Roland Carnaby?

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Postby OP ED » Fri May 23, 2008 2:28 am

sounds like MJTF hit to me, personally.

Maybe he found something [and/or someone?] coming in at the ports that shouldn't have been there.

All I know is all my red flags are up. Wait till Dallas gets "attacked" just in time for Nov. elections...
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Postby Horatio Hellpop » Fri May 23, 2008 3:25 am

Some interesting comments too.
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Postby isachar » Fri May 23, 2008 11:41 am

OP ED wrote:sounds like MJTF hit to me, personally.

Maybe he found something [and/or someone?] coming in at the ports that shouldn't have been there.

All I know is all my red flags are up. Wait till Dallas gets "attacked" just in time for Nov. elections...

Madsen's take..... ... ton-police

CIA Agent Gunned Down by Houston Police


The shooting death by Houston police on April 29 of retired CIA agent and CIA contractor Roland V. Carnaby is being called an “assassination” by many intelligence professionals who knew him and his past work for the CIA.

Carnaby was shot to death by Houston police in the middle of the morning near the Galleria, Carnaby’s office, and the home of former President George and First Lady Barbara Bush. There is evidence that Israeli intelligence agents inside the Houston Police Department issued the order to shoot Carnaby.

Attention is being focused on the statement made to the press by Houston Police Department Homicide Captain Steve Jett who said that the Houston police officers who stopped Carnaby were told to “find something” on which to hold Carnaby. Investigators want to know who issued that order and why. Foreign intelligence elements who wanted Carnaby silenced may have infiltrated the Houston Police Department at a high level and issued the order to “hold” Carnaby on any charge.

Carnaby’s actions were likely those of an experienced intelligence officer who understood that he was being set up, a routine event in many hostile intelligence environments where CIA officers must be on constant guard against being detained by the police on trumped up charges.

The Houston police have not yet released their video camera footage from their patrol cars, adding to the belief that the police are engaged in a major cover-up of the circumstances of Carnaby’s shooting death. WMR has also learned that the two pistols and a shotgun allegedly found by Houston police in Carnaby’s Jeep Commander after it was impounded were “drop guns.” Drop guns are a hallmark of the Houston police,which often plants hard-to-trace weapons on the victims of police shootings.

Why Carnaby Was Killed

The Bush-Cheney administration has allowed to flourish in the United States a ruthless and brutal organized crime syndicate that has its roots in Russia and Israel and festers in its criminal dens in Brighton Beach, NY; Miami, FL; Houston, TX; London, England and other cities.

The shooting death of Carnaby was the result of a high-stakes turf war between Israeli intelligence agents livid over the CIA’s and FBI’s renewed takedown of an old Israeli intelligence network operating deep within the bowels of the US government and the CIA and FBI, which have joined forces to rout out Israeli intelligence moles.

Two weeks ago, 84-year old Ben-Ami Kadish, an accused longtime spy for the Israelis at the US Army Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey, was arrested. FBI agents are trying to get Kadish to spill the beans on high-level Israeli spies inside the government. Israel’s Mossad and its allied assets inside the Russian- Israeli Mafia, have retaliated with a vengeance, according to WMR’s US intelligence sources.

On April 15, as FBI agents surveilled Kadish at his New Jersey home and the National Security Agency (NSA) had a full digital intercept on Kadish’s email and phone communications with his intelligence controller in Israel, another group had its eye on an Austin, Texas school teacher named Riad Hamad. Hamad was a significant donor to the Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund. The FBI had Hamad under investigation for “supporting terrorism,” a favorite canard used against Americans who support the Palestinian cause. Hamad had been a target of the neocons for years but they could never pin anything on him.

On April 16, Hamad’s body was found in Lady Bird Lake in Austin. His eyes had duct tape over them and his hands and feet were bound. The police ruled it a suicide. However, Hamad would be the first victim in an Israeli hit on individuals who helped US back channels to the Palestinians and other groups targeted by Israel and the neo-con cell operating deep within the Bush administration, the Israeli-influenced cell that the FBI, in its arrest of Kadish, wanted to flush out.

Hamad once had a significant colleague in Austin, a University of Texas PhD student named Salam Fayyad. Fayyad is now the Prime Minister of Palestine and governs with the support of both Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah and Hamas. Recently, the US Consul General in Jerusalem handed over $150 million to Fayyad’s Palestinian government. Fayyad and Hamad represent a threat to the Israeli hardliners and their allies in the Bush administration who do not want a real peace agreement with the Palestinians and, above all, do not want to see any dialogue with Hamas.

Enter Roland Vincent Carnaby, known as “Tony” to his Houston and Langley colleagues, a retired CIA counter-terrorism and financial intelligence expert, who was operating a CIA private intelligence contractor in Houston, was involved in homeland security measures for the port of Houston and the Houston airports, was the head of the Houston chapter of the Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO), but above all, was contracted by the CIA for operating a financial intelligence group consisting of some 40 people in Rome that was tracking Russian-Israeli Mafia money flows, particularly with regard to off-shore Panamanian corporations.

WMR has been told by a knowledgeable source that Carnaby had successfully penetrated a major Israeli financial ring that was tied to various Israeli intelligence operations in the United States. Carnaby, a Lebanese-American, also had extensive contacts in the Middle East, including Lebanon and its major political force that is anathema to the Bush neo-cons and their Israeli puppet masters, Hezbollah.

But it was Carnaby’s role in identifying Israeli intelligence financing that apparently made him public enemy number one for the Israelis. WMR has been told by a knowledgeable source that Carnaby possessed detailed information about former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay’s relationship with convicted GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff, information that connected DeLay and other top Republicans to pay-offs from organizations and individuals linked to the Russian-Israeli Mafia and Israeli intelligence. Specifically, the pay-offs came to the US Family Network, set up by DeLay’s former Chief of Staff Ed Buckham, from Russian oil and gas interests connected to top Russian-Israeli Mafia tycoons living under the protection of the British and Israeli governments.

Buckham headed the Alexander Strategy Group, a GOP lobbying firm that represented Group W Advisors, Inc., a defense contractor owned by Brent Wilkes. Alexander also represented Eli Lilly and Company, once headed by former Assistant Secretary of State Randall Tobias, named as one of the clients of the Pamela Martin & Associates escort firm of the late Deborah Jeane Palfrey.

Wilkes was convicted on November 5, 2007, on 13 counts of conspiracy, bribery, money laundering, and wire fraud in the Randy “Duke” Cunningham scandal. It was Wilkes who helped arrange with former CIA Executive Director Kyle “Dusty” Foggo “poker parties” at the Watergate and Westin Grand Hotels attended by then CIA director Porter Goss. WMR has previously reported that Washington area escorts were transported to these parties by Shirlington Limousine. WMR also learned from the late Deborah Jeane Palfrey that Wilkes phoned her from his Poway, San Diego headquarters on a number of occasions to organize escorts for these parties. Palfrey said he only used the name “Brent” when he called.

