11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby dada » Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:39 pm

Just to continue on this line a bit longer, maybe we could look forward as far as we look back, and see the "dilemma at present" from 3164 AD. I know many here think we won't make it that far, but I only ask that you indulge me my survival of humanity scenario for a moment.

We're looking at the colored shapes on a map of the world, indicating the limits of past empires, as we do today. The American empire is a particularly big one, we say wow, that's something. How it could take up so much space for so long, a few hundred years. Even considering what we know about it, that it was a corporate-financial enterprise, flying under the banner of stars and stripes. It was impressive, no matter how it was done.

And we'll compare it to other great empires. It will look most like the Khanate of the mongol enpire, a few hundred glorious years that changed the face of history forever, reverberations still echoing. A khanate with no ghengis, a ransacking and pillaging corporate army of bandits without a head.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby dada » Thu Jun 03, 2021 5:33 pm

What I'm saying, I guess, is that history and conspiracy are not opposing analytical frameworks, except within mass culture. In reality it is somewhere in between happy halloween history and merry christmas conspiracy.

The point being that we're sharpening our instruments for cutting through the mass culture pea soup. And it's funny, I think about the mainstream alternative, fighting for airtime on mass culture corporate social media platforms, feeling kicked off the bandwagon. And me on the other hand, as part of a transgressive culture, can't get far enough away from it. Only hop on to hitch a ride, and then only if there are no other rides around. Like transgressive culture in its outpost, watching all the tragi-comic antics as the mass culture bandwagon spins around it in circles.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby thrulookingglass » Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:27 am

Back to our regularly scheduled program...


(couldn't get this link to do the cool in frame thing)

and this bears mentioning:
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby dada » Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:31 pm

What is the establishment narrative now, I'm very much not aware of the mainstream take on the subject. Is it like, vibrations from the impacts and fuel explosions shook the towers down, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a nut in a nutshell.

Is that an accurate summary of the mainstream take? Are these vibrations supposed to have been impossible to stop, or thought to be more of a structural design flaw.

What I'm asking is, is there a Faulty Towers theory.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Jun 11, 2021 5:41 pm


I may have mentioned this before somewhere in this thread, but a year ago, when my oldest was in 8th grade, she recounted the narratives as relayed to her in school (on the anniversary); I asked in passing, "what did they tell you about building 7?"

She replied, "what's building 7?"

In short: they have never mentioned this to her/her class, at any point in time as a student in a public school. She asked her fellow classmates. None of them heard of building 7 either, but they quickly 'researched' online, and were perplexed as to why this building was never before mentioned in school. I asked her to raise it to the teacher the next day. The teacher (granted, in her early 20s) essentially indicated she was 'not aware' of a building 7.

That's 'mainstream'.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby dada » Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:55 pm

So the established mass culture line on the topic is "put no thought into it at all." And if you're really interested, check out wikipedia, follow the links around and down. I had that feeling, but left it out because I didn't want it interfering with the set up of the punchline.

The timing of the Faulty Towers theory. I think it says something about the necessity of showing kids of all ages what free thinking looks like, alongside encouraging the creative imagination, so they can build a magnetically reflective free thinker in themselves.

And maybe we see the mistake of putting the emphasis on critical thinking, which is abstract thinking. Without a foundation in free thinking, critical thinking is all abstraction. With free thinking at its source, critical thinking is ideas in sharpest definition.

Figuring everyone thinks and comprehends a certain amount of things by virtue of being alive. But it isn't abstract thinking that must be raised, free thinking must be raised. Then the free thinker can raise their own abstract thoughts, which are now not the abstractions of mass culture, but their own ideas in sharpest definition.

Which I understand is dangerous, and upsets the ordered educational applecarts. So kids of all ages must also be shown how best to navigate the orthodox magisterium, stirring up their troublesome thoughts and ideas. Without bringing down the wrath of the all-seeing eye of mass production, known for sinking all free ships within a hundred mile radius.

That the heads that wear the free thinking crowns take it easy, picking their battles wisely, and don't let their battles pick them.

Like, even thinking stuff like that is dangerous. So you have to be careful. But as I'm typing I'm understanding that you know all this, and hope you don't mind my taking inspiration from our interaction to riff on the idea of "good advice" for free thinkers, in general.

Also I think it shows a good direction that might be helpful for education, coming up with simple, fun ideas and ways for raising reflective, free thinking, so easy a child can grasp them, but even the fastest artificial intelligence has no way of processing.

