Boycott Showtime- The United States of Tara

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Boycott Showtime- The United States of Tara

Postby Free » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:04 pm

Boycott Showtime

I watched the 1st episode of the new TV show "The United States of Tara" on the Showtime website. What malicious trash! Now every time I think back to it I get angry or upset.

The show is a cartoonish comedy about a woman with multiple personalities. (There's a previous thread that included a conversation about the show here.)

During the whole episode there wasn't one moment of introspection on Tara's part or one word from anyone about how she got the way she is (which is nothing like any DID sufferer I've ever known). She was an object, a flamboyant crazy who was there to entertain, titillate and mess up the lives of all those around her.

DID sufferers became multiple through violent ongoing abuse starting in early childhood- incest, childhood prostitution, forced involvement in pornography, ritual abuse, living amidst extreme violence in war zones, etc. First we had to live through all that; and now we have to put up with being objectified and denigrated by Hollywood shills. These TV writers and producers are obviously morally bankrupt and have run out of ideas- a very bad combination.

At first I thought seriously about organizing a boycott of Showtime, but consensus among friends is that the show is so bad that it's probably going to fail anyway. For me though, watching this was the last straw. Not only am I dumping cable, I'm dumping TV altogether. Next month (in the US) TV switches to a new system for which we are supposed to spend money to upgrade to. Well, not me. I've decided to opt out altogether- i.e get a larger screen to hook up to my computer and when I want to watch something, search for an informative, commercial-free show on the internet (or else watch a DVD).

This New York Times article talks about a new trend:

SAN FRANCISCO — The global credit crisis may have caused the decline in consumer and business spending that is assaulting the giants of high tech. But as the dominant technology companies try to emerge from this slump, they may find themselves blaming people like David Title just as much as they blame Wall Street.

Mr. Title, a 35-year-old new-media manager at a film production company in New York, has dropped his cable subscription and moved to watching most of his television online — free. While shopping for a new laptop for his girlfriend recently, he sidestepped more expensive full-featured computers and picked a bare-bones, $200 Asus EeePC laptop, also known as a netbook.

"We've reached one of those moments in tech history when there are low-priced and free alternatives that are both user-friendly and reliable enough to make the switch," Mr. Title said. "Then there's the extra bonus of saving some cash." ... technology

To hell with TV!
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:24 pm

Boycott television. It's shit. 100%.

Just read the 1976 documentary book by Donald Bain called
'The Control of Candy Jones' and the August 1977 Senate hearings that barely touched on MKULTRA.

The years 1976-1977 were loaded with decoys of MKULTRA in pop culture.

The 'Candy Jones' expose has since been rereleased with the more accurate title of 'The CIA Control of Candy Jones.'

The same hyponotism programming expert who determined that Sirhan Sirhan had been programmed to be at the place and time of the RFK assassination, Dr. Herbert Siegel...affirmed that America's #1 model during the 40s and 50s, Candy Jones (really Jennifer Wilcox) had been hypnoprogrammed by a CIA doctor in Oakland, California to be a courier and undergo torture testing and even commit suicide off a cliff...from 1960-1972.

This CIA doctor, who Bain gives the pseudonym "Gilbert Jensen" for legal reasons, had been working with another CIA doctor identified by Candy Jones in interviews with Martin Cannon as...Dr. William S. Kroger, co-author of the 1976 book, 'Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery Conditioning,' one of my most treasured books about hypnosis.

Repeat. No...more...television.

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good job, Mr. Manatee

Postby bardobailey » Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:18 am

Dear Hugh,

You have found the perfect format and tone of response to remind us all of your deeper message and NOT highjack a thread. I applaud your skills.


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Postby esotericmetal » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:51 pm

Boycott television indeed. I stopped watching it years ago (except maybe when i'm at someone else's house). Why the fuck would anyone want to pay a company to let them spend a third of their time being advertised at?
And don't get me started on the the infomericals and televangelists...
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Postby mentalgongfu2 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:49 pm

I suppose I'm already participating in the boycott, but if I had a TV, I'd also want to boycott Showtime for Dexter. I'm no fucking Puritan, but that show crosses every limit of good taste and leaves gratuitous blood splatters all over the line.

If our world were to be judged by some superior being on the basis of what's on the idiot box . . .

It's a system of self-induced thought control that has distinct effects on brainwave patterns.


Just don't try and kill your friends and neighbors TVs, or you'll see depths of addiction far beyond nicotine or heroin. That situation could be fatal for you, instead.

esotericmetal - the infomercials are my favorite part. When I visit home, I can't help but turn on the boob toob , and whenever I find myself up late, I watch the infomercials. They're so blatant in their deceptions - no subtlety whatsoever, and I find it instructive to see how they use rhetoric and language to manipulate as a means of learning to see the same techniques employed more cleverly in other arenas. Politicians (many/most/some) and professional liars in all careers are the same type of people running the late-night infomercial schemes, just running a bigger game with a louder barker coaxing the crowds into the tent.
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Re: Boycott Showtime- The United States of Tara

Postby marmot » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:17 pm

Free wrote: I've decided to opt out altogether...

