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Postby dragon » Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:32 pm

A tutorial, if you please.

Pendulum use goes back into antiquity, pre-history. They are still being used because they work. Pendulums are one of many ways of accessing information external to your nervous system. L-rods, tea leaves, tarot cards and other systems are all basically ways to access information.

And it is a skill, and because it is a skill, then one may find practitioners with different levels of competency. Beginners may get inconsistent results, but that is part of the learning process, just like learning any other skill. We use map dowsing here to locate underground bases. Our little boy used map dowsing to find a lost object in his room! He drew a picture of his room, furniture and all, and found the lost item exactly where the pendulum said it would be.

There are books and videos galore on using pendulums. The beginner would do well to read several of them and practice a lot.

One thing a person who uses a pendulum or tarot cards should never do is search for an answer to a personal question. Your subconscious mind will give you either the answer you want to hear, or the answer you fear the most. Ask someone who is not emotionally involved in the question to find out if your girl friend is cheating on you, or if the boss is going to fire you.

I mentioned using a pendulum on a cell phone to illustrate the neutralizing effect of the agnihotra ash. It will change the direction of spin when the ash is applied to a cell phone. Someone, of course, very properly called that into question, saying that the person would get the answer they wanted. [I'm paraphrasing here] That's true, but that's not the whole truth.

In proper usage, the operator's arm is supported and does not move. An observer would not see any motion in the hand that would influence the movement of the pendulum. And yet, the pendulum moves. How can that be?

If you are searching for the answer to an emotionally charged question, the pendulum will move in response to what your subconscious mind is telling you; the answer you want or the answer you fear. This, no matter how steady your hand is when asking.

What are we seeing here? What we have seen, and demonstrated, is action at a distance. Action at a distance is radionic work. A radionic device, any radionic device, is a mind amplifier, as you all may already know. Action at a distance means that your mind has influenced physical matter. In the case of that pendulum in your hand, your mind has influenced the movement of the pendulum.

That's why you don't use a pendulum to find out if your girl friend is cheating on you or your sick mother is going to recover.

Action at a distance is mind power, and how black magicians do disruptive and destructive things to people they have never met and live hundreds of miles away. On the Light side of the equation, white magicians use their minds for positive outcomes. I've charged water and destroyed cancer cells remotely. It is mind power, focused and applied. Since everything is energy anyway, then whether you are burning out cancer cells or putting a hex on someone far away, what you are doing is moving energy around.

So, if your mind can make that pendulum swing, how can that be any different or harder to accept when I tell you that I rearranged the molecular structure of the fuel rods in a reactor? Or the molecules in Poppy Bush?

Do you remember me telling you about the lady and her daughter who went to the Bohemian Grove and left some mud balls there? The rest of the story is, they were able to enter the place undetected because her friend back in town had used his mind to disable the motion sensors. They moved about freely deploying mud balls and worked without interruption until spotted by an employee and escorted off the property.

These cell phone towers are physically destructive, and an aggressive move by TPTB [The Parasites That Be]. One doesn't need to defend or explain his defensive actions in such situations. A non-violent and non-destructive response to mind control tower frequencies is comparable to wearing a bullet-proof vest. They still have their towers, the guy still has his gun, but neither one can hurt me after I have neutralized their power.

Joe Hillshoist compared the mud ball effect to religious cleansing, so maybe that's the way to describe it. I drop a mud ball in front of a tower, all its "sins" are washed away, and it is a "born again" tower, working now in the service of a Higher Idea. I like that.

I'm going to close here with a prediction. I predict that the hoot-down artists will swoop down on this post like a rooster on a June Bug and attempt to tear it to pieces and discredit me without ever discussing the subject matter itself, bringing out additional information, or asking for clarification of points they don't understand.

But that's all right. What I write is not addressed to them. I am writing to thoughtful people who are looking for a way out of this box canyon of a mess we seem to be in. That is why I frequently leave my e-mail address in my posts. Those who respond to me openly here risk being verbally attacked by the hoot-down artists. Their words bounce off me like a shot off a skillet. Others may not be so resilient.

There's a lot to be learned, and there are effective ways of fighting the dark forces.


Z-Force Group. Arizona's Global Tyranny First Response Team.


Postby professorpan » Tue Jan 02, 2007 2:33 pm

In proper usage, the operator's arm is supported and does not move. An observer would not see any motion in the hand that would influence the movement of the pendulum. And yet, the pendulum moves. How can that be?