Like human turing tests games. Of course, the bene gesserit gom jabbar is a human turing test. But I'm talking games here, not torture devices.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby dada » Sat Jun 12, 2021 12:03 am

"That the heads that wear the free thinking crowns take it easy, picking their battles wisely, and don't let their battles pick them."

I don't wear one, myself. They're for the kids. Burgertime crowns. Free thinkers take them off when they graduate. Throw them up to vanish in the air. Then the strategy changes. When navigating the psyduck professions of the social ministry of magic, they don't pick their battles, wise, unwise or otherwise, letting the battles pick them instead. Some of them wear a hat of one sort or another, some get creative with it. I never wear it, but I do have one around here somewhere, green hat with a talking bird head. Funny, has a real dry humor. Smokes cigarettes, swears like a sailor.
Both his words and manner of speech seemed at first totally unfamiliar to me, and yet somehow they stirred memories - as an actor might be stirred by the forgotten lines of some role he had played far away and long ago.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Jun 12, 2021 8:16 am

dada » Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:55 pm wrote:So the established mass culture line on the topic is "put no thought into it at all." And if you're really interested, check out wikipedia, follow the links around and down. I had that feeling, but left it out because I didn't want it interfering with the set up of the punchline.

The timing of the Faulty Towers theory. I think it says something about the necessity of showing kids of all ages what free thinking looks like, alongside encouraging the creative imagination, so they can build a magnetically reflective free thinker in themselves.

And maybe we see the mistake of putting the emphasis on critical thinking, which is abstract thinking. Without a foundation in free thinking, critical thinking is all abstraction. With free thinking at its source, critical thinking is ideas in sharpest definition.

Figuring everyone thinks and comprehends a certain amount of things by virtue of being alive. But it isn't abstract thinking that must be raised, free thinking must be raised. Then the free thinker can raise their own abstract thoughts, which are now not the abstractions of mass culture, but their own ideas in sharpest definition.

Which I understand is dangerous, and upsets the ordered educational applecarts. So kids of all ages must also be shown how best to navigate the orthodox magisterium, stirring up their troublesome thoughts and ideas. Without bringing down the wrath of the all-seeing eye of mass production, known for sinking all free ships within a hundred mile radius.

That the heads that wear the free thinking crowns take it easy, picking their battles wisely, and don't let their battles pick them.

Like, even thinking stuff like that is dangerous. So you have to be careful. But as I'm typing I'm understanding that you know all this, and hope you don't mind my taking inspiration from our interaction to riff on the idea of "good advice" for free thinkers, in general.

Also I think it shows a good direction that might be helpful for education, coming up with simple, fun ideas and ways for raising reflective, free thinking, so easy a child can grasp them, but even the fastest artificial intelligence has no way of processing.

Like human turing tests games. Of course, the bene gesserit gom jabbar is a human turing test. But I'm talking games here, not torture devices.

All worthwhile exercises, agreed. And critical at younger ages. Unfortunately our public school system programs are largely set up not to train free or critical thinking, let alone abstract thinking. They are, rather, aimed to raise the next generation of dutiful, compliant rule followers. Minimal opportunity to encourage the free form flight of the mind.

Such encouragement can be provided by parents (or in some cases, a mentor/coach, etc) who may or may not have ample time for it, or otherwise are themselves, as adults, already trained and conditioned to accept status quo. Blindly accepting, no less.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:35 pm

Osama bin Laden's niece Noor bin Laden coming out as a hardcore Trump/Qanon MAGA fan is the sort of 2020's era surrealism that's pure gold

https://www.businessinsider.com/noor-bi ... deo-2021-6

Video shows Osama bin Laden's niece waving a flag saying 'Trump won' on a lake outside the Biden-Putin summit

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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby conniption » Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:04 am

8bitagent » Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:03 am wrote:To toot my own horn, I do feel my thread I made a decade ago on here is one the deepest dive into the 9/11 event online of more obscure elements that has mainstream news articles to back it up even the wildest material.

Waking up and seeing the mainstream news cover this "Biden authorizes the Justice Department to unseal previously classified documents linking Saudi Arabia to 9/11" is beyond yawn. 1) The Democrat sycophants on MSNBCIA now worship George W Bush and the neocons and even have them as MSNBC hosts and regular guests 2) Noone cares anymore. Joe Bidens last act in Afghanistan was getting 13 marines needlessly killed/over 200 Afghans killed and then drone striking a food aid worker and his 8 kids and claiming he was "ISIS K".

