Dear Nancy Pelosi

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Dear Nancy Pelosi

Postby MASONIC PLOT » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:40 pm

Nancy Pelosi to the White Courtesy Phone
Nancy? I’ve got the American people on the phone here and they wanted to say a few things to you about representing them according to their best interests. Of course I can’t let them speak all at once so what I’m going to do is channel a few of the major streams of collective concern. One might assume that you already know about these concerns, after all, that’s supposed to be your job. As I understand it, your job is to work toward the realization of the American publics’ needs and wishes. Your job isn’t to decide what is best for the American public based on who is applying the greatest pressure on you to promote their interests. That’s the job of the Republicans and they were thrown out of control because of systematic abuse. If you want to avoid having the same thing happen to you then you need to take off the red mini-skirt and thigh high white boots and try not to sell your ass unless it is for the good of the American people.

Here are some of the things the American people want you to do. I know that this is what they want because I have seen thousands of comments at websites all over the internet that express these desires and positions. If you don’t address these issues and bring them up for discussion and action then it goes without saying that you have combined the two oldest professions into something less honest than either of them is by themselves.

You must address the influence of Israel on American policy. AIPAC must register as the agent of a foreign power. There should be a detailed investigation into Israeli spying in the US and the results should be made public. The people have a right to know. The people have a right to know how much impact Israeli interests had on causing the Iraq invasion. Unless the truth has been made against the law it should be okay to reveal it. Either one and one is two or it is not. Just look at the evidence and add it together and let’s see what we have.

You must reverse the administration’s actions concerning Posse Comitatus and Habeas Corpus. You must reverse that enemy combatant thing. Failure on your part to do any of this confirms that you support these things or that you don’t have the sand to do the job you are required to do. There’s no need to get complex about it. It’s either one thing or the other.

Let’s move to 9/11. A majority of the American people know that the administration was somehow involved in the attack. The evidence of this is overwhelming. Therefore it needs to be publicly investigated. Applying all of the 9/11 committees suggestions is pointless if it is not known who carried out the attacks. Let the chips fall where they may. It is in the interest of the American people to know what happened on 9/11. The American people need to know why Dick Cheney had the Air Force stand down after the attacks. Experts who are not dressed up like whores need to investigate the peculiar manner in which 3 towers fell to the ground so quickly and all in the same way and nearly all at the same time. The coincidence is too remarkable to be ignored. If you don’t do this Nancy then you are a part of the whitewash. Here’s the thing Nancy, if Al Qaeda wasn’t behind this attack then everything America is doing in respect of it is all based on a lie. We’ll all be the better for knowing.

You need to form an investigation into Diebold. If you can’t do this, if you don’t see the importance of it then you are too stupid to be doing the job you have.

The sheer volume of illegal acts on the part of the Bush administration demands investigation. When such an investigation reveals actual treason on the part of members of this administration then the proper actions should be taken. If you can’t do this you need to find some other occupation. Perhaps you can go back into public relations where lying is the approved form of behavior.

America wants to know what happened and why. America wants some justice out of the carnage of the last six years. America does not want to just sweep it all under the rug and get a bunch of smoke and mirrors about bi-partisanship and moving forward. Crimes have been committed. I’m telling you what the American public wants. It’s your job to see that they get it.

An investigation has to be opened into Cheney’s meeting with the energy bosses. An investigation has to be launched into Halliburton. An investigation has to be launched into the media conglomerates and the manner in which they fabricate news instead of reporting it. The FCC has to get active about all of these media mergers.

America wants to know why nothing was revealed concerning the Five Dancing Israelis and their Mossad connections as well as the many Israelis who were arrested for espionage after 9/11 and then quietly deported. You can read a fascinating article here --------- ------------ about a big problem that America has. If you can’t do something about this we will have to assume that you are compromised. It is unfortunate that certain ugly truths have to be revealed but that’s life. We’re always better off for knowing why certain things are happening.

