by Floyd Smoots » Wed Mar 01, 2006 2:50 am
....P.W., from my extremely limited knowledge, gained mostly here at R.I., about you-know-what, I must add my agreement with your post. Sometimes, some of us out here, post stuff out of Sheer Ignorance, which sets off some of our poorly-treated brothers and sisters. I've been called on the carpet, myself about using the appelation, (the U-word), or any other type of family link, without thinking what it might do to accidently hurt someone who has been abused by a real, or self-named close family member.<br><br>I used U-Floyd earlier, only because I have had a life-long good rapport with my four nephews, and two nieces, who are now longtime adults, actually, my contemporaries, more like brothers and sisters, because the first of this group was born when I was a mere eight days old. But, as to your complaint, I, again concur, because, not only did a half-assed educated blogger like me not "get it", I didn't find it funny in any way. <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START >: --><img src= ALT=">:"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>And, D.E. often wonders loudly, and almost in tears, WHY I often jump on his head on this board. D.E., the call, as they say, is now in your bourt.<br> <p></p><i></i>