Because the operator is moving the pendulum. Try though you might to remain absolutely still, if you are expecting the pendulum to swing, small and nearly imperceptible movements of your body will cause it to swing.

The phenomenon is called the ideomotor effect, and it has been extensively documented. I suggested to Dragon that he try doing a double-blind experiment, such as that conducted by Chevreul:

In 1808, a Professor Gerboin of Strasbourg wrote an entire book on use of the pendulum for chemical analysis [9]. As a budding scientist, Chevreul was intrigued, but he remained skeptical. He was surprised, however, to find that the pendulum worked as advertised when he tried it over a dish of mercury. He carried out more tests, however. To see if a physical force was responsible for the movement of the pendulum, he placed a glass plate between the iron ring and the mercury. To his surprise, the oscillations diminished and then stopped. When he removed the glass plate, the pendulum movements resumed. He next suspected that the pendulum moved because it was difficult to hold his arm steady. When he rested his arm on a support, the movements diminished but did not stop altogether.

Finally, Chevreul did what none of his predecessors had thought of doing. He conducted the equivalent of what we would call a double-blind trial. He blindfolded himself and then he had an assistant interpose or remove the glass plate between the pendulum and the mercury without his knowledge. Under these conditions, nothing happened. Chevreul concluded, "So long as I believed the movement possible, it took place; but after discovering the cause I could not reproduce it." His experiments with the pendulum show how easy it is "to mistake illusions for realities, whenever we are confronted by phenomena in which the human sense-organs are involved under conditions imperfectly analyzed." Chevreul used this principle of expectant attention to account for the phenomena of dowsing, movements of the exploring pendulum, and the then current fad among spiritualists, table-turning.

Another favorite new age practice is "muscle testing." The subject holds his or her arm straight out, and is handed an object to test whether it is positive or negative. Sometimes the subject is given a taste of something (when I first saw it demonstrated, the person was given a bit of ordinary sugar). When the substance is supposed to be "bad" (i.e. sugar), the arm becomes weak and can easily be pushed down by someone else. If it's "positive" the subject's arm will resist.

Again, as with pendulums, the expectation of the person determines whether the arm is weak or strong. I've tried a double-blind experiment with this practice, too, and it fails to work when the subject is unaware of the object or substance being tested.

But before I get branded as a Randi-esque SCICOP debunker, I do find the use of pendulums to be good at working with one's subconscious. For instance, if you lose something, a pendulum may help you to access a hidden memory of where you lost the object. And I'm not convinced dowsing for water is entirely ineffective.

But using a pendulum to verify something objectively -- i.e. whether a cell phone has bad energy -- can be demonstrated to be worthless by a simple double-blind experiment. I encourage you, Dragon, to put your beliefs to the test and report back to us.
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Postby chiggerbit » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:03 pm

Because the operator is moving the pendulum. Try though you might to remain absolutely still, if you are expecting the pendulum to swing, small and nearly imperceptible movements of your body will cause it to swing.

Ho, boy, is that ever a true statement. Try holding your breath while holding a camera as still as possible on high zoom, and see what quality picture you get compared to the same picture on a tripod. I've even braced my elbows on a bridge side while holding my breath, and it still did not take as clear a picture as on a tripod. Even your heartbeat causes movement.
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Postby dragon » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:30 pm

Professor Pan writes:

" I encourage you, Dragon, to put your beliefs to the test and report back to us."

Actually, Professor, I have already done that over the course of the last 35 years. I've tested it for myself, and proven its validity for certain uses, such as map dowsing and a few other things. But these are only my results. As the saying goes, your mileage may vary. Pendulums are not a tool that everyone can use. My buddy Flash could not get one to swing at all. He was a whiz with L-rods, though.

I've already done the experiments, Professor, and satisfied myself that pendulums do work. What I'm asking is that those who read this message test for themselves and see if this works for them. Doesn't matter to you if it works for me. It only has value to you if it works for you.

They are one of many methods for accessing information external to your nervous system. Some folks have a natural ability, and get phenomenal results. For others, it has limited utility value. I put it out as a way of testing cell phones before and after application of ash. There are many devices on the market now that are supposed to protect us from brain damage caused by cell phone emissions. I've never seen one yet that offerred a way to prove that their device really works.