Abramoff had also been under an investigation by the US Attorney for Maryland is using Palfrey’s escorts. On October 27, 2007, WMR reported: “Shirlington Limousine and Abramoff have been linked to the investigation by fired US Attorney for Maryland Thomas DiBiagio of the use of prostitutes by the office of then-Maryland Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich, Jr. DiBiagio, based in Baltimore, was fired after his investigation leap-frogged well beyond the business of the Pamela Martin & Associates escort service and into the activities of Ehrlich and his staff.”

Carnaby, Abramoff and 9/11

WMR has learned from knowledgeable sources that Carnaby also had information on Abramoff’s Sun Cruz casino boat operation in Florida, a case that involved a mob hit on Sun Cruz’s former owner Gus Boulis, and the events of 9/11. Abramoff reportedly entertained at least two of the 9/11 hijackers, including Mohammed Atta, on a Madeira Beach, Florida casino boat days before the 9/11 attack. This editor recalls Palfrey stating over dinner that she had information from some of her escorts that involved pre-intelligence on the 9/11 attack. The intersection of Abramoff and his Russian-Israeli mob gang to knowledge possessed by Carnaby and Palfrey suggest that their deaths may have been as brazen as hits as the gunning down of Boulis on a Fort Launderdale street by hit men. That assassination was blamed on Abramoff and his associates.

Carnaby’s widow has filed a lawsuit in Houston in the US District Court for Southern Texas against the City of Houston and Houston police officers Cecil Foster and Andrew J. Washington for the shooting death of Carnaby. The complaint states that Carnaby “died of a gunshot wound to the back which caused fatal loss of blood.”

Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC based investigative journalist. and author. His website is:
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Postby Sally Felds » Tue May 27, 2008 1:24 pm

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: May 23, 2008 5:47 PM

theres more. but its good. HPD had to find something on him for one reason because they had to verify a card he presented and also because he did not present his concealed handgun license which he is allowed to have by law as a civilian contracotrr.
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Postby Sally Felds » Wed May 28, 2008 2:18 pm

The Roland Carnaby story reads like a carefully crafted hoax, but Rafik Hariri was a major financial contributor to Carnaby and they did alot of work together on the hush hush.. So when that money dried up with the assassination of hariri, Roland got involved in some shady stuff to make some extra money. he was involved in something major in houston for years that still hasn't come out.

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Postby StarmanSkye » Wed May 28, 2008 5:00 pm

Wow -- That WAS a very interesting post, cptmarginal -- especially the bit about all Houston news channels switching to live coverage just as Carnaby stopped his car and the police-assault started, without ANY preparatory mediation efforts by a police negotiator, as SOP would presumably call for. Instead, the public was presented with a televised cold-blooded killing in mighty questionable circumstances. It sort-of reminds me of a 'message sent!' object-lesson re: Britain's Mendez killing. It sure does add weight to the claims of something mighty dark and suspicious about the killing of Carnaby, as if it might have been a high-stakes public assassination under cover of a police pursuit/justifiable homicide. Along with Madsen's intriguing 'off the record' claims, I tend to think Carnaby was a deep-cover operative that was targetted for having uncovered something too dangerous to a powerful clique. Whether a Mossad plot, or 'sensitive' info implicating Abramoff, a compromised smuggling network, high-stakes Intel payback or doublecross ...

Take the following with a grain of salt as additional information provided about Carnaby is unsourced or speculative, as are tidbits claiming escort service madam Palfrey remarked her employees had some 911 info, that Indira Singh claimed Palfrey's web site was linked to a european pedaphile service operated by a ranking Mormon, and that Carnaby's private intel service of 248 agents was involved in part with tracing Russian/Israeli organized crime and Mossad cash flows -- among other intrigues. Some mighty curious details dovetail with Madsen's claims. --S
*** ... ECTION=201
A Death in Houston
by Sherman De Brosse, 14 May 2008

Roland “Tony” Vincent Carnaby <>, 52, was shot to death on April 29 by Houston police (as) officers surround his SUV after a long high-speed chase. After being mortally wounded, he was cuffed and not given first aid. Nothing was done to stem the bleeding. Carnaby was a Lebanese-American who claimed to be a retired CIA agent.

The circumstances surrounding the shooting are still unclear. Before the arrest, he had been stopped for speeding. He showed an officer what he said was CIA identification. It’s a reasonable guess that something spooked Carnaby. He talked to a friend on the cell phone during the chase and was advised to pull over. His response was “I can’t.” He made calls to the FBI and to someone in the Houston Police Department during the chase. After the chase, he refused to roll down the window. Police broke it with a billy club. The first policeman to approach came to the passenger side of the car, and what he might have been doing was not completely captured on a squad car camera. Police claim Carnaby seemed erratic when he stepped out of the vehicle. He then reached under the seat for a shiny cell phone and seemed to move toward an officer. That move got him killed. They have not released their videos of the shooting. His attorney said that Carnaby must have felt he was being set up. Others say that for some reason or other he wanted the police to kill him. A Houston homicide captain later made a strange comment, saying he was told that Carnaby should be arrested for “something” other than speeding.

Though his home is filled with CIA memorabilia, the agency flat out insisted that he had never been an employee. There were all sorts of articles that suggested a life found in far-flung places. The agency sent a representative to aid the HPD in its investigation. For some reason, there is a lot effort being exerted to discredit this man. His former wife said he told tall stories and one man speaking to the media about him is considered an asset of a foreign intelligence service. Some of this effort resembles previous attempts to make Valerie Plame appear to have been a mere desk clerk at the CIA.

He is being widely portrayed as a CIA wannabee. We can prove that his uncle Boudi was Army Intelligence in World War II and appears on the Association for Intelligence Officers’ CIA Wall of 83 Stars and OSS Memorial. There is also a notation about Roland being president of the Houston chapter. One would think that a local chapter would not elect someone president if there were doubts about his status, but some say he entered the chapter as an associate member. Members have defended his claim to have been a CIA agent, and some other intelligence professionals think he was assassinated. A Russian web site says Carnaby was a CIA agent called by the KGB “Tuxedo.” Perhaps the question comes down to whether he was an actual agent or a contractor. His family has provided many certificates that indicate he was at least a contractor.

We do know that he operated a successful security firm in Houston and most probably had contracts with the US government. He was an expert in financial information and counter-terrorism. He provided some security services for the Houston airports and port authority. Carnaby was about to retire and leave management of the firm to former CIA agent Alan Premel <>, who may have been connected with the rendition of prisoners. The firm has 248 licensed operatives around the world.

