskette durch einen Infizierten, der drei weitere Personen infiziert, wird erst dann gestoppt, wenn 2/3 bereits immunisiert sind und die Infektionskette damit unterbrochen wird.
Um Infektionen zu begegnen, bedarf es einer Immunisierung der Bevölkerung. Bisher gelang dies vor allem durch Impfstrategien. Diese stehen hochwahrscheinlich für Covid-19 bis 2021 nicht zur Verfügung. Soll eine rasche Immunisierung erfolgen, wäre gerade für die Nicht-Risiko-Gruppen mit Letalitätsrisiko weit unter 0,2% die rasche Verbreitung der Covid-19 Infektion von Vorteil. Bei asymptomatischen bzw. gering symptomatischen Verläufen von 80% wäre dies auch kein Problem. Eine sinnvolle Risikostratifizierung und Schutz der Risikogruppen erscheint sinnvoller als eine sinnlose Verhängung von Quarantänen, die zu keiner Unterbrechung der Infektionskette führen, sondern die Ausbreitung lediglich verlangsamen und damit die Epidemie in die Länge ziehen. 25.000 Tote durch Influenza wurden 2017/18 ohne jegliche öffentliche Diskussion hingenommen, nunmehr werden Grundrechte wie auch das soziale und wirtschaftliche Leben massiv eingeschränkt. Ist die Influenza meist in 2-3 Monaten jeweils pro Saison überstanden, so ist bei derzeitiger Strategie mit einer verzögerten Ausbildung einer Herdenimmunität als Voraussetzung einer Durchbrechung der Infektionskette zu rechnen.
Was als Begründung für die Pflichteinführung der Masernschutzimpfung herangezogen wurde, dass eine Herdenimmunisierung von 94% der Bevölkerung erreicht werden muss und diese nur wenige Prozentpunkte vor der Impflichteinführung lag, wird nunmehr in der Diskussion bzgl. der Ausbildung einer Herdenimmunität gegenüber der Covid-19 Infektion völlig außer Acht gelassen. Hier scheint die Politik mit Zwangsmaßnahmen ohne Augenmaß und rationaler Begründung zu agieren.
Bewertung der sozialpolitischen Maßnahmen
Die irrationalen Handlungen und inkonsistenten Begründungen haben die Angst und Hysterie in der Bevölkerung immer weiter entfacht und werden von der Presse zeit- und raumfüllend dankend aufgenommen.
Die zunehmend einseitig pathogenetisch-orientierte Sicht hat ein Vermeidungs- und Beseitigungs- verhalten gefördert, welches nicht mehr rational und wissenschaftlich begründet erscheint. Auch bei Risikogefährdungen, wie im Bereich der Influenza werden nunmehr bei der neuen Covid-19 Infektion risikoadaptierte Bewältigungsstrategien außer Acht gelassen. Statt allgemeiner Quarantänemaß- nahmen und Heimisolierungen bereits bei Verdacht, bedarf es risikoadaptierte Handlungsstrategien für Risikogruppen."
(Verfasser: Prof. Dr. Harald Matthes/Dr. Friedemann Schad, Krankenhaus Havelhöhe)
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:01 am

Wombaticus Rex » Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:46 pm wrote:And to their credit, there's not a lot they could have done. The most dangerous aspect of nCoV is how contagious it is, and there isn't a single continent on Earth that didn't have cases seeded before February even rolled around. Even if they had responded like adults with responsibilities, it would have been insufficient to contain this.

But don't think for a second anyone will seriously try, outside of a few notable exceptions with both the means and willpower. They're going to let the fire burn until it burns out.

Encouraging to see that my expert guidance is still being taken seriously in the halls of power. My CBOE drinking buddy Santelli says he can never tell when I'm kidding, which is sad since I can always tell when he's drunk. Speaking of, he said this on cable news last week:

"Of course, people are getting nervous. And listen, I’m not a doctor. I’m not a doctor. All I know is, think about how the world would be if you tried to quarantine everybody because of the generic-type flu. Now I’m not saying this is the generic-type flu. But maybe we’d be just better off if we gave it to everybody, and then in a month it would be over because the mortality rate of this probably isn’t going to be any different if we did it that way than the long-term picture, but the difference is we’re wreaking havoc on global and domestic economies."

Rick was not alone -- even Boris Johnson was getting in on the act:

"One of the theories is perhaps you could take it on the chin, take it all in one go and allow the disease to move through the population without really taking as many draconian measures. I think we need to strike a balance."

