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new kid manifesto

Postby TooStoned » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:11 pm

Fixx: the "we all" refers back the "rude" debunkers that MaryKosmetics indicts with her pathetically transparent affectation of a martyr: " Nobody even had the simple politeness of declining the offer, much less asking or (gasp!) trying it"

Obviously there are "marks" here who have fallen for their schtick, but I wasn't referencing any true believers with my "we all" just those folks who've called Dragon, Mary, and Donovan on their bullshit.

I thought that should be obvious, but I guess it wasn't for you :roll:


Too Stoned is a new kid, and has assigned himself to be the Decider of who is worth playing with nicely.

Thanks for the pitiful attempt at an insult by linking me with Bushco.

I notice that you orgonite folks are particularly thin skinned when you've been called on you intellectual dishonesty (strawmen, spamming, misrepresenting your critics comments, etc. etc. etc.)

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has noticed that...

BTW I notice the Orgonite threads were placed into RI's equivalent of outer siberia, so somebody (ies) besides me has DECIDED that they were worthy of the "honor"

EDIT 1: I notice the poll as more than a super majority DECIDING that they've had enough of the orgonite threads.
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Postby tron » Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:58 pm

dragon, mary k. et al

do you think its wise to go sneaking around planting things aroung secure installations?

dont you think that sort of behaviour would get you watched by possibly unsavoury types who could be trigger happy?

do you think its wise to encourage others to do such things?

its almost incitement to a criminal felony

and if that was the idea...then people here are at least hard headed to the idea ,which is the quickest way to get a group to dysfunction is to encourage lawbreaking...which can then be dealt with by 'the man'
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Postby Username » Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:06 am

Thank you Tron
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Postby Donovan » Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:17 am

Too Stoned has been kind enough to offer a challange on the Donovan Geometry thread. Concerns a simple proof with lines and points. Sort of like throwing down the glove then saying, "Sorry, I can't meet you on the field, I don't have a gun."
The gun in this case is a CAD program. Anyone here either have or know someone who has and can operate Corel Draw? It will just take a few people for verication.
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Postby pitcairn » Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:40 am

for those who might like an intermission in the current production's namecalling, accusations, and general foulmouthery, there is always the potentially refreshing and instructive opportunity to actually read up a bit on agnihotra:


study findings:


site sponsored by german pharmacist (german and english)

france (french only):

or, for those who prefer, the theatrically hysterical tantrum "schtick" option remains open

(edited for missing word)
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new kids, old traditions

Postby pitcairn » Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:49 am

TooStoned wrote:Fixx: the "we all" refers back the "rude" debunkers that MaryKosmetics indicts with her pathetically transparent affectation of a martyr: " Nobody even had the simple politeness of declining the offer, much less asking or (gasp!) trying it"

for those with experience of traditional, or folk, medicineways, there would be perceived nothing of the martyr in Maryk's remark

traditional practices and customs provide for courtesy on all sides, and insist upon strict adherence to that courtesy

some folk and traditional medicine practices require the healer to offer help in the face of need; other traditions require the opposite: he or she must wait to be asked

if an offer is made then the proper response is either acceptance or a polite decline, with thanks

from a scholarly article on powwow, or brauche, the folk medicine of the Pennsylvania Germans (Dutch):

Rhoads’s mother, a renowned “practicer of the magic art,” as the article describes her, in Rockland township, taught her son how to pow-wow. Hundreds of people in eastern Berks County would visit her for relief from all sorts of diseases. According to Rhoads, the mode of transmission was from mother to son. Only one son could learn the art [18]. He said he never charges: “People are expected to give as much as they can afford or what they feel they owe me…I could make lots of money by putting some of my articles on the market, but I don’t believe the gift was given to man to use as a means to make money, and consequently I will never do it.” He also believed he would probably lose his “power” if he used it to make money. The payment he did receive for “medical services” was insufficient to support his family and he worked as a laborer much of the time.

Rhoads also stated that he was called away at all hours of the night to distant places and that he always dropped what he was doing and went. He believed that if he refused to go, he would probably lose his power. Rhoads would refuse to powwow for anyone whom he knew had ridiculed the practice in the past and claimed that no amount of money could cause him to alter this policy.