When I started reading Jeff Well's RI blog in 2005, and posting on here in 2007, I didn't realize how far away 20 years after "The Big Wedding" would be. Yet here we are. 20th annv of 9/11, and it just feels like meh. Just look at George W Bush's speech in Shanksville and the fawning reception by the MSNBCNN media to see how far we've come.

I'll toot your horn with you, 8bit. This is a mighty fine thread and deserves a bump.
Last time here, I accidentally posted a video discussing the "no-plane" theory and was swiftly reprimanded for breaking a rule I forgot existed. Looked plausible to me somehow, but don't tell anyone I said that. Been too long, I guess. Anyway, here is an excellent piece from Kit Knightly at off-guardian:

(embedded links)

Covid, 9/11 & Forever War
From the war on terror to the “pandemic”, the elite are constructing fake threats to start wars that never have to end.

Kit Knightly
Sep 13, 2021

The war was not meant to be won. It was meant to be continuous.
George Orwell, 1984

Our 9/11 coverage this year, the 20th anniversary, has been focused on viewing the attacks of 2001 through the lens of the Covid “pandemic” rollout.

The point is not that both Covid19 and 9/11 are necessarily part of the same grand plan, were carried out by the same people, or were in any way directly connected. Rather, they are thematically connected, on the meta-level.

They spring from the same collective urge all rulers and governments harbour, and are employed to the same end.

They are different tools designed to achieve the same end. Different approaches to the same problem. Different evolutionary stages of the same animal: The decades-long change in the core aims of warfare and even the very meaning of “war” itself.

War has always been vital to the preservation of the state. Wars make rulers rich, and people scared. They unite nations behind leaders, and distract from domestic political issues.

But, as nations become more powerful, weapon technology more advanced, and global power centralises in giant corporations rather than nations, war – in the traditional sense – becomes more expensive, more dangerous, and largely meaningless.

Essentially the old-fashioned motivations for warfare no longer apply, but the ancillary domestic benefits of war-like policy remain. While the state, and their corporate backers, no longer need to take part in pitched battles over the best farmland, they do still need their subjects to believe they are under attack.

In short, by necessity, “war” has gradually shifted from genuine inter-state conflicts over control of resources, into a top-down tool of psychological manipulation.

And the first stage of that evolution was 9/11.

9/11 and the war on terror

9/11 was an inside job. Any objective examination of the evidence can only lead to that conclusion. (I’m not going to lay that out here, we have dozens of articles detailing that. That’s not what I’m writing about today.)

The US government blew up their own buildings, killed their own civilians, terrified their own people. The ruling class engaging in what Orwell called “war against their subjects”, in a very literal sense.

Much like the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany, this staged “attack” was done to create a war-like mentality. To make people believe they were under threat, and serve as the basis for new “temporary emergency powers” for the government.

But 9/11 went further, serving as the casus belli for a war: “The war on terror”.

The War on Terror was a new kind of war, yes it was used as a starting point for more traditional wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and then proxy wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen, but its main target was actually domestic. A nationwide psy-op war designed to keep 350 million people in a semi-permanent state of fear.

It was the natural next step in the Orwellian redefinition of “war” as a concept.

If the primary aims of your war are a) To maintain domestic control of your population, and b) To funnel tax-payer money into bloated contracts with the private sector, then do you really need to declare war on a foreign country?

In fact, do you need an actual physical “war” at all? Isn’t the idea of a war just as good?

And if all you need is the idea of a war, what better way than to declare war on an idea. Why not make your enemy an abstract concept?

Because the great thing about going to war on an abstract concept is you can’t ever lose, and you never have to win. The war can go on forever.

This idea was first trialled with “the war on drugs”. But that didn’t work because a) people actually quite like drugs and b) Drugs are a vital income stream for the deep state. So it fizzled.

The war on terror is better. Since “terror” is an abstract noun with no solid reality, it can mean anything you want it to mean. “The war on terror” can be domestic or foreign, political or military, overt or covert or both. It can’t be won, it can’t be lost, and it only ends when you say it does.

It’s perfect.

Well, almost perfect.

There are still a few issues.

For example, it’s actually quite difficult to keep people afraid of an abstract concept. You need real-world reminders. Essentially, for the war on terror to continue, you need to keep reminding people terror is out there. Which means terrorism needs to happen. Which means either letting it happen or making it happen (the vast majority of the time it’s the latter).

If you’re staging terror attacks they either have to be real, resulting in real victims and real grieving families asking real questions…or they’re fake, meaning paying actors. Either way is logistically complicated, difficult to control and potentially embarrassing.

