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Postby compared2what? » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:20 pm

chiggerbit wrote:Ok, this looks like it's going to be complicated, so can you start with this. What is the significance of Sid and Nancy? I see now who has that as his avatar.

Although not as uncool as making a picture of Sid and Nancy your avatar. Because that one's really pretty hard to top.

Percival did. And it really wasn't very nice of me to mock him for its lack of coolth, now that you mention it. What's more, it also wasn't very cool. The reverse, in fact.

Thank you for reals for making me focus on it. Because I aspire to be better than that. Not for coolness's sake. I mean just out of human decency.

So. If I believed that Percival was a real person with a real attachment to bad-ass punk-rockishness, I'd apologize to him. And fwiw, to whomever out there has such an attachment, I do apologize. Like so:

I'm sorry I took that low blow at Percival's Sid'n'Nancy avatar. Honestly, don't listen to me when I say shit like that. Because, Jesus, I'm ancient, for one thing. So what the fuck do I know?

Anyway, fuck me. I'm no fucking better than anyone else. And certainly no better than you are. Don't ever forget it.
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Postby compared2what? » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:30 pm

Canadian_watcher wrote:can't we just effing ignore the losers who try to derail threads?

momma always told me to ignore the bullies and they go away. She was of course addressing real life when she said it, and, at that time, she was wrong. However, now that we have the internet her advice is finally right on.

I saw the Big Dick guy over in the 9/11 failure thread. Why did anyone even respond to that moron?

anyway I think I've violated C2W's terms of use, so I'll back away slowly now...

No, no, you didn't. I wish people weren't afraid of my non-existent wrath. I speak my mind. I'll never do anything worse than that.

The reason that just effing ignoring the losers who try to derail threads wouldn't be wholly effective is:

A large number of the losers (in username numbers) have been here in sleeper mode not derailing threads and -- for the most part -- acting like nothing-but-good-cops (or citizens) for years.

You're right about the bad cops, bullies and losers alike. If they're obvious, they should just be effing ignored, generally speaking. Unless you want and see an opportunity to invest a little something making a point by playing with them. So as far as your point goes, I agree with you.

I'm not talking about them, though. I'm talking about the impostors who are DOIN IT WRONG.
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Postby barracuda » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:32 pm

Okay, so yeah, having a Sid and Nancy avatar is somewhat L-7, but pointing out that someone is less than cool never necessarily confers cool on the pointer. I get it. Now, take me to the next phase, baby.

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Postby norton ash » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:36 pm

Isley Brothers, SI!

Weaselly Griefers, NO!

Sid and Nancy RIP you stupid fucking c*nts.
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Postby chiggerbit » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:41 pm

I have no clue who the Sex Pistols are, either.
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Postby barracuda » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:44 pm

Ain't no thing, chig. It is utterly unintrinsic to the conversation at hand, and, in an interesting way, your lack of clue is somewhat cool. At least to me.
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Postby compared2what? » Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:57 pm

et in Arcadia ego wrote:Fuck it.

Compared2What, go for it. Let's have it all out there.

Okey-doke. Please don't tell me how you arrived at the figure of three if doing so will reveal classified intelligence methods. But it's kind nice to hear that you independently also count to three. Unless we only have the one obvious overlap. Well, two, actually (By which I mean: Ty Brown -- sorry, Ty, don't know you, wish you well -- and Socrates/the_last_name_left -- sorry anono-kiddies, you rock in your own little way.**) Because in that case, we'd have a small net increase in the confirmed number of real people behind the non-badness, dammit.

Anyway. I myself put it at a minimum of three for a number of reasons. Almost all of which would require a whole lot of verbose and minute explanation to be semi-comprehensible to anyone else.

I work with details, that's just my method. I do try to do the work thoroughly and well, however. So if anyone wonders or cares how I know (whatever part of what I know you wonder about), please ask me. And if I can tell you, I will. However, if the answer is lengthy I might wait to do it until the thread's not so active, okay?

** And just in case it makes you feel good to know it, S/tlnl: You've succeeded in causing me some very real pain. Very, very real. In fact, I'd say that in a way, you've succeeded in having a moderate impact on my real life, and especially on the direction in which it's now really emotionally progressing. So "Bull's eye!" in short. And also thanks. If, by some chance, GM Citizen is someone unrelated to you, which is something I neither know nor care about: Hey. Thanks to that person, too.
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Postby Canadian_watcher » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:07 pm

compared2what? wrote:
Canadian_watcher wrote:can't we just effing ignore the losers who try to derail threads?

momma always told me to ignore the bullies and they go away. She was of course addressing real life when she said it, and, at that time, she was wrong. However, now that we have the internet her advice is finally right on.

