Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:25 pm

We are still very early. There are well over $1 trillion worth of assets Bitcoin is going to eat its way through.

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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:09 pm

Zap CEO Jack Mallers on Fox Business - Why NFL Players Want to Be Paid in Bitcoin - Calls Out The FED - Dec 30 2020
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Spiro C. Thiery » Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:52 pm

Seeing the world through rose-colored latex.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Jan 01, 2021 4:11 pm


Bitcoin approaching $30K..


As perspective, see this thread here, from way back in 2013:

Belligerent Savant » Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:55 pm wrote:. ... er-of.html

In 2002, social networking hit really its stride with the launch of Friendster. Friendster used a degree of separation concept similar to that of the now-defunct, refined it into a routine dubbed the “Circle of Friends” (wherein the pathways connecting two people are displayed), and promoted the idea that a rich online community can exist only between people who truly have common bonds

Friendster was replaced by Myspace and Myspace was replaced by Facebook.
Google+ competes with Facebook.
Sina Weibo, Twitter and Linkedin are also significant players

Bitcoin is major cryptocurrency now but there are many others


Bitcoin is open source software.
Linux is an open source operating system.
Will the future evolution of cryptocurrency follow something similar to the model operating systems ?

It seems very likely that there will be many more successful cryptocurrencies and variations for different purposes and with different backers.

The world economy has about $80 trillion in GDP and closing in on 1 quadrillion in total accumulated value and net worth.

The world foreign exchange market is $5.3 trillion per day.

Cryptocurrency has a long way to go.


Brock_C • 6 days ago
One of the few things I'm certain of is that the value of a BitCoin is basically zero over the long term. It's completely useless as either money or a product.

What is useful is secure peer-to-peer payments and proof of ownership. The distributed but secure block chain is a brilliant invention. But the block chain is a ledger that currently only has one asset type on it (BitCoins). People own BTC because they have to in order to use the ledger. They don't actually want them except as a speculative "greater fool" strategy.

BitCoin has a number of other shortcomings. It's price volatility is just a symptom of that. Eventually something better will come along, and when that happens no one will need to hold BTC anymore and they will fall in price to their intrinsic value (zero).
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HoboJerky Brock_C • 6 days ago
Colored Coins is probably what you're thinking of. It would allow anyone in the world to pay bitcoins(the value) to receive "shares" of whatever(with the associated counter-party risk of course), with almost no friction. Would that be enough to bump it's value from zero to something?

This layer is almost here.
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Write In Vote • 6 days ago
It is a mistake to think Bitcoin is free of govt tampering. It may take till 2025 when there are 1 million qubit quantum computers to crack the hashing function, but the NSA designed it so by definition it's backdoored, and designed so that it cannot be replaced in a backwards compatible way. Bitcoin didn't catch the NSA off guard. The NSA were exploring virtual currencies as early as 1996 and they have a history of designing open source code, eg. Google Android.
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Tom_Craver Write In Vote • 6 days ago
Wouldn't it be cool if someday it comes out that one day the top officers at the NSA were sitting around complaining about how they feel bad and are unable to sleep because they were always being so evil, and one of them said "Yeah, we need to do something good to balance that all out." and another one said "Yeah, but what?" and after none of them could think up anything non-evil to do, one of them said "Hey, I know, lets create another NSA front company, except we'll give it just one mandate - 'Don't be evil - except when we tell you to' ! Then we can go on doing as much evil as we want, and still sleep at night!"

And so, Google was born... (For public consumption, they decided to shorten their slogan a bit.)
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Tying this all back to the 'Great Reset' theme, I find this insightful -- albeit lengthy -- piece to be largely spot-on [lots of embedded links at the source]:

The Great Reset for Dummies

Where do we go from here?

Tessa Lena
Oct 28, 2020

What is “the Great Reset”?

The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, the obsessiveness of a deranged accountant with a gambling addiction—and an upgraded, digital version of “Manifest Destiny.”

The mathematical reason for the Great Reset is that thanks to technology, the planet has gotten small, and the infinite expansion economic model is bust—but obviously, the super wealthy want to continue staying super wealthy, and so they need a miracle, another bubble, plus a surgically precise system for managing what they perceive as “their limited resources.” Thus, they desperately want a bubble providing new growth out of thin air—literally—while simultaneously they seek to tighten the peasants’ belts, an effort that starts with “behavioral modification,” a.k.a. resetting the western peasants’ sense of entitlement to high life standards and liberties (see awful “privilege”).

The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets.

Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions: one, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the allegedly benevolent state, which, in turn, is owned by several suddenly benevolent wealthy people, via technology)—and two, that all inventory needs to be strictly accounted for: be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner and easily ID’ed, and be managed by AI, using the latest “science.” The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital anxiety and precision—all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability. The king’s world feels far more predictable and relaxed when the chaos of human subjectivity is contained for good.

Plus, as a potentially lucrative aside, a bunch of these tightly managed “assets” can be also turned into new financial instruments and traded. Game on!

In other words, it’s an “efficient” global feudalism that goes much farther than its medieval brother since the scanner is all-seeing: every person, every mineral, and every berry is digitally tagged and tracked. Under that framework, every peasant has a function that is derived not from the mystery of life, and not from their inner calling—but from AI, the master of efficiency and the servant of the king. Ideally, the peasants can be convinced that it’s good for them (or necessary to be safe, see “contact tracing”) and that this is what progress and happiness are like—but if not, there are other ways, from classic violence to virtual prisons to “morality pills.”

The reform in question is meant to disrupt all areas of life, on a planetary scale: government, international relations, finance, energy, food, medicine, jobs, urban planning, real estate, law enforcement, and human interactions—and it starts with changing the way we think of ourselves and our relationship with the world. Notably, privacy is a huge thorn in the collective eye of our “great resetters”—and—as I am typing this, they are pushing their sweet talking points about how privacy is really an outdated concept—especially when it comes to people’s medical data, sheesh—and that we simply cannot move forward with the bright future if silly people keep clinging to their privacy.

I will briefly go over different elements of this slippery reform in a sec—but to sum it up, the desired end result is a giant, joyless, highly controlled global conveyor of everything and everybody where privacy is tremendously expensive, dissent is unthinkable, and spiritual submission is mandatory. It’s like a 24/7 medicated reality, except the medications are both chemical and digital, and they are reporting you back to the mothership, which can then punish you for bad behavior by, say, blocking your access to certain places or by putting a hold on your digital bank account—perhaps without any human intervention at all.

Thus, on a sensory level—as it relates to money and power—this conveyor is an attempt of the super wealthy to organize and monetize their “assets,” including people—more efficiently than ever before. On a theological level, the initiative is shaped by transhumanism, a formal belief system rooted in a pathological feeling of being repelled by all things natural—and a resulting view of biological forms as defective robots, which are made perfect, serial killer perfect, by merging with machines in a way that redefines the meaning of being alive and defies death itself.

I would like to stress that we should never underestimate the importance of subjective feelings and theology in the shaping of historical events. Our entire history is a sum of subjective choices—where the choices of the more powerful and the more driven weigh more. And religious reform, which typically stems from various powerful individuals’ subjective preference for what the big picture should be like, has been a driver of large-scale social, economic, and cultural changes on this planet for centuries. What we are looking at here is a new religion—and as much as I want to believe in the general cleanliness and rationality of the system—on the higher level, we are not dealing with a rational, scientific, honest, benevolent—or even misguided—attempt to make things better. When it comes to the masterminds of the Great Reset, we are dealing with a combination of standard greed—and the emotional pathology of restless, rotting madmen who are freaking out over the maintenance of their property in this new era, and who resent their biological nature as such and want to be gods. Sadly, the crazies are rich and well-connected, and they can hire a million underlings to put on a convincing, feel-good, rational external-facing presentation about their new religion. And to bribe the media. And politicians. And academics. And campaign organizers. And non-profits. And let’s not forget my brethren, the artists, who, out of starvation and indignity, will then create beautiful, artful, moving ads for anything that pays. And by the time the circle is complete, we have a brand new public opinion and technically, still a “democracy”! If only those conspiracy theorists went away…

So, who are the people leading this, and how coordinated is this effort?