Maryk and Dragon asked for no money as part of their offer to make a try at distance healing, and so have satisfied one of the primary requisites for practice of a traditional or folk medicine

a polite decline would have, in fact, been the correct response from anyone who did not wish to accept the offer

ignorance of traditional ways often leads the "sophisticated" uncouth, thinking to embarass others, to instead embarass themselves; happily, we can all learn and, if we desire, grow somewhat wiser as we grow older
Last edited by pitcairn on Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:08 am

Open discussion isnt even okay here in the underground, do you see that Jeff? You gave us our own little fenced in backyard to play, and yet some are still offended, and offensive. RI has taken a sad turn for the worse. How about a secured room for posters that use insults and anger to convey their lack of making a point? This new alignment has strengthened the bullies, and brought down the level of conversation. Though its great to see pitcairn down here, ty!
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Postby Donovan » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:06 pm

I agree with Burt Hill.
A careful reading of Too Stoned's posts show a desire to disrupt. And it is the only motivation coming through.
The flight 800 discussion had to be open, one of the many sides would call foul to any moderator. Some of the best such as Commader Donaldson had to leave, his brother staying, lurking with a few great posts.
This is different. What is the motivation of Too Stoned following to the 'sand box'? A careful read back and it becomes clear. I let him call me names for some time before I replied in kind. But waited until I had him boxed in with a challange.
As he could not 'put up'..., well, he shows himself for what his is. Clever, I will give him that.
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Postby TooStoned » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:17 pm

I do desire to disrupt bullshit

Go read all my posts (if you dare)

You will notice that only the folks who are demonstrably dissembling are the ones who get my wrath.

People who don't misuse scientific jargon, or make provably false claims don't get "rudeness" :twisted:
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Postby TooStoned » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:35 pm

Pitcairn: I've spent a considerable amount of time around "indian doctors" and none of them offer to heal people to prove their powers.

Rather their healing "powers" was widely aknowledge and people asked them for "healings" And if they were succesful the doctors' never claimed they did the work; it was the animals, or the creator, or the ancestors, or etc. but never them.

In my experience folks loudly claiming to be healers more often than not have ulterior motives (like the infamous child molester Sun Bear)
MaryK and Dragon desperately want something from the RI members: our belief in their kooky, and counterproductive scheemes (and yes it seems they want money too, eAe posted mutlitple links to her brother's webpage selling the shit)
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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:40 pm

Appropriate that you start your post with a laugh Too Stoned, as you have become laughable. I suppose we should bow to your wrath, almighty? You bring nothing positive to the discussions. We have been sent to our own private topic room, you've made your opinion clear, yet you keep banging on the walls. To what purpose? What do you need, confirmation that you are right? and then will you go away? At least you are honest in that you are here to disrupt. Seems Jeff used to take a stance on that.
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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:47 pm

eAe posted mutlitple links to her brother's webpage selling the shit)
Better give up the herb, as you are too stoned to follow any logic. Mary is responsible for eiAe posting links? Sad to see whats happening here at RI. Oh and could you show me where i have made, as you say, one-provably false claim?
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Postby TooStoned » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:16 pm

Burnt Hill:
What is sad is your blatantly transparent attempt at obfustication.

The Orgonite folks are making money of their mudballs, and by linking to their various websites here they are trying to drive up sales there.

I'm willing to bet Jeff moved these threads here because of what the Orgonite folks are doing to the credibility of this website, and not so much the comments of their debunkers.

Shame works well to control children, but adults with a modicum of learning and experience can see through bogus take downs... 8)
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Postby Burnt Hill » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:33 pm

Okay Mr Stoned, just what is it that I am obfusticating(your usage.)? And who cares if the orgonites are making money? you dont have to buy. And doesnt Jeff provide a link exactly for promoting personal websites, and arent certain books promoted here? where by they might make money also? Have I shamed you? Maybe you should be , but that was not my intent. I simply like having civilized discussions with civilized people,on interesting topics. when insults and anger enter the equation we get nowhere. And you may revel in the fact that we have been sent down to the depths, but here you are still with us. Also, again , eiAe provided the links you are so worried about. Hes one of yours. And while I am at it,why dont you follow some of pitcairns links and learn something about what you fear.
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Postby TooStoned » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:43 pm

I don't have much time today to play with the critically challenged thinkers so here's my last post for a few hours (don't worry I'll be checking back regularly :twisted: ):

just what is it that I am obfusticating(your usage


Mary is responsible for eiAe posting links

No, I'm saying that eAe posted the links to her brothers orgonite sales page so that folks sucked into their maze of claims and "stories" know where they'll end up when they get to the bottom of the shit pile: a cash register.

tata for now...
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