Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thread)

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Re: What Jack said.

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:06 pm

MacCruiskeen » Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:44 pm wrote:
Elvis » Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:14 pm wrote:In these trying times, let's do a little RI "reset" of our own and make an effort to treat everyone with respect. We owe it to ourselves. :thumbsup

Elvis, how much respect did JackRiddler's unprovoked personal attack show to me? How much respect did it show for the truth?

You know the answers. So does everyone else who can read.

I will reply to it tomorrow, if I can bear to, finally.

Sorry, MacCruiskeen, the post in question was already your banning. Or re-banning, for all the reasons stated in it, including that we're not going to be spending our time catering to your demands. My own technical error allowed you one more post, for which I apologize to you.

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Postby conniption » Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:50 pm

JackRiddler » Mon Jun 27, 2022 7:06 pm wrote:
MacCruiskeen » Mon Jun 27, 2022 8:44 pm wrote:
Elvis » Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:14 pm wrote:In these trying times, let's do a little RI "reset" of our own and make an effort to treat everyone with respect. We owe it to ourselves. :thumbsup

Elvis, how much respect did JackRiddler's unprovoked personal attack show to me? How much respect did it show for the truth?

You know the answers. So does everyone else who can read.

I will reply to it tomorrow, if I can bear to, finally.

Sorry, the post in question was already your banning. Or re-banning, for all the reasons stated above, including that we're not going to be spending our time catering to your demands. My own technical error allowed you one more post, for which I apologize to you.


Heavy sigh...

This is so wrong.

I happen to like Mac quite a bit, and I'm sure there will be other posters around here who will say the same on his behalf. What you are doing, Mr. Riddler is just plain wrong.

I'd like to call for a vote on new moderation for this board, and an unbanning of all the avatars who have been blocked or banned from return.
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Re: Re:

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:59 pm

conniption » Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:50 pm wrote:Heavy sigh...

This is so wrong.

I happen to like Mac quite a bit,

So did I. That's why, after he abused several long-term members relentlessly and finally got banned for it years ago, I thought to lift the ban. And since he's been back he went back to abusing the same people and calling them agents and being generally nasty, and then complaining to the moderators that he was the victim. This is all on him and his stubborness and refusal to stop personal attacks.

I'd like to call for a vote on new moderation for this board, and an unbanning of all the avatars who have been blocked or banned from return.

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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby Grizzly » Wed Jul 06, 2022 12:35 am

So am I correct and that MacCruiskeen, has been banned? Yeah, yeah i know, I'm tempting the ban hammer too. I get it. But I thought at least the GENTRY, here would at the very least answer his last post. common courtesy ONE WOULD THINK.... Stay classy RI.
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby JackRiddler » Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:36 am

Grizzly » Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:35 pm wrote:So am I correct and that MacCruiskeen, has been banned? Yeah, yeah i know, I'm tempting the ban hammer too. I get it. But I thought at least the GENTRY, here would at the very least answer his last post. common courtesy ONE WOULD THINK.... Stay classy RI.

The exact same page you are posting this on has, at the top, an answer to his last post and to your question. This is the latest indication you don't even check the threads before going off like this.

FYI, I hope you read this one carefully, especially the parts addressed to you.

We meet at the borders of our being, we dream something of each others reality. - Harvey of R.I.

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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby Iamwhomiam » Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:29 pm

Edited to add omitted subject line to mac's message:
"Did you report me?"

Iamwhomiam wrote:
MacCruiskeen wrote:I ask because you had posted to GD precisely once in 2022, until my suspension. Less than three hours after that suspension, you suddenly started posting again -- with an obnoxious cartoon comparing dead children to dead foetuses, which you quickly thought better of and deleted. About two hours after that, you posted a photo of a sculpture, a hollow man trying to represent sadness

Now you are continuing your petty vendetta by stirring shit once again in the Admin Issues thread, presumably in yet another effort to get me banned.

Have you been in communication with either of the mods about me, a) at any time this year, and especially b) at any time in the last month?

Tell the truth.


Mac, I have no wish to communicate with you, however, once again I will, but only to set the record straight - finally. I've written here before that I am an honest man who always is truthful, unless I'm clearly engaging in parody as I did in my Noah bit so long ago. Before this, and I haven't checked to be certain, but I believe the last time you wrote to me a year or perhaps 3 years ago now, you asked me to delete something I had written just to prove to you I was being truthful in my explanation to you for my reason writing what I did, and I did delete it to sate your doubt. Now you write and ask me if I reported you. I did not. I have never reported anyone for anything at all, ever, in my 15 years posting here.

I cannot comment upon your being banned, as I had been utterly unaware of it and had not read whatever it was you wrote that caused you to be banned. I only learned about your banning once you mentioned it afterwards.