From the looks of it, it seems to be the usual suspects: top capitalists of the world, historically wealthy dynasties from different parts of Earth, members of secular and religious royalty, billionaires, etc.—in other words, it’s the people who have enough money to feel like this world is theirs, the 0.0001%—and maybe also the people immediately under them who are seeking upward mobility. Some familiar faces, some faces we’ve never seen.

Obviously, they are not a monolithic mass, and I am sure that they don’t agree with each other on everything and probably compete over who gets to eat more peasants. There is certainly rivalry between the American and the Chinese elites, for example, or between the American and the Russian elites—as well as between different individual super sharks. But all in all, even as they compete, they have shared interests and shared messaging, and there is more strategic camaraderie and common ground between them than between any of them and any of the peasants. For example, none of them is likely to turn down the idea of creating a new class of financial assets to make money off! In addition, they also have advisers—who, in turn, are competing with each other for the highest pay, trying to push their ideas through. All subjective, yet also extensively—and expensively—coordinated in areas of their shared interests.

And currently, the “winning” concept of the day seems to be a world filled with abbreviations: AI, 5G, IoT, and so on. A world where the money is digital, the food is lab-grown, where everything is counted and controlled by giant monopolies, and the people are largely deprived of free will. A world where each element of nature and each living being is either a data host, or a source of energy—or both. A world where the flow of the peasants’ everyday is micromanaged by ever-monitoring, ever-nudging AI that registers thoughts and feelings before the people even get a chance to make those thoughts and feeling their own. A world where living itself is outsourced to the machine, and a human being is essentially a meat suit.

Now, I don’t think that this exact vision will ever come true in full. It is likely to implode before it gets half-way there—and some of what I just described is no more than daydreaming of a very broken mind. But the powerful crazies are trying their best to make this nightmare reality. Thus, the danger is not in being overtaken by suddenly self-conscious AI but in the disruption of normal life and in the utter misery that the crazies may cause to our minds and bodies as they rush to slice and dice the world, using various convenient catch phrases such as “global health crisis” or “climate change.”

And yes, there is definitely coordination and continuity, as there is continuity in dynasties and philosophical trends. Some of it is more ephemeral, and some of it is more concrete. On the ephemeral side, the vision of the “resetters” is related to the futuristic ideas that were popular in the early 20th century, to the dream of a global corporate monopoly that propped up the bolshevik revolution of 1917, and to the overall crave of controlling the world with technology, something that was attempted and failed in the Soviet Union in the 60s—using the language very similar to today’s. On the concrete side, the Great Reset (which by the way is very well coordinated, to the extent that both Biden and Johnson are using the same coded words put forward by the WEF) grows out of the post-WWII efforts to maintain a “correct” power balance in the world, with “correct” financial interests reaping the benefits.

The “sustainability” language, which is an important pillar of the Great Reset marketing kit, was initially created as a part of various United Nation’s programs—such as “Agenda 21” and “Agenda 2030,” and I am sure that during the production of those programs, both elements—conspiracy and benevolence—were present. Both are sets of extremely dry and boring documents about resource management and justice, which read like something written by a tired, square Soviet teacher with a good grasp of bureaucratic terms, written mostly to justify the paycheck of the bureaucrats and the existence of the United Nations. What’s interesting about the latter is that typically, the UN is pretty useless, meaning that people get together, talk, come up with long bureaucratic documents and non-binding resolutions—and then nothing of essence happens. But not this time. Not now. The program’s on! So it must be important to somebody who’s paying. And yes, I am cynical. In everything that happens, there is always a combination of good intentions, greed, ambition, personal relationships, financial interests, delusions, and so on. Politicians talk to financiers, generals talk to politicians, somebody is somebody else’s uncle, and this is how things get done. Unfortunately, the less straightforward the top-down messaging, and the more abundant the propaganda, the less the value of good intentions, and the easier it is for villains to pull off utter absurdities.

And of course, initiatives of such great magnitude may go through very long and quiet “planning phases,” during which the desired ideas are being planted in the heads of the desired people through private conversations, small meeting, funded research, industry conventions, and the like. So by the time the “action” button is pressed, it feels like a trend is already there. And let me repeat again, absolutely everything in history is a result of subjective choices made by subjective people. The way everything in history happens is that people get together, decide what they want to do, and do it. When important people act, the impact is more visible. So, in a way, everything is a “conspiracy,” because everything comes through human agency. And often, the important people cover up their deeds, that shouldn’t be a radical idea.

And yes, by now, the top power holders in the West have figured out that it’s more cost-effective and less labor-consuming for them to just bribe the media “of record,” the scientists, the academics, the politicians, and even the “controlled opposition”—and have them convince the peasants—than to police everything and everyone by force. And by the way, while the pinnacle of this tower is a conspiracy in earnest, in a sense of it being a coordinated effort where the masterminds are acting in general alignment with each other, without disclosing their true long-term goals to the peasants—the rest of the tower is probably the usual human stuff, multiplied by the lack of the old-fashioned, moral sense of responsibility. The usual human stuff is a medley of ambition, hustling, greed, carelessness, arrogance, and even good intentions. The closer to the bottom, the more ignorance and the better the intentions—because most people do believe that they are doing good—but it doesn’t change the tragic trajectory of the “resetting” cavalcade.

Okay but maybe hold on, there is a real crisis, and the rich have woken up because they want to live? What if there is no conspiracy per se, and they have simply realized that the planet is a mess, and now they want to address the issues of overpopulation and pollution because there really are too many people on the planet who are all over-consuming and polluting? What do you say to that?

I am glad you asked, so let’s talk about that.

It is absolutely true that the soulless, utilitarian approach to nature, to life, and to other living beings has been extremely destructive—with the most immediate, most visible destruction outsourced to “third world countries” and to the less financially fortunate people in the West. (See landfills, Cancer Alley, and unhealthy, poison-filled non-organic foods). It is true that massive consumerism and the use of disposables (brought to us by more or less the same parties who are now scolding people for consumerism) have created a lot of messes. It is true that our oceans and lungs are full of plastic, that the amount of chronic disease is skyrocketing, and that many species are dying off. It is true that our soil, our food, and our bodies are tainted with highly toxic glyphosate. It is true that usually, decades pass between the time manufacturers realize the toxicity of their product and the time when saying so in a conversation stops being a conspiracy theory. All true. However, it is also true that the people who are pointing fingers at social ills and telling us that we need a Great Reset are from same camps and lineages that have caused it in the first place. It is true that underneath the language of their marketing brochures, there is toxicity and havoc that greatly exceed what we have today. Thus, they are either idiots or liars—and I am afraid it is the latter. However rich, they are not even remotely morally qualified to fix anything in this world. And whatever we choose to do to heal our relationship with nature and with each other—it definitely isn’t the technofascist, neofeudal Great Reset.

A metaphor: If the leader of the Rapists Party came up with a Platform Against Rape that didn’t stop the raping but that rebranded the very act by saying that if one uses a pink dildo made of recycled plastic to penetrate, then it’s not rape… would you think it’s a platform against rape in earnest?

So no, they are not the people to lead the way (just check out this garbage in space idea). If we go along, we will end up with a world that looks like this:

Speaking of solutions, there are plenty of activists and local leaders, such as Vandana Shiva, for example, coming up with ways to heal our relationship with nature. There are whistleblowers. There are lawyers fighting corporate giants and sometimes winning. There are doctors risking their careers to protect their patients. There are local farmers. There are artists baring their souls. There are truth tellers. There is dignity, and there is respect if we insist on them. I believe that good long-term solutions come from inner honesty and peace, and that each of us possesses the unique genius that helps us locate our piece of the puzzle, which ultimately heals the world.

As far as there being too many people on the planet, I think even that is spin. Actually, Vandana Shiva has produced analysis of industrial vs. traditional local agriculture in terms of numbers, and it looks like we’ve been lied to by Big Ag about their importance, too. Also, the biggest “demographic problem” in the West right now is the growing number of the old vs. the young. And even in the “developing world,” the trends seem to be different from what we are are taught to think. And furthermore, the planet has enough for all, and the reason we are facing scarcity is because that 0.0001% of people control a lot. Ironically, they are the same people who are worried that there is not enough, pushing the idea of overpopulation—often while breeding enthusiastically—and infecting young brains with the idea of overpopulation to the extent that now, some middle-class young people don’t want to have kids, “to save the planet.” How messed up is that?

