Dear Nancy Pelosi

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Postby yathrib » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:23 pm

Posting Tulpa writes:

"Masonic Plot they just don't get it do they? Just for you unlinkable ppl out there this was posted by Les Visible at SmokingMirrors. He is less than pc in any of his rants so don't throw the whole book at the Plotster. I just took the ball and ran with it. In my opinion, which last time I checked I am ENTITLED to, she is a (figurative) whore in her methods, one being the way she dresses COMPARED TO HER PEERS."

Yathrib the PC spook writes:

Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled not to respect it. NEXT!
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:26 pm

This post was intended to start a discussion about the issues listed in the article, issues that are very important for all American people. The response by many of you is shocking and stands as clear evidence of how radical leftist ideology is no better than the ideology of the radical right and its neo con policy. It is radical and extreme to take one small unimportant issue within a larger context of many very important issues and focus all your energy on it, thereby discrediting any effort that was made to convey real change and solicit real dialogue. I dont know about the rest of you but I am terribly disapointed by the entire charade, granted I myself contributed to it I never intended for this to become what it has.

At this point no good can come from this thread. Jeff please feel free to fire pit this embarassment.
Last edited by MASONIC PLOT on Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Opinions

Postby posting tulpa » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:31 pm

yathrib wrote:Posting Tulpa writes:

"Masonic Plot they just don't get it do they? Just for you unlinkable ppl out there this was posted by Les Visible at SmokingMirrors. He is less than pc in any of his rants so don't throw the whole book at the Plotster. I just took the ball and ran with it. In my opinion, which last time I checked I am ENTITLED to, she is a (figurative) whore in her methods, one being the way she dresses COMPARED TO HER PEERS."

Yathrib the PC spook writes:

Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled not to respect it. NEXT!

Ok dickhead but I never called you a pc spook, that was someone else, but you sure made sure to weigh in on a "stupid" topic. Thanks for letting me know how YOU feel. Now I can sleep tonight.
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Posting Tulpa

Postby yathrib » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:34 pm

MAybe you should go to the Yahoo! message boards to join your moral/intellectual peers.
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Postby FugitiveInitiate » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:36 pm

What a sad state of affairs.

The original post was full of the important issues that will either save or destroy what is left of this country. Sadly, the thread has been used to attack the tone of the article and the character of the poster. Then it evolved into a fashion discussion, sending members off to frantically "google" Pelosi's wardrobe in hopes of proving another member wrong. No it has settled into plain old-fashioned name-calling. Is there no interest at all in the issues?

Way to go, gang. Way to take the high road and distinguish yourself from those you call "sheeple" - you know, the ones who are so easily distracted by minutia instead of seeing what's really important!

Just think how much trouble Jeff has gone to in order to provide you a forum for this impressive display of intelligence and awareness. :roll:
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Postby nomo » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:37 pm

MASONIC PLOT wrote:This post was intended to start a discussion about the issues listed in the article, issues that are very important for all American people.

If that was your intention, maybe you should have picked an article that was less insensitive, stupid, and degrading to women. Don't blame me for calling you on it, and don't be cowardly hiding behind the excuse that you didn't write it yourself.

It's a matter of respect dude. I don't engage in discussion with foulmouthed people, no matter what valid points they think they bring to the table.
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Postby nomo » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:38 pm

FugitiveInitiate wrote:What a sad state of affairs.

The original post was full of the important issues that will either save or destroy what is left of this country.

It was also full of blatant sexist crap. Sad state of affairs indeed.
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Postby posting tulpa » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:44 pm

and maybe you should learn to pick on people that actually show you some actual avarice. I quoted your comment cuz I thought it was hilarious and eerily true about Rushlodytes. But then again maybe you should just STFU too. I have every right to be here just like you. I have every right to spout any innane thing that comes across my mind just like you. However I am not a Nazi, Just like you. Why don't you start your own blog then you can be the all powerful administrator and tell those who YOU deem not worthy that they aren't good enough to post on your allmighty blog, so until your name is Jeff Wells you should probably STFU about who goes where. I am also entitled to that as well. Don't like it? Tough. Maybe you should go somewhere where the mud doesnt fly too fast for you to tell who threw it.
Last edited by posting tulpa on Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
... and still, people like me are called anti-Semitic… nut jobs… and of course, ‘racist’ by members of the self-chosen at any one of the sewer forums where they gather to gang rape the truth.-Les Visible
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:46 pm

FA--thanks for the vote of confidence, as I said before I am shocked and dissapointed at the response myself, what started out as an honest attempt to get a discussion going about some of the issues the new congress would be faced with, quickly turned into quagmire and mud slinging contest. It is too bad the person who first decided to call it a 'sexist artucle' didnt think twice about their actions and had instead chose to speak about the issues that matter. It is too late to do anything about it now. This does not show well for Jeff's board and I will now e mail him and ask him to do away with this entire charade ignorance.