He spoke fluent French and Arabic and had good contacts throughout the Middle East, partly through his family’s shipping business. His father had been Lebanese ambassador to several nations. The Carnaby intelligence firm was running 40 operatives out of Rome who were tracking money flows for the Russian-Israeli mafia. It apparently relies heavily upon Panamanian banks and has become a presence here in the United States, even getting involved in gambling casinos. He was also tracking Israeli intelligence financial operations and the activities of Israeli agents within the United States. Houston is an important center for Mossad activities in shipping, aviation, sales and warehousing.

It is conceivable that Carnaby was also used as a back channel to some elements in the Middle East such as Hamas <> and Hezbollah <>, with which the US does not have open lines of communications. Another such Hezbollah individual was Riad Hamad <
>, who turned up dead in an Austin lake. He has been accused of supporting terrorism because he has given money to the Palestinian Children’s Fund <>. He was a friend of the Palestinian premier, Salam Fayaad <>, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Texas. Hamad’s death was ruled a suicide but his hands were bound and there was duct tape on his eyes.

Carnaby’s death occurred at a time when the FBI and elements in the CIA had joined forces to shut down some Israeli spy operations within the US. That operation resulted in the recent arrest of Ben-Ami Kadish <>, 84, who is accused of spying for the Israelis at the Picatinny Arsenal <> in New Jersey. The agents want him to provide information about the Mossad network in the United States.

It has been reported that Carnaby had information showing financial ties among Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay and the Russian-Israeli mafia. Other important Republicans were also linked to America’s newest crime organization. Carnaby had information on Abramoff’s Sun Cruz Casino. Madsen found a Middle Eastern source tied to the intelligence community who insisted that Carnaby was a long-time CIA agent. He speculates that Carnaby may have known the name of the CIA source within the office of Israeli President Ehud Olmert.

The late Deborah Jeanne Palfrey <
> told Wayne Madesen <> that she had provided escorts for some of the poker parties held in DC for some of these prominent people. Madsen gained from talking to Palfrey the impression that some of her employees could have picked up some information from military brass about prior warnings about 9/11. Ms. Palfrey said <>, "Had information which could have a bearing on the 9/11 attacks that some of her employees may have picked up information beforehand that would have been very useful to the 9/11 investigation."

She also claimed that her employees were used to gather intelligence on customers, especially those in the military. Thomas DiBiagio <>, then a Baltimore US Attorney found that Palfrey’s employees were also taken to employees of the former Maryland Republican governor, but was fired when he started doing more than gathering evidence against the DC Madam and looking into the activities of the governor and his people. He found that Abramoff was using Palfrey escorts and was somehow linked to their work in Maryland.

These matters are much more complex that we are told. There are coincidences piled on coincidences. Now Indira Singh <> has found that Palfrey’s web site was tied to European pedophilia sites through a company owned by a ranking Mormon.

Carnaby’s death may have just been the result of odd circumstances and police nervousness. On the other hand, he possessed information that was threatening to several powerful interests. Perhaps he just outlived his usefulness to the agency.

Sherman’s blog is <>

He has been running a series of pieces that explain how the New Republican Coalition came about and what its impact has been.

and further, another Madsen piece and two additional comments posted by Jedi Knight at the Signs of the Times forum:; Especially noteable, is that Bush sr. was apparently quite fond of Carnaby, spotting and approaching him at a Houston resident and warmly embracing him; Also, that William Buckley was Carnaby's boss in Lebanon. Tantalyzing, all, but take with a grain of salt. The mystery deepens. The Madsen report below appears to be an earlier one than Isachar posted. --S

Remember the weird story of the man with a CIA ID Card shot by police in Houston ?(See this thread --> <>) Well, by chance I stumbled upon the following, which at least makes for an interesting read:

Wayne Madsen wrote: "Roland Carnaby, the one-time CIA Station Chief for the Southeast Region, headquartered in Houston, had sources inside the office of Israel's Prime Minister. A source who knew Carnaby said the agent, killed by Houston police on April 29, had a certificate of appreciation personally signed by former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The certificate was embossed with the seal of the HaMossad leModi'in v'leTafkidim Meyuhadim [המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים‎], the Mossad.

Carnaby maintained close links to Israeli intelligence and sponsored and vouched for a number of Israeli security contractors who wanted to provide services to the George Bush International Airport in Houston. However, it is now clear that Carnaby obtained knowledge about Israeli and Bush administration plans to start a Middle East conflagration that was enough for elements inside the Bush White House, Israeli intelligence, and their contacts inside the Houston Police Department to have him assassinated.

On May 6, 2008, WMR reported: WMR has learned from its Middle East intelligence sources that a leak from the office of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office resulted in the last minute scuttling of an Israeli intelligence operation in Beirut that would have started a series of events that would have likely resulted in the outbreak of warfare between Israel and Lebanon, Syria, and possibly, between Iran and the United States.

Israel's Mossad planned an April 25 assassination, likely by its favorite method, a massive car bomb, of Lebanese Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Because the assassination would have triggered the "perfect storm" for the outbreak of war in Lebanon, with the involvement of Israel, the United States, Syria, and Iran, an official in Olmert's office leaked the assassination plan. When it became apparent that there was a leak, Mossad scuttled the entire operation.

The plan was immediately known by the CIA and Hezbollah. It is known that retired CIA officer and contractor Roland Carnaby, a Lebanese-American, had close contact with all of Lebanon's various factions. On April 29, four days after the planned assassination of Nasrallah by Mossad, Carnaby was killed in broad daylight by Houston police. WMR previously reported that Carnaby had successfully penetrated a Mossad ring active in the Houston area.

WMR has learned from CIA sources in Lebanon that Carnaby maintained a close link to retired Lebanese General Michael Aoun, a major Christian leader who has allied his party to Hezbollah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah. Aoun was once considered an ally of Israel but broke his ties after Israel's devastating sneak attack on Lebanon in 2006.

It is likely that Carnaby was the nexus that served to pass the leak from Olmert's office to Aoun and then to Nasrallah. It was the plan for a U.S. and Israeli assault on Lebanon following Nasrallah's assassination that prompted the Hezbollah leader to carry out a show of force against the pro-US government of Prime Minister Fuad Siniora. Plans by the United States and Israel to attack Lebanon would have been coordinated with a military assault on Syria and eventually, Iran.

Carnaby was very close to former President George H. W. Bush, who WMR has been told is adamantly opposed to any U.S. military strike on Lebanon, Syria, or Iran. Although the senior Bush is beginning to suffer symptoms associated with Alzheimer's, it is also known that he has worked behind the scenes to stop further U.S. military attacks in the Middle East. Carnaby was so close to the elder Bush that while at a Houston restaurant, the elder Bush, after spotting Carnaby at the bar having a drink with a friend, jumped up, ran over to Carnaby, and warmly embraced him.