And yes, the idea of overpopulation has been worrying the leaders for some decades. I would argue that at times, their thoughts have carried eugenics overtones (see, for example, this 1974 Kissinger Report that brags about “incentivizing” Indian men to get vasectomies). And no, it wouldn’t be completely crazy to posit that eugenics didn’t quite go away since Hitler has ruined the brand, and that whoever believes themselves to own the world, probably wouldn’t mind a little more surgical management of the demographic trends. Can I read their minds? No. I can’t say who exactly thinks what exactly, and luckily for me, I am not invited to their meetings—but every now and then, personas like Gates or Prince Charles say things that sound quite Hitleresque, and it make me wonder. On the other hand, I don’t find it particularly shocking because human nature hasn’t changed since the time when eugenics was socially acceptable in the “respectable society.” Thus, my theory is that some powerful people of the world are truly evil and probably fiddling with eugenics—and some are probably just indifferent to the desires of the peasants—but on my end, I don’t really care which one it is. Evil or indifferent, I don’t want them to destroy my world. Is that too much to ask?

Now, let’s quickly look at the areas that, according to the blueprint of the Great Reset, need to be disrupted and completely redesigned. That is a giant topic in itself, and I will only touch upon it lightly, with a special focus on the language used and how it overlaps with the “pandemic response.” I strongly encourage you to go to the World Economic Forum website and look around.

Statehood and Governance.

In the new world, countries still exist but they all abide by a central order. It’s “cooperative” (wink, wink). A lot of government functions are automated and delegated to AI. Decisions are based on data and algorithms, there is no privacy, and there is a lot more fluidity as far as migrations (so unfortunately, the very humane sentiment of being kind to immigrants that is being promoted in the media might not be about kindness, which is a bummer to me personally). There is also a possibility of replacing human governments with AI altogether, but not immediately. The reasoning is simple: In order for the super wealthy to manage global inventory, individual governments have to act more like mid-level managers accountable to international authorities than like independent federal governments.

(Remember how “mom and pop shops” were pushed off the market and replaced by chain stores? Same thing here except in this case, the mom and pop stores are countries.)

Traditional America, now, is very much in the way of this. Its habit of generous consumption and free expression, its self-centered foreign policies, its sense of entitlement, and its big suburban houses are a no-go. A traditional, independent, strong America is an obstacle. In that light—and with a disclaimer that I don’t think that there is such a thing as a just empire, I feel like there is an active effort to “even America out,” to co-opt its government, to destroy farms and small businesses—especially the ones that are not consistent with this all-digital future—and to bring down the entitled middle class, especially in “outdated” career paths. It feels like we are currently in the middle of a “color revolution,” a soft coup. Usually, American elites do it to other nations—but now it’s happening on the domestic soil. It feels like the Great Reset agenda, through its messengers and through its money, is shaping both the schizophrenic “COVID response” and the suddenly mainstream and well-funded, super corporate “social justice / climate” movement, which are all at this point intertwined in terms of messaging. Both pretend to promote public good, and both skillfully weaponize real issues and get a rise out of people who have a real love of fairness in their hearts—all to clear the way for the financial goals of the “great resetters”—such as a complete erosion of privacy (see contact tracing), moving all human activities online (see, well, everything), AI-based law enforcement and precrime (see “defund the police”), and so on. And yes, America has many honest problems. But it’s not like the current structures are being replaced with a council of spiritually grounded, wise indigenous elders who are deeply connected to Earth and who will not hurt any innocent life. What’s being attempted—however fuzzy the marketing coverup—is far worse, far less humane, and far more destructive than what we have today. I don’t like it.


It’s digital currency, crypto, and mobile payments all the way. The citizens must be totally transparent and leave a trace of everything they do, remember?


All I can say is I hope you like cockroach meat, because it’s coming.

Cynical remarks aside, the “future of food” is a disaster. The liars in high chairs have the nerve to use good words like “sustainable development” but there is nothing sustainable about this thing. It’s BigAg on steroids, very toxic. And, incidentally, it’s also energy-consuming as all these robots, sensors, and data centers ain’t free, but who’s counting that.

Also, today’s farms have to go. Not only are the pesky traditional local farmers competing with patented lab-grown food and—also patented—GMOs, and—also patented—soils—they are also taking up the space needed for royal recreational areas, as well as wind turbine and solar panel parks (which all take up a lot of space, by the way). And what do you know, maybe the kings really want to “conserve” some patches of nature by keeping it free of people. It’s their inventory, after all, it makes sense to maintain it well.

No wonder the “COVID response” is hitting the farms so hard, forcing them to go out of business…


Bill Gates is one of the richest people on earth and the founder of the world’s largest philanthropic organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Now a new global citizens report, published by Navdanya International, shows that behind the do-gooding image of the Gates Foundation lies a toxic philosophy of philanthrocapitalism that relies on the corporate takeover of our seed, agriculture, food, knowledge and global health systems and on manipulating information and eroding our democracies. ... eedy-gates





So far, in both medicine and education, we are very much on track, thanks to the global pandemic…


Now, this one is interesting. Because fossil fuels, the devil of today’s marketing, are genuinely bad. It’s true that oil extraction is abusive to the planet. The spills create a lot of havoc, and they happen all the time. Oil barons are bandits. People who live close to refineries get sick. Plastic, which comes from oil, is polluting everything, from the oceans to our stomachs and lungs. However, fossil fuels are also the only energy source—besides nuclear—that is currently capable of supporting the world’s population’s consumption levels. Furthermore, if you look under the hood of “green,” it’s not that green, really, unless we are talking the color of money. Solar panels take up a ton on space (see below), they degrade quickly, and turn into toxic heaps.

Wind turbines also take up a ton of space and have their own problems. Both are highly dependent on weather and don’t provide sufficient energy. It is also noteworthy that the recent film by Michael Moore, Planet of the Humans, which was exploring some of the not so green aspects of “green energy” and shedding light on some of the corruption in the environmental movement, was attacked by the leading environmentalists to viciously and so uniformly that the film was removed from major platforms and kind of disappeared from the public eye.

Anyway, what’s going to happen if fossil fuels go away? By the way—and this is an important point—I am not actually convinced that the “resetters’” intend for fossil fuels to truly go away. I think we could be looking at an act of rebranding. I did think until recently that they really wanted to “disappear” fossil fuels—but then I looked into “climate tech”—and now I am thinking that the things are more complex, that it could be a strategic geopolitical maneuver. I don’t know. There are some peculiar technological overlaps between fossil fuels and “green” energy—but time will tell. In any case, if they either go away or pretend to go away, we’ll quickly discover that wind and solar are not cutting it—and then, we’ll meet our new king of “green” energy, nuclear fusion, yay.

When that happens, our friend [Bill Gates], the famous philantrocapitalist, will come to rescue. He is heavily invested in nuclear fusion reactors—in fact, his favorite project, according to himself. (Actually, he happens to be very deeply involved in about every bullet point on the Great Reset list, what a business genius he is.) But wait, to make the intrigue even more interesting, the WHO, which of course enjoys his generous funding, has in the past gone to great lengths to underplay the health toll of nuclear incidents such as Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Speaking of energy and finance, let’s talk about “human capital.” In the new world, “human capital” is not just a metaphor for HR or labor. Microsoft, for example, has a patent for a method of transforming human behavior into cryptocurency, which is done through an unspecified device coupled with a server that registers body activity and “mines” crypto. [BSavant note: see page 2 of this thread, where I linked to a patent reference to this specific technology]. Since under the New Normal, digital and crypto are supposed to become mainstream, this looks suspiciously like a tool that can be used both to tightly control the behavior of the poor who may depend on this for income—and to literally mine the bodies of otherwise “useless” welfare dependents / UBI recipients for energy (which, by the way, is an actual thing, believe it or not).

Furthermore, this patent could potentially be used to create a new financial instrument because, if mined for energy, these people become “assets” that could possibly be bunched together into virtual portfolios and virtually traded. See how neat? Now, we are talking proper serfdom! And yes, this sounds very sci-fi but let’s not forget how some billionaire “visionaries” think—not like normal people, or else the workers at Amazon warehouses wouldn’t be wearing diapers to skip bathroom breaks. Also let’s not forget that today, there is trading of very theoretical items as well as betting on weather. A lot of money in this world is made on strange, arbitrary things!

