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Re: biao

Postby havanagilla » Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:39 pm

Thank you PW, I have more words now to describe it. especially your comment that most of the torture is meant to prevent the victim from knowing they are programmed/controlled. Which brings me to another issue< don"t know if other victims share it< that in my case< i was forced to move from my residence at a rate of once a year< namely< i moved 20 or more times, including relocation to other cities. SInce relocating under stress is considered major crisis, it kept me at a "Survival/constant fear mode" that both allows for more control and mainly prevents becoming aware. I can mark as 1995 the first time I had glimpses of understanding of my real tragic position in life, I was then over thirty and then it took another 4-5 years to gain a pretty solid understanding of what MC is and how I fit in. <br>--<br>I read somewhere that Mossad nickname for MC females is a kind of bird and it fits the "groundlessness" required in order to maintain total control over a person. Then later I ran into some website about Judaism/Kabala whatever, and there was a chapter on how the religion prescribed to deal with "witches", and it was by "disconnecting them from the earth" and lifting them up, which stopped their power and made them into willing slaves of the "righteous males (ministers)". I think this is a major spiritual factor, or "black magical" factor in MC as well. Namely, curring the person off the "ground", i described it as "walking on fire, or hot oven"...<br> <p></p><i></i>
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MC, etc.

Postby mother » Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:14 pm

In the foster care/ adoption circles it is being said that trauma and torture create something like photographic memories. How this relates to IQ is anybody's guess, as IQ remains controversial. As people come forward to share their survival stories and explain the facets of their whole selves what always strikes me fresh with each story is the genius of it all. Would it be safe to think that those whom the monsters don't utterly destroy develope a special intelligence? And would some of the torture specialists be intent on "evolving" the consciousness of their slaves as part of their special bloodline beliefs? I grew up quite close to NIH in Bethesda, MD. Countless suicides, OD's, violent accidents and murders, not to mention rampant serious drug abuse all around this affluent, well-educated, place where everybody's parents had interesting jobs. I have always wondered what was up with NIH. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: MC, etc.

Postby havanagilla » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:11 pm

<!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>I grew up quite close to NIH in Bethesda, MD. Countless suicides, OD's, violent accidents and murders, not to mention rampant serious drug abuse all around this affluent, well-educated, place where everybody's parents had interesting jobs. I have always wondered what was up with NIH.<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--> <br><br>same here mother, not NIH but a similar affluent, scientists neighborhood. and same impressions. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: MC, etc.

Postby chiggerbit » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:28 pm

Ok, this is the second time I have seen mention of "witches' in relation to MC in the past week, I think it is. So, here's a wild, wild question: Do any of those of you who may be MC or carers for MC individuals have a geneology with a family history involving witches, maybe witch trials, or some historical association to do with witches? Like I said, really wild. Not that that would be that unusual, as half the people in this country are related in some way, if you go back far enough. <p></p><i></i>
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Re: MC, etc.

Postby Project Willow » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:54 pm

I noticed that too Chiggerbit. Even more bizarre is the memory I got this week. It had to do with how the women prepared themselves and the children during the day before the evening of a ritual. I won't go into detail, but I remembered they referred to themselves as witches and what they did was almost cliche (except for a few really horrific things). I had never encountered this material before, but then I've been avoiding abuse by female relatives until recently.<br><br>It's a very odd thing, and it isn't the first synchronicity I've noticed. A few weeks ago there was oz language all over, and mid-March is the time for that material. (hmm, case in point, the title of this thread.)<br><br>So maybe this is an anniversary time, some special date on the occult calendar that is centered on the women. Anyone care to investigate? <p></p><i></i>
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Re: MC, etc.