Bush is also reportedly incensed at Carnaby's shooting by the police and he has blamed the neocons who have infiltrated his son's administration for the death of his friend. The elder Bush resents the heavy hand dealt by Vice President Dick Cheney to Syria's President Bashar Assad. Bush still recalls that it was Assad's father, Hafez Assad, who contributed troops for Operation Desert Storm against Assad's fellow rival Baathist Saddam Hussein. Bush also was appreciative that Bashar Assad's intelligence chief helped take out Hezbollah's military commander Imad Mugniyah in a Damascus car bombing in February. Mugniyah was blamed for the kidnapping and torture execution of CIA Beirut station chief William Buckley in 1985.

Buckley was Carnaby's boss in Lebanon and Bush, as Vice President, was coordinating America's counter-terrorism program.WMR has also discovered that before the planned assassination of Nasrallah on April 25, Carnaby was talking on his cell phone at a Houston restaurant. The patrons of the restaurant were startled to hear the mild mannered Carnaby began shouting in the phone, yelling "Who the hell ordered that?" and pounding the table. Those who knew Carnaby thought it was out of character but also knew that something serious was going on.

It is also known that Carnaby, fearful of a U.S. war with Iran, wanted to leave the CIA. He was reportedly very nervous, behavior described by a friend as "skittish," during the week before his death. WMR has also learned from a reliable source that Carnaby had information that he was trying to get to Washington the morning that he was killed. The Houston police impounded Carnaby's laptop computer, which contained details on a CIA non-official cover (NOC) network tasked with protecting U.S. and foreign ports from terrorist attacks and the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). That network, like Valerie Plame Wilson's Brewster Jennings & Associates non-official cover firm that tracked the proliferation of WMDs, may have been compromised to Mossad, which is considered by the CIA to be a hostile intelligence agency that seeks to damage U.S. national security."

Found here --> … rnaby.html <
> (PalestinianPundit copied this article by Wayne Madsen from elsewhere). And a related article.

Judge issues orders to city in Carnaby suit. He says evidence normally discarded must be preserved

By CINDY GEORGECopyright 2008 Houston Chronicle

A federal judge on Friday ordered the city of Houston to preserve all evidence related to the fatal shooting last month of a man who claimed be a CIA agent and led officers on a high-speed chase.

From here --> _
If you click on "return to article" on the story above, you will find a picture of Ronald Carnaby together with the Houston police chief "at a ball last year.
In this last article a user comment by one "bobbobamonic" (edited for readability:

bobbobamonic wrote: You folks are trusters who believe anything that you are told. I served with Roland (Tony) Carnaby and I know the truth of his assignment. You have no idea what the shadowy world of intelligence is like; it is hard to distinguish friend or foe.

The hit on Tony was put out by someone high up in the government, perhaps Bush or Cheney even. The only reason that the police mention that Tony said that he was a CIA agent is an attempt by the police to hide the connivances of the Bush Cheney regime by discrediting Tony to those who might not have known him very well. Those who were unsure of his status. Because, with the publicity some people in the intelligence world will now think that RC was an impostor rather than a victim of government plot.

The facts are these: In the Houston-Galveston-Beaumont area, there are several refineries that are no longer operational. In fact, they need to be torn down. The Israeli secret service (the Mossad) brought over a "suitcase nuke" that was to be used to blow up one or more of these refineries. You see, Bush's friends in the oil industry don't want to pay to tear down their dead refineries. But, if Bush can arrange a terrorist attack, then the clean up is paid for by the taxpayers. As an added bonus, the price of oil will shoot up to $200 a barrel after an attack on a refinery.
(Ah, this plays to 2 yr+ old speculation about Houston being sacrificed, with a rather novel spin re: the convenient refinery demolition being blamed on 'terrorists' and paid by taxpayer default a'la WTC. --S)

And, even another bonus: Bush would spin it that the terrorists are already licking their chops for sympathetic President Obama, so McCain will win the election. Carnaby was on the trail of these Mossad agents. Don't believe everything that HPD says. The story was that the officers were told to find a reason to arrest Carnaby. Well, if he had shown a fake CIA credential, that is reason enough that they could have arrested him. Impersonating a law enforcement officer or federal agent for personal gain is illegal. (Well, the apparant fact Carnaby didn't just cooperate with a traffic citation but suddenly fled the scene, and/or that the the traffic officer didn't just cite Carnaby for speeding and cut him loose suggests there may be some substance to the claim he was told to find 'something' to arrest Carnaby on -- whether it was suspicion of a CIA ID that couldn't be verified or something else like Carnaby being extremely wary of a set-up or takedown that escalated the incident, who knows? --S)

Then, ask yourself: why didn't the police notice the shotguns when they first stopped RC for speeding? All of a sudden, after Carnaby is dead, a ton of shotguns appeared in his vehicle. I don't know if you've ever seen a shotgun, but it isn't little. Then, Carnaby reaches under his seat for--of all things--a cell phone. Who keeps a cell phone under the seat? Who reaches under their seat when their vehicle is full of shotguns and they are stopped by police? (This is a gross distortion -- two handguns and a shotgun were found IIRC -- easily hidden to casual observation. The traffic officer who first stopped Carnaby didn't conduct a vehicle search. I've read that some states keep track of and check traffic stop drivers for a Concealed Carry Permit, which may be used as pretext of cause for a thorough, detailed search. As re: the cell phone under the seat -- Perhaps Carnaby was startled and dropped it when the officer began trying to break the passenger window with his nightstick, and when Carnaby went to grab it the officers viewed it as a hostile move. OR, as he was first shot in the back upon trying to exit the vehicle and stumbling, he dropped and tried to retrieve the cell phone. Or perhaps that was just the story the officers decided on to mitigate their use of deadly force, as the police-cam video has not been released that might refute it. --S)

And finally, most importantly, consider that Carnaby drove through Houston midday freeway traffic at 120mph. You can't even merge onto a freeway successfully, yet Carnaby pulled off this feat. Have you ever watched COPS? Do you see how quickly those criminals crash or ruin their cars and get caught? Carnaby was skilled in high speed driving and evasive driving maneuvers, I had seen him in action. All in all, you should be thanking him for his heroism.
FWIW. (The high-speed chase was affirmed by numerous news helicopter reporters -- and even if traffic was heavy, 'chase' and 'high-speed' are relative. The 'evidence' via COPS program chase pursuits here has NO relevance. What really stands out here is the poster's claim of Carnaby's 'heroism', even after remarking that the boundary between 'good' and 'bad' in the world of covert ops isn't always clear. The poster claimed to have personally worked with Carnaby, so more clarity and details about the supposed suitcase-nuke plot that Carnaby supposedly uncovered would have gone a LONG way towards establishing Carnaby's credibility as a genuine 'patriotic' white hat covert operative -- instead of merely reading as an Israeli/Mossad cheap-shot indictment. --S)
And, an earlier story from what sounds like something apparant disinfoteer site Sorcha Faal might post (from What Does It Mean):

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Russian Intelligence on Carnaby, Palfrey Murders <>
Russian Security Services are reporting today on a bizarre plot currently unfolding in the United States where one of the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) top agents was gunned down <> by US police while attempting to reach Deborah Palfrey, a woman known as the D.C. Madam, and who was, also, found dead <
> by hanging.

