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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:54 pm

This sounds intriguing. ... ead=158967


Posted By: Il_Bagattel
Date: Wednesday, 15 November 2006, 6:10 a.m.

In my ongoing observations of the manipulations of the global consciousness, by such groups as the Tavistock Institute, I was drawn to a trailer for the latest "entertainment" buzz about Borat. I watched the trailer at youtube and was appalled at the insensitivity that it demonstrated. I filed it away as "keep an eye on this" item. Eventually the motive would rear its ugly head.

Voila! Without a lot of investigative effort on my part, the answers began to slowly drift in and the puzzle pieces (though not that difficult to surmise) began to assemble themselves.

Today Drudge posted this:

Now Romanians Say 'Borat' Misled Them
Nov 14 9:08 AM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

GLOD, Romania

The name of this remote Romanian village means "mud," and that's exactly what angry locals are throwing at comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.

Cohen used Glod's Gypsies as stand-ins for Kazakhs in his runaway hit movie, "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan." Now offended villagers are threatening to sue the film's producers for paying them a pittance to put farm animals in their homes and perform other crude antics.

Residents and local officials in the hardscrabble hamlet 85 miles northwest of Bucharest said Tuesday they were horrified and humiliated to learn their abject poverty and simple ways were ridiculed for a movie now raking in millions at box offices worldwide.

"We thought they came here to help us _ not mock us," said Dana Luca, 40, sweeping a manure-stained street lined with shabby homes of crumbling brick and corrugated iron sheeting.

"We haven't got anything here. We haven't got running water. We can't even bathe," she said. "We are poor people, but we are still people."

Nicolae Staicu, leader of the 1,670 Gypsies, or Roma, who eke out a living in one of the most impoverished corners of Romania, said he and other officials would meet with a public ombudsman on Wednesday to map out a legal strategy against Cohen and "Borat" distributor 20th Century Fox.


First thing we note is that the offensive Borat character is played by an actor who is named Cohen and the film is produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox. We don't need to go much further seeking a zionist connection in that department.

Next came the "why?" Wikipedia made short work of that:

Natural resources

Kazakhstan has an abundant supply of accessible mineral and fossil fuel resources. Development of petroleum, natural gas, and mineral extraction has attracted most of the over $40 billion in foreign investment in Kazakhstan since 1993 and accounts for some 57% of the nation's industrial output. According to some estimates [5], Kazakhstan has the second largest uranium, chromium, lead, and zinc reserves, the third largest manganese reserves, the fifth largest copper reserves, and ranks in the top ten for coal, iron, and gold. It is also an exporter of diamonds.

In total, there are 160 deposits with over 2.7 billion tons of petroleum. Oil explorations have shown that the deposits on the Caspian shore are only a small part of a much larger deposit. It is said that 3.5 billion tons of oil and 2.5 trillion cubic meters of gas could be found in that area. Overall the estimate of Kazakhstan's oil deposits is 6.1 billion tons. However, there are only 3 refineries within the country, situated in Atirau, Pavlodar, and Shymkent. These are not capable of processing the crude output, much of it is exported to Russia.


[Bag: In looking at a map, with foreknowledge of the importance of the Caspian, the proximity of Iran, the desires of Israel for Haifa to become the global center for refining and shipping of the looted oil from the region, the natural pipeline path for that oil to reach Haifa, etc,.... not to mention the mineral wealth of the Kazakhs, a picture begins to form of zionist hegemony, post Iran.]

Now the clincher:


[...] There is also a small but visible Jewish community. Before 1991, one million Volga Germans lived in Kazakhstan; much of this community emigrated to Germany following the breakup of the Soviet Union. The main religious groupings are Sunni Islam, Russian Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism.



Purrrrfect! A prime country for destabilization, Balkanization and looting via the tried and true "clash of civilizations" method. But first, the inhabitants must be dehumanized so that their charred and dismembered bodies, that will undoubtedly appear on those pesky blogger's sites, won't actually create any revulsion in the goy robots.

Good job Borat. Mission Accomplished.

WATCH THIS SPACE for further negative Kazakh portrayals coming your way soon. Of course that sticky takeover of Iran, down at the other end of the Caspian, has to be dealt with first. Still, the illusion of the Kazakh population, as one of the least valuable of of the earth's populations, must be programmed in the minds of the masses as soon as possible.

I might suggest that one go to and view the Borat trailers there. If you find them as offensive as I did, please boycott this piece of zio-globalist filth masquerading as entertainment.

Disclaimer: The contents of this post are the solely the projections of Il Bagattel, based on easily accessible data, and may or may not have any basis in possible or probable future events.


Postby yathrib » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:07 pm

I think the guy who lives in a dumpster across from Starbucks told me the same thing, except he was more coherent.
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Postby nomo » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:17 pm

MASONIC PLOT wrote:This sounds intriguing.

Only if you see Jews behind every tree.

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Postby 4911 » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:21 pm

MP - are you from Kazhakstan?
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Postby yathrib » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:22 pm

"Only if you see Jews behind every tree."

No, only kosher trees. LOL
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Postby orz » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:23 pm

First thing we note is that the offensive Borat character is played by an actor who is named Cohen
:shock: :shock: :shock: :roll:
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:29 pm

Hey I didnt write nor have I endorsed it. I said it sounds interesting. That doesnt mean I agree with it. Relax people.

Postby Dreams End » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:36 pm

Counterpunch actually had a similar article. Of course, he completely mocks the war on terror in the movie, which is further proof that the zionists position themselves on every side of every issue to advance their devious agenda.

I did find the mocking of the poor offensive...he could easily have dispensed with that and had the mockery fall on the character and the country he seeks to learn about (USA).

See the movie, however, if nothing else but for the creepy scene in the pentacostal church. I don't mean because of the speaking in tongues, etc...I've been around that before, but the actual leaders of that church....really evil looking. Also those who were speaking in tongues did not even seem "authentic" to me, however you might interpret that. and the state supreme court official and congressman speaking at the church...just creepy.

Naturally, Borat parodies anti-Semites, even assuming that an older Jewish couple at a Bed and Breakfast are actually shapeshifters. Sounded vaguely familiar somehow...
Dreams End

Postby Blueberry » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:48 pm

This movie was the top box office hit last weekend...what total BS.
This is so Tavistock..there is no way an average person is going to be interested in this movie.
Complete mind numbing crap..just light the match to the toilet paper.
The Danish cartoons come to mind...Tavistock again
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Postby orz » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:53 pm

This movie was the top box office hit last weekend...

This is so Tavistock..there is no way an average person is going to be interested in this movie.

Who bought all those tickets then? Above or below avarage people?
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Postby yathrib » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:56 pm

Isn't average basically a statistical term, and if such a large number of people buy tickets, wouldn't a significant portion of them have to be "average in some sense? LOL
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Postby Jeff » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:59 pm

First thing we note is that the offensive Borat character is played by an actor who is named Cohen

This argument crosses a line I don't want crossed on this board.

Borat holds a mirror to America, not Khazakistan. People who don't like what they see, won't much like it. Or some guy named Cohen. Which is why it's important. as well as funny.

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