Postby chiggerbit » Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:22 pm

Oh, sure, must have to do with, what, spring equinox? Winter solstice, spring equinox, right? But not sure what you mean about the title of the thread, PW. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>chiggerbit</A> at: 3/31/06 7:23 pm<br></i>
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Postby sw » Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:28 pm

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re- witches

Postby havanagilla » Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:57 am

For me, the association with witches comes from "explanations" that were thrown my way, why I "deserve" to be abused this way. For instance, the fundamentalist Rabbi group that I joined for rescue (and which turned out to be another group abuse, although different and more common) told me that he can see my previous incarnations, and pointed to witchraft as the major "sin", or something. He was doing this power trip on me, one time, we sat in a private session and he laughed aloud and said, "cant you see who you were ? can't you remember ?" as it he is something I don't, and the joke is on me. So I think for Jewish Male hierarchies (religious ones) the justification of women's abuse and torture and exploitation is that they were witches in a previous incarnations and deserve a "correction" namely, a righteous, stong man who will force them to be good, that is observe the precepts and obey them. In Jewish tradition, the woman is a sinner by definition and the man "corrects" her by making her serve him and do the chores assigned to her. He later pointed me to Ann Buleyn as a possible former incarnation, and I read all her biographies and stuff. Indeed (and I didn't know that before) she was accused of witchcraft.<br>---<br>Later, I was loosely hanging out with a newage kind of clique, well not formal, just three couples of friends who were involved in healing, tai chi etc., and then again the men there were referring to me as a witch who has had to be punished, according to JEwish law.<br>--<br>The other time I had it mentioned explicitly is in a "reading psychic session" in Berkeley (the reader was really a witch and I think she was really evil too), anyway, she said that I am suffering this MC because back in pre colombian times I was a shapeshifting witch (whatever they call it) in a Native American tribe, and I was killing a lot of people for a job. And then she said I was incarnated in Northern Italy in a village where I was the village witch and was having a tug of war with the local male sorcerer (and she said he is actually the guy who in this life got me into MC, namely,my first handler). And she said that in this lifetime I am atoning, or learning how to detach from black magic. <br><br>---<br>And then last, but not least, referring to your post SW about "good witches". the last time I had someone bring that up, was from an Israeli psychologist, who also used to go to "feminine sacred power/goddess" stuff in SF, she was all too happy to agree with my guilty part that I was a witch in previous incarnations, and said that she, on the contrary, was a "white witch" namely, a good witch. regretfully, she turned out to be a pawn of some faction of the Israeli services (the "enlightened" part of Amy Ayalon's little soldiers) and she (and her husband) both made me leave the bay area and move to canada, where a new trouble began. But the point is, that the only lesson i can see now for THIS LIFE, is to to run away from anything ESP, energy work and mysticism, as fast as I can, whether it comes from self appointed Rabbis or "semi pagan sacred feminists" <p></p><i></i>
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Re: re- witches

Postby chiggerbit » Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:55 am

So, hava, it wasn't either your family or your handlers who talked the witch stuff? I guess what I had been wondering was if those who had been feeding the "bloodlines" stuff to MC victims also had some belief system that included the "heritability" of witchcraft, a different kind of "genealogical worship", shades of DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). <p></p><i></i>
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Re: re- bloodlines