There’s also the problem of the terrorists themselves. You’ve publicly declared war on them…but they’re also very useful. There’s a reason you’ve funded them for decades. The inevitable result is you end up with “good terrorists” in country A, and “bad terrorists” in Country B. And when they are revealed to be essentially exactly the same, well that looks bad.

But the biggest problem, really, is that it caps your ambition.

You may have chosen an abstract concept as the target of your war, but that concept needs to take human form somehow. And any human enemy can only be so scary, and can only do so much damage. There’s no way you can frighten everyone at once that way.

Plus, picking a human enemy – along racial, national, ethnic or ideological lines – is inescapably divisive. You can’t ever unite everyone behind that flag.

In short, a war on terror and terrorists is fine if you want to rule a country, but what if you want to rule a planet?

Well, what you need then is a new enemy. An enemy that can be anywhere and everywhere, and that definitely isn’t human.

The war on Covid

The Covid19 “pandemic” has been pitched to the public as a war from the beginning.

As early as March 2020, the UN Secretary General was urging countries to “declare war on the virus” and already calling Covid “the greatest threat since World War II”. A sentiment UN spokespeople have repeated. A lot.

National leaders were just as eager to equate Covid as a new grand cause, in line with the fight against fascism.

Italy’s Prime Minister referred to the nation’s “darkest hour”. New South Wales premier Gladys Berejiklian told the press “this is literally a war” just last month.

In the UK, the government made numerous transparent attempts to instil a Churchillian “spirit of the Blitz” atmosphere. Unashamedly working World War II parallels into all their Covid messaging, the Queen’s cloying public speech of shamelessly using the line We’ll Meet Again.

In America, ever the hub of military metaphors, Trump called himself a “wartime President” fighting an “invisible enemy”. Former Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo referred to healthcare professionals as “soldiers” in the battle against Covid.

Worldwide, pundits frequently compare Covid to the war on terror, and Covid to terrorists. The war metaphor has been ubiquitous in speeches, headlines and TV spots.

The message is clear and simple: The virus is our enemy. We are at war.

And this war really is perfect.

It has all the benefits of a real war, and none of the drawbacks. All the ephemeral malleability of the “war on terror”, and none of its potential complications.

Think about it…

In the name of Covid we have seen taxation, censorship, surveillance, state expenditure to the private sector and state powers all increase. These are all the cliche “emergency powers” the state seeks out in wartime.

And they’ve achieved it with a simple three-stage trick.

First, take a virus, give it a name and attribute to it the exact same symptoms of every other cold and flu virus. You just created a new disease.

Second, take a test that can “find anything in anybody”, run it on everyone who goes into hospital (especially the terminally ill) and change the legal definition of “cause of death”. You just created “deaths” from your new disease.

Third, start running that same test on everyone, multiple times a week. You just created millions upon millions of “asymptomatic cases”.

Combine these three, and you have created a “pandemic”.

They created an enemy out of thin air, through a wave of propaganda and statistical manipulation. “Covid” is nothing but a filter, a lens placed in front of the public eye that distorts reality without actually changing anything at all.

Just as with the “war on terror”, the real threat is almost entirely imaginary, but this time the optics are so much better. Instead of worshipping the troops, we now pay homage to “healthcare heroes”, the “soldiers on the frontline against the virus”. No bombs, no violence, just dancing nurses.

And what can’t happen with Covid? Simple, anything they don’t want to happen. Because of the very nature of the manufactured pandemic, they have total control of the narrative.

They can control the “cases” through the tests. They can control the “deaths” through the definition of “cause of death”. They can just tweak the meaning of a word here and there, and start and stop the “pandemic” on a whim. They can slow down the “spread”, or speed it up. Introduce a new test or treatment or “cure” it, then create a new variant to bring it back.

This war doesn’t even really exist, so it never has to end and they definitely can’t lose.

Meanwhile, every new law that passes expands the power of the state over the citizen, and every step of the way there new bloated private sector contracts up for grabs. Testing and tracing and PPE. Vaccines and ventilators and quarantine hotels. Public money is pouring into private hands.

And the best part? It’s all being done in the name of “helping people”.

Following 9/11, the Patriot Act empowered mass surveillance, detention without charge and huge infringement of civil rights, because people might be terrorists.

Now, allegedly anti-Covid “public health measures” are allowing the exact same things…because people might be sick.

The state has transformed. What was once considered paranoid and aggressive, is now simply beneficent and paternalistic.

That’s the genius of the War on Covid.

The real forever war

So…how are Covid and 9/11 linked?