Roland Carnaby, these reports state, the CIA’s top US operative for American Affairs, and codenamed in former KGB files as “Tuxedo”, was gunned down <> by police in Houston, Texas, after a high-speed chase he was engaged in while attempting to foil the kidnapping attempt against him and his wife.

US news reports also show that CIA Agent Carnaby’s attempts to call for help from <> his contacts at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) prior to his being murdered were not answered in time. US news reports are also reporting that Carnaby’s wife has retained an attorney and plans to sue <> American authorities for her husband’s brutal death.

To the greatest mystery, however, of the murdering of this CIA officer, according to these FSB reports, is that Agent Carnaby was tasked by his superiors to meet with the recently convicted <> D.C. Madam Deborah Palfrey in her Florida home, and who had reported to the CIA that her life was ‘in danger’ over her threatening to release her secret files that would detail the high-level US Government Officials who utilized her prostitution services.

Of the top US Officials said to have been a client of the D.C. Madam was one of their top War Leaders, Vice President Richard Cheney, and as we can read:

"Apparently, the ABC-owned radio station did not like our report that Disney/ABC, under pressure from the White House, killed the DC Madam's list story. The two morning radio hosts also did not like our report that Vice President Dick Cheney is on the list from his time as a part-time resident of McLean, Virginia while he was President and CEO of Halliburton."

These FSB reports continue by stating that with the War Leaders in the US currently in their last weeks, or days, of expanding their current wars to engulf the entire Middle East, and with their time in office running short, they could ill afford yet another scandal, of which the secret files of the D.C. Madam would certainly ignite.

Russian Legal Analysts further point out in these reports that even though the D.C. Madam had been convicted by a US Federal Court, her death prior to her appeals being filed mean that her conviction is now set aside and she is now, even though dead, now ‘innocent’ of all charges against her.

The importance to this turn of events, the Legal Analysts say, is that with the D.C. Madam now being ‘innocent’ the US Government now has no legal claims to her secret files, and which they had planned on confiscating since her announcement of releasing them to the public through a bidding process.

It must be cautioned, however, the FSB concludes in their report summary, that it is entirely possible that the D.C. Madam may not be dead and has, instead, been brought into greater protection for later use against American War Leaders through this apparent suicide of hers.

To whichever the case may be it is not in our knowing, expect to point out the most obvious fact that, once again, events in the United States continue to show a Nation divided against itself as it accelerates its plunge towards the abyss.
Alex Constantine suggests the CIA's and FBI's official denial and others disavowing that Carnaby was a deep-level covert agent despite indications to the contrary, along with the very suspicious circumstances of his shooting death and his demonstrable links with the Houston Port and key officials in powerful positions strongly support the thesis Carnaby was involved in smuggling operations -- providing suggestions for investigation leads and vital questions.
Monday, May 19, 2008
By Alex Constantine

Video of the Carnaby shooting <>

" ... The black Jeep Commander Carnaby was driving is registered to the National Security Command Center. ... Federal credentials were also found inside the SUV but investigators are still trying to determine if the identification is real. ... Relatives said they have plenty of proof that Carnaby was CIA, including an autographed book from, they say, his very close friend, former CIA Director George Tenet. ... "

I'm not sure that there is a federal agency known specifically as the NSCG. But there IS a quasi-military NATIONAL SECURITY COMMAND CENTER in Fort Meade, Virginia - home of the National Security Agency. It is highly secretive, an NSA appendage. No address or contact information is given for this division, but it is a "Major Unit." The site provides it for other related military installations. See:

Richard Clarke mentions an agency with this particular name in an interview, "Richard Clarke's New Team" posted at, and it would fall under NSA jurisdiction:

"We are talking about creating the Cyber Warning Information Network (CWIN). Its first iteration would be a voice communications system that would link major network operation centers and ISACs. It is something we have today in the national security command center and has a different name -- NOIWAN, National Operations and Intelligence Watch Offices Network. We are talking about creating the Cyber Warning Information Network (CWIN). Its first iteration would be a voice communications system that would link major network operation centers and ISACs. It is something we have today in the national security command center and has a different name ... "
at <>

Also possible, the Houston Police Department has a homeland security division, and has a close working relationship with the local Port Authority (Carnaby had connections there: see below), and becomes a command center in time of emergency:

" ... Purchases of sonar devices and additional surveillance cameras along the channel also are expected with the first round of DHS Port Security Grant funding. The operation and maintenance of the equipment is provided by the Ship Channel Security District. According to Capt. John Anderson of the Houston Police Department's Homeland Security Division, the spending of any grant dollars is carefully coordinated with Mayor Bill White's office to most effectively meet the city's needs. ... " ... ay/1$37885

<> Bullet-drilled Roland Vincent Carnaby, self-described CIA agent, with a black helicopter.

See: "Houston: Mystery Surrounding 'CIA Operative' Deepens as Details Emerge" <>


Interesting that the Roland Carnaby case was followed up on by Houston media. They hit it pretty hard first few days, and the word was the CIA would come and validate the identification. Of course, the story went black here. ... I guess it is strange that he ran. I guess he had something more important going on. I know you are busy man. I will ask yes or no question. Was it a hit? Is that why he ran? - B.

B: Not too hard to work out, really.

There aren't many options - either he'd been caught in the act of doing something highly illegal - and there is no indication of that - or he was in a state of fear for his life. He flashed a CIA ID and the officers didn't buy it.

The CIA disavows any connection.

Let's assume that he had some interesting connections, however, that CAN be established. Who did he actually know? If he was a smuggler of some kind, experience (see The Bluegrass Conspiracy, by Sally Denton, for the pattern I'm about to describe) tells me that he would have a link to the local import regulatory body - say, the Port Authority:

Houston Chronicle, May 1: " ... The couple had private dinners with the head of the Houston Port Authority... "

There it is. This answers an important question: where did the contraband enter the state? At the port. So, if I was an investigator looking into it, I'd do a newspaper search for smuggling arrests at the Port for a possible connection.

The commissioner of the Houston Port Authority is Mr. James T. Edmonds. Here's his bio:

" ... current Director and Member of Executive Committee at Greater Houston Partnership. Edmonds serves as chairman of the Partnership's World Trade Supervisory Board and has served as chairman of the Port of Houston Authority since June 2000. His own firm assists clients with legislative and regulatory matters at the local and state levels of government. ... "

This is something to know more about. Also, politicians and corporations involved:

" ... In the 1960s, Edmonds served as executive assistant to former Mayor Louie Welch. He also served as administrative assistant to the late John B. Connally, then governor of Texas."
<> John B. Connally's pit of evil. Bingo. (In his prime, John Connally's legal clients included oil billionaire Sid Richardson, said to have been a key financier of the John Kennedy assassination, and his nephew-partner, Perry Bass.)

