John deCamp

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Cover up

Postby Paloma » Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:29 pm

"The key importance of Franklin IMHO is not the child abuse aspect, as awful as that is, but the cover-up. The organisational and institutional aspects Why? Because unless these are addressed, the song remains the same. Franklin 2.0 According to Bryant, there are multiple networks, not one. Focusing only on one network could have the effect of enabling the bigger network of networks to be kept safe."

The discovery of a "cover up" is nearly always what undoes these groups. The more people become aware of the original "sin", as it were, the harder it is to keep a lid on it.

Bryant is most likely correct in that there are multiple networks, and I would not be surprised if they all lead back down the same rabbit hole as Danny Casalaro's Octopus. If a formula works and is lucrative enough and can be kept contained via complicity, bribery and/or extortion, it is repeated and built upon. The starting point is law enforcement because that is the foundation upon which all other government services rest. "When Corruption Was King", a book about Operation Gambat in Chicago, does a great job of explaining how our government is infiltrated and controlled from the bottom up. It's a quick read that will open your eyes to why things don't work like they should any more.
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Postby Percival » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:10 pm

Check out these comments I found, I posted a comment inviting this person to join us, I found this on just a regular old news blog from Dallas, check out the COMMENTS by TEACUP (scroll down): ... -martinez/

teacup @ October 10th, 2009 at 6:02 am

As a Park City Resident of 10 years, I still ponder the whole “bubble” idea. While not to take away from the illegal activities of possible prostitution, I am amazed at the blind eye many take when the ones doing the illegal activities are America’s elite. Some of the elite were part of a political child sex ring run in Omaha Nebraska of Franklin Cover Up Hoax fame. There is a new book out that I applaud written by Nick Bryant that does a wonderful job showing the problems of big press the little guys get but when the elite of America are the perps, there is no press and no justice for the victims….as in this case, children rape victims. I was one of the children.

Linking this back to the Park Cities, I wish the bubble would pop, and people would see the disparity of coverage. I have dedicated my life to bringing justice for the children and myself.

teacup @ October 10th, 2009 at 5:26 pm

Hi James Tucker….thanks for the response.

There are two of us who live in the Park Cities who went through that scandal. Both of us came to the Park Cities later in life. Small world.

In my efforts to bring the perps to justice, I found no help here in Dallas on the Federal level or through local senators. The Senate Church Committee said they’d attempt to locate victims, but they never did.

The only people who did come out were the local UP police after my neighbor reported strange men around her house after a search warrant.

It is strange to go forward (as an adult) telling all of the justice agencies about abuse that they have already confirmed happened and then have them say, it is not their areas. Too many politicians were named so no one would touch it.

I’m 46 now, my daughter graduated from HP so I am off doing advocacy work with the empty nest time I now have.

With that type of childhood, UP is the only place I feel safe.

Thanks so much for your response…..I was wondering if the topic was too deep for this blog. I may live here, but my interests have nothing to do with people’s cars, their clothes or belongings. I care about integrity and spirit. Thank you again.

teacup @ October 10th, 2009 at 5:31 pm

on edit: I was part of the Boys Town Franklin Scandal and part of the MKULTRA program of Project Paperclip origins. The Senate Church Committee addressed the MKULTRA aspect but not the other scandal since it had yet to take place.

The UT History Dept picked up my book and are including the history of Project Paperclip and MKULTRA as a result of my work. I went to school there so I had contacted them in an effort to raise understanding. Maybe someday my efforts will get me a interview as a Park City Person who made a difference…like the Righteous Among the Nations wall at the Holocaust Museum.

I wonder if the Franklin Scandal happened in UP, how many residents would ignore the “rape ring” because it involved the elite.

This is off topic here a bit, but still something I ponder when I see the media hits like this.

I wish Justice was equal regardless of elite status, regardless of power status, regardless of money acquired. Thanks for allowing me to vent.
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Postby Project Willow » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:18 pm

Percival, I believe teacup is sw as she has already stated in a related thread recently.
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Postby Percival » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:20 pm

Isnt THAT THE SAME PLACE IN DALLAS were someone here found out KING'S wife now lives?? We should put her and Teacup in touch heh.
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Postby Percival » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:21 pm

Project Willow wrote:Percival, I believe teacup is sw as she has already stated in a related thread recently.

WOW execellent, thats great! Welcome SW if that is you. I totally missed that thread he made, thats what I get for missing a few days of class around here, gotta keep up!
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Postby sw » Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:14 pm

yeah, Teacup is my alias here too.

I rescued a dog who came with the name Teaspoon about 10 years ago. Teaspoon bit my young daughter by accident once and her finger got infected. I took her to the ER to get it treated because it started having the red lines coming out of the bite. It wasn't really Teaspoon's fault as he was just playing tug o war and her finger kind of got in the way.

So, the next day, the Dallas Dog Squad came out looking to take my beloved Teaspoon away since he was deemed a vicious dog. But, since I live in University Park, the Dallas people could not do anything. The Dallas Dog Squad kept calling asking for Teacup so we decided that Teaspoon had an alias of Teacup and started calling him that for his remaining seven years. Sweet Boy....