One flows directly into the other. They form a continuum of control narratives designed to frighten people into accepting draconian limitations on their freedom, whilst justifying a permanent society-wide warlike mentality.

“The war on terror” and the “war on Covid” are twin psy-ops that show the transformation of “war” from a foreign policy into a purely domestic one.

Orwell described it perfectly in 1984:

War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.

In just the last two years we have all seen the truth of this. Covid has shown us supposedly enemy nations suddenly come to an accord and demonstrate almost total unity of purpose to spread one big lie.

The global capitalist hegemony doesn’t need to conquer land or steal resources anymore. They already own everything worth owning, all they need now is to control their workers and preserve the inequality they have created.

That’s the real war being waged here. Not the ridiculous war on terror. And not the laughable war on Covid. No, the real “forever war” is what Niels Harrit calls the vertical war, waged by the very top against everyone below them.

Covid is the most recent and most overt expression of this, but for years now the corporate media has been the spokesperson of the authoritarian heart of the state.

I have written before that we are entering the era of “progressive” statism. Where tyranny is sold as a regrettable inevitability and our leaders are portrayed as a new breed of reluctant dictators, sculpting dystopian political landscapes out of necessity, and with only the purest intentions.

We’re told that our caring masters aren’t controlling or dictatorial because they want to be, but because they need to be, for our sake.

The “great reset” is not a malign “conspiracy theory”, it’s just our kindly overlords child-proofing the world to protect us from ourselves. Tearing our society down so they can build back better into a neo-feudal utopia, where nobody owns anything and everyone is happy and everyone does what they’re told…or else.

This “pandemic” is the thin end of a rapidly widening wedge. Next comes the flu and obesity and global warming. No more meat. No more sugar. No more vacations. They’re bad for you, and bad for the planet, and bad for the polar bears.

Ban homeschools and protests and misinformation. Ban the wrong kind of books and the wrong kind of speech and the wrong kind of thoughts.

Wear the mask and take the jab and live in the pod and eat the bugs.

Global hegemony isn’t going to come about via traditional warfare or Imperial conquest, instead it is being shaped by a conglomeration of restrictions on individual freedom.

That’s the war that links 9/11 and Covid. The real war, and it’s not against drugs, or terrorism or even Covid…it’s against us.

Most voted comment, so far...
simon crow
Sep 13, 2021 7:52 PM

Thanks Kit. Way to go – you nailed it.

I’d like to thank off-guardian and its staff for a most excellent series of videos covering the twenty year anniversary of 911. They were slick and high quality productions that must have taken many many hours of labor to produce. It has been an intense weekend but i have increased clarity and resolve not to bend my knee or kiss the hand of the MF’s behind this crime of the century.

I am still coming to terms and processing the reality that i (and others refusing THIS jab) are perceived as public enemy #1. It explains that awful feeling you get when you are shut out of a formed circle. I spent forty years dedicated to improving health services in the community i reside and now, almost overnight i am a threat just for standing on the principle of informed consent which also means the right not to consent. It explains why i have been shunned.

I think i can to start to grieve now that i see it more clearly, not just for myself but for all those people languishing in confusion and isolation – for the many seniors that died alone (try to imagine it). But i do not despair. I am making new friends – the kind of friends that come from shared adversity.

The real gold of the off-g is the comment section. I have learned much from amazing posts that have been validating, insightful, kooky and delightful. I miss Binra and his Rubrics Cube comments that contain pearls of wisdom – hope he/she is ok.

https://off-guardian.org/2021/09/13/cov ... rever-war/

p.s. It would be a real shot in the arm if Jeff would drop by now and then. (gallows humor)
Last edited by conniption on Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Harvey » Tue Sep 14, 2021 10:30 am

8bit, I agree with your comment on the other thread, toot with confidence. The other thread exists simply to mark twenty years, not to replace this one.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:47 am

conniption » Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:04 am wrote:
8bitagent » Tue Sep 14, 2021 1:03 am wrote:To toot my own horn, I do feel my thread I made a decade ago on here is one the deepest dive into the 9/11 event online of more obscure elements that has mainstream news articles to back it up even the wildest material.

Waking up and seeing the mainstream news cover this "Biden authorizes the Justice Department to unseal previously classified documents linking Saudi Arabia to 9/11" is beyond yawn. 1) The Democrat sycophants on MSNBCIA now worship George W Bush and the neocons and even have them as MSNBC hosts and regular guests 2) Noone cares anymore. Joe Bidens last act in Afghanistan was getting 13 marines needlessly killed/over 200 Afghans killed and then drone striking a food aid worker and his 8 kids and claiming he was "ISIS K".