Clearly, you have misinterpreted the cartoon. Hard for me to imagine anyone would, but you have. Thinking it "obnoxious" is difficult for me to comprehend, as I see it a profound commentary on the current state of our society while awaiting a profoundly important decision to be rendered by the Supreme Court of the United States. Beside that, your commentary regarding the cartoon, which has not been deleted by anyone, is still there for all to see.

Now, what really pisses me off is your rude commentary on the György sculpture, which can be found in Geneva, Switzerland. Albert György, a Romanian, entitled his sculpture "Melancholy," and it takes a cold-hearted bastard to misunderstand its effect upon those grieving a lost loved one. I posted it because I actually feel the pain of loss of a loved one through violence felt by our newest victims in Buffalo and in Uvalde. Every damned mass murder triggers these emotions within me, over and over again.

And Mac,

Why you feel I posted only one time in 2022 is baffling, as a simple search reveals all my prior postings this year.

You silly, man! I have no vendetta against you. I just don't like the way you treat those who see things differently than you. (I have been fighting an urge to ask you "What color are his pants!", but really, why?) I'm dying and have no use for such pettiness, and neither does the board. I'll still read and may post again if I feel well enough to. My daughter has been asked to alert the board upon my demise.

About this last bit you wrote:
"Have you been in communication with either of the mods about me, a) at any time this year, and especially b) at any time in the last month?"

Your audacity is simply outrageous! Frankly, my communications are none of your business. While I love you and all, clipping my toenails is more of a concern to me than anything to do with you or RI, politics, or of the future with all the wonders it might bring forth.

Goodby MacCruiskeen. I hope you find my words informative and helpful.

Blessings, Peace, and Love,

Jim Travers

BCC: JackRiddler; Elvis


That was my first communication with Mac. This came next:

MacCruiskeen wrote:
IamwhomIam wrote:BCC: JackRiddler; Elvis

^^ Unbelievable that you would do that. It speaks volumes.

I will reply to the rest of your lengthy DM this evening when I have time. I will address its multiple inaccuracies. (I am endeavouring to remain polite, even at the risk of euphemism.)

For the moment, only this: I asked you a simple and perfectly reasonable and justifiable question, politely "Have you been in communication with either of the mods about me, a) at any time this year, and especially b) at any time in the last month?"

You reply:
IamwhomIam wrote:"Your audacity is simply outrageous! Frankly, my communications are none of your business."

So I take it that's a Yes. Correct?


On the 15th, Elvis responded to my forwarded communications I had with mac:

Elvis wrote:Jim,

I'm sorry you had to endure this dreadful exchange with Mac. Let us know if he harasses you any further. I'll try to let Mac know that we didn't have any contact with you about him. (He was reported recently—twice—but not by you!)

Aside from that, it's wonderful to see you still posting!



Iamwhomiam wrote:Thanks, Elvis. Q I've been worrying whether or not you had banned Mac, something I wasn't seeking, after noticing his absence after our communications. He will surely blame me if you have, so I hope he wasn't banned as a result of his messaging me.

I feel a bit foolish forwarding on to you and JR the message thread but wanted you and he to be aware of this correspondence so there could be no misunderstanding as to what transpired.

I don't know how long I'll be able to continue posting but will when I'm able. Physical pain, as distinct from discomfort, really sucks! Very uncomfortable having an eggplant in your gut.

Trying my best to get them to excise this shit, at least a good bit of it, enough to not feel like I'm playing a role in "Alien," you know who. F'n "managed care" is more likely "managed income." Imagine, 17 months after being scheduled they still haven't biopsied this thing or its entirely internal brother just below it. I really doubt I'll survive the ordeal now, after such a passage of time. Right now I feel it's spread and can't get my primary Dr to authorize a full-body cat scan, or even another abdominal scan to either calm my fear or confirm my self-diagnosis. Who knows? Maybe my name's been added to a list of useless eaters prepared by one of the death panels!

I plan to stick it out as best I can.

Again, my apologies for dumping this matter on you.

Didn't include Jack as a recipient, ElvisI wish JR would author Richard D. Wolff's biography, he is 80.
Be well, always.


Full disclosure.

And now an update on my health. Visited the er with the hope of at least reducing some of its mass and a great deal of pressure it exerted on my skin, which cut off the blood flow to my skin and caused it to become necrotic - gangreenuous. It began metastisizing on June 1st, 18 months after first seeing a Dr, and it took 2 years to get insurance and my first visit to be scheduled. I am very ill and have no hope left for a happy ending. Although a few Dr's noted the infection, and that I should be on antibiotics. I agreed, but no script was given to my pharmacy. They did put me on morphine after assuring them I would refuse to take the oxycontin.
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby DrEvil » Wed Jul 06, 2022 5:26 pm

Well, fuck. I'm so sorry to hear that.
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby Iamwhomiam » Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:36 pm

In my reply to Mac, I wrote, "(I have been fighting an urge to ask you "What color are his pants!", but really, why?)