" ... In the private sector, Edmonds was a founding partner of the investment banking firm of Masterson, Moreland, Sauer & Whisman, Inc. He was also a consulting principal with KPMG-Peat Marwick. ... "

KPMG. Bingo. (And while we're at it, take a look at the corporate connections of the Port Authority Board of Directors: <>)

" ... [Edmonds] serves on the board of visitors of the Texas A&M University at Galveston and the board of Space Center Houston. Edmonds received his bachelor's degree from Abilene Christian University. ... "

Mister Christian Establishment from John Connally's office. Nail down Edmond's connections, tweak out the CIA and known fascist connections, and you will have more answers.

But to smuggle contraband and stay out of prison, the organized criminal with intelligence connections is bound to know cops, too:

" ... Carnaby also was close friends with former Harris County Sheriff Johnny Klevenhagen, who she said was best man at their wedding in 1986. Klevenhagen died in 1999. ... "
<> John Joseph "Johnny" Klevenhagen, Jr was Houston old school - racist ...

See: <>

You might have expected Klevenhagen to be a Republican, but he was a Democrat. And he didn't put up with nonsense: New York Times, November 8, 1988: " ... Sheriff Johnny Klevenhagen defended his department's policy that allows deputies to shoot to stop an escape. ... " Texas lawmen don't mess around. They will shoot you in the back ...

His department employed a stereotypical psychotic-killer-with-a-badge or two:


<> "Roland Carnaby, left, is shown in this undated photo with Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt taken at a HPD Policeman's Ball" (KHOU caption)

For an ideal smuggling ring, you need the Port and the sheriff, a few other key positions of authority (coroner, too).

<> Who else? Houston Chronicle May 1: During the high-speed chase, "... Carnaby called an acquaintance in Houston Police Department's internal affairs division, trying to get someone to vouch for him to the patrolman." Connections at Internal Affairs are a hedge against investigations of the police role in the illicit operation. "Later, as he raced away from pursuing officers at speeds up to 120 mph, the man who had for years projected the persona of a federal intelligence officer apparently called a contact he knew in the FBI."
<> Carnaby at the FBI Academy

This is how The Company did it in Lexington, Kentucky. They cover key positions: governor, airport director, FBI, travel regulatory bodies, police.

Cops are deeply involved. They tend to off witnesses and whistle-blowers. What else?

Contraband likes UPS because the shipping service is private and has no postal inspectors:

"Even the staff at the UPS location where Carnaby had two different mailboxes thought he was a covert lawman. Mysteriously, that's all they would say at UPS, because Carnaby's widow and lawyer asked them not to say anything more. Longtime friend Alan Helfman helped Carnaby start the local chapter of the Association for Intelligence Officers. He, too, is convinced his buddy was an operative. ... "
(Source: 6, 2008)

What else? Roland Vincent Carnaby would have a secret life ...

Carnaby "had become a shadowy figure, one who apparently concealed from his wife his true whereabouts and from his friends many of the pertinent details of his private life."

He "'never really wanted to talk about his personal life,' said one friend who asked not to be named."

So now you can resolve the contradictions this way:
<> Roland Carnaby's CIA mementos

His "bona fides were too solid and his recognition by former intelligence personnel too genuine for him to be a fake."

He was real. This is why everyone is scratching their heads and calling it a "mystery." He was real ... but "the CIA disputes this." Of course.

"While we do not as a rule publicly deny or confirm employment, I will tell you in this case that Mr. Carnaby was not an employee of the Central Intelligence Agency," CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano said. "He was never a CIA officer."

Of course. No mystery here. The CIA is not about to acknowledge that this dead smuggler worked for them. And he may not have been on the payroll, but he operated like one of them. The same can be said for the cocaine smugglers in the Bluegrass Conspiracy example - they weren't official employees of the Agency. The CIA would not admit, "Adnan Khashoggi works for us." Noriega "didn't work for" the CIA. Smugglers "don't work for" the CIA.

They're silenced when it goes awry - especially in an election year.

That takes it to another plane - keep sifting through his connections, and a political tie will turn up. And that will be the hottest lead in this case. That Port Authority needs a good combing over, too, and the dead sheriff, and that's where the answers lie in wait to be found. I haven't gone there yet - but that's how you piece it together.

--Edited once to shorten run-on URLs and add a coupla comments.
Last edited by StarmanSkye on Thu May 29, 2008 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cptmarginal » Thu May 29, 2008 12:11 am

Where are the sources on this stuff? People are popping out of the woodwork to provide second-hand information, but the concrete evidence is not to be found.

There have been many things posited about Roland Carnaby that seem to have no evidence backing them up, so I am really curious. These types of unverifiable claims reek of disinfo.

Tantalyzing, all, but take with a grain of


BTW, can you edit the one really long link in your post that is messing up the formatting? Just use

*edit* Thanks, man!

For what it's worth, this thread is probably the best source of info on the net about Roland Carnaby. RI kicks ass :)
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Postby cptmarginal » Thu May 29, 2008 9:43 am

There are some good leads to follow up on in that Alex Constantine article. Here's some more interesting pics:



Is it just me, or does Carnaby look visibly nervous and unsure of what he's doing in that first picture? Who knows, maybe that's his tough-guy stance - the clenched hands and the posture make it look like he's nervous or awkward.
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Postby cptmarginal » Fri May 30, 2008 11:38 am

Even more interesting details emerge, thanks to the case evidence list being made available (PDF file.) Don't miss the legal pleadings, either.

Some items put in evidence:

Lots of weapons, a black light flashlight, random bundles of cash, a sealed box "reportedly containing clothing", a Special Ops watch, a CIA medallion, a check to AFIO Houston, spent shell casings, a broken glass vial, a red rotating emergency light, and the book "A Divided Life".

This last item, the book, appears to be this book, subtitled "A Personal Portrait Of The Spy Donald Maclean".

Both a revealing, intimate look at the "Cambridge Comintern" and a riveting portrait of a reluctant spy, this evenhanded biography of double-agent Donald Maclean sets him apart from Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt and others in the circle. According to Cecil, a British diplomat who attended Cambridge with Maclean and served with him in various posts, the tall, handsome, soft-spoken spy had great distaste for his duplicitous lifestyle, and numbed his guilt with alcohol. A dedicated Marxist and left-wing student activist, Maclean is shown rebelling against his stern Presbyterian father and landing in the Kremlin's lap. After helping his Soviet masters by spying in London, Cairo and Washington, Maclean defected to the U.S.S.R. in 1951. His last 31 years, spent in his adopted communist haven, were a letdown, maintains Cecil: his wife had an affair with Philby, then emigrated to the U.S.; his three children spurned Russia and made their homes in the West; and his faith in communism was shaken by Soviet reality.