I called the Garland PD yesterday and left a message for Lt. Brown who works in the crimes against persons unit. I called saying I am now an adult who was abused in this child sex ring as a child. I asked if they wanted into on people who were not convicted for the crimes if they lived in their city. The officer who first answered said, oh my god, yes we want that kind of information about people living in our city. She referred me to Lt. Brown.

So, one more stride...
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Re: yes

Postby Percival » Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:37 pm

sw wrote:yeah, Teacup is my alias here too.

I rescued a dog who came with the name Teaspoon about 10 years ago. Teaspoon bit my young daughter by accident once and her finger got infected. I took her to the ER to get it treated because it started having the red lines coming out of the bite. It wasn't really Teaspoon's fault as he was just playing tug o war and her finger kind of got in the way.

So, the next day, the Dallas Dog Squad came out looking to take my beloved Teaspoon away since he was deemed a vicious dog. But, since I live in University Park, the Dallas people could not do anything. The Dallas Dog Squad kept calling asking for Teacup so we decided that Teaspoon had an alias of Teacup and started calling him that for his remaining seven years. Sweet Boy....

I called the Garland PD yesterday and left a message for Lt. Brown who works in the crimes against persons unit. I called saying I am now an adult who was abused in this child sex ring as a child. I asked if they wanted into on people who were not convicted for the crimes if they lived in their city. The officer who first answered said, oh my god, yes we want that kind of information about people living in our city. She referred me to Lt. Brown.

So, one more stride...

Rock on...good story. :lol:
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Postby sw » Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:22 pm

This donation by Nga DeCamp speaks for itself...

Nga Decamp from zip code 68508

Political contributions disclosed by campaign committees to the Federal Election Commission, sorted by name, zip code and employer. The data, from the FEC, covers the years 1979 through 2008.
Nga Decamp, Homemaker
$250 to Larouche'S Committee For A New Bretton Woods on May 5, 1999
$1,000 to Committee To Reverse The Accelerating Global Economic & Strategic Crisis:Larouche Expl Cmt on May 21, 1996
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Re: justice

Postby Paloma » Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:42 pm

Searcher08 wrote:
sw wrote:Weak justice. He did enough to look like the saving grace for survivors but he does not possess the drive or persistence of someone who was out to bring true justice.

When I spoke to him, it was like talking to a person who had done their part and had taken the whole thing as far as he was going to. Like a deflated balloon. His words were empty and lacked interest. It's the kind of conversation that delivered a clear message to me that he was not the person to align with at all. Plus, he was really talking up Mark, Cathy O'Brien's handler telling me how great this man was. Hang up and run from that call.

When I met with John DeCamp and he said, in farsi, "Women are for childbirth; boys are for fun," and laughed raucously with his Paralegal before translating for me, he repeatedly solicited sex from me and even suggested that if we close his office door, "No one would ever know." He persisted despite me saying things like, "Perhaps you've spent too much time around this stuff John, and you have become what you hate." And, "Now you're just making an ass out of yourself, can I see the Mahoney files or not?" When shown a picture of a young woman who bears STRIKING resemblance to Jill Cutshall (9 year old abducted, scars in same place, deep cheek creases....) DeCamp had a rare and possibly lucid moment and said, "You'll be lucky if this doesn't get you killed," but he had no interest in the child/woman and did not want to see information about her. (She is schizophrenic with a severe attachment disorder, documented in court files.) I had a recorder in my purse, which captured much of what he had to say, and captured some of the bizarre little ditty's coming out of the mouth of his assistant. Things in the DeCamp "camp" are not what they seem. SW's gut instinct's are good, very good - in my opinion.
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Re: yes

Postby Paloma » Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:46 pm

Percival wrote:
sw wrote:yeah, Teacup is my alias here too.

I rescued a dog who came with the name Teaspoon about 10 years ago. Teaspoon bit my young daughter by accident once and her finger got infected. I took her to the ER to get it treated because it started having the red lines coming out of the bite. It wasn't really Teaspoon's fault as he was just playing tug o war and her finger kind of got in the way.

So, the next day, the Dallas Dog Squad came out looking to take my beloved Teaspoon away since he was deemed a vicious dog. But, since I live in University Park, the Dallas people could not do anything. The Dallas Dog Squad kept calling asking for Teacup so we decided that Teaspoon had an alias of Teacup and started calling him that for his remaining seven years. Sweet Boy....

I called the Garland PD yesterday and left a message for Lt. Brown who works in the crimes against persons unit. I called saying I am now an adult who was abused in this child sex ring as a child. I asked if they wanted into on people who were not convicted for the crimes if they lived in their city. The officer who first answered said, oh my god, yes we want that kind of information about people living in our city. She referred me to Lt. Brown.

So, one more stride...