One wonders what exactly is being discussed over cocktails at Number Ten these days, but there is a utilitarian logic to taking a hands-off approach and just letting your entire health care industry catch both nCoV and PTSD. As Joshua Epstein puts it, "what happens typically is that enough people get the bug that there just aren't enough susceptible people to keep the chain going."

Jolly good, then, only seven and a half billion people to go. This perhaps explains Trump's sunny disposition through the crisis. He's certainly bullish on recovery:

"It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear. And from our shores, you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We’ll see what happens."

If you need a light diversion from the heavy news, I strongly recommend checking in with the Qanon crowd about what he secretly meant; nCoV isn't actually a virus but a nanotech bioweapon being controlled by 5GW towers. Once Pelosi and Clinton are locked up and all illegals are deported, they will simply turn it off. So, cause for optimism.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby chump » Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:39 am ... ummer.html

February 08, 2020



Facts suggests the coronavirus is a  bioengineered “respiratory” variation of the HIV, Ebola virus, that it was bioengineered with the help of the Winnipeg based Canadian lab, which sent live samples of Ebola and a coronavirus to China and  that this virus was tweaked in China and released by the Wuhan virology Institute with the help of  Wuhan's partners the Galveston bioweapons lab at the Texas of University. ... engineered

Lets look at the facts which suggest that the coronavirus has been bioengineered to become a new hybrid respiratory illness as part of a three pronged strategy of the NWO Globalists.

The coronavirus is a combination of HIV virus, of which Ebola is a more virulent strain, and pneumonia virus. We know this because many doctors report that new coronavirus can be treated successfully with HIV, Ebola and flu drugs.

Furthermore, Indian researchers found unusual HIV segements in the coronavirus, which they (reasonably enough) thought did not occur naturally. ... ories.html

This hybrid has been bioengineered  to be a more effective bioweapon. It allows  for airborne human-to-human transmission, a longer incubation period of 14 days to increase spread and threat but at the expense of a a lower virulence with a death rate of just ~2%. 

However, the death rate can be increased with the introduction of new hybrids, for example, of Ebola and bird flu as discussed fruther one.

The live samples of Ebola and henipa virus were transferred to China by the Winnipeg lab under routine protocols. The intellectual property rights of the lab had been secured. ... lth-agency

The samples were not stolen by Chinese spies. They were sent.

Obtaining those intellectual property rights and comparing the virus  information in them with the virus in circulation would be helpful and may even show up the insertion of HIV virus segments by the lab of the kind found by Indian researchers.

Galveston has strong ties to the Wuhan lab and the Winnipeg lab and key scientists, including Frank Plummer, played a key role in developing Merck's Ebola vaccine, which gives people Ebola according to interim resulsts published online in The Lancet in 2015.

"Tom Geisbert, while at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, tested the VSV vaccine in nonhuman primates, showing they were protected by it. Geisbert conducted the work with U.S. Department of Defense funding.

Gary Kobinger took over the special pathogens team at the Canadian lab after Feldmann left. He and lab director Frank Plummer pushed to get human-grade vaccine made with the aim of doing a human trial to try to move the project forward." ... y-players/
UTMB to learn from our world-class research on the Ebola virus and our expertise in  caring for patients with infectious diseases.

Dr. Thomas Geisbert helped create the vaccine, named rVSV-ZEBOV. Geisbert is a  professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Texas Medical Branch at  Galveston (UTMB). He’s been working on Ebola vaccines for some 30 years. ... ws/houston matters/2018/06/19/291444/galveston-researchers-experimental-ebola-vaccine-is-saving- lives-in-africa/

Lethal hemorrhagic fever virus sample vanished from the  Texas BSL 4 lab in 2013. ... texas-lab/

The kind of know how needed to make samples vanish from a BSL4 lab in Texas would help leak coronavirus material from the Wuhan lab.

My thinking is that the NWO has infiltrated its operatives into the Wuhan lab, CDC. In fact, I think Xi Jinping may be a secret Globalist kingpin.

It does not look like the coronavirus will mutate to become more lethal.

But the NWO can hype the virulence of the coronavirus by circulating Ebola and the bird flu simultaneously, something which allows for a bioengineered hybrid of all three to be given in the emergency vaccines eventually  to create a more lethal and transmittable virus while claiming the hybrid has emerged naturally.

A more virulent strain would provide the justification for draconian martial law measures and forced vaccinations.