I didn't so much want to talk about pendulums as I did about mind power, and action at a distance. The pendulum was used as an example of how the mind can affect matter. Psycho-kinesis is another example.

There was a lot of skepticism expressed over the idea that one could actually make reactor rods lose power. There's a certain amount of risk involved in making that statement, because all we have to go on here is a report from our forward observer. It is not likely you'll see this on Fox News. I'm comfortable enough in the validity of his report and what we saw remotely viewing from here that indeed, this did happen, and the Adminstration is going to have to deal with the new reality.

Had we not done this, it is likely there would have been a war against Iran going on right now. The Eisenhower flattop didn't show up for the party until a month after its scheduled appearance. That's all the 3-D confirmation we have as of this moment. Let's all keep an eye on the USS Stennis, which is not scheduled to depart for that area until the end of the month. I gave their equipment a tune-up, too.

Matter is energy. Mind power is energy. Energy can have an effect on other energy. Matter is energy expressed as a frequency. Events, intents, outcomes; they are all frequencies, too. What happens to the dark side when we all discover that we can have the kind of world we want simply by thinking it into existence?

We have the mind power to do that. That's what frightens them, keeps them awake at night. That's why the mind control towers are there. Try to envision how powerful our unfettered minds really are. Think of how many layers upon layers of control, modification and oppression they have to impose upon us to keep us down. Mind control towers, subliminal messages on TV, fluoride, vaccinations and the list goes on and on.

There are a few of us who are not native to this particular intersection of time and space who live outside the boundaries they have set for our existence. We say to you what Morpheus said to Neo.

"Free your mind."

You can do it.


Z-Force Group. Arizona's Global Tyranny First Response Team.

Re: Pendulums

Postby noen » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:11 pm

professorpan wrote:But before I get branded as a Randi-esque SCICOP debunker, I do find the use of pendulums to be good at working with one's subconscious. For instance, if you lose something, a pendulum may help you to access a hidden memory of where you lost the object. And I'm not convinced dowsing for water is entirely ineffective.

I don't see anything wrong with Randi or SCICOP or with debunking. Randi is highly credible in my book and his debunking of various so called psychics is invaluable. Many people have been scammed by psychic frauds who are only interested in parting you from your money. Nothing wrong with exposing such clowns. Penn and Tell's series "Bullshit" is good too. I love it.

And because I need.. you know... actual evidence doesn't mean I'm close minded. No, it's exactly the opposite.
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Postby orz » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:12 pm

mind control towers

Question; once treated and robbed of their negative power with your mud balls/orgonite, do cell phone towers (that's what you're talking about here, right? I'm not totally down with the jargon, sorry.) continue to function in terms of sending/recieving cell phone signals?
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Re: Pendulums.....

Postby noen » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:22 pm

dragon wrote:But that's all right. What I write is not addressed to them. I am writing to thoughtful people who are looking for a way out of this box canyon of a mess we seem to be in. That is why I frequently leave my e-mail address in my posts. Those who respond to me openly here risk being verbally attacked by the hoot-down artists. Their words bounce off me like a shot off a skillet. Others may not be so resilient.

There are better ways to do it so that your e-mail doesn't get harvested by spammers wanting to sell you viagra or whatever they're on about these days. You can spell it out so it doesn't show as an actual mail link or just put it in your profile and invite people to go there. Just a suggestion.
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Randi, et al

Postby professorpan » Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:53 pm

I don't see anything wrong with Randi or SCICOP or with debunking. Randi is highly credible in my book and his debunking of various so called psychics is invaluable. Many people have been scammed by psychic frauds who are only interested in parting you from your money. Nothing wrong with exposing such clowns. Penn and Tell's series "Bullshit" is good too. I love it.

And because I need.. you know... actual evidence doesn't mean I'm close minded. No, it's exactly the opposite.

My problem with rationalist/reductionists like Randi, the late Phil Klass, Penn Gillette, etc. is that they aren't true skeptics at all, but rather debunkers. A UFO could fly over their heads and they'd refuse to look up because UFOs don't exist. Ditto any form of psi, "alternative" medicine, and other topics they consider "unscientific."

I do appreciate the debunkers insistence on the scientific method for understanding our world, and they do good work shining the light on frauds and hoaxers, but I dislike when they dismis the evidence for psychic abilities, for unknown objects in our skies, out-of-body experiences, and so forth.

