Moderators: Elvis, DrVolin, Jeff
Hi Jeff,
Percival is Masonic Plot. Perhaps you already had a hunch about that, but if not, I feel it's time I speak up.
I know this because he and I used to communicate in private messages here years ago -- stuff that was relatively benign (i.e. since his name was Masonic Plot, I assumed he knew something about the Masons and since I have a friend who was considering joining up, I wanted more info -- but, funny thing was, Masonic Plot knew nothing about the Masons but pointed me toward some friend of his who supposedly did -- red flag #1).
I had missed the thread where you banned him (as Masonic Plot), so asked him via e-mail what happened, and he said he'd explain but then never followed up. We didn't have any communication after that until he rejoined the forum as Percival (and he dropped me a private message stating so).
When he was Masonic Plot, he told me his name was Michael and that he was deaf and lived in Arizona. Perhaps he did/does, but yet he's now claiming in the Flotilla thread that he speaks Hebrew and lived in Gaza, etc. I think Alice smelled something rather disingenuous about Percival and called him on it, but I really have no idea -- I barely know the guy, and only had a few private messages with him.
But I DID give him my real name and frankly, after reading some of his postings of late, don't know if he's literally a dangerous person or not, and am a little concerned about possible vindictiveness on his part (he didn't ask me to keep his new identity a secret, but I assumed he wanted it that way when he introduced himself in a thread without giving anyone even a clue as to his former persona here). I believe I'm probably the only person he said hello to in a private message when he rejoined as Percival. He used fake or anonymous IP addresses to mask his location. He probably still does. You can probably verify that since I assume you're privvy to that information behind the scenes. For example, he might have a different IP each time he visits RI (and it probably won't be from an IP in Arizona, even though he might actually live there.... or not).
So if I'm the only person who knows Percival = Masonic Plot, he'll know I was the one who ratted on him, should you confront him directly or even indirectly about his true on-line identity. But I don't like game players and he's becoming very disruptive on the board (in my opinion), and I told myself way back that if he ever caused trouble again, I'd let you know. If you do decide to confront him, can you figure out a discrete way to do it so that he won't know I was the one who spoke up? I don't want to be too paranoid here, but he does know my real name and I'm seriously unsure of whether or not he's a dangerous person in real life, or simply a game player on-line.
At any rate, I hope you know me well enough to trust what I'm saying. I probably should have spoken up right away, since you'd banned him before, but like I said, I was really just letting it sit because he didn't seem to be causing any trouble (until now, in my opinion, unless I missed another controversy -- I haven't been keeping up).
And perhaps none of this really matters -- but I think you need to be the judge of that, and not in the dark about his identity, especially given his history here.
Thank you for this discussion board and all the work you put into it.
Jeff wrote:Breezes didn't rise to that bait.
I hope this board appeals to people with many interests, not all of them deadly serious. People who want to be a part of the community should hitch up their nag and visit our stable of hobby horses.
Jeff wrote:Christ I'm thick. Looking through old emails, Percy wrote to me a few months ago from the address
Peregrine wrote:btw, had no idea this little mod section was here until 10 mins ago. Shows my savviness with the computer.
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