From Statnews

The coronavirus “may not change [genetically] at all” in a way that alters function, said biologist Andrew Rambaut of the University of Edinburgh, who has been analyzing the genomes of the 2019-nCoV’s from dozens of patients. “It is transmitting quite well already so it may not have to ‘evolve’ to be endemic.”

Any evolution that does take place in an endemic coronavirus, including one that spikes seasonally, might well be toward less virulence. “It doesn’t want to kill you before you transmit it,” Farzan said. 

“One would therefore expect a slow attenuation” of virulence if the virus becomes like seasonal flu. Dead people don’t transmit viruses, “and even people sitting in their beds and shivering” because they are seriously ill “don’t transmit that well,” he said. ... contained/

So, it looks set to remain a pretty harmless human-to-human transmittable virus

But the NWO can hype the virulence of the coronavirus by circulating Ebola and the bird flu simultaneously, something which allows for a bioengineered hybrid of all three to be given in the emergency vaccines eventually  to create a more lethal and transmittable virus while claiming the hybrid has emerged naturally.

My thinking is the intensifying scrutiny of the origins of the virus, culminating in the  WH s announcement of an investigation, has caused panic among the NWO Globalists and they may have murdered Frank Plummer three days ago because dead men don t talk and he has played a key role in the Ebola, coronavirus plot together with Gary Kobinger at the Winnipeg lab, and Tom Geisbert at the Galveston, Texas lab, helping to develop the Ebola vaccine and possibly helping in secret to develop an airborne version.

The Pentagon has been conducting research on Ebola as a lethal airborne or aerosol agent for more than 40 years.

"Filoviruses like Ebola have been of interest to the Pentagon since the late 1970s, mainly because Ebola and its fellow viruses have high mortality rates — in the current outbreak, roughly 60 percent to 72 percent of those who have contracted the disease have died — and its stable nature in aerosol make it attractive as a potential biological weapon." ... -epidemic/

It is this vaccine, Merck's Ebola vaccine, which can be used to deliver new, hybrids which are airborne and more lethal , new  coronavirus, Ebola hybrids to subjects as part of the ongoing vaccination campaign in the DR Congo.

He was in Africa when he died and my thinking is that he may have gone there to organize for new material to be added to batches of new material to the Merck vaccine which make Ebola more airborne and transmissible. 

I stress that these are my views, my analysis and my interpretation based on the facts and evidence available to me, and not statements of fact.

More soon.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:51 am

Interesting divergence, WR, you'd have thought we'd each be going in the opposite direction.

Truth is, I don't know and I'm not in charge. And those in charge are not in control. We're all just talking out our ass here. Posting fragments. Glad to see the relative caution.

A study from one of the Corona Princess cruise ships:

Figure 1 – Age distribution of reported 2019 Novel Coronavirus cases by gender onboard the Princess Cruises ship (Female =313, Male = 321) Out of the 634 confirmed cases, a total of 306 and 328 were reported to be symptomatic and asymptomatic, respectively. The proportion of asymptomatic individuals appears to be 16.1 % (35/218) before February 13, 25.6 % (73/285) on February 15, 31.2 % (111/355) on February 16, 39.9% (181/454) on February 17, 45.4 % (246/542) on February 18, 51.9% (322/621) on February 19 and 51.7% (328/634) on February 20 (Table 1).

So I guess this means the first cohort to be hit were overwhelmingly symptomatic and as the infection kept spreading the proportion of asymptomatics rose? Or does it mean only that they're testing more asymptomatics as they get around to testing everyone on board?

Soon after identification of the first infections, both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases were transported to designated medical facilities specialized in infectious diseases in Japan. However, these patients were treated as external (imported) cases, and a detailed description of their clinical progression is not publicly available. The asymptomatic proportion was defined as the proportion of asymptomatically infected individuals among the total number of infected individuals.

CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licenseIt is made available under a author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. is the(which was not peer-reviewed) The copyright holder for this preprint . medRxiv preprint ... l.pdf+html
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:57 am

My take on the numbers is that we really don't have any. I've been gobbling up everyone's preprints for over a month now; everything is heavily confounded by circumstances, and aside from the high virulence and capacity to render infected people dead, most of the safe bets that emerged over the course of February have since been problematized by new studies, new data, new anecdotes, new outbreaks.