Reductionistic rationalism is a religion, entrenched in its own orthodoxy and dogma, and Randi and his cohorts are its high priests. Their minds are made up -- this is the way the universe works, and that is final. They are in some ways the equivalent of those who claimed humans would never fly because "it just isn't possible."
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Re: Pendulums.....Hegelian Dialect vs mysticism.

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:00 pm

I noted that you clarified your embrace of non-violence, yes? Good. Thanks.
You didn't respond directly to me but you obviously noticed what I wrote.

That you might have been hinting at vandalism bothered me very much.
Clear statements avoid this inflammatory potential-
A non-violent and non-destructive response to mind control tower frequencies is comparable to wearing a bullet-proof vest. They still have their towers, the guy still has his gun, but neither one can hurt me after I have neutralized their power.

There's a lot to be learned, and there are effective ways of fighting the dark forces.

I agree with that, atleast. But it seems you haven't learned some basic science and that's not an effective way of "fighting the dark forces."

Because the "dark forces" use science, like psychology, sociology, anthropology, neurobiology, economics, etc.

The 'pendulum' that I see is the METAPHORIC one that the Council on Foreign Relations uses to alternate public opinion back and forth between the two horses it owns the fixed political race between Democrats and Republicans.
NOT a literal pendulum used for 'dowsing.'

Don't you agree that this is more enlightening to the general population than 'dowsing' with voodoo trinkets? I think so.

Do you also see the damage to the good vibes you're talking about when you associate them with superstitious junk science which discredits any humanity you might espouse in the minds of those who most need to embrace this good vibe humanity?

But you are not open to discussion, ay? That doesn't seem very humane, Dragon.
I'm going to close here with a prediction. I predict that the hoot-down artists will swoop down on this post like a rooster on a June Bug and attempt to tear it to pieces and discredit me without ever discussing the subject matter itself, bringing out additional information, or asking for clarification of points they don't understand.

Horrors, "additional information and clarification!"
Why does this make make me (us) "hoot-down artists?"
One-way communication is not humane or teaching. It is something fascists and propagandists do. Humans dialogue.

What I write is not addressed to them. I am writing to thoughtful people who are looking for a way out of this box canyon of a mess we seem to be in.

And you think that "thoughtful people" do not ask for more information or clarification?
You are describing something more akin to a cult. "Just follow and do not ask."

But that's all right. That is why I frequently leave my e-mail address in my posts. Those who respond to me openly here risk being verbally attacked by the hoot-down artists. Their words bounce off me like a shot off a skillet. Others may not be so resilient.

Ah, we are all too hostile out here in the open discussion and you will provide sanctuary for the less "resilient" at your place. That's cult talk, Dragon.

So you will only dialogue privately. Why not share? I thought that was your motive?
How is this going to gain allies from 'non-believers'?
Do you want to gain allies or repel them?

I see what you espouse as more akin to wishful thinking and totemism which diverts people away from outing criminals and gaining allies through the credibility of reason and education.Social activism requires making a case for our commonality and being able to reach out to those who are already innoculated against you, not just 'the choir.'

Many people are repelled by your superstition and junk science:
>tarot cards
>agnihotra ash
>charged water to kill cancer
>mental re-arranging of nuclear rods
>mental re-arranging of Poppy Bush
>mental disabling of motion sensors
>using mud balls to make inanimate objects born again

dragon wrote:We use map dowsing here to locate underground bases. Our little boy used map dowsing to find a lost object in his room! He drew a picture of his room, furniture and all, and found the lost item exactly where the pendulum said it would be.

There are books and videos galore on using pendulums. The beginner would do well to read several of them and practice a lot.

One thing a person who uses a pendulum or tarot cards should never do is search for an answer to a personal question.

I mentioned using a pendulum on a cell phone to illustrate the neutralizing effect of the agnihotra ash. It will change the direction of spin when the ash is applied to a cell phone.

I've charged water and destroyed cancer cells remotely.

Since everything is energy anyway, then whether you are burning out cancer cells or putting a hex on someone far away, what you are doing is moving energy around.

So, if your mind can make that pendulum swing, how can that be any different or harder to accept when I tell you that I rearranged the molecular structure of the fuel rods in a reactor? Or the molecules in Poppy Bush?