If only they would respond as quickly to information about humans who "bite"......
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Re: justice

Postby lightningBugout » Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:10 pm

Paloma wrote:I had a recorder in my purse, which captured much of what he had to say, and captured some of the bizarre little ditty's coming out of the mouth of his assistant.

Do you still have that recording?
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Postby Paloma » Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:39 pm

I have the recording and the bizarre text messages sent by Tyrell, who signed on as "Richard Cook" and tried to make it look like there was something between us. I have the businesscard for the SA from Traffic International, Mexico City and the evidence sheets that didn't belong to me but turned up as agents conducted a RICO investigation that included a human/sex trafficking ring that operated in 35 states and 5 foreign countries. DOJ disbanded the RICO investigation when it touched on prominent people because, according to the lead agent, "No one wanted to mess with the judge".

I don't keep "sensitive" documents or tapes around my house because before I realized how deep the corruption here was, and how dirty the FBI/DOJ are, documents and information seemed to vanish.
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Postby lightningBugout » Sat Oct 17, 2009 5:48 pm

It would be great to get that converted to a sound file and distribute copies to multiple people for safe-keeping. PM if you are interested in doing so and I can offer some tips on how to get it digitized, if you like.
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Postby Cordelia » Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:03 pm

My apologies if I'm re-hashing old information (I'm still navigating the site's enormous archives), but, in a historical context, has the pedophile blackmailing ring 'Operation Brownstone' already been addressed?

Glen Yeadon (The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century), in a long expose on global trafficking (including Franklin) writes:

"Ironically, the CIA’s first widespread use of sex came from a program to blackmail United States politicians conducted by Edwin Wilson. The political targets were enticed to live out their sexual fantasies in the flesh. With hidden cameras ready the unsuspecting politician would be filmed, which would later be used to blackmail him into supporting the agency’s projects and views. Wilson's skill in these matters dated back to the early 1950s, when he took over a network of homosexual and pedophile rings from CIA asset and McCarthy Committee counsel Roy Cohn."

From Sherman De Brosse :

(Roy) "Cohn may have sometimes obtained boys from a satanic sect that was known to send young males to the homes of the wealthy in the Greater New York area. On one occasion, Alexander Berkowitz—of the Son of Sam killings—was sent to Cohn’s house in Connecticut, and met the famous man. According to Anthony Summers, Cohn procured boys for FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in 1958. The famous lawman was dressed as a girl and went by the name “Mary.” It was reported that Cohn services including providing boys for men of wealth and power. Detective James Rothestein, a respected former New York City vice officer said of Cohen: Cohn’s job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn’s job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.............Some write that CIA agent Edwin Wilson became involved in the Cohn pedophile and homosexual sex rings as early as the 1950s. By the 1970s, Wilson was clearly working with Cohn in operating a sex ring in the Washington, D.C. area. The agency was connected later connected with the sex ring so that mind control experiments could be carried out by permitting subjects to act out in real life their sexual fantasies. The sex ring was also useful in blackmailing politicians. A escort service was used as a “cut-out” for the sex and blackmail operation. An extension of Cohn’s work was carried on by now notorious CIA agent Edwin Wilson and a former Eisenhower administration official and advertising executive, who probably was not a CIA agent. There are reports that Wilson and Cohen cooperated in sex/blackmail scams since the 1950s........."

......"Former CIA agent Frank Terpil said: Historically, one of Wilson’s Agency jobs was to subvert members of both houses [of Congress] by any means necessary... Certain people could be easily coerced by living out their sexual fantasies in the flesh... A remembrance of these occasions [was] permanently recorded via selected cameras.... The technicians in charge of filming. . .[were] TSD [Technical Services Division of the CIA]... The unwitting porno stars advanced in their political careers, some of [whom] may still be in office.

Child sex was available, and prominent names were associated with the sex ring, including a future vice president and a very sanctimonious member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. There is only a little information on where the children were obtained. One good source says so me came from religiously operated home for runaway boys."

..........."Frank Sturgis, another CIA operative and Watergate burglar , told an interviewer that one reason for the break-in was to find a “Pedophile Book” that was kept at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters. The book allegedly contained the names of pedophiles politicians. A more common explanation for Watergate was that the burglars were seeking information on which politicians were using prostitutes."
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Postby Paloma » Sat Oct 17, 2009 6:12 pm

lightningBugout wrote:It would be great to get that converted to a sound file and distribute copies to multiple people for safe-keeping. PM if you are interested in doing so and I can offer some tips on how to get it digitized, if you like.

Thanks, Lightningbug. Copies have been made, and there might be a few transcripts as well. I only had one microcassette with me and that was only out of habit. I didn't expect to record DeCamp or anyone else for that matter. When the tape ran out and I was observing Tyrell I called a friend and let my cell phone run so she could listen in. Jim Rothstein knows DeCamp and so I made contact with him during all of this so I could tell him what I was observing.

I have formed my opinion about the character or John DeCamp & Associates based on their behavior, their conversations in my presence and observations of the physical environment, which do not jive with the image John DeCamp portrays in his book.
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