Speaking of weather, the Great Reset also legitimizes the dangerous, invasive atrocity that is geoengineering, and makes it potentially “cool” and “life-saving,” just like some “climate change movement” white papers do. I noticed that and mourned that fact a couple of years ago, screaming from the rooftops about how messed up it was. Spraying toxic crap in the air is cool and “green”? What an act of linguistic trickery.

Also, a word on carbon. I am not going to get into the entire thing because the article is already long, however, it seems that whatever the story of carbon was at birth, by now the story has transformed into a tool of creating a market out of thin air, and a bunch of financial instruments to make money off, also out of thin air. For example, look at this plant, backed by Gates and some oil giants. My favorite part is that after carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere using a cocktail of chemicals, one of the ways to store the loot is to burn a bunch of trees (sorry, “biomass”). Yes, that makes perfect sense, because who can make money off simply leaving trees alone and letting them do the job, for free? What kind of idiot would allow that?

I would also like to point out the fact that when it’s stored, it’s stored deep underground in ways never done before. (What does is do to the inner processes of the planet? Did anybody think this through?) It also requires building pipelines to transport carbon dioxide from one place to another, much like transporting oil. And finally, carbon capture and storage is incredibly energy intensive, and the energy comes from… fossil fuels? Nuclear? Wind turbines that then have to take up half of the planet’s surface? Oh I don’t know… And speaking of language, the goal is not “zero carbon emissions,” it’s “Net Zero Carbon Emissions,” which means that we can keep polluting, and then build a new lucrative industry on top of it, while creating a new kind of pollution. In other words, business as usual…

Also, while we are on the topic of “green sustainable development,” isn’t building a lot more surveillance tech and infrastructure—which are all extremely energy-consuming not to mention unclean—at odds with the idea of green? I thought about it a while ago when I read, with great initial excitement, the text of the Green New Deal proposed legislation. I was, like, yay justice and indigenous rights, yay…. wait… “smart” power grids? Isn’t it exactly what Big Tech wants, and doesn’t it imply a need for smart sensors that come with more infrastructure and satellites, more towers, a loss of privacy, and new kind of wireless pollution producing untested health effects? It stopped me on my tracks and compelled me to look into various “green” initiatives—and as a result, discover various skeletons in the closet. And then I stumbled into the work of Cory Morningstar, and I was like, wow. My instincts were right, it’s not exactly what it seems!!

Now, this provides a nice segue into how the “global health crisis” narrative plays into the Great Reset.

First, some housekeeping notes.

As I said before, the Great Reset is an extremely ambitious plan of restructuring both the world’s economy—and the very notion of what it means to be alive. (Is an AI-nudged zombie whose decision-making is externalized really alive?) Without a cooperating population, this ambitious economic and religious reform cannot succeed.

What is the best way of making the population cooperate with this very strange reform? It’s fear—because promises of pleasure are not enough to pull off such a massive and bizarro shift. Thus, it has to be fear and stress, whether it’s because of an external enemy, a prospect of a natural disaster, or a disease.

Let’s not forget that prior to 2020, there has already been a very expensively organized fear narrative, supported by more or less the same players who are now pushing for the Great Reset. I am of course talking about the weaponized “climate change” narrative. And while there are plenty of environmental problems that need to be addressed asap, the corporate “climate change” movement has been strangely focused on messaging that roughly coincides with the messaging of the Great Reset campaign, serving their financial goals—and the funding trajectories also overlap. So it looks like the financial interests behind the Great Reset tried out to use the “climate movement” first but it didn’t generate the desired fear levels quickly enough. Not enough people cared. I have personally sat through a training session, and am familiar with “organizing” and the neurolinguistic programming tricks that are supposed to make the audiences very worried about the climate. The messaging is very well thought-through and gives away a generous financial backing, it’s not a hippie grassroots movement—even if a lot of individual people sincerely pour their souls into that. Just like rank-and-file Jehovah witnesses knocking on your door might be extremely sincere.

As a human being, I don’t trust any entity that coldly, calculatedly, tries to make me scared and trigger a stress response. The people I listened to didn’t seem very afraid themselves. They were well-fed, middle-class, and not underemployed. They were not afraid to be arrested at a protest—and actually they sought to be arrested, without any fear for their future employment. After seeing that, I started asking questions as to why they wanted me to be afraid, and what they wanted me to do. When I started asking questions and researching, it turned out that the trajectory of “solutions” included things like smart grids, electric cars (that are not remotely green), and geoengineering. That, to me, was not acceptable. It also meant that they didn’t really respect the planet because if they did, they wouldn’t want to stick towers everywhere or spray crap in the atmosphere to block the sun. Now, it is very possible that the environmental movement was good and honest when it just started—but a lot of it has been since hijacked, in a very stealthy way where the people on the ground don’t even realize whom they are serving. And again, let me repeat: There is a tremendous need for true sustainability, it’s just that the practical measures implied by the coded marketing language are not sustainable at all!

In any case, scaring the people with the official narrative of the climate emergency definitely created a ripple in people’s consciousness and a degree of environmental anxiety, especially in Gen Z—but it didn’t do enough to either paralyze or mobilize. But when the virus came along, as if by magic, things started falling into places quickly—things that had been unthinkable before. No, I am not saying that the virus isn’t real. And I am not making any definitive statements about where it came from or how it came about. I have my theories but some things, I just won’t know, and can’t change. But what I know is that the reaction has been absurd, unprecedented, and strangely consistent with the action items that had already been on the agenda. Speaking of emergencies, Woodstock happened during a big pandemic…

So let’s see.

Did we forcefully move most activities—such as education, medicine, shopping, sex, and recreation—online for now, as we are working on “digitizing” the physical world, for easy tracking and surveillance?

Did we, despite the lockdowns for white collar peasants, continue with construction—including very robust construction of new telecom structures and cellular antennas, necessary to support the IoT?

Did we succeed at near destroying the livelihoods of many independent farmers who were competing with our new “edible” products, and also at disrupting the traditional food supply chains?

Did we also succeed at destroying a good number of small face-to-face businesses?
Well, of course!

Live music venues and theaters?
For sure.

Are we working on replacing law enforcement with AI?
You bet! Defund! Defund! Defund!

Are we trying to legitimize complete erosion of privacy and easy access to private health data?
Yes! Because health emergency.

Are we on target when it comes to tracking every movement of every person?
Contact tracing, yes! But some countries are still behind.

Is a digital health ID now required for international travel?
Yes, Common Pass is live!

Have we been able to disrupt political and legal procedures and create chaos?
Yes, Sir!

Importantly, have we succeeded at messing up human thinking and relationships to the extent that we, the robot, the abuser, are now everybody’s only friend?
Still working on it but close.

Are we well on target with prepping the people for a broad rollout of smart wearables?
Yep. Wear your mask.

Are we legally controlling people’s sex lives?

Speaking of, state control of people’s bodies and sexuality is a classic sign of a religious reform. Whenever that happens, watch out.

Or let’s take lockdowns, for example. Lockdowns and restrictions of movement and physical contact are great tools of behavioral modification—and behavioral modification, also known as social engineering, is for sure a very respected art form among the powerful ones. A self-respecting social engineer plans ten steps ahead and creates situations in which targets beg for desired changes! I posit that currently, we are subjected to an involuntary S&M dance. We are in the middle of a ritual designed to create a sense of confusion, insecurity, and dependence—eventually to be resolved by our Masters, for which we will be very grateful because we will just want to the unbearable tension to be resolved. Already, many have developed the Stockholm Syndrome, siding with the abuser. The measures are entirely arbitrary—but it doesn’t matter, we are expected to comply and to accept that our suffering and deprivation are for our own good. It makes us a “better person.”

In the eyes of a psychopath, there is no joy.

In the eyes of a slave, there is an acceptance of a strange feeling of numbness where the soul used to be.

Where do we go from there?

I, for one, don’t think that we should accept the darkness. I think that our best option is to insist on dignity and to find our hearts. Our hearts will tell us what to do next.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby dada » Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:33 pm

"The reform in question is meant to disrupt all areas of life, on a planetary scale: government, international relations, finance, energy, food, medicine, jobs, urban planning, real estate, law enforcement, and human interactions—and it starts with changing the way we think of ourselves and our relationship with the world."