I would say that based on how the past two months have unfolded it's a safe bet that 1) the boundary between low-level symptoms and "asymptomatic" cases is sufficiently thin to render the distinction useless outside of the most autistic hair-splitting, and 2) those asymptomatic cases are an extremely common outcome for COVID-19 infections, as well as the primary driver of this pandemic.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby coffin_dodger » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:09 am

One wonders what exactly is being discussed over cocktails at Number Ten these days..

Here's a chap I've been watching for the last couple of months - very calm, measured and sensible.

He literally cannot believe the UK govt's response to this outbreak.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby identity » Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:24 pm

Immigration court staff nationwide have been ordered by the Trump administration to take down all coronavirus posters from courtrooms and waiting areas.

The Executive Office for Immigration Review, which falls under the Department of Justice, told all judges and staff members in an email Monday that all coronavirus posters, which explain in English and Spanish how to prevent catching and spreading the virus, had to be removed immediately.

“This is just a reminder that immigration judges do not have the authority to post, or ask you to post, signage for their individual courtrooms or the waiting areas,” wrote Christopher A. Santoro, the country’s acting chief immigration judge in a mass email to immigration court administrators nationwide. Per our leadership, the CDC flyer is not authorized for posting in the immigration courts. If you see one (attached), please remove it. Thank you.”

The email comes after the National Association of Immigration Judges — the union that represents U.S. immigration judges— sent a message to immigration judges suggesting that they post a coronavirus precaution flyer produced by the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in public areas of the courts.

“Frankly it is as baffling to us why EOIR is failing to take any concrete steps, consistent with the CDC and the [U.S. Office of Personnel Management], to safeguard the health of its employees and the public,” Union President A. Ashley Tabaddor told the Miami Herald. “It appears that it is taking an ostrich approach of sticking one’s head in the sand and hoping it would all go away.”
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Karmamatterz » Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:39 pm

New York has asked permission to use private labs for testing, but was denied and must use the only the cdc for testing for confirmation.

Why is that not surprising at all? Of course they want to control all the testing and release of information.

My guess is that as soon as the $8.3 billion in federal funding has been distributed the virus is going to disappear and everyone will be all hunky dory! The MSM will move onto the next bullshit they hype.
The federal mandate was that the money had to be spent in 30 days. So by early April say goodbye to SARS-CoV-2. :yay

By April the weather will be warming and the spring breeze will "cleanse" the Earth.

Aside from that...

Curious what people are doing about stocking food just in case the shit gets real and you're quarantined? Anybody really thinking about what it means to be quarantined? Who's got non-perishables on hand to feed you and your family for a month?

Since speculation here is rampant, what would you do when your food runs out?
How will you protect yourself if you've got food and your neighbors don't?
What will you do if you need insulin, blood thinners, or nitro for your heart, but can't go out to the pharmacy?
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:47 pm

Karmamatterz » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:39 pm wrote:Since speculation here is rampant, what would you do when your food runs out?

Rely on your community.

Karmamatterz » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:39 pm wrote:How will you protect yourself if you've got food and your neighbors don't?

Give them food.

Karmamatterz » Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:39 pm wrote:What will you do if you need insulin, blood thinners, or nitro for your heart, but can't go out to the pharmacy?

You will die.

Here's hoping you're right about April.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:25 pm

JackRiddler » Tue Mar 10, 2020 8:38 am wrote:and also hopeful that it's not the big one yet. (The "big one" being not the World War Z plague event, but a social hysteria on sufficient scale to drive those of us who aren't already in China-style systems irrevocably into a whole new stage of omnipresent control, surveillance, panic and obedience.)

To the disappointment of many, innit.

Via this unsigned Editorial:

COVID-19: too little, too late?

Although WHO has yet to call the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 infection a pandemic, it has confirmed that the virus is likely to spread to most, if not all, countries. Regardless of terminology, this latest coronavirus epidemic is now seeing larger increases in cases outside China. As of March 3, more than 90 000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported in 73 countries. The outbreak in northern Italy, which has seen 11 towns officially locked down and residents threatened with imprisonment if they try to leave, shocked European political leaders. Their shock turned to horror as they saw Italy become the epicentre for further spread across the continent. As the window for global containment closes, health ministers are scrambling to implement appropriate measures to delay spread of the virus. But their actions have been slow and insufficient. There is now a real danger that countries have done too little, too late to contain the epidemic.