To hell with TV!

Good for you, Free! I'm not switching my analog TV over to digital either. I rarely watched it anyway.


Dear bardobailey

Good job good jobbing Mr. Manatee.. 8) :shock: :lol:
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Postby brainpanhandler » Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:20 pm

Hugh wrote:Dr. William S. Kroger, co-author of the 1976 book, 'Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery Conditioning,' one of my most treasured books about hypnosis.

Wait a minute, am I to understand that one of your most treasured books on hypnosis was written by a CIA doctor involved with MK-Ultra?

That's an odd choice of words. Why do you treasure it? For the accuracy it contains? For the truth it reveals? Not that evil is never a source of good information and in fact perhaps there is no better source for information on hypnosis, behavior modification and imagery conditioning of human beings than the sort of psychpath that would use and push such techniques to their extremes on actual human beings, but I don't think I would ever say that I treasure such information. And I don't say so just for the sake of being persnickety. I think it matters how information is gotten. You know, like project paperclip.

Is Kroger a reformed, repentent whistle blower? I'm not really seriously questioning your integrity or good will Hugh. I'm just genuinely curious and I have to confess being curious about the book as well.

A google search for the book title brought this up:

Hugh wrote:Regarding names, I found a book on hypnosis and behavior modification using "imagery conditioning" and "25 standard structured images."

Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery Conditioning
by Authors: William S. Kroger and William D. Fezler
Released: May, 1976
ISBN: 0397503628

In the practice of clinical hypnotism there are standardized images to be induced in the subject rather like a palette of emotions which have apparently been analyzed for their effect on the subject's subsequent post-hypnotic suggestibility.

Consider how this science could be dialed into TV and movies.

#12 of the 25 images for hypnotic suggestion is "Bluebird Scene."

Image XII

This is the second image for the production of time condensation. It consists of a bluebird flying from a branch to the outstretched arms of the subject. The imaginal time elapsing during the 5-minute description is approximately 5 seconds, a much shorter amount of imaginal time than in the previous clock scene. Again, if the scene seems real, it will appear that less than 5 minutes has passed during the imagery. Time condensation is usually much more difficult to elicit than time expansion.

So perhaps Operation Bluebird was named by those smart-alecky Ivy League MK-Ultra researchers for a combination of this hard-to-achieve hypnotic threshold and the cloying 'Bluebird of Happiness.'

I have collected lots of books on hypnotism from 1900 to the present and it is an amazing field in which to examine how children are programmed through overt media without adults knowing what is going on.

Edited by: Hugh Manatee Wins at: 10/1/06 9:42 pm

I've known people who were not allowed to watch tv as children. In my experience they are different. I was allowed to watch about as much tv as I wanted. I may have long ago outgrown it's cultural influences but I wonder how I would be different if I had not filled my head with flintstones, gilligans island and the brady bunch for a good chunk of my childhood. May as well have been eating lead paint.

Thanks for the heads up free. I had not watched US of tara because I did not want to register. Now I'll surely pass.
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Postby esotericmetal » Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:26 pm

mentalgongfu2 wrote:I suppose I'm already participating in the boycott, but if I had a TV, I'd also want to boycott Showtime for Dexter. I'm no fucking Puritan, but that show crosses every limit of good taste and leaves gratuitous blood splatters all over the line.

I've actually thought dexter was extremely tame for a show about a serial killer, which is one thing that really annoys me about it. It pretty much condones it. Especially considering the commercial success of the Saw movies, and the fact that they've made like 20 of them, as well as the surge in mainstream appeal of graphic horror movies, i don't see how anyone can be offended by this show more than any of the other slew of crappy, ultra-gory movies coming out these days.

Don't get me wrong, i love horror movies, but mostly the older ones that weren't being made by major studios for large mainstream audiences with the sole purpose of profits (and psyops i guess).

The TV show can be elevated into a legitimate artform, it's just extremely rare. I guess i just really like having the legroom to develop a narrative and characters over 12 hour season, instead of a 2 hour movie. Best examples i would say are some of HBO's past gems like Deadwood, The Wire, Carnivale and The Sopranos. Mad Men is pretty damn good as well i think. Unfortunately I doubt there will be anything in the future of the same caliber though.
Showtime are trying to build up this same image of quality shows, with a full range of expression, but mostly it's just watered down piss. And i've noticed some pretty blatant psyop angles. For example: The Penn and Teller Bullshit episode on debunking conspiracy theorists; and Sleeper Cell, a show about a terrorist cell in the US (haven't watched it, but i don't think i need to in order see the agenda).
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Postby Free » Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:02 pm

Showtime is Toxic

One of the things that made me decide not to organize a serious boycott of Showtime was that I would probably have to watch the other episodes of Tara to know everything about the show in to to be able to refute it in great detail.