Works for me.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby mentalgongfu2 » Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:51 pm

Without going one by one on my points of disagreement, both strong and subtle,
Did we succeed at near destroying the livelihoods of many independent farmers who were competing with our new “edible” products, and also at disrupting the traditional food supply chains?

That one sticks out as not entirely accurate.
Thanks to the government paying nearly 40% of their income, U.S. farmers are expected to end 2020 with higher profit than 2019 and the best net income in seven years.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Thanks to the government paying nearly 40% of their income, U.S. farmers are expected to end 2020 with higher profit than 2019 and the best net income in seven years, the Department of Agriculture said in its latest farm income forecast.

Farmers faced challenges throughout 2020 that included the impact of trade disputes; low prices that drove down cash receipts for corn, cotton, wheat, chicken, cattle and hogs; and weather difficulties such as drought in some areas and an unusual August wind storm stretching from South Dakota to Ohio that centered on Iowa.

Farm cash receipts are forecast to decrease nearly 1% to $366.5 billion, the lowest in more than a decade, measured in real dollars. Direct federal government payments saved farmers’ bottom line: Farmers overall saw a 107% increase in direct payments from 2019, when a third of net income came directly from the government.

The impact of the money varies from one farm to another, depending on whether a farmer owns the land, has significant capital to draw from, has manageable debt and aggressively manages wide commodity price swings.

“The payment to one farm could be a matter of life and death of that farm and for another farm maybe just makes it not quite as bad of a year as it was going to be and everywhere in between,” said Mike Paustian, a farmer who raises hogs and grows soybeans and corn near Walcott in eastern Iowa. “I’ve described it as: If you’re drowning and somebody throws you a life preserver, you’re not going to argue too much about grabbing ahold of it.”

Excluding USDA loans and insurance indemnity payments made by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, farmers are expected to receive $46.5 billion from the government, the largest direct-to-farm payment ever. That includes $32.4 billion in assistance through coronavirus pandemic relief food assistance and Paycheck Protection Program payments to farmers. Additional support comes from more traditional revenue loss programs due to low commodity prices, compensation for trade disruptions resulting from tariff battles and conservation programs assistance.

Federal court bankruptcy data indicates 433 U.S. farms filed for reorganization as of Sept. 30, down from 454 during the same period the previous year.

Overall, net farm income in the United States is expected to increase 43% from 2019 to $119.6 billion, the USDA estimated. Farmers will see the highest level of net farm income, a broad measure of profitability, since 2013, the agency said.

One northeast Iowa farmer said without the federal money it would have been difficult to make ends meet this year but it began to feel like the government checks were motivated by politics from a president seeking support for reelection.

“At first it did help, but then we kept getting payments and I don’t know that those were warranted,” said Rick Juchems, 65, who grows corn and soybeans and custom raises hogs. “The markets had already recovered quite a bit and they’re recovering yet more, so it helps some but it’s one of those things that the second one was more than we needed.”

In a late October campaign appearance in Omaha, Nebraska, President Donald Trump said he believed farmers were better off getting government payments than relying solely on their farming receipts.

“In fact, some people say our farmers do better now than when they actually had a farm,” he said.

Many top farm states voted again for Trump in November, including Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas. Several, however, left Trump to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, including Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia.

Bill Gordon, who with his father raises soybeans and corn in southwestern Minnesota, hopes for improved free trade agreements and a less confrontational approach under Biden in 2021.

“Volatility definitely causes volatility,” he said. “And so if we can get these free trade agreements set up, that are better, and not as confrontational but still benefit both sides, that just benefits agriculture and rural America.”

Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:06 pm

Amusing that of those current top 5, one has just been sued by the SEC for selling unregistered securities (Ripple scam) and the other is rumored to be (or just is) under investigation (Tether).

I enjoyed reading those old comments. "Eventually something better will come along," is a refrain you still hear even today. And here we are 7 years later and no, nothing better has come along. The more time passes, the more secure the network becomes, the harder it will be for anything to ever 'replace' Bitcoin—and that includes whatever central bank digital currencies eventually come out.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Jan 01, 2021 11:58 pm

mentalgongfu2 » Fri Jan 01, 2021 8:51 pm wrote:Without going one by one on my points of disagreement, both strong and subtle,
Did we succeed at near destroying the livelihoods of many independent farmers who were competing with our new “edible” products, and also at disrupting the traditional food supply chains?

That one sticks out as not entirely accurate.
Thanks to the government paying nearly 40% of their income, U.S. farmers are expected to end 2020 with higher profit than 2019 and the best net income in seven years.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Thanks to the government paying nearly 40% of their income, U.S. farmers are expected to end 2020 with higher profit than 2019 and the best net income in seven years, the Department of Agriculture said in its latest farm income forecast.


farmers are expected to receive $46.5 billion from the government, the largest direct-to-farm payment ever. That includes $32.4 billion in assistance through coronavirus pandemic relief food assistance and Paycheck Protection Program payments to farmers.

Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Your link doesn't disprove the devastation to farms, and farming, due to this virus; the pain to local family-run farms will become more prominent in the years to come as GM/synthetic foods will [attempt to] become increasingly prevalent.

This article here adds a bit of context, especially with respect to family-owned farms: ... re-facing/

Understanding the Economic Crisis Family Farms are Facing
September 14, 2020


A handful of corporations control our food system from farm to fork. Unchecked corporate power leaves eaters with fewer options to support good food from family farmers and pushes independent family farms out of business.

The strain on today’s farm economy is no accident; it’s the result of policies designed to enrich corporations at the expense of farmers and ranchers. If the American family farmer is to survive, farm policy needs a massive shift in direction — one that delivers fair prices to farmers that allow them to make a living.


COVID-19 completely upended our world and is impacting farmers and our food system in several ways. Our country’s entire infrastructure is based on a food system that treats food as a commodity, churning over vast amounts of mass-produced food and fiber to places all over the globe. On top of environmental and public health impacts, our increasingly consolidated food system has shuttered not only independent small and mid-sized farms, but also local processing plants, seed suppliers, grocery chains, equipment dealers and more. In short, the country’s once diverse local and regional foodsheds were systematically erased over time as corporate power in the food system accelerated, leaving us all more vulnerable to something like a pandemic.

As the need for social distancing closed restaurants, schools, processing plants, and other key markets for farmers, drops in demand and supply chain disruptions forced farmers to plow under fields of produce, dump milk and even euthanize animals.[1] For farmers growing crops for biofuels or cotton and other fibers, sharp reductions in demand for fuel and clothing tanked prices for their goods, leaving business plans in tatters.[2] Rising unemployment rates and tightening household budgets continue to constrict food consumption and the prices farmers receive. On top of these challenges are labor shortages, border closures across the globe hampering food transport, and costs of implementing safety measures to protect workers and customers from COVID-19.

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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby mentalgongfu2 » Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:45 am

The synthetic GMO control of family farms has nothing to do with Covid-19, though. I live in farm country. There are without a doubt strong forces that are changing the landscape for the worse, but the coronavirus has nothing to do with them. There is an argument to be made that the livestock industry has been hit by the shutdown of meatpacking plants that can fairly be attributed to the virus response. But corn and bean farmers were seriously injured by Trump's trade war with China long before the virus, so to pin that trouble on it seems disingenuous to me. Granted, I'm not as in touch with the farm economy as I was 5 years ago when reporting on such was part of my job, but I still follow the news relatively closely, and I think it is fair to say that little of the pressure felt by family farms these days can be blamed on Covid. It has increased existing pressures in some ways, for sure, but GMO control and corporate farming masquerading as family farming is a longstanding problem that can't be traced to coronavirus. Dairy farms are also struggling tremendously, and those pressures relate much more to immigration enforcement and price fixing, both of which existed long before the shit year of 2020.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:52 pm


It seems you're misunderstanding the larger point of the article.

The article is not about the coronavirus, specifically/exclusively. It's about 'The Great Reset': would-be plans, overt messaging, potential/actual agendas in play, theories on what may be implemented in the near and long-term, etc.

As such, while GMO is not specifically tied to COVID, one of the points of the piece is that COVID is being used as a pretext to expedite certain plans (analogous to how 911 was used as a pretext for certain draconian laws, justifications for unnecessary wars, etc....).