Do you remember me telling you about the lady and her daughter who went to the Bohemian Grove and left some mud balls there? The rest of the story is, they were able to enter the place undetected because her friend back in town had used his mind to disable the motion sensors. They moved about freely deploying mud balls and worked without interruption until spotted by an employee and escorted off the property.

I drop a mud ball in front of a tower, all its "sins" are washed away, and it is a "born again" tower, working now in the service of a Higher Idea. I like that.

This is not the way to respond to propaganda. Mysticism is just as confounding.
CIA runs mainstream media since WWII:
news rooms, movies/TV, publishing
Disney is CIA for kidz!
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Re: Randi, et al

Postby noen » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:12 pm

professorpan wrote:
I don't see anything wrong with Randi or SCICOP or with debunking. Randi is highly credible in my book and his debunking of various so called psychics is invaluable. Many people have been scammed by psychic frauds who are only interested in parting you from your money. Nothing wrong with exposing such clowns. Penn and Tell's series "Bullshit" is good too. I love it.

And because I need.. you know... actual evidence doesn't mean I'm close minded. No, it's exactly the opposite.

My problem with rationalist/reductionists like Randi, the late Phil Klass, Penn Gillette, etc. is that they aren't true skeptics at all, but rather debunkers. A UFO could fly over their heads and they'd refuse to look up because UFOs don't exist. Ditto any form of psi, "alternative" medicine, and other topics they consider "unscientific."

Really? It never occurred to me that they could be that extreme and that isn't something I could support. And here I mean Randi and SCICOP. For Penn and Teller... well, they do cherry pick the worst and most blatant examples of hucksters who are only out to get a quick buck. And you have to admit there are plenty of those out there. Penn is kind of... well, he knows his audience. Which is mostly adolescent boys who get a charge out of watching someone being an ass on TV.

I do appreciate the debunkers insistence on the scientific method for understanding our world, and they do good work shining the light on frauds and hoaxers, but I dislike when they dismis the evidence for psychic abilities, for unknown objects in our skies, out-of-body experiences, and so forth.

Reductionistic rationalism is a religion, entrenched in its own orthodoxy and dogma, and Randi and his cohorts are its high priests. Their minds are made up -- this is the way the universe works, and that is final. They are in some ways the equivalent of those who claimed humans would never fly because "it just isn't possible."

Yeah, I agree with what you're saying about reductionism. I think that is going too far.
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Postby Telexx » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:20 pm

Reductionistic rationalism is a religion, entrenched in its own orthodoxy and dogma, and Randi and his cohorts are its high priests. Their minds are made up -- this is the way the universe works, and that is final. They are in some ways the equivalent of those who claimed humans would never fly because "it just isn't possible."

Also agreed.

This is not the way to respond to propaganda. Mysticism is just as confounding.

Given your knowledge of hypnotic language HMW your attempted anchoring of the keyword "propaganda" to the keyword "mysticism" is telling.

Not above using the Dark arts then hey? Physician heal thyself? Or was it by pure accident that you structured your sentence in this way hmmn??


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Tarot cards

Postby professorpan » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:32 pm

Side note about Tarot:

Tarot cards can be useful if they are understood as symbols. I have done readings for people for many years, and though I don't believe the cards can predict the future, they can be useful catalysts for gaining insight into our behaviors and thought processes.

I view the Tarot as a psychological tool, not a mantic device. As such, it has proven very useful in helping people discuss their issues and gain a better understanding of their unconscious feelings, fears, and desires.

But remote viewing alien bases and mudball sabotage of cell phone towers? I find myself in the unusual position of agreeing with Hugh. The sound of credulity snapping like a twig is echoing through Dragon's elaborate fantasies.

That said, if Dragon and others believe it, and it makes them feel happy, so be it. I see no evidence that Dragon and the other orgone warriors are purposefully spreading disinformation. As I stated in a previous thread, I recently met a very nice guy who believes in all of this stuff -- he is hurting no one by building his comic-book devices to cleanse negative energy, nor is he maliciously trying to derail anyone's interest from other matters.

Sometimes, Hugh, people believe things that seem completely nuts. That doesn't make them enemies. I don't buy 98% of your theories, but I don't go around accusing you of intentionally spreading falsities or being an agent provocateur. You have every right to challenge Dragon's assertions about pendulums, mud patties, and agnihotra ash decommissionings. But when you suggest he's lying and has ulterior motives, it crosses the line.
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Postby Telexx » Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:55 pm

Ah, I love this board - it's a curious blend (and, frequently, non-blend or even curdling) of many points of view. I'm glad of this but, like the Buddhists, I understand that everything is impermanent.