Postby havanagilla » Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:45 pm

I think that as Jews we have a different "nieche" in the MC business/belief system anyway. Since I also had "Nazi" experiences/imagery involved in my early childhood "coaching" especially re sexual abuse and conditioning, these must be the same people who do it in the USA, actual Nazis, I am afraid. (apropos jeff's new post). If I am trying to take a rational approach to this organized madness, i am assuming that the nazi belief system prevails in these matter,s so that Jews are outside the bloodline stuff (we are indistinguishable, maybe seen as ONE bloodline). There was NO witchraft in Jewish communities as we know of in the non Jewish world. It was verbotten ! and women in Judaism are very subservient and hidden, so they could not practice anything anyway (last known Jewish witches exist in the Bible). Jewish bloodlines follow Rabbinical families, tribe affiliation (but that's very tentative, because nobody really know which tribe they come from except Levy is generally the Levite tribe and Cohn the Priests line, but that too is unreliable in modern times when people changed names etc.).<br>there was no blood nobility in Jewish history except the House of david, only because of the traditional belief that messiah will be of this family. (but this family, btw comes from a very low and mixed blood with peasant non jews, its all in the bible). <br>So, I think the bloodline concept applies to Christians, and since Rothchild is almost the only Jewish gentry known in the world, they were "brought in" under the same concepts. <br>----<br>However, I think that through the very long exile in Europe, there developed a concept of Bloodlines of Jews who belonged to a certain Feudal or King. So, If in year 1000 a certain european king owned a certain Jewish family/community, this group, and its decendants were treated as a bloodline bearing the name of the Christian king that owned them. So you have bloodlines of slaves of a certain royal family which can be traced back for some centuries ago. I think there might be some "bloodline" issue re Jews from those groups, namely, that they are viewed as "game" or as "hybrids" of that Royal or feudal European line. that's just my take on it, I never heard it anywhere else.<br><br>--<br>My Maternal lineage bears a Christian name, after the Prince who owned them for a long time. And there are many many others like that. We dont know the original name, we are named after the prince, and I am sure there were Kunta Kinte (roots) scenes over there...I have a hunch that the "blood lible" issue perhaps is related to those very unhealthy slavery relations which developed over the history.<br><br>---<br>Some of this bizarre and sickening "vampirism" exists in Nazi-zionist stories, such as the infatuation by people like EIchman developed for Zionists and Jewish nationalism and culture (and the response from some sick Jews with adoration of those Nazis). So, I am not ruling out prior entanglements of my family with bizarre stuff, back when they were still in europe, and carried over to israel.<br><br>MC stories, mine included, have Nazi elements and some Jewish collaboration (Jewish doctors and Kaballa) in the same pot. So, I assume some Jewish (maybe prior to holocaust) entanglement existed in the Order of Nazi occultism. You can see traces of this in "the Nine" material. the jews are partners, but eventually they are food. But in the course of it, there are prominent Jewish figures (Uri geller etc.). <br><br>I have no doubt now that after WW2, Nazi elements were either brought here to israel or found refuge or disguised themselves as Jews or maybe they were Jews, but collaborators who pretended to be survivors, who would know, in the general confusion of that time. Certainly, since 1960 (Aichman capture) and probably before that with Kastner's work with US prosecution of Nuremberg, the CIA-NAZI-ISRAELI connection became a fact, And rafi eitan is one example of the people who were go between CIA/NAzis, under the guise of hunting them down, I think they were more into "brokering" bn nazis they traced and potential buyers like CIA or USSR, using the cold war and Israel's good relations with both sides. Rafi Eitan, after his one year work in Mossad as a "nazi catcher" (in latin america) founded and joined what is know as Lakam the scientific intel unit of israel's security services. Do you think they shied from using Nazi know how ? I am sure they were all too happy to grab anything they could put their hands on, back then. So, those illicit relationship with Nazi scientists had its deadly effect. (as in the NASA and other US nazi places). there is no winning with those type of nazis, its the game of trying to ride the tiger, but if the tiger is Nazi he wlil probably bite your ass off. I can see the fascination of israelis with science, to realize how they would easily fall for a bait to tap into nazi scientists' knowledge/ services. MC, included.<br><br>--<br>Since then we have solid NAzi presence in SIrael, in the high echelons of science/intel (the usual place they go to...those Nazi scientists). I wouldn't be surprised if there are Nazi cells in Israeli science/intel community. My father kept memorabilia and had a facsination with Nazis, when he came back from military training in the USA. So, I think the nazis were continuing the same thing (namely, enslaving Jews), only via other channles this time, and again they had ample cooperatoin from local traitors. (as was the case, BTW, in WW2). <br><br> <br> <p></p><i></i>
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