The color of the pants of the assailant committing the Pulse nightclub massacre Mac believed the video showed him wearing pants of different colors - therefore a conspiracy perpetrated by the shooter's mind- controlling handlers.

The date I wrote that message to mac, June 12, was the 6th anniversary of the pulse nightclub.
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby stickdog99 » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:36 pm

I have a modest proposal. Why not just ban everyone who doesn't agree that the January 6th insurrection is a far worse threat to humanity than the biosecurity nightmare dystopia that we have all welcomed with open arms in order to force experimental mRNA injections that do nothing whatsoever to stop COVID-19 transmission on all of our closest friends, family members, and neighbors?

I for one am 100% certain that Minstrel Boy would agree that this final move would be totally in the spirit of RI!
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby JackRiddler » Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:46 pm

stickdog99 » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:36 pm wrote:I have a modest proposal. Why not just ban everyone who doesn't agree that the January 6th insurrection is a far worse threat to humanity than the biosecurity nightmare dystopia that we have all welcomed with open arms in order to force experimental mRNA injections that do nothing whatsoever to stop COVID-19 transmission on all of our closest friends, family members, and neighbors?

I for one am 100% certain that Minstrel Boy would agree that this final move would be totally in the spirit of RI!

You are an idiot, at least at this moment, but this is not bannable. Trivialization of the Jan. 6th redux of the Munich Beer Hall Putsch (which indeed could be classified as a minor crime IF it were taken only in itself as a day's worth of dumb-fuck fascistoid riot and attempted plunder, and could be seen as trivial when compared to a whole bunch of routine systemic operations), is nevertheless really dumb-fuck, and obtuse, and missing the point, and assuredly one of x-thousand factors facilitating the inevitable escalation of fascist attempts at open-fascist takeovers in the U.S. (at which point, if and once one of these succeeds, you might figure out the difference between crypto, lite, systemically parallel, on the way, and the real fucking thing in power).

But this shit (trivialization of the attempted coup d'etat ordered by the sitting president on January 6th, 2021) has never been bannable, and your modest-proposal redux is a minor, juvenile distraction.

On the contrary, your real objection (and not only yours) is that I won't agree with your trivialization, and I will continue to describe the Jan. 6th events as an attempted coup d'etat ordered and then led literally by the sitting president. And you will continue to pretend you didn't read the last part, because it is undeniable, and you will continue to misrepresent anything else I say (or anyone here says) that isn't bobble-head agreement with whatever you claim, and present it as support for the FBI or the Democrats or the national-security state, of which it is none of the above.

I know you're trying hard to waste time on the admin thread, and perhaps if you try really, really, really hard to pretend there's some great injustice here (that you want to invite), and keep wasting our time, that may eventually turn into something sanctionable. But it ain't my idea of a good weekend.

Anyway, thanks for the input. You have a supposed "2020 Presidential Election Thread" that's been an echo chamber of your stupid view passed around the Usual Suspects for about a million days now, with no interest from me to be involved in it, since I already said whatever I had to say, and nothing's changed about it. Go there. Enjoy. Best to you.

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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby stickdog99 » Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:48 pm

My problem with you is the exact same as your problem with me.

We agree on basically everything other than our priorities concerning which of the raging fires that surround us most requires our dwindling supply of water.
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby JackRiddler » Wed Jul 13, 2022 6:20 pm

stickdog99 » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:48 pm wrote:My problem with you is the exact same as your problem with me.

We agree on basically everything other than our priorities concerning which of the raging fires that surround us most requires our dwindling supply of water.

Ok then. Let's do debate it elsewhere though. (I mean not on this thread.)
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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby Harvey » Sat Jul 23, 2022 4:39 pm

Isn't censoriousness a declaration of defeat in advance? May we see the offending behaviour set before us?
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Monday 3 July 2023 - Site was down, now it's back...

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:20 pm

Monday 3 July 2023 - Site was down, now it's back...

Last night, no load. This morning, no load.

This afternoon, loads.

I have no idea why, it wasn't me, it wasn't Jeff either.

Was it happening earlier than last night? (Sunday) Maybe it was, I was busy the last couple of days. Let me know if it started before yesterday evening.

Now I'll post this and if you see it, that works too.

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Re: Welcome to Rigorous Intuition v.2020! (admin issues thre

Postby Grizzly » Fri Jul 07, 2023 1:00 am

Is anyone else blocked out of reading Jeff's Twatter?
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