Prof:- where do you draw the line? How are synchronistically discovered teapots 'magic' but 'agnihotra ash decommissionings' (lol) representative of the sound of credulity snapping like a twig?!

I ask this in the interest of interesting discussion, mind, as Telexx is in a playful mood this evening.


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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:06 pm

Telexx wrote:Ah, I love this board - it's a curious blend (and, frequently, non-blend or even curdling) of many points of view. I'm glad of this but, like the Buddhists, I understand that everything is impermanent


Great image! Yeah, the insanely low rate of homogenous opinion is why I've come to love this place. You're all eloquent and intelligent and in almost total disagreement, it's a serious head trip for a non-partisan observer like myself.[/b]
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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:08 pm

And it is a skill, and because it is a skill, then one may find practitioners with different levels of competency. Beginners may get inconsistent results, but that is part of the learning process, just like learning any other skill.

Although I tend to agree with PP and others about ideomotion, I have also heard different stories about what means what with pendulums. But as the quote above states its a skill.

One issue I have with getting evidence for so called psychic abilities is that IMO they are skills. There is never any account taken of the training effect. To use a sporting analogy that I've used before. if I claimed that I can kick a ball through a car window at 40 metres 90% of the time, and Randi comes along and debunks me cos he takes 100 people out of the local mall and none of them can do it, that proves nothing cept that untrained people can''t kick a footy. It certainly doesn't prove that the ability to kick a ball 40 metres through a car window is a non existant thing.

PP Re that muscle testing thing.

We used to do it as a self test. I think, like many things, an original idea was misheard or mistaken, and thats where the idea about negative vibes making you weak came from. (If hugh was really on his game he might pick that as a form of meme warfare too.)

You bady has chi pathways, sometimes called meridians, and other odd names. at least according to some chinese medicine. these pathways are supposed to floww in a certain direction, tho blockages can reverse the flow, which is unhealthy.

We had a simple test. Using the arm position referred to as pung or peng, we would test our arms strength. Pung is when the arm is at an angle of 135 degrees at the elbow, and is a strong position, its where the muscles of the arm deliver maximum force, especially the triceps. Its the best position to have the arm in when blocking a strike IMO, it works best at warding off during attempted tackles in footy etc etc.

The whole body has a pung position, its in a form of horse riding stance, although there are probably other whole body pung positions.

Holding your arm in front of you in Peng, in the right frame of mind, it is almost impossible for someone to move your arm, you can hold it out level while they put muge amounts of weight on it, and the structural integrity of your arm will not be affected, If the person puts their whole body weight on your arm the shoulder may not be able to hold it off the ground, but the arm can still maintain pung.

You can notice this effect by holding both arms in front of you at 90 degrees bent at the elbow. cross them across the chest like a traditional coffin pose if you want. Put the weaker arm on the outside, the stronger on the inside and push out with the stronger arm, offering resistance with the weaker. as your arm extends you will feel point wherethe strength is much greater.

Although this could just be a physical phenomonen I personally think its a bit more complicated than that.

We found consistantly that the pung test would indicate which way the persons chi was flowing. The strength between the shoulder and the arm is strongest when it reflects the chi flow direction.

IE If your chi is blocked and you try and resist someone pushing down on your extended arm, having tried to align your chi in the correct or positive direction, its easy for someone push your arm down. However if you then go negative its much harder for the person to move the arm at all. Same if you haven't tried to be positive. IE Your arm and shoulder together are stronger when you are reflecting the direction of your chi flow. Be it positive or negative.

If you then do 10 minutes of chi re alignment you will find the opposite occurs, you are much stronger, and the strength is more holistic, ie less weakness at joints and the like. That the arm can't be moved when you are positive, and you are incredibly weak if you try to use negative energy.

That sounds way flakier than its meant too. In this context negative and positive refers to the direction of flow of chi, like a current, not some morality about the dark side versus the light.

Negative chi flow is "bad" primarily because it is in the wrong direction for your organs to work together at their most efficient and healthiest. This may conribute to increasing their speed of deterioration. However it may have effects on the mind and behaviour too, there may be a feedback loop there... but thats outside the scope of what it really refers to.
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