The question of Palestine must be addressed. Here is the main reason for nearly all so-called terrorist activity. Solving this problem will make the whole world a better place. Unless you don’t want the world to be a better place then you must fix this awful chronic problem once and for all. If you do not it will get worse and worse and sooner or later something really bad is going to happen. Bad things are happening right now. This is how it’s done Nancy. Demand that Israel move back to the ’67 borders and declare a Palestinian State and partition Jerusalem. That’s it, no arguments. Israel can put up their fence then. They can close off their borders if they want. They have the fourth most powerful military on Earth, they’re not likely to be threatened by a Palestinian state and it would create enormous good will for them.

The rich should be taxed significantly. The more they make the more they should pay. There should be no argument about this.

The homeless situation needs to be addressed and health care needs to be addressed and the lobbies that oppose these things must be ignored.

Alternative energy must be aggressively promoted and all of the Bush actions against the environment must be repealed and the gerrymandering across the land undone.

America is either the land of the free and a working democracy or it is not. If it is then the will of the people must be carried out. If you do not do this Nancy then you should be removed from office because you are not doing your job. Should the evidence reveal that the bush administration should be impeached- and it most certainly will, then these proceedings must begin. The people of America demand this. Make it happen or else.

NOTE: I've never asked my readers for anything except to have open minds. My site isn't jazzed up with ads and though I have a Paypal button on my site, I don't take it seriously and... neither do my readers (grin). But I'm asking you for a favor now and that is to send this article out to anyone that you feel ought to see it. I'm asking you to help get it linked as widely as possible. If every reader sends it on to just one source that will be an immense help. I appreciate those of you who do this already but with this one article let's try to get it out there. Thank you.

Postby chiggerbit » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:04 pm

Tsk, tsk, a very sexist piece. No one would call a guy a whore for doing what Pelosi is doing. They'd just call him a crook. her a crook, ok?
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:13 pm

Personally, I hold the proponents of political correctness in equal contempt with the fascists. Both of these forces are negatives in respect of the greater good of humanity. The whoring for special social interests is not better than the whoring for corporations in terms of damage to the maintenance of balance at home and abroad. The democrat’s chief challenge is to see the uncompromising press of the gay agenda and more radical abortion proponents in the same light as the deep pockets corporations. At the same time, the religious fascists need to be kept at the same distance from policy as AIPAC. The bottom line for good government, despite all the smoke and mirrors and obfuscations at work, is ALWAYS, the greatest good for the greatest number of people. And mind Vox Populi.

Postby AlicetheCurious » Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:00 pm

Chiggerbit, I wish these people were whores. Whores sell themselves. These people are cannibals -- they feast on the flesh and blood of human beings.
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Re: Heh

Postby nomo » Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:02 pm

MASONIC PLOT wrote:Personally, I hold the proponents of political correctness in equal contempt with the fascists.

What a lame cop out! You post this incredibly stupid, insulting, sexist post and when you're called upon it, those who object are fascists?

In true old-fashioned Usenet parlance, there's only one word for braindead messages like yours:


(Look it up.)
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:04 pm

Please tell me where I called them fascists? Do you read or just see what you want to see. I said I hold them with the equal contempt, meaning I have the same amount of contempt for each, RESPECTIVELY. I didnt say they were the same. Read THEN comment. Thats the order we do things in.

Postby nomo » Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:11 pm

Ah yes, more backpedaling.

No, of course you didn't literally write that. But you made damn sure you phrased it in such a way that there's no doubt about what you really meant. Very slick of you.

But hey, you're entitled to your opinion. Just have the guts to defend them when called upon, is all.
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:13 pm

No, there is a distinction, the fascists whore for corporations, the politically correct left whores for special social interests, while they are not the same, I have an equal amount of contempt for both extremes. Again, read what is being said instead of just trying to instigate and attack.