Re-read the article, if you must, with this perspective in mind.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby DrEvil » Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:10 pm

Agent Orange Cooper » Sat Jan 02, 2021 4:06 am wrote:

Amusing that of those current top 5, one has just been sued by the SEC for selling unregistered securities (Ripple scam) and the other is rumored to be (or just is) under investigation (Tether).

I enjoyed reading those old comments. "Eventually something better will come along," is a refrain you still hear even today. And here we are 7 years later and no, nothing better has come along. The more time passes, the more secure the network becomes, the harder it will be for anything to ever 'replace' Bitcoin—and that includes whatever central bank digital currencies eventually come out.

If the central banks want to replace bitcoin they can stomp it into oblivion overnight through regulation. If they can co-opt it to their purposes it might survive but lose its main selling point, but if it ever becomes a threat it will be taken out back and shot (something something have to ban it blah blah financial stability).

I'm struggling to see any scenario where bitcoin survives without also losing what makes it attractive in the first place. Better to just buy gold, at least then you have a tangible asset that doesn't require electricity and internet connectivity just to use it.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:55 pm

Belligerent Savant » Sat Jan 02, 2021 5:52 pm wrote:...

The article is not about the coronavirus, specifically/exclusively. It's about 'The Great Reset': would-be plans, overt messaging, potential/actual agendas in play, theories on what may be implemented in the near and long-term, etc.

As such, while GMO is not specifically tied to COVID, one of the points of the piece is that COVID is being used as a pretext to expedite certain plans (analogous to how 911 was used as a pretext for certain draconian laws, justifications for unnecessary wars, etc....).


Going back to the above point, the key take-away here is that COVID is being used as a 'launching pad' for a 4th Industrial Revolution. This virus is but the first step, a means to fast-track agendas and [forcefully] adjust mindsets for how we interact, how we work, how we live. THIS is one of the primary reasons I object to COVID measures [beyond the fact the measures have shown to be detrimental, rather than beneficial, but it was never about 'flattening the curve', anyway]. They're using the virus to implement policy and mandates that The People would otherwise rebuke en masse.

Re-posting an article from a few pages back below; this excerpt here is worth highlighting:

the Covid drama is providing cover for a far more insidious program of perpetual tracking and tracing tied to health management and Sustainable Development Goal . Health data will create new equity markets meaning more and more wearable tech surveillance. The Impact Management Project’s practitioners, the asset holders whose greed led to a world beset by chronic illness, have structured profit centers in Internet of Things preventative care – social determinants of health weaponized.

Do a google search for "Internet of Bodies" for a hint of what's to come.

Personally, I believe communities will crop up in the years ahead that will attempt to TUNE OUT and REFUSE to comply. Know this: those that raised caution flags about these COVID-related mandates intuitively understood, early on, that there were more insidious factors at play. Unfortunately they're largely ignored right now.

Belligerent Savant » Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:04 pm wrote:.

Worthy of cross-posting, given the numerous references to blockchain/digital currency:

Belligerent Savant » Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:59 am wrote:.

This can also be posted on the more recent 'digital currency/Great Reset' thread, but I'm placing it here as it applies more broadly to larger WEF/"Great Reset" agendas. ... t-prisons/

How Data-Driven Government and the Internet of Bodies Are Poised To Transform Smart Sustainable Cities Into Social Impact Prisons

What follows is a transcript of the remarks I made as part of an online forum, Politics In And Out Of Europe, hosted by Rutgers University’s Center for European Studies on Monday October 26, 2020. There were two panels followed by an hour of discussion. I was the second presenter. Framing remarks and response was provided by Naomi Klein. Video of my portion of the event here. All combined, it’s about a half hour. I reference two blog posts. One is about solutions journalism and impact media and the other is about Omidyar Network and digital education as well as the resolution against blockchain identity passed by the NAACP last year (search for “blockchain”).

Introduction: Alison McDowell is a mother and an independent researcher based in Philadelphia, PA. She blogs at the intersection of race, finance, nature, and technology at Her activism began fighting to slow the privatization of public education in her city. These efforts eventually led her to an examination of globalized poverty management, euphemistically known as social impact investing. This new form of capitalism – biocapitalism or stakeholder capitalism – aims to turn humans into data commodities. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has been planned out by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, seeks to replace human labor with artificial intelligence and robotics, a problem has arisen as to how life can be made profitable for transnational global capital interests once the poor have no buying power and are drowning in debt. The solution? Human capital bond markets, but first everyone must be tagged and trackable for “impact.” That’s where biometric Covid health passports come in. Alison welcomes curious engagement and fellow travelers. You can follow her on Twitter at @philly852.

We’re living in tumultuous times with polarizing political theater and pandemic providing ample cover for the roll out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. From the World Economic Forum’s outpost at San Francisco’s Presidio, the tentacles of dispossession triggered by Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” are rapidly encircling the globe.

We are witnessing the culmination of a century of machinations by western social engineers. We see predatory philanthropy using such euphemistic framing as “Living Cities,” “Healthy Cities,” “Resilient Cities,” and “Build Back Better” to package the profoundly anti-human and anti-life initiatives coming out of Davos as aspirational goals for “smart” living.

The oligarch class asks us to play along and overlook the fact that all of this smartness rests on a foundation of continued growth, fossil-fuel expansion, child labor, toxic waste, and space pollution. They demand we overlook the insatiable energy requirements needed to run the augmented reality Internet of Things illusion. That we put out of our minds the existence of vast data centers cooled 24/7 with the water of a thirsty, poisoned world.

They’ve outdone themselves propagandizing youth to cheer on transnational global capital’s plans to implement a final “green” solution. Though my hope is after months of digital alienation people’s spirits will stir in time to derail the intentions of this cruel biocapitalist regime's aim to push us away from our rightful connection to natural systems, and one another, and instead, into isolated virtual realms. The spell of faux ICT sustainability must be broken.

Predatory debt-finance got a spit and polish makeover, rebranded as circular economies and stakeholder capitalism to make it more palatable. Post-Covid, vast poverty mining enterprises will emerge from the ashes. Smart city sensor networks, predictive policing, and public-private partnerships will latch onto shell-shocked families trying to pick up the pieces.

And while Bitcoin-loving Agorists dream of liberation on Blockchain, central bankers have an entirely different vision in mind. They are conjuring a future of data flowing through digital wallets, fuel for an emergent social impact economy, one carefully plotted out for Third Sector, now Fourth Sector, implementation by Social Finance and Sir Ronald Cohen, Harvard Business School graduate and father of UK venture capital.

Bloomberg Philanthropies Digital Innovation Project and the Global Parliament of Mayors based out of The Hague will ensure gov-tech and open data platforms are ready to deliver all the data that is needed. Conveniently, a new “operating system for government” developed by Neil Kleiman of NYU’s GovLab and Stephen Goldsmith of Harvard Kennedy School’s Data-Smart City Solutions, will permit politicians to deftly shift accountability for devastating policies onto faceless cadres of analysts. Dashboards are effective weapons to sway populations conditioned for compliance. It’s difficult to effectively direct public sentiment against something as ephemeral as an algorithm.

The war on terror has been swapped out for pandemic preparedness, which should work out well for the World Bank’s efforts to grow their vaccine and pandemic bond markets. We all pose threats to state security simply by living in a human body. Robot police dogs, drones, facial recognition cameras, wearable sensors, and biometric tracking are framed vital investments needed to keep communities “safe” in what is rapidly becoming a global open air prison. Track and trace free-range humans; look to industrial farming; look to wildlife management; look to Gaza; look to The Commons Project.


CommonPass isn’t their only venture. Not by a long shot.

It’s not just air travel that the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum intend to regulate. In their imagined future, presentation of tokenized credentials will be required to go to work, to school, to the store, to access public buildings and events. Such micro-management was unfathomable mere months ago, at least to everyone not in on the scheme.

When we speak of politics, when we speak of citizens’ rights this is THE game changer. Who voted in Common Pass? Who decided individual liberties will now be governed by apps advanced by corporations that stand to profit from population management?

How relevant will national borders be in an age of real-time geo-fencing? Pass laws have long been used to control targeted populations: on Indian reservations, in Nazi Germany, in Apartheid South Africa. Now we have Serco. Now we have legal discrimination based on health status? In the global biosecurity state on any given day the border could very well end up being your front door.