By striking contrast, the WHO-China joint mission report calls China's vigorous public health measures toward this new coronavirus probably the most “ambitious, agile and aggressive disease containment effort in history”. China seems to have avoided a substantial number of cases and fatalities, although there have been severe effects on the nation's economy. In its report on the joint mission, WHO recommends that countries activate the highest level of national response management protocols to ensure the all-of-government and all-of-society approaches needed to contain viral spread. China's success rests largely with a strong administrative system that it can mobilise in times of threat, combined with the ready agreement of the Chinese people to obey stringent public health procedures. Although other nations lack China's command-and-control political economy, there are important lessons that presidents and prime ministers can learn from China's experience. The signs are that those lessons have not been learned.


So far, evidence suggests that the colossal public health efforts of the Chinese Government have saved thousands of lives. High-income countries, now facing their own outbreaks, must take reasoned risks and act more decisively. They must abandon their fears of the negative short-term public and economic consequences that may follow from restricting public freedoms as part of more assertive infection control measures.

Edit: Apologies to Blue, who already posted this when it dropped.
Last edited by Wombaticus Rex on Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Cordelia » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:33 pm

U.S. prisons are not ready for coronavirus

The constant flow of both staff and detainees in and out of jails means that a powerful virus could take over quickly and easily.

By P. Leila Barghouty Mar—06—2020

The coronavirus outbreak has grown from an isolated, regional health scare to a worldwide threat. However, health statistics, including those that come from the Centers for Disease Control, tend to overwhelmingly neglect one particularly at-risk population: the more than two million people in the United States held in prisons, jails, detention centers, and correctional facilities — often in alarmingly close quarters. After years of failing to mitigate the spread of infectious disease outbreaks, American prisons are faced with figuring out how they’ll prevent a coronavirus outbreak from sweeping their petri-dish-like conditions.

Since 1970, the prison population has grown by 700 percent.
According to the ACLU, facilities have struggled to keep up, and as a result many prisons across the U.S. are overcrowded. On top of that, access to and quality of medical care is dependent on state budgets, and thus varies greatly from state to state. “It’s a very fragmented system,” Venters said.

And the care that is available usually isn’t free. In most American prisons, inmates have to fork up a copayment to see a doctor. The up-front cost stems from the Social Security Act of 1965, which excludes inmates from any federal Medicaid funds unless they’re hospitalized for more than a day. The responsibility for paying for an inmate’s care ends up on the state, the county, and the inmate themself. But just like it is for many Americans, a copay is a huge barrier to care for those behind bars, and many simply forgo seeking care at all. “Our prison system is not interested in making sure everybody gets the best possible care,” Wanda Bertram, a spokesperson for the criminal justice non-profit Prison Policy Initiative said. “People in prison are treated as disposable.”

MORE... ... i=niu2xjce

But it’s not just poor conditions and lack of preparation that make prison and jail populations more susceptible to infection. The incarcerated population is more likely to have asthma, heart disease, and other conditions that increase the risk of catching even a mild virus. Respiratory illness in particular has been linked to coronavirus deaths. The prison population is also getting old; people over 55 are the fastest-growing demographic in U.S. facilities. And as the virus spreads, age is proving to be a serious risk factor for coronavirus severity

“People in prison are treated as disposable”

Like the homeless. :tear
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:43 pm


Iran has RELEASED seventy thousand prisoners.

I'm lazy, so I will just guess that half of them were political prisoners or lifestyle deviants, and half of those were probably rounded up during the recent protests.

But still! Can you imagine the US carceral system releasing any prisoners because of this?

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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Iamwhomiam » Tue Mar 10, 2020 7:46 pm

Karmamatterz wrote:
My guess is that as soon as the $8.3 billion in federal funding has been distributed the virus is going to disappear and everyone will be all hunky dory! The MSM will move onto the next bullshit they hype.
The federal mandate was that the money had to be spent in 30 days. So by early April say goodbye to SARS-CoV-2.

Unlikely scenario, imo.

CDC to cut by 80 percent efforts to prevent global disease outbreak
By Lena H. Sun
Feb. 1, 2018 at 1:53 p.m. EST

This morning I calculated the US fatality rate to be just above 3.5% according to the latest figures reported. Right now it stands at 2.9%.

Identity - Didn't know about the order removing the warnings from courtrooms and waiting areas, but read somewhere those being removed weren't bilingual; all were in English only. Regardless, they're cold-hearted bastards.

US border officer charged with smuggling 17 kilos of cocaine
March 10, 2020
Updated: March 10, 2020 6:03 p.m.
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