The article is asking Speaker to be Pelosi not to whore herself to the special interests and instead do what she was elected to do, the will of the people. You allow one small bit of rhetoric to divert your attention away from the fact that the article is accurate and well written and intended to convey what the American people want out of their elected leaders. Focus your attention on what is important and meaningful instead of being distracted by that which has no meaning or value. Your propensity to be so easily distracted is the reason the American Republic is in the condition it is in today. I realize the floruide in your water acts as a mild sedative, but please, try to focus.

Postby FugitiveInitiate » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:04 pm

I think the letter has so many points worthy of thought and comment that I am surprised anyone would go to such considerable effort to stretch this into a "sexist" post. Why not discuss some of the REAL issues addressed? It also deserves mention that nowhere in the article does the author call Ms. Pelosi a whore. Not at all. It is, no doubt, strongly implied that any politician who caters to special interests in lieu of protecting and securing the rights of American citizens is a whore. Male or female - any representative of the people who sells himself or herself to the highest bidder certainly qualifies for the label.

If every post was nitpicked in the manner above, the board would soon be empty of significant content.

How about the main points made in the letter - aren’t some of those worthy of exploration and discussion? Or is there some other agenda at play here?
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Good point....

Postby MASONIC PLOT » Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:10 pm

Excellent point FA...the only problem is most people do not like to focus on the facts, they rather enjoy- and become quite fascinated with and distracted by- those red herrings dangled in front of them. Kids and candy.

Postby Telexx » Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:55 pm

The fact here is you open your piece directed towards a female politician with "If you want to avoid having the same thing happen to you then you need to take off the red mini-skirt and thigh high white boots and try not to sell your ass unless it is for the good of the American people."

It's unlikely you would have opened your piece with the same metaphor if the politician in question was a male politician, no? Or do you have corresponding imagery in mind?

You say it's just rhetoric but clearly your rhetoric seems crass and alienating to some of the people who would be generally sympathetic towards your ideas. I'm not American but I think you make some good points in your posts.


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Postby chiggerbit » Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:59 pm

Masonic, please tell me you didn't write this.
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:23 pm

I have already made my point. Enough of that, but having studied classical literature at the post graduate level I can tell you that imagery, similie and metaphor are all powerful and useful writing tools. Had it been a male politican like, say, Denny the Turkish agent Hastert, it could have very well been "Stop dropping your pants and bending over for corporate interests and serve the American people's needs." Of course, I am sure the PC police will find offense in that also. Good writing should stun, awaken and offend as much as possible, it should move people to emotional states that their everyday life experience does not.

Besides, I did not author the above article. The link is posted to the authors website.

Postby chiggerbit » Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:50 pm

Good, then let me say that, being female myself, the pompous, demeaning language that talked down to the little woman got in the way of the message for me. It's not about pc, it's about disrespect to the entire gender, not just Ms. Pelosi. I've had to live with it, I don't like it. I've been expecting the right to use these kinds of tactics, her being the first female to likely be in the position, but I do no like it coming from us on the side away from the far-right. Scheeze!

take off the red mini-skirt and thigh high white boots and try not to sell your ass

then it goes without saying that you have combined the two oldest professions

Experts who are not dressed up like whores

If you don’t do this Nancy
This is how it’s done Nancy
If you do not do this Nancy
Here’s the thing Nancy
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she deserves it!!

Postby darkbeforedawn » Mon Nov 13, 2006 9:57 pm

The point is she is OUR EMPLOYEE. Why is she in so much hurry to get Bush's ass out of the fire? She is squandering any respect she may have given to her by her blatant kowtowing to King Bush & co. Why do these people have to continue the charade that we have a legitimate government here? They stole both pres. elections and she still defends him like he really is OUR president. Get over it. She IS a whore and she acts like one. She falls all over herself defending him from that "thug" Chavez, a democraticaly elected leader. And she is actually working for AIPAC. It's a wonder she can take time out from fund raising for them to get to congress occassionally.


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