Donald Duart Maclean was a British diplomat, and after having been recruited as a straight penetration agent while still an undergraduate at Cambridge, by the Soviet intelligence service, was one of the Cambridge Five, members of MI5, MI6 or the diplomatic service who acted as spies for the Soviet Union in the Second World War and beyond. His actions are widely thought to have contributed to the 1948 Soviet blockade of Berlin and the onset of the Korean War. As a reward for his espionage activities, Maclean was brevetted a colonel in the Soviet KGB.

Here's some excerpts from the latest article on Roland "Tony" Carnaby, CIA Spook gunned down by intolerance; don't miss this if you have been following this case with any interest:

Roland Carnaby lay prone on the pavement of a freeway access road at 200 West Loop South in Houston. He is handcuffed and bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound to his back. A group of Houston police officers hover over him, their parked squad cars blocking traffic.

Some 15 minutes later, after Carnaby, still handcuffed, had bled out absent medical attention, an ambulance arrives to take Carnaby to a hospital emergency room. Carnaby is lifted into the ambulance, which then proceeds not to the nearest emergency room, but rather takes a 10-mile route through busy Houston traffic to Ben Taub Hospital, where Carnaby is later pronounced dead.


At least one law enforcement source who spoke with Narco News agrees that Carnaby’s widow may well have a good case. The source’s observations are as follows:

As a former federal agent, my opinion is based on 28 years experience consisting of police training for uniform officers, criminal Investigator training for special agents and culminating in numerous management training courses.

Based on the video and the HPD statement (about the shooting; see statement here), HPD does not seem credible, based on many factors.

… A high speed chase is no justification for shooting. The HPD now says that they did a computer query and found he [Carnaby] had a gun permit.

… If he had a gun permit, he had a background check, hence where is the potential danger? I am certain that computer queries were done to find reasons why the vehicle would flee and to ascertain whether the subject was wanted, which would have said wanted/armed and dangerous. [Carnaby had never been charged with a crime, or even arrested previously.]

… The officers did not have to approach the vehicle. The driver did not point a gun. The video does not show any "object" falling from the occupant's hand when he fell wounded.

[The source adds that “it is an unwritten rule for law enforcement to ALWAYS say they saw a shiny object if they fire their weapons.”)

… If no public safety was an issue, why didn't they wait to negotiate a surrender. What was the urgency?

In the weeks since Carnaby’s April 29 encounter with Houston’s finest, his story has mushroomed into a blogging-world sensation split along two camps, essentially.

One camp asserts (primarily through anonymous sourcing) that Carnaby was a CIA agent and that his death was an assassination, part of a wide-ranging conspiracy involving, at various points, the Israeli intelligence service (the Mossad), Bush administration neo-cons and a prostitution ring linked to the D.C. Madam (Deborah Palfrey), who coincidentally died — allegedly hanging herself in a shed on her mother’s property in Florida on May 1 — within a few days of Carnaby’s demise.

The other camp contends Carnaby was an imposter with a big ego who was in no way connected to the CIA. His conceit, they argue, resulted, ultimately, in his tragic confrontation with the Houston cops.

Their viewpoint is bolstered by the fact that the CIA, according to media reports, has denied Carnaby had any connection with the Agency.

The truth doesn’t appear to fit neatly into either camp, however.

As for the grand conspiracy theory, well, logic seems to undercut its basic premise.

Assuming Carnaby was a spook marked for a hit (which itself is not beyond belief), even the most inept intelligence service (which the Mossad certainly is not) would not choose to take out a target in the public spotlight. (The shooting of Carnaby, after all, was caught on film that is now all over the Internet). There would be dozens of better, less conspicuous, ways to carry out such an assassination — a carjacking gone bad, poison, an abduction with the murder carried out across the border, an unfortunate car accident, a home burglary gone awry, etc.

In addition, assuming Carnaby’s death was an assassination sponsored by some foreign players in league with corrupted U.S. officials, why leave such a trail of evidence (video, audio, dozens of eyewitnesses, a body, a vehicle and its contents) as well as the identity of the killers (Houston cops in this case, caught on film)? Too many players (across multiple cities and oceans) would have to be involved, all with weaknesses (primarily the fear of being hung out to dry by a co-conspirator) that could lead to an unraveling of such an intricate, far-reaching plot.

Intelligence agencies have access to professional contract assassins, special-ops killers, who can sneak in with the night, take care of business, and vanish like vapor. A donut-eating, slightly over-weight local cop seems like a poor second choice for such a job in that light.

Though such a conspiracy is not completely impossible (few things are in life), it does seem highly improbably. It just doesn’t add up.

One law enforcer who has had plenty of dealings with the intelligence world put it this way: “Definitely not a hit, too public, not necessary.”

As far as the Doubting Thomas camp that claims Carnaby was an imposter, well, that view doesn’t seem to hold water, either, given that Narco News has confirmed on the record that Carnaby, in fact, was a major player for the CIA — despite the CIA’s claims to the contrary. That confirmation comes on top of Susan Carnaby’s lawsuit asserting the same, the CIA credentials found in Carnaby’s jeep, the photos of him at CIA headquarters and the book he owned that was signed with a personal note from George Tenet, the former director of the CIA. [See VIDEO LINK above.]

Attorney Mark Conrad is a former supervisory special agent who oversaw nine states and two foreign offices for the Internal Affairs Office of the U.S. Customs Service (which has since become part of the Department of Homeland Security). He also is a member of the Houston chapter of the Association for Intelligence Officers (AFIO) – of which Carnaby was the president.

Conrad says while he was a federal agent, he, on occasion, worked with the CIA in relation to various intelligence- and national security-related matters, so he is very familiar with the Agency’s operations and has contacts in the intelligence world to this day. Conrad says he considered Carnaby a friend and confirms that Carnaby did work for the CIA and was considered a valuable player in the Agency’s clandestine operations.

What did he do?

“Whatever they [the CIA] needed,” Conrad says.

Last spring, at an AFIO meeting in Houston, Conrad says he was present when James Pavitt, the former Deputy Director of Operations for the CIA, lauded Carnaby publicly for his service to the CIA and the country. Conrad told Narco News:

What happened makes no sense. There is much going on behind the scenes and I can assure you that this nation has lost a true, absolute, unsung hero and that the clandestine services of the free world have lost a true friend. I am proud to have known him [Carnaby] and the cheap and dishonest crap that has been put out makes me sad.