I saw the Big Dick guy over in the 9/11 failure thread. Why did anyone even respond to that moron?

anyway I think I've violated C2W's terms of use, so I'll back away slowly now...

No, no, you didn't. I wish people weren't afraid of my non-existent wrath. I speak my mind. I'll never do anything worse than that.

The reason that just effing ignoring the losers who try to derail threads wouldn't be wholly effective is:

A large number of the losers (in username numbers) have been here in sleeper mode not derailing threads and -- for the most part -- acting like nothing-but-good-cops (or citizens) for years.

You're right about the bad cops, bullies and losers alike. If they're obvious, they should just be effing ignored, generally speaking. Unless you want and see an opportunity to invest a little something making a point by playing with them. So as far as your point goes, I agree with you.

I'm not talking about them, though. I'm talking about the impostors who are DOIN IT WRONG.

good then.
let's have it.. although I betcha I won't be able to follow it all. I'm still anxious to read all about it!
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Re: Re:

Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:10 pm

compared2what? wrote:
et in Arcadia ego wrote:Fuck it.

Compared2What, go for it. Let's have it all out there.

Okey-doke. Please don't tell me how you arrived at the figure of three if doing so will reveal classified intelligence methods.

Don't worry, I won't. This is your party, not mine, I'm just providing support.

Ye Olde Banne Hammere is taking the bench on this one..
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Postby smiths » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:12 pm

i would like to say that the most obvious way that someone fucks around with the board is by posting threads all about the state of the board,
the way that someone sows dissent and division is by banging on about losers who are somehow against the forum but not naming names, creating a kind of mystery force that is out to get us all

I'm saying that a non-theoretical, identifiable and verifiably ill-intentioned small group of people have been trolling the forum

fight if you've got a fight to pick. On whatever side you believe your interests lie

ok, my fight is with your meandering, grandiose, falsely mysterious drivell and the diversion it creates,
i myself have already been drawn into by wasting this mornings news reading time, instead dissecting this fucking stupid thread, and then letting myself down by responding ... oh well

Narcissistic personality disorder

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

although it doesn't happen often, I suppose that I could be totally mistaken

I'll try to protect the guilty and the innocent to the best of my ability

it's not like I'm getting paid to map out every fucking non-subtlety in Thee Circle Jerk of Doom

2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance
Because, hello? I'm a politically serious intellectual who finds something close to godliness in transgressive art.

I don't like to be the agent of anyone's misfortune.

(a) said straight out that they thought I posed a threat to it

3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique

first I want to give anyone who's at risk a chance to protect themselves

you really shouldn't do "covert" if you don't know how

I work with details, that's just my method.

4. requires excessive admiration

That impulse was always kind of an Achilles' heel back when I wasn't much of a tough reporter

you're very lucky you're getting called on your bullshit by me

5. has a sense of entitlement

I'm now going to give mods and admin and you ass-clowns a short period of time to take me out if you can

6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

But you know. I'm talking about shit that's fractionally more serious that that. And this is what I have to say:

8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

So if anyone wonders or cares how I know (whatever part of what I know you wonder about), please ask me.

9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

I've had it with you all. As far as I can see, you do not have a valid cause.

your pretensions are profoundly offensive to me personally

the pathetic extent that you're pretending to be and/or actually believe that you are intellectuals, politically serious people

you really can't start learning that lesson too fucking soon, believe me

it takes much, much more work than you seem to realize in order to get anywhere or achieve anything. Including power

Anyway, fuck me. I'm no fucking better than anyone else. And certainly no better than you are. Don't ever forget it.

get. over. it.

is there anything of substance you would like to add to the forum today?
the question is why, who, why, what, why, when, why and why again?
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Postby compared2what? » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:18 pm

Wombaticus Rex wrote:Watching, listening, interested, yes. You're free to implicate me in whatever you see me implicated in and I won't take offense (or admit to it).