Truth is, I don't want to expose my mind and emotions to this offensive drivel. I never knew how good I had it (only using my TV to watch BBC, European news and DVDs).

Showtime is toxic- the visual equivalent of eating white sugar, msg, hydrogenated oil and cheese whiz- all mixed together and laced with brain-scrambling chemicals.


PS Thanks to everyone for your enlightening comments.
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Re: good job, Mr. Manatee

Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:58 am

bardobailey wrote:Dear Hugh,

You have found the perfect format and tone of response to remind us all of your deeper message and NOT highjack a thread. I applaud your skills.


pvt. bailey

My point was the reality of CIA-DID per Dr. Colin Ross' book, for instance, not the spook media version like 'The United States of Tara.'

Back in 2005 this board was more focused on the history of this CIA mind control. (Right, Jeff?)
Lately, it seems I'm the only one left who delved into this topic deeply.
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:13 am

brainpanhandler wrote:
Hugh wrote:Dr. William S. Kroger, co-author of the 1976 book, 'Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery Conditioning,' one of my most treasured books about hypnosis.

Wait a minute, am I to understand that one of your most treasured books on hypnosis was written by a CIA doctor involved with MK-Ultra?

That's an odd choice of words. Why do you treasure it? For the accuracy it contains? For the truth it reveals?

Thanks for searching up that old post of mine. Saves me repeating.

Psyops is based on SCIENCE - neuroscience and social science.
Especially THIS science, imagery conditioning.

And this book is a state-of-the-art for 1976 science book with sterile benign therapeutic directions for doctors but based on science that can be used for psyops.

So I treasure Kroger's/Fezler's book for their having put in print the applied science of image conditioning which is used in Hollywood products, movies and TV.

This is an open-source history for WWII but became covert afterwards and thus has to be researched for post-WWII examples.

The techniques used on an individual can be applied to the masses COVERTLY based on this science in Kroger/Fezler-

"Anxiety Reduction by Imagery Conditioning" (page 88)
"Role of Fantasy Evocation in Conditioning" (page 94)
"Role of Different Types of Imagery in Covert Conditioning" (page 97)
"Covert Sensitization: Punishment" (page 99)
"Covert Positive Reinforcement" (page 99)
"Covert Negative Reinforcement" (page 100)
"Covert Extinction" (page 101)
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Postby Free » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:36 am

Hugh- Do you happen to know if this:

Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery Conditioning by William S., M.D. Kroger (Hardcover - May 1976)

edition is basically the same as the - same title- Kroger/Fezler (Hardcover- Jan 1976) edition?

Both are listed on Amazon. May 1976 goes for 2.90 used and Jan. 1976 goes for 60.00.

Book sounds very interesting. I'd like to get it.
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Postby Hugh Manatee Wins » Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:53 am

Free wrote:Hugh- Do you happen to know if this:

Hypnosis and Behavior Modification: Imagery Conditioning by William S., M.D. Kroger (Hardcover - May 1976)

edition is basically the same as the - same title- Kroger/Fezler (Hardcover- Jan 1976) edition?

Both are listed on Amazon. May 1976 goes for 2.90 used and Jan. 1976 goes for 60.00.

Book sounds very interesting. I'd like to get it.

I can't even tell which one I have since it just says "1976."
The ISBN is 0-397-50362-8.

Highly recommended. The price difference is probably just that old "first edition" ju-ju and not based on content difference.
Bet the cheap one will tell all and is worth buying.

Everything comes in the "collector's version" now online to make a buck and used books have always had that special circle of status that puts the price into orbit. Lots of my own library's best finds were fifty cents at Goodwill.

I still don't have Dr. Colin Ross' book on CIA DID and wish I did.
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Postby praeclarus » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:12 am

Boycott the whole thing. Pull the plug, cut the cable,
fling the dish. You'll thank yourself in the morning.

One day several years ago I realized that there is not
one single thing worth watching on TV.

I had satellite TV back then but there was also a cable
TV cable running from a pole on the street across to my

On the day of reckoning not only did I cancel the sat service
and remove the dish but I brought a ladder over to the pole
and cut the fucking cable too.

I can assure one and all that after a few days of withdrawal
systems, you'll never notice it is gone. So go ahead and do
it. Free your mind.
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Postby mentalgongfu2 » Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:31 am

I've actually thought dexter was extremely tame for a show about a serial killer, which is one thing that really annoys me about it. It pretty much condones it. Especially considering the commercial success of the Saw movies, and the fact that they've made like 20 of them, as well as the surge in mainstream appeal of graphic horror movies, i don't see how anyone can be offended by this show more than any of the other slew of crappy, ultra-gory movies coming out these days.

I suppose I was offended because a) "it pretty much condones it" and b) unlike movies like Saw, I actually happened into a situation where the show was being watched. but if we're going to talk anymore about Dexter, perhaps we should take it to a new thread.
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