When I started reading Jeff Well's RI blog in 2005, and posting on here in 2007, I didn't realize how far away 20 years after "The Big Wedding" would be. Yet here we are. 20th annv of 9/11, and it just feels like meh. Just look at George W Bush's speech in Shanksville and the fawning reception by the MSNBCNN media to see how far we've come.

I'll toot your horn with you, 8bit. This is a mighty fine thread and deserves a bump.
Last time here, I accidentally posted a video discussing the "no-plane" theory and was swiftly reprimanded for breaking a rule I forgot existed. Looked plausible to me somehow, but don't tell anyone I said that. Been too long, I guess. Anyway, here is an excellent piece from Kit Knightly at off-guardian:

Thanks:) Also re-reading the article, I'm reminded of the central theme of Paul Verhoeven's Starship Troopers.

I liked this line from the article:

One flows directly into the other. They form a continuum of control narratives designed to frighten people into accepting draconian limitations on their freedom, whilst justifying a permanent society-wide warlike mentality.
“The war on terror” and the “war on Covid” are twin psy-ops that show the transformation of “war” from a foreign policy into a purely domestic one.

It's funny, if you were against the wars or questioned the Bush government version of 9/11, you were a pink commie lefty. If you dare question anything related to Covid or even say the word "Gain of Function" and Faucci in the same sentense, you're a racist Nazi Trump supporter/toothless right wing podunk idiot. But the Covid era has brought hardcore draconian laws that 9/11 couldn't even begin to bring. Again I cite Australia as an example that's beyond anything Alex Jone's most feverish rants could begin to imagine. I also mention the "questioning" part. You now see limited gatekeeper approval for heavily redacted "Well maybe lower elements of Saudi Arabia were involved in 9/11" as if that is the big coverup, similar to "well maybe Covid leaked from a lab, but let's just assume it was a zoonetic jump and just focus on getting your 9th booster shot". Obviously, it could be easy for the MIC to completely pin Covid on China as a bioweapon and use it as cassus beli for a war coupled with an invasion of Taiwan. Anyways, definitely agree with aspects of the article especially the second half.
Last edited by 8bitagent on Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:53 am

Harvey » Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:30 am wrote:8bit, I agree with your comment on the other thread, toot with confidence. The other thread exists simply to mark twenty years, not to replace this one.

Oh thanks, was just bumping this thread. It was kind of an update to Jeff Well's Coincidence Guide To 9/11 from forever ago. 9/11 feels so far down the memory hole that even if there was footage of Bush, Cheney and Clinton in Jeffrey Epstein's mansion having cigars pointing at the Twin Towers a week before 9/11, the public would shrug. 20 years does seem like quite a marker of time, especially in modern internet time. It's just been interesting to see the evolution of "9/11 truth" and the "official narrative" from the halcyon days of the truther era to now where it's so far down the memory hole. The other week there was a 20 year old marine who was one of the 13 US service members who died in a suicide attack at the Kabul airport, and I just thought how crazy it is to die for a war for something the person was barely alive for.
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby 8bitagent » Fri May 13, 2022 5:08 am

Quick bump, sadly HistoryCommons and a lot of deep real politik 9/11 research hubs had been deactivated and expired.
But noticed this "wiki" has popped up which has a lot of the the deep dive research HistoryCommons and other serious 9/11 research had relied on

all this other Saudi intel-9/11 news has been coming out the woodwork lately, but it feels so antiquated and moot
https://www.businessinsider.com/saudi-g ... har-2022-5
https://www.winknews.com/2022/04/27/vid ... operative/
"Do you know who I am? I am the arm, and I sound like this..."-man from another place, twin peaks fire walk with me
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Re: 11 Years After That Clear Blue Tuesday...

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri May 13, 2022 9:46 pm

8bitagent » 13 May 2022 19:08 wrote:Quick bump, sadly HistoryCommons and a lot of deep real politik 9/11 research hubs had been deactivated and expired.
But noticed this "wiki" has popped up which has a lot of the the deep dive research HistoryCommons and other serious 9/11 research had relied on

all this other Saudi intel-9/11 news has been coming out the woodwork lately, but it feels so antiquated and moot
https://www.businessinsider.com/saudi-g ... har-2022-5
https://www.winknews.com/2022/04/27/vid ... operative/

RIP History Commons.

Remember when the internet provided so much hope and possibility....
Joe Hillshoist
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