If we don’t object, moving forward blockchain tokens representing all sorts of digital assets, including rights and privileges, will be held in digital accounts. Social entrepreneurs need these biometric identity systems in place in order to install their planned impact economy. Using health status as an issue of national security, our hijacked governments plan to impose this upon us, not for our own good, but because the biocapitalist agenda must proceed.

Few realize it, but the Covid drama is providing cover for a far more insidious program of perpetual tracking and tracing tied to health management and Sustainable Development Goal . Health data will create new equity markets meaning more and more wearable tech surveillance. The Impact Management Project’s practitioners, the asset holders whose greed led to a world beset by chronic illness, have structured profit centers in Internet of Things preventative care – social determinants of health weaponized.

What we are living through is not a public health emergency but a reset of the global economy managed from Davos on behalf of the finance, technology and defense sectors. This “new normal” is totalitarianism wrapped up in a shiny “green” bow.


The post-Covid world will be characterized by welfare dependency on a scale heretofore unimaginable, justifying the creation of innovative human capital debt products. Portfolios of people, poor people, will emerge as a new asset class enabled by pay for success government contracts.

Education, training, healthcare, counseling, nutrition, and housing services all aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals to generate the metrics needed to satisfy contractual obligations. The richness of life narrowed to fit the stingy confines of a data analyst’s worldview.

This is a diagram featuring a digital wallet where food assistance funds are stored on blockchain with coded nudges guiding a recipient’s food purchase behaviors.

Stakeholder capitalists can’t profitably mine poverty without biometric identification that can be used to aggregate interoperable data. Vaccine registries are central to this program. GAVI is a key player with Gates sitting at the pinnacle of the Stakeholder Capitalist pyramid. ID2020 efforts running through the United Nations will ensure no one “gets left behind,” but few are aware the US Department of Homeland Security bankrolled much of the World Wide Web Consortium’s work in the digital identity space.

As I prepared these remarks I couldn’t help but mull over the intelligence communities’ interest in signals intelligence, weaponized narrative, simulation, predictive modeling, and social contagion. How will our collective voices ripple through this militarized cloud architecture into the general consciousness and beyond? Such are the thoughts that haunt the corners of a Zoom consciousness – Bluffdale and the NSA always out on the horizon, you know?

But those with eyes to see have the duty to speak.

So I am here today as a mother.

I am here as a mapper of geographies of power, as a voracious LinkedIn profile reader, and a viewer of obscure government webinars.

I am here as a resident of Philadelphia, a “smart” city set up for predatory “what works” “data-driven” government.

I am here to shine a light on municipal nudge units funded by self-interested foundations seeking to replace civil servants with apps that manage citizens as agents in behavioral economic equations.

I am here as a human relative living among a multitude of non-human beings on this beautiful earth, not yet remade as a planetary computer to profit social impact investors.

I am here as a lover of stars who opposes the weaponization of space, the atmosphere, and our weather systems.

I am here as a voice for peace who views 5G and the planned 6G installation as a domestic military occupation.

I am here to speak of Davos’s plans to deny us the opportunity to communally atone for and begin to remedy the devastation capitalism has wrought against nature and Indigenous people.


I am here because we have entered a cyborg era in which sociopathic billionaires and defense contractors want to fundamentally alter what it means to be human, tapping nano-technology and morally bankrupt scientists to do their dirty work.

To the wealth hoarders, the masses exist as nodes in the Internet of Bodies, nodes that must be separated from the cosmic dance through force of law, hydro-gel biosensors, and blockchain.

Will you own your ledger or will your ledger own you? We are looking at a future where the masses will forfeit their innate human freedoms in exchange for the behavioral currency needed to survive within the panopticon.

Human capital bonded. Each life calculated according to its perceived burden on the coming robot society, at least in the eyes of hedge fund traders as they place their bets.

Don’t worry there’s safety on the “continuum of care” pathway. Just do as you’re told and keep your social credit score where it needs to be.

Every move in every country advances lockstep – a playbook aligned to strategic investments made over decades by philanthro-capitalists like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, Steve Ballmer, and Marc Benioff.

Will human rights mean anything once financiers, faith community endowments, health insurers, pensions, and even sovereign wealth funds hold our futures in escrow?

Rockefeller Foundation-funded think tank change agents have cleared the way for life to be railroaded into virtual space – for our own good, the good of the planet, in service of the World Bank’s One Health initiative.

The oligarchs will use the UN Sustainable Development Goals to justify imprisoning the planet using sensor networks. Once the electrical engineers have nature and humanity firmly in their grasp, transnational global capital can channel its concentrated wealth through our bodies, our social relationships, and our non-human kin.

As we stand on this threshold questions must be asked.

Who intends to rule life on Earth?

To what end?

On whose authority?

So today I am here to declare on behalf of the women of the world to say we do not consent to Davos’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.

In this battle of sacred and profane we stand ready to defend the children and the earth from further predation and to strive towards a future of reciprocity and abundance and spirit.

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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Elvis » Mon Jan 04, 2021 11:09 pm

Finally getting back to Agent Orange's post & video featuring Andreas Antonopoulos—and I owe a debt of gratitude to both, because I got a lot out of Antonopoulos' talk. Funnily, that expression, "owe a debt of gratitude" just sprang to mind first as a way to say "thanks," and that says something about our whole notion of "debt"—see David Graeber (may also speak to my wordiness). I'll just pay the debt now by saying—thanks!

I also owe a reply, and I'll start with what I liked about Antonopoulos' presentation. I watched it twice (seven weeks ago) and took a couple pages of notes. He seems likeable and funny: he had me with his list of all the intermediaries in one transaction—

"Citibank? How did Citibank get in there twice? Fuck." :rofl2

Antonopoulos is correct about the excessive intermediaries, they insert themselves everywhere as points of friction and control to extract profits. He's right about the rewards and incentives for crimes like the mortgage bond fraud that brought on the 2008 GFC. I naturally agree with him about the parasitic hierarchies that skim off wealth from every payment. He describes all that that well, with exceptions I'll get to.

He wants dis-intermediation: he wants to shorten the distance between buyers and sellers, at lower cost, in a shorter time—so that we can start behaving like human beings that interact with each other.

(The impersonal that, instead of who, always grates my ear and doesn't lend itself (another debt metaphor!) to an impression of someone concerned with any greater good; but I digress.)

Antonopoulos believes bitcoin will facilitate disintermediation, pretty much all by itself, as people and businesses realize its benefits and start accepting it widely. If I understand him correctly (and someone let me know if I mischaracterize his ideas) Antonopoulos hopes to see bitcoin replace the US dollar, thereby obviating the entire US banking system, public and private. To whatever extent that's expected to occur, it raises a question right away for me:

Is universal acceptance of bitcoin even possible? Is there enough of it? I read that 95% or more of all possible bitcoin has already been mined into existence and it doesn't seem like nearly enough to account for all the goods & services available (I calculated the dollar value of existing btc, but can't presently find those notes). Bitcoin advocates usually tout its fixed quantity as an important feature—but when asked about that, we learn about "halvings" (doublings?) and some have simply told me the 'program could be altered to allow more mining' etc., essentially tossing out the limited pot feature. Of course every commody-based currency has been re-valued as circumstances dictate. Fixing the quantity of money basically caps the size of an economy, a perplexing arbitrary constraint that never holds in the real world.

There's also the question about the cost of mining bitcoin, both financial and resource costs. I read that it currently costs around $8200 to mine one bitcoin—most of that in electricity. Is bitcoin a sensible use of electricity? I know it's not exactly causing brownouts but it's a substantial amount of energy. Or, is all that moot, since bitcoin production is due to end soon, when the maximum quantity is created?

Then there are legal issues. An important idea is that the entity who makes the laws governing credit & commerce should be the issuer of the unit of account. Bitcoin's success so far (however defined) has ridden partly on the idea that it's outside the government's control, but that's about to change bigly as "G7 finance officials back need to regulate digital currencies."

Miscellaneous points Antonopoulos gets iffy on include the parts about "confiscating your gold!'ll get shot!"—huh?—and "hyperinflation orgies" amount to arm-waving, in my view; the imagined hyperinflation event is nothing much different than what libertarian gurus like Art Laffer have always predicted at every federal deficit increase for the last 40 years. The conditions just don't realistically exist in the US for that to happen. A plain mistake of Antonopoulos' is the idea that fractional banking in the US even exists, even before the Fed dropped all reserve requirements in March. However, he'd probably regard that as making the problem, as he sees it, worse. Some other minor qibbles I'll skip here.