Postby posting tulpa » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:46 pm

nomo wrote:It's a matter of respect dude. I don't engage in discussion with foulmouthed people, no matter what valid points they think they bring to the table.

oh really?
Last edited by posting tulpa on Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
... and still, people like me are called anti-Semitic… nut jobs… and of course, ‘racist’ by members of the self-chosen at any one of the sewer forums where they gather to gang rape the truth.-Les Visible
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:47 pm

FA--thanks for the vote of confidence, as I said before I am shocked and dissapointed at the response myself, what started out as an honest attempt to get a discussion going about some of the issues the new congress would be faced with, quickly turned into quagmire and mud slinging contest. It is too bad the person who first decided to call it a 'sexist article' didnt think twice about their actions and had instead chose to speak about the issues that matter. It is too late to do anything about it now. This does not show well for Jeff's board and I will now e mail him and ask him to do away with this entire charade of ignorance.
Last edited by MASONIC PLOT on Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

This thread

Postby yathrib » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:54 pm

Seems there have been some misunderstandings here, which I've contributed to. For the record I found the tone of the original article too offensive and remniniscent of right-wing screeds about Hillary circa 1995 to get anything out of it.

I have no right to tell PT to STFU as he puts it. That is all.
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Postby posting tulpa » Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:59 pm

JeezusssChristo! I quit. Goodbye everyone. You can all break out the cake and party favors, I am gone. Don't celebrate too hard guys, the NWO is still coming. Sexist pig: out!
... and still, people like me are called anti-Semitic… nut jobs… and of course, ‘racist’ by members of the self-chosen at any one of the sewer forums where they gather to gang rape the truth.-Les Visible
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I have to agree about the gender-specific slur

Postby slow_dazzle » Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:08 pm

It is regrettable that an otherwise cogent commentary about the validity of why that body politic represented by Pelosi should ask her to sit up and take notice is marred by language that is borne out of decades of male dominated society. I say this as one of the menfolk btw.

Come on menfolk, we have grown up in a society where gender-specific slurs have no impact on sensibilities to us menfolk but we cannot, for one minute, see how such learned behaviour might offend the female of the species. In order to understand that we would have to be a woman.

So how do I know this if I am male? The argument I have advanced might appear to make any commentary on how women feel redundant. All I would say is that decades of being slapped down by womenfolk, in response to comments I regarded as perfectly in order, made me realise that my learned behaviour was just that. It was behaviour borne out of a male-dominated society where the agenda, the commentary and perceptions of what is acceptable presume so much but do not take the other half of the species into consideration. In effect, our responses and comments are borne out of male presumptions. Come on menfolk, admit it.

None of this is intended to slam anyone - that is pointless because to each and every reaction and all that. All I am saying is that it is very difficult for a man to see the world through a woman's eyes, not least because society as we know it is almost wholly a male construct.

As for Pelosi's mendacious comments as regards impeachment, and related issues, they are shameful. But anyone who knows how the system works should not be is a self-perpetuating elite that is set up to stop any challenges to its authority. If Ms Pelosi was likely to change the pecking order she would not have been allowed to get to her current position. A few did, some got close, but most paid the ultimate price.

I don't want to hijack this thread although the subject of gender influence within society is damned important in a historical context. How about a discussion on the Nazarene Church and its eventual subjugation by the Catholic Church? Now there is a topic for discussion. Was the concept of gender equality in society snuffed out after the ascendancy of the Roman Church and what are the implications for spirituality today? This is not to introduce God, at least in the populist sense, via the back door btw...I am not a Christian. However, a little research into the early Christian Church reveals a little about gender power. The whore or Madonna dichotomy that characterises Christianity, and thus influenced our perception of woman, for example, emanated from that period. Maybe that reverberates today as women struggle (cry out perhaps) to be heard and not boxed into male constructs of who and what they really are.

John Lennon was right - woman is the nigger of the world.
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Pelosi article

Postby yathrib » Tue Nov 14, 2006 6:11 pm

Exactly--if the point is that Democrats are sometimes (often) cowardly, betraaying weasels, it could have been made w/o portraying Pelosi as the Whore of Babylon riding a seven-headed beast, drunk on the blood of the saints, etc.
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