This nation will never know the extent to which this nation (and the rest of the free world) is indebted to Roland V. Carnaby. Those are not my words (though they are my belief) but the words were said, in my presence, by [James Pavitt,] the [former] Deputy Director, Central Intelligence (clandestine operations) about Roland and his family, in the spring of last year.

Conrad also says he attended the national meeting of the AFIO in the fall of 2006 in Reston, Va., which drew a number of top officials with the CIA, FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, including Charles Allen, the Undersecretary for Intelligence and Analysis at DHS.

Conrad says he sat at the same table as Carnaby, who asked Allen, a speaker at the event, if the “Port of Houston was on the radar” in terms of security threats.

Allen told Carnaby, Conrad says, that “it is a problem.”

As it turns out, it was a bigger problem for Carnaby, it seems.

Conrad adds that he does not think Carnaby was on the full-time payroll of the CIA at the time of his death, but says he was still doing contract work for the Agency.

Divided Life

It is not clear what the nature of Carnaby’s work was at the time his life was cut short (though it appears, sources indicate, that Carnaby had a special interest in port security in the Houston area and might have been engaged in CIA business in Latin America for a short time last year.)

However, according to the attorney representing Carnaby’s widow in federal court, it seems clear that the reason he sped away from the Houston police on April 29 of this year was to protect national security interests.

According to pleadings filed in federal court in Houston by the attorney, Randall Kallinen, Carnaby’s laptop computer (with him in the Jeep that day) contained “sensitive information … regarding his national security investigations.” That laptop is now being examined by the Secret Service, according to press reports.

More from the legal pleadings [link here]:

The officers at the scene were told by an HPD superior to arrest Roland [Carnaby] “for something” which would entail impounding the vehicle and its contents, including the laptop computer with the sensitive security data entrusted to Roland. Roland knew that arrest means jailing without the ability to communicate to anyone for many hours and that vehicle contents are often stolen from impound lots and police property rooms. Roland then drove off and a police chase ensured.

Kallinen also claims in the legal pleadings that Carnaby “frequently worked as a contractor for various federal agencies providing information and investigations into security risks to the interests of the United States for at least the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Service.”

More from the pleadings:

… Two Houston Police officers, Cecil Foster and Andrew J. Washington, shot at Roland Carnaby, striking him in the lower back when they were not in objectively reasonable fear of their lives or the lives of another. Instead of administering any aid to the gunshot wound(s), the HPD officers handcuffed Roland and left him lying facedown on the street.

When Houston paramedics arrived at least twelve minutes later, they did not take Roland to the nearest emergency room … but to Ben Taub Hospital ten miles away through busy Houston Streets.

… Roland died of a gunshot wound to the BACK, which caused fatal loss of blood. Before he died, Roland experienced great pain and the knowledge and fear of his impending death.

So if not a grand conspiracy, or a case of a CIA imposter, why did Carnaby have to die that day? There is a simple truth right in front of us that plays out every day in this country (often in code, but still plain as day). It is highlighted most recently by the dirty-tricks “Muslim Manchurian Candidate” smear tactics employed to undercut the successful presidential campaign of Barack Obama.

That same racism exists in spades inside most law enforcement agencies as well and plays out inside its departments (where a good ol’ boy mentality determines promotions) and on our streets, where skin color is all too often the final arbitrator of justice.

Carnaby, a Lebanese American, was murdered by that intolerance and racism. He was CIA, but he also was a victim of Fox News and all the other fanatics who peddle fear and see an Islamofascists behind every Arab face.

Ironically, Carnaby worked for us. And we (as a nation bombarded with propaganda promoting racial and ethnic intolerance) killed him.

If you don’t believe me, then maybe you’ll believe David Horowitz (one of the many spokesman for the cause) and the Fox News talking heads who make a living promoting fear as the bedrock of national security.


Enjoy, and be afraid, be very afraid….

That conclusion is pretty sloppy.

From the legal pleading, posted above:

"Officer Washington, who shot at Roland, has a sustained disciplinary record including suspension from duty. His record includes discipline for the violent striking of a prisoner, failure to abide by laws, insubordination and speeding." Which laws?
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Postby MinM » Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:34 am

No indictments in death of man claiming CIA ties ... 06579.html
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video released

Postby dqueue » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:57 pm

Roland Carnaby's wife succeeded in compelling the Houston Police Department to release video from dashboard cameras within the squad cars...

Houston Chronicle article
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Postby justdrew » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:25 pm

that cop just snuck around the door and killed him. no way he saw any shiny objects pulled from under the seat.
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Postby cptmarginal » Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:01 pm

Officers Involved in 'CIA' Fatal Chase Disciplined

HOUSTON -- The Houston Police Department has disciplined two officers involved in the chase and shooting death of a man claiming to be a CIA agent.

The department's internal affairs division found the officers failed to follow HPD's High-Risk Vehicle Approach policy when getting close to the SUV driven by Roland Carnaby. City records conclude, however, the shooting of Carnaby in the back was justified.

"The department is just finding problems with the way the officers approached the vehicle, which had nothing to do with the shooting itself," said Chad Hoffman, the attorney representing the officers.

Click here to see the full video story by FOX 26's Sally MacDonald.

In April, Carnaby sped away from a traffic stop after police grew skeptical of his claim to be a CIA agent. When he finally pulled over, dash camera video captures officers approaching the SUV and firing when Carnaby reaches for what turned out to be a cell phone.

"Both Officer Foster and Sgt. Washington testified in sworn deposition testimony that the training they received in the high risk vehicle approach was faulty," said Randall Kallinen, the attorney representing Carnaby's widow.

Kallinen has filed a lawsuit against the two officers and the city of Houston. He says police should have taken cover and tried to communicate with the mystery man from a distance. "Had that been done, Roland Carnaby would be alive today and facing a charge of fleeing police officers," Kallinen said.

Hoffman believes the discipline is unwarranted. HPD suspended Sgt. Andrew Washington for one day, while Officer Cecil Foster was given a written reprimand.

"The department is not really taking into consideration the dynamics of what happened out there on the streets," said Hoffman.

He added the officers did the best they could in a situation that seemed to change by the minute.

Sgt. Washington has filed an appeal. In July, a grand jury declined to indict the officers. HPD declined to comment, citing the pending lawsuit.
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Postby Uncle $cam » Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:29 am

Ran across this, for what it's worth...

CIA, Carnaby, Premel, Rendition, private intelligence contractors, NFU
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Postby cptmarginal » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:44 pm

Thank you for the interesting link. Without looking through that whole page yet, it's already obvious that something very weird is going on at that site. Some really fishy stuff, seemingly created with input from Alan Premel.

Carnaby funeral. pallbearers: former President George Bush Senior at the front, Former KGB general Oleg Kalugin who was in Houston in November 2007 by invitation of Roland Carnaby. On the back row, James Pavitt, other side George Tenet in the back row, in the middle an unnamed us policy maker and on the front an unnamed Lebanese officer. source

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