:arrow: Here's the crux of the issue: the dollar is public; bitcoin is private.

Antonopoulos unwittingly argues for a central bank digital currency (CBDC)—which can be designed to have a high degree of anonymity similar to paper cash. And all those payment intermediaries? Eliminate them. End private for-profit banking. Give every citizen an account at the national bank. Only the central bank can guarantee desposits 100% and can backstop itself. Offer no-interest loans (maybe even negative interest loans!) for homes, business startups, etc. Find honest work for displaced financial industry workers. Maybe hang a few CEOs. After a fair trial, of course.

Public, collective action, for the public purpose, is inevitable, necessary and desirable in any and every society. Because it's a society. (I sound like Jack Webb . :lol: ) Bitcoin just doesn't seem equipped for serving the public purpose, and its promoters never mention the public purpose besides the freedom from financial intermediaries.

"Remove intermediaries." Talk about financial intermediaries!—let's take healthcare as a prime example. The number of bloodsucking intermediaries is astonishing. Many you'd never even know exist, but they're there in the background, skimming off workers' bucks. To eliminate those financial intermediaries and make healthcare a 1-to-1 transaction, the financial source needs to be centralized, not atomized; then we can start behaving like human beings that interact with each other and not competing as predators for healthcare.

I'll end for now (I have more for this thread) with three items:

— I made a chart while thinking over the differences between the US dollar and bitcoin—any thoughts about it, additions to it are welcomed.

USD vs Bitcoin CHART.jpg

— With regard to stability—a stated goal of bitcoin advocates—but is it really a feature of bitcoin? These graphs offer a comparison of the relative stabilities of the US dollar and bitcoin:

USD Inflation vs BTC Price.jpg

— Finally, for now, this guy's take on bitcoin (he affects a loud, overdone manner in his videos, but he's sharp, see his behavioral videos!; the ones on LH Oswald, Biden et al. are good):

FWIW—Happy New Year!


Elvis » Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:36 pm wrote:
Agent Orange Cooper wrote:Wow, projection much?

No. I'll have a full reply (longer than three words) to the "Escaping the Global Banking Cartel" video by tomorrow. Thanks for posting it.
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Tue Jan 05, 2021 10:26 pm

Elvis wrote:Finally getting back to Agent Orange's post & video featuring Andreas Antonopoulos—and I owe a debt of gratitude to both, because I got a lot out of Antonopoulos' talk. Funnily, that expression, "owe a debt of gratitude" just sprang to mind first as a way to say "thanks," and that says something about our whole notion of "debt"—see David Graeber (may also speak to my wordiness). I'll just pay the debt now by saying—thanks!

Hey, you're welcome. Glad you watched it and got something out of it. He's been one of the most articulate and popular BTC proponents in the space for years now—I would recommend watching more of his vids/presentations to clear up some of the basic misconceptions you have.

Case in point: halvings. Halvings ≠ doublings. Every 4 years, the block reward for miners is cut in half. So if you were a miner before May 2020 and you successfully mined a block, you were rewarded with 12.5 BTC. After May 2020, that turned to 6.25 BTC. It's the crux of BTC's Controlled supply.

21 million Bitcoin (maximum), each Bitcoin divisible up to 8 decimal points. The smallest unit—0.00000001 BTC—known as 1 satoshi or sat. So that's 2,100,000,000,000,000 sats available, or 2.1 quadrillion. Is that enough for a global reserve settlement network? I'd say, easily.

Then there are legal issues. An important idea is that the entity who makes the laws governing credit & commerce should be the issuer of the unit of account.

Important to whom? That sounds like basic regulatory capture to me. The separation of money and state is what Bitcoin achieves, which I believe to be the most important step towards creating a more just and fairly distributed world of value.

:arrow: Here's the crux of the issue: the dollar is public; bitcoin is private.

Wrong, absolutely wrong. The dollar is privately issued. The 'public' has zero say over its creation (inflation schedule), and less than zero say over its distribution. We don't even know anything about its distribution, except that it doesn't go to us. All we get is the effects of their inflation, destroying the value of our savings. As Jack Mallers put it in that video I posted up above, under the monetary policy of the last however many decades, the average person operates their life at a loss if they aren't getting a 20% raise every year to keep pace with inflation (true inflation, not the phony CPI).

Conversely, Bitcoin is a public ledger of account. Everyone who has access to the internet can look at it and see what's going where (to a degree anyway—it's pseudonymous). Any individual can set up their own node and become a validator for the network. No private entity owns or controls it. It is governed by the logic of mathematics. We know exactly how many there will be, and roughly when those issuance numbers will change (every 4 years). Anyone can buy into it for any amount, no matter their history, no matter their country of origin. And that same anyone can move their property (their digital real estate on the BTC network) anywhere they like without anyone's say so. Sounds pretty f'n public to me!

Bitcoin is no more private than the Internet is private, or, my favorite analogy, Bittorrent. The music industry tried to stop file sharing, right? They took down Napster easily because it was centralized. But they have been unable to do anything about p2p file sharing or Bittorrent because of its decentralized nature. And don't think they haven't tried. All they can do is get the government to forcibly take down the various centralized websites, which action only leads to three more popping up in their place. The banks = the record industry. P2P file sharing = P2P value transfer. See where we're going? All they can do is adapt and evolve (like how now we have streaming services for the music corps to use to rake in profits while the artists get less than nothing).

By the way, that's another feature of Bitcoin, possibly its greatest feature. The invention of digital scarcity. Thus, after 50 years, the Internet can now reliably store value. Research NFTs (non-fungible tokens), and think about how this sort of tech will affect the future of art and artists' livelihoods on the internet.

Antonopoulos unwittingly argues for a central bank digital currency (CBDC)—which can be designed to have a high degree of anonymity similar to paper cash. And all those payment intermediaries? Eliminate them. End private for-profit banking. Give every citizen an account at the national bank. Only the central bank can guarantee desposits 100% and can backstop itself. Offer no-interest loans (maybe even negative interest loans!) for homes, business startups, etc. Find honest work for displaced financial industry workers. Maybe hang a few CEOs. After a fair trial, of course.

How could a CBDC be designed like that? More importantly, why would a CBDC be designed like that?

Public, collective action, for the public purpose, is inevitable, necessary and desirable in any and every society. Because it's a society. (I sound like Jack Webb . :lol: ) Bitcoin just doesn't seem equipped for serving the public purpose, and its promoters never mention the public purpose besides the freedom from financial intermediaries.

You'll have to define the 'public purpose' for me—it's very vague and I don't speak collectivist. :) I think Bitcoin serves the public purpose exceedingly well (see above)—but really, it's just getting started.

Finally, for now, this guy's take on bitcoin (he affects a loud, overdone manner in his videos, but he's sharp, see his behavioral videos!; the ones on LH Oswald, Biden et al. are good):

I'm going to be brutally honest & say that this is definitely the most obnoxiously misinformed video I've ever seen on the subject. And looking at the price of Bitcoin today (roughly $34000), it has aged horribly. Forget you ever watched it.

Instead, check out these books:

The Bitcoin Standard by Safeidean Ammous (gird your loins, he's a hard-line Austrian)
Bitcoin: Hard Money You Can't F*ck With: Why Bitcoin Will Be the Next Global Reserve Currency by Jason A. Williams
Thank God for Bitcoin: The Creation, Corruption and Redemption of Money

While you're waiting for those to arrive, check out the many in-depth essays on this site, particularly:

"Bitcoin Obsoletes All Other Money" ... her-money/

"Bitcoin Is Not Backed By Nothing" ... y-nothing/
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Re: Blockchain/Digital Currency as part of 'The Great Reset'

Postby mentalgongfu2 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:57 am

The banks = the record industry. P2P file sharing = P2P value transfer. See where we're going? All they can do is adapt and evolve (like how now we have streaming services for the music corps to use to rake in profits while the artists get less than nothing).

I don't know from monetary theory, but not sure the PTP file sharing wrt music is a great analogy or something to be emulated, if you happen to be the artist, at least. The less than nothing that artists get from streaming services is more than the zero of nothing they get from P2P file sharing.

But, as we say here in the Zyxx Quadrant, you're the arbiter of that.
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