OMG. You just did, you fucking idiot. I wasn't going to name you if I didn't have to. You're a very good writer, by the way. I have absolutely no idea what goal or cause you think you're advancing by prepping the board for the Last Statue (and associated) bullshit. But if you have one that's not a lie or a rationalization, I'd be curious to hear it. Because you're obviously a very smart and very gifted guy. And if you're doing a single thing other than punishing Jeff Wells (and optimally, bringing about his online destruction) for crimes unknown to me, I really can't see what it is.

And this is what I know about Jeff: He's one of the most gifted essayists I've ever read. By my lights, he's the most gifted contemporary essayist currently not writing, in fact. He may be wrong about stuff sometimes. But who isn't? WTF do you have against him?

And elfismiles, don't even try. I like you fine. Don't fuck with me and mine and I won't fuck with you. Amnesty for all non-felons, that's my position.
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Postby 82_28 » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:23 pm

What in the wide world of sports is going on here?

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Postby Canadian_watcher » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:25 pm

SteganosaurusRex ?
Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own.-- Jonathan Swift

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Postby Et in Arcadia ego » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:28 pm

Miss c2w, I would politely encourage you to be a little more direct. Remove your gloves and lets get down to brass tacks here; I for one am ready for it, having been through what I have the last three weeks. You're being misunderstood by members here and all that's gonna do is generate its own vortex.
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Postby compared2what? » Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:29 pm

smiths wrote:i would like to say that the most obvious way that someone fucks around with the board is by posting threads all about the state of the board,
the way that someone sows dissent and division is by banging on about losers who are somehow against the forum but not naming names, creating a kind of mystery force that is out to get us all

I'm saying that a non-theoretical, identifiable and verifiably ill-intentioned small group of people have been trolling the forum

fight if you've got a fight to pick. On whatever side you believe your interests lie

ok, my fight is with your meandering, grandiose, falsely mysterious drivell and the diversion it creates,
i myself have already been drawn into by wasting this mornings news reading time, instead dissecting this fucking stupid thread, and then letting myself down by responding ... oh well

Narcissistic personality disorder

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

although it doesn't happen often, I suppose that I could be totally mistaken

I'll try to protect the guilty and the innocent to the best of my ability

it's not like I'm getting paid to map out every fucking non-subtlety in Thee Circle Jerk of Doom

2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance
Because, hello? I'm a politically serious intellectual who finds something close to godliness in transgressive art.

I don't like to be the agent of anyone's misfortune.

(a) said straight out that they thought I posed a threat to it

3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique

first I want to give anyone who's at risk a chance to protect themselves

you really shouldn't do "covert" if you don't know how

I work with details, that's just my method.

4. requires excessive admiration

That impulse was always kind of an Achilles' heel back when I wasn't much of a tough reporter

you're very lucky you're getting called on your bullshit by me

5. has a sense of entitlement

I'm now going to give mods and admin and you ass-clowns a short period of time to take me out if you can

6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

But you know. I'm talking about shit that's fractionally more serious that that. And this is what I have to say:

8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her

So if anyone wonders or cares how I know (whatever part of what I know you wonder about), please ask me.

9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

I've had it with you all. As far as I can see, you do not have a valid cause.

your pretensions are profoundly offensive to me personally

the pathetic extent that you're pretending to be and/or actually believe that you are intellectuals, politically serious people

you really can't start learning that lesson too fucking soon, believe me

it takes much, much more work than you seem to realize in order to get anywhere or achieve anything. Including power

Anyway, fuck me. I'm no fucking better than anyone else. And certainly no better than you are. Don't ever forget it.

get. over. it.

is there anything of substance you would like to add to the forum today?

Yes. I'd like to reveal the sleepers who are currently engaged in what's supposed to look like some kind of ARG/profoundly-mystickal-and-astrologically-based RI forum meltdown. Which they kicked off on January 1 and which appears to be slated to wrap itself up around January 31rst. If you don't see it, I'm happy for you. But I do see it. And I don't like it. At least two people whose authenticity I don't doubt have been threatened directly by usernames connected to it. And it really frightened both of them. No one should have to deal with that shit.

I am not including LBO in that count. I'm very fond of both of them, but LBO's departure and 8bitagent's were both part of it. I mean both were acting as part of the set-up. The point of it is to demoralize non-participants, by causing them to question themselves and distrust others. Your obliviousness to it is the very best protection you could possibly have. So please stick with it.

In other words -- ignore me. I'll be done with it once and for all soon enough. BTW, I'm not a narcissist. Not even close. But I'm not going to argue with your diagnosis of me, if you're happy with it. This isn't personal. It's strictly business.
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